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诗文 京剧在天津的唱红



近代的天津,戏曲舞台繁花似锦。其中京剧的形成,就与天津有重要关系。作为一个古老的剧种,京剧是徽调、汉剧进入北京后,互相影响,并接受了昆曲、秦腔的某些剧目、曲调和表演方法,特别是吸收了天津调,而逐渐形成的。所以有人说: “徽音与天津调的混合,遂为京剧” 。
天津是北京的近邻,为京剧的表演提供了舞台,南北各派演员纷纷来天津登台演出; 天津是个移民城市,“五方杂处” 的人口构成,较少保守思想和传统偏见,能够兼容并蓄各派的不同艺术风格; 天津是我国较早被迫开放的城市,工商贸易的发达,租界的建立,也使天津成为中西、南北文化交流枢纽; 平民观众的热情豪爽,高层次文化人的精于鉴赏,以至外埠演员,希求在天津舞台得到观众的认可。如京剧第一代人物余三胜,被称为 “须生之祖” ,就在道光二十三年(1843)来津献艺,并轰动一时。京剧第二代人物谭鑫培、汪桂芬等,更与天津有密切关系。所以京剧界流传着这样一种说法: “北京学戏,天津唱红,上海赚钱。”
清宣统三年三月二十七日 (1911年4月25日),天津《商报》就刊载了4大茶园京都班的演出情况。一是开设于官银号西的天乐茶园,特请京都凤名班演出,早场由姜德禄等12位演员,演出《四盘山》等11出戏; 晚场由郭永山等12位演员,演出《斩黄袍》等12出戏。二是开设北大关东的协盛茶园,特请京都林发名班演出,早场由李万成等12位演员,演出《广大庄》等10出戏; 晚场由韩春廷等12位演员,演出《遇皇后》等10出戏。三是开设于河东奥租界大马路的全利茶园,特请京都长胜和名班演出,早场由牡丹花、金玉娥、金凤娥、金翠娥、秃亮红等15位演员,演出全本《独占花魁》等7出戏; 晚场由王少奎等14位演员,演出《草桥关》等10出戏。四是开设于南市平安大街的丹桂茶园,特请京都四喜名班演出,早场由王福全等14位演员,演出《战北原》等11出戏; 晚场由盛玉奎等13位演员,演出《太平桥》等8出戏,并加演电影。可见当时京戏名班在天津茶园演出之盛况。
近代天津京剧舞台,还产生了自己的一代杰出京剧表演艺术家。被誉为“伶人十三绝”之一的刘赶三,本为中药商,后弃商从伶,开天津票友下海之先,成为一代名丑。特别是京剧第二代人物孙菊仙,被天津观众亲切地称为“老乡亲” ,历尽宦途坎坷而下海,学艺于“老三鼎甲”之一的程长庚门下,工老生。以其黄钟大嗓音,豪放苍劲、浑厚朴实之风格,红极一时,与谭鑫培、汪桂芬,竞誉舞台,被称为“新三鼎甲” 。
此外,有的京剧名家,虽非天津人,却长期在津从事京剧艺术工作。如京剧作家、演员、改革家汪笑侬,被严修聘来天津主持“天津戏剧改良社” ,招学员百余人,造就了一代新型京剧演员。


Opera was flourishing in modern Tianjin. The formationof Peking opera was closely related to Tianjin. As anancient opera of "Wei" tone,Peking opera was createdby Han opera absorbing Kun opera,Qin Opera,andespecially Tianjin opera,so it was said that "Pekingopera is the mixture of Hui opera and Tianjin opera".
Tianjin is the neighbour of Beijing,which providedthe stage for the display of opera. Actors from northand south performed in Tianjin. Tianjin was also acity of immigrants from everywhere,so it had littlebias and was open to different styles. As a city forcedto build concessions with prosperous industry andtrade,Tianjin became the platform for the cultures ofeast and west,north and south. Civilians were warm-hearted. Intellectuals had a good taste. Actors oftencame to perform in Tianjin for reorganization. In 1843,Yu Sansheng,the representative of the first generationof Peking opera,made a great success. Tan Xinpei andWang Guifen belonged to the second generation,whowere also popular in Tianjin. In the Peking opera circle,asaying went like this,"To learn in Beijing,to be popularin Tianjin,and to make money in Shanghai."
On April 25,1911,Tianjin Commercial Newspaperdescribed the grand occasion by the four Peking operatroupes performing in the tea houses. Firstly,Tianle TeaHouse at Guanyinhangxi invited Fengming Troupe. Inthe daytime,Jiang Delu and 11 actors performed "SipanMountain" and the other 10 operas. At night,GuoYongshan and 11 actors performed "Behead Yellow Rope"and the other 11 operas. Secondly,Xiesheng Tea Houseat Beidaguandong invited Linfa Troupe. In the daytime,Li Wancheng and 11 actors performed "Meet withEmpress" and the other 9 operas. At night,Han Chuntingand 11 actors performed "Behead Yellow Rope" and theother 11 operas. Thirdly,Quanli Tea House at Damaluin the Austrian concession invited ChangshenghemingTroupe. In the daytime,Mudanhua,Jin Yu`e,Jin Feng`e,Jin Cui`e,Tulianghong and 10 actors performed "TheFirst of Flower" and the other 6 operas. At night,WangShaokui and 13 actors performed "Grass Bridge" and theother 9 operas. Fourthly,Dangui Tea House in Ping`anRoad in Nanshi invited Sixi Troupe. In the daytime,WangFuquan and 11 actors performed "Beiyuan Battle" andthe other 10 operas. At night,Sheng Yukui and 12 actorsperformed"Taiping Bridge" and the other 7 operas. It alsodisplayed films. All of these exhibited the popularity ofPeking opera in Tianjin.
Tianjin cultivated many excellent master artistsof Peking opera. Liu Gansan was praised as one of the13 best artists. As a fan of Peking opera,he stopped hisChinese medicine business and was the first amateurthat became a master in Tianjin. Sun Juxian resigned hisposition from the government and learned performingfrom Cheng Changgeng. His voice was broad andvigorous. He was praised by audience as "Old CountryFellow". Sun Juxian,Tan Xinpei and Wang Guifen werethree best masters of the second generation of Pekingopera.
There were also some masters of Peking opera,who were not born in Tianjin,but devoted themselvesto Peking opera in Tianjin,such as Wang Xiaonong.As a writer,actor and reformer of Peking opera,he wasinvited by Yan Xiu to be the chairman of "Tianjin OperaReform Association",which enrolled about 100 studentsand cultivated many new-style actors of Peking opera.
With the flourishing of Peking opera in Tianjin,Yayunguofeng Association was set up at Beimenli in1900. This was the first Peking opera association inTianjin. Wang Junzhi and Wang Songchen were itsfamous members.






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