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诗文 革命团体觉悟社


1913年2月,周恩来随伯父来到天津,1917年从南开中学毕业后,赴日本留学。1919年五四运动爆发后,从日本回国,投入了五四爱国运动,成为天津著名的学生领袖之一。他负责主编的《天津学生联合会报》,被誉为“全国学生联合会报之冠” 。
1919年9月16日,在天津市东南角的天津学生联合会办公室,周恩来、郭隆真、邓颖超等天津学联和天津女界爱国同志会的男女代表各20人,创建觉悟社,并决定出版刊物——《觉悟》。周恩来起草了《觉悟宣言》 ,提出觉悟社的宗旨是 “要本‘革心’ 、‘革新’ 的精神,求大学的 ‘自觉’ 、‘自决’ 。”
觉悟社选定居民比较集中的河北三戒里李愚如(社友)的家,为固定活动的地方。为了对外工作方便,他们准备了50个号,采取抓阄的方式,确定每个社员的代号,又以代号的谐音为代名。周恩来的代号为 “伍豪” ,并一直沿用到新中国成立。



7月17日,在全国各地强烈抗议和积极营救下,全部被捕人员获释。不久,周恩来等11名觉悟社员前往北京,在李大钊的倡议下,于8月16日,在陶然亭召开由觉悟社、少年中国学会、青年攻读互助团、曙光社、人道社等代表20多人参加的集会。会上,周恩来提出了改造联合、开展工农运动的主张。觉悟社等5团体,宣布要“联合各地主张革新的团体,分工合作,来实现社会改造” 。


Consciousness Organization,established by the eliteof Tianjin Student League and Woman PatrioticUnion during the May 4th Movement of 1919,was arevolutionary group in which Zhou Enlai served as oneof the leaders.
In February 1913,Zhou Enlai came to Tianjin withhis uncle,and then studied in Japan since his graduationfrom Naikai High School in 1917. When the May 4thMovement broke out in 1919,Zhou returned to Chinaand engaged in the movement as a noted student leaderin Tianjin. Tianjin Student League Daily edited by Zhouwas entitled to laurel among national student leaguedaily.
On September 16,1919,representatives with 20females and males respectively from Tianjin StudentLeague and Woman Patriotic Union including ZhouEnlai,Guo Longzhen and Deng Yingchao,set upConsciousness Organization in an office of TianjinStudent League in Dong Nan Jiao,Tianjin. They alsodecided to publish Consciousness. Zhou drafted out TheDeclaration of Consciousness,motivated by a desire toreformation and innovation,for self-consciousness andself-determination.
The residence of Li Yuru (group member),situated in San Jie Li,Hebei District,was chosenby Consciousness Organization as the usual placefor activities. Members drew lots from 1 to 50 ascode names convenient for work,with homophonyfurthermore. Thus Zhou was named Wu Hao as No 5 tillthe foundation of new China.
On September 21,Consciousness Organizationinvited Li Dazhao to deliver speech,successivelyXu Lian to deliver speech on Problems on CountrySaving,Bao Shijie on Thoughts on New Fashion,QianXuantong on Vernacular Studies,and Liu Bannongon Free Verse. In addition,they held discussionsand seminars over different topics in all types.Theyorganized demonstrations on October 10. In December,to support Fuzhou people in struggles for Japanesemassacre,the group motivated Tianjin unions to nationalassembly and burn down Japanese products.
On January 25,1920,the reactionary forces inTianjin oppressed the patriotic movements,closingdown Tianjin unions and Student League. More than 20people,including Ma Jun,were arrested. On January 29,Zhou Enlai led group members to hunger strike,to studyMarxism. Zhou completed Stories in Prison and Diary inPolice Station,telling of his struggles in imprisonment.
The fact that people around the country stronglyopposed to arrest these people made all membersreleased on July 17. Then on August 16,Zhou,withother 10,under the suggestion of Li Dazhao,held anassembly participated by over 20 representatives fromConsciousness Organization,China Juvenile Academy,Youth Study Mutual Group,Dawn Community,Humanism Community at Tao Ran Pavilion,in whichZhou proposed to reform the union and to developworker-peasant movement. Five communities includingConsciousness Organization,declared to regeneratesociety by uniting innovative communities,sharing thework and cooperating with each other.
In November 1920,some key members like ZhouEnlai of Consciousness Organization went to France forwork-study program,while others went to study or work.So the group stopped their works. After the establishmentof China Communist Party and Socialist Youth Group,most of the members in the Organization successivelyjoined the Communist Party and Youth Corps.






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