造zàoⅠ ❶ (做; 制作) make; build; create; produce: 创 ~ create; bring about; produce; 建 ~ build; construct; make; ~ 汽车 make cars; ~ 房子 build a house; ~ 预算 make [draw up] a budget ❷ (假编) cook up; fabricate; concoct: 捏 ~ 事实 invent a story; 编 ~ 谎言 fabricate lies ❸ [书] (前往; 到) go to; arrive at: ~ 访 pay a visit to; ~ 请 go to invite; ~ 府 call at your house; 登峰 ~ 极 reach the peak of perfection; reach the limit ❹ (成就) achieve; attain: 深 ~ pursue advanced studies; achieve one's high aim ❺ (培养) train; educate: 可 ~ 之才 a person suitable for training; a promising [hopeful] young person Ⅱ ❶ (法院里专用于诉讼双方) one of the two parties in a legal agreement or a lawsuit: 两 ~ both parties; 甲 ~ one of the two parties ❷ [方] (农作物的收成或收成次数) crop: 早 ~ early crops; 一年两 ~ two crops a year ❸ (姓氏) a surname: ~ 敏 Zao Min ◆造孢组织 sporogenous tissue; 造币 coinage; 造成 give rise to; bring about; create; cause; effect; engender; 造船 build a ship; shipbuilding; 造船厂 shipyard; shipplant; dockyard; 造船业 shipbuilding industry; 造次[书] hurried; hasty; rash; impetuous; 造端 [书] begin; originate; 造反 rise in rebellion; rebel; revolt; 造访 [书] pay a visit; call on; 造福 bring benefit to; benefit; 造府[敬][书] pay a visit; call on; 造化 [书] the Creater; Nature; 造化 (运气; 命运) good fortune; good luck; 造价 cost of construction; cost of building; cost of manufacture; 造就 bring up; train; achievements; attainments; 造句 sentence-making; 造粒 {化工} prill; 造林 {林} forestation; afforestation; 造陆(的) epeirogenetic; epeirogenic; 造孽 {佛教} do evil; commit a sin; 造山(的) orogenetic; orogenic; 造物 the divine force that created the universe; Nature; 造型 modelling; profiling; mould making; model[mould; {机} moulding; 造型美观 handsome appearance; 造血 hematopoiesis; hemopoiesis; 造岩 lithogenesis; lithogenesy; 造谣 cook up a story and spread it around; start a rumour; 造谣惑众 spread rumours to confuse [hoodwink; mislead] the people; fabricate rumours to mislead people; spread rumours to create confusion; 造谣生事 spread rumours to creat trouble; cause trouble by false stories; cause trouble by spreading rumours; create trouble by false reports; start a rumour to creat trouble; stir up trouble by rumourmongering; 造谣诬蔑 start rumours and slanders; calumny and slander; make up stories and hurl venomous shafts at ...; 造谣中伤 spread rumours to injure others' reputation; fabricate rumours to slander people; make up stories to defame others; 造诣 (academic or artistic) attainments; 造影 {医} radiography; 造渣 slag- making; slag forming; slag-working; fluxing; scorify; building of slag; 造纸 papermaking; 造纸术 papermaking technology; 造字 coinage; 造作 (制造) make; manufacture; 造作(做作) affected; artificial |