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诗文 日本投降


天津人民在共产党的领导下,经过8年艰苦卓绝的斗争,终于迎来了抗日战争的胜利。1945年8月14日,日本向美、英、法、中4国,通告了无条件投降; 日本天皇裕仁,并录制了投降的广播“诏书” 。
1945年8月15日,日本天皇裕仁以广播“停战诏书” 的形式,宣布无条件投降。9月2日,日本天皇和政府代表,以及日本大本营代表,在投降书上签字。至此,抗日战争胜利结束。
杜建时根据蒋介石的召见、受命,招收和改编原伪满、华北的伪军为华北先遣军,并将其第一军派来天津“维持治安” ; 接应在天津登陆的美国海军陆战队;打通天津到沈阳的铁路; 守住塘沽、秦皇岛、葫芦岛等港口,以及平、津飞机场;所谓清北宁(铁路)线区内的八路军。
1945年9月30日,美国海军陆战队第三军团司令骆基中将,率兵18000人在塘沽登陆; 10月1日,美军4000人进入天津。国民党政府九十四军也抵达天津。
1945年10月6日上午9时,侵略天津的日军的投降仪式,在原法租界公议局大楼(今承德道文化局)前举行。美国海军陆战队第三军团司令骆基中将,代表国民党政府受降; 日本司令官内田银之助,签署了投降书。前来观看的群众达2万多人。


抗战胜利后,天津人民刚刚张开笑脸,又被国民党的统治投入了暗无天日的深渊。1946年10月,杜建时被提升为天津市长时,蒋介石又一次召见了他,要他上任后“首要是配合军事维持治安”等。按照蒋介石的指令,他配合反共的军事活动,开展各项工作。接收敌伪财产,收编伪军,接应国民党军队,构筑城防工事,推行“戡乱建国”政策,建立形形色色的反共防共组织,大搞反共活动,对解放区进行经济封锁,纵火烧房制造无人区,进行“大清查,大搜捕” ,镇压人民争取和平、民主的革命斗争。
After eight years of fighting,Tianjin people underthe leadership of CPC,finally greeted the success ofthe anti-Japanese War. On August 14,1945,Japanannounced its surrender at discretion to America,UK,France and China. On August 15,Japanese Mikadobroadcasted his rescript of surrender. On September 2,Mikado and the representatives of government and armysigned on the capitulation,which represented the end ofthe anti-Japanese war.
The puppet regime dissolved after the surrender ofJapan. The Kuomintang government did not fully preparedfor the success and could not send troops to the areasoccupied by the enemies. Tianjin was in a state of anarchy.The Kuomintang government desired to control Tianjin andprevent the PLA from taking over Tianjin. In the middleof August of 1945,it appointed Zhang Ting`e as TianjinMayor.At the end of September,it appointed Du Jianshi asDeputy Mayor of Tianjin. On October 2,Zhang Ting`e andDu Jianshi led his subordinates to Tianjin.
Du Jianshi obeyed Chiang Kai-shek`s order toadapt the army of Manchukuo as the pioneer force tonorth China. He also sent the first army to Tianjin for"public security",cooperated with American Marinecorps,controlled the railway from Tianjin to Shenyang,the harbors of Tanggu,Qinhuangdao and Huludao,andthe airports of Beijing and Tianjin,and drove the PLA inthe area circled by Beining railway line.
On September 30,1945,the lieutenant generaland commander of the third army of American marinecorps,led his 18,000 soldiers and landed on Tanggu. OnOctober 1,4000 American soldiers and the 94th army ofKuomintang entered Tianjin.
At nine,October 6,1945,the surrender ceremonyof the Japanese army in Tianjin was held at the officebuilding of the ex-French-concession (now the site of theCulture Bureau at Chengde Road). the lieutenant generaland commander of the third army of American marinecorps,representing the Kumintang government and theJapanese Commander signed the capitulation. About20,000 people watched the signing.
Happiness of Tianjin people after the war did notlast long because of the Kuomintang`s rule. In October1946,Du Jianshi was promoted to Tianjin Mayor.Chiang Kai-shek met and ordered him to "maintainpublic security and cooperate with the army". Du Jianshiconfiscated the property of Japan and its Manchukuo,adapted the force of the Manchukuo,built defensework,set up anti-Communism organizations,carriedout economic blockage of liberated areas,fired civilianhouses,and arrested the people fighting for peace anddemocracy.
Tianjin people had glorious tradition of revolution.They liberated Tianjin finally under the leadership ofCPC after the surrender of Japan.





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