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诗文 梁启超寓居天津



梁启超(1873~1929),字卓如,广东新会人,是戊戌变法的中坚人物,与康有为并称“康梁” 。变法失败后,流亡日本。在横滨创办《清议报》 ,开辟了 “饮冰室·自由谈” 专栏。此后,他以 “饮冰子” 为笔名,发表文章; 他所出版的文集,也用 “饮冰室” 为书名; 自号“饮冰室主人” 。“饮冰” 一词,出自 《庄子·人世间》: “今吾朝受命而夕饮冰,我其内热与。”由此可知,“饮冰室”是先有其名,后有其房。
1912年10月8日,梁启超出国15年后,由日本回到天津; 晚上,民主党直隶支部筹备所在利顺德饭店,举行欢迎梁启超的宴会。孙洪伊、梁启超、杨度相继在宴会上致辞。梁启超寓居日租界荣街(今新华北路)本宅。
1914年,梁启超在意租界西马路(今河北区民族路),购地建设寓所。为意式2层楼房,前后两幢; 共有房屋45间; 建筑面积1100多平方米;砖木结构,规整简朴,气势恢弘。1915年,全家迁此定居。
1915年8月,为了反对袁世凯称帝,蔡锷将军以治病就医名义来津,到此寓所与梁启超会晤,共商武装起事大计; 10月,蔡、梁、戴(戡)再次在梁启超寓所会晤,拟订云贵独立事宜。梁启超寓所成了爆发于云南、波及全国的讨袁护国运动的策源地。
当时发生了一件趣闻: 有一个叫胡善新的人,以前在宁波四明报馆服役,虽然是工友职业,但是雅好文学。报馆有文人往来,常常执卷请问。这样年头一长,读书颇多。平生尤其钦慕梁启超的文章,渴望一见而没有缘分。1912年12月,胡善新由其亲戚介绍,来到天津法租界李同益呢绒店当伙计。他探知梁启超住在英租界( 《益世报》原载如此),于1917年1月22日早晨,径直前往拜谒。此时梁启超在北京没有回来,胡善新误认为看门人不肯引入,因此再三恳求。姓黄的看门人见其衣服褴褛,恐怕不是好人,怒而将其送到英租界巡捕房,知道其住法租界后,又转其到法捕房; 法捕房怀疑其是刺客,即押到李同益呢绒店,进行搜查无有所获。因为涉及中国名人,又将其移送到中国警察厅。李同益店主,奔走救援,幸遇曾在梁公馆做工的成衣匠,求他到梁公馆诉说。这时适逢梁启超之女和公子在家,听说此事,即叫黄门房拿着梁启超的名片,速到警察厅将胡善新保释。
1920年,梁启超从欧洲漫游归国后,3月15日下午,由上海抵津寓所; 16日,是其52岁寿诞,开宴觞宾,一时祝贺者,车水马龙。此后,他告别了官场,在清华大学和南开大学讲学,并从事学术研究和著述。
1924年,梁启超请意大利建筑师白罗尼欧,又在其寓所西侧设计建成了“饮冰室” 书斋。今民族路44号,现在重修后与寓所同处一院。建筑面积950平方米,共有房屋53间,砖木结构,建筑外观典雅秀丽,顶端拱形,镶嵌五彩玻璃,洋式“藻井” ,为意式两层浅灰色楼房。梁启超在这里接待至朋密友,举办假期讲学班,有许多清华、南开的学生来此寻求知识。
梁启超晚年的许多学术名著,都是在此寓所和“饮冰室” 完成的。如《欧洲心影录》、《清代学术概论》、《中国历史研究法》、《中国历史研究法补编》 、《墨子校释》 、《墨子学案》、《先秦政治思想史》、《中国近三百年学术史》等等。从1920年到1929年梁启超逝世前的十几年间,他大部分时间都是在这两幢小楼里度过的。后人将他一生留下的上千万字著述编为《饮冰室合集》,是一份宝贵的文化遗产。
解放前,梁夫人将其房卖掉。1958年梁启超寓所和 “饮冰室” ,由政府接收,已为公产。至20世纪90年代,这里共有91户居民,一家福利工厂。2001年市政府投资1000多万元,搬迁了住户和工厂,修复了梁启超故居和“饮冰室” ,并对外开放。现为市级文化保护单位。

·饮冰室中策划护国战争(油画 作者 王书朋)

Liang Qichao (1873-1929),styled Zhuoru,was born inXinhui of Guangdong Province. He was one of the elitein the Reform Movement of 1898. He enjoyed the samefame with Kang Youwei and was often called togetherwith Kang as "Kang Liang". After the reform failed,heexiled himself to Japan. He founded Qingyi Newspaperin Yokohama and presided a column called"YinbingRoom-Free Talk" (Yinbing in Chinese means to drinkicy water). After that,he published his articles usingYinbingzi as his pen name and books using YinbingRoom as the title. He also called himself "Host ofYinbing Room". The two characters,"yin" and "bing",was taken from the book,Zhuangzi-In the World,wherethere was a sentence that says "I received appointmentin the morning and drank icy water in the evening.How anxious I am in the heart." Therefore,the name ofYinbing Room first came into being to Liang Qichao andthen the room itself.
In October 8,1912,Liang Qichao returned to Tianjinafter staying in Japan for 15 years. In the evening,Zhili Branch of the Democratic Party held a welcomeceremony for Liang Qichao in Astor Hotel. Sun Hongyi,Liang Qichao and Yang Du respectively delivered aspeech in the party. Liang then stayed in his house inRong Street (now North Xinhua Road) in Japaneseconcession.
In 1914,Liang Qichao bought a piece of land besideWest Road in Italy concession (now No. 44 in MinzuRoad in Hebei District) to build his houses. His houseshad two buildings of Italian style,each with two floors.There were totally 45 rooms. The two buildings covereda construction area of 1100 square meters. They were ofbrick-timber construction,simple while magnificent. In1915 the family of Liang moved to the new buildings.In August 1915,to oppose Yuan Shikai being theemperor,the general Cai E came to Tianjin in the nameof curing his illness and met Liang in his home to discussforced army uprising. In October,Cai,Liang,Dai (Kan)met again in Liang`s home to plan for the independencyof Yunnan. Liang`s house became the origin of Crusadeagainst Yuan and Protect the Nation Movement thatbroke out in Yunnan and spread over the nation.


An interesting thing happened during this period.A worker in Siming Newspaper Office called HuShanxin was interested in literature. Since he workedin the newspaper office,he often got opportunity to askadvice from those literary men that came to the office.Therefore,he became also talented in literature. Heespecially admired articles by Liang Qichao,but hadnever had an opportunity to meet him. In December1912,via the introduction of his relatives,Hu came toTianjin and became a worker in Litongyi Woolen ClothShop in French concession. When he knew that Lianglived in British concession,he directly went to Liang`shome and asked for a visit in the morning of January22,1917. Liang Qichao was in Beijing then,thereforecould not meet him. However,Hu mistook that theguard man did not allow him in,therefore,he pleadedagain and again. Seeing that Hu was dressed in rags,theguard man suspected that he was a thief and sent himto the police office in British concession. Knowing thathe lived in French concession,the police transferred Huto the police office in French concession. SuspectingHu was an assassinator,the police office of Frenchconcession arrested him and went to Liyitong WoolenCloth Shop to search for evidence. However,they foundnothing related to possible assassination. Because thismatter involved Chinese celebrities,the police officeof French concession transferred Hu to Tianjin PoliceOffice. The owner of Liyitong Woolen Cloth Shop triedevery means to help Hu. He then met a tailor of Liang`shouse and pleaded the tailor to seek for help from Liang.The daughter and the son of Liang were then at homeand immediately bailed Hu out from the police office.
In 1920,after traveling in Europe,Liang Qichaoreturned to China. He arrived at Tianjin via Shanghaiin the afternoon of March 15. The next day,is March16,was his 52nd birthday. People from all walks of lifecame to congratulate him. After that,he left the politicallife and devoted himself in research and writing. Hegave lectures in Tsinghua and Nankai Universities.
To the west of his houses stands a two-story,grayish foreign-style architecture with many flowers andgrasses,"Yinbing Room" used for study. Constructed in1924,it was designed by an Italian architect,Bailuoniao.This building covers a construction area of 950 squaremeters and has 53 rooms altogether. It was of brick-timber construction. Elegant and beautiful,it had avaulted top decorated with colored glasses. In the room,Liang received his friends and held holiday lectures.Many students of Tsinghua and Nankai came here toseek for knowledge.
In Liang`s later years,he wrote many academicwork in this house and Yinbing Room,including Recordof Europe,Overview of Academic Research in QingDynasty,Research Methodology of Chinese History,Amendment to Research Methodology of ChineseHistory,Note to Mozi,Political and Ideological Historyof Previous Qin,and Academic Research History of300 Years in China etc. In almost ten years from 1920to 1929 before his death,Liang spent most of his timein the two buildings. His works of several dozens ofmillions words were compiled into Yinbing RoomCollections which was a great culture legacy to China.
Before the liberation,the wife of Liang sold the twobuildings. In 1958 the government took over the twobuildings as public asset. Until 1990s there had been 91families and a welfare factory residing here. In 2002,themetropolitan government invested more than ten millionYuan to repair and renovate them and then opened themto the public. Now they are culture protection units ofTianjin.





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