释义 |
Tabs | Headwords | 1 | hishikawa moronobu, hispanic, hispanic americans, hispaniola, hiss-chambers case, hissarlik, histamine, histidine, histogram, histoplasmosis, historia augusta(或augustan history), historical geology, historical linguistics, historicism, histrionics, hitachi, hitch, hitchcockian, hitchcock,lambert, hitchcock,sir alfred, hitherto, hitherward, hitherwards, hitler, hitler,adolf, hittite, hittites, hives, hizzing, hm, hnɡ, ho chi minh, ho chi minh city, hoad,lewie alan, hoarding, hoare, hoarfrost, hoarhound, hoarse, hoatzin, hoax, hob, hoban,james, hobart, hobbema,meindert, hobbes, hobbes,thomas, hobbididance:, hobble, hobble dehoy, hobbs,jack(或 sir john berry hobbs), hobby-horse, hobby,oveta culp, hobgoblin, hobhouse,leonard trelawney, hobnail, hobnail express, hobnob, hobo, hoboy, hobson, hob,nob:, hochhuth,rolf, hockey,ice, hockney,david, hocus, hoddinott,alum, hoddy-doddy, hodeida(或hudaydah), hodge-pudding, hodgepodge, hodgkin's disease, hodgkin,alan lloyd, hodgkin,dorothy mary crowfoot, hodgkin,thomas, hodograph, hoe, hoedown, hoek of holland, hoesch, hoe,richard march, hoffa,james riddle, hoffman, hoffmann,ernest theodor amadeus, hoffman,dustin, hoffman,malvina, hoff,jacobus hendricus van't, hofmann, hofmannsthal,hugo von, hofmann,hans, hofmann,joseph casimir, hofmann,melchior, hofmeister,wilhelm friedrich benedikt, hofmeyer, hofstadter, hofstadter,richard, hofuf, hog cholera(或hog plague), hog plague, hogan,ben, hogarth, hogarth,david george, hogarth,william, hogg,douglas mcgarel, 1st viscount hailsham, hogg,james, hogg,quintin, hogg,quintin mcgarel, hognose snake, hogweed, hohenlinden,battle of, hohenlohe-schillingsfurst,chlodwig karl viktor ,furst zu, hohenstaufen, hohenstaufen family, hohokam culture, hoick, hoipolloi, hoist, hojo, hojo regency, hokan languages, hokan-siouan, hokkaido, hokkaido(或yezo), hokum, hokusai, holbein, holbein the younger,hans, holberg, holberg,ludvig,baron, holborn:, hold-fast, holden, holderlin,johann christian friedrich, holding-anchor, holguin, holidam, holidame, holiday-time, holiday,billie, holily, holiness, holinshed,raphael, holistic, holistic medicine, holla, hollaing, holland,henry, holland,sir sidney george, hollar,wenceslaus, hollerith code, holles,denzil,baron, holley,robert william, holliger,heinz, hollo, hollow-hearted, hollowness, hollstein doctrine, holly hock, holly joe, holly oak, holm oak, holman, holmedon:, holmes,oliver wendell, holmes,oliver wendell,jr, holmes,sherlock, holmes,william henry, holmium, holocamera, holocene epoch, holofernes, hologram, holography, holon, holophrase, holoscopic, holotheme, holp, holstein-friesian, holster, holst,gustav, holtzman inkblot technique, holt,harold edward, holy alliance, holy communion, holy ghost, holy grail, holy island(或lindisfarne), holy lance, holy league, holy of holies, holy office, holy orders, holy roman empire, holy scripture, holy see, holy spirit(或holy ghost), holy-day, holy-rood day:, holyhead, holyoake,sir keith jacka, holyoke, holyrood house, homage,medieval, homayun, homdy, home counties, home guard, home office, home rule, home-bred, homely, homeomorphism, homeopathy, homeostasis, homeothermic animal, homeric hymns, homer,winslow, homestead act, homestead massacre, home,daniel douglas, home,sir alec douglas-, homicidal, homiletic, homily, homing instinct, homme, homo erectus, homocide, homogamy, homogeneity, homogenic, homogenization, homograph, homoiothermy, homologate, homomorphic, homonym, homoousion, homophone, homophony, homophyly, homoptera, homosex, homosexuality, homozygote, homs(或hims), honduras, honduras,british, honduras,republic of, honecker,erich, honegger,arthur, honeorhesis, honey ant, honey badger, honey bear, honey fungus, honey guide, honey locust, honey mesquite, honey mouse, honey-tongued, honeybee, honeycreeper, honeydew melon, honeyeater, honeyseed, hongkong, honi soit qui mal y pense, honk, honky-tonk, hono(u)r, honolulu, honorificabilitudinitatibus, honorius, honorius ⅰ, honorius ⅱ, honour, honour-owing, honourable, honourably, honoured, honours, honshu, honthorst,gerrit von, hooch,pieter de, hooded, hooded crow, hooded seal, hoodlum, hoodman, hood,john bell, hood,mount, hood,samuel, 1st viscount, hood,thomas, hoof, hoof-and-mouth disease, hoofed mammals, hooft,pietcr corneliszoon, hooghly(或hoogli、hugli),river, hoogh,pieter de, hoogli,river, hook of holland, hook-nosed, hooke's law, hooker,joseph, hooker,richard, hooker,sir william jackson, hooker,thomas, hooke,robert, hooks,benjamin lawson, hookup, hookworm, hooky, hooligan, hooper,william, hooping, hoopoe, hoot, hootchykootchy, hootenanny, hooter, hoover dam, hoover institution on war,revolution,and peace, hoover,herbert clark, hoover,john edgar, hop-hornbeam, hopes, hopewell culture, hope,anthony(或 sir anthony hope hawkins), hope,bob, hopi, hopi indians, hopkins, hopkinson, hopkinson,francis, hopkinson,john, hopkins,gerard manley, hopkins,harry lloyd, hopkins,sir frederick gowland, hopkins,stephen, hoplite, hoppedance:, hoppner,john, hora, horae, horatii and curiatii, horatius cocles, horde, hore-belisha,isaac leslie ,ist baron, horehound(或hoarhound), horismology, horizon,soil, horme, hormuz,strait of, horn-beast, horn-book, horn-mad, horn-maker, hornbeam, hornbill, hornblende, hornbook, horned, horned lizard, horned owl, horned poppy, horned rattlesnake, horned ray, horned toad, horned viper, hornet, horney,karen, horne,marilyn, hornpipe, hornsby,rogers, horntail, hornwort, horn,cape, horn,filips van montmorency, graaf van, horoscope, horowitz,vladimir, horrendous, horrid, horror, hors, horse chestnut, horse fly, horse mackerel, horse racing, horse trials, horse-leech, horse-way, horseback-breaker, horsehair worm, horsehead nebula, horsemanship, horsepower, horseradish, horseshoe bat, horseshoe crab, horseshoe pitching, horsetail, horsham, horst, horta,victor, hortensian law, horthy,miklos, horus, hosea, hosel, hospice movement, hospitable, hospitalet, hospitallers, hospitium, hosta, hostage, hostel, hostile, hostility, hostos,eugenio maria de, hot bed, hot spring, hot spring national park, hot-blooded, hot-bloodied, hot-bloods, hotchpotch, hotel, hotliner, hotly, hotspur.i.e., hottentot bread, hottentot fig, hotter,hans, houdini,harry, houdin,jean eugene robert, houdon,jean-antoine, hounslow, houphouet-boigny,felix, hour angle, hour-glass, housatonic, house leek, house of commons, house of lords, house of parliament, house of representatives, house sparrow, house-keeping, house-tree-person technique, housecarl, housefly, household, household(或consumer)equilibrium, householder, housekeeper, housewife, housewifery, house,edward mandell, housman,alfred edward, houston,samuel, hove, hovel-post, hovell,william hilton, hover, hovercraft(或air-cushion vehicle), hoverfly, hovhaness,alan, howard, howard of effingham,charles, 2nd baron, howard university, howard,catherine, howard,charles, 1st earl of nottingham, howard,frederick, 5th earl of carlisle, howard,henry, howard,john, howard,leslie, howard,oliver otis, howard,sidney coe, howard,sir ebenezer, howard,trevor, howbeit, howe, howells, howells,william dean, however, howe,elias, howe,gordie, howe,irving, howe,joseph, howe,julia ward, howe,richard,earl, howe,samuel gridley, howe,sir geoffrey, howe,william howe, 5th viscount, howler monkey, howlet, howling, howrah, howsoever, howsomever, hoxha, hoxha,enver, hoy-day, hoya, hoyle,edmond, hoyle,sir fred, hoysala dynasty, hradec kralove, hrdlicka,ales, hualapai, huambo, huancayo, huari, huascar, huascaran(或nevado huascaran), huayna capac, hub, hubbard,elbert, hubble constant, hubble,edwin powell, hubli, hubris, hubris(或hybris), huch,kicarda, huckaback, huckle, huckleberry, huckleberry finn,the adventures of, huckster, hudaydah, huddersfield, huddleston,trevor, hudson, hudson bay, hudson river, hudson river school, hudson strait, hudson's bay company, hudson,henry, hudson,william henry, huelva, huerta,victoriano, huesca, hufstedler,shirley mount, hug, hugger-mugger, huggins,charles brenton, huggins,sir william, hugh, hugh capet, hugh capet:, hugh of lincoln(或of avalon) ,st, hugh of saint-victor, hugh the great, hughes, hughes,charles evans, hughes,howard, hughes,langston, hughes,richard, hughes,ted, hughes,thomas, hughes,william morris, hugli,river, hugo, hugo,victor, huguenot, huguenots, hui, huia, huitzilopochtli, huizinga,johan, huk(或hukbalahap), huke, hula, hull house, hullabaloo, hull,bobby, hull,cordell, hulme,thomas ernest, human anatomy, human rights, humane, humanism, humanitas, humanity, humber, humberside, humbert ⅰ and ⅱ, humbert([ˈhʌmbət])ⅰ, humble-mouthed, humboldt, humboldt glacier, humboldt(或peru)current, humboldt,alexander von, humboldt,karl welhelm von, humbug, humdinger, humdrum, hume, humectant, hume,basil george,cardinal, hume,david, hume,hamilton, hume,joseph, humid, humiliate, humility, hummel,johann nepomuk, hummingbird, hummingbird moth, hummock, humor=humour, humorist, humorous, humour, humours, hump, humpback whale, humperdinck,engelbert, humphrey:, humphrey,hubert horatio, humus, hun(s), hunch, hundred days, hundred years' war, hundred-pound, hungarian national council, hungary, hungary,people's republic of, hunger, hunger-starved, hungerford,lord:, hungerly, hungnam, hungry-starved, hungtington, hungyadi,janos, hunk, hunker, hunks, huns, hunter, hunter river, hunter,john, hunter,william, hunting-gathering societies, huntingdon, huntingdon and peterborough, huntingdon,selina hastings, countess of, huntington library and art gallery, huntington's chorea, huntington,collis potter, huntington,ellsworth, huntington,henry edwards, huntington,samuel, huntsville, hunt’s-up, hunt,henry, hunt,henry cecil john,baron, hunt,holman, hunt,james, hunt,leigh, hunt,richard morris, hunt,william holman, hunt,william morris, hupa, hurdling, hurd,douglas richard, hurley, hurling(或hurley), hurly, hurly-burly, huron indians, huron,lake, hurrah, hurricano, hurry, hurstmonceux, hurston,zora neale, hurtle, hurtless, hurtling, husak,gustav, husayn ibn ali, husaynids, husbandry, husein(或husayn), husht, huss=hus, hussar, hussars, hussein ibn talal, hussein,saddam, husserl,edmund, hussite wars, hussites, hussitism, hussy, huss,john(或jan hus), hustings, hustle, huston,john, huswife, huswifery, hut, hutcheson,francis, hutchinson,anne, hutchinson,thomas, hutchins,robert maynard, hutia, hutten,ulrich von, hutterites, hutter,jacob, huttle cock kicking, hutton,james, hutton,len, huxley, huxley,aldous leonard, huxley,andrew fielding, huxley,sir julian sorell, huxley,thomas henry, huygens, huygens,christiaan, huygens,constantijn, huysmans,joris karl, huzoor, huànɡ, huō, huɑi, huɑnɡ, hvar, hyades, hyaena, hyaline, hyalotype, hyaluronidase, hyatt,john wesley, hybla:, hybris, hyde park, hydel, hyder ali, hyde,douglas, hyde,edward, hydra, hydra-headed, hydra:, hydrant, hydrarch, hydration, hydraulic, hydraulic machinery, hydraulic mining, hydraulics, hydraulis, hydrazine, hydride, hydro-plastic, hydro-stone, hydro-typic, hydrocarbons, hydrocephalus, hydrochloric acid, hydrocyanic(或prussic)acid, hydrodynamics(或fluid dynamics), hydroelectric power, hydroflap, hydrofluoric acid, hydrogen bomb, hydrogen bond, hydrogen chloride, hydrogen cyanide, hydrogen ion concentration, hydrogen peroxide, hydrogen sulfide, hydrogenation, hydroglider, hydrograph, hydrographic chart, hydrography, hydrojet, hydrokeel, hydrolaunched space vehicle, hydrolysis, hydromancy, hydrometeor radar, hydrometry, hydrophobia, hydrophone, hydroplane, hydroponics, hydroscope, hydrosphere, hydrostatics, hydrotherapy, hydrotropism, hydrovane, hydroxide, hydroxide ion, hydrozoa, hyen, hyena(或hyaena), hyeres, hyetal, hygieia, hygiene, hygro-, hygrometer, hygroscopic, hyle, hylomorphic, hylotheism, hylozoism, hymen, hymen:, hymeneal, hymenoptera, hymettus,mount, hymnology, hyoscine(或scopolamine), hypacusia, hypaesthesia, hypaethral, hypatia, hype, hyper-extension of neck, hyper-inflation, hyperaction, hyperaggressive, hyperamnesia, hyperarithmetical, hyperbaric chamber, hyperbatic, hyperbola, hyperbole, hyperbolic, hyperbolic functions, hyperbolic geometry, hyperbolical, hyperboreans, hyperbulia, hypercautious, hypercedemonia, hypercenter, hypercharacteristic, hypercinesia, hypercomplex, hyperconscious, hypercorrect, hypercritic, hypercurve, hypercycle, hyperdiffusionism, hyperdimensional, hyperdispersion, hyperdulia, hyperemotivity, hypererethism, hyperergy, hyperesthesia, hyperfocal, hyperfunction, hypergamy, hypergene, hypergeometric, hyperglycaemia, hypergolic, hypergraph, hyperides, hyperinflation(或galloping inflation、runaway inflation), hyperinsulinism, hyperion, hyperion:, hyperkinesis, hyperkinetic children, hyperlink, hypermarket, hypermedia, hypermetropia, hypermnesia, hyperopia, hyperosia, hyperphysical, hyperplasia, hyperrealism, hypersensitivity, hypersonic, hyperspace, hyperthyroidism, hypertrophy, hypervelocity, hyperventilation, hypnodrama, hypnogenesit, hypnosis, hypnotics, hypo, hypobaric, hypocrisy, hypodynamia, hypogamy, hypogenesis, hypoglycaemia, hypogravity, hypomanic personality, hyponea, hypopsia, hypopsychosis, hypostasis, hypostatize, hypotension, hypotenuse, hypothalamus, hypothecate, hypothermia, hypothyroidism, hypsilanti, hypsometry, hyrax, hyrcan, hyrcania:, hyrcanian, hysterectomy, hysteria, hysteric, hysterica passio, hysteron proteron, hythe, hywel the good, hà, hènɡ, hòng, hònɡ, hāng, hānɡ, hě, hěn, hǎ, hǎnɡ, hǒng, hǒnɡ, i i, i', i.其它, i.十三陵, i.打击乐器, i.抗麻风药, i.泰国, i.燃料系统及其它, i.葡萄牙, i/o接口, iake, iamb, iambus, iapetus, iasi, ib-depth reporting, ibadan, ibague, ibaraki, ibarra,francisco de, ibarruri,dolores, iberian peninsula, iberians, ibert,jarques, iberville,pierre le moyne,sieurd', ibex, ibibio, ibidem, ibiza, ibizan hound, iblis, ibn, ibn al-'arabi,mubyi-i-din, ibn battutah, ibn ezra,abraham ben meir, ibn gabirol,solomon, ibn khaldun, ibn saud, ibn saud dynasty, ibn sina, ibo, ibo(或 igbo), ibrahim, ibrahim pasha, ibrd, ibsen, ibsen,henrik johan, icarus, icarus:, icbm, icc, ice age, ice boating, ice hockey, ice plant | 1 | ice skating, ice-brook, ice:, iceberg, iceland, iceland dog:, iceland moss, iceland spar, icelandic, icelandic literature, iceland,republic of, ich-form, ichikawa, ichinomiya, ichneumon, ichnograph, ichthyology, ichthyornis, ichthyosaur, ichthyosis, icicle, ickes,harold,le claire, icknield way, iconium, iconoclasm, iconoclastic controversy, iconography, iconology, iconometer, iconoscope, icos-=icosa-, ictal, ictinus, id, idaho, idaho falls, ida,mount, ideal, ideal gas, ideal gas law, idealism, idem, idempotence, idenfikit and photofit, identikit, identity, ideogram, ideograph, ideographic writing system(或ideography), ideomotor, ideoreflex, idest, idillio, idioadaptation, idiobiology, idiochromosome, idiocrasy, idiocy, idiodynamic, idioecology, idiogenetic, idiograph, idiokinetic, idiolect, idiom, idiopathy, idiophone, idioplasm, idiosyncrasy, idiot, idiotropic, idle-headed, idlely, idleness, idol, idomeneus, idrisi(或edrisi), idrisids, idyl, idylls of the king, ieyasu tokugawa, ifc, ife, ife,kingdom of, iffish, ifni, igarka, igbo, igloo, igloo=iglu, ignatiev,nikolai pavlovich,count, ignatius of antioch,st, ignatius of constantinople,st, ignatius of loyola,st, igneous rock, ignite, ignition,engine, ignitus, ignobly, ignoramus, ignorance, ignoratio elenchi, ignoratio per ignotius, iguacu(或iguassu), iguacu(或iguassu) falls, iguana, iguanodon, iguassu, iguassu falls, iguvine tablets, igy, ii, ijmuiden, ijsselmeer(或ysselmer), ik, ikeda, ikeda hayato, ikhwan al-safa, ikhwan,al-, ikko uprisings, ikon, il me commande a vous dire que vous faites vouspret; car ce soldat ici est dispose tout a cette heu-re de couper votre gorge, ilahi era, ilbert bill, ile de la cite, ile-de-france, ileitis, ilesha, ilex, ilf,ilya arnoldovich, ilheus(ilkeos), ili, iliad, iliads, ilion, ilion:, ilipa,battle of, ilium, ilium:, ilk, ilkeston, ilkeus, ilkley, ill-beseeming, ill-boding, ill-breeding, ill-composed, ill-dispersing, ill-divining, ill-favoured, ill-favouredly, ill-headed, ill-inhabited, ill-nurtured, ill-roasted, ill-shaped, ill-sorted, ill-spirited, ill-starred, ill-used, ill-weaved, ill-well, illation, illaudable, illegal, illegible, illia,arturo, illiberal, illiberalism, illich,ivan, illicit, illimitable, illinois, illinois indians, illinois river, illiquidity, illiteracy, illiterate, illiterati, illness, illocution, illume, illuminance, illumine, illusage, illustration, illustrious, illyria, illyria:, ilmenite, ilo, iloilo, ilokano revolt, ilokos, ilorin, ilyushin,sergei vladimirovich, imad shahi dynasty, imaginary, imaginary number, imagination, imagine, imagined, imagism, imagists, imago, imamis(或twelvers), imative, imbalance, imbar, imbecile, imbibe, imbricate, imbroglio, imbros, imbrue, imbrute, imbue, imf, imhotep, imitari, imitate, immaculate conception, immanence, immanent, immanity, immask, immaterial, immature, immeasurable, immediacy, immediately, immelodious, immemorial, immense, immerge, immerse, immethodical, immigrant, immigration, immingham, immiscible, immiserize, immitigable, immix, immobile, immoderate, immoral, immortelle, immovable, immune, immunity, immunization, immunoglobulin, immunology, immunosuppression, immunosuppressive drug, immutable, imp, impact, impaint, impala(或 pala), impanation, imparadise, imparity, imparl, impartial, impartible, impartment, impassable, impasse, impassible, impassion, impastation, impasted, impasto, impatience, impawn, impayable, impeccable, impeccant, impecunious, impedance, impede, impediment, impedimenta, impel, impellor, impend, impendent, impenetrable, impenetrate, imperceptible, imperfection, imperial cities, imperial college of science and technology, imperial conferences, imperial diet, imperial moth, imperial valley, imperial war museum, imperialism, imperials, imperil, imperiously, imperishable, imperium, impermanence, impermeable, impermissible, imperscriptible, impersonal, impertinency, impertinent, imperturbable, impervious, impeticos:, impetigo, impetrate, impetus, imphal, impinge, impious, impish, impiteous, implacable, implant, implausible, implead, implement, impletion, implicans, implicate, implication, implicit, implode, implorator, implore, implosion, imply, impolder, impolicy, impolite, imponderable, importance, importancy, important, importing, importunacy, importunate, importuned, imposition, impost, imposthume, impostor, impot, impotence, impoverish, impower, impracticable, imprecate, imprecise, impredicable, impregnable, impregnate, impresa, impresario, imprescriptible, impressed, impression, impressionism, impressionism in music, impressment, impressure, imprest, imprimatur, imprimatura, imprimis, imprimitive, imprint, imprinting, imprison, improbable, improbity, improcreance, improficiency, impromptu, impropriate, improve, improvise, imprudent, impuberism, impudent, impuissant, impulse, impunity, impure, imputation, impute, imroz, in absentia, in camera, in capite, in operation, in re, in re gault, in rem, in situ, in situ=in-situ, in statu pupillari, in terrorem, in via, in vitro fertilization, in-and-in, in-between, in-company training, in-course, in-flight, in-flow, in-hand foods, in-home personal interview, in-house training, in-house use tests, in-job training, in-law, in-painting, in-patient, in-phase, in-place cease fire, in-runway light, in-the-money, in-to-out, inability, inaccuracy, inact, inadaptable, inadequacy, inadvertent, inadvisable, inaesthetic, inalienability, inalterable, inane, inanimate, inapplicable, inapposite, inappreciable, inappreciation, inapprehensible, inapproachable, inappropriate, inapt, inarmoured, inarticulate, inartificial, inartistic, inattentive, inaudible, inaugural, inauspicious, inauthentic, inbalance between supply and demand, inbeing, inboard, inborn, inbound, inbox, inbreak, inbreathe, inbreed, inbreeding, inbuilt, incaged, incalculable, incandesce, incandescent lamp, incantation, incanus, incapacitate, incarcerate, incardinate, incase, incaution, incavo, incendiary, incense cedar, incense-tree, incensed, incensement, incenter=incentre, incentive, incept, incertain, incertitude, incessancy, incestuous, inchcape rock, inchoate, inchon, inchworm, incident, incinderjell, incinerate, incipient, incise, incision, incisor, incisura, incity, incivility, inclement, inclination,magnetic, inclined, inclined plane, inclining, inclip, incodrdinate, incognito, incognizable, incoherent, incombustible, income, income tax, income tax amendment, incomes policy, incommensurable, incommode, incommunicable, incommunicado, incommutable, incompact, incomparable, incompatible, incompetent, incomplete, incomplex, incompliance, incompossible, incomprehensible, incomprehensive, incomputable, inconceivable, inconclusive, incondite, inconformity, incongruous, inconscient, inconsequent, inconsequently, inconsiderable, inconsiderate, inconsistent, inconsolable, inconsonant, inconspicuous, inconstancy, inconsumable, incontestable, incontinency, incontinently, incontrovertible, inconvenience, inconvertibility, inconvincible, incony, incoordinate, incorporal, incorporeal, incorpsed, incorrigible, incorrupt, incourse guidance, incredible, incredulous, increment, incrementalism, incriminate, incrustation, incubation, inculcate, inculpate, inculturation, incumbent, incumber, incumbrance, incunabula, incunabulum, incurable, incurious, incursive, incuse, ind, indaba, indagate, indanthrone, inde, indebt, indecent, indecipherable, indecisive, indeclinable, indecomposable, indecorous, indecorum, indeed, indefatigable, indefeasible, indefectible, indefensible, indefinable, indeliberate, indelible, indelicacy, indemnify, indemonstrable, indented, indenture, independants,salon des, independence day, independence hall, independence,american war of, independence,declaration of, independent treasury system, independent variable, independents, indepth, indescribable, indestructible, indeterminacy principle, indeterminate, index fossil, index librorum prohibitorum, index number, index of refraction, indexation, indexterity, india, india shot, india-pakistan wars, india-rubber tree, india:, indian, indian affairs,bureau of, indian architecture, indian corn, indian hemp, indian languages, indian liquorice, indian literature, indian music, indian mutiny(或sepoy rebellion), indian mythology, indian national congress, indian ocean, indian philosophy, indian pipe, indian removal,policy of, indian territory, indian wars, indiana, indianapolis, indians,north american, indians,south american, india,republic of, indic, indicate, indicative, indicator, indie, indies:, indifference curve, indifferency, indifferently, indigenous, indigestion, indign, indignant, indigo buntiug, indigo snake, indirectly, indiscernible, indiscipline, indiscrete, indiscretion, indiscriminate, indiscussible, indispensable, indispose, indisputable, indistinguishable, indistinguished, indistributable, indium, individual, individual retirement account, indivisible, indo-aryan languages, indo-china, indo-european languages, indo-hittite languages, indo-iranian languages, indochina, indochina war, indocility, indoctrinate, indolent, indomitable, indonesia, indonesian languages, indonesia,republic of, indoor, indore, indorse, indraft=indraught, indri, indubitable, indubitate, inducement, inductance, inductile, induction,magnetic, inductive logic, inductor, indue, indued, indulge, indulgence, indulgences, indurance, indurate, indus, indus valley civilization, industrial, industrial democracy, industrial espionage, industrial health, industrial relations, industrial relations act, industrial revolution, industrial workers of the world, industrialization, industry, industry equilibrium, indus,river, indwell, indy,vincent d', ine, inebriate, inedited, ineducable, ineffable, ineffective, inefficient, inelastic, inelegant, ineligible, ineloquent, ineluctable, inenarable, inept, inequal, inequality, inequitable, ineradicable, inerrable, inert, inertia, inertial guidance, inevitable, inexact, inexecrable, inexhaustible, inexistent, inexpensive, inexperienced, inexpert, inexpiable, inexplosive, inexpressible, inexpugnable, inextenso, inextinguishable, inextricable, inez de castro, infallibilism, infallibility, infallibly, infamonize, infamous, infamy, infancy, infant mortality, infanticide, infantile paralysis, infarcrion, infatuate, infeasible, infected, infectious, infectious mononucleosis, infecundity, infelicitous, inferiority complex, infernal, infertile, infertility, infest, infidel, infield, infight, infiltrate, infinite set, infinitum, infinity, infirmary, infirmity, infix, inflame, inflamed, inflate, inflation, inflect, inflection, inflict, inflorescence, influent, influx, info-highway, infocommunications industry, infold, infold=enfold, infomercials, informal, information, information storage and retrieval, information theory, inforport, infortunate, infra, infra-, infra-red, infract, infralapsarian, infrangible, infrared radiation, infrared telescope, infrastructure, infrequent, infringe, infructuous, infuriate, infusion, ingather, ingemann,bernhard severin, ingeminate, ingener, ingenerate, ingenhousz,jan, ingens, ingenuous, ingerence, ingest, inge,william, inge,william ralph, ingleborgh, inglewood, inglorious, ingoing, ingolstadt, ingot, ingrain, ingrate, ingrateful, ingratiate, ingratitude, ingredience, ingredient, ingress, ingres,jean auguste dominique, ingroup, ingrowing, ingénue, inhale, inharmony, inhaul, inhearse, inhere, inherent powers, inheritance, inheritance tax, inheritor, inheritrix, inhibit, inhibited, inhibition, inhibitor, inhomogeneity, inhospitable, inhume, inimical, inimitable, initial, initiate, initiation, initiative, inject, injection, injection moulding, injoint, injudicious, injunct, injure, injuria, injurious, injury, injustice, ink cap, inkerman,battle of, inkhorn, inkle, inky, inlaid, inland sea, inlaying, inlead, inlet, inline, inlocate, inly, inmate, inmost, inn, inn(或en), innage, innards, innate, innate ideas, inner, inner hebrides, inner temple, inness,george, inning, innocence, innocency, innocent ([ˈinəsnt])ⅲ, innocent ⅰ, innocent ⅱ, innocent ⅲ, innocent ⅳ, innocent ⅶ, innocent ⅺ, innocuous, innominate, innovate, innovation, innoxious, inns a’ court:, inns of court, innsbruck, innuendo, innumerable, innutritious, inobservant, inoculation, inoffensive, inofficious, inonu, inonu,ismet, inoperative, inopportune, inorganic, inorganic chemistry, inorganization, inornate, inplayer, inpolar, inports, inprimis, input, input-output model, inquest, inquietude, inquilinism, inquire, inquire=enquire, inquisite, inquisition, inquisition(或holy office), inquisitive, inquorate, inri, inroad, inrush, insalubrious, insanity, insatiable, inscape, inscience, insconce, inscrutable, insculptate | 1 | insect control, insecticides, insectivora, insectivorous plant, insecure, inseminate, insemination,artificial, insenescence, insensate, insensibility, insensible, inseparate, insert, inshore, inside, insidious, insight, insignia, insignificant, insincere, insinewed, insinuating, insinuation, insipid, insipience, insist, insobriety, insofar, insolation, insoluble, insomuch, insonate, insonify, insouciance, inspect, inspire, inspirit, inspissate, instable, install, installment, installment buying and selling, instamatic, instant, instantaneous, instantiate, instantly, instate, instauration, instead, insteep, instep, instigate, instigation, instill=instill, institut de france, institute for advanced study, instruction, instructional television, instrument landing system, instruments, instruments,aircraft, insubordinate, insubstance, insufferable, insufficiency, insufflate, insular, insulate, insulation, insulation,electrical, insulation,heat, insulator, insulin, insull,samuel, insulting, insuperable, insuppressible, insurance, insure, insurgent, insurmountable, insusceptible, inswing, intact, intaglio printing, intake, intangible, integer, integral, integral calculus, integrated circuit(或 microchip), integration, integrity, integumentary system, intellectual, intellectus, intelligence gathering, intelligence quotient, intelligence service, intelligence testing, intelligencer, intelligent, intemperature, intendant, intendment, intense, intensity,earthquake, intent, intentio, intentively, inter-aircraft, inter-american development bank, inter-chapter, inter-city, inter-college, interact, interaction,nuclear, interadaptation, interanimation, interattraction, interbreed, intercalary, intercarrier, intercede, intercepter, intercession, interchangeably, interchangement, interclass, interclude, intercom, intercombination, intercommunal, intercommunicate, intercommunity, intercompare, interconnect, interconsistency, intercontinental, intercontinental ballistic missile, interconversion, intercoordination, intercorrelation, intercourse, intercrop, intercross, intercultural, intercurrent, intercut, interdeducible, interdepend, interdetermination, interdict, interdiction, interdiffuse, interdisciplinary, interessed, interface, interfere, interferene, interferogram, interferometer, interferon, interfile, interfinger, interflow, interfuse, intergalactic, intergeneration, intergenic, interglacial age, intergovernmental maritime consultative organization, intergraft, intergroup, intergrowth, interindividual, interior, interior design, interior,united states department of, interisland, interj udge, interjacent, interject, interlaboratory, interlace, interlaken, interlanguage, interlard, interlayer, interleave, interline, interlingua, interlinguistics, interlink, interlock, interlocution, interlope, intermarry, intermass, intermedia, intermediacy, intermediary, intermediate, intermediate range ballistic missile, intermediate vector boson, interment, intermesh, interminable, intermissive, intermix, intermodulation, intern, internal, internal medicine, internal revenue service, internal-combustion engine, internalization, international atomic energy agency, international bank for reconstruction and development(world bank), international brigade, international court of justice, international criminal police organization, international date line, international development association, international finance corporation, international fund for agricultural development, international geophysical year, international labor organization, international language, international law, international monetary fund, international monetary system, international phonetic alphabet, international red cross committee, international standard book number, international style, international telecommunication union, internationalc, internecine, internegative, internet, internuncio, interoception, interorbital, interosculate, interpage, interpellate, interpenetrate, interpersonal, interphase, interphenomena, interphone, interplane, interplanetary, interplay, interplead, interpolate, interpolation, interpose, interposition, interpretation, interpreter, interprocess, interproposition, interpsychology, interracial, interreaction, interregnum, interrelate, interrogate, interrogation point, interrupt, interrupted fern, interscholastic, intersect, intersection, intersensory, interservice, intersession, intersex, interspace, intersperse, interstage, interstate, interstate commerce commission, interstellar, interstellar matter, interstitial, interstratified, intersubjective, intersymbol, interterm, intertextuality, intertexture, intertheater, intertissued, intertown, intertranslatable, intertube, intertwine, intertwist, interuniversity, interurban, interval, intervallum, intervalometer, intervene, intervision, intervital, intervolve, interwork, interzone, inter’gatory, intestable, intestate, intestinal obstruction, intimacy, intimate, intimation, intimidate, intimism, intitle, intitled, intituled, into, intolerable, intolerable acts, intolerance, intonaco, intonation, intoxicate, intoxicates, intoxication, intra vires, intra-, intracellular, intracity, intraclass, intracoastal waterway, intraconnection, intractable, intrada, intradepartmental, intradisciplinary, intragenic, intragroup, intraindividual, intramural, intranational, intranet, intransigent, intransit, intransitive, intrant, intraparty, intrapersonal, intraproposition, intrapsychic, intraservice, intrastate, intratank, intratheater, intrauterine device, intreasure, intrench, intrenchant, intrepid, intricacy, intrigue, intrince, intrinse, intrinsic, intrinsic factor, intro, introduce, introflexed, introit, introject, intromit, intropunitive, introspect, introversion, introvert, intrude, intrusion, intrusive rocks, intrust=entrust, intuit, inuit, inundate, inundation, inurn, inurned, inutile, invader, invalid, invaluable, invariable, invective, invectively, inveigh, inveigle, invent, invention, inventor, inventorially, inverness, inverness:, inverse, inversion, invertebrate, invertendo, investigate, investiture, investiture controversy, investment, investment bank, investment company(或investment trust), investments, inveterate, invidious, invigilate, invigorate, invincible, inviolate, invisible hand, inviting, invitis nubibus, invocate, invocation, invoice, involuntary, involute, invulnerable, inwardly, inwardness, inwards, inwrought, io, io moth, io:, ioannina, iodine, ion propulsion, iona, ionesco,eugene, ionia, ionian, ionian islands, ionian sea, ionians, ionic bond, ionic order, ionization, ionization chamber, ionosphere, iowa, iowa city, ip'sofac'to, ipatieff,vladimir nikolaievich, ipecacuanha, iphigenia, ipoh, ipsambul, ipsation, ipse, ipswich, ipswich:, iq, iqbal,muhammad, iquique, iquitos, ir, ira, iraklion(或herakleion), iranian languages, iraq, iraq,republic of, irascible, iraser, irate, irawadi river, irbid, irbil(或erbil), irbm, ire, ire=ireland, ireful, ireland, ireland,john nickolson, ireland,northern, ireland,republic of, irene, irenic=irenical, ireton,henry, iridescent, iridium, iris:, irish, irish elk, irish famine, irish hospitals’sweepstakes, irish land question, irish language, irish literary renaissance, irish literature, irish moss, irish rebellion of 1798, irish republican army, irish republican brotherhood, irish sea, irish setter, irish terrier, irish water spaniel, irish wolfhound, iritis, irksome, irkutsk, iron age, iron cross, iron curtain, iron gate, iron guard, iron lung, iron-witted, ironclad, ironside,william edmund, 1st baron, ironworker, iroquoian, iroquois confederacy(或iroquois league), irorwood, irradiate, irradicable, irrational, irrawaddy(或 irawadi) river, irreal, irrebuttable, irreclaimable, irrecognizable, irreconcilable, irreconciled, irredeemable, irredentism, irredentists, irreducible, irreflexive, irrefragable, irrefutable, irrelative, irremissible, irremovable, irreparable, irreplaceable, irrepressible, irreproachable, irresistible, irresolute, irresolvable, irrespective, irresponsible, irresponsive, irresuscitable, irretrievable, irreversible, irrigable, irrigation, irritable, irrupt, irs, irtysh river, irvine, irving, irvington, irving,john, irving,sir henry, irving,washington, irwin, is, isaac, isaac ⅰ comnenus, isaac ⅱ angelus, isaacs,jorge, isabcy jean baptiste, isabel of bavaria, isabella, isabella of france, isabella stewart gardner museum, isabella ⅰ ,the catholic, isabella ⅱ, isagoge, isaiah, isbm, iscariot, ischia,island of, ise, ise:, isfahan(或esfahan), ish:, isherwood,christopher, ishihara test, ishii,kikujiro, ishmael, ishtar, isidore of seville,st, isis, iskenderun, islamic architecture, islamic art, islamic law, island arc, islas malvinas, islay, isle of man:, isle of wight, isle royale national park, isleta, islington, ismail, ismail pasha, ismaili, ismailia(或al-ismailiyah), ismailian, ismailis(或seveners), isobath, isocephalic, isochromatic, isochronal, isochronism, isochrous, isoclinal, isocrates, isogamy, isogenesis, isogon, isogram, isograph, isography, isohedral, isohel, isohyet, isolate, isolationism, isoline, isolit, isomagnetic, isomeric, isomers, isometric, isometrics, isomorph, isomorphism, isoniazid, isopiestic, isopin, isopod, isopolity, isoprene, isorhythm, isospace, isostasy, isotach, isothermal process, isotonic, isotonic solution, isotope, isotopes, isotopic spin, isotropy, isotype, israels,jozef, israel,state of, israel,tribes of, issa, issachar,tribe of, issas, isserles,moses ben israel, issues, issuing, issuing house, issus,battle of, issyk kul,lake, istana, istanbul, istanbul(或stambul), isthmian games, itaipu, italian, italian art, italian east africa, italian greyhound, italian language, italian literature, italian wars, italic, italic languages, italic script, italo-ethiopian war, italy, italy,republic of, itch, itchmite, iterance, iterate, iteration, itheca(或ithaki), ithyphallic, itineracy, ito, ito hirobumi, itself, iturbide,agustin de, iturbi,jose, itza, iud, ivan ([ˈaivən])ⅰ, ivan ⅴ, ivan ⅵ, ivan(ⅲ) the great, ivan(ⅳ) the terrible, ivanovo, ivanov,lev, ivery, ives,charles, ivory coast,republic of, ivory-billed woodpecker, ivy arum, ivy league, iwaki(或taira), iwis, iwo, iwo jima, iwo jima,battle of, ixolyte, ixtacalco, ixtacihuatl(或iztaccihuatl), ixtapalapa, izanagi and izanami, izhevsk(或izevsk), izmir, izmit, iztaccibuatl, izvolsky,aleksandr petrovich, izzard, izzat, j particle, j.北京猿人陈列馆, j.印度, j.抗忧郁药, j.苏联(原苏), jab, jabalpur, jabber, jabiru, jaborandi, jabot, jacamar, jacana, jacaranda, jacinth, jack russell terrier, jack the ripper, jack(或crevalle jack), jack-a-lent, jack-an-ape, jack-an-apes, jack-dog, jack-in-the-pulpit, jackal, jackass, jackdaw, jacket, jackknife, jackladder, jacklin,tony, jackpudding, jackrabbit, jackson hole, jacksonville, jackson,andrew, jackson,glenda, jackson,helen fiske hunt, jackson,mahalia, jackson,robert houghwout, jackson,shirley, jackson,thomas jonathan, jackson,william henry, jackstraw, jack’nape, jacob, jacob's ladder, jacob:, jacobean style, jacobin, jacobins(或jacobin club), jacobites, jacobsen,arne, jacobsen,jens peter, jacobs,william wymark, jacob,francois, jaconet, jacopo della quercia, jacopone da todi, jacquard, jacquard,joseph-marie, jactitation, jade plant, jadotville, jaeger, jaen, jaffa, jag, jagannatha(或juggernaut), jagan,cheddi berrat, jagger,mick, jagiellons, jaguarundi, jail, jain, jainism, jaipur, jajapura(或sukarnapur), jakes, jalalabad, jalap, jalapa enriquez, jalee, jalisco, jalousie, jam, jama, jamany:, jamb, jambi, james, james edward stuart,the old pretender, james river, james ⅰ, james ⅱ, james ⅲ, james ⅳ, james ⅴ, james ⅵ, james([dӡeimz])ⅰ, james(ⅰ)the conqueror, jameson, jameson,sir leander starr, jamestown, james,henry, james,jesse, james,st, james,william, jami, jami,nur ad-din abd ar-rahman, jammu and kashmire, jamnagar, jams, jamshedpur, jan mayen, janacek,leos, janesville, jangling, janissaries, janissary=janizary, janitor, janizary, jansen, jansenism, jansen,cornelis, jansky,karl guthe, janson,nicolas, januarius,st, january insurrection, janus:, japanese architecture, japanese art, japanese beetle, japanese cedar, japanese exclusion, japanese literature, japanese maple, japanese music, japanese mythology, japanese spaniel, japanese theatre, japanning, japan,sea of, japhet:, japheth, japonica, japura, jaques-dalcroze,emile, jardiniere, jargon, jaroslavl’, jarrah, jarre, jarrell,randall, jarrow, jarry,alfred, jaruzelski, jaruzelski,wojciech, jasmine, jasmine(或jessamine), jason, jason:, jaspagate, jasper, jaspers,karl, jasperware, jaspure, jat, jataka, jatakas, jato, jaunce, jauncing, jaunt, jaunty, jaures, jaures,jean, java man, java sea, javanese music, jaw, jawara,dauda kairaba, jawlensky,alexey von, jayavarman ⅱ, jayavarman ⅶ, jayawardene,junius richard, jaygee, jaype, jayvee, jaywalk, jay’s treaty, jay,john, jcs, je pense que vousetes le gentilhom-me de bonne quali-te, je quand sur le possession de france,et quandvous avez le possession de moi,, jealious, jealousy, jean, jean de meun, jean paul, jeans,sir james hopwood, jedburgh, jedda, jeep, jeer, jefe, jefferies,richard, jeffers, jefferson, jefferson city, jefferson,joseph, jefferson,memorial, jefferson,thomas, jeffers,robinson, jeffrey, jeffreys of wem(或george jeffreys), jeffreys,sir harold, jeffrey,francis,lord, jeffries,john, jehad, jehannet, jeheemy, jehoshaphat, jehoshaphat(或josaphat、joshaphat), jehovah’s witnesses, jehu, jejune, jell, jellaba, jellicoe,john rushworth jellicoe, 1st earl, jellyfish, jena and auerstadt,battle of, jenghiz, jenghiz khan, jenkins’ear,war of, jenkins,roy harris, jenner,edward, jennet, jenny, jensen, jenson(或janson) ,nicholas, jenson,johannes vichelm, jeopardy, jephthah:, jerboa, jeremiad, jeremiah, jeremiah(或jeremias), jerez de la frontera, jerkinhead, jeroboam ⅰ, jerome, jerome,jerome klapka, jerome,st, jeronimy:, jerque | 1 | jerquer, jerry, jersey cattle, jersey city, jerusalem artichoke, jerusalem chamber:, jerusalem:, jerusalem,latin kingdom of, jervis bay, jespersen, jesperson,otto, jess, jessamine, jesselton, jester, jesu, jesu:, jesuit estates act, jesuits, jesus(或 jesus christ), jet engine, jet propulsion, jet stream, jete, jetsam, jettie, jettison, jetton, jeu, jeunesse, jevons, jevons,william stanley, jewelry, jewelweed, jewel,john, jewett,sarah orne, jewfish, jewish autonomous region(或birobidzhan), jewish holidays, jewish liturgial music, jewry:, jews, jew’s harp, jezebel, jezebel:, jezreel,valley of, jhansi, jhelum, jhelum,river, jib, jibe, jibril, jidda(或jedda), jie, jig-maker, jigger, jigsaw, jihad, jihad(或jehad), jill, jilt, jim crow laws, jimenez, jimenez de cisneros,francisco, jimenez de quesada,gonzalo, jimenez,juan ramon, jimmu, jimsonweed, jingle, jingo, jingoism, jink, jinnah, jinnah,mohammad ali, jinnee, jinni, jinx, jitter, jiujitsm, jive, jián, jiònɡ, jiú, jiōnɡ, jiǎng, jiɑ, joab, joachim of fiore, joachim,joseph, joan:, joanna the mad, joannes, joan,pope, joao pessoa, job:, jobs,steven paul, jochho, jochum,eugen, jock, jockstrap, jocose, jodhpur, jodhpur(或marwar), jodl,alfred, jodrell bank, jods, joe-pye weed, joel, joffre, joffre,joseph jacques cesaire, jog, jogjakarta(或 djokjakarta), johanan ben zakkai, johannsen,wilhelm ludvig, john a’ gaunt:, john birch society, john bull, john dory, john frederiek(ⅰ)(the magnanimous), john henry, john maurice of nassau, john o'groats, john of austria, john of brienne, john of damascus,st, john of gaunt, john of gaunt:, john of lancaster:, john of lancaster,duke of bedford, john of leiden, john of luxembourg, john of nepomuk,st, john of salisbury, john of the cross,st, john paul ⅰ, john paul ⅱ, john sack and sugar,sir:, john the baptist,st, john the fearless, john ⅰ, john ⅰ(the great), john ⅰ(tzimisces), john ⅱ(casimir), john ⅱ(comnenus), john ⅱ(john sigismund), john ⅱ(the good), john ⅱ(the perfect), john ⅲ(ducas vatatzes), john ⅲ(john sobieski), john ⅲ(the fortunate), john ⅳ, john ⅳ(lascaris), john ⅴ(palaeologus), john ⅴ(the magnanimous), john ⅵ, john ⅵ(cantacuzenus), john ⅶ(palaeologus), john ⅷ, john ⅷ(palaeologus), john ⅹⅹⅲ, john ⅹⅹⅲ(angleo roncalli), john ⅹⅻ(jacques d’euse), john ⅻ, john-a-dreams:, johnny appleseed, johns hopkins university,the, johnson, johnson,amy, johnson,andrew, johnson,cornelius, johnson,james weldon, johnson,lyndon baines, johnson,philip courtelyou, johnson,samuel, johnson,sir william, johnson,uwe, johnson,virginia eshelman, johnson,walter perry, johnston,albert sidney, johnston,joseph eggleston, johnstown, johns,jasper, john,augustus edwin, john,barry, john,elton hercules, john,first,second and third epistles, john,gospel according to saint, john,st, johore, join-stool, joined, joined-stool, joiner, joint chiefs of staff, joint committee, joint-labourer, joint-ring, joint-stool, jointer, jointress, joints, jointure, joinvile, joinville,jean,sire de, joist, jokai,mor, joke, joliet, joliot-curie,irene and frederic, jolliet(或joliet) ,louis, jollity, jolson,al, jolt, jolthead, joluo, jomon culture, jonah, jones, jones act, jones leroi, jones,alfred ernest, jones,bobby, jones,casey, jones,daniel, jones,david, jones,howard mumford, jones,inigo, jones,jack, jones,james, jones,james earl, jones,john paul, jones,sir edward burne, jones,sir william, jongkind,johann barthold, jongler, jongleur, jong,erica mann, jonkoping, jonson,ben, joplin,scott, jordaens,jacob, jordan,barbara charline, jordan,dorothy, jordan,vernon eulion,jr., jos, josaphat, jose martinez ruiz, joselito, joseph, joseph of arimathea,st, joseph ⅰ, joseph ⅱ, josephson,brian david, josephus,flavius, joseph,chief, joseph,sir keith, joseph,st, joshaphat, joshua tree, josiah, josquin des prez, joss, jostle, jota, jotunheimen, joual, joubert,piet, jouhaux, joule's law, joule-kelvin effect, joule,james prescott, jounce, jour de fete, journal, journalism, journey-bated, jouvet,louis, jove:, jovian, jowett,benjamin, joyce, joyce,james, joyce,william, jozsef,attila, jp, juan carlos ⅰ, juan de fuca strait, juan fernandez islands, juana ines de la cruz, juarez, juarez(或ciudad juarez), juarez,benito, jubbulpore, jube, jubilant, jubilee, judaea(或judea), judah ha-levi(或judah halevy), judah ha-nasi(或judah ⅰ), judah,tribe of, judas, judas iscariot, judas maccabeus, judas tree(或redbud), judas:, judder, judd,donald, judea, jude,epistle of, jude,st, judgement, judges, judicature,supreme court of, judicial, judiciary acts, judicious, judith, judson, judson,adoniram, jug, jug:, jugartha, juggernaut, juggler, juggling, jugoslavia, jugular vein, jugurtha, juice, juiz de fora, jujitsu, juju, jujube, jukebox, julia, julian, julian alps, julian calendar, julian day(或julian date), julian of norwich, julian the apostate, juliana, julius, julius caesar, julius ⅰ ,st, julius ⅱ, jullundur, july revolution, jumble, jumbo, jumna, jumping bean, jumping hare, jumping mouse, jumping spider, junco, junction, june beetle(或june bug、may beetle), june days, juneau, juneau,solomon laurent, junger,ernest, jungfrau, jungian, jungle, jungle fowl, jung,carl gustav, junior, junior college, juniper, junius,letters of, junk, junker, junkers, juno's swans:, juno:, junoesque, junta, junto, jupiter, jupiter:, jupon, jura, jura mountains, jurassic period, jure, juridic=juridical, jurimetrician, juris et de jure, jurisdiction, jurisprudence, jurist, juror, jurua, jus, juso, jussieu,antoine de, jussieu,antoine-laurent de, jussieu,bernard de, jussieu,joseph de, juste-milieu, justice of the peace, justicer, justice,united states department of, justiciar, justification, justify, justin, justin martyr,st, justin ⅰ, justinian code, justinian ⅰ, justinian ⅱ, justling, justly, justo, justus of ghent, jutes, jutland, jutland(或jylland), jutland,battle of, jutter, jutty, juvenal, juvenal(或juvenalis) ,decimus junius, juvenescence, juvenile delinquency, juvie, juxtapose, juē, juě, jylland, jǔn, k meson, k-12大肠杆菌, k.其它, k.印度尼西亚, k.抗癫痫药, k.波兰, k2, ka, kaaba, kaaba(或caaba), kabaddi, kabaki theater, kabala, kabalevsky,dmitri, kabardilno-balkar autonomous soviet socialist republic, kabbala, kabinda, kabuki, kabwe, kachina, kadar, kadar,janos, kaduna, kaesong, kaffir cat, kaffir corn, kaffirs, kafiri, kafirs, kafka,franz, kafuan stone tools, kafue river, kagoshima, kagu, kahn,herman, kahn,louis isadore, kaieteur falls, kaikoura ranges, kailser, kain, kaiserslautern, kaiser,georg, kaka, kakapo, kakemono, kakinomoto hitomaro, kakistocracy, kala-azar, kalahari desert, kalamazoo, kalanchoe, kalat(或khelat), kaleidoscope, kalemie, kalenjin, kalgoorlie-boulder, kalif=kaliph, kalimba, kalinin, kalinin(或tver), kaliningrad, kalinin,mikhail ivanovich, kalisz, kalmar union, kalmia, kalmyk autonomous soviet socialist republic, kalomo culture, kalos, kalpa, kalsomine, kaluga, kamagrapher, kamakura, kama,river, kamba, kamchatka peninsula, kamehameha ⅰ, kamehameha ⅱ, kamehameha ⅲ, kamehameha ⅳ, kamehameha ⅴ, kamenev, kamenev,lev borisovich, kamet,mount, kami, kammu, kampong, kampuchea, kampuchea,democratic, kanagawa, kanaka, kananga, kanazawa, kanchenjunga(或kinchinjunga、kangchenjunga),mount, kanchipuram, kandahar, kandari, kandinsky,wassilly, kanellopoulos, kanellopoulos,panayotis, kanem bornu, kangaroo paw, kangaroo rat, kangchenjunga,mount, kania,stanislaw, kannada, kannarese, kano, kano eitoku, kano masanobu, kano motonobu, kano tanyu, kanpur(或cawnpore), kansas, kansas city, kansas-nebraska act, kant, kant,immanuel, kanuri, kaolin, kaoline=kaolin, kaon(或k meson), kapil dev(或kapil dev ramlal nikhanj), kapital,das, kapitza,peter leonidovich, kaplan,mordecai menahem, kara ok=karaoke, kara sea, kara-bogaz-gol, kara-kum(或kara kumy)desert, karachai-cherkes, karadjordjcvic(或karageorgevich), karadjordje, karafuto, karaganda, karageorge(或karadjordje), karageorgevich, karaism, karaite, karajan,herbert von, karakalpak, karakoram range, karakorum, karakul, karamanlis,constantine, karamzin, karamzin,nikolai mikhailovich, karass, karat, karbala, kardan, karelian, karelian autonomous soviet socialist republic, karen, kariba dam, karim, karkota dynasty, karl-marx-stadt, karlfeldt,erik axel, karloff,boris, karlsruhe, karlstadt, karnataka, karolyi,count michael, karpov,anatoly, karroo, karsh,yousuf, karst, kart, karting, karton, kasai(或cassai), kasavubu,joseph, kashmir(或cashmere goat), kashmiri, kashrut, kashubian, kasimir, kasparov,garry, kassala, kassel(或cassel), kassite, kassites(或cassites), kastner,erich, kata, katabatic, katanga, katathermometer, katayama, katayev,valentin petrovich, kate:, katharine of aragon, katharsis, katherine:, kathiawar peninsula, kathmandu, kathmandu(或katmandu), katmai,mount, katmandu, katogene, katowice, katrine,loch, katsina, katsura taro, katsushika hokusai, kattegat, katydid, katyn massacre, kauai island, kauffman,angelica, kaufman,george simon, kaunas, kaunda,kenneth david, kaunitz,wenzel anton,count von, kauri pine, kautsky,karl johann, kava, kavalla(或kavala), kawabata yasunari, kawaguchi, kawasaki, kaye,danny, kayseri, kay,john, kay,ulysse, kazachok, kazak, kazakh, kazakh soviet socialist republic, kazakstan, kazan, kazantzakis,nikos, kazan,elia, kazatska, kazin,alfred, kazoo, kazvin(或qazvin), kbe, kea, kean,charles john, kean,edmund, kean,ellen tree, kearny,philip, kearny,stephen watts, keating,tom, keaton,buster, keaton,diane, keats,john, keble,john, kebnekaise, kecksy, kecskemet, kedah, kedge, keech, keech:, keegan,kevin, keeling islands, keene,charles samuel, keeper, keeping, keepsake, keeshond, keewatin, kefallinia, kefauver,cary estes, keflavik, keg, kegler, kehre-in mount, keighley, keil, keisar, keitel,wilhelm, kekkonen,urho kaleva, kekule,friedrich august, kellantan, keller,gottfried, keller,helen adams, kellogg, kellogg-briand pact, kellogg,frank billings, kells, kells,book of, kelly,gene, kelly,george, kelly,grace, kelly,ned, kelmscott press, kelp(或tangle), kelpie, kelvin, kelvin,william thomson 1st baron, kemal pasha,mustafa, kemalism, kemal,mehmed namik, kemble,charles, kemble,frances ann, kemble,john philip, kemble,roger, kemerovo, kempe,margery, kempe,rudolf, kempis, kendal, kendal:, kendall,amos, kendall,edward calvin, kendall,george wilkins, kendall,henry, kendo, kendrew,sir john cowdery, keneally,thomas michael, kenilworth, kenitra, kennan, kennan,george frost, kennedy, kennedy,edward moore, kennedy,john fitzgerald, kennedy,joseph patrick, kennedy,robert francis, kennel, kennelly-heaviside layer, kennelly,arthur edwin, kenner, kenneth ([ˈkeniθ])ⅱ, kenneth ⅰ macalpine, kenny,sister elizabeth, kenophobia, kenosha, kenosis, kensett,john frederick, kensington and chelsea, kentigern,st, kentish, kentucky, kentucky and virginia resolutions, kentucky river, kent,james, kent,kingdom of, kent,rockwell, kent,william, kenya, kenyatta, kenyatta,jomo, kenya,mount, kenya,republic of, kenyon,dame kathleen, kepler, kepler's laws, kepler,johannes, kerala, keramics, keratin, kerb, kerch, kerchief, kerensky, kerensky,aleksander feodorovich, kerguelou islands, kerkira,corfu, kerman, kermanshah, kermes, kernel, kerns, kern,jerome, kerosene(或kerosine), kerr effects, kerry, kerry blue terrier, kerr、sir john robert, kerr,clark, kertanagara, kesey,ken, keshab, kesselring, kesselring,albert, kestrel, keswick, ket, ketch,jack, ketone bodies, kettering,charles franklin, kettledrums, kevel, kew guardens, key west, key-cold, keyboard instruments(或clavier), keynes, keynesianism, keynes,john maynard, 1st baron, keystone kops, key,francis scott, kg=kilogram(me), kgb, khabarovsk, khachaturian,aram ilich, khafre, khakass, khalid ibn abdul aziz, khalkha, khama,sir seretse, khamsin, khan, khania, kharge,el, kharkov, khartoum, khartoum(或al-khurtum), khayal, khayyam,omar, khazars, khelat, kherson(或cherson), khios, khiva, khlebnikov,velimir, khme, khmer, khmer empire, khmer rouge, khoikhoi, khoisan, khoja, khomeini,ayatollah ruhollah, khorana,har gobind, khorezm(或khwarazm), khorji, khosrow ⅰ, khosrow ⅱ, khrushchev, khrushchev,nikita sergeyvich, khuang, khufu(或cheops), khulna, khumarwayh, khurta, khuskhus, khwarazm, khyber pass, khz=kilohertz, kiang, kibble, kibbutz, kibbutzim, kibe, kick, kickapoo, kickapoo indians, kickback, kickboxing, kicking horse pass, kickshaws, kid, kid-fox, kidder,alfred vincent, kiddysh, kidd,william, kidinnu, kidnap, kidnapping, kidney stones, kidney transplant, kidney,artificial, kidron, kidult, kiel canal, kielce, kielland,alexander lange, kierkegaard,soren, kiesinger,kurt georg, kievan russia, kigoma-ujiji, kilauea, kildare, kildare:, kilform, kilimanjaro, kilimanjaro,mount, kilindini, kilkenny, kill-courtesy, killagh, killarney, killdeer, killer whale, killiecrankie,pass of, killifish, killing, killingworth:, kilmarnock, kilmer, kilmer,joyce, kiln, kiln-hole, kilo-, kilogram, kiloton, kilowatt hour, kilvert,francis, kim il sung, kim ⅱ sung, kimberley, kimhi,david, kimhi,joseph ben isaac, kimhi,moses, kimmalton:, kin(a)esthesia, kincardine, kinchinjunga,mount, kincob, kindle, kindless, kindly, kindness, kinema, kinematic=kinematical, kinematics, kinesthetic sense, kinetic, kinetic art, kinetic energy, kinetographic, king arthur, king charles spaniel, king cobra, king george’s war, king james version, king john, king lear, king philip’s war, king snake, king william’s war, king-becoming, king-cardinal, kingbird, kingcup, kingdom, kingfish, kingfisher, kinglet, kingsley, kingsley,charles, kingsley,mary henrietta, kingston-upon-hull, kingston-upon-thames, kings,books of, kingwana, king’s lynn(或lynn regis), king’s medals, king,billie jean, king,martin luther,jr, king,rufus, king,william lyon mackenzie, kinji, kink, kinkajou, kinnock,neil gordon, kinnor, kino, kino,eusebio francisco, kinross, kinsey, kinsey,alfred charles | 1 | kinship, kinsky, kinsman, kintyre, kioga(或kyoga) ,lake, kiosh, kiowa, kiowa apache, kip, kipling, kipling,rudyard, kipnis,alexander, kipp’s apparatus, kipp,petrus jacobus, kirby,william, kirchhoff’s laws, kirchhoff,gustav robert, kirchner,ernst ludwig, kirg(h)izia, kirghizia soviet socialist republic, kirgizstan, kiribasi, kiribati, kirigami, kirikane, kirin, kirkcaldy, kirkcudbright, kirke,sir david, kirkintilloch, kirkland,joseph lane, kirkpatrick,jeane duane jordan, kirkuk, kirkwall, kirk,norman, kirov ballet, kirovabad, kirovograd, kirov,sergei mironovich, kirstein,lincoln, kiruna, kisan, kisangani(或 slanleyville), kishi nobusuko, kisi, kissing, kissing bug, kissing-comfit, kissinger, kissinger,henry alfred, kisumu, kiswahili, kit, kitagawa utamaro, kitakyushu, kitar, kitasato,shibasaburo, kitchen cabinet, kitchen midden(或shell mound), kitchener, kitchener,horatio herbert, 1st earl, kith, kithara, kithara(或cithara), kitimat, kitsch, kitt peak national observatory, kitten, kittiwake, kittle, kittredge, kitty, kitwe, kitzbuhel, kiushu, kiva, kivi,alexis, kivu, kivu,lake, kizil kum, klagend, klagenfurt, klaipeda(或memel), klaproth,martin heinrich, klausenburg, klaxon, kleber,jean baptiste, klebs,edwin, klee,paul, klein bottle, klein,christian felix, klein,melanie, kleist,heinrich von, klemperer,otto, kleptomania, kliegshine, klimt,gustav, kline,franz, klinger,friedrich maximillian von, klint,kaar, klipspringer, klister, klondike, klopstock,friedrich gottlieb, kluckhohn,clyde kay maben, klystron, knapsack, knapweed, knaresborough, knavery, knavish, knead, knee-crooking, knees, kneller,sir godfrey, knesset, knickerbocker school, knickerbockers, knickers, knickknack, knife, knight-errant, knighthood,orders of, knights hospitalers(或knights of jerusalem、knights of malta and knights of rhodes、knights of st john of jerusalem), knights of labour, knights templars, knight,dame laura, knitter, knitting, knocking, knoff,alfred, knog, knoll, knossos,(或cnossus), knot theory, knot-grass, knotted, knotty-pated, knout, know-nothing movement, knowing, known, knox, knox-johnston,robin, knoxville, knox,henry, knox,john, knox,ronald arbuthnott, knuckle, knudsen, knurl, knut, knutsford, koa, koala, koan, kob, koban, kobarid, kobayashi masaki, kobe, kobenhavn, koblenz(或coblenz), kobold, kobuk valley national park, koch, kochel,ludwig von, kocher, kochi, koch,edward irving, koch,kenneth, koch,robert, kodak, kodaly,zoltan, kodiak, kodiak bear, kodok, koestler,arthur, koffka,kurt, koguryo, koh-i-noor, koher, kohl, kohler,wolfgang, kohlrabi, kohl,helmut, koinomatter, koinotropy, kokand, kokeshi, kokoschka,oskar, kokura, kola peninsula, kola(或cola), kolar, kolared, kolarovgrad, kolattan, kolbe,adolf wilhelm hermann, kolchak, kolchak,alexander vasilievich, koldewey,robert, kolhapur, kollin, kollwitz,kathe schmidt, kolmar, kolmogorov,andrei nikolaevich, koln, kolo, kolophonium, kolwezi, kolyma,river, komeit, komi autonomous soviet socialist republic, kommunizma pik, komodo dragon, komsomdsk-on-amur, kon-tiki, konakry, kondo, kondratieff cycles, kongho, kongo, kongo(或bakongo), kongo,kingdom of the, koniecpolski,stanislaw, koniev,ivan stepanovich, konigsberg, konimeter, konoe, konoe fumimaro,prince, konsortium, konstanz(或constance), konya, konzern, kook, kookaburra, kook,abraham isaac, kooning,willem de, kootenay(或kootenai), kooweskoowe, koprulu, koprulu,mehmed, korai, koran, koran(或quran), korce, korchnoi,victor, korda,sir alexander, kore, korea, korean, korean war, korea,people’s democratic republic of, korea,republic of, korinthos, koriyama, kornberg,arthur, kornilov,lavrentia georgievich, korolyov,sergey pavlovich, korouac,jack, kortrijk, koruna, kos, kosciusko, kosciusko,mount, kosciusko,thaddeus, kosice, kosovo, kossel, kossovo(或kossovo-metohija), kossuth, kossuth,lajos, kostroma, kosygin, kosygin,aleksei nikolaevich, kota baharu, kota kinabalu, kotor, kottbus, kotzebue,august von, koufax,sandy, koumiss, kountche,seyni, koussevitsky,serge, kovalevsky,sonya(或 sophie), kovno, kowtow, kozhikode, kozyrev,nikolay aleksandrovich, kr, krafft-ebing,richard von, krafft,adam, kraft, kraft process, kraft,adam, kragujevac, krag,jens otto, krait, krakatoa, krakow, krakow(或crakow), kramatorsk, kranch,lucas, krasnodar, krasnoyarsk, kra,isthmus of, krebs cycle, krebs,sir hans aldof, krefeld(或crefeld), kreiskehre, kreisky,bruno, kreisler,fritz, kremenchug, kremlin, kremlin,the, krenek,ernst, kreutzer,rodolphe, krewo,union of, krill, krishna, krishna menon, kristiansand, kristianstad, krivoy rog, krleza,miroslav, krochmal,nachman, kroeber,alfred louis, krofta, kromscope, krona, krone, kronecker,leopold, kronos, kronstadt rebellion, kropotkin, kropotkin,peter, kru, krugel, kruger national park, krugerrand, krugersdorp, kruger,paul, krum, krupp, krupp family, krupp,alfred, krupp,arndt, krutch,joseph wood, kryak, krylov,ivan andreyevich, kryolite, krypton, ksei, kshatriya, ktv=kara ok tv, ku, ku lak, kuban, kuban river, kubelik,rafael, kubitschek,juscelino, kubler-ross,elisabeth, kubrick,stanley, kuch bihar, kuching, kuchuk kainarji,treaty of, kudo, kudos, kudrun, kudu, kudzu, kufah, kuhn,richard, kuhn,walt, kuibyshev, kuiper,gerard peter, kukai, kulak, kulkulcan, kultur, kumamoto, kumara(或karttikeya), kumasi, kumiss, kumite, kummerbund, kumquat, kun, kunashiri, kundera,milan, kung fu, kung,hans, kunitz,stanley, kuniyoshi yasuo, kun,bela, kuprin,aleksandr ivanovich, kura,river, kurchatovium, kurchatov,igor vasillievich, kurd, kurdistan, kurdo, kure, kurgan, kuria muria islands, kuril islands, kurile islands, kurosawa akira, kuroshio current, kursk, kurtosis, kurus, kush(或cush) ,kingdom of, kushan, kut, kutaisi, kutch,rann of, kutenai, kutna hora, kutusov, kutuzov,mikhail illarionovich, kuvasz, kuwait, kuwait=kuweit, kuwait,state of, kuyp, kuznetsk basin, kuznets,simon, kuāng, kuānɡ, kuǎi, kuǎnɡ, kwa, kwacha, kwajalein, kwakiutl, kwangju, kwashiorkor, kwinana, kyanite, kyat, kyd,thomas, kymogram, kyoga,lake, kyongsong, kypfos, kyprianou,spyros, kyrgyzstan, kyzyl(或kizil)kum, kài, káng, kánɡ, káo, kèn, kènɡ, kénɡ, kònɡ, kóu, kú, kēi, kēn, kēng, kěnɡ, kǎnɡ, kɑi, k类语言, l i, l l, l'envoy, l-dopa(或levodopa), l.匈牙利, l.抗疟药, l.缅甸, l:, la bruyere,jean de, la ceiba, la condamine,charles marie de, la coruna, la crosse, la farge,john, la farge,oliver, la fayette,mme de, la fin couronne les oeuvres, la follette,robert marion, la fontaine,jean de, la fontaine,sir louis hippolyte, la granja, la guardia,fiorello henry, la linea, la plata, la plus belle katherine du monde,mon tres cher etdevin deesse?, la rochefoucauld,francois,duc de, la rochelle, la salle,robert cavelier,sieur de, la scala, la spezia, la tene, la tene culture, la tour,georges de, la tour,maurice-quentin de, la valliere,louise de francoise de la baume le blanc ,duchesse de, la volonte generale, la-di-da, laager, laaland, lab, labanotation, labarnas([ˈləbɑ:rnəs])i, labarum, labelled compounds, labiate, labiche,eugene, labium, labo(u)r, laborious, labour day, labour force, labour party, labour relations, labour theory of value, labour union, laboured, labouring, laboursome, labrador, labrador current, labras, labuan, laburnum, labyrinth fish, lac insect, lacca, laccadive,minicoy,and amindivi islands, laced, lacewing, laches, lachlan river, lachrymose, lacies:, lack-brain, lack-linen, lack-love, lack-lustre, lackadaisical, lackey, lacklustre, laclos,pierre choderlos de, laconia, laconic(al), lacquer tree(或varnish tree), lacquey, lacrimal gland, lacrimator, lacrosse, lactate, lactation, lactic acid, lactose(或milk sugar), lacuna, lad, ladakh range, ladar, ladin, ladino, ladislas ⅰ, ladislas([ˈlɑ:dislɑs]) ⅱ, ladislas([ˈlɑ:dislɑs])ⅰ, ladislas([ˈlɑ:dislɑs])ⅱ, ladle, ladoga,lake, ladrone islands, lady day, lady fern, lady-smock, ladybird beetle, ladysmith, lady’s sleeper, laennec,rene theophile hyacinthe, lafayette,maire joseph gilbert motier,marquis de, laffite,jean, lafontaine,henri-marie, laforgue,jules, lafta, lagash, lagerkvist,par fabian, lagerlof,selma, lagomorpha, lagos, lagrange,joseph louis, lagrangian point, lahndas, lahr,bert, lahti, laibach, laic, laid, laing,ronald david, lair, laird,macgregor, laissez-faire, laissez,mon seigneur,laissez,laissez! ma foi,jene veux point que vouz abaissiez votre grandeur.en baisant la main d’une de votre seigneurie in-digne serviteur: excusez-moi,je vous supplie,mon tres puissant seigneur., laity, laius, lak, lake district, lake erie,battle of, lake of the woods, lake poets, lakeland terrier, lakewood, lakin, lakshadweep, lakshmi, lalande,joseph-jerome ie francais de, lalapalooza, lalique,rene, lallans, lally,thomas,comte de, lalor, lalor,peter, lalo,victor antoine edouard, lam, lama, lamar, lamarck, lamarckism, lamarck,jean baptiste, lamartine, lamartine,alphonse de, lamb, lambarene, lambda, lambency, lambert, lambert,constant, lambert,johann heinrich, lambert,john, lambeth, lambeth conferences, lambkin, lambrequin, lamb,charles, lamb,henry, lamel, lamely, lamennais,felicite, lamentable, lamentations of jeremiah, lamentoso, lamerie,paul de, lamian war, laminar, laminar flow, laminaria, lammas-eve, lammas-tide, lammergeier, lammermuir hills, lamp, lampas, lampasette, lampass, lampeter, lampoon, lamprey, lamps, lana, lanark, lanark(或lanarkshire), lancaster:, lancaster,burt, lancaster,duchy of, lancaster,house of, lancaster,joseph, lancaster,osbert, lancelet, lancelot, lancement, lancet, lancewood, lanch, lancha, lanchester,frederick william, land crab, land-grant colleges and universities, land-service, landau,lev davidovitch, landed, landing, landon, landon,alfred mossman, landor,walter savage, landowska,wanda, landscape painting, landseer,sir edwin henry, landsteiner,karl, landtag, land’s end, land,edwin herbert, lanfranc, lang, lange,christian louis, lange,david russell, lange,dorothea, langland,william, langley,samuel pierpont, langmuir,irving, langooty, langton,stephen, langtry,lillie, languages,classification of, languedoc, languette, languid, langur, lang,andrew, lang,fritz, lanier,sidney, lank-lean, lankester,sir edwin ray, lanner falcon, lanolin, lansbury, lansbury,george, lansdowne,henry charles keith petty-fitzmaurice, 5th marquess of, lansing, lansquenet, lant, lantern fish, lantern fly, lanthanides(或rare-earth metals), lanthanum, lanthorn, lanus, lanyard, lao, laocoon, laodicea, laoighis(或leix), laon, laos,people’s democratic republic of, laotian, lapel, lapicide, lapidarian, lapidarist, lapidary style, lapis, laplace,pierre simon,marquis de, lapland(或lappland), lapland:, lapp, lapped, lappet, lapps, lapsed, lapsus, laptev sea, laquais, laramie, larceny, larch, larded, larder, lares, lares and penates, largamente, largando, large intestine, large white(或yorkshire), largely, larghetto, largo, lariat, larisa(或larissa), larkin,philip, larne, laroon, larousse,pierre, lars porsena, lartet,edouard armand isidore hippolyte, larum, larvate, laryngal, larynx, las campanas observatory, las casas,bartolome de, las cases,emmanuel,comte de, las palmas, las vegas, lasalle, lascaux, lascivious, lase, laser, lashed, lashio, lasker,emanuel, laski,harold joseph, lass, lassa fever, lassalle, lassalle,ferdinand, lassen peak, lassie, lassitude, lassock, lasso,orlando di(或lassus,roland de), last supper, lasting, lastrine, laszlo ⅰ ,st, lat, lat(t)een, latakia, late-betrayed, late-despised, late-disturbed, late-walking, lated, lately, latensification, latent, latent heat, lateral, lateralia, lateran, lateran councils, lateran treaty, latest, lateur,frank, lathe, latifundio, latifundium, latimer,hugh, latin, latin america, latin american integration association, latin language, latini,brunetto, latinus, latitude, latitude and longitude, latitudinarian, latitudinarianism, latium, latrine, latrobe,benjamin henry, latten, latter end:, lattimo, lattre, latvian, latvian soviet socialist republic(或latvia), laudanum, lauda,niki, lauderdale,john maitland,duke of, lauder,sir harry, laud,william, laue,max theodor felix von, laugharne, laughing jackass, laughing owl, laughter, laughton,charles, launceston, launch, laund, launder, laundry, laura, laura:, laurasia, laureate, laurel and hardy, laurelwood, laurens, laurens,henry, laurier,sir wilfrid, laurustinus(或 iaurustine), laus deo,bone intelligo., lausanne,treaty of, lava, lavalleja, laval,pierre, lavation, lavatory, laver, laveran,charles louis alphonse, laverock, laver,rodney george, lavishly, lavoisier, lavoisier,antoine laurent, lavvy, law-day, lawes,sir john bennet, lawful, lawler,ray, lawrence,david herbert, lawrence,ernest orlando, lawrence,gertrude, lawrence,jacob, lawrence,james, lawrence,john laird mair, 1st baron, lawrence,sir thomas, lawrence,thomas edward, lawrencium, lawton, lawyer, law,andrew bonar, law,john, law,william, lax, laxatives(或purgatives), laxness,halldor, layamon, layard, layard,sir austen henry, layer-up, layering, layette, lazar, lazaret, lazarus, lazarus:, lazarus,emma, laze, lazialite, lazio(或latium), lazuli, lazuline, lazulite, lazurite, lazy, le, le bel,joseph achille, le brun,charles, le carre,john, le chateller,henri-louis, le cheval volant, le chien est retourné à son propre vomissement,etla truie lavée au bourbier., le corbusier, le creusot, le duc tho, le fanu,joseph sheridan, le havre, le mans, le may,curtis emerson, le nain, le notre,andre, le puy, le roy:, le tellier,michel, lea, leach, leach,bernard, leacock,stephen butler, lead poisoning, leaden, leader, leaderette, leading, leadman, leads, leadwort, leaf beetle, leaf hopper, leaf insect(或walking leaf), leaf mold, leaf monkey, leaf roller, leaf-nosed bat, leafcutter bee, leafspring, league of nations, leagued, leah, leakey,louis seymour bazett, leaky, leamington, leander, leander:, leanness, lean,sir david, leap year, leaping-house, lear, learned, learnedly, learning, lear,edward, leasing, least bittern, leather-coat, leather-stocking tales, leatherback turtle, leatherhead, leathern | 1 | leathren, leaven, leavis,frank raymond, leavy, lea,river, lebedev,pyotr nikolayevich, lebensraum, leber, leblanc,nicolas, lebowa, lebrun, lebrun,albert, lecce, lech, lechery, lech,river, leclerc, leconte de lisle,charles marie rene, lecoq de boisbaudran,paulemile, lecouvreur,adrienne, lectern, lection, leda, leda:, lederberg, lederberg,joshua, lederhosen, lederite, ledge, ledger, lee tsung-dao, leech,john, lees, leet, leeuwarden, leeuwenhoek, leeuwenhoek,antonie van, leeward islands, leeway, lee,ann, lee,francis lightfood, lee,gypsy rose, lee,henry, lee,laurie, lee,richard henry, lee,robert edward, legacy, legal, legal aid, legaspi, legatine, legative, legato, legatus, legend, legendre,adrien marie, leger, legerdemain, leger,fernand, lege,domine, legge, leghorn, legible, legionnaires disease, legions, legislate, legislature, legist, legit, legnica, legology, legong, legpull, leguia, leguia,augusto bernardino, leguleian, legume, leguminosae, legwork, lehar,franz, lehmann, lehmann,john, lehmann,lilli, lehmann,lotte, leibnitz, leibniz,gottfried wilheim,baron von, leica, leicester, leicester([ˈlestə])house group, leicester:, leicestershire, leicester,robert dudley,earl of, leichardt,ludwig, leiden(或leyden), leierkasten, leif eriksson, leighton of stretton,frederic, baron, leigh,vivien, leinsdorf,erich, leinster, leiocom, leipzig,battle of, leishmania, leishmaniasis, leith, leitmotif, leitmotiv, leitrim, leix, lek, lekain, lekhitic, lektriever, lelantine war, lely,sir peter, lemaitre,georges edouard,abbe, leman, leman,lac, lemberg, lemercier,jacques, lemma, lemming, lemnos, lemon balm, lemur, lemures, lena,river, lenclos,ninon de, lend-lease act, lender, lending, lenglen,suzanne, leniency, lenient, lenin, lenin peak, leninabad, leninakan, leninism, leninsk-kuznetskiy, lenin,vladimir ilich, lennilite, lennox family, leno, lenoir, lent term, lenten, lentil, lento, lenya,lotte, lenz’s law, lenz,siegfreid, leo, leo ⅰ the great,st, leo ⅲ the lsaurian, leo ⅲ ,st, leo ⅸ ,st, leo ⅹ, leo ⅹⅲ, leo([ˈli(:)əu])x, leo([ˈli(:)əu])ⅰ, leo([ˈli(:)əu])ⅲ, leo([ˈli(:)əu])ⅵ, leoben, leon, leon(或leon de los aldamas), leonardo, leonardo da vinci, leoncavallo,ruggero, leonidas, leonidas ⅰ, leonov,leonid, leontief,wassily, leon,juan ponce de, leopard seal, leopardi,giacomo, leopold ⅰ, leopold ⅱ, leopold ⅲ, leopold[ˈli:əpəuld]ⅰ, leopoldville, leotard, lepanto, lepanto,battle of, lepcha, leperous, lepidodendron, lepidoptera, lepidus,marcus aemilius, leprosy, leprous, leptis magna, leptosome, leptospirosis(或 well’s disease), lerdo, lerida, lerma,francisco gomez de sandoval y rojas,duque de, lermontov,mikhail, lerner,alan jay, lerwick, les, les dames et demoiselles pour être baisées devantleur noces. il n'est pas la coutume de france., lesage,alain-rene, lesbian, lesbianism, lesbos, leschetizky,theodor, lescot,pierre, lesion, lesotho, lesotho,kingdom of, lessee, lesseps,ferdinand de, lesser, lesser antilles, lesser armenia, lessing,doris, lessing,gotthold ephraim, lesson, lessor, let-alone, letchworth, lethal, lethargied, lethargy, lethbridge, lethe:, leticia dispute, leto, letter of credit, lettered, letterpress, letters, lettish, lettres de cachet, lettrism, letts, leu, leucine, leucippus, leucite, leucocyte, leuctra,battle of, leukaemia, leukemia, leukocyte(或white blood cell), leukocytosis, leukopenia, leuven, lev, levee, levee en masse, levellers, leven,alexander leslie, 1st earl of, leven,loch, leverage, leverhulme,william hesketh lever, 1st viscount, leverkusen, leverrier,urbain jean joseph, levertov,denis, levesque,rene, levi, levi-strauss,claude, levigate, levirate, levis, levites(或levi), leviticus, levity, levodopa, levy-bruhl,lucien, lewdly, lewdness, lewdster, lewes, lewes,george henry, lewin,kurt, lewis and clark expedition, lewis and harris, lewis the tenth,king:, lewisham, lewisite(或 chlorovinyl dichloroarsine), lewis,c.day, lewis,carl, lewis,clive staples, lewis,francis, lewis,harry sinclair, lewis,john llewellyn, lewis,matthew gregory, lewis,meriwether, lewis,percy wyndham, lewis,sir william arthur, lex, lex regia, lexical, lexicography, lexington and concord,battle of, leyden, leyden jar, leyden,lucas van, leyland, leyte, leyte gulf,battle of, lhasa apso, li, liability, liable, liaison, liaquat ali khan, liar, lib, libbard, libby,willard frank, liberal party, liberal-conceited, liberalism, liberate, liberator, liberec, liberia, liberia,republic of, libertine, liberty, liberty island, liberty,statue of, libidinal, library classification, library of congress, librettist, libyan desert, liceity, license, licentious, licet, lichas:, lichee, lichen, lichens, lichfield, lichfield house compact, lichtenstein,roy, licigen, licinius, licit, licorice(或liquorice), lid, lidar, liddell hart,sir basil henry, lidice, lido, lie detector, liebermann,max, liebig, liebig,justus von, liebknecht, liebknecht,karl, liebknecht,wilhelm, liechtenstein, liechtenstein,principality of, lief, liegeman, liegnitz, lien, liepaja, lieve, lie,trygve halvdan, lifar,serge, life cycle, life-support system, lifeboat, lifer, liffey,river, lifford, lig:, liga federal, liga litoral, liga unitaria, ligature, ligeance, liger, liggens, light year, light-emitting diode, light-foot, light-winged, lighted, lighten, lighter, lightest, lighthouse, lightly, lightness, lightning bug, lightning conductor, lights, lightship, light,speed of, ligned, lignin, lignum, lignum vitae, ligurian sea, likasi, like', likeliest, likely, likeness, likud, lilburne,john, liliaceae, lilienthal,otto, lilith, liliuokalani, lille, lillehammer, lillie,beatrice, lilly,john, lilt, lily-livered, lily-of-the-valley, lima bean, limander,helen:, limassol, limbeck, limber, limbic, limbic system, limbourg,pol de, limbs, limburg, limbus, lime-kiln, lime-twig, limed, limehouse:, limen, limerick(或luimneach), limey, liminal, limitation,statutes of, limited, limited liability, limitrophe, limits, limnology, limoges, limonite, limosin,leonard, limousin, limousine, limp, limpid, limpkin(或crying bird), limpopo(或 crocodile) ,river, linac, linacre,thomas, lincoln-douglas debates, lincolnshire, lincoln’s inn, lincoln,abraham, lindbergh,charles augustus, lindisfarne, lindsay,nicholas vachel, lindsey,parts of, lind,james, lind,jenny, line islands, lineage, lineal, lineally, lineaments, linear a, linear accelerator, linear b, linear function, linear motor, linear programming, lineman, liner, lines, ling, lingerie, lingering, lingo, lingua, lingua franca, linguistics, liniment, linkage groups, linked, linklater,eric, linkoping, linlithgow, linnaea, linnaeus,carolus, lino, linocut, linofilm, linoleum, linotype, linoxyn, linsang, linsey, linstock, lint, lintel, linton,ralph, linz, lion-mettled, lionfish, lionhood, lionize, lions,gulf of, liouville,joseph, lip reading, lipari islands(或 aeolian islands), lipase, lipchitz,jacques, lipetsk, lipid, lipizzaner(或lippizaner), lipmann,fritz albert, lippershey,hans, lippe,river, lippizaner, lippi,fra filippo, lippmann,walter, lippold,richard, lipscomb,william nunn, liquefaction of gases, liquefied petroleum gas, liquescent, liqueur, liqueurs, liquid crystal, liquidity preference, liquidometer, liquorice, lisburn, lisieux, lismore, lisp语言, lissajous figures, lissitzky,el, lissome=lissome, list', lister,joseph, 1st baron, lists, list,friedrich, liszt,franz, litany, litchi, litchi(或lychee、lichee), literacy, literature, literatured, lithe, lither, lithic, lithium, litho, lithoglyphy, lithograph, lithography, litholatry, lithophane, lithophotography, lithophotogravure, lithoprint, lithops, lithotint, lithuanian, litigate, litre, litre=liter, little america, little belt, little bighorn, little bighorn,battle of the, little entente, little owl, little rock, little turtle, littlest, littlewood,joan, liturgic(al), litvinov, litvinov,maksim maksimovich, liutprand, live oak, lived, liveless, livelihood, livelong, lively, liver fluke, liverpool,robert jenkinson, 2nd earl of, liverv, liverwort, livery, livestock, livestock farming, livia drusilla, livid, living, living fossil, living theatre, livings, livingston, livingston family, livingstone, livingstone(或maramba), livingstone,david, livingston,robert, livius, livius andronicus,lucius, livonia, livonian war, livorno(或leghorn), livy,titus livius, lizard, lizard point, lizardfish, liāo, liē, liě, liǎ, llama, llanberis, llandaff, llandrindod wells, llandudno, llanelli, llanfair pg(或llanfairpwll), llangollen, llanos, lleras camargo,alberto, lleras restrepo,carlos, llewellyn,harry, llewellyn,richard, llewelyn ap gruffudd, lloyd george,david, 1st earl, lloyd’s, lloyd,christine, lloyd,harold, lloyd,marie, llywelyn ap iorwerth, llywelyn(或llewelyn) ap gruffudd, loaden, loading, loaf, loan, loath, loath=loth, loathed, loather, loathly, loathsome, lobachevski,nikolai ivanovich, lobanov-yamagata agreement, lobby, lobe, lobelia, lobito, lobster, local, local color, local group, locap, locarnize, locarno, locarno pact, loch, lochner,stefan, loci, locke, locke,john, locke,matthew, lockhart,john gibson, lockyer,sir joseph norman, loco, locodescriptive, locofocoism, locomobile, locomote, locomotive, locri(或locri epizephyrii), locrian, locus, locus in quo, locution, lod(或lydda), lode, lode-star, loden, lodestar, lodged, lodge,henry cabot, lodge,sir oliver joseph, lodge,thomas, lodging, lodz, loeb,jacques, loess, loewe,frederick, loewi,otto, loff, lofoten islands, loft, log, loganberry, logan,james, logan,mount, logaoedic, logarithm, logarithms, loggats, loggerhead turtle, loggerheaded, logia, logic, logical positivism, logion, logistic(al), logo, logocentric, logogriph, logomachy, logometer, logoplegia, logotherapy, loguitur, logwood, logy, lohengrin, loin, loincloth, loins, lointains, loire river, loiterer, lok sabha, lokal, lokayata, loki, loll, lolland(或laaland), lollard, lollards, lolling, lomax,alan, lombard, lombard league, lombardo,pietro, lombards, lombardy, lombok, lombroso,cesare, lomond,loch, lomonosov ridge, lomonosov,mikhail vasilievich, lon=longitude, london bridge, london pride, london stone:, london,jack, londrina, long beach, long island, long island,battle of, long jump, long parliament, long purple:, long-boat, long-during, long-ingraffed, long-legged, long-staff, long-tongued, long-winded, longan, longbow, longcloth, longe, longfellow,henry wadsworth, longford, longhi,pietro, longing, longinus, longitudinal wave, longly, longo,luigi, longship(或viking ship), longshore, longsightedness(或hypermetropia), longstop, longstreet,james, longueuil, longus, longview, longxu ditch, long,crawford williamson, long,huey pierce, long,stephen harriman, lonnrot,elias, lonsdale,dame kathleen, lonsdale,gordon arnold, loo, loofah, loofah=loofa, looker-on, loom, looped, looper, loose-bodied, loosely, loosen, loosestrife, loos,adolph, loot, lope, lope de vega, lopez, lopez de ayala,pero, lopez portillo y pachecho,jose, lopez,carlos antonio, lopez,francisco solano, lopsided, loquacious, loquat, lorain, loran, loran(或 long range navigation), lorca,federico garcia, lord chief justice, lord dunmore’s war, lording, lordly, lordship, lords,house of, lore, lorelei, lorentz transformations, lorentz,hendrick antoon, lorenzetti, lorenzo,monaco, lorenz,konrad, loren,sophia, lorestan, loreto, lorgnette, lorient, loris, lorn, lorraine,clarles,cardinal de, lorrian,claude, lorry, los alamos, los angeles, loser, losey,joseph, losing, lossiemouth, lost tribes, lot, lothair ⅰ, lothair ⅱ, lothaire ([ˈlɔtɛər])ⅲ, lothaire([ˈlɔtɛər])ⅰ, lothian region, loti,pierre, lotophagi, lottinoplastic, lotto,lorenhzo, lotus-eaters(或 lotophagi), lotusland, lot,river, lou, loubet, louche, loudness, loudspeaker, lough, loughborough, louis napoleon, louis of nassau, louis philippe ⅰ, louis phillippe, louis the pius, louis ⅱ, louis ⅳ, louis ⅷ, louis ⅸ ,st, louis ⅹⅳ, louis ⅹⅶ, louis ⅹⅷ, louis ⅺ, louis ⅻ, louis([ˈlu(:)i],[ˈlu(:)is])ⅳ, louis(ⅰ)the great, louis(ⅰ)the pious, louis(ⅳ)le faineant, louis(ⅳ)the bavarian, louis(ⅶ)le jeune, louisbourg, louisiana, louisiana purchase, louisville, louis,joe, louis,morris, lounge, loupe, lourdes, lourenco marques, lousy, lout, louth, loutrophoros, louvain, louver, louvois,michel le tellier,marquis de, louvre:, lovage, love-bed, love-book, love-broker, love-cause, love-feat, love-in-a-mist(或fennel flower), love-lies-bleeding, love-performing, love-prate, love-shaked, lovebird, lovecraft,howard philippe, lovelace,richard, lovell,sir bernard, lovely, lover, lovett, lovett,william, love’s labour’s lost, loving, low countries, low-rated, low-spirited, lowbrow, lowell,abbott lawrence, lowell,amy, lowell,francis cabot, lowell,james russell, lowell,percival, lowell,robert, lower, lower california(或baja california), lower hutt, lower saxony(或niedersachsen), lowering, lowestoft, lowie,robert harry, lowliness, lowly, lown, lowry,clarence malcolm, lowth, low,sir david alexander cecil, lox, loyal, loyalists, loyola, loyola,st ignatius of, lozenge, lpg, lu, lualaba,river, luang prabang, luba, lubbe, lubberly, lubbock, lube, lubeck, lubitsch,ernst, lublin, lublin,union of, lubumbashi, lucan, lucarne, lucas van leyden, lucca, luce, lucency, lucerne, lucerne(或luzern), lucerne,lake, luce,henry robinson, lucian, luciani,sebastiano, lucifer, lucifer: | 1 | lucilius,gaius, lucius, luck, luckily, luckless, lucknow, lucrative, lucrece:, lucretia, lucretia:, lucretius, lucubrate, luculent, lucullan, lucullus,lucius licinius, lucus a non lucendo, luddite, luddites, ludendorffe, ludendorff,erich, luderitz, ludhiana, ludicrous, ludlow, ludlow resolution, ludlow:, ludwigshafen, ludwig,emil, luff, luffa, lug, lugal, luganda, lugano, lugansk, lugard,federick dealtry, 1st baron, luge, lugged, lugger, lugones,leopoldo, lugsail, lugubrious, lugus, lugworm, luhiya, luik, luimneach, lukacs,giorgi, lukewarm, luke,st, luks,george benjamin, lulea, lullaby, lully,jean baptiste, lull,ramon, lulu, luluabourg, lumachelle, lumbar puncture, lumber, lumberjack, lumbert street:, lumbini, lumerg, lumia, lumiere, lumiere,auguste and louis, luminaire, luminance, luminaria, luminary, lumine, luminescence, luminism, luminosity, luminous flux, luminous intensity, lumpen, lumper, lumpish, lumpsucker(或lumpfish), lumumba,patrice, luna, lunacy, lunar, lunar eclipse, lunch, lund, lunda, lundy, luneburg, lunes, lunette, lung, lunge, lungfish, lungs, lungworm, lungwort, lunik, luo, lupercalia, lupine(或lupin), lupus erythematosus, lur, lurcat,jean, lurestan, luria,isaac, luria,salvador edward, lurid, luristan(或lorestan), lurking, lurs, lush, lusignan, lust-dieted, lustful, lustihood, lustily, lustrate, lustre, lustrene, lustreux, lustrine, lusts, lusty, lute-string, luteinizing hormone, luteous, lutescense, lutetium, luther, lutheran, lutheranism, luther,martin, luthuli, luthuli(或lutuli) ,albert, lutine, luting, luton, lutoslawski,witold, lutschism, lutuli,albert, lutyens,sir edwin landseer, lutz, lutzen,battle of, luwian, lux, luxembourg, luxembourg,grand duchy of, luxembourg,rosa, luxor(或el aksur), luxuriant, luxurious, luxury, luynes,charles d’albert,duc de, luzern, luzon, luzzatto,moshe hayyim, luān, luō, lwoff,andre, lyallpur, lyart, lyautey,louis hubert gonzalve, lycanthropy, lycee, lycia, lycurgus, lydda, lydgate,john, lye, lyell, lyell,sir charles, lying, lying-in, lyly,john, lym, lyme regis, lymph, lymph node, lymphatic system, lymphocyte, lymphogranuloma venereum, lymphoma, lyncean, lynch, lynching, lynch,jack, lyncurium, lynd,robert staughton, lynn, lynn:, lynx, lyon, lyons, lyons,joseph aloysius, lyon,mary, lyrebird, lyreflower, lyric, lysander, lysenko, lysenko,trofim denisovich, lysias, lysistrata, lysosome, lysozyme, lyttelton, lytton report, lytton,edward george earle bulwer-lytton, 1st baron, lytton,edward robert bulwerlytton, 1st earl of, lá, lénɡ, lòng, lònɡ, lüě, lāi, lānɡ, lē, lēnɡ, līn, lōnɡ, lōu, lūn, lǎi, lǎnɡ, lǐng, lǒu, lǔn, lɑ, lɑi, l’enfant,pierre charles, m.k.s. system, m.南斯拉夫(前南), m.尼泊尔, m.抗阿米巴药, ma, ma foi,il fait fort chaud. je m'en vais a la courla grande affaire., maar, maas, maastricht, maastriht, maazel,lorin, mabinogion,the, mabuse,jan de, mac, mac liammoir,micheal, macabre, macadam, macadamia, macalpin,kenneth, macao, macapa, macaronic, macarthur, macarthur,douglas, macarthur,john, macassarese, macaulay,dame rose, macaulay,thomas babington, 1st baron, macaviator, macaw, macbeth, macbride,sean, maccabees, maccabees,books of, macchia, macchie, macchinetta, macclesfield, macdiarmid,hugh, macdonald, macdonald-wright,stanton, macdonalds of gleneoe, macdonald,dwight, macdonald,flora, macdonald,james ramsay, macdonald,ross, macdonald,sir john alexander, macdonnell ranges, macdowell,edward alexander, macedon, macedon(或 macedonia) ,kingdom of, macedonia, macedonian wars, maceio, macgillicuddy’s reeks, macgregor,robert, mach number, machado de assis,joaquim maria, machado,gerardo, machado,ruiz antonio, machaut,guillaume de, macha,karel hynek, machel,samora, machen,arthur, machete, machiavel:, machiavelli, machiavelli,niccolo, machine gun, machine tools, machism, machismo, machu picchu, mach,ernst, macias nguema biyoga, macintosh,charles, macintyre,duncan ban, mackenzie, mackenzie king,william lyon, mackenzie river, mackenzie,alexander, mackenzie,sir alexnader, mackenzie,sir edward montague compton, mackenzie,sir william, mackenzie,william lyon, mackerel shark, mackerras,sir charles, macke,august, mackinaw, mackinder,sir halford john, mackintosh, mackintosh,charles rennie, mackle, maclean,alistair, maclean,donald, maclean,john, macleish,archibald, maclennan,hugh, macleod,iain(norman), macleod,john james rickard, maclis,daniel, macmahon, macmahon line, macmahon,marie edme patrice maurice comte de, macmillan, macmillan,daniel, macmillan,harold, macmillan,kirkpatrick, macmillan,sir kenneth, macmurrough,dermot, macneice,louis, macon, maconchy,elizabeth, macon’s bill, macpherson,james, macquarie island, macquarie,lachlan, macready,william charles, macrinus, macro, macrobian, macrocycle, macroeconomics, maculate, macy,anne sullivan(或sullivan anne), mad-brained, mad-bred, madagascar, madagascar,democratic republic of, madame, madame bovary, madame butterfly, madariaga y roio,salvador de, madarosis, madcap, madded, madding, made, madeira, madeira islands(或funchal islands), madeira wine, madeira:, maderno,carlo, madero, madero,francisco indalecio, madhya pradesh, madicare, madison avenue, madison,dolley, madison,james, madman, madrepore, madrid hurtado,miguel de la, madrona(或 laurelwood), madura, madurai, maduras, maecenas, maecenas,gaius, maelstro, maelstrom, maenad(s), maerlant,jacob van, maestoso, maestro, maes,nicolas, maeterlinc,maurice, maf(f)ia, mafeking, maffick, mafia, mafikeng(或mafeking), magadha, magaret tudor, magdalena,rio, magdalenian, magdeburg, magellan, magellanic clouds, magellan,ferdinand, magellan,strait of, magen david, magendie,francois, maggiore,lake, maggot-pie, maghrib(或maghreb、magrib), magi, magic, magic square, magic(al), magicube, magilp, maginot line, magister, magisterial, magisterium, magistical, maglemosian, maglevtrain, magma, magna carta, magna carta=magna chart, magna cum laude, magna graecia, magnanimity, magnani,anna, magnasco,allessandro, magnate, magnesia, magnesite, magnesium, magnesium hydroxide, magnesium oxide, magnetic anomaly, magnetic bottle, magnetic declination, magnetic dip, magnetic domain, magnetic field, magnetic field reversal, magnetic flux, magnetic moment, magnetic monopole, magnetic pole, magnetic poles,earth, magnetic recording, magnetic resonance, magnetic storm, magnetism, magnetism,terrestrial, magnetite, magnetochemistry, magnetohydrodynamics, magnetometer, magnetomotive force, magnetosphere, magnetostriction, magnetron, magnicide, magnific, magnific(al), magnificat, magnification, magnificent, magniloquent, magnisonant, magnitogorsk, magnitude,earthquake, magnoliophyta, magnum, magnum opus, magnumopus, magnus ([ˈmɑgnus])ⅲ, magnus ⅰ, magnus ⅵ, magnus ⅶ, magody, magog, magot, magot-pie, magrib, magritte,rene, magsaysay, magsaysay,ramon, maguey, magus, magyar, magyars, mahaica rebellion, mahajana eksath peramuna, mahalla el-kubra, mahan, mahan,alfred thayer, maharaja, maharashtra, maharishi, mahathir, mahatma, mahavamsa, mahavira, mahfuz,nagib(或 mahfouz,naguib), mahler,gustav, mahmud, mahmud of ghazna, mahmud ⅱ, mahmud([ˈmɑ:hmud]) ⅱ, mahomet:, mahon, mahonia, mahratta, mahu:, maid marian:, maiden, maiden castle, maidenhair fern, maidenhair tree, maidenhood, maidenly, maidstone, maidu, maiduguri(或yelwa), maien, maihem, maiko, maikop, mail-order business, mailed, mailer,norman, maillol,aristide, maillot, maimed, maimonides(或 moses ben maimon), main sequence, maine, mained, mainland, mainly, mainstreaming, maintenance, maintenon,madame de, mainz accord, mainz(或mayence), maiolica(或 majolica), maison(n)ette, maisonneuve,paul de chomedey, maistre,joseph de, maitland, maitland(of lethington) ,william, maize, majestical, majeur, maji maji, majorca(或mallorca), majorette, majorian, majority, majuba hill, majuscule, makarios ⅲ, makassar, makassar kingdom, makeevka(或makeyevka), makemie,francis, makeweight, makeyevka, makhachkala, makimono, making, makings, makkah, mako shark, makondes, makuas, mal-, mala fide, malabar coast, malabsorption syndromes, malacca sultanate, malacca,strait of, malachite green, malachy,st, malady, malagasy republic, malaguena, malaise, malamud,bernard, malamute, malang, malan,daniel francois, malaparte,curzio, malapert, malaprop, malar, malaria, malarky, malatesta, malatya, malay archipelago, malay peninsula, malaya, malayan, malayo-polynesian languages, malaysia, malcolm x, malcolm ⅰ, malcolm ⅱ, malcolm ⅲ, malcolm ⅳ, malcolm,george john, malcontent, malden, male alto, malebo pool(或stanley falls), malebranche,nicolas, malecontent, malefactor, maleic acid, malenkov, malenkov,georgi maksimilianovich, malesherbes,chretian guillaume de lamoignon de, malevich,kazimir, malevolence, malevolent, malherbe,francois de, malic acid, malign, malignancy, malignant, malik-shah, malik,charles habib, malinger, malinovsky, malinowski,bronislaw, malipiero,gian francesco, mali,republic of, malkin, mall, mallard, mallarme,stephane, malleable, mallea,eduardo, mallee, mallee fowl, malleolar, malleus, malle,louis, mallicholy, mallorca, mallow, mallowan,max edgar lucien, mallows, malmedy, malmo, malmsey, malmsey-butt, malnourished, malnutrition, malocclusion, malora, malory,sir thomas, malpighi,marcello, malplaquet,battle of, malpractice in various trades, malraux, malraux,andre, malsocialization, malt, malt-horse, malt-worm, malta, malta,republic of, malthus, malthus,thomas robert, maluku(或moluccas、spice islands), malvern festival, malvinas,isles, mam, mamam,al, mamba, mambo, mamluk, mamlukes, mammary, mammary gland(或breast), mammering, mammet, mammilla, mammography, mammon, mammoth cave, mamore,rio, man-at-arms, man-made elements, man-of-arms, man-queller, manado, manager, managing, manaia, manama, manama(或al-manamah), manaos, manassas,battles of, manasseh, manasseh,ben israel, manasseh,prayer of, manasseh,tribe of, manatee, manaus(或manaos), manawatu river, manbote, mancha,la, manchester school, manchester ship canal, manchester terrier, manchu-tungus languages, mancinism, manco capac, mandaeanism, mandamus, mandara, mandarin, mandarin duck, mandarin(e), mandela, mandela,nelson, mandelstam,osip emilyevich, mandeville,bernard de, mandeville,sir john, mandible, manding, mandir, mandment:, mandola, mandorla, mandragora, mandyas, maneater, maneating, manege, manent, manet,edouard, maneuver=manoeuvre, manfred, mangabey, mangalore, manganese, mangas coloradas, mange, mangel-wurzel, mangit, mangled, mango, mangold, mangosteen, mangrove, mangrove snake, mangy, manhandle, manhattan project, mania, manic-depressive psychosis, manichaeism(或 manichaeanism), manichean, manicure, manifest destiny, manikin, manila abaca, manila bay, manila hemp(或abaca), manilius capitolinus,marcus, manin,daniele, manioc, manipulate, manipur, manisa, manitoba, manitoba,lake, manitou, manitoulin islands, maniu,iuliu, manizales, mankilling, manky, manley,michael, manley,norman washington, manly, manna(或flowering ash、manna ash), mannequin, mannerheim,carl gustaf emil, baron von, mannerism, mannerly, mannerly-modest, manners, mannheim, mannheim,karl, mannie, mannikin, manningtree:, manning,henry edward,cardinal, mannish, mann,heinrich, mann,horace, mann,thomas, manolete, manor, manorial system(或manorialism,seignorial system), manostat, manpower service commission, manqué, manresa, mansa musa of mal, mansard, mansard roof, mansard,francois, mansart(或mansard) ,francois, mansart,jules hardouin, manse, mansfield,katherine, mansfield,michael joseph, mansfield,peter ernst von, mansfield,william murray, 1st earl of, manship,paul, mansholt,sicco, mansionry, manslayer, manstealing, mansuetude, mansur, mansura,el(或 al-mansurah), mansur,abu amir al-, mansur,abu ja’far al-, manta ray, manteau, mantegna,andrea, mantel, mantelet, manticore, mantilla, mantinea, manting, mantis, mantis shrimp, mantis(或praying mantis), mantle,mickey charles, mantova, mantua(或mantova), manu cita, manual, manual training, manuel ⅰ, manuel ⅰ of portugal, manuel ⅱ, manuel([ˈmænjuel])ⅰ, manufacture, manukau, manumission, manumit, manuscript, manustupration, manutius,aldus, manx, manx cat, manzanita, manzini, manzoni,alessandro, man,isle of, man,prehistoric(或early man), maori, maori wars, maori(或maui), map projection, map turtle, maple sugar, mapp v.ohio, mapping, maqueen,steve, maquette, maquillage, maquis, mar del plata, marabou, marabou(或marabou stork), maracaibo, maracaibo,lake, maracay, maracca, marajo island, maramba, maranon,rio, marantic, maras, marasmatic, marasmus, marat, maratha, maratha(或mahratta), marathis, marathon, marathon race, marathon(或marathon race), marathon,battle of, marat,jean paul, maraud, marble-breasted, marble-hearted, marburg, marburg disease, marburg v.madison, marcando, marceau,marcel, marcel, marcella, marcellus,marcus claudius, march on rome, march-chick, marchand,jean baptiste, marche(或marches), marchioness, marchioness of pembroke:, marchpane, march,earl of, march,earl of:, march,fredric, marcia, marcian, marciano,rocky, marcion, marcionite, marco polo sheep, marconi, marconi,guglielmo, marcos, marcos,ferdinand, marcus aurelius antoninus, marcus fablus quintilianus, marcus tullius cicero, marcuse,herbert, marcy,mount, marc,franz, mardi gras, marduk, marengo,battle of, marenzio,luca, mare’s nest, mare’s tail, margai,sir milton, margaret, margaret maultasch, margaret of angouleme, margaret of anjou, margaret of austria, margaret of parma, margaret of valois, margaret rose,countess of snowden, margaret,maid of norway, margaret,queen:, margaret,st, margarine, margarita island, margarite, margate, margay(或tiger cat), margent, margin, marginal analysis, marginal utility, marginalism, margret of denmark,norway and sweden, margrethe ⅱ, mari, mari autonomous societ socialist republic, maria, maria christina ⅰ, maria theresa, maria ⅰ, maria ⅱ, mariana islands(或 ladrone islands), marianao, marianas trench(或 trough,deep), marianist, marianske lazne, maribor, maricon, mariculture, marie antoinette, marie byrd land(或byrd land) | 1 | marie de france, marie de medicis, marie louise, marienbad, mariette,auguste ferdinand francois, marihuana, marijuana=marihuana, marin, marina, marine, marine biology, marine engineering, marine insurance, marine trust, mariner probes, marines, marinetti,filippo tommaso, marini,marino, marin,john, marionette, marion,francis, maris,roger eugene, maritain,jacques, marital, maritime alps, maritime law, maritime provinces, maritsa river, maritzburg, mariupol, marius,gaius, marivaux,pierre carlet de chamblain de, marjoram, mark aleksandrovich landau, mark antony, mark antony:, mark-man, market equilibrium, market forces, market gardening, market mechanism, market research, market structure, market system, market-man, marketable, marketing, markham,edwin, markhor, markiewicz,constance,countess of, marking, markka, markov,andrei andreevich, marks,simon, 1st baron, mark,gospel according to st, mark,st, marlborough, marlborough,john churchill, 1st duke of, marli, marlin, marlow, marlowe,christopher, marly, marmara(或marmora) ,sea of, marmolite, marmont, marmoreal, marmortinto, marmoset, marmot, marne, marne,battle of, maronite church, maroon, marot,clement, marouflage, marplot, marprelate controversy, marquand,john phillips, marque, marquee, marquesas islands, marquess, marquette,jacques, marquet,albert, marquis=marquess, marquisette, marquis,donald, marquito, marrakech(或marrakesh), marram grass(或beach grass、sand reed), marrano, marranos, marriage, marriage of figaro,the, married, marring, marryat,frederick, mars-la-tour and gravelotte ,battles of, mars:, marsala, marschileder, marseillaise, marseillaise,la, marseilles' road:, marsh birds, marsh cowslip, marsh gas, marsh hawk, marsh mallow, marsh marigold(或cowslip), marsh(或swamp) deer, marshall plan, marshall,alfred, marshall,george, marshall,john, marshalsea:, marshalship, marsh,dame ngaio, marsh;riginald, marsic war, marsilius of padua, marston moor, marston moor,battle of, marston,john, marsupial, marsupial frog, marsupial mole, marsyas, martaban, martellato, martello towers, marten, martensite, martha’s vineyard, martial arts, martial law, martin ([ˈmɑ:tin])ⅳ, martin du gard,roger, martin v.hunter’s lessee, martin ⅰ, martin ⅴ, martineau,harriet, martinet, martinez de la rosa,franciso, martinez ruiz,jose, martingale, martinique, martini,simone, martinson,harry, martinu,bohuslav, martin,archer john porter, martin,homer dodge, martin,john, martin,kingsley, martin,pierre-emile, martin,richard, martin,st, martin,william mcchesney,jr, marti,jose julian, martlemas, martlet, martynia(或unicorn plant), martyr, martyred, marvel of peru, marvell, marvellous, marvell,andrew, marx, marx brothers, marxism, marx,karl, mary magdalene,st, mary of bethany, mary of burgundy, mary of guise, mary of teck, mary rose, mary ⅰ, mary ⅱ, maryborough, maryland, marylebone cricket club(mcc), mary,queen of scots(或stuart,mary), mary,the virgin, masaccio, masada, masaryk, masaryk,jan, masaryk,thomas, mascagni,pietro, mascarade, mascarene islands, mascaron, mascon, mascot, masefield,john, maser, mashhad(或meshed), mashie, mashonaland, mashrig, masinissa, masjid, masker, masolino, mason bee, mason-dixon line, masons, mason,alfred edward woodlev, mason,george, masorah, masoretes, maspero,gaston camille charles, masquer, masquing, mass action,law of, mass and weight, mass defect, mass number, mass production, mass spectrograph, mass-energy equation, massachusetts, massachusetts bay company, massachusetts government act, massachusetts institute of technology, massacre, massasauga, massasoit, massawa(或mitsiwa), masscult, massena,andre, massenet,jules, massey,raymond, massey,vincent, massey,william ferguson, massif central, massine,leonide, massinger,philip, massive,mount, masson,andre, massy, massys,quentin, mast, mastaba, mastectomy, master of the queen’s(或king’s)music, master of the rolls, master-cord, master-touch, masterdom, masterly, mastermind, masterpiece, masters and johnson, masterstroke, masters,edgar lee, mastery, masthead, masticate, mastification, mastoid bone, mastroianni,marcello, masturbate, masty, masudi, masurian lakes, mat, mata hari, matabele(或ndebele), matabeleland, matador, matamata, matamoros, matanzas, matapan,cape, matched, matching, matchlock, mate(或paraguay), mated, matelot, matelote, mater, materialism, maternal, mathemagenics, mathematic(al), mathematical model, mathematics, mather,richard, mathewson,christy, mathura(或muttra), matilda(或maud), matinee, matins, matisse,henri, matlock, mato grosso, matopo hills, matrass, matri-, matriarchy, matric, matsuyama, matt, mattamore, mattathias, matte, matteotti,giacomo, matterhorn, matthew, matthew paris, matthews,sir stanley, matthew,gospel according to st, matthew,st, matthias ⅰ corvinus, matthiessen,francis otto, mattin, matto, mattock, mattoir, mattress, maturate, mature, mau mau, mauchly,john, maud, maudlin, maudling,seginald, maudslay,henry, maugham,william somerset, maugre, maui, maui island, maukhari dynasty, maul, mauldin,bill, maulstick, mauna kea, mauna loa, maunder, maundy thursday, maupassant,guy de, maupertuis,pierre louis moreau de, maura, maurer,alfred henry, mauresque, mauretania, mauriac,francois, maurice of nassau, maurice,frederick denison, mauritania, mauritania:, mauritania,islamic republic of, maurois,andre, maurras, maurras,charles, mauryan([ˈmauriən])dynasty, maury,matthew fontaine, mauser pistol, mauser rifle, mausoleum of halicarnassus, mauve, maven, maverick, mavis, mavrocordatos,alexander, maw, mawkish, maw,nicholas, max, maxentius,marcus aurelius valerius, maxi, maxilla, maxim, maxima moralia, maximian, maximilian ⅰ, maximilian ⅱ, maximus, maximus,planudes, maximus,st, maxim,sir hiram stevens, maxisingle, maxiskirt, maxwell, maxwell’s demon, maxwell’s equations, maxwell,james clerk, maxwell,william, may apple, may beetle, may day, mayakovsky,vladimir, mayaquez, mayence, mayer,johann tobias, mayer,julius robert von, mayer,louis burt, mayer,sir robert, mayfair, mayfly, mayhem, mayhew,henry, mayo, mayor, mayor of the palace, mayotte, maypole dance, mayr,ernst walter, mays,willie howard,jr, may,phil, mazard, mazarin, mazarin bible, mazarine, mazarin,jules, mazatlan, mazdaism, mazed, mazel, mazenderans, mazepa,ivan, mazer, mazurian lakes, mazzard, mazzini, mazzini,giuseppe, mboya,tom, mbuji-mayi, mbundu(或ovimbundu), mcadam,john loudon, mcbride,willie john, mcc, mccarthy, mccarthy,eugene joseph, mccarthy,joseph raymond, mccarthy,mary, mccartney paul, mcclellan,george brinton, mcclintock,barbara, mcclure,samuel sidney, mcclure,sir robert john le mesurier, mccormack,john, mccormick,cyrus hall, mccracken,paul w., mccrae,john, mccullers,carson, mcculloch v. maryland, mcdougall,william, mcenroe,john, mcgill university, mcgillivray,alexander, mcgonagall,william, mcgovern,george stanley, mcgraw,john joseph, mcguffey,william holmes, mcindoe,sir archibald hector, mcintire,samuel, mckean,thomas, mckenna,siobhan, mckim,charles follen, mckinley, mckinley,mount, mckinley,william, mcleod gauge, mcloughlin, mcluhanesque, mcluhan,herbert marshall, mcmahon, mcmahon,william, mcmaster,john bach, mcmillan,edwin mattison, mcmurdo sound, mcnamara, mcnamara,robert strange, mcnary-haugenism, mcnaughton,andrew george latta, mcpherson,aimee semple, mea culpa, meacock, meade,james edward, meade,richard, meadow, meadow grass, meadow saffron(或autumn crocus), meadowlark, meadowsweet, meads,colin earl, mead,george gordon, mead,george herbert, mead,lake, mead,margaret, meager, meal, mealworm, mealybug, mean free path, mean life, mean sea level, mean-born, meander, meaner, meanest, meaning, meaning:, meanly, means test, meant, meantime, meantone, meany,george, measles(或rubeola), measurable, measure for measure, measurement, measuring worm(或inchworm), meath, meaux, mec, mecca, mecca(或makkah), mecca=makkah=mekka, mechanic, mechanic(al), mechanical, mechanical advantage, mechanical engineering, mechanics, mechanism, mechanized warfare, mechelen, mechnikov,ilya, mecklenburg, mecklenburg declaration of indep endence, mecon, medal of honor, medan, medawar,sir peter brain, meddling, medea, medea:, medellin, medes, medford, medi(a)eval, media, mediacy, mediagenic, medial, mediamorphosis, mediant, mediashy, mediate, medicaid, medical, medical jurisprudence(或forensic medicine), medice,teipsum, medici, medici family, medicinable, medicine hat, medicine man, medicines, medick, medieval music, medina-sedonia,alonso pereze de guzman duque de, mediocre, mediography, mediopolis, mediterranean, mediterranean fruit fly, mediterranean sea, mediterranean subrace, mediterraneum, medium, medius, medley, medoc, medulla oblongata, medway river, meegeren,hans van, meerkat, meerschaun(或sepiolite), meer,van der, meeter, meetest, meeting, meg(a-), megalithic, megaloceros, megaphone, megapode, megara, megarian, megascope, megastar, megatherium, megaton, megavarve, meghalaya, megiddo, megila, megillah, megilp, mehemet ali, mehercle, mehmed ⅱ, mehta,zubin, meighen, meighen,arthur, meiji, meiji([ˈmeidӡi:])emperor, mein kampf(或 my struggle), meinecke,friedrich, meiny, meio-, meir, meir,golda, meissen, meissen porcelain, meissonier,jean-louis-ernest, meissonier,juste aurele, meistersingers, meitner,lise, meknes, mekometer, mekong,river, melainotype, melancholies, melanchthon, melanchthon,philip, melanesia, melanesians, melanin, melanocratic, melanocyte stimulating hormone, melanograph, melanoma, melba,dame nellie, melbourne,william lamb, 2nd viscount, melchior, melchior,lauritz, melchites, melcombe, meleager, melee, meletius,st, melford:, melic, melilla, melilot, meliorate, melitopol, melk, mellifluence, mellifluous, melline, mellon, mellon,andrew william, mellotron, melodeon, melodia, melodica, melodie, melodion, melodrama, melody, melograph, melojogue, melomane, melos, melos(或milo、milos), melrose, melted, melting, melting point, melting pot, melton mowbray, melusine(或melusina), melville island, melville,andrew, melville,herman, members, membrane, membrum, memel, memento, memento mori, memling,hans, memnonious, memo, memoir, memorabilia, memorable, memorable stories of the west lake, memorial, memorial day, memorialize, memorize, memorized, memory,computer, memphis:, men, menace, menado(或manado), menai strait, menam chao phraya, menander, menarche, mencius, mencken,henry louis, mendacious, mendel, mendele mocher sforim, mendeleev, mendelejeff,dmitri ivanovich, mendelevium, mendeleyev(或 mendelejeff) ,dimitri ivanovich, mendelssohn, mendelssohn,felix, mendelssohn,moses, mendel’s laws, mendel,gregor johann, menderes,adnan, menderes,river, mendes, mendes-france,pierre, mendicant, mendicant orders, mendieta-montefur, mendip hills(或mendips), mendoza, mendoza,antonio de, menelaus, menelaus:, menelik ⅱ, menes, mene,tekel,upharsin, mengelberg,william, mengele,josef, menger,carl, mengs,anton raphael, menhaden, menhir, menial, meniere’s disease, menindee lakes, meninges, meningitis(或spinal meningitis), meniscoid, menkind, menninger,karl augustus,and william claire menninger, menno simons, mennonite, mennonites, menology, menominee, menominee indians, menominee(或menomini), menomini, menon, menon,krishna, menorca, menoti,gian carlo, mens, mens rea, mensa international, mensch, menses, menshevik, menshikov,aleksandr danilovich, menstruation, mensual, mensural, menswear, mental, mental health, mental retardation, menthol, mention, menton, mentor, mentulomania, menu, menuet, menuhin,yehudi, menzies,sir robert gordon, meo, mephisto, mephistopheles, mephitis, mephostophilus:, merc, merca, mercantant, mercantile, mercantilism, mercator projection, mercator,gerardus, mercer, mercerization, mercerize, mercer,david, merchant, merchant banks(或 commercial banks), merchant of venice,the, merchant staplers(或company of the merchants of the staple), merchant-marring, merchants adventurers, mercier, merciful, merckx,eddy, mercology, mercouri,melina, mercuriality, mercury poisoning, mercury(或quicksilver), mercury:, meredith,george, merely, merengue, merergasia, merest, merestone, meretricious, merezhkovsky,dmitri sergeyevich, merganser(或sawbill), merge, merger, merida, merimee,prosper, merina, merino, merinthophobia, merionethshire, meristem, meritocracy, meritorious, merleau-ponty,maurice, merlin:, mermald’s,tresses, merman, merman,ethel, mermidons:, merneptah, meroe, merops:, merotic writing, merovingia, merovingian art and architecture, merovingians, merrick,david, merrily, merrimack, merriment, merry wives of windsor,the, merry-andrew, merseburg, merseyside, mersey,river, mersin, merthyr tydfil, merton,thomas, meru,mount, mervailous, merwin,william stanley, mesa verde, mesabi range, mesal, mesalliance, mescal(或 peyote), mescalero, mescaline, meshach, meshed, meshuga, mesmerism, mesmer,franz anton, mesnalty, mesne, mesoamerica, mesoamerican languages, mesohippus, mesokurtosis, mesophyte, mesopotamian art, mesosaurus, mesosphere, mesozoa, mesozoic(或secondary) era, messa, messager,andre, messalia corvinus, messalina,valeria, messaline, messaline:, messe, messenger, messenia, messerschmitt,willy, messes, messiaen,olivier, messier,charles, messina, messina,strait of, messmateism, messuage, messys,quentin, mestrovic,ivan, meta-, metabolic, metabolism, metabolite, metacarpal, metacenter, metadyne, metagalaxy, metagenesis, metagnostics, metal fatigue, metalaw, metalepsy, metallergy, metallography, metallurgy, metamerism, metamorphic rocks, metamorphism, metamorphose, metaphone, metaphrase, metaphrast, metaphysical, metaphysical painting, metaphysical poets, metaphysics, metapsychics, metarealist, metastasian, metastasio,pietro, metastasis, metaxas,ioannis, metazoa, metchnikov,ilya, mete-yard, metempirical, meteor crater, meteor shower, meteorite, meteorocket, meteorogram, meteorograph, meteoroid, meteorologic(al), meteorology, meter(或metre), meter=metre, meterage, metewand, methanal, methanol, methanol(或methyl alcohol、wood alcohol), methanophone, metheglin, metheglins, methodist church, methodius,st, methought, methoughts, methuselah, methyl, methyl alcohol, methylated spirits, meticulous, metier, meting, metis, metonym, metoo=me-too, metope, metric system, metrical, metro, metrology, metronymic, metropolis, metropolitan, metropolitan museum of art, metropolitan opera association, metsu(或metzu) ,gabriel, metternich, metternich,klemens wenzel nepomuk lothar,futrst von, metzinger,jean, metzu,gabriel, meunier,constantin, meuse(或maas) | 1 | meuse-argonne offensive, mewl, mexicali, mexican, mexican art and architecture, mexican bean beetle, mexican border campaign, mexican stone pine, mexican war, mexico, mexico city, mexico,gulf of, mexico,national autonomous university of, meyerbeer,giacomo, meyerhof,otto fritz, meyerhold,vsevolod emilievich, meyer,conrad ferdinand, mezzanine, mezzo, mezzo-soprano, mezzogiorno, mfecarfe, mg, mhd, mi, mi perdonato:, miami, miami beach, miami indians, miami river, miao(或meo), mibrab, micah, michael, michael the brave, michael ⅰ(rhangabe), michael ⅱ(the stammerer), michael ⅲ(the drunkard), michael ⅷ, michaelmas daisy, michaelmas day, michaelmas:, michael,princess, michelangelo, michelangelo buonarroti, michelet,jules, michelin,andre, michelozzo, michelson, michelson-morley experiment, michelson,albert abraham, micher, michigan, michigan,lake, miching, michoacan, mickey, mickiewicz,adam, mickle, micmac, micmac indians, micro-, microbiology, microcard, microcephaly, microchemistry, microchip, microcomputer, microecomomics, microelectronics, microfiche, microgram, micrometer, micronesia,federated states of, microprocessor, microprogram, microreader, microsample, microsurgery, microwave oven, mictium, mid, mid glamorgan, mid-atlantic ridge, mid-ocean ridge, mid-wing, midair, midas, midas:, midcourse, middelburg, middest, middle, middle ages, middle american indians, middle comedy, middle east, middle english, middle stone age, middle temple, middle west, middle-earth, middleback range, middlesbrough, middlesex, middleton, middleton,arthur, middleton,thomas, middy blouse, midgard, midge, midi, midian(或midianites), midianite, midland, midlands, midline, midlothian, midnight sun, midrange, midrash, midship, midshipman, midsize, midst, midstream, midsummer day and midsummer night, midsummer night’s dream ,a, midtones, midway, midway islands, midwest,the, midwife, midwife toad, midwifery, midwinter, midwood, mielziner,jo, mien, mies van der rohe,ludwig, mieszko ⅰ, mifflin,thomas, mifune toshiro, migdal, mightiest, mightily, mightiness, mighty, mignardise, mignon, migrant labour, migrate, migration,animal, migration,human, migronaut, miguel, mihajlovic,draza, mike, mikonos(或mykonos), mikoyan, mikoyan,anastas ivanovich, milan decree, milan,edict of, milch-kine, milcomsat, mild, mildenhall, mildewed, mildness, mildura, mile end green:, miles gioriosus, miles,bernard,baron, miletus, milfoil, milford haven, milford haven,louis alexander, 1st marquess of, milford:, milhaud,darius, milieu, militant, militant tendency, military law, military science, militate, militia, milk of magnesia, milk snake, milk sugar, milk-livered, milkfish, milksop, milkweed, milkweed butterfly, milkwort, milky, milky way, milky way galaxy, mill-run, mill-sixpence, millais,sir john everett, millay,edna st vincent, millefleurs, millenariaism, millenary, miller, millerand,alexandre, miller’s thumb, miller,arthur, miller,cincinnatus heine, miller,glenn, miller,henry, miller,joaquin, miller,jonathan, miller,perry, millet,jean francois, milli-bar, milliard, millibar, millikan,robert andrews, millimeter=millimetre, million, millipede, mills,robert, mills,sir john, mill,james, mill,john stuart, milner mission, milner,alfred,viscount, milne,alan alexander, milo, milo(或milon), milos, milosz,czeslaw, milstein,nathan, milton, milton keynes, milton,john, milwaukee, milyutin, mimas, mimeograph, mimesis, mimic, mimic thrush, mimicry, mimodia, minacious, minamoto, minamoto yoritomo, minamoto yoshitsune, minangkabau, minaret, mincatridge, minch,the, mincing, mindanao, minded, minden, mindon([ˈmaindɔn])min, mindoro, mindszenty,jozsef, mineral water, mineralogy, minerva, minerva:, minesweeper, minethrower, mingus charlie, minh-mang, minho,river, mini, miniate, miniature, miniature bull terrier, miniature painting, miniature pinscher, miniature schnauzer, minicomputer, minigroove, minim-rest, minimal art, minimata disease, minime, minimum wage, mining and quarrying, minish, minisurvey, minitance, minitelevision, minitrack, minitube, minium, minivan, miniver, minivet, miniwatt, mink, minkowski,hermann, minneapolis, minnesinger, minnesingers, minnesota, minnie revue, minoan architecture, minoan civilization, minolith, minor, minor planet(或asteroid), minorca(或menorca), minority, minos, minos:, minotaur:, mino,river, minseito, minster, minstrel show, minstrelsy, mintoff,dominic, minton ware, minton,thomas, minuit,peter, minus, minuscule, minute-while, minutely, minuteman, minutia, minya,el, miocene epoch, miohippus, miotic, mir, mira ceti, mira(或mira ceti), mirabeau, mirabeau,honore gabriel riquetti,comte de, mirable, miracle, miracle(或mystery) play, mirador, miranda v. arizona, miranda,francisco de, mirandola, miration, mirdasids, mired, miriam, miro,joan, mirv, mis-, misadventure, misadventured, misbecome, misbegotten, misbeliever, miscarriage, miscarry, miscellanea, misch metal, miscible, miscolour, misconceived, misconception, misconduct, misconster, misconstruction, miscount, miscreate, miscue, misdate, misdeal, misdeed, misdeem, misdemean, misdescribe, misdirect, misdoing, misdoubt, mise, mise en scene, miseducate, miser, miserablism, miserere, misexplain, misfeasance, misfield, misfire, misfit, misfortune, misgive, misgiving, misgovern, misgovernment, misgraffed, misguide, mishandle, mishanter, mishaved, mishima yukio, mishit, mishkan, mishna, mishook, misidentification, misinform, misinterpret, misjoinder, misjudge, miskick, misknow, miskolc, mislay, mislead, mislike, mismanage, mismarriage, mismatch, misoperation, misordered, misperceive, misplace, misplay, misplead, misprint, misprision, misprize, misprized, mispronounce, misproud, mispunch, misquote, misregister, misregistration, misreport, misrule, missa, missexual, misshape, misshapen, missi dominici, missilery, mission, mission indians, mission style, missions,christian, mississauga, mississippi, mississippi bubble, mississippi period, mississippi river, missolonghi, missouri, missouri compromise, missouri river, missy, mist, mistaken, mistempered, mister, misterioso, mistermed, mistful, misthink, mistic, mistime, mistiming, mistinguett, mistle thrust, mistletoe, mistook, mistral, mistral,frederic, mistral,gabriela, mistreading, mistreat, mistress, mistrial, mistune, misty, misunderstand, mitchell,john newton, mitchell,margaret, mitchell,maria, mitchell,mount, mitchell,reginald joseph, mitchell,silas weir, mitchell,wesley clair, mitchell,william, mite, mitford,nancy, mithra, mithraism, mithridates ⅵ eupator, mithridates([ˈmitraidits])ⅰ, mithridatic wars, mitigation, mitla, mitochondria, mitosis, mitsiwa, mitsuda, mitt, mittelland canal, mitterrand, mitterrand,francois maurice, mittimus, mitzvah, mix, mixed economy, mixtec, mizoguchi kenji, mizoram, mizzen, mizzle, mié, miāo, mneme, mnemonic device, mnemosyne, mnesicles, mo, moa, moab, moabites, moat, mob, moberg,vilhelm, mobius strip, mobled, mobutu,lake, mobutu,sese seko, moby-dick, mocambique, moccasin, moccasin flower, mocenigo, mochica, mock epic, mock orange, mock-water, mockery, mocket, mockingbird(或 mimic thrush), moctezuma([ˌmɔ:kteˈsu:mɑ:])ⅰ, modal, model parliament, modello, models,econometric, moderator, modern architecture, modern art,museum of, modern dance, modernism, modernismo, modernus, modes, modesties, modesto, modesty, modify, modigliani,amedeo, modish, modjeska,helena, modo:, modoc indians, modular, modular construction, modulate, modulation, module, modulus, modus, moe, moers, moesia, moeurs, moe,jфrgen engebretsen, mogilev, mogul, mogul(或mughal) ,empire, mogul(或mughal)art and architecture, mohacs,battle of, mohammed ahmed, mohammed reza pahlavi, mohammed ⅰ askia, mohammed ⅱ(或mehmed ⅱ), mohammed ⅴ, mohammed ⅵ, mohammed(或 mehemet) ali, mohammedanism, mohave, mohave desert, mohave(或mojave), mohegan, mohenjo daro, mohican(或mahican), mohism, moho(或 mohorovicie discontinuity), mohole, moholy-nagy,laszlo, mohorovioic discontinuity, mohs’scale, moirai, moire, moire pattern, moirea, moisher, moisture, moi,daniel arap, mojave, mojave(或mohave) desert, molal solution, molarity, molasses, molasses act, mold(或mould), moldavia, moldavian, moldavian soviet socialist republic, moldova, moldwarp, mold,metal, mole cricket, mole rat, molech, molecular, molecular biology, molecular cloud, molecular model, molecular weight, molecule, molehill, molest, molestation, molina,luis de, molinos,miguel de, molise, mollification, mollify, mollusc(或mollusk), molly maguires, molnar,ferenc, moloch, moloch(或molech), molokai, molotov,vyacheslav mikhailovich, molting, moltke,helmuth karl bernard, graf von, moluccas, molybdate orange, molybdenite, molybdenum, mom-and-pop factory, mom-and-pop store, mombasa, mome, momentany, momento, momentous, mommsen,theodor, mon, mon-khmer languages, mona monkey, monaco, monaco,lorenzo, monaco,principality of, monadhliath mountains, monaghan, monarch butterfly, monarchianism, monarcho:, monarchy, monastery, monasticism, monastral blue, monaural, monazite, monchengladbach, monck,charles stanley, 4th viscount, monck,george, 1st duke of albemarle, moncton, mondale,walter frederick, monday, monde, mondial, mondrian,piet, mond,ludwig, monera, monet, moneta, monetarism, monetary, monetary policy, monetary system,international, monet,claude, money market, money supply, money-market fund, moneyed, moneywort(或 creeping jenny), monger, monge,gaspard, mongo, mongol, mongolian languages, mongolian people’s republic, mongolian wild horse, mongoloid, mongols, mongoose, mongril, monition, monitor and merrimack, monitor lizard, monitorial system, moniz,antonio egas, monk, monkey flower, monkey puzzle tree, monkfish, monkshood, monk,thelonlus(sphere), monmouth:, monmouthshire, monmouth,battle of, monmouth,james scott,duke of, monnet,jean, mono, mono-, monobath, monoblock, monocable, monochord, monochroic, monoclonal antibody, monocoque, monocotyledons, monocracy, monodrama, monody, monod,jacques, monogamy, monogenesis, monoglot, monogram, monograph, monogynopaedium, monogynous, monoideism, monokinetic, monokini, monolatry, monolepsis, monolete, monolingual, monolith, monolithic, monolog, monomania, monomer, monometallism, monomial, monomorph, monomorphemic, monomotaps, mononucleosis,infectious, monophonic, monophysite, monophysites, monophysitism, monoplane, monopolar, monopolize, monopolylogue, monoprint, monopropellant, monopteral, monopteron, monopteros, monopulse, monosaccharide, monosodium glutamate, monospar, monotechnic, monothelite, monothelites, monothematic, monotint, monotone, monotreme, monotype, monoxylon, monozygotic, monroe doctrine, monroe,james, monroe,marilyn, monrolite, monsarrat,nicholas, monstera, monstery, monstrous, mont blanc, mont-saint-michel, montagnais and naskapi indians, montagnard, montagnards, montagu-chelmsford reform, montagu,john, montagu,lady mary wortley, montaigne,michel eyquen, montale,eugenio, montalvo,juan, montana, montane biome, montanism, montanist, montant, montauban, montbretia, montcalm,louis joseph de, montcalm-grozone,marquis de, monte alban, monte bello islands, monte carlo, monte carlo method, monte cristo, monte rosa, montefeltro, montefiore,sir moses, montego bay, montelimar, montenegro, monter, montera, monterey, monterey park, monterey pine, montero, monterrey, montesphan,francoise athenais de rochechouart marquise de, montesquieu, montesquieu,charles louis de secondat,baron de la bride et de, montessori, montessori system, montessori,maria, monteux,pierre, monteverdian, monteverdi,claudio, montez à cheval, montezuma, montezuma ⅱ, montez,lola, montfort,simon de,earl of leicester, montgolfier, montgolfier,joseph michel, montgomeryshire, montgomery,bernard law, 1st viscount mentgomery of alamein, montherlant,henry de, monticello, montlucon, montmorency([ˌmɔntməˈrensi])family, montmorillonite, montpelier, montpellier, montpensier,anne marie louise d’orleans duchesse de, montreal, montreux, montrose, montrose,james graham, 1st marquess of, montserrat, monts,pierre du gua,sieur de, monumental, monza, mooch, mood(或mode), moody, moody-mad, moody,dwight lyman, moody,helen wills, moog synthesizer, mook, mookerjee, moon flower, moon illusion, moon sun myung, moonfish(或opah), moonish, moonrat, moonshine, moonstone, moor-ditch:, moore,bobby, moore,clement clarke, moore,douglas stuart, moore,george, moore,george edward, moore,gerald, moore,henry, moore,marianne, moore,sir john, moore,thomas, moorfields:, moorhen, moorish idol, moors, moorship, moorstone, moor,antonis, moose, moose jaw, moot, mopboard, moped, mopish, mopus, moraczewski, moradabad, morais, moral majority, moral philosophy, moral rearmament, morale, moraler, morality plays, moralize, moraller, morandi,giorgio, moratorium, moravia, moravia(或morava), moravian church(或 renewed church of the brethren,unitas fartrum), moravian gate, moraviantown,battle of, moravia,alberto, moray eel, moray firth, moray(或morayshire), morayshire, moray,james stuart, 1st earl of, morbid, morbidezza, morceau, mordake,earl of fife:, mordant, mordecai, mordenite, mordent, mordvinian automomous soviet socialist republic, morea, moreau,gustave, moreau,jean victor, moreau,jeanne, morecambe, morel, morelia, morelle salt, morelos, morelos y pavon,jose moria, moreover, mores, moreto y cabana,agustin, more,henry, more,paul elmer, more,sir anthony, more,sir thomas, morgagni,giovanni battista, morgan le fay, morganatic marriage, morganite, morgan,charles, morgan,john hunt, morgan,john pierpont, morgan,john pierpont,jr, morgan,junius spencer, morgan,lewis henry, morgan,sir henry, morgan,thomas hunt, morgenthau,hans joachim, morgenthau,henry,jr, morgue, moribund, morigeration, morike,eduard friedrich, morinda, morion, morisco, moriscos, morison, morison,samuel eliot, morison,stanley, morisot,berthe, morland,george, morley, morley,edward williams, morley,robert, morley,sylvanus griswold, morley,thomas, mormon | 1 | mormon cricket, mormons, morn, mornay,philippe de,seigneur du plessis-marly, morning glory, morocco, morocco,kingdom of, moron, moroni,giovanni battista, moronobu(或hishikawa moronobu), morose, morosini, moro,aldo, moro,antonio, morpheus, morphia, morphic, morphine, morpho butterfly, morphodifferentiation, morphogenesis, morphology, morphy,paul charles, morrice,james wilson, morris dance, morris jesup,cape, morris-dance, morris-pike, morrison, morrison,herbert stanley,baron, morrison,toni, morris,desmond john, morris,gouverneur, morris,robert, morris,william, morris,william richard, morris,wright, morrow, morse, morse code, morsel, morse,samuel finley breese, mortal-breathing, mortal-living, mortal-staring, mortality, mortar(或plaster), mortar-piece, mortarboard, morte darthur,le, mortice, mortician, mortier,edouard adolphe casimir joseph,duc de trevise, mortiferous, mortified, mortify, mortifying, mortimer:, mortimer,john clifford, mortimer,roger de, 8th baron wigmore ,1st earl of march, mortise, mortmain, morton:, morton,james douglas, 4th earl of, morton,jelly roll, morton,john, morton,william thomas green, moru-mangbetu, mor,antonis, mosaic law, mosambique, mosasaur, moschatel, moscow art theatre, moscow,grand duchy of, mose, moseley,henry gwyn jeffries, moselle,river, moses ben maimon, moses,grandma, mosis, moskva river, moslem league, moslem religion, mosley,sir oswald ernald, mosquito coast, mosquito fish, moss pink, mossadegh mohammed, mossbauer effect, mossbauer,rudolph ludwig, mossi, mosso, moss,stirling, most-favoured-nation clause, mostaganem, mostar, mostly, mosul, mosul([məuˈsu:l],[ˈməusəl]) question, mote, motel, moth orchid, mother goose, mother lode country, mother-of-pearl, motherwell and wishaw, motherwell,robert, motif, motile, motion pictures, motion sickness, motion-picture photography, motique, motivate, motive, motjuste, motley-minded, motmot, moto, moto-cross, motor, motor car, motor insurance, motor racing, motorcycle racing, motorcycles, motoricity, motorneurons, motorway, mottle, motto, mott,lucretia coffin, moue, mouflon, mought, moulage, mouldy:, moulins, moulmein, moult, moulten, mounch, mound, mound builders, mounier, mount communism, mount desert, mount holyoke college, mount isa, mount lofty ranges, mount of olives, mount rainier national rark, mount rushmore national memorial, mount st. helens, mount stephen,george stephen, mount vernon, mount wilson observatory, mountain ash(或rowan), mountain beaver, mountain goat, mountain laurel, mountain lion, mountain mckinley national park, mountain men, mountain view, mountain-foreigner, mountain-squire, mountaineering, mountain,the, mountanto, mountbatten, mountbatten,louis, 1st earl, mountebank, mounted, mounties, mounting, mourn, mourne mountains, mournful, mourning, mourning cloak butterfly, mourning dove, mouse deer, mouse hare, mouse-hunt, mousebird, mousing, mousse, mousseline, mousseline de laine, moussorgsky,modest petrovich, moustache, mousterian, mouth organ, mouth-filling, mouth-honour, mouthbreeder, mouthed, mouths, moveable, moveables, moved, mover, movie, movieola, moving, mow, moy, moynihan,daniel patrick, mozambique, mozambique,people’s republic of, mozarabs, mozart, mozart,wolfgang amadeus, mra, mridang, mrohaung dynasty, mrs., ms., mtwara, mu-mesun, muallaqat, muawiyah ⅰ, mubarak,mohammed hosni, much ado about nothing, mucha,alphonse, mucilage, muck, muckrakers, mucopolysaccharide, mucous membrane, mucus, mud dauber wasp, mud snake, mud turtle, muddied, muddle, muddy, muddy-mettled, mudejars, mudpuppy, mudra, mudsill, mudskipper, mudslinging, mufaddaliyat, muff, muffetee, muffler, mufti, mug, mugabe,robert gabriel, mugger, mugging, muggy, mughal, mughal art and architecture, mughal([ˈmu:gʌl],[muˈgʌl])dynasty, mughal,empire, mugwump, mugwumps, muhammad, muhammad ali, muhammad reza shah pahlevi, muhammad ⅰ, muhammad ⅱ, muhammad ⅳ, muhammad ⅴ, muhammad ⅵ, muhammadan, muhlenberg,heinrich melchior, muhlhausen, muir,edwin, muir,john, mujibur rahman,sheik, mulatto, mulct, muldoon,robert david, mule deer, muleter, mulheim an der ruhr, mulhouse, mullein, muller,friedrich max, muller,hermann joseph, muller,paul hermann, mullet, mulliken,robert sanderson, mullingar, mullion, mulready,william, mulroney,martin brian, multan, multi-, multi-bank, multi-colo(u)r, multi-currency, multi-disciplinary, multi-ethnic, multi-event, multi-factor, multi-image, multi-member, multi-modal, multi-nomial, multi-party, multi-party system, multi-phase, multi-runway, multi-seat, multi-studio, multi-valued, multi-variable, multichannel, multiclass, multiculture, multidimensional, multifarious, multiflash, multiflora, multifoil, multifont, multiform, multifrequency, multifunction, multilateral, multilayer, multilevel, multilineal, multilingual, multilith, multimedia, multinational, multinational corporation, multiple, multiple myeloma, multiple sclerosis, multiple star, multiplet, multiplex, multiplexer, multiplier, multiply, multipolar, multipurpose, multiscreen, multisensory, multiserial, multispectral, multistage, multisystem, multitone, multitrack, multitudinous, multivariate, multiversity, mumble, mumble-news, mumford,lewis, mummer’s play, mummify, mumps(或epidemic parotitis), munch, munchen, munchen gladbach, munchhausen,karl friedrich, freiheer von, munch,charles, munch,edvard, muncie, munda, munda languages, mundane, mundas, mung bean, mungo,st, mungrel, munich agreement, munich putsch, municipal, munificence, muniment, munk,kaj harald leininger, munnings,sir alfred, munoz rivera,luis, munro, munro,hector hugh, munsell, munsell colour system, munster, munsterberg,hugo, munthe,axel martin fredrik, muntjac(或barking deer), muntz metal, muntzer,thomas, muon(或mu-meson), muppet, muppie, murad ⅰ, murad ⅱ, murad ⅳ, murad ⅴ, murad(ˈmu:ræd])ⅰ, mural, mural painting, murasaki, murasaki shikibu, murat,joachim, murcia, murdering, murdering-piece, murderous, murders, murdoch,jean iris, murdoch,keith rupert, murdock,william, mure, mures,river, murex, murfreesboro, muriatic acid, muricidae, murillo,esteban, murky, murmansk, murmurer, murnau,friedrich wilhelm, murphy riots, murphy,frank, murray cod, murray river, murray,george gilbert, murray,james, murray,james stuart, 1st earl of, murray,len, murray,philip, murray,sir james, murre, murrey, murrhine, murrion, murrow,edward roscoe, murrumbidgee river, murry,john middleton, mursilis([ˈmursili])ⅰ, murtherer, muscadel, muscat, muscat and oman, muscat(或muskat、musqat), muscovite, muscovy, muscovy duck, muscovy(或russian) company, muscular dystrophy, museology, muses, muses:, musette, museum, museum of fine arts, museum of modern art, museum of the american indian, heye foundation, musgrave ranges, musgrave,thea, mush-mouth, musial,stan, music drama, music festival, music hall, musica ficta, musical comedy(或musicals), musical instruments, musical notation, musicale, musicals, musicology, music,electronic, musil,robert, musique concrete, musk deer, musk turtle, musk-ox, musk-rose, muskat, muskellunge, muskie,edmund sixtus, muskmelon, muskogean, muskrat(或musquash), muslem=muslim, muslim art and architecture, muslim league, muslim(或moslem、muslem), muso, musomania, musqat, musquash, mussadegh,muhammad, mussel, mussel-shell, musset,louis-charles-alfred de, mussolini, mussolini,benito, mustache, mustang, mustard gas, mustelidae, muster-book, musty, mutable, mutanabbi,al, mutare, mutatis mutandis, mute swan, mutesa ⅰ, mutha, mutilate, mutine, mutiny, muti,riccardo, mutoscope, mutsuhito, mutter, muttonbird, muttra, mutual fund, mutualism, mutuality, mutually, mutuel, mux, muybridge,eadweard, muzak, muzorewa,abel, muzz, muzzy, mx missile, my lai, my struggle, myanmar, myasthenia gravis, mycenae, mycenaean architecture, mycenaean civilization, mycology, mycoplasma, mycorrhiza(或mycorhiza), mycosis, myelin, myers,frederic william henry, mykonos, mylae,battle of, mylodon, myna(或mynah), mynheers, myocardial infarction, myoglobin, myopia, myosin, myrdal,alva reimer, myrdal,karl gunnar, myriapoda, myrmidon, myron, myrrh, myrtle, mysore, mystery plays, mysticism, mythology, mytilene, myxedema(或myxoedema), myxomatosis, mzilikazi, mànɡ, mélange, mòu, mú, mān, mānɡ, mēi, mēng, mī, mōu, mǎng, mǎnɡ, mǎo, mǐng, mǒu, mɑ, m’naghten’s rules, m阵式, n.抗滴虫药, n.斯里兰卡, n.罗马尼亚, na, na-dene languages, naacp, naas, nab, nabataen, nabi, nabiist, nabokov,vladimir, nacarat, naccare, nacelle, nachschlag, nachtlokal, nacogdoches, nacrite, nadar, nadelman,elie, nader(或nadir) shah, nader,ralph, naevius,gnaeus, naevus, naff, nag, nagaland, nagano, nagarjuna, nagas, nagasaki, nagelfluh, nagoya, nagrams, nagy, nagy,imre, naha, nahhas, nahua, nahuatl, nahum, naiad, naiads, naipaul,vidiadhur surjprasad, nairn, naismith,james, naive, naive art, najd(或 nejd), nakasone yasuhiro, nake, naker, nakhichevan, nakhichevan autonomous soviet socialist republic, nakuru, nalanda, namaqualand, namath,joe, nameless, namely, namib desert, namibe, namier,sir lewis bernstein, namur, nan, nana sahib, nanaimo, nancy, nanda devi,mount, nanda dynasty, nanga parbat,mount, nankeen, nansen, nansen,fridtjof, nanterre, nantes, nantes,edict of, nantucket, naomi, naoroji,dadabhai, napa, napali, nape, naphtali,tribe of, naphtha, naphthalene, napier, napier of magdala,robert cornelis, 1st baron, napier,john, napier,sir charles james, naples, naples(或napali), naples:, napoleon ⅰ, napoleon ⅱ, napoleon ⅲ, napoleon([nəˈpəuljən],[nəˈpəuliən])ⅰ, napoleonic code, napoleonic wars, nara, narayanganj, narayan,rasipuram krishnaswamy, narbonne, narcissi, narcissus, narcotic, narcotics, narcotics squad, narino,antonio, narita, narraganset, narragansett bay, narrate, narrowly, narses, narva, narvaez,panfilode, narvik, narwhale, nasa, nasal, nasby,petroleum v., nasca, nascent period, naseby,battle of, nash(或nashe) ,thomas, nashoba, nashua, nashville, nash,john, nash,ogden, nash,paul, nash,richard, nash,sir walter, nasik, naso:, nasser, nasser,gamal abdel, nasser,lake, nasturtium, nast,thomas, natanya, nataraja, natation, natchez, natchez trace, natchitoches, nathanael, nathan,george jean, nation, nation of islam, national academy of sciences, national aeronautics and space administration, national anthem, national archives, national association for the advancement of colored people(naacp), national book league, national bureau of standard, national convention, national council of the churches of christ in the united states of america, national country party, national debt, national economic development council(nedc或neddy), national enterprise board(neb), national front, national gallery, national gallery of art, national guard, national health service(nhs), national institutes of health(nih), national insurance, national labor relations board(nlrb), national museum of anthropology, national organization for women(now), national parks, national physical laboratory, national portrait gallery, national radio astronomy observatory(nrao), national recovery administration(nra), national republican party, national road, national science foundation(nsf), national security council, national service, national socialism(或 nazism), national society for the prevention of cruelty to children(nspcc), national theatre company, national theatre of great britain, national trust, nationalism, nationalization, nations, nation,carry moore, native american church, native americans, nativism, nato, natron,lake, natterjack, natty, natuary, natufian, natural gas, natural history museum, natural law, natural monopoly, natural philosophy, natural selection, naturalism, naturalization, naturalize, naturally, nature, naturism, naturist, naturopathy, naucalpan, naukratis, nauplia, nausea, nausicaa, nautch, nautic, nautical mile, nautilus, navaglide, navaglobe, navaho, navaid, navajo, naval, navarino,battle of, navarre, navicert, navigable, navigation acts, navigation satellite, navpaktos, navratilova,martina, nawab, naxalite, naxalites, naxos, naysay, nayword, nazarene, nazarenes, nazareth, nazarite, nazca(或nasca), nazi, nazi party, nazim, nazimova,alla, nazir, nazirites(或nazarites), nazism, nb, ncursion, nd, ndebele, ndjamena, ndola, ndongo, ne win, ne win,u, ne-ne, neaf, neagh,lough, neale analysis of reading ability, neanderthal man, neap, neap tide, neapolitan, nearest, nearly, nearsightedness(或myopia), neb, nebraska, nebuchadnezzar ⅱ, nebuchadnezzar([ˌnebəkədˈnezə]) ⅱ, nebula, nebular, necessaries, necessarily, necessary, necessary and proper clause, necessitous, necessity, necho ⅱ, neckar,jaques, neckar,river, necker, necrolatry, necrology, necromancer, necrophilia, necrosis, nectar, nectarine, ned, nedc(或neddy), needful, needle, needle work, needlefish, needlegrass, needlepoint, needless, needles,the, needly, needs, neer,aert van der, neeze, nefandous, nefertiti, negate, negative income tax, negative number, negev, neglected, neglectingly, neglection, negociant, negotiable, negotiable instrument, negri sembilan, negrillo subrace, negrin,juan, negrito subrace, negroid, negros, negro,rio, nehemiah, nehru, nehru,jawaharlal, neif, neighbour-stained, neighboured, neighbourhood, neighbourly, neill,alexander sutherland, neiloid, neisse, neisse,river, neither, nekhtnebf ⅰ, nekrasov,nikolai alekseevich, nekton, nelly, nelson river, nelson,horatio,viscount, nelson,thomas,jr, neman,river(或nyeman,river), nematode, nemea, nemean lion, nemean lion:, nemerov,howard, nemertea, nemertina, nemesia, nemesis:, nemirovich-danchenko,vladimir, nemi,lake, nemo, nemours, nennius, neo-, neo-melanesian, neo-pythagoreans, neoclassical architecture, neoclassical music, neoclassicism, neodymium, neoexpressionism, neolith, neolithic, neolithic period, neolocality, neon fish, neonate, neoplasticism, neoplatonism, neoptolemus, neorealism, neoteny, neoteric, nep, nepal, nepal,kingdom of, nephogram, nephritis, nephrosis, nepotic, neptune, neptune:, neptunium, nereid, nereids, nereis(或clamworm), nereus, nergal, neri,st philip, nernst,walther hermann, nero | 1 | nero(或claudius caesar), nero:, neruda,jan, neruda,pablo, nerval,gerard de, nerva,marcus cocceius, nerve cell, nerve gases, nerves, nervi,pier luigi, nervous system, nervo,amado, nesbit,edith, nescience, nesselrode,karl robert,count, nessus, ness,loch, nestor, nestor:, nestorius, net national product, netanya(或natanya), netball, nether, nether-stocks, netherlandic, netherlands, netherlands antilles, netherlands,kingdom of, neto,agostinho, nettle rash, nettled, netzahualcoyotl, neu-impressionism, neuchatel, neue kunstiervereinigung(或new artists’association), neumann, neumann,johann balthasar, neumann,john von, neumann,st john nepomucene, neuralgia, neuritis, neuro-, neurohormone, neurology, neurone(或nerve cell), neuroptera, neurosis, neuse, neusiedl,lake, neustria, neutral, neutrality, neutrality act, neutra,richard joseph, neutron activation analysis, neutron bomb, neutron star, neva, nevada, nevado huascaran, neva,battle of the, nevelson,louise, never-daunted, neville,richard, nevins,allan, new amsterdam, new bedford, new britain, new brunswick, new brunswick,university of, new church, new comedy, new criticism, new deal, new economic policy(nep), new england, new england confederation, new england primer, new forest, new forest pony, new france, new general catalogue(ngc), new granada, new guinea, new hampshire, new harmony, new haven, new haven colony, new hebrides, new international economic order, new ireland, new jersey, new jerusalem,church of the(或new church), new london, new maths, new mexico, new model army, new netherland, new orleans, new orleans style, new plymouth, new rochelle, new siberian islands, new south wales, new spain,viceroyalty of, new stone age, new sweden, new testament, new towns, new wave, new westminster, new world, new world monkey, new year’s day, new york, new york shakespeare festival, new york stock exchange, new york times company v.sullivan, new york(city), new york(state), new york,city university of, new york,state university of, new-appearing, new-create, new-dated, new-delivered, new-fallen, new-fangled, new-hatched, new-healed, new-made, new-store, new-trothed, new-tuned, newark, newark-on-trent, newbery,john, newbury, newcastle, newcastle disease, newcastle-under-lyme, newcastle-upon-tyne, newcastle,thomas pelham-holles, 1st duke of, newcastle,william cavendish, duke of, newcombe,john, newcomb,simon, newcomen, newcomen,thomas, newfoundland, newfoundland dog, newgate, newgate:, newlands,john alexander reina, newly, newman,john henry, newman,paul, newmarket, newport, newport beach, newport news, newry, news, news agency, newsmonger, newton abbot, newtonian mechanics, newton’s rings, newton,sir isaac, newtown, newtown st boswells, ney, ney,michel,prince of moscow, nez perce, ne’er, ngala, ngc, nguni, nguyen an ninh, nguyen dynasty, nguyen van thieu, nha trang, nhs, ni, niagara falls, niarchos,stavros spyros, niblick, nicaea, nicaea,councils of, nicaea,empire of, nicely, nicene creed, nicephorus ⅰ, nicephorus ⅱ (phocas), nicety, niche, nichiren buddhism, nicholas, nicholas of cusa, nicholas ⅰ, nicholas ⅰ ,st, nicholas ⅱ, nicholas([ˈnikələs])ⅰ, nicholas,st, nicholson,ben, nicholson,jack, nicholson,sir william, nicholson,william, nicias, nicker, nicklaus,jack william, nicobar islands, nicolai,otto ehrenfried, nicola,pisano, nicolson,sir harold(george), nicomedia, nicopolis,battle of, nicotine, nicotinic acid, niebuhr,barthold georg, niebuhr,hehnut richard, niebuhr,reinhold, niedersachsen, niellatori, niello, nielsbohrium, nielsen,carl august, niemeyer,oscar, niemoller,martin, niepce,joseph nicephore, niesse, nietzsche, nietzsche,friedrich, nifty, niger-congo languages, niggardly, nigh, night blindness, night heron, night-cap, night-crow, night-gown, night-mare, night-rule, night-tripping, nighted, nighthawk, nightingale,florence, nightjar, nightly, nightmare, nightmares, nightshade, nih, nihil, nihilism, nihon, niigata, nijmegen, nijmegen,treaties of, nike, nikephoros([ˈnikifəurəs])ⅰ, nikisch,arthur, nikkei average, nikkei index, nikkei stock average, nikko, nikolayev, nikopol, nil, nile, nile,battle of the, nilgai, nill, nilo-saharan languages, nilotes, nilsson,birgit marta, nimble-footed, nimble-pinioned, nimbly, nimeiry,muhammad gaafur al-, nimes, nimitz,chester william, nimrod, nimrud, nine-fold, ninety-five theses, ninian,st, ninus:, nin,anais, niobe, niobe:, niobium, nipa, nipple, nippon, nippon(或nihon), nippur, nippy, nirenberg,marshall warren, nis, nishinomiya, nit-pick, niteroi, nithsdale,william maxwell, 5th earl of, nitric acid, nitrites, nitrocellulose, nitrocotton, nitrogen cycle, nitrogen fixation, nitroglycerin, nitrous oxide, nitwit, niue, nival, niveau, niven,david, nix, nixon, nixon,richard milhous, nizam al-mulk, nizhny novgorod, nizhny tagil, niàng, niáng, niánɡ, nié, niù, niě, niū, niǎnɡ, nkomo,joshua, nkrumah,kwame, no drama, no(或no drama), no-fault insurance, no-knock, no-verb, no.(no.), noah, noah:, nob, nobel prize in literature, nobelium, nobel,alfred bernhard, nobile,umberto, nobility, noble, noble metals, noble-ending, noble,sir andrew, nobly, nobody, nobunaga, nobutaka machimura, nock, noctiluca, noctuid moth, noctule, nocturn, nocturnal, nodal, noddle, node, nodule, noel, noel-baker,philip john, noether,amalie emmy, noetic, nogales, noguchi yone(jiro), noguchi,hideyo, noguchi,isamu, nohow, noil, noise pollution, noiseless, noisies, nokture, noland,kenneth, nolan,sir sidney, nolde,emil, nole, noll, nolle, nolle prosequi, nollekens,joseph, nolo contendere, nomad, nomads, nomarch, nome, nomenclative, nominal, nominalism, nominate, nomination, nominative, nominativo, nomism, nomistic, nomocracy, nomogenesis, nomogram, nomograph(或nomogram), nomological, nomothetic, non constat, non licet, non nobis, non-, non-aggression pact, non-cohabitation, non-come, non-determinacy, non-euclidean geometry, non-human, non-molestation, non-penalty, non-proliferation of nuclear weapons ,treaty on the, non-provable debt, non-recoverable, non-regardance, non-resistance, non-responsibility, non-sporting dog, non-transferrable, nonagon, noncommercial, noncommissioned, noncommitment, noncommunicable, noncompensable, noncompliance, nonconcur, nonconfidence, nonconform, noncontent, noncontentious, noncooperation, nondirectional, nondisclosure, nondiscrimination, nondisposable, nondurable, none, nonet, nonfarm, nonfeasance, nonfiction, nonfulfillment, nongovernment, nonideal, nonignitable, nonimportation, noninfected, nonintercourse, nonintercourse act, noninterference, nonjoinder, nonjuror, nonjurors, nonlegal, nonlethal, nonlien, nonlinear, nonlogical, nonmaterial, nonmoral, nonnatural, nonobedience, nonobjective art, nonobjectivism, nonobservance, nono,luigi, nonpareil, nonparous, nonparticipation, nonpartisan league, nonparty, nonperformance, nonpermanent members, nonplus, nonprint, nonprofessional, nonproficiency, nonprofit, nonproliferation, nonpros, nonqualified products, nonrandom, nonrecognition, nonrecourse, nonrefundable, nonreproductive, nonscheduled, nonsense, nonsense verse, nonsignificant, nontenure, nontimber product forest, nontoxic, nonuse, nonvoter, noodle, noogenesis, nook-shotten, noology, noon, noose, nootka, noradrenaline(或norepinephrine), nordenskiold,nils adolf erik,baron, nordic, nordic subrace, norepinephrine, nore,the, norfolk island, norfolk island pine, norfolk,thomas howard, norfolk,thomas howard, 3rd duke of, norfolk,thomas howard, 4th duke of, norm, normal, normal school, norman, norman art and architecture, norman conquest, norman french, normandy, normandy campaign, normandy(或normandie), normans, norns, norodom, norris,frank, norris,george william, norrkoping, norse, north africa, north africa campaign, north america, north america nebula(ngc 7 000), north american indian languages, north american indians, north atlantic drift, north atlantic treaty organization(nato), north bay, north borneo, north brabant, north canadian, north cape, north carolina, north cascades national park, north dakota, north german confederation, north holland, north island, north little rock, north ossetian autonomous soviet socialist republic, north pacific current, north platte, north pole, north rhine-westphalia, north riding, north sea, north sea oil, north star, north uist, north yorkshire, north-east frontier agency, north-west frontier province, northallerton, northampton, northampton:, northamptonshire, northcliffe,alfred charles william harmsworth, 1st viscount, northeast caucasian languages, northeast passage, northern areas, northern indians, northern ireland, northern lights, northern marianas, northern porgy, northern rhodesia, northern territory, northern war, northren, northrop,john howard, northumberland, northumberland,john dudley, duke of, northumbria, northward, northwest, northwest caucasian languages, northwest coast indians, northwest company, northwest ordinance, northwest passage, northwest territories, northwest territory, northwich, north,frederick,lord, north,sir thomas, norwalk, norway:, norwegian antarctic territory, norwegian current, norwegian elkhound, norwegian language, norweyan, norwich, norwich school, norwich terrier, nose-painting, nosegay, nostalgia, nostradamus, nostril, nostro, not-, not-pated, notable, notal, notandum, notarial, notate, notch, noted, nothosaur, notion, notitiac communes, notochord, notorious, notoriously, notornis, notoungulata, notre très-cher fils henri,roi d'angleterre,héritierde france, notre-dame de paris, nottingham, nottinghamshire, nottingham,charles howard, 1st earl of, notwithstanding, noumea, noumenon, nourished, nous, nouveau roman, nouveaux riches, nouvel vague, nova, nova actus interveniens, nova scotia, novalis, novate, novaya zemlya, nove, novella,ivor, novercal, novgorod, novi hominem tanquam te, novi sad, novitiate, novokuzneck(或 novokuznetsk), novosibirsk, novotny, novotony,antonin, novum, nowhere, nowl, noyance, noyes,alfred, noyes,john humphrey, noye’s fludde, nozzle, np, npc member, npn型晶体管, np结, nra, nrao, nsf, nspcc, nuance, nub, nuba, nubian, nubian desert, nuclear, nuclear energy, nuclear family, nuclear fission, nuclear fuel breeding, nuclear fuel enrichment, nuclear fuels, nuclear fusion, nuclear magnetic resonance(nmr), nuclear physics, nuclear power, nuclear reactor, nuclear regulatory commission(nrc), nuclear test-ban treaty, nuclear waste, nuclear weapons, nuclease, nucleic acid, nucleolus, nucleon, nucleoprotein, nucleoside, nucleosynthesis, nucleotide, nucleus, nude, nudibranch, nudum pactum, nuevo laredo, nuevo leon, nuffield radio astronomy laboratories, nuffield,william richard morris, 1st viscount, nugae, nugatory, nuke, nukus, null, nullarbor plain, nullification, nullo, nullum tempus act, numbat, number system, number theory, numbering, numbers:, number,complex, number,imaginary, number,irrational, number,natural(或whole number), number,rational, number,real, numen, numeral, numeric, numidia, numinous, numismatic, numismatics(或 coin collecting), nummulites, nunatak, nunc dimittis, nunc pro tune, nuncle, nuncupate, nuneaton, nupes, nur-ed-din(或nureddin), nuraghe, nurd, nuremberg laws, nuremberg trials, nureyev,rudolf, nurmi,paavo johannes, nurse shark, nurser, nursery, nursery rhymes, nursh-a:, nursing, nusa tenggara, nut-hook, nutation, nutcracker, nuthatch, nutmeg, nutmeg(或 mace), nutria, nutrient, nutrition, nutshell, nux vomica, nuzi, nuàn, nuán, nuè, nuǒ, nu,u, nyala, nyamwezis, nyaruandas, nyas, nyasaland, nyctophonia, nyctotyphlosis, nyeman,river, nyerere,julius, nykoping, nymphaeum, nymphalid butterfly, nymphenburg porcelain, nympholept, nymphs, nyoro, nyoros, nystad,treaty of, nystagmus, nyx, nàng, nànɡ, nái, nènɡ, né, néi, nín, nínɡ, nòu, nóu, nún, nā, nān, nānɡ, nāo, něi, něnɡ, nī, nǎnɡ, nǐn, nǐnɡ, nǒnɡ, nǒu, nɑ, n’djamena, n进制反码, n进制补码, o'er-:, o-proposition, o. henry, o.k., o.伊朗, o.保加利亚, o.抗寄生虫药, oahu, oak moss, oak park, oak ridge, oak wilt, oakham, oakland, oakley,annie, oaks, oakville, oar, oarfish, oas, oasis, oastler,richard, oat, oat grass, oater, oates, oates,joyce carol, oates,lawrence edward grace, oates,titus, oath:, oau, oaxaca(或 oaxaca de juarez), obadiah, oban, obdurate, obeah(或obl), oberammergou, oberhausen, oberth,hermann julius, obese, obesity, obeying, obfuscate, obi, obidicut:, obie, obit, obiter, objection, objet trouve, objurgate, oblate, oblation, obligate, obligation, obligato, obligatory, oblige, obliged, oblique, obliterate, oblivious, oblong, obmutescence, obnoxious, obnubilation, obote,apollo milton, obpyramidal, obpyriform, obregon,alvaro, obrenovic, obreption, obscene, obscenely, obscured, obsecrate, obsequence, obsequial, obsequies, obsequiously, observance, observancy, observant, observation, observed, observer, observingly, obsess, obsidian, obsidional, obsolesce, obsolescence, obsque hoc nihil est, obstetrics, obstinacy, obstreperous, obstruct, obstruction, obtain, obtrude, obtruncate, obtund, obturate, obtuse, obumbrate, obverse, obvert, obviate, obviosity, obvious, ocarina, occident, occipital, occitan, occlude, occluder, occult, occultation, occulted, occultism, occupant, occupational disease, occupational safety and health administration(osha), occupational therapy, occupy, occur, occurrent, ocean, ocean bonito, ocean island(或banaba), ocean sunfish, oceanarium, oceania, oceanian languages, oceanic art, oceanid, oceanographic(al), oceanography, oceans, oceanside, ocelot, ocher, ochlocracy, ochlophobia, ochoa,severo, ochre, ochs,adolph sim, ockham, ockham’s razor, ockham,william of, ocotillo, octachord, octagon, octahedron, octameter, octane number, octangle, octans(或the octant), octastyle, octavia, octavian, octavo, octette=octet, octo-, octopus | |