诗文 | 溥仪寓居天津 |
释义 | 溥仪寓居天津·溥仪和婉容在静园 清逊帝溥仪被赶出紫禁城后,于1925年2月23日夜,身穿西服,从日本公使馆乘坐二等火车(怕坐头等包车被人注意)来到天津; 其动身之前,日本使馆即用无线电通知驻津领事馆,预备好一切;次日上午,因不习惯旅馆的生活,移居日租界张园(今鞍山道59号,原天津市少儿图书馆,今京剧团)。张园的主人张彪,因是清朝旧臣,特备最上宴席,迎接溥仪,并召在津遗老相陪。 张彪故居,是1915年,张彪自行设计建造的私邸。主建筑为砖木结构二层楼房,坐东朝西,与坐南朝北的西式平房相连,形成丁字形大客厅。房前是条石砌筑的大露台,上有喷泉。中西合璧花园式的庭园,凉亭、假山相映; 池水、花木共依,因此取名“露香园” 。 此后,张彪以8000元将“露香园”租给粤商,即城南游艺园大股东彭某,1921~1923年,“露香园”改为夏季露天花园游艺场,开设广东餐馆、剧场、台球房、露天电影院,与附近的大罗天乐园呈犄角之势。黎元洪常到该园捧坤角。彭因连年赔本,其承租合同尚有一年未满,便以1.3万元转租给溥仪。溥仪的所有木器家具均由张彪“报效”。 溥仪见张园情景,甚是快活。遂将楼上作为卧室和书房,楼下分为4个办事场所,随侍有罗振玉父子,妻妾及侍女4人,仆、婢数人。大门至庭院均有日兵把守。他与日本驻津领事谋划,企图由日本人护送,在日本樱花盛开之时,偕妻妾及罗氏父子(罗氏曾就读早稻田大学,极娴日语),东渡日本,会见日本皇储。 1925年2月25日,日本人川岛浪速,偕同肃亲王之子,由大连赶赴天津,与溥仪接洽,策划复辟。日本驻津领事吉田,也与溥仪过从甚密。 川岛浪速,在庚子事变的八国联军中,是日本第五师团司令部日根野大尉联队长、驻屯大关桥守备队的高等翻译官。八国联军攻陷北京,占领各衙门时,川岛氏成为顺天府日本警务衙门事务长官。清政府与八国联军签订《辛丑条约》后,川岛被清政府聘为北京高等警务学堂监督。该人熟悉中国大势,与日本对华大家之户水宽齐名。清朝灭亡后,川岛跑到大连,与肃亲王善耆拜为干亲家,不分彼此,并且为肃亲王管理财产。该人对复辟清王朝颇为热衷。 1925年3月1日,旅沪浙人通电津埠各团体,揭露溥仪企图赴日的“黑幕” ,是以待时机,由日本助其向满蒙“恢复其专制名位” ,并“警告政府,速予制止”。后来,北京清室善后委员会也揭破其复辟阴谋。 清朝的遗老遗少,也群集天津,策划复辟阴谋。溥仪还对遗老各分职掌,天津方面,外交事务由万绳拭、谢介石担任接洽; 北京方面,一切事务由陈宝琛负责办理。1925年3月10日下午4时,溥仪的生父、前清摄政王载沣和溥仪的岳父荣源,也从北京一起来津,会见溥仪,并拜会日本领事及驻屯军司令。用当时《益世报》的话说: “溥仪来津后,复辟空气甚嚣尘上。” 溥仪租住张园两个月时间,欠彭某3000元租金未付。彭某以租张园合同未到期为由,向张宅要求履行契约,继续经营,否则要赔偿其两年之损失。因此,张宅对溥仪婉言催促,让其另觅他房。 1929年7月中旬,溥仪才由张园移居宫岛街“乾园” (今鞍山道70号,现为民居)。溥仪为复辟帝制,在此静观变化,以待时机,将乾园改为“静园” 。园主陆宗舆,则移至日租界石山街(今宁夏路)其别业居住。 陆宗舆的 “乾园” ,建于1921年,是一所中西混合型庭院式建筑,占地3089.74平方米。宅院四周有高墙相围,大门楼坐北朝南; 内有前、后院和西跨院;建有前后两幢砖木结构的楼房,计56间;东、西、南3侧,有平房23间;楼房、平房总建筑面积2062.33平方米。前院是花园,花草、树木,喷泉、假山,游廊及日式花厅。 1927年,溥仪曾在天津兴业银行存款9万元。1929年,该行倒闭,溥仪屡讨未还,便以浩然堂名义,向天津地方法院起诉追讨,1929年10月前后,法院开庭审理数次,没有结果。同年10月19日,法院判决溥仪胜诉,其中8万元,自1928年10月18日起偿还;一万元自判决之日起偿还,均至执行终结日止;按月利8厘5毫给付利息; 如银行财产不足清偿时,由该行股东陈光远、龚心湛等负责偿还;诉讼费由天津兴业银行负担。 溥仪还在中华汇业银行存款若干万元。1928年12月10日,该行停办后,一直没有偿还办法。1929年11月10日,溥仪又聘请律师写出诉状,向法院起诉追讨,获得胜诉。 1931年10月20日,溥仪与皇妃文绣在天津离婚。文绣离婚之事被称为 “妃革命” ,一时震惊全国。 1931年11月11日(一说10日),日本大佐土肥原,从天津护送溥仪,乘船赴大连再转吉林,筹组伪满洲国。 Pu Yi,the last emperor of Qing Dynasty,was forced outof the Forbidden City. He wore suits and took a second-class train (not first-class to avoid recognition) from theJapanese embassy to Tianjin at night on February 23,1925. Before his departure,Japanese embassy notifiedits consulate-general in Tianjin for preparation bywireless telegraph. On 24,Pu Yi arrived in Tianjin,andnot used to hotel life,he moved to the Zhang Gardenat the Japanese concession (No.59,Anshan Road). Theowner of the Zhang Garden was Zhang Biao,who was ahigh official of Qing Dynasty. Zhang Biao designed and built his house in 1915.The main building was a two-story brick-wood housewith the gate facing the east. It joined with the westernbungalow with the gate facing the south. At the jointpoint was the "T" style hall. The north-west part wasprotruding with attached building,decorated by outskirtsand cement. The main building was covered by pantile.In the western bungalow,a corridor led to a largebalcony equipped with fountains. The house was namedthe Dewy Fragrant Garden because it was a garden withalcoves,rockwork,ponds,flowers and trees. Zhang Biao rent the garden by 8000 yuan to aGuangdong businessman surnamed Peng who ran apleasure ground in the south city. From 1921 to 1923,the Dewy Fragrant Garden was renovated to a summeramusement park in the open air. It had Guangdongrestaurants,theatres,billiards and cinemas to competewith Daluotian Amusement Park. Li Yuanhong oftencame to the garden supporting his actors of Peking opera.Peng had been in losses for several years. But his leasecontract did not end,so he transferred the park to Pu Yiby 13000yuan. All the wood furniture was provided byZhang Biao. Pu Yi was very happy in Zhang Garden. The upstairrooms were used as bedrooms and reading rooms. Theground floor was used for general office,communicationoffice,finance office and logistic office. His followerswere Lu Zhengyu,his wife,concubine,4 handmaidens,servants and waitresses. The house was guarded bythe Japanese soldiers. He plotted with the Japaneseconsulate-general in Tianjin about going to Japan withhis followers to be received by the prince of Japan. On February 25,1925,the second day Pu Yi arrivedat Tianjin,a Japanese officer came to Tianjin with PrinceSu`s son and talked with Pu Yi about restoration. TheJapanese Consulate in Tianjin was also very close withPu Yi. On March 1,1925,Zhejiang people in Shanghainotified each association in Tianjin about Pu Yi`sintention of going to Japan and of resuming his reign.They also urged the government to stop his effort. TheCommittee Solving the Remaining Problems of the QingCourt exposed the conspiracy. ·溥仪在天津与日军驻地军司令香椎浩平等人于日军司令部合影 Those who lingered to feudalism of Qing Dynastyaccumulated in Tianjin and plotted the restoration. Pu Yiappointed Wan Shengshi to be responsible for foreignaffairs in Tianjin; and Xie Jieshi,communication. InBeijing,Chen Baochen was in charge of all issues. At16:00 on March 10,1925,Pu Yi`s father Zai Feng (PrinceRegent) and his father-in-law came to Tianjin fromBeijing. They met Pu Yi,the Japanese consulate andthe Tianjin commander. Yishi Newspaper said that "therestoration ran rampant since Pu Yi came to Tianjin". Pu Yi stayed at the Zhang Garden for two monthsand owed Mr Peng 3000 Yuan of rent. Mr Peng requiredZhang Biao to carry out the contract for businessbecause the contract was not mature. If not,Zhang Biaomust compensate him for two-month`s loss. Zhang Biaopressed politely Pu Yi to leave. In the middle of July,Pu Yi moved to the QianGardenat,Gongdao Street (No. 70,Anshan Road).For restoration,Pu Yi aimed to stay here and catchopportunities by watching quietly,so he changed thename of the Qian Garden to Jing Garden (Jing in Chinesemeans quiet). The owner Lu Zongyu moved to ShishanStreet (Ningxia Road) in the Japanese concession. The Qian Garden was a Chinese-western stylegarden built in 1921 with the land of 3089.74 squaremetres. The garden was surrounded by walls with thefront gate in the south. It had the front yard,the backyardand west yard. In the front and back,there were twotwo-story buildings with 56 rooms of wood and brick.In the east,west and south,there were 23 bungalows.The garden`s floor space was 2062.33 square meters. Inthe front yard was a garden with trees,grass,flowers,fountains,rockworks,corridors and Japanese style hall. In 1927,Pu Yi deposited 90,000 Yuan at TianjinXingye Bank. In 1929,the bank went bankrupt,so Pu Yicould not draw his money. In the name of Haorantang,he sued the bank in Tianjin Court. In October,1929,thecourt opened several sessions without result. On October19,the court declared that Pu Yi won. His 80,000 Yuanshould be returned before October 18,1928. 10,000 Yuanshould be paid back after the declaration. The interestwas 8.5 cent by month. If the property of the bank wasnot enough,its two shareholders,Chen Guangyuan andGong Xinzhan,were responsible to pay. The suit fee wasXingye Bank`s responsibility. Pu Yi also deposited several tens of thousands ofYuan in China Huiye Bank. On December 10,1928,thebank stopped operation and did not intend to imburse.On November 10,1929,Pu Yi invited the lawyer andwon the suit. On October 20,1931,Pu Yi and his empress WenXiu divorced. This was called "Empress Revolution",which shocked China. On November 11,1931,the Japanese hijacked PuYi from Tianjin and shipped him from Dalian to Jilin,aiming at setting up the Machu Sate. ·溥仪访问各国在津驻地时合影 |
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