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单词 _TAB_zzmm07(>=1)
Tabs Headwords
1 octroi, octuple, oda nobunaga, odal, odalisque, odd-conceited, odd-even, odds, odense, oder(或odra), oder-neisse line, odets,clifford, odeum, odic, odin, odo of bayeux, odoacer(或odovacar), odograph, odometer, odonata, odontoglossum, odorous, odour, odovacar, odra, odyl, odysseus(或ulysses), oecd, oecology, oecumenical, oedema, oedipal, oedipus, oedipus complex, oehlenschlager,adam(gottlob), oeillade, oeillade(illiad,eliad,aliad), oenochoe, oersted, oersted,hans christian, oes, oesophagus(或gullet), oestrogen, oeuvre, off-broadway theatres, off-cap, off-color, off-days, off-peak, off-the-cuff, off-the-peg, off-the-wall, offa, offal, offaly, offenbach, offenbach,jacques, offenceless, offend, offended, offender, offending, offensive, offering, offerings, offhand, office-badge, officed, officer, offices, officialis, officiate, officious, offing, offish, offline, offload, offscape, offscouring, offscreen, offset, offshoot, offshore, offside, offskip, offspeed, offspring, offstage, oft, oft-subdued, often, oftentimes, og(h)am, ogaden,the, ogbomosho, ogden,charles kay, ogdon,john, ogee, ogival, ogive, oglala, ogle, oglethorpe, oglethorpe,james edward, ogooue(或r.ogowe), ogygian, ohio, ohio company, ohio company of associates, ohio river, ohlin,bertil, ohm, ohm's law, ohmmeter, ohm,georg simon, oil beetle, oil painting, oil palm, oil-drop experiment, oil-immersion lens, oilbird, oils, oilseed, oily, ointment, oise, oistrakh,david, oita, ojibwa(或chippewa), ojos del salado, oka, okapi, okavango swamp, okayama, okeechobee, okefenokee swamp, okeghem,jean d’, okhotsk,sea of, okinawa, oklahoma, oklahoma city, okra(或gumbo), oktastylos, okubo, okuma shigenobu, olaf ⅰ tryggvason, olaf ⅱ haraldsson,st, olaf ⅴ, oland, olbers’paradox, olbers,heinrich wilhelm matthaus, old bailey, old believers, old catholics, old comedy, old english sheepdog, old man cactus, old norse, old norse literature, old red sandstone, old testament, old vic, old world, old world monkey, oldcastle:, oldcastle,sir john, olden, oldenbarneveldt,johan van, oldenburg, oldenburg,claes thure, oldfield, oldham, oldness, oldowan, olduvai gorge, oleaginous, oleander, oleaster, oleograph, olet, oligocene epoch, oligochrome, oligopoly, oligopsony, oligotrophy, olingo, olio, oliphant, oliphant,sir mark laurence elwin, olivares,gaspar de guzman, conde-duque de, olive shell, oliver and roland:, oliver,isaac, olives,mount of, olivet, olivette, olivier, olivier,laurence kerr,baron, olivine, ollivier,emile, olm, olmsted(或olmstead) ,frederick law, olomouc, olson,charles, olsztyn, oltremare, olympian, olympias, olympic, olympic games, olympus mount, olympus:, olymthus, om, omagh, omaha, omaha indians, oman, oman,sultanate of, omar khayyam, omar(或umar), ombuds news, omega, omelet(te), ominous, omittance, omitted, omne bene, omneity, omnes, omnibearing, omnibus, omnichord, omnicompetent, omnifarious, omniparity, omniphibious, omnipotence, omnipotent, omnipresent, omnirange, omniscient, omnitron, omnitude, omnivorous, omsk, on-off, on-pad, on-stream, ona, onager, onassis,aristotle socrates, onassis,jacqueline bouvier, onate,juan de, onboard, onchocerciasis, oncogene, oncoming, ondes martenot, one thousand guineas, one-and-twenty fifteens:, one-horse, one-trunk-inheriting, onega,lake, oneida, oneide, oneiric, oneyers, ongania,juan carlos, ongoing, onin war, onitsha, online, onlooker, onnagata, onocentaurs, onomasiology, onomatopoeia, onrush, onsager,lars, onscreen, onsite, onslaught, ontario, ontario,lake, ontic, onto, onto-, ontology, onus, onward, onychophore, onym, oogenesis, oolite, oort cloud, oort,jan hendrik, opacify, opah, opalescence, opaline, opaque, ope, opec, open classroom, open door, open enrollment, open university, open-arse, open-hearth process, open-market operations, opened, opener, opera buffa, opera comique, opera seria, operand, operation, operative, operetta, operon, ophicleide, ophir, ophite, ophites, ophryon, ophthalmia neonatorum, ophthalmology, ophuls,max, opie,john, opinioned, opitz,martin, opium poppy, opole, oporto(或porto), opossum, oppenheimer, oppenheimer,j.robert, opponent, opportune, opposed, opposeless, opposite, oppressed, oppression, opprobriously, opry-house, ops, opster, opt, optic nerve, optical, optical activity, optical rotation, optical sensing, optics, optimal, optimism, optometer, optometry, opulence, opuntia, opus, opus dei, opuscule, opusculum, orache, oracy, oradea, oral, oral contraceptive, oral history, oral surgery, oran, orange free state, orange order, orange river, orangemen, orange,house of, orangutan, orant(e), oraon, oration, orator, oratorians, orb weaver, orbed, orbit, orbital, orbs, orcagna,andrea, orchestic, orchestrelle, orchestrion, orchil(或archil), orchis, orchitis, orczy,baroness emmusca, ordeal, order in council, order of merit(om), order of the british empire, order of the hospital of st john of jerusalem, orderly, orders of architecture, ordinance of 1787, ordinant, ordinariate, ordinate, ordnance survey, ordonnance, ordovician period, ordure, ordzhonikidza, ore mountains, ore resources law, orebro, orectic, oregano, oregon, oregon trail, orel(或oryol), orem, orenburg, orense, oreopithecus, oresebter, oresme,nicole d’, oresteia, orestes, orfe, orfevrerie, orff,carl, orford, organ transplant, organ-pipe cactus, organ-pipe coral, organdie, organette, organic chemistry, organic farming, organistrum, organization de l’armee secrete(oas), organization for economic cooperation and development(oecd), organization of african unity(oau), organization of american states(oas), organization of central american states, organization of petroleum exporting countries(opec), organize, organized crime, organo-, organometallic compounds, organon, orgiac, orgue, orguinette, oribi, oriel, oriency, oriental drama, orienteering, origami, origen, origin, original, original sin, origo, orinoco river, oriole, orion, orion nebula, orissa, orizaba, orkney islands, orlando, orlando,vittorio emanuele, orle, orleance:, orleanist monarchy, orleans, orleans,charles,duc d’, orleans,gaston jean baptiste, duc d’, orleans,louis philippe joseph, duc d’, orleans,louise-philippe-robert, duc d’, orleans,philippe ⅰ ,duc d′, orleans,philippe ⅱ ,duc d’, orleans,siege of, orlov,grigori grigorievich,count, ormandy,eugene, ormolu, ormonde,games butler, 1st duke of, ornaments, ornate, ornithischie, ornitholestes, ornithology, ornithopoda, ornithopter, orogeny, orography, oroide, orontes, orozco,jose clemente, orpharion, orphean, orpheus:, orphic mysteries, orphism, orphrey, orpiment, orpine, orrice, orris, orristoot, orr,bobby, orsini, orsini family, orsk, ortega saavedra,daniel, ortega y gasset,jose, ortelius,abraham, orthochromatic, orthoclase, orthodox, orthodox(eastern)church, orthodrome, orthodromic, orthoepy, orthogenesis, orthogenics, orthogon, orthograph, orthometry, orthopaedics, orthopaedy, orthopedic, orthophony, orthophoto, orthoptera, orthostatic, orthostigmat, orthostyle, orthros, ortolan, ortoli,francois xavier, oruro, orvieto, orwell, orwell,george, oryol, oryx, osage indians, osage orange, osaka, osborne house, osborne,dorothy, osborne,john, oscan, oscar, oscar ⅱ, osceola, oscillate, oscillating theory of the universe, oscillator, oscillogram, oshawa, oshogbo, osiander, osijek, osiris, osler,sir william, osman, osman ⅰ, osmiridium, osmium, osmunda, osnabruck, osram, ossa:, ossa,mount, ossetic, ossian, ossietsky,carl von, ossification, ossify, ossining, ossory, ostade,adrian van, osteichthyes, ostend, ostensible, ostentare, ostentate, ostentation, osteoarthritis, osteochondritis, osteoclasis, osteology, osteomalacia, osteomyelitis, osteopathy, osteoporosis, ostia, ostinato, ostracism, ostracize, ostracoda, ostrava, ostridge, ostrogoth(或east goths), ostrogoths, ostrovskii,aleksandr nikolaevich, ostwald,friedrich wilhelm, oswald of york,st, oswald,lee harvey, oswald,st, oswiu, othello, othergates, otherwhere, otherwhiles, otherwise, otis,elisha graves, otis,james, otomi, otosclerosis, otranto, ottava, ottava rima, ottavino, ottawa agreements, ottawa indians, ottawa river, otter shrew, otterbein,philip william, otterhound, ottetto, otto ⅰ, otto ⅱ, otto ⅲ, otto ⅳ, otto([ˈɔtəu])ⅰ, otto(ⅰ)the great, ottoman, ottoman empire, ottomite, otto,nikolaus august, otway,thomas, ou, ouachita, ouagadougou, ouagadougou(或wagadugu), ouakari(或ukari,uakari), oubangui(或ubangi), oud, oudenaarde,battle of, oudh, oudry,jean-baptiste, ouida, oui,mettez le au mon pocket; dpechez, oui,vraiment., oui,vraiment,sauf votre grace. ainsidit-il., oujda, oulu, ouph, our, ouro preto, ours, ourself, ouse, ousel, ouspensky,peter, oust, out-dwell, out-frown, out-night, out-paramour, out-shining, out-talk, out-tongue, out-voice, out-wall, outage, outargue, outbid, outboard, outbound, outbreak, outbreathed, outburst, outcaste, outcome, outcrop, outcry, outcurve, outdare, outdive, outdo, outdoor, outer, outermost, outface, outfacing, outfight, outfit, outflank, outflow, outflux, outfly, outfocus, outfox, outgiving, outgoing, outguard, outguess, outgun, outhaul, outhouse, outing, outjest, outland, outlaw, outlawed, outlawry, outlay, outleap, outlet, outlie, outline, outlive, outlook, outlying, outmachine, outmaneuver, outmatch, outmode, outnumber, outpace, outperform, outplace, outplay, outpoint, outpoll, outport, outpost, outproduce, output, outrace, outrageous, outram,sir james, outrange, outrank, outreach, outride, outrigger, outright, outrival, outrow, outrunner, outscore, outscorn, outsell, outset, outshot, outsing, outsize, outskirts, outsmart, outspeak, outspeed, outspend, outsport, outstanding, outstare, outstay, outstep, outstretch, outstretched, outstrip, outswear, outswing, outtake, outturn, outvied, outwall, outwards, outweigh, outwit, outwork, outworn, outworth, ouzel, ouzo, oval, oval,the, ovary, ovation, ovenbird, over strong claim, over-certify, over-cloyed, over-cool, over-crow, over-eye, over-fraught, over-great, over-indebtedness, over-individual, over-inhabit, over-insure, over-invest, over-joy, over-justification, over-matching, over-mounting, over-name, over-reaching, over-read, over-red, over-running, over-size, over-tedious, over-teemed, over-the-counter, over-veil, over-weathered, overaccumulation, overachievement, overactivity, overage, overall, overarch, overassessment, overbalance, overbearing, overbid, overblouse, overblow, overblown, overboard, overbodice, overbold, overbook, overboot, overborne, overbought, overbrash, overbrilliant, overbuy, overcapitalize, overcareful, overcarrying, overceiling, overcentralize, overcentralized, overcharged, overcheck, overchoice, overclaim, overcoat, overcolour, overcommit, overcompensate, overconfidence, overconsume, overcorrect, overcredit, overcrow, overcrowd, overdelicacy, overdetermine, overdisperse, overdo, overdocument, overdoor, overdraft, overdraw, overdue, overdye, overeat, overemphasis, overestimate, overetched, overexpenditure, overextend, overfar, overfield, overflight, overflourished, overflow, overflown, overfly, overfree, overfreight, overfrequency, overgear, overgild, overglance, overglass, overglaze, overgo, overgrow, overhand, overhang, overhappy, overhaul, overhead, overheat, overhit, overijssel, overinterpretation, overissue, overjoy, overkill, overknee, overland, overland park, overlanders, overlap, overleap, overlearn, overleather, overleaven, overlie, overline, overlive, overload, overlooking, overlord, overlusty, overman, overmantel, overmark, overmaster, overmatch, overmatched, overmike, overmount, overnervous, overnumber, overnutrition, overoccupied, overoptimism, overpainting, overpass, overpast, overpay, overpayment, overpeer, overperch, overperform, overpitch, overpitched, overplay, overplot, overplus, overpopulate, overpost, overprice, overproduce, overproportion, overprotect, overquantification, overrate, overraught, overrent, oversave, overscrupulous, overscutched, oversea(s), oversee, oversell, overset, oversharp, overshine, overshirt, overshoe, overshoot, overshooting, overshot, overshoulder, overside, oversing, overskip, overskirt, overslaugh, oversleeve, overslip, oversoul, overspeculate, overspeed, overspend, overspin, overspread, overstaff, overstand, overstare, overstate, overstay, overstep
1 overstock, overstorage, overstory, overstowing, overstrength, overstress, overstretch, overstrict, overstride, oversubscribe, oversupply, overswell, overswing, overtax, overtension, overthrown, overtime, overtone, overtook, overtop, overtrade, overtrain, overunder, overvaluation, overvalue, overview, overwalk, overwatch, overwatched, overwater, overweather, overween, overweigh, overweight, overwhelming, overwintering, overwork, overworld, overworn, ovett,steve, ovid, ovid:, ovidius naso:, oviduct(或fallopian tubes), oviedo, ovimbundu, ovimbundu(或mbundu), ovolo, ovulation, ovule, ovum, owed, owedst, owen, owen falls, owen glendower, owensboro, owens,jesse, owen,alun davies, owen,dr david anthony llewellyn, owen,robert, owen,wilfred, owlet frogmouth, owner, owy,cupple gorge,permafoy:, ox minuet, oxalic acid, oxalis(或wood sorrel), oxblood, oxenstierna,axel,count, oxeye daisy, oxfam(oxford committee for famine relief,the), oxford and asquith,herbert henry aquith ,1st earl of, oxford movement(或tractarianism), oxfordshire, oxford,edward de vere, 17th earl of, oxford,provisions of, oxford,university of, oxidation and reduction, oxidation number, oxidizing agent, oxnard, oxpecker, oxyaphia, oxygen cycle, oxygen process, oxymoron, oxyrhynchus, oxytocin, oyes, oyo empire, oyster mushroom, oystercatcher, ozark plateau(或ozark mountains), ozawa,seiji, ozokerite, ozone, ozone layer(或 ozonesphere), ozoner, ozonosphere, ozu yasujiro, oz,amos, o’, o’brien, o’brien,conor cruise, o’brien,edna, o’brien,flann, o’brien,william, o’brien,william smith, o’casey,sean, o’clock, o’connell, o’connell,daniel, o’connor, o’connor,feargus edward, o’connor,frank, o’connor,mary flannery, o’connor,sandra day, o’faolain,sean, o’flaherty,liam, o’hara,john henry, o’higgins y riquelme, o’higgins,bernardo, o’keeffe,georgia, o’neill,eugene, o’neill,tip(或 thomas philip o’neill,jr), o’s, o’shea,katherine page, o型, o形天线, o星协, p'yongyang, p.丹麦, p.土耳其, p.抗血吸虫药, paarl, pabst,george wilhelm, pabulum, pabylon:, paca, pacaraima mountains, paca,william, pace. doctor:, pacemaker, pachisi, pachomius,st, pachuca, pachyderm, pachymeres,georgius, pacific, pacific islands,trust territory of the, pacific ocean, pacific scandal, pacific,war of the, pacified, pacifism, pacify, pack rat(或wood rat), pack-horse, package, packed, packet, packing, packthread, pact, pad, padang, paddington, paddle tennis, paddlefish, paddling, paddock, paderborn, paderewski,ignacy, padre, padua(或padova), padua:, paean, paedagogic, paediatrics, paeony, paestum, paez,jose antonio, pagalu, paganini,niccolo, page, paget,sir james, page,sir earle christmas grafton, page,sir frederick handley, page,thomas nelson, pagnol,marcel, pago pago, pagod, pahang, pahang,river(或 pahang,sungai), pahari, paharis, pahlavi dynasty, pahlavi(或pehlevi)language, pahlavi,mohammad reza, paid, paige,leroy satchel, paillasson, paillette, paine, pained, paine,robert treat, paine,thomas, painful, pains, painted, painted desert, painted lady, painted turtle, paintings, pair-taunt, paisbergite, paisley,ian, paiute(或piute), pajama, pajook, pakistan, pakistan,islamic republic of, pal, palabras (sp.):, palace, palace of westminster, palaeo-siberian languages(或paleosiberian languages), palaeoanthropology, palaeocene(或paleocene)epoch, palaeography, palaeography(或 paleography), palaeolith, palaeolithic(或paleolithic) age(或period), palaeologus, palaeontology(或 paleontology), palaeopsychology, palaeotypography, palaeozoic(或 paleozoic) era, palaestra, palaiologos, palamas,kostis, palanquin, palapore, palatable, palatal, palatial, palatine, palau, palawan, palazzo, pale-dead, pale-hearted, palembang, palencia, paleobotany, paleocene epoch, paleoclimatology, paleogeography, paleolith, paleolithic art, paleolithic period, paleosiberian languages, paleozoic era, palermo, pales, palestine liberation organization, palestrina,giovanni pierluigi da, palette, paley,william, palfrey, palgrave,francis turner, pali, palikinesia, palimpsest, palindrome, palingenesis, palinode, palio, palisade, palisado, palissy,bernard, palladianism, palladio,andrea, pallas, pallas athena, pallas’cat, palliate, pallid, pallium, pallograph, palm beach, palm civet, palm oil, palm springs, palm sunday, palma vecchio,jacopo, palma(或 palma de mallorca), palmary, palmas,las, palmerston, palmerston north, palmerston,henry john temple, 3rd viscount, palmer,arnold, palmer,samuel, palme,olof, palmus, palmy, palmyra(或tadmor), palo alto, palolo worm, palomar observatory, palomar,mount, palpable, palpable-gross, palsy, paltry, paly, palynology(或 pollen analysis), pambe, pamir, pampangans, pampas, pampas cat, pampas grass, pampas(或pampa), pampered, pampiniform, pamplona, pampre, pan pipes(或syrinx), pan-, pan-african movement, pan-american highway, pan-americanism, pan-slavism, panache, panaestheticism, panama, panama canal, panama canal zone, panama city, panama,isthums of, panama,republic of, panatrope, panavision, panay, pancake, panchatantra(或 panca-tantra), panchayat, panchen lama, panchromate, pancosmism, pancratic, pancreas, pancreatitis, pandar, pandarus:, pander, panderly, pandiatonicism, pandit,vijaya lakshml, pandroseum, pandurate, pane, panegyric, panel, panentheism, pang, pangaea, pangasinans, pangenesis, panglossian, pangolin, panic grass, panini, panizzi,sir anthony, panjabi, pankhurst,emmeline goulden, panne, pannier, pannonia, panofsky,erwin, panoply, panoptic, panoram, panotron, panotrope, panphotometric, panpsychism, pansophism, pantachromatic, pantagraph, pantalets, pantelleria island, pantheism, panthelism, pantile, pantisocracy, pantler, panto, pantobase, pantograph, pantology, pantomorphism, pantonality, pantonight, pantophobia, pantoscope, pantoum, paoli,pasqale, pap smear, papadopoulos,george, papain, papal states, papandreou,andreas, papantla, paparazzi, papaw(或pawpaw), papaya, papen, papen,franz von, paper mulberry, paper nautilus, paper-faced, paperweight, papilloma, papillon, papineau,louis joseph, papinian, papist, pappus of alexandria, papp,joseph, papua new guinea,state of, papyraceous, papyrograph, papyrotype, par, par excellence, para, para rubber tree, parabasis, paraboy, paracarmine, paracas, paracelsus,philippus, parachoregema, parachrea, parachroma, parachronism, parachrosis, parachute jumping, parachuting(或parachute jumping), paraconsistent structure, parade, paradiddle, paradigm, paradise lost, parados, paraedrite, paraesthesia, paraffin, paraffin wax, paraffin(或kerosine), parafoil, parafrag, parafunction, parageusia, paraglider, paragraph, paragraphia, paraguayan war, paraguay,republic of, paraguay,river, parajournalism, parakeet(或parrakeet), paralanguage, paralinguistics, parallactic, parallax, parallergy, paralogism, paralogy, paralympics, paralyse=paralyze, paralysis, paralyzer, paramagnetism, paramara dynasty, paramatta, paramecium, paramedic (al), parameter, parametrism, paramilitary, paramount, parana, parana,rio, paranoia, paranoiac, paranorm, paranormal, paraoperation, parapack, parapet, paraph, paraphernalia, paraphrase, paraplegia, parapraxis, paraprofessional, parapsychosis, paraquito, pararescue, parasail, parascenium, parascience, parasheet, parashoot, parasitology, parasol, parasol mushroom, parastate, parastyle, parasuit, parataxic, parataxis, paratheatre, parathymia, parathyroid glands, paratonic, paratroop, paratunic, paratyphoid fever, paravane, parawing, parboil, parca:, parcae, parcel-gilt, parcelled, parching, parchment worm, parclose, pard, pardah, pardo bazan,emilia,condesa de, pardon-me, pardonnez-moi, pardubice, parenchyma, parent, parentage, parenthesis, parergon, paresis, pareto,vilfredo, pare,ambroise, parfect, parfocal, parget, parhelion, pari-mutuel, pariah, parian, paring-knife, parinirvana, paris pacts, paris peace conference, paris:, parish, parish-top, parison, parisyllabic, paris,congress of, paris,matthew, paris,treaty of, paris,university of, paritor, parity, parity principle(或 parity,conservation of), park chung hee, park chung-hee, park-ward, parker,charlie, parker,dorothy rothschild, parker,francis wayland, parker,matthew, parker,sir gilbert, parker,theodore, parkes,sir henry, parkinson’s disease(或parkinsonism), parkinson’s law, parkinson,cyril northcote, parkman,francis, park,mungo, parlance, parlay, parle, parlement, parliament act, parliamentary law(或 parliamentary procedure), parlo(u)r, parmaceti, parmaciti, parmenides, parmigianino, parnassians, parnassos(或parnassus) ,mount, parnell,charles stewart, parochiaid, parodist, parodos, paroemiographer, parol, parole, paroniria, paronomasia, paronym, paros, parotid gland, paroxysm, parquet, parquetry, parrakeet, parramatta, parrington,vernon louis, parrish,maxfield, parrot fever, parrot fish, parry, parry,sir hubert, parry,sir william edward, parr,catherine, parsec, parsee, parsimony, parsis(或parsees), parsley, parsnip, parson, parson bird, parsons,sir charles algernon, parsons,talcott, parsons,william, parsuna, part of speech, partake, partaker, partal, partch,harry, parted, parterre, parthenogenesis, parti, parti pris, parti-coated, partial, partial differential equation, partial pressure, participant, participate, participation, particle accelerator, particle detector, particle physics, particles,elementary, particularities, particularity, particulars, parting, partizan, partly, partnership, partridgeberry, partridge,eric honeywood, parts, parturient, parure, parvis, parzival, pas, pasadena, pasai, pasargadae, pascal ⅱ, pascal’s law(或 pascal’s principle), pascal语言, pascal,blaise, pasch, paschall ⅱ(或pascal ⅱ), pash, pashful, pashm, pashto, pashto(或pushtu), pashtuns, pasic,nicola, pasigraphy, pasimology, pasiphae, pasmore,victor, pasolini,pier paolo, pasqueflower, pasquil, passade, passage rites, passages, passau, passchendaele, passe, passed, passement, passenger pigeon, passepied, passerine bird, passfield, passible, passing, passion music, passion play, passionate, passionate humour:, passionflower, passionist, passiontide, passover, passport, password, passy-measures, passy,frederic, past, pasta, paste, pasternak, pasternak,boris leonidovich, pasteur, pasteurization, pasteur,louis, pasticcio, pastiche, pastille, pastime, pasto, paston family, paston letters, pastor, pastoral, pastorale, pastoralism, pastorius, pastose, pasty, patagonia, patas(或 patas monkey), patch test, patched, patchen,kenneth, patchouli, patel,vallabhbhai, paten, patenier,joachim de, patent(或 proprietary)medicine, patera, paterfamilias, paternal, paternoster, paterson, paterson,william, pater,walter horratio, path, pathans(或pashtuns), pathetic(al), pathetical, pathe,charles, pathos, pathway, patient, patiently, patina, patinir,joachim de, patio, patmore,coventry, patmos, patna, pato, patois, paton,alan stewart, patrai(或patras), patriarch, patriarchy, patrick,st, patrimonial, patriot, patriotic front, patristic, patristic literature, patroclus, patrogony, patrol, patronage, patronymic, patroon, patte, patten, patter, patterson, patti,adelina, patton,george smith,jr, pau, pauca, pauca verba, paucas pallabris, paucity, paul knutson, paul ⅰ, paul ⅲ, paul ⅵ, paulding,james kirke, pauli, pauli exclusion principle, pauling,linus carl, paulinus of nola,st, paulist fathers, pauli,wolfgang, paulownia, paulus,friedrich, paul’s:, paul,st, paunch, pauper, pausanias, pauser, pausiaceous, pausingly, pavan, pavarotti,luciano, pave, paved fountain:, pavese,cesare, pavia, pavia,battle of, pavilioned, pavin, pavlodar, pavlov, pavlova,anna matveyevna, pavlovian conditioning(或classical conditioning), pavlov,ivan petrovich, pavonazzo, pavonia massacre, paw, pawnbroking, pawnee, pawpaw, pawtucket, pax britannica, paxinou,katina, paxton,sir joseph, paye, payment, payne-aldrich tariff act, payola, paysage, paysandu, paysans,la pauvre gens de france, paz estenssoro,victor, pazzi conspiracy, paz,octavio, pb, pd, pea, pea crab, peabody,elizabeth palmer, peace corps, peace-parted, peach-coloured, peacock, peacock butterfly, peacock ore, peacock(或peafowl), peacock,thomas love, peafowl, peak district, peake,mervyn, peaking, peal, peale,charles wilson, peale,james, peale,raphaelle, peale,rembrandt, peale,rubens, peale,titian, peano, peanut(或groundnut), peard, pearl harbor, pearlfish(或cucumber fish), pearlite, pearls, pearlstein,philip, pearse,patrick henry, pearsonian correlation, pearson’s coefficient os skewness, pearson,lester bowles, pears,sir peter, peart, peary land, peary,robert edwin, peasantry, peasants’revolt, peasants’war, peascod, peascod-time, pease, peat moss, peaten, pebble, pecan, peccadillo, peccary, pechenga, pechora,river, peck, peck order(或 pecking order), peckinpah,sam, pecos river, pecs, pectin, pectoral, peculate, peculium, pecuniary, pedagog, pedal, pedalfer, pedascule, peddle, pederast, pedestal, pedestrian, pediment, pedis, pedlar=padler, pedology, pedophilia, pedro the cruel, pedro ⅰ, pedro ⅱ, pedro([ˈpi:drəu])ⅰ, peds, peebles, peeblesshire(或tweeddale), peeled, peele,george, peel,sir robert, peenemunde, peepul, peerage, peesel:, peevish, peevish-fond, peevishly, peewit, peg-a-ramsey:, pegasus, pegasus:, pegboard, pegbox, pegmatite, pegu, peguy,charles, peiorem semper sequitur conclusio partem, peipus lake, peirce, peirce,charles sanders, peise, peisistratus, peize, pei,ieoh ming, peking man, peking opera, pekingese, pelagianism, pelagic division(或pelagic zone), pelagius, pelargonium, pelasgians(或pelasgi), pelayo, pele, pelee,mount, pelerine, peleus, pelham,henry, pelican flower(或swan flower), pelion:, pelious, pelisse, pell-mell, pella
1 pellagra, pellet, pelletier,pierre joseph, pelly, peloponnese(或 peloponnesos,peloponnesus), peloponnesian, peloponnesian league, peloponnesian war, peloponnesos, peloponnesus, pelops, pelota, pelota(或jai alai、fronton games), pelotas, pelottae, pelt, peltier effect, pelting, pelvic, pelvis, pemba, pembroke, pembroke:, pembrokeshire, penal, penal laws, penalty, penang(或george town), penates, penchant, pencil cedar, pend, penda, pendent, pendente lite, penderecki,krzysztof, pendlebury,john devitt stringfellow, pendragon:, pendular, pendulate, pendulous, pene gelidus timor occupat artus, penelope, penetrability, penetrable, penetrate, penguin, penhold, penicillin, penicillium, peninsula, peninsular campaign, peninsular war, penis, penitent, penn, pennacook, pennant, pennate, penned, pennell,joseph, penney,william george,baron, penniform, pennill, pennine chain, pennines(或pennine chain), penning, pennsylvania, pennsylvanian period, pennsylvania,university of, pennyroyal, pennyworth, penn,john, penn,william, penobscot, pensacola, pensioners, pensum, pent, pent up:, pent-up, pent-up demand, pentacle, pentadecagon, pentagon,the, pentateuch, pentathlete, pentathlon, pentecostal churches(或pentecostalism), penthesilea, penthesilea:, penthouse, penthouse-like, pentland firth, pentlandite, pentstemon(或beardtongue), penumbra, penury, penutian languages, penza, penzance, peon, peonage, peony, peony(或paeony), people’s party, peoria, pep, pep-rally, peperomia, pepin the short, pepin ⅰ (或 pepin of landan), pepin ⅱ(或 pepin of herstal), pepin,king:, pepper, pepper tree, pepper(或red pepper、chilli), pepper-gingerbread, peppered, peppered moth, peppermint, pepple dynasty, peppy, pepsin, peptic ulcer, peptide(或polypeptide), peptize, pepys,samuel, pequot, per, per capita, per incuriam, per my et per tout, per quod consortium amisit, per quod servitium amisit, per se, per stirpes, peradventure, perak, perak sultanate, peramplifier, percale, percaline, percent, percentage, percept, perception, perceval, perceval,spencer, perchance, percheron, perching bird, perching duck, percier,charles, percies:, percipience, percuss, percussion cap, percussion instruments, percys:, percy,bishop thomas, percy,sir henry, percy,walker, perdie, perdu, perdue, perdurable, perdure, perdy, pere david’s deer, peregrinate, peregrine falcon(或duck hawk), pereira, pereira,irene rice, pereira,nuno alvares, perelman,sidney joseph, peremptorily, peres,shimon, peretz(或perez) ,isaac loeb, perez de ayala,ramon, perez de cuellar,javier, perez esquivel,aldolfo, perez galdos,benito, perez,antonio, perez,isaac loeb, perfect number, perfectest, perfection, perfections, perfectly, perfectness, perfidious, perfit, perforate, perforce, performance, perfumer, perfunctory, pergamum(或pergamus), perge, pergola, pergolesi,giovanni battista, periapt, peribole, peribolos, pericarditis, pericardium, pericles,prince of tyre, peridot, peridotite, perigean, perigee, perigenia,aegles,ariadne,antiopa:, perigon, perigueux, perilla, perilous, perilune, perim island, perimeter, periocutionary, periodic law, periodic motion, periodic table, periodical, periodontal disease(或 pyorrhea), periodynia, peripatetic, peripatus, peripheral, periphrase, perissodactyla, peristalsis, peristyle, peristylos, peritendinitis, perito, peritoneum, peritonitis, perivision, periwig-pated, periwinkle, perjured, perjury, perkins,frances, perkin,sir william henry, perlin, perlis, perlman,itzhak, perlpatetic school, perm, permafrost, permalba, permalloy, permanence, permanent court of arbitration, permeability, permeate, permian period, permit, permittivity, permometer, permutation, permutations and combinations, pernambuco, pernicious anemia, perniciously, pernickety, pernik, peron, peron,eva duarte de, peron,juan domingo, peron,maria estela martinez de, peroration, perotin, peroxide, perpend, perpendicular(或 perpendicular style), perpetua-motion machine, perpignan, perplex, perplexed, perplexity, perquisite, perquisition, perrault,charles, perret,auguste, perrin,jean-baptiste, perry, perry,frederick john, perry,matthew colbraith, perry,oliver hazard, pers-one:, perse, persecute, persephone(或 proserpina、proserpine), persever, persevere, perse,saint-john, pershing missile, pershing,john joseph, persian cat, persian gulf, persian lamb, persian language, persian literature, persian wars, persian(或 persian language), persiennes, persimmon, persist, persistency, persius(或 aulus persius flaccus), persnickety, persona, personage, personal, personal computer, personality, perspectively, perspex, perspicacious, perspicuity, perspiration, persuaded, persuading, persuasion, pert, perth(或perthshire), perthite, pertinent, pertly, perturb, perturbed, pertussis, peru, peru current(或 peruvian current), perugia, perugino, perusal, perutz,max ferdinand, peruvian current, peru,republic of, pervade, perverseness, pervious, pervium, pesach, pesaro, pescara, peseech, pessagno, pessimal, pessimism, pessoa,fernando, pest, pestalozzi,johann heinrich, pester, pestered, pesticides, pestiferous, pestilence, pestilent, pet, petah tiqwa, petain, petain,henri philippe, petar, peter lombard, peter pan, peter the great, peter the hermit, peter ⅰ, peter ⅰ ,the great, peter ⅰ ,ⅱ, peter ⅱ, peter ⅲ, peter ⅳ, peter([ˈpi:tə])ⅰ the great, peter([ˈpi:tə])ⅱ, peterborough, peterhead, peterloo massacre, peterson,oscar emmanuel, peter’s principle, peter,first and second epistles(或peter ⅰ,ⅱ), peter,st, petion,alexandre, petipa,marius, petit, petit mal, petit monsieur. que dit-il?, petite, petitio principii, petition, petition of right, petitionary, petitioner, petit,roland, petofi,sandor, petra, petrarch, petrarch:, petrarch,francesco, petrel, petrie,sir william matthew flinders, petrified forest national park, petrified wood, petrinism, petrochemical, petroglyph, petrol, petroleum, petrology, petronius arbiter,gauis, petropavlovsk, petropavlovsk-kamchatskii, petropolis, petrosian,tigran vartanovich, petrozavodsk, petter, petties, pettifog, pettiness, pettiskirt, petto, petunse, pevensey, pevsner,antoine, pevsner,sir nikolaus bernhard leon, pew, pew-fellow, peyote, pforzheim, pg级, ph, phaedra, phaeophyta, phaestos, phaethon(或phaeton), phaethon:, phaeton, phaeton:, phage, phagocyte, phagocytosis, phalange, phalanger, phalaris, phalarope, phallic(al), phallicism(或phallism), phallocrat, pham chau trinh, pham dinh phung, pham van dong, phan, phanerogam, phanerozoic time, phanomyong, phantasime, phantasize, phantasy, phantoscope, phaosigars, pharamond:, pharaoh hound, pharaoh:, pharisaism, pharisee, pharisees, pharmacology, pharmacopeia, pharos, pharos of alexandria, pharsala, pharsalus,battle of, pharynx, phase diagram, phase rule, phatic, pheadrus, pheasant, pheazar, phebe, phedias, pheezar, pheeze, phelypeaux family, phenobarbitone, phenol, phenolphthalein, phenomenology, phenomenon, phenothiazines, phenylketonuria, pheromone, phi, phi beta kappa, phibbus:, phibbus’ car:, phidias(或pheidias), phidippides, philabeg, philae, philaidae, philander, philanthrope, philatelic, philately(或 stamp collecting), philby,harry st john, philby,kim, philemon, philemon and baucis, philemon’s roof:, philemon,epistle of paul to, philharmonic, philhellenism, philidor,andre danican, philip mountbatten, philip of hesse, philip of swabia, philip the bold, philip the good, philip the magnanimous, philip ⅰ, philip ⅰ the handsome, philip ⅱ, philip ⅱ of macedonia, philip ⅱ(或 philip augustus), philip ⅲ, philip ⅲ the bold, philip ⅳ, philip ⅴ, philip ⅴ the tall, philip ⅵ, philip([ˈfilip]) ⅰ, philippeville, philippians(或philippians,epistle of paul to the), philippics, philippine, philippine eagle, philippine sea, philippines,republic of the, philippi,battle of, philip’s daughters,saint:, philip,prince,duke of edinburgh, philip,st, philistines, phillip, phillips's curve, phillips,wendell, phillip,arthur, philo judaeus, philobiblic, philoctetes, philodendron, philologer, philology, philomel, philomela and procne, philomele:, philosopher’s stone, philosophes, philp ⅳ the fair, philter, phiz, phlebitis, phlegm, phlegmatic, phloem, phlogistic, phlogiston theory, phlogopites, phlox, phnom penh(或 pnom penh), phobos, phocas, phocis, phoebe:, phoebus(或phoebus apollo), phoebus:, phoenician art, phoenicians, phoenix islands, phoenix park murders, phoenix:, phon, phonate, phone, phoneme, phonetics, phoney, phono, phonologist, phonology, phonometer, phonon, phosphate, phosphor, phosphorescence, phosphoric acid, phosphorograph, phosphorus, photism, photius, photo, photocell(或 photoelectric cell), photochemistry, photoconductivity, photocopying machine, photoelectric, photoelectric cell, photoelectric effect, photoengraving, photography, photogun, photoimpact, photoinduction, photoionization, photolysis, photometry, photomultiplier, photoperiodism, photorealism(或 superrealism), photosphere, phototelegram, phototropism(或 heliotropism), photovoltaic, photovoltaic cell, photovoltaic effect, phrase:, phraseological, phrases:, phratry, phrenology, phrenopathy, phronema, phronesis, phrygia, phrygia:, phrygian, phrygians, phryne, phrynichus, phyfe,duncan, phylacteries, phyllanthus, phylloxeg(或grape phylloxera), phylogeny, phylon, phylum, physi s, physic, physical, physical anthropology, physical chemistry, physical medicine, physical therapy(或physiotherapy), physical units, physician, physics, physiocracy, physiocrats, physiogenesis, physiognomic, physiolatry, physiologic (al), physiology, physionomy, physiotherapy, physique, phytochrome, phytohormone, phytosanilary certificate, phytosaur, ph值, pi, pia mater, piacenza, piaf,edith, piaget,jean, pianissimo, piano, piano(或pianoforte), pianola, piast, piast dynasty, piave,river, piazza, piazzi,giuseppi, pibble, pibble-pabble, pible:, pic, pica, picabia,francis, picardy, picardy:, picard,jean, picaresque, picaresque novel, picaro, picaroon, picasso, picasso,pablo, picayune, piccard, piccolomini,enea silvio de, picescent, pick-purse, pick-thank, pick-up, pickaback, pickbone:, picked, pickel, picker, pickerel, pickerel frog, pickering,edward charles, picket, pickett,george edward, pickford,mary, picking, pickle, pickle-herring, pickpocket, pickt-hatch:, pickup, picnic, pico della mirandola,giovanni, conte, pico rivera, picot, picquart, pict, pictogram, pictographic writing system(或pictography), picts, piddock, pidgin, pie corner:, piebald, piece de resistance, pieced, piecemeal, pieces, pieck,wilhelm, pied, piedmont, piepoudre court, pier, pierce,franklin, piercing, piero della francesca, piero di cosimo, pierre, pierrot, pieta, pietermaritzburg(或 maritzburg), pietists, piety, piezoelectricity, pig iron, pigeon english, pigeon racing, pigeon wheat, pigeon-livered, piggott,lester keith, piggyback plant, pight, pigmentation, pigmies, pigmies:, pigou,arthur cecil, pigrogromitus,vapians,queubus:, pigs,bay of, pigtail, pigweed, pika(或mouse hare、rock rabbit、cony), pikeperch, pikes, pikes peak, pike,james albert, pike,zebulon montgomery, pilaster, pilate:, pilate,pontius, pilchard, pilcher, pilcomayo,rio, pile, piles, pilfer, pilfering, pilgrim fathers(或 pilgrims), pilgrim trust, pilgrimage of grace, pilgrim’s progress ,the, pilgrim’s way, pilled, pillicock, pillnitz declaration, pillnitz,declaration of, pill,the, pilnyak,boris, pilot, pilot fish, pilot whale, pilsen., pilsudski, pilsudski,jozef klemens, piltdown man, pima(或pima indians), pimento, pimpernel, pimple, pinafore, pinang, pinax, pincer(s), pinchback, pinchbeck, pinching bug, pinchot,gifford, pinckney, pinckney,charles, pinckney,charles cotesworth, pinckney,thomas, pincushion cactus, pindar, pindling,lynden oscar, pindus mountains, pine bluff, pine marten, pine nut, pine snake(或bull snake), pineal body(或pineal gland), pineapple, pinero,sir arthur wing, pines,isle of, pinfold, pining, pinion, pink salmon, pinked, pinkerton,allan, pinkeye, pinkie,battle of, pinnacle, pinnipedia, pinny, pinochet ugarte,augusto, pinochle, pinocytosis, pinon, pinophyta, pinpoint, pinse, pinsk, pinsk marshes, pint, pint-pot, pintail, pinter,harold, pinto, pinturicchio, pinup, pinworm(或 seat worm、threadworm), pinza,ezio, pinzon,martin alonzo, pinzon,vicente yanez, pion, pioneer, pioneer(或pioneer probes), pioner, piozzi,hester lynch, pipal, pipe rolls, pipe-wine, pipefish, pipeline, piper,john, pipestone(或catlinite), piping, pipistrelle, pipit, pipkin, pippen:, pippin, pipsissewa, pique, piquet, piracy, piraeus(或piraievs), pirandello, pirandello,luigi, piranesi,giovanni battista, piranha(或piraya), pirani gauge, pirarucu, piraya, pire, pirelli family, pirenne,henri, pirouette, pis aller, pisa, pisanello, pisano,andrea, pisano,nicola, pisano,vittore, pisa,council of, piscary, piscator,erwin, pisces, pisciform, pisgah,mount, pish, pisistratus(或peisistratus), pismire, pissarro, pissarro,camille, pissing conduit:, pistachio, piste, pistil, pistoia, pistol-proof, pistol:, piston, piston,walter, pit viper, pitcairn island, pitch(或asphalt、bitumen), pitchblende, pitched, pitcher, pitcher plant, pitcher,molly, pitchy, piteous, pitfall, pithecanthropus, pithless, pitiful, pitiful-hearted, pitlochry, pitman,sir isaac, piton, pitot, pitot tube, pitt, pitt-rivers,augustus henry lane fox, pitta, pittasporum, pittie-ward, pittsburgh, pitt,william the younger, pitt,william, 1st earl of chatham, pituitary gland, pius v,st, pius x,st, pius ⅳ, pius ⅵ, pius ⅶ, pius ⅸ, pius ⅺ, pius ⅻ, piute, pivot, pix, pixel, pizarro, pizarro,francisco, pizz strings, pizza, pizzicato, pizzo, piè, piě, piǎn, pk, pku, placable, placage, placard, placebo, placenta, placental mammals, placer mining, place,francis, placid, plack prince:, placodarmi, plagal, plages, plagiarism, plagioclase, plague-sore
1 plaguing, plaice, plaid cymru, plain-dealing, plain-song, plainchant, plaining, plainly, plainness, plains indians, plains-wanderer, plainsong(或plainchant), plain,the, plait, plan, planarian, planche, planck, planck’s constant, planck’s radiation law, planck,max karl ernst ludwig, plane tree, plane trigonometry, planetarium, planetary nebula, planetary probe, planetoid, planiform, planigraph, planimeter, plank, plankton, planoconvex spotlight, planograph, planometer, plant breeding, plant bug, plant hopper, plant hormone(或phytohormone), plant louse, plant pigment, plant response, plantagenet:, plantagenet,house of, plantagenet,richard,duke of york, plantan, plantation of ireland, plantation system, planudes maximus(或maximus planudes), plaque, plash, plasma expanders, plasma(或blood plasma), plasmapheresis, plasmodium, plassey,battle. of, plaster of paris, plasterer, plastering, plastic, plastic surgery, plasticity, plastics, plastron, plataea, plata,rio de la(或plate,river), plate tectonics, plateau indians, platelet, plateresque, plate,river, platfond, platform tennis, plath,sylvia, plating, platinum, platinum-iridium, platonism, platoon, plattdeutsch, platte river, platyhelminthes, platykurtosis, platypus, plaudit, plauen, plausible, plausive, plautus:, plautus,titus maccius, player, player piano(或 pianola), playing cards, playing-day, plaza, plaza lasso,galo, pleach, pleached, pleasance, pleasant-spirited, please-man, pleasence,donald, pleasing, pleat, pleb, plebe, plebeian, plebeians(或 plebs), plebs, plectron, plehve, pleiades, pleiade,la, pleinairism, pleistocene epoch, plekhanov, plekhanov,georgi valentinovich, plelade, plenary, plene administravit, plenipotence, plenteous, plenties, plenty,bay of, plenum, plesiosaurus, pless:, plessy v.ferguson, pleuche, pleurisy, pleven(或plevna), plexiglass, plexure, pliable, pliant, plica, plie, plighted, plimsoll line, plinth, pliny the elder, pliny the younger, pliocene epoch, pliohippus, pliosaur, plo, plock, plodder, plodding, ploiesti, plomer,william, ploody, plop, plotinus, plotlinus, plovdiv, plover, plow(或plough), plowright,joan, plucker-down, plug, plumage, plumb, plumbago, plumed, plump, plumy, plunder, plunge, plunket,st oliver, plural, pluralism, plurel, plurilingual, plurisy, plurisyllable, plus, plusfours, plush, plutarch, plutarchy, pluto:, plutonomy, pluvial, plymouth brethren, plymouth colony, plymouth rock, plywood, plzen(或pilsen), pm, pneuma, pneumococcus, pneumoconiosis, pneumonia, pnp型晶体管, pn结, pn结激光器, po river, poach, pocahontas, pocatello, pochard, pocket borough, pocket gopher, pocky, pocono mountains, pod, podgorny, podgorny,nikolai viktorovich, podhoretz,norman, podia, podiatry, podium, podolia, podolsk, pody, podzol, poe, poesy, poet laureate, poetry, poe,edgar allan, poggio bracciolini,gian francesco, pogo, pogonophore, poignancy, poikilothermal animal, poikilothermy, poincare, poincare,jules henri, poincare,raymond, poinciana, poinsettia, point four program, point-blank, point-device, point-devise, point-to-point, pointe, pointe-a-pitre, pointe-noire, pointer, pointing-stock, poised, poison gas, poison hemlock, poison ivy(或poison oak), poisoned, poisoning, poisson,simeon-denis, poitiers, poitiers,diane de, poitier,sidney, poitou, poker, pokeweed, pokey, pol pot, pola, polack, polacks:, poland, poland winter:, poland,partitions of, poland,people's republic of, polanski,roman, polar, polar bear, polar exploration, polar wandering, polaris missile, polaris(或north star), polarized light, polaroid, polaroid camera, polder, pole star, pole vault, pole:, polecat, polemic (al), polemology, pole,de la, pole,reginald,cardinal, police dog, polignac, polignac,auguste jules armand marie,prince de, polimetrician, polio(或poliomyelitis), polis, polish, polish corridor, polish succession,war of the, polish(或lekhitic), polished, politburo, polite, politian, politic, political, political action committee, political party, political science, politically, politician, politicly, poliziano(或politian), polka, polk,james knox, poll tax, poll-axe, pollack(或pollock), pollack,sydney, pollaiuolo,antonio, pollaiuolo,piero, pollen, pollination, polliwog, pollock, pollock,jackson, pollute, pollux, pollux(或beta geminorum), pollyanna, polo pony, polonium, polorus, polo,marco, poltava, poltergeist, poly, polyadic, polyandric, polyanthus, polyarchy, polybius, polycarp,st, polycentric, polychlorinated biphenyl, polychotomous, polychroism, polychromatic, polychtan, polyclitus(或 polycletus), polycrates, polycythaemia(或 polycythemia), polyester, polyethylene, polyfunctional, polygamous, polygamy, polygene, polyglot, polygonatum, polygonum, polygraph, polyharmony, polyhedral, polyhedron, polyhistor, polylemma, polymath, polymer, polymerization, polymethyl methacrylate, polymorph, polymorphism, polynary, polyneices, polynesia, polynesian, polynesian languages, polynices(或polyneices), polynome, polynomial, polynominal, polyp, polyp and medusa, polypeptide, polyphemus, polyphemus moth, polyphone, polyphony, polyphylesis, polyplane, polypody, polypolarity, polypoly, polypropylene, polypsychism, polysaccharide, polysyllogism, polysymmetrical, polysynthesism, polytechnic (al), polytechnics, polyterm, polytetrafluoroethylene, polythene(或polyethylene), polytrichum, polyurethane, polyvalent, polyversity, polyvinyl acetate, polyvinyl chloride, pombal,sebastiao jose de carvalho e melo,marques de, pome, pomegranate, pomelo, pomeranian, pomewater, pomfret:, pomgarnet:, pomp, pompadour, pompadour,antoinetle poisson, marquise de, pompano, pompeius magnus, pompey the great:, pompey,the great(或pompeius magnus), pompidou, pompidou,centre national d'art et de culture georges, pompidou,george, pompion:, pompon, pomposity, pomposo, pompous, pompously, ponce, ponce de leon,juan, ponceau, ponchielli,amilcare, poncho, pond, pond skater(或 water strider), pond turtle, ponder, ponderous, pondweed, ponendo ponens, ponetial, pongee, pongo, poniatowski, poniatowski,jozef, ponselle,rosa, pons,lily, ponta delgada, pontchartrain,lake, ponte vecchio, pontefract, pontevedra, pontiac, pontiac's rebellion (或pontiac's conspiracy), pontic sea:, pontifex, pontifical, pontine marshes, pontius pilate, pontlevis, ponton, pontoon, pontoon bridge, pontoppidan, pontoppidan,henrik, pontormo,jacopo da, pontypool, pontypridd, pony club, pony express, poodle, pooh, pooka, pool (poole):, poole, poona, poona(或pune), poor laws, poorly, poorwill, pop art, pop music, popedom, pope,alexander, popingay, popinjay, popish plot, poplin, popocatepetl,mount, popov,aleksandr stepanovich, popov,oleg konstantinovich, popperin pear:, popper,sir karl raimund, poppet, popski's private army, populace, popular front, popular sovereignty, popularity, populate, population, populations,stellar, populist party, porbeegle, porcupine fish(或 balloon fish), porgy and bess, porgy(或sea bream), pori, porifera, poring, porism, porn, pornography, porphyreous, porphyria, porringer, port adelaide, port arthur, port elizabeth, port glasgow, port harcourt, port jackson(或 sydney harbour), port klang, port lyautey, port phillip bay, port pirie, port royal, port said(或bur said), port sudan, port talbot, port vila, port-au-prince, port-gentil, port-of-spain, portadown, portage, portamento, portance, portapak, portatone, portcrayon, portendous, portent, portentous, porter, porter,cole albert, porter,katherine anne, porter,peter, porter,william sydney, portfolio, portico, portile de fier, portinari,candido, portland, portland vase, portland,isle of, portland,william henry cavendish bentinck, 3rd duke of, portlaoise(或 maryborough), portmanteau, porto, porto alegre, porto novo, porto-novo, portobelo, portola,gaspar de, portrait, portsmouth peace conference, portugal, portugal,republic of, portuguese, portuguese east africa, portuguese guinea, portuguese literature, portuguese man-of-war, portuguese west africa, portulaca, porvoo, posada,jose guadalupe, pose, poseidonius, posen, poser, poseur, posh, posit, positive integer, positivism, positron, posse, possessed, possession, possessor, posset, possibilities, possie, possitable:, possum, post-haste, post-horse, post-partum depression, post-post-haste, posterior, posteriors, posterity, posterization, postern, postfigurative, postiche, posticum, postlude, postmaster, postmortem, postnuptial, postpone, postscenium, postscoring, postscript, postsynchronization, posttibia, posttraumatic, postulant, posture, post,emily price, post,wiley, pot marigold, potala palace, potassium, potassium carbonate, potassium chloride, potassium hydroxide, potassium nitrate, potassium permanganate, potassium-argon dating, potation, potato, potato beetle, potato blight, potato(或white potato), potatoes, potawatomi, potchefstroom, potemkin,grigori aleksandrovich, potency, potential, potential energy, potential,electric, potentiate, potentilla, potentiometer, potentiometer(或voltage divider), potently, pothecary, pother, potherb, pothole, pothos(或golden pothos), potida, potion, potlatch, potluck, potomac river, potosi, potpan:, potsdam conference, potshot, potter, potter wasp, potteries,the, pottery, potter,beatrix, potter,paul, potter,stephen, potting, pottle, pottle-deep, pottle-pot, potto, potty, pouched rat, pouf, pouffe, poulenc,francis, poult, poulter, poultice, poultry, pounce, pouncet-box, pound scum, pound,ezra, pound,roscoe, pour, pour les, poussin,nicolas, pout, povera, poverty bay, powder metallurgy, powdering-tub, powell,anthony, powell,cecil frank, powell,john enoch, powell,john wesley, power plant(或power station), powers, powers,hiram, power,electric, powhatan, powhatan confederacy, powhatan(或 wahunsonacock), powys,john cowper, pox, poy, poynings’law, poznan, poznan riots, pozzuoli, ppi, pr, prabble, practic, practical, practice, practisant, practise, practising, praecipe, praeclarissimus filius noster henricus,rex angli-ae,et haeres franciae, praedial, praefect, praesepe, praesidium, praetor, praetor(或pretor), praetorian guard(或praetorians), praetorius,michael, pragging, pragmatic, pragmatic sanction, pragmatics, pragmatism, prague school, prairie dog, prairie provinces, prairie schooner, prairie wolf, prakrit, pram, prandtl,ludwig, prang, prasad,rajendra, prase, praseodymium, prat, prater, pratihara dynasty, pratincole, prating, prato(或prato in toscana), prattle, prattle about, prattler, pravda, prave, prawl, prawn, praxeology, praxis, praxiteles, prayer, praying mantis, pre-competition, pre-election opinion poll, pre-eminence, pre-instructional strategies, pre-interview briefing, pre-market opening mechanism, pre-match, pre-olympic competition, pre-open allocation session, pre-opening session, pre-order matching period, pre-race, pre-raid, pre-raphaelite brotherhood(或pre-raphaelites), pre-resignation leave, pre-retirement leave, pre-retirement seminar, pre-water, preachment, preamble, preambulate, prearrange, preassign, precambrian, precarious, precatory, precaution, precede, precedence, precedent, preceding, precensor, precent, preceptial, precession, precession of the equinoxes, precious stone, precious-juiced, precipit, precipitation, precisely, preciseness, precisian, preclavicle, preclinical, preclude, precocious, precognition, precollege, preconception, precondition, preconscious, preconsonantal, precurse, predate, predation, predeceased, predecessor, predefined futures calendar spreads, predesign, predestinarian, predestinate, predestination, predetermine, predicant, predicate, predict, predigest, predilection, predispose, predoctoral, predominance, predominate, preeches:, preeclampsia, preelect, preem, preeminent, preempt, preemption act, preen, preengage, prefabrication, preface, prefect, preference shares, preferment, preferred, prefigure, prefire, prefix, prefixed, preflight, prefocus, prefogging, preform, pregame, pregnancy tests, pregnant, prehension, prehistoric man, prejudge, prejudicial, prelate, prelaunch, prelim, preliminary, prelimit, prelude, premarital, premarriage health checkings, premature, premature birth, prematurity, premaxilla, premedical, premeditate, premeditation, premiere, preminger,otto ludwig, premise, premised, premiss, premium, premolar, premonition, premonstratensians, premyslid dynasty, prenatal, prenatal diagnosis, prendergast,maurice brazil, prenex, prenominate, prentice, preoccupy, preoperation, preparation, preparations, prepared, prepay, prepend, prepense, preplan, preponderate, prepossess, preposterous, preposterously, prepotency, prepping, preprandial, prepreference, preprimary, preprocess, preproduction, preprofessional, preprogram, prepster, prepubertal, prequalification experience, prequalified tender, prerecord, preregistration, prerelease, prerequisite, prerogatifes, prerogatived, presaging, presale, presbyter, presbyterianism, preschool, preschool education, prescience, prescind, prescott,william hickling, prescript, prescription, preseason, preselect, presell, presenile, presented, presenter, presently, preservation, preset, preside, president pro tempore of the senate, presidential government, presidential range, presidio, presidium, presley,elvis aaron, presocratics, press gang, press-money, pressburg,treaties of, pressure gauge, prest, prestart, prester john, prester john:, prestige, presto, prestonpans, prestressed concrete, prestretching, prestwick, presumption, presupposed, presurmise, pretax, preteen, pretence, pretended, pretender,old, pretender,young, preterhuman, pretermit, preternormal, pretersensual, pretersonics, pretest, pretext, pretoria convention, pretorius,andries wilhelmus jacobus, pretreat, pretrial
1 prettify, prettily, pretzel, prevailment, prevaricate, prevenience, prevention, preventive medicine, prevert,jacques, preview, previn,andre, previous, prevision, prevost d'exiles,antoine francois,abbe, prevost,sir george, prevue, prewar, preyful, priam, priam:, priapus, pribbles and prabbles:, pribilof islands, price index, price theory, prices and incomes policy, price,mary leontyne, prick-eared, prick-song, pricking, prickly heat, prickly pear, prickly poppy, pride's purge, pride,thomas, pridge, prief, priest's hole, priestley,john boynton, priestley,joseph, prig, primacy, primage, primary colours, primary education, primates, primaticcio,francesco, prime meridian, prime minister(或 premier), prime number, primero, primer,paint, primest, primitivism, primo de rivera,miguel, primo ,secundo ,tertio (it.):, primogenitary, primogenitor, primogeniture, primp, primula, primum cognitium, primum mobile, primy, prince edward island, prince of wales, prince rupert, princely, princeps, princes, princess royal, princeton, princeton university, principate, principe, principe island, principia, principle, princox, pring, prink, printed circuit, printing, prion, prior,matthew, pripet marshes, pripet(或 pripyat) ,river, pripyat(或pripet、pinsk)marshes, priscian, priscian:, priser, prisoner of war, pritchett,victor sawden, prithee, prittle-prattle, privacy act of 1974, private, private medical insurance, privateering, privatization, privet, privileged, privily, privy council, privy-kitchen, prizer, pro, pro bono publico, pro patria, pro rata, pro tempore appointment, pro-and-con, pro-vice chancellor, proactive, probable, probal, probate, probe, probity, problem, problema, proboscis monkey, procedure, proceeder, proceeding, proceedings, proces-verbal, procession, processionary caterpillar, proclaimed, proclamation, proclamation of 1763, proclamation of amnesty and reconstruction, proclivity, proclus, procne, proconsul, procop, procopius, procreant, procreate, procrustean, procrustes, proctor, procuress, procyon(或alpha canis minoris), prod, prodigal:, prodigality, prodigious, prodltor, prodorsum, producer gas, productivity, proem, proface, profanely, profaner, professed, professor, proffered, proficiency, proficient, profile, profit sharing, profited, profligate, proforma=pro forma, profuse, progenitor, progeria, progesterone, proggins, prognose, program music, program(me), programmed instruction(或programmed learning), programming language, program,computer, progressive education, progressive party, progressive taxation, prohibition, projector,film, prokofiev,sergei sergeyevich, prokop(或 procop), prokopyevsk, prolactin, prolegomenon, prolepsis, proletarian, proletariat, proletary, prolicide, proliferate, prolific, proline, prolix, prolixity, prolocutor, prologize, prolusion, prom, promenade, promenade concerts, promethean, prometheus, promethium, prominence, prominence;solar, promiscuity, promised, promnesia, promo, promontory, promote, promotion, prompting, promptitude, pronaos, pronatalist, pronate, pronator, proneur, prong, pronghorn(或prongbuck), propaganda, propane, propel, propellent, propeller, propensity, proper motion, proper-false, properties, propertius,sextus, prophecy, prophesy, prophet, prophets, prophylaxis, propitiate, propjet, proponent, propontic:, proportional representation, proportioned, proportions, proposed, proposer, propositio, proposition, propositional calculus, propraetor=propretor, proprietarian, proprietary medicine, proprieter, proprioception, proprius, proproctor, propulsion, propylaea, prorogate, prorogue, prorogued, proscribe, prose, prosect, proselyte, proseminar, proserpina(或proserpine), prosign, prosocial, prosody, prospectus, prosperity, prosperous, prostaglandin, prostate gland, prosthodontics, prostitute, prostrate, prostyle, prosy, prosyllogism, protactinium, protagonist, protagoras, protasis, protaxis, protea, protean, protection, protectionism, protective coloration, protector, protectorate, protectoscope, protectress, protege, protend, protension, proterozoic, protestant, protestant episcopal church, protestant ethic, protestant union, protestantism, proteus, proteus:, prothetelic, prothrombin, protistology, protists, protobiology, protoceratops, protochordate, protocol, protocols of zion, protogenes, protopathic, protophyte, protoplast, protoscience, protostar, prototype, protozoa, protrude, protuberant, protura, proudhon, proudhon,pierre joseph, proudly, proust,joseph-louis, proust,marcel, prout,william, provencal, provence, provender, proverb, proverbed, proverbs(of solomon), provided, providently, provincetown, provincial roses:, provision, provisions of oxford, provocate, provocation, provoke, provoker, provoking, provost, provulgate, prowess, proxicon, proxima centauri, proximal, proximeter, proximo, proxy, prudence, prudent, prudhoe bay, prud’hon,pierre paul, pruning, prunus, prurience, prusik, prussic acid, prynne,william, przemysl, przewalski's horse(或mongolian wild horse), précis, psalm, psalmist, psalms(或psalter), psalterion, psaltery, psamtik ⅰ, psellos, psemtek([ˈpsetik])ⅰ, psephology, pseuda, pseudo-dionysius the areopagite, pseudonymity, pseudopodium, psi gamma, psi kappa, psi particle, psi phenomenon, psi process, psi system, psilocybe, psilocybin, psilophytales, psittacosis(或 parrot fever), pskov, pskov school, psoas, psoriasis, psycbophysics, psych, psyche, psychedelic drugs, psychiatry, psychical research, psycho, psychoactive, psychobabble, psychobiology, psychocultural, psychodelic, psychodiagnosis, psychodrama, psychodynamic, psychoeducational, psychogenic, psychograph, psychohistory, psychohygiene, psychoid, psycholinguist, psycholinguistics, psychologic(al), psychological novel, psychology, psychometric(al), psychomotor, psychopathia, psychopathology, psychopathy, psychopharmacology, psychophonetics, psychophysics, psychophysiology, psychoreaction, psychosensorial, psychosexual, psychosocial, psychosomatic, psychosomatic disorder, psychosurgery, psychosymbolic, psychotherapeutics, psychotherapy, psychotic disorder, psychoticism, pt, ptah, ptarmigan, pteranodon, pteraspis, pteridophyte, pterodactyl, pteropad, pterosaur, ptolemaic, ptolemaic system, ptolemies, ptolemy ⅰ soter, ptolemy ⅱ philadelphus, ptolemy ⅹⅲ theos philopator, ptolemy([ˈtɔləmi])ⅰ, ptolemy(或claudius ptolemaeus), ptomaines, pu, pub, puberal, puberty, pubis, public debt, public health, public record office, public relations, public safety,committee of, public school, public works administration, publican, published, publishing, publius curnelius scipia aemilianus, publius curnelius scipia africanus, puccini,giacomo, puce, pucelle,jean, pucelle,la (fr.):, pucker, pudder, puddle, puddled, pudong developing, pudong new area, pudovkin,vsevolod, puebla, pueblo indians, pueblo plan, puerile, pueritia (l.):, puerperal fever, pueyrredon,juan martin de, pufendorf,samuel von, puff (cap.):, puff adder, puffball, puffbird, puffed, puffer(或 blowfish), puffin, pugachev, pugachev,emelyan ivanovich, puget sound, pugin,augustus webby northmore, puglia, pugnacious, pugwash conferences, puisny, puissance, puissant, puke, pula(或pola), pulaski,casimir, pulcher (l.):, pulchritude, pulci,luigi, pulfrich effect, pulfrich pendulum effect, puli, pulitzer prizes, pulitzer,joseph, puller-down, pullet-sperm, pullicat, pullman,george mortimer, pullover, pully, pulmonary, pulmonary embolism, pulp, pulpiter, pulsar, pulsidge, puma, pumelo, pumicate, pumice, pumpion, pumpkin, pumps, pun, punch, punch and judy, puncheon, punchinello, punchup, punctiform, punctilio, puncto, punctual, punctuate, punctuation, puncturable, pundit, pune, pungency, punic, punic wars, punish, punition, punjabi, punta arenas, punter, punto reverso:, punt,land of, pupa, puppetry, pur autre vie, pura sexunlity, purbeck,isle of, purblind, purcell,edward mills, purcell,henry, purchas,samuel, purdah, pure land buddhism, purfle, purgatives, purged, puri, purify, purim, purine, purism, puritanism, purkinje afterimage, purkinje cell, purkinje effect, purkinje phenomenon, purkinje shift, purl, purlieus, purlin, purography, purple heart, purple martin, purple-in-gran, purposed, purposing, purpura, purpure, purr:, purse-taking, pursent, purser, purslane, pursuance, pursue, pursuit, pursuivant, pursuivant-at-arms, pursy, purusa, purus,rio, purvey, purveyor, purview, pusan, pusey,edward bouverie, push-pin:, pushkin,aleksandr, pushpin, pusillanimity, pussel, putative, putnam, putnam,israel, putsch, putschism, putter-on, putting, puttock, putumayo,rio, puvis de chavannes,pierre, puzzel, puzzled, pvc, py, pycnogonida, pyelitis, pygal, pygmalion, pygmalionism, pygmies, pygmy, pygmy hippopotamus, pygmy owl, pyjamas, pyknolepsy, pyknometry, pyknophrasia, pyle,ernie, pyle,howard, pylon, pylos, pym,john, pynchon,thomas, pyongyang, pyorrhea, pyracantha(或firethorn), pyralid moth, pyramids,battle of the, pyramis, pyramus and thisbe, pyramus and thisby (thisbe):, pyre, pyrenean mountain dog(或great pyrenees), pyrenees, pyrenees,peace of the, pyrethrum, pyretotyphosis, pyrex, pyridine, pyridoxine, pyriferous, pyrimidine, pyrite, pyroclastic rock, pyroelectricity, pyrogallol, pyrogen, pyrograph, pyrolysis, pyromania, pyrometallurgy, pyrophobia, pyrotechnic, pyroxenes, pyrrho, pyrrhon, pyrrhus:, pyruvic acid, pythagoras:, pythagorean theorem, pythagoreanism, pytheas, pythian games, pyx, pyxis, pànɡ, pèn, pènɡ, pìnɡ, póu, pā, pāng, pānɡ, pēng, pěi, pěn, pīng, pīnɡ, pǎi, pǎn, pǎnɡ, pǒu, p型半导体, q fever, q.叙利亚, q.杂项, q.瑞典, qaboos ibn sa’id, qaddafi,muammar al-, qaid, qajar([ˈkɑ:jɑr]) dynasty, qajars, qattara depression, qazvin, qc, qdii, qfii, qi, qin dynasty, qinghai-tibet plateau, qiàng, qiànɡ, qiá, qiònɡ, qiù, qiānwǎ, qiōnɡ, qiǔ, qom, qs, qu, qua, quack, quad, quadra, quadragesima, quadrangle, quadraphonic, quadraphonic sound, quadrate, quadratic, quadratic equation, quadratic function, quadrel, quadriceps, quadriform, quadrigemina, quadrigonal, quadrilateral, quadrille, quadripolarity, quadriporticus, quadrivial, quadro, quadroon, quadruple, quadruple alliance, quadruplicate, quaere, quaesitum, quaestor, quagga, quai d'orsay, quailing, quaintly, quaker, quakers, quaking grass, qualia, qualification, qualified, qualities, qualities,primary and secondary, qualm, qualmish, quamash, quandong, quantal, quantic, quantile, quantity theory of money, quantrill,william clarke, quantum number, quantum theory, quant,mary, quap, quarenden, quark, quarks, quarreller, quarrying, quartal, quarter days, quarter horse, quarter sessions,courts of, quartering, quartet, quartile, quarto, quartzite, quasar(或 quasi-stellar object), quash, quasi (l.):, quasi-stellar object, quasimodo,salvatore, quassia, quat, quaternary, quaternary period, quathlamba, quatrain, quatre bras, quattrocento, quaver, quay, que dit-il?, que dit-il,monsieur?, que estate, quean, queasiness, quebec act, quebracho, queen anne style, queen anne's lace(或wild carrot), queen anne's war, queen charlotte islands, queen elizabeth islands, queen mab:, queen maud land, queen's counsel, queens, queens award, queensberry rules, queensberry,john sholto douglas, queensland, queenston heights,battle of, queenstown, queer, quelea, quellenforschung, quenchless, queneau,raymond, quercia,jacopo della, quercy, queretaro, quern, query, quesnay,francois, quesnel,pasquier, question, question:, questionable, questioning, questionless, questrist, quetta, quetzal, quetzalcoatl, queue, quezon, quezon city, quezon,manuel luis, qui la (fr.):, qui nhon, qui.quae. quod, quibble, quibdo, quiberon, quiche, quick-conceiving, quicken, quickie, quickly,hostess:, quicksand, quicksilver, quid, quid for quo:, quid pro quo, quiescent, quiet, quietism, quietly, quiller couch,sir arthur thomas, quillet, quillity, quillwort, quilmes, quimper, quinapalus:, quinary, quince:, quinck tube, quincuncial, quincy, quine, quine,willard van orman, quinine, quinone, quinsy, quintain, quintana roo, quinte, quintefoil, quintero brothers, quintet, quintette, quintilian(或 marcus fabius quintilianus), quintin mcgarel hogg, quinton, quintuple, quintuplet, quipu, quirinus, quirister, quirkish, quis, quisling,vidkun(abraham lauritz jonsson), quits, quittance, quivive, quixote, quiz, qumeran,khirbat, quodlibet, quodlibetz, quoif, quoin, quoits, quomodo, quondam (l.):, quoniam (l.):, quorum, quota, quotas,import, quoth, quotidian, quotient, quran, qutb shahi dynasty, qu’ai-je oublie (fr.):, qu’appelle river, qwaqwa, qwerty keyboard, qūn, qǔn, r.伊拉克, r.捷克斯洛伐克(原捷), ra, ra(或re), raabe,wilhelm, rabat(或ribat), rabaul, rabbet, rabbi, rabbin, rabbit-sucker, rabblement, rabelais, rabelais,francois, rabid, rabies(或hydrophobia), rabin,yitzhak, rabi,isidor isaac, raccoon, raccoon dog, race walking, racematization, racer, racerunner, rachiform, rachilla, rachis, rachmaninoff,sergey, racial discrimination, raciness, racine,jean
1 racism, racked, racker, rackets(或racquets), rackham,arthur, racking, racon, raconteur, racquet, racquets, rad, radcliffe college, radcliffe-brown,alfred reginald, radcliffe,ann, raddle, radek,karl, radhakrishnan,sir sarvepalli, radiac, radial velocity, radian, radiate, radiation, radiation biology, radiation sickness, radiation therapy(或radio therapy), radiation,heat, radiation,nuclear, radical(或root), radic,stjepan, radiguet,raymond, radin,paul, radio astronomy, radio free europe, radio galaxy, radio interferometer, radio range, radio source, radio telescope, radio therapy, radioactive carbon dating, radioactive isotope, radioactive tracer, radioactive waste, radioactivity, radiobeacon, radiocarbon dating(或radioactive carbon dating), radiochemistry, radiography, radioimmunoassay, radioisotope tracer, radioisotope(或radioactive isotope), radiolaria, radiology, radiometer, radiometric dating, radiosonde, radisson,pierre esprit, radium hill, radnorshire, radom, radome, radon, raeburn,sir henry, raeder,erich, raf, rafferty, raffia(或raphia), raffish, raffle, raffles, rafflesia, raffles,sir thomas stamford, rafraichometer, raft, ragged, ragged robin, ragged schools, raggedest, raggedness, ragger, raggio di calabria, raging, raglan, raglan,fitzroy james henry somerset, 1st baron, ragnarok, ragusa, ragweed, ragworm, ragwort, rah, raid, raikes,robert, railer, railing, railway, raiment, rain forest, rain tree(或 saman), rainey,joseph hayne, raine,kathleen, rainier ⅲ, rainier,mount, rainy, rais(或retz) ,gilles de, raised, raisin, raison d'etre, raja, rajagopalachari,chakravarti, rajasthan, rajasthani, rajkot, rajputs, rakoczy ⅱ ,ferenc, raleigh, raleigh,sir walter, rallentando, rallis,george john, ram singh, rama([ˈrɑ:mə])ⅰ, ramachandra, ramakrishna(或sri ramakrishna paramahansa), ramanuja, ramanujan,srinivasa, raman,sir chandrasekhara venkata, ramapithecus, ramat gan, rambert,dame marie, ramble, rambler's association, rambouillet, rambouillet,catherine de vivonne de savelli, rambunctious, rambutan, rameau,jean philippe, ramie, ramificate, ramillies,battle of, ramon y cajal,santiago, ramp, rampallian, rampal,jean-pierre, rampancy, rampant, rampart, ramping, ramsay,allan, ramsay,sir william, ramses ⅰ, ramses ⅱ the great, ramses ⅲ, ramsey,alf, ramsey,michael, ramsgate, ramtil, ramus,petrus, ramuz,charles-ferdinand, rancagua, rance,river, ranch, rancorous, randolph,asa philip, randolph,edmund, random, randon, rand,ayn, rand,the, rangabe(或rhangavis) ,alexandros rizos, rangefinder, ranger, ranging, rangoon, ranjit singh,maharaja, ranjitsinhji vibhaji,kumar shri, maharaja jam saheb of nawanagar, ranke, ranker, ranke,leopold von, rankine,william john macquorn, rankly, rankness, ranks, rank,joseph arthur, 1st baron, rank,otto, rann of kutch, ransome,arthur mitchell, ransom,john crowe, rant, rantankerous, ranting, ranunculaceae, raoult's law, raoult,francois marie, rao,raja, rap, rapacious, rapanui, rape of lucrece,the, raphael santi(或raphael sanzio), raphia, rapid, rapid eye movement sleep, rapin, raplot, rappahannock, rapport, rapporteur, rapprochement, rapt, rapture, rare-earth metals, rarity, rarotonga, rasbora, rascally, rase, rash-embraced, rash-levied, rasher, rashi, rashly, rashness, rasht(或resht), rask,rasmus christian, rasmussen,knud john victor, rasp, rasputin, rasputin,grigori yefimovich, rastafarians, rat islands, rat kangaroo, rat snake, rat-catcher, ratchet, rated, ratel(或honey badger), rates, ratfink, ratfish, rath, rathenau,walther, rathlin island, ratifier, ratine, ratio, ratio decidendi, ratiocinate, ration, rational, rational number, rationale, rationalism, ratisbon, ratite, ratline, ratsbane, ratten, rattie,simon, rattigan,sir terence, rattily, rattle, rattlesnake, rattling, ratzel,friedrich, raught, rauschenberg,robert, rauschenbusch,walter, rauwolfia, ravage, ravelled, ravel,maurice, ravening, ravenna, ravenspurgh:, raver, ravidous, ravin, ravined, raving, ravished, ravi,river, raw-boned, rawalpindi, rawer, rawlings,jerry, rawlinson,sir henry creswicke, rawly, rawness, rawsthorne,alan, ray(或wray) ,john, rayburn,samuel taliaferro, rayed, rayleigh,john william strutt, 3rd baron, raynaud's disease, rayonism, rayonnant, ray,man, ray,satyajit, razed, razi ar-(或rhazes), razin,stenka, razor, razor shell, razorbill, rb, re-, re-answer, re-edify, re-entry, re-verification of ballot paper account, re-word, reabsorb, reaching, reacquire, react, reactance, reactant, reaction propulsion, reaction,chemical, reactivate, reactor,nuclear, readapt, reade,charles, readiness, reading,rufus daniel isaacs, 1st marquess of, readjust, readmit, ready-made, read,sir herbert, reaffirm, reagan,ronald, reagent, reak, reakless, real, real number, real tennis, realia, realign, realism, reallocate, reallowance, realtor, ream, reaped, reappoint, reapportion, reappraise, reardon,ray, rearward, reasonable, reasons, reassess, reaumur,rene-antoine ferchault de, reave, rebate, rebato, rebecca(或rebekah), rebeck:, rebellion of 1837, rebellious, reber,grote, rebirth, rebound, rebroadcast, rebuff, rebuild, rebus, rebused:, rebut, recalcitrance, recamier,jeanne francoise julie adelaide, recapitalize, recapitulate, recapture, recast, recatch, recce, recede, receipt, received pronunciation(rp), receiving, recense, recent, recentralization, receptacle, reception, receptor, recess, recession, recessive gene, recharge, recheat, recheck, recherché, recidivate, recife, recipe, recipient, reciprocal, recitative, recite, recivilize, reck, recklinghausen, reckoning, reclama, reclassify, recline, recluse, reclusive, recognise=recognize, recognizance, recollect, recollected, recolour, recombine, recomforture, recommence, recompose, recompt, recompute, reconcept, reconcilability, reconcilement, reconciliation, recondite, recondition, reconfigure, reconfirm, reconnaissance, reconnaissance satellite, reconsider, reconsignment, reconstitute, reconstruct, reconstruction, reconstruction finance corporation, reconvene, reconvert, recoop, record player(或 phonograph), recordation, recorded, recording of sound, recountment, recoup, recovery, recreance, recreant, recreate, recreation, recrement, recriminate, recruit, rectangle, rectifier, rectilineal, rectitude, rectum, rectus, recuperate, recur, recure, recurvate, recurve, recusal, recusancy, recycle, recycling, red admiral(或red admiral butterfly), red algae, red bird, red blood cell, red brigades, red clay, red cloud, red cross,international, red deer, red duster, red fox, red giant, red grouse, red indians, red mullet, red munia, red pepper, red river, red river of the north, red river rebellion, red river settlement, red salmon, red sea, red snapper, red spider(或spider mite), red squirrel, red tide, red-bellied snake, red-hot poker, red-lattice, redact, redan, redback spider, redbreast, redbridge, redbud, redcurrant, reddendum, redditch, reddle, rede, redecorate, redeemer, redefect, redefine, redeliver, redemand, redemption, redeny, redescribe, redesign, redevelop, redfield,robert, redford,robert, redgrave, redheaded woodpecker, redhot, rediffusion, redigest, redingote, redintegration, rediscount, rediscover, redish, redistribute, redi,francesco, redmond,john edward, redo, redolence, redondo beach, redon,odilon, redouble, redoubted, redoute,pierre joseph, redowa, redox reactions, redpoll, redraft, redshank, redshift, redstart, redtape, reducibility, reduction, reductionism, redundance, redundancy, reduplicate, redwing, redwood, redwood city, redwood national park, reechy, reed instruments, reed warbler, reedbuck, reeding, reedling, reedmace, reed,john, reed,sir carol, reed,stanley forman, reed,thomas brackett, reed,walter, reefer, reek, reeking, reeky, reeling, reemploy, reenforce, reenlist, reenter, reestablish, reestimate, reeve, reeves, reeves,william pember, reexamine, reexchange, reexport, reface, refashion, refect, refectory, reference, referendum, referendum and initiative, referential, refigure, refinance, refine, refining,ore, refinish, refire, reflate, reflect, reflecting, reflet, reflight, refluent, reflux, refocus, reforest, reform acts, reform bills, reform judaism, reformation,catholic, refract, refraction, refractory, reframe, refresh, refrigerate, refrigeration, reft, refuel, refugee, refulgence, refund, refurbish, refurnish, refute, regain, regal moth, regas, regatta, regency, regency period, regency style, regenerate, regeneration, regensburg(或ratisbon), reger,max, reggio nell'emilia, regime, regina, regiomontanus, regius, reglaze, reglet, regnal, regnier,henri francois joseph de, regnum, regrasp, regrate, regress, regret, regroup, reguerdon, regular, regulator movement, regulus, regulus,marcus attilus, rehabilitate, rehash, rehear, rehearse, rehnquist,william hubbs, rehoboam, rehumanize, reich, reichstadt,napoleon,duke of, reichstag fire, reichstag(或imperial diet), reich,wilhelm, reid,sir george houston, reid,thomas, reify, reigate, reign of terror, reignier:, reimburse, reimpose, reims(或rheims), reincarnate, reincarnation(或metempsychosis、transmigration of souls), reincrease, reindeer, reindeer moss, reindict, reindoctrinate, reinfecta, reinforced concrete, reinhardt,django, reinhardt,max, reins, reinstate, reinsurance, reintegrate, reinterpret, reintroduce, reinvest, reinvigorate, reissue, reiterate, reith,john charles walsham, 1st baron, reject, rejectivist, rejoice, rejoin, rejoinder, rejudge, rejuvenate, reland, relapsing fever, relation, relations, relative, relativistic mass, relativity theory, relatum, relax, relay, relay,electric, relearn, relegate, relend, relenting, relet, relevant, reliable, relic, relics, relief sculpture, relieve, relievo, religion,primitive, religion,wars of, religious, religiously, relinquish, reliquary, reliques, reliquidate, reloan, relocate, reluct, reluctance(或magnetic resistance), relume, rely, rem(rapid eve movement sleep), remainder, remake, remand, remanence, remargin, remark, remarked, remarque, remarque,erich maria, remarriage, remaster, rembrandt, rembrandt van rijn, remedial, remediate, remembered, remembrance, remembrance sunday, remembrancer, remind, remington,eliphalet, remington,frederic, reminisce, remint, remise, remission, remodel, remodify, remonetize, remonstrants, remonstrate, remora, remorseful, remorseless, remortgage, remote, remotion, remould, remount, removed, remscheid, remunerate, remus, remythologize, renaissance architecture, renaissance art, renaissance music, renal tubular acidosis(rta), renan,joseph ernest, renault,mary, rencontre, rendu, rene, renegade, renegado, renegotiate, renew, renewed church of brethren unitas fartrum, renfrew, renin, renitent, reni,guido, renminbi, rennes, rennet, rennie,john, reno, renoiresque, renoir,jean, renoir,pierre auguste, renominate, renovate, renowmed, renowned, rente, rentes, rentier, renunciate, renvoi, reoccupy, reorder, reorganize, reorient, reorientate, rep, repackage, repaint, repairing, reparations, repartee, repass, repasture, repatriate, repay, repechage, repeg, repelled, repercussion, repertoire, repertory, repetition, rephotograph, rephrase, replace, replan, replant, replay, repledge, replenished, replete, replevin, replica, replication, reply, repolish, reportingly, reposal, reposit, reposition, reposure, repoussage, repoussoir, represent, representation of the people acts, representative government, representatives,house of, representee, repress, repression, reprice, reprimand, reprint, reprise, repristinate, repro, reproachfully, reprobance, reprobate, reproduce, reproduction, reproductive system, reprofile, reprogram, reprographic, reprovable, reproveable, reptiles, repton,humphry, republican party, republican river, republicanism, republish, repudiate, repugnant, reputeless, request, requiem, requiem shark, requiem(或requiem mass), required, requiring, requisite, requote, reradiate, rere-mice, rerecord, reredos, reregistation, rerelease, reroute, rerun, res, resale, resale price maintenance, rescap, rescind, rescission, rescript, reseal, research, reseat, reseau, resect, reseda, resell, resemblance, resemble, resent, reserpine, reservation, reserved, reset, resettle, reshape, reship, reshoot, resht, reshuffle, reside, residence, resident, residual, residuary, residue, resile, resin, resins, resipiscence, resist, resistance,eletrical, resistor, resnais,alain, resocialization, resolute, resolution, resolved, resolving power, resonance, resonances, resonant, resound, resource, respeak, respecting, respective, respighi,ottorino, respiration, respiration,cellular, respiratory system, respire, resplend, respond, respondentia, responsive, respublica, rest mass, restart, restate, restaurant, restem, restitute, restive, restock, reston,james barrett, restoration, restoration literature, restorative, restraint, restrict
1 restrictive trade practices, restrike, restructure, restudy, result, resume, resupply, resurface, resurge, resurrect, resurrection, resurrection plant, resuscitate, retable, retake, retaliate, retard, retch, retell, retention,memory, retest, rethink, retiary, reticent, reticle, reticuloendothelial system, retina, retinal detachment, retinue, retirement, retouch, retrace, retract, retrain, retrait, retransmit, retread, retree, retrench, retrial, retribution, retrieve, retriever, retro, retroact, retrocede, retrocognition, retrodiction, retroduction, retroductive, retrofire, retrofit, retroflected, retrofocus, retrograde motion, retrogress, retroject, retroreflect, retrospect, retz,gilles de, retz,jean francois paul de gondi ,cardinal de, reuben, reubenite, reuben,tribe of, reunify, reunite, reuse, reuter, reuter,paul julius,baron von, reuther,walter philip, rev, reval, revaluate, revamp, revanche, reveal, reveille, revelation to john, revelation,book of, revelling, revengement, revengive, revenue act, reverb, reverberant, reverberate, reverberatory furnace, revere, reverence, reverend, reverent, reverently, revere,paul~, reverie, reversion, reverso, revery, revest, revet, review, revile, revise, revisit, revitalize, revitalize the chinese nation, revokement, revolera, revolt of the netherlands, revolted, revolting, revolution of 1848, revolution of 1905, revolutionary and napoleonic wars, revolutionary war,american, revolver, revue, revulsion, rewind, reword, rework, rewrite, rex(或rex)cat, rexroth,kenneth, reye's syndrome, reymont,ladislaus, reynard the fox, reynaud,paul, reynolds,sir joshua, reza shah pahlavi, rh disease rh, rh factor, rhadamanthus, rhaetian alps, rhaeto-romanic, rhangavis,alexandros rizos, rhapsodic, rhapsody, rhazes, rheims, rhenish, rhenium, rheostat, rhesus factor(或rh factor), rhesus monkey, rhesus:, rheticus, rheum, rheumatic, rheumatic fever, rheumatism, rheydt, rhine river, rhine-herne canal, rhineland, rhineland palatinate(或rheinland-pfalz), rhine,confederation of the, rhine,joseph banks, rhinoceros, rhinoceros beetle, rhizome(或rootstock), rhizopoda, rhode island, rhode island red, rhodesia and nyasaland,federation of, rhodesian ridgeback, rhodes,cecil john, rhodes,wilfred, rhodium, rhododendron, rhodope mountains, rhodophyta, rhodopsin, rhomb, rhondda, rhone,river, rhum, rhumb, rhumba, rhyme(或rime), rhyming, rhyolite, rhys,jean, rhythm and blues, rhythm method, rialto, riant, riband, ribat, ribbentrop, ribbentrop,joachim von, ribble, ribbon, ribbon snake, ribbonfish, ribbonworm(或nemertina), ribeirao preto, ribera,jose de, riboflavin, ribonucleic acid, ribose, ribosome, ribs, ricardo, ricardo,david, riccio,david, ricci,matteo, ricci,sebastiano, rice, rice riots, rice,elmer, richard coeur de lion, richard ⅱ, richard ⅲ, richard([ˈritʃəd])ⅰ, richard(ⅰ)the lionheart, richard:, richardson,dorothy miller, richardson,elliot lee, richardson,henry handel, richardson,henry hobson, richardson,john, richardson,samuel, richardson,sir ralph, richards,frank, richards,ivor armstrong, richards,sir gordon, richard,cliff, richard,earl of cornwall, richard,maurice, richborough, riched, richelieu, richelieu,armand jean du plessis,cardinal de, riches, richler,mordecai, richly, richmond-upon-thames, richmond:, richter scale, richter,charles francis, richter,hans, richter,sviatoslav, richthofen,manfred,freiherr von, rich,richard, 1st baron, ricimer, rickenbacker,edward vernon, rickets, rickettsia, rickettsial disease, rickety, rickover,hyman george, ricochet, ridden, riddling, rideau canal, ride,sally kristen, ridgeway(或icknield way), ridgway,matthew bunker, ridicule, ridley,nicholas, ridolfi,roberto, riebeeck,jan von, riefensthal,leni, riel,louis, riemann,georg friedrich bernhard, riemenschneider,tilman, rienzi(或rienzo) ,cola di, riesener,jean henri, riesman,david, rietveld,gerrit thomas, rif, rifacimento, rife, riffraff, riflebird, rifleman, rift valley, rift valley(或great rift valley), rig, rig veda, rigadoon, rigamarole, rigaree, rigby, rigel, right ascension, right whale, righteous, rightful, rightie, rightly, rights of man and of the citizen,declaration of the, rights,bill of, right,petition of, rigi, rigid, rigil kent, rigol, rigolette, rigor mortis, rigoroso, rigorously, rigour, rigour=rigor, riis,jacob august, rijeka, rijks museum(或ryks), rijswijk,treaty of, rikisha, rile, riley,bridget louise, riley,james whitcomb, rilke,rainer maria, rimbaud,arthur, rime, rimini, rimmer,william, rimple, rimsky-korsakov,nicolai, rinderpest(或cattle plague), rinehart,mary roberts, ring of the nibelung,the, ring ouzel, ringing, ringwood:, ringworm, rink, rio bravo, rio de janeiro, rio de la plata, rio grande(或rio bravo), rio muni, rio negro, riopelle,jean paul, riot act, riotinto,minas de, riotous, riouw islands, riparial, ripeness, riping, ripley,george, ripost(e), riposte, ripple, rishi, rising, risk, risqué, risso's dolphin, ritardando, rites, rites of passage(或passage rites), ritornello, ritschl,albrecht, rittenhouse,david, ritter,karl, ritzy, rivage, rive, rivera, rivera,diego, rivera,primo de, riverina, rivers, riverside, rivers,larry, rivers,william halse rivers, riviera, riyal, riza shah pahlevi, rizal, rizal,jose, rizzio,david, rms value, rna(或ribonucleic acid), rna病毒, roach, roach,hal, road-way, roam, roan antelope, roan:, roanoke, roanoke island, roanoke river, rob roy, robal, robbe-grillet,alain, robber, robber crab(或 coconut crab), robber fly, robbia, robbins,frederick chapman, robbins,jerome, robed, robert grosseteste, robert of courtenay, robert the wise, robert ⅰ, robert ⅰ guiscard, robert ⅰ(the bruce), robert ⅱ, robert ⅱ curthose, robert ⅱ(the pious), robert's rules of order, robertson,ethel richardson, robertson,oscar, roberts,elizabeth madox, roberts,frederick sleigh, 1st earl, roberts,kenneth lewis, roberts,tom, robeson,paul, robespierre, robespierre,maximilien francois marie isidore de, robey,sir george, robin, robinson crusoe, robinson,edward, robinson,edwin arlington, robinson,jackie, robinson,james harvey, robinson,john, robinson,lennox, robinson,sir robert, robinson,sugar ray, robinson,william heath, robomb, robotics, robson,dame flora, robust, robustious, robusti,jacopo, rochambeau,jean baptiste donatian de vimeur ,comte de, rochdale, rochefort-sur-mer, rochelle,la, roches moutonnees, rochester, rochester,john wilmot, 2nd earl of, rock carvings and paintings, rock crystal, rock dove, rock fish, rock music, rock rabbit, rock river, rock tripe, rock(或rock music), rockaboogie, rockall, rockefeller center, rockefeller group, rockefeller([ˈrɔkifelə])family, rockefeller,john davison, rockefeller,nelson aldrich, rockery, rocket engine, rockford, rockhampton, rockingham,charles watsonwentworth, 2nd marquess of, rockne,knute, rockrose, rockweed, rockwell hardness test, rockwell,norman, rocky mountain goat, rocky mountain sheep, rocky mountain spotted fever, rocky mountains, rock’n’roll, rodchenko,aleksandr, rode, rodent, rodeo, roderic, rodgers,richard charles, rodilla,simon, rodin,auguste, rodney,george brydges, 1st baron, rodo,jose enrique, rodrigo,joaquin, rodriguez, rodriguez francia,jose gaspar, rods and cones, roe, roe deer, roebling,john augustus, roemer,olaus(或ole), roentgen,wilhelm konrad, roeselare, roethke,theodore, roey, rogation, rogation days, rogatory, roger van der weyden, roger ⅱ, rogers,carl, rogers,ginger, rogers,john, rogers,robert, rogers,william penn adair, roget,peter mark, rogier, rogue river, roguery, roguish, rohmer,eric, rohm,ernst, rojas zorrilla,francisco de, rojas,fernando de, rokitansky,karl,freiherr von, roland, roland de la platiere,mason jeanne, roland,song of, role model, rolfe,frederick william, rolfe,john, rolland,romain, rollback, rolled, roller, roller skating, rolling stones,the, rolling,metal, rollo, rolls,charles stewart, rolvaag,ole edvart, roma, romage, romains,jules, roman art and architecture, roman catholic church, roman comedy, roman curia(或curia romana), roman de la rose, roman empire, roman law, roman mythology, roman numerals, roman religion, roman republic, roman roads, roman-fleuve, romance languages, romanesque art and architecture, romania, romania(或rumania), romanian(或rumanian), romanic, romanite, romanov, romanovs, romano,giulio, romansch(或romansh), romansh, romans,epistle of paul to the, romanticism, romanticism in architecture, romanticism in art, romanticism in music, romanus ⅰ, romanus ⅱ, romanus ⅲ, romanus ⅳ, romany, romanza, romaunt, romberg,sigmund, rome, rome(或roma), rome:, romeo and juliet, romer,olaus, rome,ancient, rome,treaties of, romford, rommel, rommel,erwin, romney marsh, romney,george, romp, romper, romulo,carlos pena, romulus and remus, romulus augustulus, roncesvalles, rondavel, rondel, rondelet, rondelle, rondino, rondo, rondure, ronin, ronsard,pierre de, rontgen, rontgen,wilhelm konrad, ronyon, rood, rood screen, roodepoort, roofed, rookie, rooky, roon,albrecht,graf von, roosevelt, roosevelt,anna eleanor, roosevelt,franklin delano, roosevelt,theodore, roost, rooster, root-mean-square value(或rms value), rooter, rootstock, root,elihu, ropery, roping, roque de los muchachos observatory, roquefort, roraima,mount, rorqual, rorschach test, rorschach,hermann, rory o'connor, rosace, rosaceae, rosario, rosary, rosas,juan manuel de, rosa,salvator, roscelin, roscius:, roscius,quintus, roscommon, rose and cromarty, rose beetle, rose of jericho, rose of sharon, rose window, rose:, rosebery,archibald philip primrose, 5th earl of, rosed, rosefish, rosella, roselle, rosemaled, rosenberg, rosenberg,alfred, rosenberg,isaac, rosenberg,julius and ethel, rosenfeld,morris, roseola infantum, roses,wars of the, rosetta stone, rosewall,ken, rosewood, rose,pete, rosh hashana, rosicrucianism, rosicrucians, rosin, rosin (或colophony), roskilde, ross dependency, ross island, ross sea, rossellini,roberto, rossetti,christina georgina, rossetti,dante gabriel, rosse,william parson, 3rd earl of, rossini,gioacchino antonio, rosso ⅱ, ross,betsy, ross,john, ross,sir james clark, ross,sir john, ross,sir ronald, rostand,edmond, roster, rostock, rostove-na-donu, rostovtzeff,michael ivanovich, rostropovich,mstislav, rostrum, roszak,theodore, rot, rota, rotary, rotate, rotation, rotation of crops, rothenburg ob der tauber, rotherham, rothermere,harold sydney harmsworth, 1st viscount, rothesay, rothko,mark, rothschild family, rothwell-miller interest blank, roth,philip, rotifer, rotochute, rotodome, rotodyne, rotofilm, rotograph, rotogravure, rotorua, rotoscope, rotten, rotten borough, rotterdam, rottweiler, rotund, rotundity, rouault,georges, roubaix, roubillac,louis francois, rouen, rouge, rougemont:, rouget de lisle,claude-joseph, rough riders, rough-cast, rough-hew, rouler, roulette, round table conference, roundelay, rounders, roundhead, roundheads, roundly, roundworm, rousse, rousseau, rousseau,henri, rousseau,jean jacques, rousseau,theodore, roussel,albert, roussel,raymond, route, routine, routineer, roux,pierre paul emile, rove, rove beetle, rowan, rowel-head, rowe,nicholas, rowing, rowland:, rowlandson,thomas, rowley,thomas, rowse,alfred leslie, roxana, roxano, roxas, roxas,manuel, roxburgh, royal academy, royal academy of dramatic art, royal air force(raf), royal and ancient golf club of st andrews, royal antelope, royal ballet, royal british legion, royal canadian mounted police, royal geographical society, royal greenwich observatory, royal highland regiment, royal horticultural society, royal institution, royal jelly, royal marines, royal mint, royal national lifeboat institution, royal navy, royal oak, royal opera house, royal palm, royal prerogatide, royal society, royal society for the prevention of cruelty to animals(rspca), royal society for the protection of birds(rspb), royal tunbridge wells, royal warrant holder, royal waterlily, royalize, royally, royalty, royce,josiah, royce,sir henry, roynish, royo sanchez,aristides, roy,rammohun, rp, rr lyrae stars, rsfsr, rspb, rspca, rta, ru, ruapehu,mount, rub'al-khali, rubaiyat of omar khayyam, rubbed, rubber plant, rubber tree, rubbing, rubbish, rubbra,edmund, rubella, rubens, rubens,peter paul, rubeola, rubicon, rubidium, rubidium-strontium dating, rubine, rubinstein,anton grigoryevich, rubinstein,artur, rubinstein,nicholas grigoryevich, rubious, rublyov,andrey, rubric, rubus, ruby, ruby copper, ruche, ruck, rucksack, ruckus, ruda slaska, rudd, rudder, rudely, rudesby, rudiment, rudiments, rudolf of hapsburg, rudolph, rudolph ⅰ, rudolph ⅱ, rudolphis rorqual, rueil-maimaison, rufescent, ruffin, ruffle, ruffling, rufinus, rufous, rugen, rugged, ruggles,carl, rugose, rugosity, rugs and carpets, ruhr, ruhr,river, ruinate, ruined, ruins, ruisdael(或 ruysdael) ,jacob van, ruiz,juan, rukeyser,muriel, ruler, rum, rum rebellion, rum(或rhum), rumania, rumanian, rumba, rumble, rumbustious, rumelia, rumford,benjamin thompson, count, ruminant, rumination, rumi,jalal ed-din(或 jalal uddin), rummery, rummy, rummy games, rumor,mariano, rump, rump-fed, rumple, rumpus, runagate, runaway, runaway inflation, runcie,robert alexander kennedy, runcorn, rundi, rundstedt,karl rudolf gerd von, runeberg,johan ludvig, runert's land(或prince rupert's land), rung, runic, runic alphabet(或runes), runner bean(或scarlet runner), running, runnymede(或runnimede), runyon,alfred damon, rupee, rupert, rupert,prince, rural, rurik, ruse, ruse(或russe、rousse), rush-bagot convention, rush-candle, rushes, rushling, rushy, rush,benjamin, rush,william, rusk, ruskin, ruskin,john, rusk,david dean, russe, russell's viper, russell,bertrand arthur william, 3rd earl of, russell,bill, russell,charles taze, russell,henry norris, russell,john, 1st earl, russell,ken, russell,lillian, russell,lord william, russell,rosalind, russell,sir william howard, russel,george william, russia company, russian, russian architecture, russian blue, russian company, russian five,the, russian literature, russian orthodox, russian revolution, russian soviet federal socialist republic(rsfsr), russian wolfhound, russo-finnish war(或 winter war), russo-japanese war, russo-turkish wars, rust fungi, rust(或corrosion), rustic, rustically, rusticate, rustle, rustler, rusty, rut, rut-time, ruthenium, rutherford, rutherfordium, rutherford,dame margaret, rutherford,ernest, 1st baron, rutherford,mark, ruthful, ruthless, ruthwell cross, ruth,babe, rutilant, rutland, rutland:, rutledge,ann, rutledge,john, rutledge,wiley blount,jr, ruwenzori mountains, ruyter,michiel adriaanszoon de, ruàn, ruá, ruán, ruí, ruó, ruǐ, rwanda, rwanda,republic of, ryazan, rybinsk, rydberg,abraham viktor, ryder cup, ryder,albert pinkham, rye house plot, rykov,aleksei ivanovich, ryks museum, ryle,gilbert, ryle,sir martin, ryokan, ryswick,treaty of, ryukyu, ryukyu islands
1 ràn, ràng, rànɡ, ránɡ, rènɡ, rénɡ, rònɡ, rún, rānɡ, rēnɡ, rū, rǒu, rǔn, r系(恢复系), r级, s.其它, sa carneiro,francisco, saadi(或sadi), saadia ben joseph al-fayumi, saale river, saar river, saarbrucken, saarinen,eero, saarland(或saar), saavedra lamas,carlos, saba:, sabadell, sabah, sabaism, sabaoth, sabatier,paul, sabbatai zevi, sabean, saber=sabre, sabian, sabine river, sabines, sabin,albert bruce, sable antelope, sable island, sable-coloured, sables, sabot, sabotage, sabre, sabre-toothed tiger(或saber tooth), sac and fox indians, sacajawea(或sacagawea,sakakawea), saccade, saccharin, saccharose, sacco-vanzetti case, sacerdocy, sachem, sachs,hans, sachs,nelly, sackbut, sackcloth, sackerson:, sackville-west,victoria mary, sackville,thomas, sacque, sacral, sacral bone, sacramento, sacramento mountains, sacramento river, sacrarium, sacred ibis, sacrifice, sacrilege, sacristy, sacrococcygeus, sacrum(或sacral bone), sad-eyed, sadat,anwar al-, sadder, saddle, saddleback, sadducees, sade,marquis de, sadhu, sadism, sadly, sadness, sado, safad(或zefat), safari, safarik,pavel josef, safavids(或safavid)dynasty, safe-conduct, safeguard, safety, safety lamp, saffarid, safflower, safi, sagacious, sagamore, sagan,carl edward, sage grouse(或sage hen), sagebrush, saggar, saginaw, sagittal, sagittarius, sagittary:, sago, saguaro(或sahuaro), saguenay river, sagunto, sahel, said, saida, saifawa, saiga, saigo takomori, saigon, sailfish, sailing, sailing(或rowing), sailplane, saimaa,lake, sain, sainfoin, saint albans, saint andrews, saint augustine, saint austell, saint bartholomew's day,massacre of, saint bernard, saint bernard passes, saint catharines, saint christopher, saint clair shores, saint clair,arthur, saint clair,lake, saint croix river, saint croix(或santa cruz), saint davids, saint elias range(或saint elias mountain), saint elmo’s fire, saint exupery,antoine de, saint francis river, saint gall(或sankt gallen), saint george's, saint george's channel, saint george:, saint gotthard, saint helena, saint helens, saint helens,mount, saint helier, saint ives, saint james's palace (或 saint james's), saint john, saint john river, saint john the divine,cathedral of, saint john's, saint john's wort, saint johns river, saint john,henry,viscount bolingbroke, saint joseph, saint joseph river, saint kitts-nevis, saint laurent,louis stephen, saint lawrence river, saint lawrence seaway, saint lawrence,gulf of, saint leger,barry, saint louis, saint lucia, saint martin, saint moritz, saint nazaire, saint paul, saint paul's cathedral, saint peter port, saint peter's church, saint petersburg, saint pierre, saint pierre and miquelon, saint sophia church, saint stephen’s crown, saint thomas, saint valentine's day, saint vincent and the grenadines, saint vincent,cape, saint vincent,gulf, saint-beuve,charles augustin, saint-cyr,ecole de, saint-danis, saint-denis, saint-gaudens,augustus, saint-germain,treaty of, saint-just,louis antoine leon de, saint-laurent,yves, saint-saens,charles camille, saint-simon, saint-simon,claude henri de rouvroy,comte de, saint-simon,louis de rouvroy ,duc de, saint-tropez, sainte-chapelle, saipan, saithe(或 pollock、coalfish、coley), sakai, sake, sake(或rice wine), sakhalin, sakhalin island, sakharov, sakharov,andrei dimitrievich, sakkara(或saqqarah), sakyamuni, sal ammoniac(或ammonium chloride), sal volatile(或ammonium carbonate), sala, salaam, salacious, salad, salado river, salamanca, salam,abdus, salary, salazar,antonio de oliveira, sale-work, salem, salerno, salford, salic law of succession, salicornia, salicylic acid, salience, salieri,antonio, salim, salinas, salinger,jerome david, salique, salisbury, salisbury plain, salisbury(或new sarum), salisbury:, salisbury,robert arthur talbot gascoyne-cecil, 3rd marquess of, salisbury,robert cecil, 1st earl of, salish, salish indians, salivary glands, salk,jonas edward, sall, sallet, sallust(或gaius sallustius crispus), salmonella, salmonellosis, salome, salomon:, salon des independants, salonica(或salonika、thessloniki), salonica,gulf of(或saronic gulf), salonika, saloon, salop, salsify(或oyster plant、vegetable oyster), salt dome, salt lake city, salt(或strategic arms limitation talks), salt-butter rogue:, salta, saltate, saltbush, saltillo, saltness, saltonstall, saltpeter(或 potassium nitrate), saltpetre, saltwort, saltykov-shchedrin,mikhail evgrafovich, salubrious, saluda river, saluki, salutary, salutatorian, salutatory, salvado(或bahia), salvador, salvage archaeology, salvation, salvation army, salvia, salvo, salween(或nujiang), salyut, salzburg, salzgitter, samadhi, saman, samar, samar island, samaria, samaritan, samaritaus,the, samarium, samarkand, samarra, samba, samingo:, samnium, samos, samothrace(或samothraki), samoyed, samoyeds, samphire, sampire, sample, sampson:, samsara, samson, samson:, samsun, samudra gupta, samuel ⅰ and ⅱ, samuelson,paul anthony, samuel,herbert louis, 1st viscount, samurai, samurai(或bushi), san andreas fault, san angelo, san antonio, san bernardino, san bernardino mountains, san cristobal, san diego, san fernando, san francisco, san francisco bay, san francisco conference on international organization, san ildefonso(或la granja), san jacinto,battle of, san joaquin river, san jose scale, san juan hill,battle of, san juan islands, san leandro, san lorenzo,treaty of, san luis potosi, san martin,jose de, san mateo, san miguel de tucuman, san pedro sula, san remo, san salvado island, san sebastian, san stefano,treaty of, sana(或sana), sancta majestas (l.):, sancti-spiritus, sanctified, sanctify, sanction, sanctions, sanctities, sanctitude, sanctity, sanctuarize, sanctum, sanctus, sand crab, sand dollar, sand dune(或dune), sand flea, sand hopper, sand painting, sand reed, sand river convention, sand smelt, sand-bag, sand-blind, sandage,allan rex, sandal, sandal:, sandalwood, sandarac, sandbury,carl, sanded, sanderling, sandfly, sandgrouse, sandhurst, sandinist national liberation front, sandino,augusto cesar, sandlizard, sandpiper, sandringham, sands, sandstone, sandstorm, sandwich, sandwich islands, sandwich,john montagu, 4th earl of, sandy, sand,george, sane, sanford,edward terry, sang froid, sanger,frederick, sanger,margaret higgins, sangha, sangre de cristo mountains, sanguis(l.):, sanhaja, sanhedrim, sanhedrin(或sanhedrim), sanicle, sanitarian, sanitary engineering, sanjak, sankara, sanlucar de barrameda, sannhemp, sans-culottes, sanscrit literature, sanscrit(或sanskrit), sansculottism, sansevieria(或snake plant), santa ana, santa anna,antonio lopez de, santa barbara, santa barbara islands, santa clara, santa claus, santa cruz, santa cruz de tenerife, santa cruz,andres, santa fe, santa fe opera, santa fe trail, santa getrudis, santa isabel, santa marta, santa monica, santa rosa, santa sophia, santali, santander, santander,francisco de paula, santayana,george, santiago, santiago de compostela, santiago de cuba, santiago de los caballeros, santiago del estero, santiago(de chile), santillana,inigo lopez de mendoza,marques de, santo, santo domingo, santorini, santos, santos-dumont,alberto, sanzio,raphael, san’a, sao francisco, sao luis, sao paulo, sao tome and principe, saone river, sapid, sapience, sapient, sapir,edward, sapless, sapodilla, saponin, sappan, sapper, sapphism, sappho, sapporo, saprophyte, sapsucker, saqqarah, sara(或sarah), saracen, saracens, saragossa(或 zaragosa、zaragoza), sarajevo, sarajevo(或serajevo), sarasate,pablo de, sarasota, saratoga campaign(或battle of saratoga), saratoga springs, saratov, sarawak, sarcasm, sarcenet, sarcodina(或rhizopoda), sarcoma, sarcophagus, sardegna, sardine, sardine whale, sardinia(或sardegna), sardinia,kingdom of, sardis, sardis(或sardes), sardonyx, sardou,victorien, saree, sargasso sea, sarge, sargent,john singer, sargent,sir malcolm, sargon ⅰ(或 sargon of akkad), sargon ⅱ, sark, sarkis,elias, sarmatians, sarmiento,domingo faustino, sarnath, sarnia, sarnoff,david, sarod, sarong, saros, saroyan,william, sarraute,nathalie, sarsaparilla, sarsenet, sarto,andrea del, sartre, sartre,jean-paul, sarum, sarum:, sasak, sasanqua, sasebo, sash, sashay, sashimi, saskatchewan, saskatchewan river, saskatoon, sassafras, sassanid, sassanid(或sassanian), sassari, sassenach, sassetta,stefano di giovanni, sassoon,siegfried, sassou-nguesso,denis, sassy, sastra, satan, satan(或sathan、beelzebub), satanism, satchel, sate1, sateen, satellite, satellite,artificical(或 sputnik), satellite,communications, satellite,geodetic, satellite,natural, satellite,weather, satelloon, sathan, satiety, satie,erik, satinwood, satire, satires, satis quod sufficit (l.):, satisfaction, satisfied, satisfying, sato eisaku, satori, satsang, saturate, saturday, saturn's rings, saturnalia, saturniid moth(或giant silkworm moth), satyagraha, satyr butterfly(或meadow brown), satyrs and sileni, saucily, saud, saudi arabia,kingdom of, sauerbraten, sauf votre honneur, sauf votre honneur,le francois que vous parlez. ilest meilleur que l’anglois lequel je parle., saul, sault sainte marie, sault sainte marie canals(或soo canals), saumur, sauna, saunders,dame cicely mary strode, saunter, saurischia(或saurischian), sauropoda, saury(或skipper), sausage, saussure,ferdinand de, saussure,horace benedic de, saute, sava, savageness, savagery, savage,michael joseph, savage,richard, savai'i, savanna, savanna(或savannah), savannah, savannah river, savant, savery,thomas, savin(或savine), saving, savings and loan association(或building and loan association), savings bank, savio(u)r, savitskaya svetlana, savoie, savoir-faire, savona, savonarola, savonarola,girolamo, savory, savour, savoury, savoy:, savoy,house of, savvy, sawbill, sawfish, sawfly, sawpit, sawyer, saxe-coburg-gotha, saxe-weimar, saxe,maurice,comte de, saxifrage, saxo grammaticus, saxon, saxons, saxony, saxony(或 sachsen) ,dutchy of, saxophone, sayan mountains, sayda, sayers,dorothy leigh, saying, sayyid dynasty, say,jean baptiste, sb, sc, scabbard, scabies, scabious, scafell pike, scalar, scalar(quantity), scald, scaldfish, scalding, scale insect, scalene, scalenus, scales,lord :, scaliger,julius caesar, scall, scallion, scalogram, scalper, scalptura, scaly, scaly anteater, scaly-tailed squirrel, scam, scambling, scamp, scamper, scandalize, scandalized, scanderbeg(或skanderbeg), scandinavian languages, scandinavian peninsula(或scandinavia), scandium, scania, scanted, scanter, scanties, scapa flow, scaphander, scapula, scapula(或 shoulder blade), scarab, scarab(或scarab beetle), scarborough, scarce-cold, scarecrow, scarfed, scarfe,gerald, scargill,arthur, scarlation, scarlatti,alessandro, scarlatti,domenico, scarlet and john:, scarlet fever(或scarlatina), scarlet runner, scarpellino, scarron,paul, scathe, scathful, scatter, scattered, scaup(或scaup duck), scauper, scena, scenario, scenograph, scent, sceptic, scepticism(或skepticism), sceptred, schacht,hjalmar horace greeley, schaffhausen(或schaffhouse), schaffner,jacob, schaff,philip, schapiro,meyer, schappe, scharf, scharnhorst, schechter poultry corporation v.united states, schechter,solomon, scheele, scheele,carl wilhelm, scheelite, scheel,walter, scheerly, schefflera(或umbrella tree), scheherazade, scheidemann, scheldt(或schelde、escaut), schelling,friedrich, schema, scheme, schenck v.united states, schenectady, schesis, scheveningen, schiaparelli,elsa, schiaparelli,giovanni virginio, schick test, schiedam, schiehallion, schiele,egon, schiller, schiller,johann christoph friedrich von, schipperke, schism, schism,great(或 schism of the west), schist, schistosomiasis(或snail fever、bilharziasis), schizosis, schlegel,august wilhelm von, schlegel,friedrich von, schleicher, schleiden,matthias jacob, schleiermacher,friedrich daniel ernst, schlesinger,arthur meier, schlesinger,arthur meier jr, schlesinger,john, schleswig, schleswig-holstein, schlick,moritz, schlieffen,alfred,graf von, schliemann, schliemann,heinrich, schlieren, schlieren photography, schlock, schloss, schluter,andreas, schmeling,max, schmidt, schmidt telescope, schmidt-rottluff,karl, schmidt,helmut, schnabel,arthur, schnauzer, schneiderman,rose, schnitzler,arthur, schoenberg,arnold, scholar, scholarly, scholasticism, scholem,gershom gerhard, schongauer,martin, school of paris, schoolcraft,henry rowe, schooling, schooner, schopenhauer, schopenhauer,arthur, schreiner,olive, schroder-bernstein theorem, schrodinger,erwin, schubert, schubert,franz, schumann, schumann,elisabeth, schumann,robert alexander, schuman,robert, schuman,william, schumpeter, schumpeter,joseph alois, schurz,carl, schuschnigg, schuschnigg,kurt von, schutzbund defence union, schutzstaffel, schutz,heinrich, schuylkill river, schwann,theodor, schwartz,delmore, schwarzenberg,felix furst zu, schwarzkopf,elizabeth, schwarzwald, schweitzer,albert, schwenkfeld,kaspar von, schwerin, schwitters,kurt, schwyz, sciagraph, sciatic, sciatica, science fiction, science museum, scientific notation, scientize, scientology, scilly,isles of, scintillate, scintillation counter, sciocracy, sciolism, sciosophy, scipio, scipio africanus major(或publius cornelius scipio africanus), scipio africanus minor(或publius cornelius scipio aemilianus), scissor, sclaff, sclerosis, scoff, scofield,paul, scoggin:, scone, scone:, scoop, scoot, scooter, scoparius, scopas, scopes trial(或scopes “monkey”trial), scopolamine, scops owl, scopus mount, scoresby,william, scoring, scornful, scorpio, scorpion fish(或rock fish), scorpion fly, scorpius(或scorpio、the scorpion), scot and lot:, scot-free, scotia, scotism, scotland, scotland yard, scotland,church of, scotography, scotopia, scots, scots law, scottish deerhound, scottish gaelic, scottish literature, scottish national party, scottish terrier, scotto,renata, scottsboro case, scottsdale, scott,paul mark, scott,robert falcon, scott,sir george gilbert, scott,sir walter, scott,winfield, scotus, scoundrel, scourge, scouring rush, scout association, scowl, scraggly, scram, scramble, scrannel, scranton, scrap, scrawl, scrawny, screak, screamer, scree, screech, screech owl, screech-owl, screed, screen, screeve, screw fly(或 screwworm fly), screw pine, screw worm fly, scriabin,alexander, scribble, scribe, scriber, scribes, scribe,augustin eugene, scriblerus club, scrim, scrimer, scrimmage, scrimp, scrimshander, scrimshaw, scripps, script, scriptorium, scripture, scriptures(或holy scripture), scrofula, scrooch, scrooge, scroop,lord:, scrouge, scrub bird, scrubbed, scruff, scrum, scrutinize, scuba diving, scud, scuff, scuffle, scull, sculling, scullin,james henry, scullion, sculpin, sculpt, sculpture, scum, scumble, scunthorpe, scup(或northern porgy), scurrility, scurry, scurvy grass, scuse, scut, scutage, scutari, scutcheon, scuttle, scutum, scylla and charybdis, scylla and charybdis:, scyphozoa, sdr=special drawing right, se, se offendendo, sea anemone, sea bass(或sea perch), sea bream, sea butterfly(或pteropod), sea cow, sea cucumber, sea dragon(或pipefish), sea eagle, sea elephant, sea fan, sea gooseberry, sea hare, sea holly, sea horse, sea islands, sea kale
1 sea lavender, sea leopora, sea lettuce, sea lily(或crinoid), sea lion, sea mouse, sea otter, sea pen, sea peoples, sea perch(或surf perch), sea raven, sea robin, sea sickness, sea slug(或nudibranch), sea snake, sea spider, sea squirt, sea star, sea urchin, sea walnut, sea water, sea-bank, sea-cap, sea-coal, sea-floor spreading, sea-gown, sea-mark, sea-sick weary:, seaborg,glenn theodore, seabury,samuel, seagull, seal-ring, sealed, sealing-day, sealyham terrier, seam, seamy, seamy side:, seaplane, searching, searle,ronald william fordham, sears tower, seasoned, seasons, seated, seato, seattle, seaweed, sea,law of the, sebastian, sebastiano del piombo, sebastian,st, sebastopol, seborrhea(或seborrheic dermatitis), sec, secco, secede, secession, secession,war of, seclude, second empire, second republic, secondarily, secondary education, secondary emission, secondary era, secondary modern school, secrecy, secret police, secret service,united states, secret society, secret-false, secretary bird, secrete, secretest, secrety, sectary, sectetur partem conclusio deteriorem, section, sector, secular, securely, securities, securities and exchange commission(sec), security, security council, sedan chair, sedan,battle of, sedate, sedative, seddon,richard john, seder, sedgemoor,battle of, sedgwick, sedgy, sediment, sedimentary rocks, sedimentation, seditious, sedum, seebeck effect, seed fern, seeger, seeger,alan, seeger,pete, seeing, seeing-eye dog, seel, seeling, seem, seeming, seemly, seen, seep, seer, seesaw, seese, seething, seferis,george, segal,george, seghers,hercules pieterzoon, segment, segmented worm, segou, segovia, segovia,andres, segregant, segregation, segre,emilio, sei whale(或 sardine whale、rudolphi's rorqual), seigneur, seigniory, seignorial system, sein, seine, seir, seirocco, seisin, seismic array, seismic belts(或seismic zones), seismic profile, seismic survey, seismic waves, seismic zones, seismograph(或seismometer), seismology, seismometer, seiyukai, seized, sekhet(或sekhmet), sekondi-takoradi, selaginella(或spike moss), selangor, selby, selden,john, seldom, selective service, selene, selenium, selenium cell, selenocentric, selenology, seleucid, seleucus i nicator(或seleukos i nicator), self-abuse, self-affairs, self-bounty, self-charity, self-comparisons, self-covered, self-drawing, self-endeared, self-glorious, self-heal(或 heal-all,all-heal), self-help group, self-mettle, self-misused, self-reproving, self-same, self-subdued, self-wrong, selfridge,harry gordon, selim ⅰ, selim ⅲ, seljuk turks, seljuqs, selkirk mountains, selkirkshire, selkirk,alexander, selkirk,thomas douglas, 5th earl of, selma, selsyn, selvage, selwyn lloyd,john,baron, selznick,david, semantic(al), semantics, semarang, semasiography, semasiology, semblably, semblance, semblative, seme, semeiology, semele, sememe, semester, semi-, semicircled, semicolon, semiconductor, semiconductor diode, semidiameter, semidocumentary, semidome, seminar, seminary, seminate, seminist, seminole indians, semiology, semiosis, semiotics(或semiology), semipalatinsk, semipermeable membrane, semiprecious stone, semiramis, semiramis:, semis, semite, semites(或shemites), semitic alphabets, semitic languages, semitism, semmering pass, semolina, semper idem (l.), sena dynasty, senanayake,don stephen, senate, senate of the united states, senate,roman, senatus, sendai, sender,ramon jose, sending, seneca, seneca lake, seneca(the elder) ,lucius annaeus(老), seneca(the younger) ,lucius annaeus(小), seneca:, senefelder, senefelder,aloys, senegal river, senegambia, senghor,leopold sedar, senherib ⅰ, senile, senility, senior, seniory, sennacherib(或senherib ⅰ), sennar, sennet, sennett,mack, sens, sensationalism, senseless, senseless-obstinate, senses, sensible, sensibly, sensitive plants, sensor, sensorial, sensu, sensual, sensum, sensurround, sentences, sententious, sentience, sentiment, sentimental novel, sentinel, sentry, senufo, seoul, seoul(或kyongsong), separate, separated, separation, separation of powers, separatists, sephardim(或 serphardic jews), sepia, sepiaceous, sepiolite, sepoy, sepoy rebellion, sept iles, septangle, septentrion, septic tank, septicemia, septuagint, sepulchre, sequani, sequent, sequestered, sequestrate, sequestration, sequoia, sequoia national park, sequoya(或sequoyah), serajavo, seraphim, serapis, serbo-croatian, sere, seree, serenade, serene, serengeti national park, sergeant-at-arms:, sergeaty, sergius of radonezh,st, serial, serialism(或 twelve-tone music), seriema, serigraph, serin, seringapatam(或srirangapatam), seriocomic, serjeanty(或sergeanty), serkin,rudolf, sermon, sermon on the mount, serotine bat, serotonin(或 5-hydroxytryptamine), serow, serowe, serpens(或the serpent), serpent, serpentinite, serra,junipero, sertao, serum, serval(或bush cat), servant, serve, served, servetus,michael, service tree, serviceable, service,robert william, servient, serviette, servile, servile wars, servility, servitor, servius tullius, servo, servomechanism, sesame, sesostris ⅰ, sesostris ⅱ, sesostris ⅲ, sess, sessa, sessions,roger, set theory, sete, seth, setif, seto-naikai, seton,ernest thompson, seton,saint elizabeth ann, setter-up, setting, settled, settlement,act of, settling, setubal, setup, seurat,georges, sev'nnigh, sevan lake, sevastopol(或sebastopol), seven against thebes, seven cardinal sins, seven days battles, seven deadly sins(或seven cardinal sins), seven sages of greece, seven sleepers of ephesus, seven weeks war, seven wise men of greece(或seven sages of greece), seven wonders of the world, seven years war, seveners, sevennight, seventeen-year locust, seventeenth parallel, seventh-day adventists, seven,group of, severally, severals, severe, severed, severini,gino, severity, severn river, severn:, severnaya zemlya(或severnaja zaml’a), severus alexander, severus,lucius septimius, seveso, sevier,john, sevigne,marie de rabutinchantal,marquise de, sevilla(或seville), sevres porcelain, sevres,treaty of, sew, sewage disposal, sewall,samuel, seward, seward,william henry, sewellel(或mountain beaver), sewell,anna, sewer, sewing machine, sex chromosome, sex determination, sex discrimination, sex hormones, sex therapy, sexangle, sexton beetle, sexton,anne harvey, sexually transmitted disease(std)(或venereal disease(vd)), seyfert galaxy, seymour,jane, seymour,thomas,baron seymour of sudely, se’nnight, sfax, sferics, sforza family, sforzando, sforza,count carlo, sfumato, sgabello, sgraffito, shaba, shabby, shack, shackle, shackleton,sir ernest henry, shad, shaddock(或pomelo), shadoof(或shaduf), shadowed, shadowing, shadowy, shadwell,thomas, shafalus,procrus:, shaffer,peter, shaftesbury,anthony ashley cooper, 1st earl of, shaftesbury,anthony ashley cooper, 3rd earl of, shaftesbury,anthony ashley cooper, 7th earl of, shag, shag-eared, shag-haired, shagari,alhaji shehu, shah, shah jahan(或 shah jehan), shah of iran, shahn,ben, shaka(或chaka、tshaka), shakers, shakespeare, shakespeare,william, shakhty, shall, shallop, shallot, shallow:, shallowly, shalmaneser, shalt, sham, shamash, shamateur, shamble, shambles, shame-faced, shamefast, shames, shamir,yitzhak, shammai, shammer, shampoo, shamrock, shan, shanachy, shanghai, shankar,ravi, shannon river, shapeless, shapiro,karl, shapley,harlow, shapur ⅱ, shard-borne, shards, sharecropping, shares, sharett,moshe, sharjah, sharm al-sheikh(或 sharm ash shaykh), sharon(或saron) ,plain of, sharon,ariel, sharp-ground, sharp-provided, sharpness, sharp,cecil james, shastri,shri lal bahadur, shatt al arab, shatter, shave, shavuot, shaw, shawanu indians, shawinigan, shawl, shawm, shawnee indians(或shawano indians), shaw,artie, shaw,george bernard, shaw,henry wheeler, shaw,penker:, shaw,richard norman, shays’s rebellion, shcherbakov, she, she-mercury:, she-oak, sheaf, shealed, shear, shear(或shear stress), shearman, shearwater, sheath, sheathbill, sheathe, sheathing, sheba(或saba), shechem, shed, sheeler,charles, sheene,barry, sheep liver fluke, sheep tick(或sheep ked、sheep mite), sheep-biter, sheep-cote, sheepdog, sheepshead(或sea bream), sheer, sheerness, sheeted, sheets, sheffield, sheffield plate, sheherazade, shehu,mehmet, sheikh, shelburne,william petty fitzmaurice, 2nd earl of, shelduck, shell, shell mound, shellac(或shellack), shelley, shelley,mary wollstonecraft, shelley,percy bysshe, shellfish, shells and shell collecting, shell,atomic, sheltie, shelve, shelving, shelvy, shem, shenandoah national park, shenandoah valley, shenanigans, shenstone,william, shent, shepard,alan bartlett,jr, shepard,ernest howard, shepard,sam, shepherd’s purse, sheppard,jack, shepparton, sheppey,isle of, sherardizing, sheraton,thomas, sherbrooke, sheridan,philip henry, sheridan,richard brinsley, sheriffmuir, sherlock holmes, sherman, sherman antitrust act, sherman silver purchase act, sherman,john, sherman,william tecumseh, sherpa, sherrington,sir charles scott, sherris, sherris-sack, sherwood forest, sherwood,robert emmet, shetland pony(或shelti), shetland sheepdog(或 sheltie), shetland(或zetland) islands, shevchenko,taras, shew, shi, shiah(或shiites), shield bug, shield fern(或wood fern), shield of david, shih tzu, shiism, shiites, shikoku, shikotan, shilling, shillong, shiloh, shiloh,battle of, shim, shimmer, shimmy, shimonoseki, shin bone, shindig, shingle, shingles(或herpes zoster), shinguard, shinny, shinn,everett, shinty(或camanachd), ship money, ship-tire, shipman, shipped, shipping, shipworm(或pileworm), shipwracked, shipwracking, shipwright, shiraz, shire highlands, shire horse(或shire), shirk, shirley,james, shit, shittim, shiva(或siva), shivaji, shizuoka, shkoder, shluh, shock therapy, shock wave, shockley,william bradfield, shoddy, shoe, shoebill(或whale-headed stork), shoemaker,willie(或william lee shoemaker), shoestring, shofar(或shophar), shog, shoggish, shogi, sholapur, sholes,christopher latham, sholokhov,mikhail aleksandrovich, sholom aleichem(或sholem aleichem), shona, shook, shoon, shooting, shooting star, shop stewards(或shop chairman), shophar, shorebird, short circuit, short parliament, short story, short takeoff and landing aircraft(或stol aircraft), short wave, short-winded, shortcoming, shortcut, shorten, shorthand, shorthand(或 speedwriting、stenography), shorthorn, shorthorn(或durham), shortly, shortsightedness(或myopia), shoshonis(或shoshones), shostakovich,dmitri, shot put, shot-free, shotgun, shotten, shotwell,james johnson, shough, should, shoulder blade, shoulder-clapper, shoulder-shotten, shouldering, shout, shove-groat, shoveler duck, shoveller, shovell,sir cloudesley, showboat, showing, showjumping, shrapnel, shrapnel,henry, shred, shreds, shreveport, shrewdly, shrewsbury, shrewsbury clock, shrewsbury:, shriek, shrieve, shrift, shrike, shrike(或butcherbird), shrill-gorged, shrimp plant, shrive, shrived, shriver, shriving, shroff, shropshire, shroud of turin, shrouds, shrove tuesday, shrove-tide, shrow, shrunk, shuara, shubert brothers, shudder, shuffleboard, shuffling, shultz,george pratt, shunt, shute,nevil, shutter, shuttle, shuà, shuànɡ, shuá, shuí, shy, shyster, shá, shán, shóu, shǎi, shɑnɡ, si fortuna me tormenta,spero contenta, si fortune me tormente,sperato me contento, si units, sial, sialkot, siamang, siamese cat, siamese language, siamese twins, siam,gulf of, sib, sibelius,jean, siberian husky, sibiu, sibyl:, sibylla:, sic utere tuo ut alienum non laedas, sica,vittoria de, sicels, sichuan brocade, sichuan embroidery, sicil:, sicilia, sicilian vespers, sicils:, sicken, sickert,walter richard, sickle cell anemia(或sickle-cell disease), sickly, siddons,sarah kemble, side-necked turtle, side-piercing, sidereal, sidereal period, siderite, sides, sidewinder, sidgwick,henry, sidi-bel-abbes, siding spring mountain, sidmouth,henry addington, 1st viscount, sidney,algernon, sidney,sir philip, sidon(或sayda), siegen, siegfried, siegfried line, siegfried(或sigurd), siemens, siemens-martin process, siemens,ernst werner von, siemens,sir william, siena, sienkiewicz,henryk, sienna, sierra leone, sierra madre, sierra maestra, sierra morena, sierra nevada, siesta, sieve, sieyes, sieyes,emmanuel joseph, siger of brabant, sight-hole, sightless, sightsee, sigil, sigillum, sigismund, sigismund ⅰ, sigismund ⅱ augustus, sigismund ⅲ vasa, siglo de oro, sigma particle, signac,paul, signet, significant, significs, signior, signor, signorelli,luca, signoria, signs, sihanouk,norodom,prince, sika, sikh, sikh wars, sikhism, sikkim, sikorski,wladyslaw, sikorsky,igor ivanovich, silage, silas,st, silbury hill, silchester, silence, silent, silenus, silica(或silicon dioxide), silicate minerals, silicon carbide(或carborundum), silicon chip, silicon dioxide, silicone, silicosis, silk oak, silk road, silk-cotton tree, silk-screen printing, silkaline, silken, silken-coated, silkete, silkette, silkworm, silky oak(或silk oak), silky terrier(或sydney silky), sillanpaa,frans eemil, silling, sillitoe,alan, sills,beverly(或belle silverman), silly-ducking, silo, silone,ignazio, silt, siltstone, silurian period, silvanus, silva,antonio jose da, silva,jose asuncion, silver age,latin, silver fox, silverfish(或fish moth), silverplate, silversides(或sand smelt), silvester, sima, simcoe,john graves, simcoe,lake, simenon,georges, simeon stylites,st, simeon ⅰ, simeon,tribe of, simferopol, similar, similiflorous, simmer, simms,william gilmore, simnel,lambert, simon magus, simon the apostle,st, simone martini, simonides of ceos, simonov,konstantin, simonstown, simons,menno, simony, simon,claude(-eugene-henri), simon,herbert alexander, simon,john allsebrook, 1st viscount, simpering, simple harmonic motion, simple multiple proportions,law of, simple-answered, simple:, simpleness, simplicity, simplon pass, simply, simpson desert(或arunta desert), simpson,george gaylord, simpson,louis, simpson,norman frederick, simpson,orenthal james, simpson,sir george, simpson,sir james young, simulacrum, simular, simulate, simulation, simultaneous, sin-absolver, sinai, sinaitic([ˌsaineiˈitik])peninsula, sinanthropus, sinarquism, sinatra,frank, since, since the beginning of history, sincerity, sinclair,upton, sind, sine, sine qua non, sinecure, sinel:, sinewy, sinfully, sing, sing sing, singe, singer,isaac bashevis, singer,isaac merritt, singhalese, singing, singing man:, single tax, single-soled, singleness, singlet, singular, singulariter, singuled, sinhala
1 sinhalese(或singhalese), sinicism, sinicize, sinistrad, sinistrality, sink-a-pace, sinkhole(或sink), sinking, sinking fund, sinking-ripe, sinn fein, sinn fein([ˈʃinˈfein])/party, sino-tibetan languages, sinologue, sinology, sinon:, sinop(或sinope), sinopis, sinopsis, sintering, sintra(或cintra), sinuate, sinuiju, sinus, sinusitis, sion, siouan(或siouan languages), sioux, sioux city, sioux falls, sioux indians(或dakota indians), siphon, siqueiros,david alfaro, sir john bracy:, sir-reverence, sire, sirenia, sirens, sirius(或alpha canis majoris,dog star), sirocco(或scirocco), sirrah, sisal(或sisal hemp), siskin, sisley,alfred, sisterhood, sisulu, sisyphus, sit worm, sitar, sitatunga, sitcom, site, sith, sitka, sitter, sitter,willem de, sitting, sitting bull, situate, situation, situla, situs, sitwell,dame edith, sitwell,sir osbert, sitwell,sir sacheverell, siva, sivaji(或shivaji), sivas, six, six day war, six nations(或iroquois confederacy), sixpence, sixt, sixtus ⅳ, sixtus ⅴ, six,les, sizar, sized, sizes, sjaelland(或 zealand、seeland), skagerrak, skain-mate, skaldic poetry, skalkottas,nikos, skanda(或 kumara、karttikeya), skanderbeg, skane(或scania), skara brae, skateboarding, skating, skean, skeat,walter william, skee, skeet, skegness, skein, skein-mate, skeleton, skeleton(或skeletal system), skelp, skelton,john, skepticism, sketch, skew, skewer, ski, skid, skiing, skikda, skilful, skilless, skillet, skim, skim-milk, skimble-skamble, skimmer, skin(或cutaneous)senses, skink, skinner, skinner,burrhus frederic, skinner,otis, skipjack, skipping, skipton, skiros, skirr, skirts, skit, skittle, skokie, skolem-godel theorem, skoplje, skoplje(或skopje), skua(或skua gull、jaeger), skulk, skunk cabbage, skydiving, skye, skye terrier, skyish, skylab, skylark, skyrocket, skyros(或skiros), skyscape, skyscrape, skyscraper, skytray, slade,felix, slake, slalom, slam, slammer, slance, slanderous, slansky,rudolf, slant, slap, slapstick, slash, slash-and-burn agriculture, slat, slate,samuel, slaughter, slaughterman, slaughterous, slav, slave coast, slave river, slavery, slavic languages(或slavonic), slavic religion, slavish, slavonia, slavonic, slavophiles, slavs, slay, sleave, sleazy, sled, sledded, sledge, sleeping sickness(或african trypanosomiasis), sleepwalking(或 somnambulism), sleepy, sleepy sickness(或encephalitis lethargica), sleet, sleeve, sleigh, slender:, slenderly, slentando, sleuth, slick, slick,sam, slide, slide rule, slidell,john, slider, slightly, sligo, slily, slim, slime, slime mold(或slime fungus), slim,william joseph, 1st viscount, slinky, slip-shod, slipped disk(或 herniated disk), slipper, slippery, slit, sliven, slivered, sloane,sir hans, sloan,alfred pritchard,jr, sloan,john, slob, slobbery, sloe, slog, slogan, sloid, slops, slot, sloth bear(或honey bear), slouch, slovakia, slovakia(或slovensko), sloven, slovenly, slovenry, slovensk, slowacki,juliusz, slower:, slowworm(或blindworm), sloyd, slubber, slug-a-bed, sluggish, sluice, sluis, sluis,battle of, slum, slumber, slumbery, slumbry, slur, slush, slut, sluter,claus, sluttishness, sluys(或sluis), sluys(或sluis) ,battle of, sly, slyly, slype, sm, smacking, small arms, small claim, small intestine, small-knowing, smallage, smallpox(或variola), smalt, smalto, smaragdine, smart,christopher, smash, smedly,agnes, smell(或olfaction), smelt, smelting, smetana,bedrich, smew, smilax(或catbriers), smile, smiles,samuel, smilet, smirched, smirke,sir robert, smite, smith college, smithfield, smithfield:, smithsonian institution, smithson,james, smith,adam, smith,alfred emanuel, smith,bessi, smith,david, smith,donald alexander, smith,fredrick edwin, smith,harvey, smith,ian douglas, smith,jedediah strong, smith,john, smith,joseph, smith,maggie, smith,margaret chase, smith,sir keith macpherson, smith,sir mathew arnold bracy, smith,stevie, smith,sydney, smith,tony, smith,w.eugene, smith,william, smoke bush, smoke detector, smoke tree(或smoke bush), smoking, smoky, smolensk, smollett,tobias george, smooth snake, smooth-faced, smooth-pate, smoothing, smoothness, smoothy-pate, smote, smother, smudge, smuggle, smuggling, smulkin:, smuts,jan christiaan, smythe,pat, sn, snack, snaffle, snafu, snag, snail, snail darter, snail fever, snake gourd, snake plant, snake-necked turtle, snakebird(或anhinga), snakefly, snakehead, snapdragon, snapper, snapping turtle, snare drum, snare:, snead,samuel jackson, sneak, sneak-up, sneaker, sneap, sneaping, sneck up:, sneer, sneeze, snefru, snellius, snell’s law, snell,willebroad, snide, sniff, snippet, snob, snook(或robalo), snoop, snooty, snooze, snoring, snorri sturluson, snort, snorting, snotty, snout:, snow goose, snow leopard(或ounce), snow-on-the-mountain, snowball, snowbunting, snowdon, snowdon,anthony armstrong jones, 1st earl of, snowdrop, snowmobile, snowshoe hare(或varying hare), snowy mountains, snowy owl, snow,charles percy, 1st baron, snow,edgar, snub, snug, snug:, snyders,frans, snyder,gary, so, so-called, soak, soames,arthur christopher john, baron, soane,sir john, soapstone(或 steatite), soapwort(或bouncing bet), soar, soares,mario, soaring, sober-blooded, sober-suited, sobers,sir garfield st aubrun(或gary sobers), sobieski, sobriety, socage, soccer, soccer(或association football), sochi, sociable, social, social contract, social credit, social darwinism, social democratic party(sdp), social gospel, social security, social security act, social war(或marsic war), social welfare, socialism, socialist labor party, socialist realism, socialist revolutionary party, sociality, society, society islands, society of friends, society of jesus, socinian, socinus,faustus(或fausto sozzini), sociobiology, sociology, socius, sock, sockeroo, socket, sockeye salmon(或red salmon,blueback), socle, socotra, sod, sod worm, sodalite, sodden water:, soddy,frederick, soderberg,hjalmar, soderblom,nathan, sodium, sodium bicarbonate(或sodium hydrogen carbonate), sodium carbonate, sodium chloride, sodium hydrogen carbonate, sodium hydroxide(或caustic soda), sodom and gomorrah, sodomy, soever, sofa, soft-hearted, soft-shelled turtle, softball, softly, softly-sprighted, software, sogne fjord(或sognafjorden), soh, soho, soho (so ho), soil conservation, soil profile, soil testing, soiled, soissons, soka gakkai(或value creation society), sokoto, sol-fa, solanaceae, solar, solar cell, solar constant, solar enengy(或solar power), solar flare, solar power, solar prominences, solar system, solar time, solar wind, solatium, solder, soldier, soldier beetle, soldierfish, solecism, solely, solemnity, solemnize, solemnly, solenodon, solenoid, solent,the, soleri,paolo, solfeggio, solferino, solferino,battle of, solicitation, soliciting, solicitous, solid-state chemistry, solid-state devices, solid-state physics, solid-waste disposal, solidarity, solidity, solifluction, soliloquy, solingen, solipsism, sollar, solo, solomon, solomon islands,state of, solomon([ˈsɔləmən])islands, solomon:, solomon’s seal, solothurn, soloviov,vladimir sergeyevich, solstice, solti,sir georg, solus, solution, solutrean, solvay process, solvent, solway firth, soly, solzhenitsyn,aleksandr isayevich, soma, somali, somalia, somaliland, somatic, somatotropin, somatotype, sombre, somersault, somerset, somerset house, somerset,edward seymour,duke of, somerset,robert carr,earl of, somers,john,baron, somerville, somesthetic, something, sometime, sometimes, somever, somewhat, somme, somme:, sommerfeld,arnold johannes wilhelm, somnambulism, somozo,anastasio, son et lumiere(或sound and light), sonable, sonance, sonant, sonderkommando, sondheim,stephen, song of solomon(或 song of songs、canticles), song thrush, songbird, songhai, songhai(或songhay), sonic, sonic boom, sonobuoy, sonorous, sons of liberty, sontie, soon, soon-speeding, soonest, sooth, soother, sophia, sophic, sophism, sophister, sophisticate, sophisticated, sophists, sophomore, sophy:, soprano, sops, sopwith,sir thomas octave murdoch, sora rail, sora(或sora rail、carolina crake), soranus of ephesus, sorbonne, sorbs, sorcery, sordid, sore, sorely, sorel,agnes, sorel,george, sorites, sorocaba, sorokin,pitirim alexandrovitch, sororate, sorrel tree(或sourwood), sorrento, sorriest, sortance, sortie, sorts, sosigenes of alexandria, sosnowiec, sot, soterial, sotheby,john, sotho, soto,hernando de, sotto voce, soubresaut, soubrette, soubriquet, soud, soufflot,jacques germain, soufriere,volcano, soul-confirming, soul-killing, soulignavongsa, soult,nicolas jean de dieu,duc de dalmatie, sound and light, sound barrier, sound intensity, sound recording and reproduction, sound sensation, sounded, soundly, soundpost:, sound,the, soup, souphanouvong, sour gum, source, sourdine, soursop(或guanabana), sourwood, sousa,john philip, sousa,martim afonso de, soused, souslik(或suslik), sousse(或susa), soustelle,jacques emile, south african hake, south african war(或boer war), south africa,republic of, south america, south american indians, south american languages, south australia, south bend, south carolina, south carpathian mountains, south dakota, south gate, south georgia, south glamorgan, south holland, south india,church of, south island, south korea, south orkney islands, south ossetian autonomous region, south platte river, south pole, south sandwich islands, south saskatchewan, south sea bubble, south seas, south shetland islands, south shields, south west africa, south yorkshire, south-sea;, southam:, southampton, southampton:, southampton,henry wriothesley, 3rd earl of, southcott,joanna, southeast asia, southeast asia treaty organization(seato), southend-on-sea, southern, southern alps, southern ape, southern christian leadership conference, southern cross, southern lights, southern rhodesia, southern triangle,the, southern yemen, southernwood, southey,robert, southfield, southgate group reading tests, southpaw, southport, southren, southwark, southwark:, southwell,robert, southwestern indians, south,the, soutine,chaim, souvenir, souzdine, sovereignty, sovern,michael ira, sovetsk, soviet far east, soviet union, sow, soweto, sowter:, soy, soybean(或soya bean、soy pea), soyinka,wole, soyuz flights, spaak,paul-henri, space exploration, space law, space medicine, space probe, space shuttle, space station, space time(或space-time continuum), space warfare, spacecraft, spacelab, spacious, spadiceous, spaghetti, spahn,warren edward, spake, spalato, spalding, spall, spallanzani,lazzaro, span-counter, spandau, spandrel, spandy, spang, spangenberg,august gottlieb, spangle, spaniard, spanish, spanish armada, spanish bayonet, spanish civil war, spanish colonial architecture, spanish colonial art, spanish fly, spanish guinea, spanish inquisition, spanish language, spanish literature, spanish main, spanish moss, spanish riding school, spanish succession,war of the, spanish town, spanish-american war, spank, spanned, spar, sparerib, sparing, sparingly, spark, spark chamber, spark plug, sparkle, sparkplug, sparks,jared, spark,muriel, sparrow, sparrow hawk, sparse, sparta(或sparti), spartacists, spartacus league(或 spartacus party、spartacists), spartan, spartan dog:, sparti, spasm, spassky,boris, spastic, spasur, spat, spate, spatter, spatterdock, spatula, spavin, speaker of the house, spealbone, spear, spear-grass, spearfish(或marlin), spearman,charles edward, spearmint, special air service, special drawing rights(sdrs), special education, specialty, specie, specific gravity, specific heat, specify, specimen, speciosity, speciously, speck, spectacle, spectacled bear(或andean bear), spectacles, spectacularity, spectaeularity, spectate, spectator,the, spectral, spectral class, spectrograph, spectroscope, spectrum,optical, specular, speculate, speculation, speculative, sped, speedier, speeding, speedway, speedwell, speedwriting, speedy, speenhamland system, speer,albert, spee,maximilian,graf von, speke,john hanning, speleology(或spelaeology、spelunking), spelunking, spemann,hans, spencer gulf, spencer,herbert, spencer,lady diana, spencer,sir stanley, spence,sir basil, spender,stephen, spendthrift, spener,phillip jacob, spengler,oswald, spenser,edmund, spent, speranski,mikhail mikhailovich, sperm, sperm banks, sperm whale(或cachalot), sperm(或spermatozoon), spermaceti, spermatophyte, sperry,elmer ambrose, spew, spey, speyer(或spires), spezia,la, sphagnum(或peat moss、bog moss), sphalerite(或zinc blende), spheres, spherical, spherical triangle, spherical trigonometry, sphery, sphinx moth, sphygmomanometer, spica, spice islands, spicery, spicy, spider, spider crab, spider mite, spider monkey, spider plant, spider wasp, spiderwort, spiel, spigot, spike, spike moss, spikenard, spikenard,american, spile, spillane,mickey, spina bifida, spinach, spinal fluid, spinal meningitis, spinard cord, spindle tree, spinel, spingarn,joel elias, spinnaker, spinner, spinning, spinola,antonio sebastiao ribero de, spinose, spinoza, spinoza,baruch(或benedict), spinster, spiny anteater, spiny lizard, spiracle, spiraea, spiral, spiral galaxy, spire, spire(或fleche), spirea(或spiraea), spires, spirited, spirits, spiritualty, spiritus asper, spirochaete, spirograph, spirogyra(或water-silk、mermaid’s tresses、pond scum), spirt, spital, spited, spiteful, spithead, spitteler,carl, spitting, spittle, spittle bug, spitz, spitzbergen, spitz,mark andrew, splash, splat, splatch, splatterwork, splay, spleenful, spleenwort, spleeny, spleet, splendid, splenial, splenitive, splent, splice, spline, splint, splintered, split(或spalato), splitted, splitting, spock,benjamin mclane, spode, spode porcelain, spohr,ludwig, spoils system, spokane, spoke, spoken, spoleto, spondaic, spondyle, sponsion, sponsor, spontaneity, spontaneous combustion, spontaneous generation(或abiogenesis), spontoon, spoof, spool, spoon, spoon-meat, spoonbill
1 spooner,william archibald, spoons, sporades, spore, sportful, sporting-place, sportive, sports, sports medicine, sports,book of, spotsylvania, spotted, spousal, spouse, spout, spraddle, sprag, sprague,frank julian, sprain, spree, sprig, sprightful, sprightly, spring balance, spring peeper, spring tide, springbok(或springbuck), springe, springer, springer spaniel, springfield, springhaas(或springhare), springhalt, springkler system, springs, springtail, springtime, sprinkle, sprint, sprites, sprocket, sprout, spruce, sprue, sprung, spunge, spungy, spunk, spurge, spurious, spurn, spurrey, spurs,battle of the, spurt, sputnik, spyri,johanna, squab, squabble, squad, squandering, squanto, square and square root, squarer, squash bug, squat, squatter, squatter sovereignty(或popular sovereignty), squawk, squeak, squeeze, squele:, squeteague, squib, squid, squier, squill, squint(或strabismus), squiny, squire-like, squirility, squirrel monkey, squirrelfish(或soldierfish), squirt, squirting cucumber, sr, srinagar, srirangapatam, st alban, st basil's cathedral, st just, st leger, st mark's basilica (或 saint mark's church), st petersburg, st vitus'dance(或chorea), st-etienne, st-lo, st-malo, st-quentin, st. george’s, st. lucia, st. petersburg, st. vincent and the grenadines, stab'st, stabile, stablish, staccato, stack, stacker, stadholder(或stadtholder), stadia, stadium, stael,madame de, stael,nicolas de, staffa, stafford, staffordshire, staffordshire bull terrier, stag, stag beetle(或pinching bug), stagecoach, staggering, staggers, staggers(或 blind staggers), staghorn fern, staghound, stagnate, stahl,georg ernst, staid, stained, stained glass, stainer,sir john, staines:, stainless, stainless steel, stair, stakhanovite, stalactite, stalactites and stalagmites, stalemate, stalin, stalinabad, stalingrad, stalingrad,battle of, stalinsk, stalin,joseph vissarionovich, stalking-horse, stalwart, stambul, stamford, stamford bridge, stamford:, stamitz,johann, stammer, stammering, stamp act, stamp act congress, stamp collecting, stampede, stamping, stance, stanchion, stanchless, standard deviation, standard of living, standardbred, standardwing, standby, standing, standing-bed, standing-bowl, standish,myles, standstill, stanford,leland, stanford,sir charles villiers, stanhope,charles, 3rd earl, stanhope,james, 1st earl, staniel, stanislavsky,konstantin, stanislaw ⅰ leszczynski, stanislaw ⅱ poniatowski, stanley, stanley falls, stanley pool, stanleyville, stanley,sir henry morton, stanley,thomas, 1st earl of derby, stanovoi range, stanton,elizabeth cady, stanza, stanze, stanzo, stapes, staphylococcus, star apple, star chamber,court of, star cluster, star of david(或magen david,shield of david), star-blasting, star-crossed, star-spangled banner ,the, stara zagora, starboard, starch, stardust, stare, stare decisis, starfish(或sea star), stargazer, starhemberg, starhemberg,ernst rudiger,graf von, stark,dame freya madeline, stark,johannes, stark,john, stars, start(strategic arms reduction talks), start-up, starting, starting-hole, startingly, starts, starved, starveling, starveling:, state-statue, staten island, states, states general, states general(或 estates general), states of matter, states’rights, state,department of, static, static electricity, statics, stationery, statist, statistic(al), statistical mechanics, statistics, statius,publius papinius, statu pupil lari, statue of liberty, stature, status, status quo, staudinger,hermann, stauffenberg,claus,graf von, staunch, stavanger, stavisky affair, stavropol, staying, std, steady, steady-state theory, stead,christina ellen, steak, stealing, stealth, steam, steam engine, stearate, steatite, steel guitar, steeled, steele,sir richard, steel,david martin scott, steenbock(或 steinbock、grysbok), steen,jan, steep-down, steeped, steeple, steerage, steer,philip wilson, stefan dusan, stefan-boltzmann law, stefansson,vilhjalmur, steffens,joseph lincoln, stegosaurus, steichen,edward, steiermar, stein, steinbeck,john, steinberg,saul, steinbock, steiner,rudolf, steinmetz,charles proteus, steinway,henry engelhard, stein,gertrude, stein,karl,freiherr vom, stein,sir marc aurel, stela, stellar, stellar evolution, stella,joseph, stelled, stellenbosch, sten gun, stencil, stendhal, stengel,casey, stenochrome, steno,nicolaus(或niel stenson), step-dame, stephanus, stephen, stephen bathory, stephens, stephenson, stephenson,george, stephens,alexander hamilton, stephens,james, stephen,sir leslie, stephen,st, stephen,st(或stephen ⅰ), stepney, steradian, stereo, stereochemistry, stereognosis, stereokinesis, stereophonic sound, stereoscope, stereotype, stereotyping, sterile, sterility(或infertility), sterilization, sterilize, sterling heights, sternage, sternberg,josef von, sternest, sterne,laurence, stern,isaac, stern,otto, steroid, stesichorus, stethoscope, stettin, steuben,friedrich wilhelm,baron von, stevedorage, stevedore, stevenage, stevenson,adlai ewing, stevenson,robert louis, stevens,john, stevens,thaddeus, stevens,wallace, stevergraph, steward, steward,julian haynes, stewart island, stewarts, stewart,alexander,duke of albany, stewart,arabella, stewart,jackie, stewart,james francis edward, stewart,james maitland, stewart,potter, stewed, steyr, stiacciato, stibnite, stichometry, stick insect, sticking, stickleback, stiegel,henry william, stieglitz,alfred, stiernhielm, stiernhielm,georg olofson, stiff-borne, stiffly, stifter,adalbert, stigmata, stigmatic, stigmatical, stijl,de, stilbite, stile, stiles,ezra, stilicho,flavius, still-discordant, still-lasting, still-life painting, still-soliciting, still-stand, still-waking, stillbirth, stillness, stilly, stilwell,joseph warren, stimson, stimson,henry lewis, stimulant, stimulate, stimulated emission, stimulus, stingray, stink, stinkbug, stinkhorn, stint, stipend, stipple, stipulate, stirling, stirlingshire, stirling,james, stirps, stirred, stirrer, stirrup, stithy, stoa, stoat, stoccado, stochastic, stock exchange, stock(或shares), stock-car racing, stock-fish, stock-punished, stockfish(或south african hake), stockfish:, stockhausen,karlheinz, stocking, stockish, stockport, stockport corresponding society, stocks, stockton, stockton-on-tees, stockton, 1st earl of, stockton,frank richard, stodgy, stoic, stoichiometry, stoicism, stoke-on-trent, stoker,bram, stokesley:, stokesly:, stokes,sir george gabriel, stokowski,leopold, stol aircraft, stole, stolen, stolypin, stolypin,petr arkadievich, stomalopda(stomalopods), stomp, stone age, stone bass, stone curlew, stone fruit, stone of destiny(或 stone of scone), stone pine, stone ware, stone-bow, stonechat, stonecrop, stonefish(或stingfish), stonefly, stonehaven, stonehenge, stoneworts, stone,edward durell, stone,harlan fiske, stone,john richard nicholas, stone,lucy, stonish, stony, stool, stope, stopes,marie charlotte carmichael, stopgap, stople, stoppard,tom, stopped, stopple, storax, store bælt, storey, storey,david, stork, storksbill, storm and stress, storm petrel, stormont, storm,hans theodor woldsen, stornoway, story,joseph, stoss,veit, stoup, stourbridge, stouter, stoutly, stove, stowed, stowe,harriet beecher, strabane, strabismal, strabismus, strabo, strachey,giles lytton, straddle, stradivari,antonio, strafe, strafford,thomas wentworth, 1st earl of, straggle, straggler, strained, straining, straiter:, straitly, straits settlement, stralsund, stram, stramash, stramineous, strand, stranded, strandloper, strand,paul, strand,the:, strange particles, strange-achieved, strangely, strangely-visited, stranger, strangered, strangled, strangulate, strang,james jesse, stranraer, strap, strappado, strasberg,lee, strasbourg, strasbourg(或strassburg), strategic arms limitation talks, strategic defence initiative, strategy, strategy and tactics, stratford, stratford-on-avon, strathclyde, strathclyde region, strathcona and mount royal, donald alexander smith,1st baron, stratification, stratify, stratigraphy, stratocracy, stratocumulus cloud, stratofortress, stratojet, stratoplane, stratoscope, stratton,charles, stratus, stratus cloud, straus, strauss, strauss,johann,the elder, strauss,johann,the younger, strauss,richard, stravinsky,igor, strawberry hill, strawflower, strawson,peter frederick, straying, stream of consciousness, streamer, streamline, streamlining, streep,meryl(或 mary louise streep), street, streetcar, streetscape, streicher,julius, streisand,barbra, strength of materials, strenuous, strepitous, streptococcus, streptomycin, stresemann, streseman,gustav, stretcher, streuvels,stijn, strewments, stria, strict, stricture, stride, striding, strindberg,august, stringed instruments, stringency, stringer, strip cropping, strip mining(或surface mining), stripe, stripling, striptease, striving, strobo, stroboscope, stroessner,alfredo, stroheim,erich von, stroke(或apoplexy、cerebrovascular accident), strokes, stroll, stromboli, strond, strond(cap.):, stronds, strong interaction, strong-fixed, strong-framed, strong-knit, strong,anna louise, strong,sir roy, strontium, strook, strooken, strophanthus, strossers, strow, strozzi, strozzi,bernado, struck, strucken, structural analysis, structural isomer, structural linguistics, structuralism, structure, struensee,johann friedrich, struggle, strumpet, strumpeted, strutt,jedediah, strutt,john william, struve,otto, strychnine, stuart, stuart(或 stewart) ,alexander,duke of albany, stuart(或stewart) ,arabella, stuart(或stewart) ,james francis edward, stuarts(或stewarts), stuart,charles edward, stuart,gilbert charles, stuart,henry, stuart,james ewell brown, stuart,john mcdouall, stuart,mary, stub, stubbornness, stubbs,george, stubbs,william, stubwing, stucco, stuck, student, studied, studient, studio, studious, studiously, stuffed, stumbling-block, stumer, stumour, stumpy, stun, stunt, stupid, sture family, sturgeon, sturluson,snorri, sturm und drang(或 storm and stress), sturt,charles, stuttgart, stuyvesant,peter, sty(或stye), stylet, stylite, stylobate, stylography, styloideum, stylop, stylotint, stylus, stymphlian bird, styrene, styria(或steiermar), styron,william, styx, suarez,adolfo, suarez,francisco de, suasion, sub-contracted, sub-culture, sub-discipline, sub-environment, subacoustic, subaerial, subahdar, subaltern, subalternate, subarea, subbranch, subcaliber, subclass, subcoat, subcollection, subcommunity, subcontinent, subcontract, subcontrariety, subdepot, subdistrict, subdivide, subdomains, subduction, subduction zone, subdued, subeditor, subfactor, subflight, subform, subformula, subhead, subhunter, subjection, subjoin, subjudgment, subjugate, sublandlord, sublapsarian, sublate, sublease, sublimate, sublimation, sublime, subliminal, sublimit, subliterary, sublot, submarinal, submarine canyon, submarket, submerge, submersible, submission, submissive, submodel, submodule, submortgage, subnormal, subordinate, subornation, subotica, subparticles,elementary, subpoena, subproblem, subprofessional, subprogram, subproposition, subquadrate, subrecursiveness, subrelation, subreption, subrogate, subrosa, subroutine, subscript, subscription, subsea, subsection, subsensible, subsequence, subset, subshare, subside, subsidence, subsist, subsistance economy, subsonic, subspecies, substandard, substantial, substantiate, substantify, substantive, substitution reaction, substractor, substrate, substratum, subsume, subsurface, subsystem, subtable, subtenancy, subterfuge, subtext, subthreshold, subtile, subtile-witted, subtilly, subtitle, subtle-witted, subtly, subtotal, subtract, subtraction, subtropical, subtrust, subtype, subunit, suburb, subvalue, subvention, subversion, subvocalize, succeeder, successfully, successive, successively, successor, succinct, succinite, succorance, succory, succour, succours, succulent, succumb, suck, sucked, suckling,sir john, sucre,antonio jose de, sucrose(或cane sugar、beet sugar、saccharose), suction, suctorida, sudan, sudan,republic of the, sudbury, sudden infant-death syndrome(或crib death、cot death), suddenly, sudermann,hermann, sudra, suetonius, suez canal, suez crisis, suez,gulf of, sue,eugene, sufferance, suffered, suffers, sufficiency, sufficient, suffigance, suffix, suffolk, suffolk punch, suffragette, suffragettes, sufi, sufism, sugar act(或revenue act), sugar beet, sugarcane, sugared, suger of saint-dennis, suggestion, suggestology, suited, suitor, suivez-vous le grand capitaine, sukhothai, sukhumi, sukkot(或sukkoth), sukkur, sulaiman, sulawesi(或celebes island), sulayhid, sulelman ⅰ the magniflcent, sulfa drug(或sulfonilamide), sulfation, sulfonation, sulfur butterfly, sulfur dioxide, sulfur(或sulphur), sulfuric acid, sulk, sulky, sulla,lucius cornelius, sullied, sullivan,anne, sullivan,harry stack, sullivan,john lawrence, sullivan,louis henry, sullivan,sir arthur, sully-prudhomme,rene francois armand, sully,maximilien de bethune,duc de, sully,thomas, sulphide, sulphur, sultan, sultan solyman:, sultry, sulu archipelago, sulu sea, sulzberger,arthur hays, sumac(或sumach), sumatra, sumatra(或sumatera), sumer, sumer and sumerian civilization, sumerian, sumerian and babylonian art, sumless, summand, summary, summer cypress, summer solstice, summer time, summer-seeming, summit, summit of francophone countries, summon, summoner, summons, summum bonum, sumner,charles, sumner,william graham, sumo, sumo wrestling, sump, sumpter, sumption, sumptuary, sumptuous, sumter,fort, sun animal, sun bear, sun belt, sun bittern, sun dance, sun dog(或parhelion), sun spider(或 sun scorpinn、wind scorpion、camel spider), sunbird, sunburn, sunburnt, sunda islands, sundanese, sunday, sunday school, sunday,billy, sunder, sundered, sunderland, sunderland,robert spencer, 2nd earl of, sundew, sundries, sundsvall, sunfish, sunn(或sunn hemp、sannhemp), sunni, sunni(或sunnites), sunny, sunnyvale, sunset, sunshine, sunspot, sunstroke, suo, sup, super, super-serviceable, super-subtle, superabound, superaddition, superannuable, superannuate, superb, supercargo, supercede, supercenter, supercomputer, superconductivity, supercooling, superette, superficies, superfluid, superfluidity




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