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单词 tell


you. my lord fool,out ofthis nettle,danger,we pluckthis flower. safety.”但是我告诉你,我的傻老爷,我们就是要从危险的刺从里摘取安全的花朵。


1. give an account ot,narrate,explain. describe讲述,叙述,描述,说明。
△Lr. 1. 1. 211 (208): “I tell you allher wealth.”我已经讲完了她的全部资财。
△L. L. L. 2. 117:“to hear you tell my worth”,听你谈我的好处;听你夸奖我。
△3H. VI. 3. 1. 47: “That she. poor wretch. forgrief can speak no more / Whiles Warwick tells his ti-tle,”结果,她,可怜的人,由于悲伤再也说不出话来,而沃里克仍在讲述他的要求。
2. count,reckon,enumerate计算,计数。
△Mer. 2. 2116 (106): “you may tell every finger I have with myribs.”你可以用我的肋骨数一数我的一根根手指头。(反语,意思是用手指数肋骨。)
△Ham. 1. 2. 237: “While one withmoderate haste might tell a hundred.”一个人用不快不慢的速度,数到一百那么长久。
△ Lr. 3. 2. 89 (90):“Whenusurers tell their gold i’ the field.”放高利贷的人当众点金银。
△Oth. 3. 3. 169: “But O. what damned minutestells he o’er Who dotes,yet doubts: suspects,yetstrongly loves!”但是,啊,那种人日子才真难熬,他既痴爱,又怀疑;既猜疑,又那么强烈地爱!
△R.III.1.4. 121 (118): “Itwas wont to hold me but while one tells twenty.”它能抑制住我的时间通常不超过从一数到二十。
△H.VIII.2. 1. 90:“May he live / Longer than I have time to tell hisyears;”愿他长寿,比我现在所能来得及计算的岁月要长久得多。
3. count the strokes of (a clock)数(钟敲几下)。
△R.III.5. 3. 277 (276):“Tell the clock there!Give me a cal-endar.”数一数钟敲了几下! 给我一本历书。
4. recognize认出。
△Lr. 5. 3. 281
△ (280): “Mineeyes are not o’ the best; I’ll tell you straight.”我的眼睛不怎么顶好;等会儿我就可以把你认出来了。
5. declare宣布。
△Ham. 1. 5. 14: “To tell the secretsof my prison-house.”宣布我狱中的秘密。
△Lr. 2. 4. 54: “But for allthis,thou shalt have as many dolours for thy daugh-ters as thou canst tell in a year.”可是因此上,你因为你的女儿们所受的苦恼(双关:从你的女儿们那里得到的银元)会让你年都说(双关:数)不完。
△3H. VI. 3. 3. 92: “But for therest: you tell a pedigree / Of threescore and twoyears.” i. e. from the accession of Henry IV (1399) tothat of Edward IV (1461),但是说到别的:你列举出(又译:计算)六十二年谱系。
7. ❶reckon,count 计算,数,记录。
❷proclaim 宣告。
△3H.VI.2. 1. 163: “Or shall we on the helmets ofour foes / Tell our devotion with revengeful arms?”(Tell our devotion: ❶count off our prayers:
❷pro-claim our devoutness.)再不然,我们就用复仇的手臂往敌人的头盔上计数我们的祷告(双关:宣告我们的虔诚)吗?
I cannot tell: I don’t know what to say我不知道说什么好。
△H. V. 2. 1. 22 (20): “I cannot tell: things mustbe as they may. Men may sleep,and they may havetheir throats about them at that time,and some sayknives have edges。” (Nym hints that he may cutPistol’s throat while the latter is asleep.)我说不了;事情要怎么样就怎么样好了。人总要睡觉,睡的时候喉管总要长在脖子上,还有人说,刀子总是有刃的。
tell over: enumerate,recount列举,细述。
△R.III. 4. 4.38: “If sorrow can admit society,/ Tell o’er yourwoes again by viewing mine.”如果悲伤可以允许找人陪伴,就请先看看我的伤心事再历数你们的伤心事吧。
tell steps: count steps,keep step. march in step计数步伐,使步调一致,步调一致地行进。
△H.VIII.1. 2. 42:“andfront but in that file / Where others tell steps withme.” i. e. and march first only in that file of soldierswhere others march in step with me. i. e. I am first inorder rather than in power,more conspicuous but notmore influential. 我不过走在队伍的排头,好让其他士兵们与我步调一致地前进而已。


◇ tell about 讲述
tell a lie 扯谎
tell down 付钱
tell from 区别
‖ tell time 报时
telling method 讲授法,识别,认清,报知
telling sequence 情报传递顺序
teller n. 空情报告电话员,出纳员,收支员,监票员,检票员,讲话的人
teller window 出纳柜台
teller’s machine 出纳机
teller’s settlement book 出纳员清算簿
teller’s station 出纳窗口
tellership n. 出纳职务 adj.警告性的
tell-tale n.信号装置,数,计算
tell-tale light 警告灯





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