释义 |
Tabs | Headwords | 1 | coney island, confabulate, confarreation, confection, confederacy, confederacy(或 conferdeate states of america), confederation of british industry, confederation of canada, confederation of the rhine, confederation,articles of, conference, confess, confessing church, confessor, confetti, confidant, confide, confidence, confident, configuration,electron, configure, confined, confineless, confines, confirmed, confirmities, conflagration, conflate, conflict, confluent, conformable, conformity, confounded, confraternity, confrere, confucian, confucius, confuse, confused, confusion, confutation, conge, congeal, congealed, congee, congener, congenial, congenital, conger, conger eel, congest, conglutinate, congo, congo eel, congo river, congo,people’s republic of the, congree, congreet, congregated, congregation, congregationalism, congress kingdom of poland, congress of industrial organizations, congress of racial equality, congress of the united states, congressite, congreve,william, congruing, conic section, conifer, coniston water, conjecture, conjugal, conjugation, conjunctive, conjunctivitis, conjuration, conjured, conjurer, conjuror, conk, conkling,roscoe, conman, connacht(或connaught), connate, connect, connecticut, connecticut compromise, connecticut river, connecticut(或 harford) wits, connective tissue, connelly,marc, connemara, conner, conniption, connive, connoisseur, connolly,cyril vernon, connolly,james, connolly,maureen, connors,jimmy, connote, connubial, conodont, conoscope, conquistador, conrad, conrad ⅰ, conrad ⅱ, conrad ⅲ, conrad ⅳ, conrad,joseph, consanguinity, conscience,hendrik, conscionable, conscious, consciousness, conscribe, conscription, consecution, consejo real, consenescence, consensual, consentes dii, consent,popular, consequently, conservation, conservation laws, conservation of energy supplies, conservation of mass and energy, conservatism, conservative judaism, conservative party, conservatoire, conservatorio, conserves, considerance, considerant,victor, considerate, consideration, considered, consilience, consistent, consociate, console, consolidate, consols, consonancy, consorted, consortia, conspecific, conspectus, conspicuity, conspicuousness, conspiracy, conspirant, conspire, constable,john, constance, constance,council of, constance,lake, constancy, constanta, constantan, constantine, constantine ⅰ, constantine ⅳ, constantine ⅴ, constantine ⅶ porphyrogenitus, constantine ⅺ palaeologus, constantine([ˈkɔnstəntain])ⅰ, constantine,learie nicholas,baron, constantinople:, constantinople,councils of, constantinople,latin empire of, constantius ⅰ, constantly, constant,benjamin, constate, constellate, constellation, constellations, conster, consternate, constitute, constitution act of 1792, constitution act,1982, constitution of u.s.a, constitutional convention, constitutional government, constitutional law, constitutional types, constitutional union party, constrained, constraint, constrict, constrictor, construct, construction, constructivism, consubstantial, consubstantiation, consuetude, consular service, consulate, consult, consumer determinism, consumer equilibrium, consumer protection, consumerism, consuming, consummate, consummation, consumption function, contact, contact dermatitis, contact lenses, contagious, contagious disease, containerization, contaminated, contango, contarini, conte, conte crayon, contemned, contemplation, contemplative, contemporaneous, contemporaneously, contemporary, contempt of court, contemptible, contemptuous, contented, contention, contentious, contentiously, contents, conterminal, contessa, contest, contestee, context, contextual, conti family, contiguity, contiguous, continence, continency, continental, continental congress, continental divide, continental drift, continental rise, continental shelf, continental slope, continental system, contingent, continual, continuance, continuantly, continuate, continuer, continuing education, continuo, contort, contour farming, contra, contraband, contrabass, contrabassoon, contracept, contraception, contraceptives, contraclockwise, contracted, contradance, contradictious, contradistinction, contradistinguish, contrafactual, contrafactum, contraflexure, contraily, contrainjection, contranatural, contraoctave, contraorbital, contrapolarization, contrapose, contrapositive, contraption, contrapuntist, contrarian, contrariety, contrariness, contrariously, contrast, contravene, contrebasse, contrebasson, contredanse, contreras rebellion, contreras,battle of, contretemps, contribute, contrived, contriver, control rocket, control system, controller, controlling, controlment, controversy, controvert, contubernal, contumacy, contumeliously, contumely, contuse, contusion, conundrum, conurbation, convalesce, convect, convection, convection cell, convenants, convene, conveniency, convenient, conveniently, convention, conventional, conventionality, conventioneer, converge, convergence, convergent evolution, conversant, conversation, conversazione, conversos, conversus, converting, convertite, convex, conveyance, convivial, convocation, convocations of canterbury and york, convoke, convolve, convolvulus, convulse, convulsion, conway, cony-catch, cony-catching, coober pedy, cooch, cooch behar(或kuch bihar), cook islands, cookbook, cooke,alistair, cookham-on-thames, cookie, cook,james, cook,mount, cook,sir joseph, cook,thomas, cool jazz, coolabah, coolidge, coolidge,john calvin, coolidge,william david, coomaraswamy,ananda kentish, coon, coon rapids, coon,carleton stevens, cooper, cooper creek(或 barcoo river), cooperate, cooperative farming, cooperative society, cooperstown, cooper’s hawk, cooper,alfred duff,viscount norwich of aldwick, cooper,gary, cooper,james fenimore, cooper,peter, cooper,samuel, coordinate, coordinate geometry, coordination complex, coornhert,dirck volckerszoon, coot, coote,sir eyre, cop, cop-out, copal, copan, coparcenary, coparties, copartner, copatain, copeau,jacques, copepoda, copernican system, copernicus, copernicus,nicolaus, coperto, cope,edward drinker, cophetua:, copilot, coplaintiff, copland,aaron, copley,john singleton, copperbelt, coppermine river, coppice, coppola,francis ford, coproduce, coprology, copter, coptic, coptic church, coptography, copts, copulate, copulation, copulative, copyright law, coquelin,benoit constant, coquet, coquette, coquillage, coquina clam, cor anglais, coracle, coral gables, coral reef, coral sea, coral sea islands, coral snake, coral tree, coralene, coralli,jean, coram, coranto, corban, corbeil, corbel, corbusier,le, corby, corcoran,william wilson, cord, cordaitales, cordate, corday,charlotte, cordeliers,club of the, cordelion:, cordillera blanca, cordite, cordoba caliphate, cordoba(或cordova), cordon, cordova, cords, corduroy, core, core drilling, corelli,arcangelo, corelli,marie, corf, corfor, corgi, coriander, corineus, corinna, corinthian, corinthian order, corinthian war, corinthians,epistles of paul to the, corinth,gulf of, corinth,isthmus of, corinth,league of, corin,phillida:, coriolanus, coriolis force, coriolis,gaspard gustave de, corky, corm, corn belt, corn borer, corn earworm, corn laws, corn plant, corn poppy, corn salad, corn-field, cornaro,caterina, corncockle, corncrake, cornea, corneille,pierre, cornel, cornelius,peter von, cornell,ezra, cornell,joseph, cornell,katharine, cornemuse, corner brook, corner-cap:, cornetfish, cornetto, cornforth,sir john warcup, cornice, corno, cornopean, cornplanter, cornuto, cornwall, cornwall:, cornwallis,charles, 1st marquess, corol, corolitic, corollary, coromandel screens, coronach, coronado,francisco vasquez de, coronal hole, coronary heart disease, coronate, coroplast, corot,jean baptiste camille, corpora, corporacity, corporate state, corporation, corporation tax, corporeal, corps, corpulent, corpus, corpus christi, corpus christi,feast of, corpus juris canonici, corpus lnteum, corpuscle, corral, correction, correctioner, correctitude, correggio, correlate, correligionist, correlogram, correns,carl erich, correspond, corridor, corrie, corrientes, corrievreckan,gulf of, corrigan,mairead, corrigendum, corrigible, corroborant, corroborate, corroboree, corrode, corrosion, corrosive, corrugate, corrupted, corrupter, corruption, corryvrechan(或corrievreckan) ,gulf of, corsage, corsair, corse, corset, corsini, corsive, cortazar,julio, cortege, cortes,hernan, cortex, cortez, cortile, cortisone, cortona, cortona,pietro berrettini da, cortot,alfred, cort,henry, coruna, coruscate, corvallis, corvee, corvette, corvinus,matthias, corvo,baron, corybant, corydalis, coryphaeus, coryphee, cos, cosenza, coset, cosgrave,william thomas, cosign, cosignatory, cosimo de’medici, cosm-, cosmas and damian,ss, cosmetic, cosmetics, cosmetology, cosmic rays, cosmodrome, cosmology, cosmophysics, cosmoplastic, cosmopolis, cosmopolitan, cosmopolitism, cosmorama, cosmos, cosmozoism, cosponsor, cossack, cossacks, cossa,baldassare, cosset, cost of living index, cost-benefit analysis, costa brava, costa del sol, costa mesa, costar, costard, coster, costermonger, costly, costmary, costrel, costume, cosupervision, cosway,richard, cot, cot death, cot-quean, cote, cote d’azur, cotenant, coterie, cothurn, cotillion, cotinga, cotman,john sell, cotoneaster, cotonou, cotopaxi, cotsall:, cotsole:, cotswold hills, cottage, cottbus, cottian alps, cotton bollworm, cotton gin, cotton stainer, cottonmouth, cottontail, cottonwood, cotton,john, cotton,sir robert bruce, cotyle, cotyledon, couch grass, couchette, couching, cougar(或puma), cough, could, coule, coulisse, coulomb, coulomb law, coulomb,charles augustin de, coulter, council bluffs, council for mutual economic assistance, council of europe, council,ecumenical, counsel-keeper, counselee, counseling, counselled, counsellor, counsels, count of monte cristo,the, counted, countenance, counter-, counter-battery, counter-caster, counter-gate, counter-reformation, counter-transference, countercheck, counterfeited, counterfeiting, counterfoil, countermark, countermeasure, countermove, counteroffer, counterpart, counterplot, counterpoise, counterrevolution, countersign, countersubject, countertenor(或male alto), countertrade, countervail, countervall, countfeiting, counties, country and western(music), country house, country party, count’s war, coup, coup d'ceil, coup d’etat, couperin,francois, couplement, couplet, coupling, coupon, cour, courageous, courant, courante, courbet,gustave, courgette(或 zucchini), couronne, courreges,andre, courses, court cupboard, court dances, court-cardinal, court-cubbert, court-hand, court-martial, courtage, courtauld institute of art, courtesan, courtly, courtly love, courtrai(或kortrijk), court,margaret, couru, cousin the elder,jean, cousins,norman, cousin,victor, cousteau,jacques yves, cousy,bob, couth, couthie, couturier, covalent bond, covariant, cove, covenanters, covent, covent garden(或 royal opera house), coventry, coventry:, cover crop, coverage, coverdale, coverdale,miles, covered, covered wagon, coverture, covetous, covetousness, covey, covilha,pero da, covin, cow bird, cow parsley, cowardice, coward,sir noel, cowboys, cowdrey,michael colin, cowell,henry, cowes, cowire, cowish, cowl-staff, cowley,abraham, cowley,malcolm, cowpea, cowpens,battle of, cowper,william, cowper,william cowper, 1st earl, cowpox, cowrie, cox, coxa, coxey,jacob sechler, coxy, cox,david, coyoacan, coyote, coypu, coystrill, coz, coze, cozen-germans, cozenage, cozener, cozening, cozens,alexander, cozier, cozzens,james gould, cpi, cr, crab apple, crab grass, crab nebula, crab spider, crab-tree, crabbe,george, crabeater seal, crack-hemp, cracked, cracker, cracking, crackjaw, crackle, crackle-ware, crackpot, cradle, craft unions, craftily, crafty, crafty-sick, crag, craggan, craigavon,james craig, 1st viscount, craigie,sir william alexander, craig,edward gordon, craig,sir james henry, craik,dinah maria mulock, craiova, crake, cram,ralph adams, cranach the elder,lucas, cranberry, crane fly, cranesbill, crane,hart, crane,stephen, crane,walter, cranial nerves, cranium, cranko,john, cranmer, cranmer:, cranmer,thomas, crannied, cranston, crants, cranwell, crape, craps, crapsey,adelaide, crash, crashaw,richard, crasing, crass, crassus,marcus licinius, crate, crates, cratinus, cravat, crawdad, crawfish, crawford,joan, crawford,thomas, crawl, crawley, craxi,benedetto bettino, crayfish(或 crawfish、crawdad), crayon, crazed, crazy, crazy horse, creak, cream of tartar, cream-faced, creamware, crease, creatine, creation, creature, creche, crecy,battle of, credal, credendum, credent, credential, credit card, credit union, creditor, credit,letter of, credi,lorenzo di, credo, creeds, creed,frederick, creeley,robert, creeping, creeping jenny, crefeld, cremate, cremation, cremazie,joseph octave, crembalum, cremin,lawrence arthur, cremona, creodont, creole language, creosote bush, crepe, crepenette, crepine, crepoline, creppella, crescendo, crescive, cresol, cresote, cress, cressent,charles, cressid:, cressida:, cressy:, crested tit, crestfallen, crestless, creswell crags, creswick, cretaceous period, cretan, crete, crete:, cretin, cretinism, crevasse, creveceur,michel-guillaume jean de, crew racing, crewe, crewel, cri de coeur, criant, criap, crib death, cribbage, cribble, crichton, crichton,james, crick,francis harry compton, cried game:, crime and punishment, crimea, crimean, crimean war, crimeless, criminal, criminal investigation department, criminal law, criminality, criminaloid, criminate, criminology, criminosis, crimp, crimson, cringe, crinkle, crinoid, crinolette, crinoline, crinum lily | 1 | criosphinx, crippen,hawley harvey, cripple creek, cripps mission, cripps,sir stafford, crisis, crisp, crispate, crisped, crispen, crisper, crispi, crispin crispian:, criss-cross, cristero revolt, cristofori,bartolommeo, cristus,petrus, criterion, critias, critic, critical, critical mass, critical path analysis, critical periods, critical point, critical state, critical temperature, criticaster, criticism, criticize=criticise, critique, crittenden compromise, crivelli,carlo, crix, cro-magnon, croaker, croaking, croatian, croce, croce,benedetto, crochet, crock, crockette,davy, crockett,samuel rutherford, crockford,william, crocodile bird, crocodile river, crocodilia, croesus, croft, crofting, croissy, cromarty, cromer, cromer,evelyn baring, 1st earl of, crome,john, cromlech, crommelynck,fernand, crompton, crompton,richmal, crompton,samuel, cromwell, cromwell,oliver, cromwell,richard, cromwell,thomas,earl of essex, crone, croneyism, cronin,archibald joseph, cronje,piet arnoldus, cronkite,walter, cronus, crony, crook-back, crooked, crooked-pated, crookes,sir william, croon, crop rotation, crop-ear, croquis, crosby, crosby house:, crosby,bing, crosier, cross-bow, cross-gartered, cross-pollination, cross-row, crossbill, crossbow, crossbreeding, crossed, crosses, crossette, crossing, crossman,richard howard stafford, crossness, crossopeterygii, crossword puzzles, crotch, crothers,rachel, croton, crotone, crouch, croup, croupier, crow-flower, crow-keeper, crowberry, crowfoot, crown agents for overseas governments and administrations, crown colony, crown gall, crown jewels, crown land, crown of thorns, crown-of-thorns starfish, crowner, crownet, croydon, crozet islands, crucial, crucible, crucible process, crucifixion, crud, crude, crude oil, cruden,alexander, crudy, cruelly, cruelty, cruft,charles, cruikshank,george, cruise, cruiser, crumb, crumble, crumb,george henry, crummy, crump, crumple, crupper, crus, crusade, crusades, crusado, cruse, crushed, crust, crustacean, crutch, crux, crux(或southern cross), cruyff,johann, cruz,ramon de la, cruz,sor juana inez de la, crwth, crying, crying bird, cryosurgery, crypt(o)-, cryptaesthesia, cryptanamnesia, cryptococcosis, cryptogam, cryptomeria, cryptozoic time, crystal lattice, crystal optics, crystal palace, crystal structure, crystallization, crystallography, crystals, cs, csokonai vitez,mihaly, ctenophore(或comb jelly), ctesiphon, ct扫描, ct机, cu, cu.ft.;cb.ft. =cubic foot, cu.yd.;cb.yd.= cubic yard, cuadrilla, cuauhtemoc, cub-drawn, cuba, cuban missile crisis, cuba,republic of, cube, cubicle, cubiculo, cubism, cubit, cuchulain(或cu chulainn), cuckoldly, cuckoo-bird, cuckoo-buds, cuckoo-flower, cuckoo-shrike, cuckoo-spit, cuckooflower, cuckoopint, cucoloris, cucullus non facit monachum, cucumber fish, cucumber tree, cucuta, cud, cuddle, cuddy, cudworth,ralph, cuenca, cuernavaca, cueva,juan de la, cugnot, cuiaba, cuirass, cuisine, cui,cesar antonovich, cukor,george, cul-de-sac, culbertson,ely, culdees, culham, culiacan, culinary, cull, culled, cullen,countee, cullinan diamond, cullion, cullionly, culloden,battle of, culminate, culottes, culpa, culpeper’s rebellion, culpeper,nicholas, culprit, cult, culter, cultivate, cultivator, cultrate, cultural lag, cultural relativism, culture, culver city, culverin, cum, cum aliis, cum laude, cum privilegio, cum privilegio ad imprimendum solum, cumae(或cuma), cumana, cumans, cumber, cumberland, cumberland gap, cumberland,richard, cumberland,william augustus, duke of, cumbernauld, cumbria, cumbrian mountains, cumin, cummerbund, cummings,edward,estlin, cumul-, cumulant, cumulate, cumulus cloud, cunard,sir samuel, cunaxa,battle of, cuneate, cuneiform, cunger, cunningham-graham,robert bontine, cunningham,merce, cunobelinus(或cymbeline), cup, cup fungus, cupel, cupid, cupid:, cupidity, cupola, cuprite(或ruby copper), cupronickel, cuprous, curacao, curassow, curate, curator, curculio, curd, cureless, curia regis, curia romana, curie’s law, curie,marie, curie,pierre, curio, curiosa, curioso, curious, curiously, curitiba, curium, curled, curlew, curlicue, curling, currance, currant, curran,john philpot, currawong, current,electric, curricle, curricular, curriculum, curriculum vitae, currier and ives, currish, curry,john anthony, curry,john steuart, cursitor, cursitory, cursive, cursor, cursorary, curst, curt, curtains, curtal, curtal-axe, curtilage, curtin,john joseph, curtiss,gleun hammond, curtis,charles, curtis,cyrus hermann kotzschmar, curtle-axe, curtsy, curve, curvet, curwen,john, curzon, curzon line, curzon,george nathaniel, 1st marquess, curzon,sir clifford, cuscus, cushes, cushing’s disease, cushing,harvey williams, cushion, cushitic languages, cushman,charlotte saunders, cush,kingdom of, cusk, cusp, cuss, custa-lorum, custard, custard apple, custard-coffin, custer,george armstrong, custodia, custodial, custody, customed, customer, customs duty, customs unions, custos, custosrotulorum, cutaneous, cutaneous senses, cute, cutfit, cuthbert,st, cuticolor, cutie, cutpurse, cuttack, cutter, cuttle, cuttlefish, cutty sark, cutworm, cuvier,georges,baron, cuvillies,francois de, cuxhaven, cuyahoga falls, cuyp,aelbert jacobsz, cuza,alexandru loan, cuzco, cuǒ, cwmbran, cyan, cyanide, cyanide process, cyanite, cyanocobalamin, cyanogen, cyanose, cyaxares, cyber-, cyberculture, cybernate, cybernetics, cyberport, cyborg, cybotactic, cycad, cyclades, cyclamate, cyclamen, cycle, cyclop(a)edia, cyclopropane, cyclops:, cyclorama, cycloscope, cyclostomata, cyclostyle, cyclotherms, cygnus, cyguns loop, cylinder, cylinder,engine, cylindrical, cylindroid, cyma, cymar, cymatium, cymbel, cymbeline, cymoscope, cynewulf, cynic, cynics, cynosure, cynthia:, cypres, cypress pine, cyprian,st, cypripedium, cyprus, cyprus,republic of, cyrano de bergerac, cyrano de bergerac,savinien, cyrenaic, cyrenaica, cyrenaics(或 cyrenaic school), cyrene, cyril of alexandria,st, cyrillic, cyrillic alphabet, cyril,st, cyrus the great, cyrus the younger, cyrus:, cyst, cysteine, cystic fibrosis, cystitis, cytherea:, cytobiology, cytochromes, cytokinins, cytology, cytoplasm, cytosine, cytotoxic drugs, cyzicenua, czakan, czar, czardas, czartoryski family, czartoryski,adam jerzy, czartoryski,adam kazimierz, czech, czech language, czechoslovakia, czerny,karl, czestochowa, czolgosz,leon, cà, cào, cèi, cèng, cènɡ, cònɡ, cú, cēnɡ, cǎ, cǔ, cǔn, c大调, c大调奏鸣曲, c小调, c小调奏鸣曲, c语言, d-day, d.仪表类, d.其它, d.其它交通标志, d.利尿药, d.工作服, d.机场专用车辆, d.泥子汤类, d.海军陆战队, d.瑞士, d.电系, d.突尼斯, d.簧管乐器, d.美洲, d.胶冻类, d.苏州, d.行李房, d.颐和园, d.食虫兽类, d.马来西亚, da ponte,lorenzo, da vinci, da-nang(或da nang), dabble, dabbling duck, dabchick, dacca, dace, dacha, dachau, dachshund, dacia, dacoit, dactyl, dactylioglyphy, dactyliotheca, dactylogram, dactylology, dactyloscopy, dad, dadd,richard, dado, dadra and nagar haveli, daedalus, daff, daft, dafydd ap gwilym, dagenham, dagestan autonomous soviet socialist republic, dagly,gerhard, daguerre,louis jacques mande, dahl,ronald, daigo ⅱ, dail, dail eireann, daily, daimio=daimyo, daimler,gottlieb wilhelm, daimyo, daintry:, dairy, dairy cattle, dairy farming, dairy products, dais, dakota indians, daladier, daladier,edouard, dale, dales pony, daley,richard joseph, dale,sir henry hallett, dalhousie,james andrew brown ramsay, 1st marquis of, dalin,olof von, dali,salvador, dallapiccola,luigi, dallas, dalle, dalliance, dalling and bulwer,william henry lytton earle bulwer ,baron, dalmatia(或dalmacija), dalmatian dog, dalse display of affection, dalton, daltonism, dalton’s law(of partial pressure), dalton,john, daly, daly city, daly,augustin, daman, damanhur, damar, damaraland, damascene, damascus:, damask rose, damassin, damavand(或demavend), dame partlet:, damien,father, damietta, dammar, damnable, damnably, damnation, damned, damnum, damocles, damodar river, damoiselle, damon and pythias, damon:, damosella, damp, damper, dampier, dampier,william, damping-off, damsel, damselfish, damselfly, dam,carl peter henrik, danae, dana,richard henry, danbury, danbury hatters’case, danby,francis, danby,thomas osborne, 1st earl of, dance of death(或 danse macabre), dance,george, dance,george,the younger, dander, dandiacal, dandie dinmont terrier, dandolo family, dandolo,enrico, dandy, dane:, danegeld, danelaw, dangava, dangerfield,thomas, dangerous, dangle, daniel, daniel:, daniell,john frederic, daniel,samuel, daninos,pierre, danio, danish, dankish, danse macabre, danseur, danseuse, dansker, dante, dante allighieri, danton, danton,george jacques, danu, danube river, danvill, danville, danzig, daoism, daphne, daphne:, daphnia, daphnis, dapper, darb, dardanelles strait, dardanian, dardanus, dardie languages, dards, dared, dareful, dare,virginia, darien, darien scheme, daring, dario,ruben, darius ⅰ ,the great, darius([dəˈraiəs])ⅰ, darius([dəˈraiəs])ⅲ, darius:, darjeeling, dark adaptation, dark ages, dark-seated, dark-working, darker, darkling, darkling beetle, darkly, darkness, darlan,jean francois, darling, darling river, darlington, darling,grace, darmstadt, darnley, darnley,henry stuard,lord(或stuart,henry), darraign, darrow,clarence, darter, dartford, dartmoor, dartmoor pony, dartmouth college v.woodward, darts, daru,pierre antoine,comte, darwinism, darwin’s finches, darwin,charles robert, darwin,erasmus, dashing, dasyure, dat, data processing, datchet-mead:, date palm, dateless, dating, dating,radioactive, datini,franccsco, dative, datto=dato, datum, datura, daubenton,louis jean marie, daubery, daubigny,charles francois, daudet,alphonse, daudet,leon, daugavpils, daughters of the american revolution, daumier,honore, daun, dauphine, davao city, davenant,sir william, davenent, davenport,charles benedict, davenport,john, daventry, daventry:, david, david ap gruffudd, david copperfield, david ⅰ, david ⅱ, david(或dewi) ,st, davidson,jo, david,gerard(或gheerardt), david,jacques-louis, davies,arthur bowen, davies,robertson, davies,sir john, davies,sir peter maxwell, davies,william henry, davis cup, davis strait, davis(或 davys) ,john, davis,angela yvonne, davis,benjamin oliver, davis,bette, davis,david, davis,jefferson, davis,miles, davis,richard harding, davis,sir colin, davis,steve, davis,stuart, davis,william morris, davit, davitt, davitt,michael, davos, davy, davys,john, davy,sir humphry, daw, dawdle, dawes, dawes act(或dawes general allotment act), dawes general allotment act, dawes plan, dawes,charles gates, dawn, dawn redwood, dawson, dawson creek, day lily, day-bed, day-lewis,cecil, dayak(或dyak), dayananda sarasvati, dayan,moshe, dayflower, daylight saving time(或 summer time), dayton, dayton peace accord, daytona beach, day,clarence shepard, day,john, dazai osamu, ddt, de, de bary,heinrich anto, de bonis asportatis, de bonne guerre, de broglie wave, de broglie,louis victor, 7th duc, de duve,christian, de facto, de forest,lee, de gasperi,alcide, de gaulle,charles, de havilland,olivia, de havilland,sir geoffrey, de kooning,willem, de la madrid hurtado,miguel, de la mare,walter, de la pole:, de la roche,mazo, de la rue,warren, de lome letter, de long,george washington, de luxe, de mille,agnes, de mille,cecil blount, de minimus (waiver) provision, de morgan,augustus, de novo, de novo law, de quincey,thomas, de regle, de sica,vittorio, de son tort demesne, de soto,hernando, de trop, de valera,eamon, de valois,dame ninette, de voto,bernard augustin, de vries,hugo, de wet,christian rudolf, de wint,peter, de-, de-escalate, de-sinification, deacon, dead leaf butterfly, dead men's fingers, dead reckoning, dead sea, dead sea scrolls, dead-killing, deadfall, deadly, deadly amanita, deadly nightshade, deadly-handed, deaf, deafing, deafness, deakin,alfred, deak,ferencz, dealer, dealing, dean, deanery, deane,silas, dean,forest of, dean,james, dearborn, dearborn heights, dearer, dearest, dearly, dearn, dearness, deasil, death cup(或 death cap,deadly amanita), death in venice, death interj., death of a salesman, death penalty, death rites, death valley, death-darting, death-marked, death-practised, deathful, deathsman, deathwatch beetle, death’s-head, death’s-head moth, deauville, deb, debacle, debar, debarb, debark, debase, debaterent, debauch, debauchee, debenture, debenture stock, debilitate, debit, debitor, deboite, debonair, deboost, deborah:, deboshed, debouche, deboules, debray,regis, debrecen, debrett,john, debre,michel, debrief, debris, debs,eugene victor, debted, debtor, debt,public, debug, debunk, deburau,jean-gaspard, debussy, debussy,claude achille, debut, debuty, debve,peter joseph wilhelm, dec-, dec.=december, decade, decadent, decadents, decal, decalcomania, decalogue, decamp, decapitate, decapod(或decapoda), decarock, decasyllabic, decathlete, decatur, decatur,stephen, decease, deceased, decedent, deceivable, deceive, deceived, decelerate, decembrists, deception, decessit sin prole, deci-, decibal, decibel, decide, deciduous forest, deciduous plants, decile, decimal, decimal system, decimeter, decimette, decimole, decimus, decision, decius, decker,thomas, deckle, declaim, declaration of independence, declaration of the rights of man and of the citizen, declaratory act, declass, declimatization, declination,magnetic, declinator=declension, declining, declivous | 1 | decoct, decode, decollate, decolonize, decolor, decommission, decommitment, decomposable, decompose, decomposition, decompression, decompression sickness, deconcentration, deconstruction, decontaminate, decontrol, decorate, decorated style, decorations, decorative arts, decorum, decote, decoy, decreasing, decreed, decreet, decrement, decrepitate, decrescence, decrescendo, decretal, decrial, decriminalize, decrypt, decuple, decurtate, dedans, dedekind,richard, dedramatize, deduce, deduction, dedud, deemphasis, deemster, deep scattering layer, deep-divorcing, deep-fet, deep-mouthed, deep-revolving, deep-sea drilling project(或project mohole), deepest, deepie, deeply, deer mouse, deerfly(或gadfly), deerhound(或staghound), deerslayer,the, dee,john, dee,river, defacer, defacto, defalcate, defamation, defame, defamed, defeasance, defeated, defecate, defective, defence mechanisms, defence,ministry of, defendant, defenestration of prague, defense, defensible, defensive, deficiency, deficient, deficit, deficit finance, defilade, defiled, definement, definitively, deflagrate, deflate, deflation, deflect, deflex, defloration, deflower, defocus, defoe, defoe,daniel, defogger, defoliant, deforce, deforest, deformed, deformities, defossate, defraud, defray, deft, deftly, defunction, defused, defuze, degage, degas, degas,hilaire germain edgar, degauss, degeneracy, degenerate, degeneration, degradand, degree day, degree of arc, degression, dehmel,richard, dehors, dehort, dehra dun, dehydration, deice, deictic, deiform, deil, deimos, deindividuation, deirdre, dejected, deka-, dekabrists(或decembrists), dekker(或decker) ,thomas, del credere, dela warr,thomas west,baron, delacroix,eugene, delagoa bay, deland, delaroche,hippolyte paul, delate, delated, delation, delaunay,robert, delaware, delaware indians, delaware river, delbruck,max, delcasse,theophile, delderfield,ronald frederick, delectus, deledda,grazia, delegacy, delegate, delegated(或 enumerated) powers, delegitimation, delescluze,louis charles, delete, deleterious, delft, delftware, delhi sultanate, delian league, delian problem, delibes,leo, delibes,miguel, delicatessen, delicious, delict, delictum, delighted, delilah, delimit, delineascope, delineate, delinquency, delinquent, deliquesce, delirium, delirium tremens, delisle,guillaume, delist, delitescent, delius,frederick, deliverance, della robbia,luca, deller,alfred, delmarva peninsula, delorme(或 de l’orme),philibert, delos(或dhilos), delphi, delphinium, delphinium(或 larkspur), delta plan, deltiologist, deltoid, deltoid pushdown, delude, deluge,the, delusion, deluxe, delvaux,paul, delve, delver, demagogic(al), demagogue, demand curve, demand shift, demand theory, demarcate, demarche, demarketing, dematerialize, deme, demeano(u)r, demeanour, dement, dementia, demerara river, demerit, demerits, demesne, demesnes, demeter, demetrius, demetrius ⅰ, demetrius ⅰ soter, demetrius ⅱ, demi-, demi-cannon, demi-coronal, demi-natured, demi-wolf, demicolumn, demidov, demigod, demilitarise=demilitarize, demit, demitasse, demiurge, demiworld, demo, demochristian, democracy, democratic, democratic party, democratic-republican party, democratic-republicans(jacksonian), democritus, democritus(或 demokritos), demode, demodulate, demographic, demographic transition theory, demokritos, demolish, demon, demonetization, demonetize, demonism, demonocracy, demonography, demonolater, demonolatry, demonology, demonopolize, demonstrable, demonstrative, demoralize, demoscopy, demote, demothball, demotic, demotic script, demount, dempsey,jack, demur, demurely, demuth,charles, demutualisation, demystify, demyth, den, den helder, denary, denatality, denature, denay, denazify, denbighshire, dendrite, dendrobium, dendrochronology(或 tree-ring dating), deneb, deng xiao ping theory, deng xiaoping’s diplomatic thoughts, dengue, denham,sir john, denial, denigrate, denikin, denikin,anton ivanovich, denis,maurice, denitrification, denizen, denizli, deni,st, denmark, denmark:, denmark,kingdom of, denning,alfred thompson,baron, denny. sir anthony:, denominate, denominator,common, denotatum, denotement, denouement, dense, densitometer, density, dent, dent du midi, dental, dentistry, dentition, denton, denture, denuclearis e=denuclearize, denudation, denude, denumerable, denutrition, denver, deontic, deontology, deorbit, deoxyribonucleic acid, departing, department, departure, depasturage, depauperate, depersonalise=depersonalize, depersonalization, depict, depigment, deplane, deplenish, deplete, deploring, deploy, depoliticize, depone, depopularize, depopulate, deport, deposit, depositary, deposition, depot, depraved, deprecate, depreciate, depreciation, depredate, depress, depression(或 slump), depression(或slump), depression,great, depressive reaction, depretis,agostino, deprofessionalize, dept. =department, deptford, depth, depth charge(或depth bomb), depth perception, depurate, deputation, dequeue, deracialize, deradicalize, deraign, derail, derain,andre, derange, derate, derby, derby ware, derbyshire, derby,edward stanley, 14th earl of, derby,thomas stanley, 1st earl of, derealize, derecognize, deregulate, dereism, derelict, derequisition, derequisitioning, derestrict, derg,lough, deriant behaviour, deride, derigueur, derision, derivative, derivatives, derived, derma, dermateen, dermatitis, dermatology, dermot macmurrough, derrick, derriere, derringer, derris, derv, derwent water, derwent,river, des moines, des plaines, des press(或desprez) ,josquin, desai,morarji ranchhodji, desalination, desanctify, desartless, descartes, descartes,rene, descended, descension, deschool, describe, description, descriptive linguistics, desecrate, desegregate, desensitization, desensitize, desert cultures, desertification, desertless, deserving, desiccate, desiderate, desideratum, desiderio da settignano, desiderius, designment, desintegrate, desired, desires, desist, desk, desman, desmid, desmond,gerald fitzgerald, 15th earl of, desmoulins,camille, desolation, desorb, despatch, despenser,hugh le, desperado, desperately, despicable, despise, despised, despite, despiteful, despond, despot, despotism, dessalines,jean jacdues, dessau, dessert, dessin, destabilize, destemperature, destination, destinies:, destiny, destitute, destool, destrier, destroy, destroyer, destroyer escort, destroying angel, destruct, destutt de tracy,antoine louis claude, detach, detached retina, detail, detection, detective story, detent, detente, deter, deterge, detergent, deteriorate, determinant, determinate, determination, determined, determinism, detested, dethrone, detinue, detire, detmold, detonate, detonation, detonator, detour, detourne, detoxicant, detraction, detraining, detribalize, detriment, detrition, detroit, detrude, dettifoss, dettingen, detune, deucalion(或deukalion), deuce, deuce-ace, deus ex machina, deus,joao de, deuteragonist, deuteranomaly, deuterium oxide, deuterogamy, deuteron, deuteronomy, deutsche bundesbank, deutsche terminborse(dtb), deutsches reich, deutschesziale arbeiter partei(dap), devalgate, devaluate, devaluation, devanadera, devanagari, devanning, devant, devastate, develop, developing countries, developmental psychology, developpe, deventer, deviate, deviated septum, devilfish(或manta ray,devil ray,horned ray), devil’s coach horse, devil’s island, devil,the, devine,george, deviometer, devious, devise, devizes, devoid, devoir, devolution, devolution,war of, devolve, devon, devonian period, devonshire, devonshire,spencer compton cavendish, 8th duke of, devonshire,william cavendish, 1st duke of, devot, devoted, devotion, devouring, dew point, dew-dropping, dewalee, dewar flask, dewar,sir james, dewey, dewey decimal classification, dewey,george, dewey,john, dewey,melvil, dewey,thomas edmund, dewi,st, dewlapped, dewlop, dewsbury, dext-, dexteriously, dextro-, dextrose, dey-woman, dhahran, dhaka, dharmashastra, dhaulagiri himal, dhaulagiri,mount, dhilos, dhodhekanisus, dhole, dhoti, dhow, dhyana, di faciant laudis summa sit ista tuae, diabase, diabetes insipidus, diabetes mellitus, diable, diablerie, diablo, diabolo, diachronic, diadochi, diadumene, diaghilev,sergei(或sergey), diaglyph, diagnose, diagonal, diagram, dialectical logic, dialectical materialism, dialog=dialogue, dialysis, diamagnetism, diamond head, diamond necklace affair, diamondback, diamondback terrapin, diamondbird, diamorphine, dian:, diana in the fountain:, diana:, diana,princess of wales, diane de poitiers, dianoetic, diapason, diaphaneity, diaphanie, diaphone, diaphony, diarrhoea(或diarrhea), diary, dias(或diaz) ,bartolomeu, diascope, diaspora, diastase, diastole, diastrophism, diathermy, diathesis, diatom, diatomaceous earth, diatonic, diatribe, diaz de vivar,rodrigo, diaz ordaz,gustavo, diazepam, diaz,bartolomeu, diaz,porfirio, dibber, dibdin,charles, dibrid, dibs, dicast, dicentra, dicer, dichotic, dichotomize, dichroic, dick, dick:, dickens,charles, dicker, dickey,james, dickinson,emily, dickinson,john, dickon, dicky, dicotyledons, dictagraph, dictate, dictatorship, dictatorship of the proletariat, dictum, dictynna:, dicynodon, did, didactic literature, didactic(al), diddle, diderot, diderot,denis, didgeridoo, didion,joan, dido, dido:, didot,francois, didot,frannois ambroise, didot,pierre and didot,firmin, didrikson,mildred babe, didst, diefenbaker,john george, dieffenbachia(或 dumbcane), diego garcia, dieguehno, diel, dieldrin, dielectric, diels,otto paul hermann, dieman,anthony van, dien bien phu, dieppe, dies, diesel, diesel engine, diesel fuel, dietary laws, dietetics, dietrich,marlene, dieu de batailles, dieu vivant(fr.):, dieu vous garde,monsieur., differ, difference, different, differential, differential calculus, differential equation, diffidation, diffract, diffraction, diffraction grating, diffused, diffusion, diffusitionism, dig, dig-you-den:, digamy, digby,sir kenelm, digenetic, digested, digestion, digestive system, digged, diggers, dighton and forrest:, digit, digitalis, digitorium, dignity, digressing, digression, digt, dihedral, dijon, dijudication, dik-dik, dike(或dyke), diktat, dilapidate, dilatation and curettage, dilation, dilemma, dilettante, dili, diligence, dill, dillinger,john, dilly-dally, dilthey,wilhelm, diluculo surgere:, dilute, dimaggio,joseph paul, dime, dime novels, dimensional analysis, dimensions, dimetroden, dimidiate, diminish, diminishing returns,law of, diminuendo, diminutive, dimission, dimitrii donskoi, dimitrov, dimitrov,georgi, dimity, dimorphism, dimple, din, dinan, dinant, dinaric alps(或 dinara planina), dine, dinesen,isak, dinette, ding, dingey=dinghy, dingo, diniz(或dinis), dink, dinka, dinkum, dinner, dinner-time, dinocerata(或uintathere), dinoflagellates, dio cassius, dio chrysostom, diocese, diocletian, diocletian,palace of, diode, diodorus, diogenes, diogenes laertius, diogenes of apollonia, diomede islands, diomede:, diomedes, dion of syracuse, dionysia, dionysius of halicarnassus, dionysius the areopagite,st, dionysius the elder, dionysius the younger, dionysus, diophantus(of alexandria), diopside, diopter, dioptre(或diopter), diorama, diorite, dior,christian, dioscorides,pedanius, dioscuri, diphtheria, diphthong, diplex, diplodocus, diploid, diploma, diplomacy, diplomatic immunity, diplomatic service, diplomatic(al), diplopia, dipole, dipper(或 water ouzel), diprotodon, dipsomania, diptera, dipteros, dipterous, diptych, dirac,paul adrien maurice, dire dawa, direct democracy, direction, direction finder, directly, directoire style, directory,the, direness, dirge, dirichlet’s theorem, dirigible, dirigible balloon, dirigism, diriment, dirk, dirndl, dis-, dis-horn, disable, disabling, disabuse, disaccharide, disaccord, disaccredit, disaffect, disaffiliate, disaffirm, disafforest, disagglomeration, disaggregate, disagio, disagree, disalignment, disallow, disanchor, disanimate, disappear, disappoint, disappointed, disappreciate, disapprobation, disapprove, disarm, disarmament, disarmament conference, disarrange, disarray, disassemble, disassimilate, disassociate, disavow, disbalance, disband, disbar, disbelieve, disbench, disburden, disc, disc=disk, discaire, discant, discase, discept, discerner, discerning, discerp, disciform, disciple, disciples of christ, disciplines, discipular, disclaiming, disclimax, disco, discobolus, discographer, discoid, discolour, discolour=discolor, discoloured, discomfiture, discommode, discommon, discompose, disconcert, disconfirm, disconnect, disconsolate, discontented, discount, discount houses, discourage, discourser, discourteous, discoverer, discovert, discovery, discreate, discredit, discrepance, discrete, discretion, discriminate, discrimination, discrown, disculpate, discursive, discus, discus throw, disdained, diseased, diseases, diseconomy, disembark, disembarrass, disembodied, disembogue, disembosom, disemplace, disemploy, disenable, disenchant, disencumber, disendow, disenfranchise= disfranchise, disengage, disenroll, disentail, disentangle, disenthral, disenthrone, disentitle, disentomb | 1 | disentrance, disentwine, disequilibrate, disequilibrium, disestablish, disfavour, disflation, disfranchise, disfunction, disfurnish, disgracious, disgruntle, disgust, dish, dishabilitate, dishallow, disharmony, dishclout, dishearten, disherison, dishevel, dishoard, dishono(u)r, dishonour, dishonourable, dishonoured, dishouse, disillusion, disimmure, disimprison, disincentive, disincline, disincorporate, disinfect, disinfectant, disinfestation, disinflation, disingenuous, disinherit, disinhibition, disintegrate, disinter, disinterest, disintermediate, disinvest, disjoin, disjoint, disjunct, disjunction, dislocation, dislodge, disloyal, dismal swamp, dismayed, dismember, dismembered, dismiss, dismoded, disnature, disnatured, disney, disney,walt, disobey, disoblige, disorbit, disordered, disorganize=disorganise, disorient, disown, disparage, disparagement, disparate, dispart, dispassionate, dispauper, dispel, dispensation, dispersion of light, dispirit, displaced persons, displacement, displant, displease, displeasure, disponer, disposed, disposing, disposition, dispositions, dispossess, dispread, disprized, disproof, disproportioned, dispurse, disputable, disputation, disqualify, disquantity, disquiet, disquisition, disraeli, disraeli,benjamin, 1st earl of beaconsfield, disrate, disregard, disrelation, disremember, disrepair, disrepute, disrespect, disrobe, disroot, disrupt, dissatisfaction, dissave, disseat, dissect, disseise=disseize, dissembler, dissembling, dissembly, disseminate, dissension, dissent, dissentious, dissert, disserve, dissever, dissident, dissilient, dissimilate, dissimulate, dissipate, dissipation, dissociable, dissociate, dissolute, dissolutely, dissolution, dissolved, dissonance, disspirit, dissymmetrical, distain, distemper(或whitewash), distemperature, distempered, distempering, distend, disthyramb, distich, distil, distilled, distilling, distillment, distinctly, distingue, distort, distortionist, distracted, distractedly, distraction, distrail, distrait, distressed, distressful, distribution, distribution function, distributive law, district, district of columbia, distringas, distrustful, disunion, disuse, disutility, disvalue, ditch, ditch-delivered, ditch-dog, ditheism, dither, ditonality, dittany(或gas plant,burning bush), dittersdorf,karl ditters von, ditto, diu, diuretics, diurnal, diurnal motion, diva, divagate, divan, divaricate, diverge, divers, diverse, divert, diverted, diverticulitis, divertissement, dives:, divided, divine comedy, divine right of kings, divinely, diviner, divine,father, diving beetle, diving duck, diving,springboard and platform, divining, divinity, division of labour, divisionism, divisionism(或 neo-impressionism), divorced, divulging, divulsion, divvy, diwali, dixie, dix,dorothea lynde, dix,otto, diyarbakir, dizen, dizzy, dizzy-eyed, diè, diā, diě, diǎ, diǎo, djajapura, djambi, djerba(或jerba) island, djibouti, djibouti(或 djibuti) ,republic of, djibouti(或jibuti), djilas,milovan, djoser(或zoser), dly, dmitri(或demetrius), dna, dna基因图, dna指纹, dna芯片, dnepr(或dnieper), dneprodzerzhinsk(或 dneprodzerzinsk), dnepropetrovsk, dnestr(或 dniester) river, dnieper, dniester river, doberman pinscher, doblin,alfred, dobruja(或dobrudja), dobsonfly, dobzhansky,theodosius, docent, docetic, docetism, docile, docimasia, docimaster, dock(或sorrel), docked, docket, doctor faustus:, doctorow,edgar lawrence, docudrama, documentary film, doddle, dodecagon, dodecanese(或 dhodhekanisos), dodecaphonic, dodecastyle, dodecasyllable, dodge, dodge city, dodgems, dodger, dodge,mary mapes, dodging, dodgson,charles lutwidge, dodoma, dodsley,robert, doesburg,theo van, doest, dofunny, dog rose, dog star, dog-ape, dog-days, dog-hearted, dog-tooth violet, dog-weary, dogbane, dogberry:, doge, dogen, dogged, dogger bank, doggone, dogmatic, dogon, dogs,isle of, dogwood(或cornel), dog’s-leather, doh, dohnanyi,erno, doily, doing, doit:, dolby, dolby system, dolce, dolce stil nuovo, dolci,danilo, dolerite(或diabase), dolet,etienne, dole,robert joseph, dole,sanford, dolgellau, dolittle, doll:, dollar, dollar diplomacy, dollfuss,engelbert, dollinger,johann joseph ignaz von, dollop, dolly, doll’s house ,a, dolmen, dolmetsch,arnold, dolomites(或 dolomiti,dolomiten), dolorous, dolour, dolus, domagk,gerhard, domain, dome of the rock, domenichino, domenico veneziano, domesday, domesday(或 doomsday) book, domestic, dome,lunar, domicile, dominance, dominance relationships(或pecking orders), dominant, domingo, domingo,placido, dominica, dominican, dominican republic, dominicans, dominica,commonwealth of, dominic,st, dominie, dominion, dominion day, dominium, domino, domino theory, dominoes, domino,fats, domitian,titus flavius, domremy-la-pucelle, don juan, don quixote, don worm:, don-son culture, donald bane, donate, donatello, donatism, donatists, donatus,aelius, donbas basin, donc votre est france et vous etes mienne., doncaster, doncaster:, done, doneck, donegal, donets, donets(或donbas)basin, donetsk(或doneck), dongola(或dunqulah), donitz,karl, donizetti,gaetano, donleavy,james patrick, donnelly,ignatius, donner party, donne,john, donnybrook, donoso,jose, doodad, doodle, doodlebug, dooley,thomas anthony, doolittle,hilda, dooly=doolie, doomsday, doomsday book, dope, dopesheet, doppelganger, doppione, doppler effect, doppler,christian johann, dor beetle, dorado, dorcas gazelle, dorchester, dorchester company, dordogne, dordrecht, dore,gustave, doria family, dorians, doria,andrea, doris, dorm, dormancy, dormette, dormitory, dorneywood, dornier,claudius, dornoch, dorr’s rebellion, dorset, dorsiflexion, dorsum, dortmund, dortmund-ems canal, dory, dos passos,john, dose, dosifilm, doss, dossier, dossy, dost, dostoevsky, dostoevsky,fyodor mikhailovich, dot, dotage, doth, dothan, doting, dotterel, douai, douai(或 douai-reims)bible, douala(或duala), double bass viol, double galaxy, double jeopardy, double star, double vision, double-charge, double-dealer, double-dealing, doublet, doubs,river, doubtful, doubtfully, doubtless, dougga, dough, doughboy, doughty,charles montagu, douglas fir, douglas-home,sir alec, douglass,frederick, douglas,archibald, 3rd earl of douglas, douglas,archibald, 4th earl of douglas, douglas,archibald, 5th earl of douglas, douglas,archibald, 6th earl of angus, douglas,clifford hugh, douglas,gavin, douglas,james, douglas,lloyd cassell, douglas,lord alfred bruce, douglas,norman, douglas,sir howard, douglas,sir james de,lord of douglas, douglas,stephen arnold, douglas,william orville, doulton, doum palm, douma=duma, dounreay, dour, douris, douro(或duero), dout, dou,gerrit, dove, dove-house, dover, dover,strait of, dovetail, dove,arthur garfield, dovzhenko,alexsandr, dow jones averages, dow jones index, dow jones industrial average, dow jones industrial average futures and options, dow jones transportation average, dow jones utilities average, dow-jones index, dowding,hugh caswall tremenheere, 1st baron, dowered, dowland,john, down sleeves:, down-gyved, down-roping, down-trod, downey, downfall, downpatrick, downright, downs:, downs,north and south, downy, down’s syndrome, dowsabel:, dowse, dowsing, dowson,ernest, dox, doxastic, doxology, doxy, doyen, doyle,sir arthur conan, dozen, dozy, drabbing, drabble,margaret, dracaena(或dragon tree), draco(或dracon), draconian, dracula,count, draft, draft riots of 1863, drag, drag racing, dragger, dragnet, dragoman, dragonet, dragonfish, dragonfly, dragonnade, dragons, dragontree, dragon’s blood, drago,luis maria, drainage basin, drainage system, drake, drakensberg mountains, drake,sir francis, drama, dramatis personae, drammen, dramshop, drape, draper,john william, draper,ruth, drastic, draughts(或checkers), drava river, drave, dravidian, dravidian languages, drawer, drawing, drawl, drawn, dray, drayage, drayton,michael, dread-bolted, dreaded, dreadful, dreadfully, dreadnought,h.m.s, drear=dreary, drebbel,cornelis jacobszoon, dred scott case, dredge, dredger, dredging, dreg, dreiser, dreiser,theodore, drenched, drenthe(或drente), dresden, dresden,battle of, dresser, drew,elizabeth, drew,john, drew,john(jr.), dreyer,carl theodor, dreyer,johan ludvig emil, dreyfus, dreyfus affair, dreyfus,alfred, dribble, dribblet, drier, driesch,hans adolf eduard, drina river, drinkwater,john, drip, drive-reduction theory, drivel, drivelling, driver ant, driving, drogheda(或 droichead atha), drogue, droit, droite, droll, drollery, drome, dromedary, dromometer, drongo, drooping, dropping, dropwort, drosera, drosophila, drossy, droste-hulshoff,annette von, drove, drover, drovier, drown, drowning, drowsy, drug, drug dependence, drugget, drugs, druid, druids, drumble, drumfish(或 croaker), drumlin, drummond of hawthornden,william, drummond,william henry, drunk, drupe(或stone fruit), drury lane theatre, druses(或druzes), drusus, druze, druzes, dry cell, dry cleaning, dry dock, dry farming, dry tortugas, dry-beat, dry-beaten, dryades, dryden,john, dryopithecus, dryopteris, drypoint, drysdale,sir russel, du barry,marie jeanne becu, du bellay,guillaume, du bellay,joachim, du bois,william edward burghardt, du cange,charles du fresne, du guesclin,bertrand, du maurier,daphne, du maurier,george, du mont,allen balcom, du pont de nemours,pierre samuel, du pont,eleuthere irenee, du pont,pierre samuel, du pont,samuel francis, du pre,jacqueline, dual, duala, dualism, duarte,jose napoleon, dubai(或dubayy), dubayy, dubbin, dubbing, dubcek, dubcek,alexander, dubiety, dubinsky,david, dubna, dubois, dubos,rene jules, dubrovnik, dubuffet,jean-philippe arthur, dubuque, ducal, duccio di buoninsegna, ducdame:, duce, duchamp-villon,raymond, duchamp,marcel, duchesse, duck hawk, duck-billed platypus, duckpins, duckweed, duct, ductless gland, dud, dude, dudley, duello, duenna, duer, duero, duet, dufaure, dufay,guillaume, duff, duff:, duffel, duffer, dufferin, duffle, duffy,sir charles gavan, dufy,raoul, dug, dugong, dugout, duhamel,george, duiker(或duikerbok), duisburg, dukas,paul, duke, duke edmund:, duke of orleans (orleance):, duke of york islands, duke,geoffrey e, dukhobors(或 doukhobors), dulcitone, dull-eyed, dullard, dulles, dulles,john foster, dulocracy, dulong and petit’s law, dulong,pierre-louis, dulse, duluth, duluth,daniel greysolon,sieur, dulwich, dumas, dumas,alexandre, dumb-show, dumbarton, dumbarton oaks, dumbarton oaks conference, dumbcane, dumfries, dumfries and galloway region, dumont d’urville,jules sebastien cesar, dumouriez,charles francois du perier, dumps, dun laoghaire, dun:, dunant,jean henri, dunaway,faye, dunbar, dunbarton, dunbar,paul laurence, dunbar,william, duncan ⅰ, duncan ⅱ, duncan,isadora, duncan,robert, dunce, dundalk, dundalk(或dun dealgan), dundas, dundee, dundee,john graham of claverhouse, 1st viscount, dunedin, dunes,battle of the, dunfermline, dung beetle, dungare, dungeness, dungeon, dunghill, dunhuang, dunk, dunkirk, dunkirk evacuation, dunkirk(或dunkerque), dunlap,william, dunlin, dunlop,john boyd, dunmore,john murray, 4th earl of, dunnage, dunner, dunnest, dunnock, dunois,jean d’orleans,comte de, dunoon, dunqulah, duns scotus,john, dunsany,edward john moreton drax plunkett , 18th baron, dunsinane, dunsinane:, dunsmore:, dunstable, dunstable:, dunstable,john, dunstan,st, duo, duodenal ulcer, duodenum, dup, duparc,marie eugene henri, dupe, duple, duplessis,maurice le noblet, duplet, duplex, duprat, dupre,marcel, durable, durack family, duralumin, durance, durance,river, durand line, durand,asher brown, durango, durante, durant,william james, durao, duras,marguerite, durazzo, durban, durer,albrecht, duress, durgapur, durham, durham,john george lambton, 1st earl of, during, durkheim,emile, durmast, durometer, durra, durrell, durrell,lawrence george, durrenmatt,friedrich, durres(或durazzo), durst, duse,eleonora, dushambe, dushanbe, dusk, dusky, dusseldorf, dust bowl,the, dust devil, dust storm(或duster), duster, dustheap, dustlouse, dusty, dutch dish:, dutch east india company, dutch east indies, dutch elm disease, dutch guiana, dutch metal, dutch republic, dutch wars, dutch west india company, dutchman’s breeches, dutchman’s pipe, duteous, dutiful, dutt, duumvirate, duvalier,francois, duvalier,jean claude, duval,claude, duvet, dux, duǐ, dvd, dvd-rom, dvina,northern, dvina,western(或dangava), dvinsk, dvorak,antonin, dwarf, dwarf pea, dwarf star, dwarfish, dwarfism, dwight,timothy, dwindle, dyad, dyak, dybbuk, dyeable, dyer’s broom(或 greenweed), dyer’s rocket, dyfed, dying, dyke, dylan,bob, dynamic, dynamics, dynamiter, dynamo-, dynamograph, dynasty, dyne, dynode, dyothelitism, dys-, dysentery, dyskinesia, dyslexia, dysmenorrhea, dyspepsia, dysprosium, dysteleological, dystocia, dystopia, dzambul, dzerzhinsk(或dzerzinsk), dzerzhinsky, dzhambul(或dzambul), dáo, dèn, dèng, décor, détente, détenu, dónɡ, dóu, dē, dēi, děi, dǒng, dǒnɡ, dǔn, dɑ, d’alembert,jean le rond, d’annunzio,gabriele, d’entrecasteaux, d’eon,charles de beaumont,chevalier, d’indy,vincent, d’inzeo,colonel piero, d’oliviers,basil lewis, d’oyly carte ,richard, d大调, d小调, d层, d弦, e-submission system, e. 啮齿动物, e.其它, e.军用服装, e.北海公园, e.南非, e.大洋洲, e.奶油汤类, e.尺类, e.德国, e.抗胆碱药, e.海味类, e.菲律宾, e.车体, e.键盘乐器, ea(或enki), eadred, eads,john buchanan, eadwig(或edwy), eagels,jeanne, eagerly, eagle owl | 1 | eagle-sighted, eaglewood(或aloes wood), eakins,thomas, ealdorman, ealing, ean, eanes,antonio dos santos raomalho, eaning, eanling, ear-bussing, earache, earhart,amelia, earl, earl marshal:, earl of march:, earliest, early, early christian art and architecture, early english, early man, early,jubal anderson, earmark, earnest-gaping, earnestly, earp,wyatt berry stapp, ears, earth works, earth-bound, earth-treading stars:, earthen ware, earthlight, earthly, earthnut, earthquake, earthshine(或earthlight), earthstar, earthworm, earthy, earwig, ease-dropper, easeful, easel, easer, easily, easiness, east, east african rift system, east anglia, east bengal, east cape, east chicago, east china sea, east cleveland, east detroit, east germany, east goths, east hartford, east india company, east india company,french, east indies, east kilbride, east lansing, east london, east lothian, east orange, east pakistan, east paterson, east providence, east prussia, east riding, east river, east saint louis, east sussex, eastbourne, eastcheap:, easter island(或rapanui), easter lily, easter rising(或 easter rebellion), easterlies, eastern highlands, eastern orthodox church, eastern question, eastern roman empire, eastern samoa, eastern townships, eastern woodlands indians, eastman, eastman,george, eastman,max, eastwood,clint, easy, easy-borrowed, easy-held, easy-melting, easy-yielding, eaton,john henry, eau claire, eau de cologne, eaves, eavesdrop, eban,abba(solomon), ebbinghaus,hermann, ebbw vale, eberhart,richard, ebert,friedrich, ebgraver beetle, ebionites, ebla, ebon, ebon-coloured, ebonite, eboue,felix adolphe, ebrew, ebro,river, ebullient, eca de queiroz,jose maria, ecce signum, eccentric, eccentricity, eccles, ecclesia, ecclesiastes, ecclesiastic, ecclesiasticus, eccles,sir john carew, ecdysiasm, ecevit,bulent, echasse, eche, echegaray y eizaguirre,jose, echelon, echeveria,esteban, echeverria alvarez,luis, echidna, echidna(或spiny anteater), echinoderm, echinoidea, echo sounding, echo viruses, echo:, echoic, echolocation, eckermann,johann peter, eckert,john presper, eckhart,meister, eck,johann maier von, eclaircissement, eclampsia, eclectic, eclecticism, eclipsing variable, ecliptic, eco-, ecologic=ecological, econometrics, economic and social council, economic growth, economic systems, economic(al), economics, economics of scale, ecorche, ecosphere, ecosystem, ecotone, ecotope, ecoutez:, ecrase, ecru, ectad, ectasy, ectopia, ectopic pregnancy, ectrogeny, ectrosis, ectype, ectypography, ectypum, ecuador, ecuador,republic of, ecumenical council, ecumenical movement, ecumenicity, eczema, edam, eddas, eddington,sir arthur stanley, eddy, eddy current, eddystone rocks, eddy,mary baker, ede, edelweiss, edel,joseph leon, edemania, eden, edentate, eden,garden of, eden,sir anthony, edeology, ederie,gertrude caroline, edessa, edgar, edgar the aetheling, edged, edgehill, edgeless, edgeworth,maria, edible, edifice, edina, edinburgh,philip mountbatten, duke of, edirne, edison, edison,thomas alva, edit, edmonds,walter dumaux, edmonton, edmund ⅰ, edmund ⅱ ironside, edmund,st, edogenic factor, edom, edrisi, educate, educational psychology, education,united states department of, educe, edutainment, edward, edward confessor:, edward shovel-board:, edward the black prince:, edward the confessor, edward the elder, edward the martyr, edward ⅰ, edward ⅱ, edward ⅲ, edward ⅳ, edward ⅴ, edward ⅵ, edward ⅶ, edward ⅷ, edward:, edwards,jonathan, edward,lake, edward,prince antony richard louis, edward,the black prince, edwin, edwy, eec, eel, eel-skin, eelgrass, eelpout, eelworm, eery, efface, effectors, effects, effectual, effete, efficiency, effigies, effigy, effloresce, efflux, effort, effraction, effrontery, effulgent, effusion, efik, eft, efta, egalitarian, egall, egally, egbert, eger, egeria, egg(或ovum), eggdance, eggplant, egmont,lamoraal,graaf van, egmont,mount, ego et rex meus, egoism, egregiously, egress, egress and regress:, egypt, egyptian architecture, egyptian art, egyptian mythology, egyptian thief:, egyptians in their fog:, egypt,arab republic of, ehrenberg,iliya grigorievich, ehrlich,paul, eichendorff,josef, eichler,august wilhelm, eichmann,adolf, eider, eiderdown, eidetic, eidetic imagery, eidograph, eidolon, eidos, eiffel tower, eiffel[ˈaifəl]tower, eiffel,alexandre gustave, eigen, eiger, eight and six:, eighteen, eightfold path, eight,the, eijkman,christiaan, eikon, eilat, eilshemius,louis michel, einaudi,luigi, eindhoven, einhard, einstein, einstein,albert, einstenium, einthoven,willem, eire, eisegesis, eisel, eisenach, eisenhower, eisenhower,dwight david, eisenstadt, eisenstein,sergei, ejaculate, eject, ekaterinburg, ekaterinodar, ekaterinoslav, ekelof,gunnar, ekelund,vilhelm, ekistics, el aaiun, el aksur, el alamein,battle of, el cajon, el cid, el cordobes, el ferool del caudillo, el greco, el monte, el obeid, el paso, el salvador,republic of, elaborate, elaeometer, elam, eland, elapse, elastic, elastic limit, elastic modulus, elasticity, elasticity of demand, elastomer, elat, elba, elbe, elberfeld, elbert,mount, elblag, elbrus(或elbruz) ,mount, elburz mountains, elche, eld, elder-gun, eldjarn,kristjan, eldon,john scott, 1st earl of, eldorado, eleanor of aquitatine, eleanor of castile, eleanor of provence, eleatic, eleaticism(或eleatics), elecampane, electone, electoral college, electors, electra, electra complex, electric and magnetic units, electric car, electric charge, electric circuit, electric constant, electric eel, electric field, electric fish, electric flux, electric furnace, electric generator, electric light, electric motor, electric organ, electric process(或arc furnace process), electric ray, electric(al), electric-arc furnace, electrical capacity, electrical circuit, electrical engineering, electrical stimulation of the brain, electricity, electricity supply, electrocardiography, electrochemical equivalent, electrochemical series, electrochemistry, electroconvulsive therapy, electrode, electroencephalography, electroforming, electroluminescence, electrolysis, electrolytic solution, electromagnet, electromagnetic field, electromagnetic induction, electromagnetic interaction, electromagnetic radiation, electromagnetic spectrum, electromagnetic units, electromagnetic wave, electrometallurgy, electromotive force, electromotive series, electron, electron diffraction, electron emission, electron microscope, electron probe microanalysis, electron spin resonance, electron tube, electron-volt, electronegativity, electronic control systems, electronic data processing, electronic game, electronic music, electronic surveillance, electronics, electrophoresis, electroplating(或 galvanization), electroscope, electrostatic generator, electrostatic separation, electrostatic unit, electrostatics, elegant, elegantiarum, element 104, element 105, elementary particles, elementary school, elementary subparticles, elements, elenchus, elephant birds, elephant grass, elephant seal, elephant shrew, elephant:, elephantiasis, elephant’s-foot, eleusinian mysteries, eleusis, eleuthera island, elevate, elevator, eleven, eleven-plus, elevon, elf, elf owl, elf-locks:, elgar,sir edward, elgin, elgin marbles, elgin,thomas bruce, 7th earl of, elgon,mount, eli, elicit, elide, eligible, elijah, elijah ben solomon, eliminate, elint, eliot,charles william, eliot,george, eliot,john, eliot,sir john, eliot,thomas stearns, elisha(或eliseus), elite, elizabeth, elizabeth the queen mother, elizabeth woodville, elizabeth ⅰ, elizabeth ⅱ, elizabethan style, elizabethan theater, elizabethville, elk, elkhart, elkhound, elkin,stanley, ell, ellenborough,edward law,earl of, ellery,william, ellesmere island, ellesmere port, ellice islands, ellington,duke, ellipsis, elliptical galaxy, ellis island, ellison,ralph, ellis,henry havelock, ellis,ruth, ellora caves, ellsworth land, ellsworth,lincoln, ellsworth,oliver, elm bark beetle, elman,mischa, elmhurst, elmira, elocute, elohim, elongate, elongation, elope, eloquence, eloquent, elphanta island, else, elsheimer,adam, elsinore, eltham:, elton,charles, eluard,paul, elucidate, elucubrate, elude, elvish-marked, ely, elyot,sir thomas, elyria, elysee,palais de l’, elysian, elysium(或 elysian field), elysium:, elytis,odysseus, elzevir,louis, em, emaciate, emanate, emancipate, emancipation act, emancipation proclamation, emancipists, emasculate, emba, emballing, embalming, embank, embar, embargo act, embarrass, embassade, embassage, embattle, embattled, embay, embayed, embed, embellish, embezzle, embitter, emblazon, emblem, embody, embog, embolden, embolism, embosom, emboss, embossed, embouchure, embowel, embowelled, embracement, embrangle, embrasure, embroglio, embroider, embroidery, embroil, embrown, embryoism, embryology, emcee, emden, emend, emerge, emergency powers of the president, emeritus, emersion, emerson, emerson,ralph waldo, emigrant, emigrant aid company, emigration, emilia-romagna, emin pasa,mehmed, eminence, eminent, eminescu,mihail, emissary, emit, emitron, emmanuel, emmanuel philibert, emmen, emmental(或emmenthal), emmetropia, emmet,robert, emolument, empaistic, empanel, empaquetage, empathema, empedocles, empennage, emperor moth, emperor penguin, empery, emphraxis, emphysema, empire state building, empire style, empire,british, empiric(al), empiricism, emplace, emplane, employee, employment, empoison, emporium, empower, empress, empson,sir william, empty-hearted, emptying, empurple, empurpled, empyema, empyrean, empyrosis, ems dispatch, ems river, ems telegram(或ems dispatch), emu, emu wren, emulation, emulator, emulsion, emulsive, en, en clair, en masse, enable, enabloc, enacture, enamel, enamelled, enamelwork, enamoured, encage, encaged, encamp, encapsulate, encarpus, encase, encash, encaustic, encaustic painting, encave, enceladus, encephalins(或enkephalins), encephalitis, encephatilis lethargica, enchafed, enchain, enchantingly, enchantment, encina(或enzina) ,juan del, encipher, encircle, encke’s comet, encke,johann franz, encl.=enclosure, enclave, enclog, enclose, enclosure, enclothe, encloud, encode, encomienda, encomium, encompassment, encore, encore qu’il est contre son jurement de pardonnerducun prisonnier,neanmoins,pour les ecus quevous lui promettez,il est content à vous donner la liberté,le franchisement, encourage, encrimson, encroach, encroaching, encrust, encrypt, enculturate, encumber, encumbered, encyclical,papal, encyclopedia, encyclopedists, endanger, endangered species, endart, endear, endeared, endeavour, endeavour=endeavor, endemic, enderbury island, enderby land, enders,john franklin, ending, endive, endlicher,stephan ladislaus, endocrine glands(或 ductless glands), endocrine system, endodontics, endogamy, endogenesis, endometrium, endorphins, endorse, endoscope, endoscopy, endosperm, endothermic reaction, endow, enduro, endymion, endymion:, enecation, energy band, energy crisis, energy efficiency, energy sources, energy,united states department of, enervate, enesco,georges, enewetak(或enewetok、eniwetok), enface, enfancs, enfeoff, enfetter, enfield, enfilade, enfold, enforced, enforcement, enframe, enfranchisement, enfreedom, engadin, engaged, engarland, engelbrektsson,engelbrekt, engels, engels,friedrich, engel,marian, engenie, engild, engineering, engineering drawing, enginer, engirt, england,church of, engler,gustav heinrich adolf, english, english art and architecture, english channel, english civil war, english cocker spaniel, english foxhound, english horn, english literature, english national opera, english renaissance architecture, english setter, english sheepdog, english sparrow(或 house sparrow), english springer spaniel, english toy spaniel, english units of measurement, english-speaking union, englished, englut, engobe, engraffed, engraft, engrail, engrain, engraphia, engrave, engraving, engrossing, engrossment, enguard, engulf, enhance, enharmonic, enid, enigma, eniwetok, enjambement, enkephalins, enki, enlargement, enlevement, enlighten, enlightened despots, enlightenment(或age of reason), enlil, enlinked, enlist, enlistee, enliven, enna, ennea-, ennis, enniskillen(或inniskilling), ennius,quintus, ennoble, ennui, enoch, enosis, enounce, enow, enpierced, enplane, enquire, enraged, enrages, enrank, enraprure, enregister, enridged, enrobe, enrol=enroll, enroll, enrollee, enrooted, enround, enroute, ens, ensanguine, enschede, enscheduled, enseamed, ensemble, ensenada, enshelter, enshroud, ensilo, ensinewed, enslave, ensnare=insnare, ensnarl, ensol, ensor,james sydney,baron, ensphere, ensteeped, ensuing, ensure, entablement, entame, entangle, entasis, entebbe, entelechy, entente, entente cordiale, enteritis, enterlude, enterokinase, enteroom, entertainment, enthalpy, entheism, enthral=enthrall, enthralled, enthrone, enthuse, enthusiast, enthymeme, entice, entirely, entitle, entity, entomology, entourage, entournant, entracte, entrada, entrails, entrain, entrammel, entrant, entrap, entreasure, entreatment, entrechat, entrench, entrepot, entresol, entruck, entrust, entry, entrée, entrélace, entwine, enucleate, enugu, enumerate, enunciate, envelop, envenom, envenomed, enver pasha, envious, enviously, environed, environics, environment, environmental protection agency, environmentalism, envisage, envoy, enwheel, enwind, enwreathe, enzina,juan del, enzymes, eobiogenesis, eocene epoch, eohippus, eoka, eolian(或aeolian)formation, eolithic age, eon, eonism, eos, epacme, epaminondas, epaule, epaulement, epaulet =epaulette, epee, epeirogeny, epenthesis, epernay, epexegesis, epharmony, epheboyenesis, ephedrine, ephemera, ephemeral, ephemeris, ephemeris time | 1 | ephesian, ephesians, ephesus, ephraim,tribe of, epic theater, epicanthic fold, epicedium, epicentre, epicentre=epicenter, epichorial, epictetus, epicureanism, epicurism, epicurus, epicycle, epidauros(或 epidaurus), epideictic, epidemic parotitis, epidemiology, epidermis, epidiascope, epididymis(或epididymes), epidote, epidural, epigene, epiglottis, epigone, epigoni, epigraph, epilepsy, epileptic, epilog=epilogue, epinal, epinephrine, epinosic, epiphenomenon, epiphylaxis, epiphysis, epiphyte(或air plant), epirus(或ipiros), episcia, episcopacy, episcopal, episcopal church(protestant ), episcope, episememe, episode, epistemic, epistemology, epistle, epistles, episyllogism, epitaph, epitasis, epithalamium, epithelium, epitocia, epitome, epitomic, epoch, epoche, epodes, eponymy, epopee, epoxy resin, epping, epsom, epsom salts, epstein,sir jacob, epurate, epyllion, equal employment opportunity commission, equal rights amendment, equality, equally, equanimity, equation, equation of time, equatorial currents, equatorial guinea, equatorial guinea,republic of, equerry, equestrian, equestrianism, equiangular, equibalance, equidae, equidistant, equifinal, equiform, equigravitational point, equilateral, equilibrate, equilibrium, equilibrium of the firm, equilibrium price, equilibrium sense, equine encephalitis, equinoctial, equinumerous, equip, equipage, equipartition, equipoise, equipolent, equiponderant, equisetum, equisignal, equisonant, equivalence, equivalent weight, equivalent,electrochemical, equivocacy, equivocate, equivocation, equivocator, era, era of good feelings, eradiate, eradicate, erase, erasistratus of ceos, erasmus, erasmus,desiderius, erastianism, erastus,thomas, erato, eratosthenes of cyrene, erbil, erbium, ercilla y zuniga,alonso de, ercles:, ere, erea, erebus, erebus:, erebus,mount, erechtheum, erection, eremite, eretria, erevan, erewhile, erfurt, erg, ergodic, ergodicity, ergogram, ergonomical, ergonomics, ergosterol, ergot, erhard,ludwig, eric the red, eric ⅸ jedvarsson, eric([ˈerik]) xiv, erica, ericson,leif, ericsson,john, eridanus, eridu, erie, erie canal, erie indians, erie,lake, erigena,john scotus, erik ⅹⅳ, erikson,erik homburger, erin, eringo, erinyes, eris, eristic, erivan, erk, erlander,tage fritiof, erlangen, erlanger,joseph, ermine, ermine street, ern, ernakulam, ernst,max, erode, erosion, erotesis, erotic, eroticomania, erotopath, errand, errant, errantry, erratic, erring, erroneous, error, ersatz, erse, erskine,thomas erskine, 1st baron, erst, erudite, erupt, eruption, ervine,st john greer, erving,julius, ervin,samuel james, erysipelas, erythema, erythrocyte(或 red blood cell), erythromycin, erzerum, erzgebirge(或ore mountains), erzurum(或erzerum), es, esarhaddon, esau(或edom), esbjerg, escadrille, escalate, escalation clause, escalator, escapade, escape velocity, escarole, escarp, escarpment, eschatological, eschatology, eschenbach,wolfram von, escher,maruits corneille, escobedo v. illinois(1964), escoffier,auguste, escondido, escorial(或escurial), escorial,el, escort, escot, escript, escrow, escurial, escutcheon, esdraelon,plain of, esdras,books of, esenin,sergei aleksandrovich, esfahan, esher, eshkol,levi, esker, eskilstuna, eskimo art, eskimo dog, eskimo-aleut languages, eskisehir, esnafs, esne, esophagus, esoteric, esp, esparto, especial, espiguillas, espinel,vicente martinez, espionage, esplanade, espoo, espoused, espressivo, esprit, espy, esquimalt, esquirol,jean, esquisse, esro, esse, essen, essene, essenes, essential, essential oil, essentially, essentic, essequibo river, esser, esses, essex,robert devereux, 2nd earl of, esslingen, esson, est, est-il impossible d'echapper la force de ton bras?, estate duty, estates-general, este, esterhazy, esters, estes,richard, este,alfonso d’, esther, esthesia, estienne(或stephanus), estimable, estimate, estimation, estivation, estonia, estonian, estonian soviet socialist republic, estop, estoppel, estoril, estovers, estrada, estrade, estrange, estreat, estremadura, estridge, estrone, estrus, estrus cycle, esztergom, et cetera, et vous aussi; votre serviteur., etatism, etcetera, etch, etching, eteocias, eterne, eternize, etesian, ethane, ethanol(或ethyl alcohol), ethelbert, etheldreda,st, ethelfleda, ethelred ⅰ, ethelred(或aethelred the) ⅱ, ethelstan, ethelwulf(或aethelwulf), etherege,sir george, ethernet, ethic(al), ethical culture movement, ethicality, ethics, ethiop, ethiopian, ethiopic, ethnic studies, ethnical, ethnocentrism, ethnohistory, ethnolinguistics, ethnomethodology, ethnomusicological, ethnonymics, ethnopsychology, ethnos, ethnoscience, ethological, ethology, ethos, ethyl alcohol, ethylene, ethyne, etiolate, etiology, etiquette, etletranscription, etna:, etna,mount, etoile, etoile,place de l’, eton, eton:, etorofu, etruscan, etruscans, etty,william, etude, eu, euboea, eucalyptus, eucharis, eucharist, eucharist(或holy communion), euchre, eucken,rudolf christoph, euclidea geometry, eudaemon, eudoxia, eudoxus of cnidus, eugene of savoy,prince, eugene onegin, eugene ⅲ, eugene ⅳ, eugenesis, eugenics, euglena, euglenophyta, euhemerism, eulachon, eulalia, eulenspiegel,till, euler,leonhard, eulogium, eumenides, euonymus, eupen-et-malmedy, euphemism, euphenics, euphonic=euphonical, euphorbia, euphoria, euphronios, eupolis, eurafrica, euramerican, eureka project, eureka stockade, eurhythmia, eurhythmic, eurhythmics, euric, euro, eurodollars, europa, europa nostra, europa:, europe, european atomic energy community, european broadcasting union, european coal and steel community, european deer, european defence community, european economic community, european free trade association, european monetary system, european organization for nuclear research, european recovery program, european southern observatory, european space agency, european space research organization, european water snake, europium, europoort, eurthmia, eurydice, eurypterid, eurythmic, eurythmics, eusebius of caesarea, eustace,st, eustachio,bartolommeo, eustasy, eutatic, eutaxy, euterpe, euthenics, eutrophication, eutyches, evacuate, evade, evald,johannes, evaluate, evanesce, evangel, evangelical alliance, evangelical united brethren church, evangelicalism, evangelist, evans, evans-pritchard,edward evan, evanston, evansville, evans,dame edith, evans,mary ann(或 marian), evans,oliver, evans,sir arthur john, evans,sir geraint, evans,walker, evaporation, evatt,herbert vere, eve:, evelyn,john, even-christen, even-christian, even-handed, even-pleached, evenhanded, evening, evening primrose, evening star, evenly, evensong, eventual, ever-burning, ever-gentle, ever-living, everest,mount, everest,sir george, everett, everett,edward, everglades, evergreen plants, everlasting, everlasting flowers(或 strawflower), evermore, evert lloyd,chris, evert,christine, everyman, everything, evesham, evian-les-bains, evict, evince, evitate, evoke, evolute, evolution, evora, evreux, evtushenko,evgeny, evulsion, evzones, ewald,johannes, ewe, ewer, ewes, ewing,william maurice, ex part mccardle, ex part milligan, ex post facto law, ex-, exacerbate, exaggerate, exalted, exam, examen, examination, examine, examplum, exarch, excalibur, excambion, excavate, exceeding, excellence, excellency, excellent, excellently, excelling, excelsior, excepting, exception, excerpt, excess profits tax, exchange control, exchange rates, exchange,foreign, excise, excitation, excited state, excitement, exclamation, exclude, exclusion principle,pauli, exclusionists, exclusive powers, excogitate, excommunicate, excoriate, excrement, excretion, excruciate, exculpate, excurse, excursion, excursus, excused, exeat, execrate, execution, executive, executive privilege, exekias, exequatur, exequies, exercises, exert, exes, exeter, exeter book, exeunt omnes, exhalation, exhaled, exhaust, exhibiter, exhibition, exhilarate, exhortation, exhume, exiguous, exion, exist, existentialism, exlex, exmoor, exmoor pony, exmouth, exoatmosphere, exobiology, exogenic, exonerate, exorability, exorbitance, exorcise=exorcize, exordium, exoteric, exotic, exp. =export, expand, expanding universe, expansion, expansion chamber, expatriate, expatriation, expectancy, expectation, expecting, expedient, expediently, expedite, expedition, expel, expense, expenses, experience, experiment, experimental, experimental psychology, expisate, explain, explementary, expletive, explicate, explication, explicit, explode, explore, explosives, expo, expometer, exponential function, export, exposition, expositor, exposure meter, expressionism, expressionist theater, expressly, expressure, expromission, expropriate, expulsive, expunge, expurgate, exsilentio, exsufflicate, extemporal, extensor, extenuation, exterior, exterminate, extermine, external, exteroceptive, exterritorial, extinct, extincted, extirp, extirpate, extol=extloll, extolment, extorted, extortion, extra, extracting, extradite, extradition, extrados, extraessential, extragenetic, extrajudicial, extralegal, extralinguistic, extrality, extralogical, extramarginal, extramarital, extramental, extramundane, extramural, extranatural, extraneous, extraordinarily, extraordinary, extraparental, extraparliamentary, extrapolate, extrapolitical, extrascientific, extrasensory, extrasensory perception, extrasoft, extrastimulus, extrasyllogistic, extrasystematic, extraterrestrial, extraterritorality, extraterritorial, extraught, extravagancy, extravaganza, extravagate, extravasate, extraversion, extravert, extremes, extremest, extremities, extremity, extremum, extricate, extrinsic, extrinsic factor, extrophy, extroversion, extrovert, extrusion, extrusive rock, exuberant, exuberate, exurbia, exutory, eyas, eyas-musket, eyck,hubert van and jan van eyck, eye-drop, eye-offending, eyebright, eyeless, eyemo, eyes, eyne, eyre peninsula, eyre,edward john, eyre,lake, eyrie, eysenck,hans jurgen, ezekiel(或ezechiel), ezra, ezzelino da romano, e’en, e大调, e小调, e层, e弦, f-number, f. 两栖动物, f.其它, f.巴基斯坦, f.弓弦乐器, f.民族服装等, f.汽车车轮, f.泻药, f.牛奶汤类, f.苏丹, f.西班牙, f.镜类, f.香山公园, fa, fa ngum, faa, fab, faberge,peter carl, fabian, fabian society, fabian,st, fabius maximus, fabre,jean henri, fabriano,gentile da, fabricate, fabricius ab aquapendente,hieronymus, fabritius,carel, fabry,charles, fabulous, facade, faced, facere, facete, facilitate, facility, facsimile, facta, facticity, faction, factitious, factitive, facto, factor analysis, factoring, factory, factory acts, factotum, factum, facture, faculae, faculties, fad, fadden,sir arthur william, fadder, fade, fading, fado, fadom, faenza, faeroe(或faroe)islands, fag, faggot, faggoting, fagot, fahd ibn abdul aziz, fahrenheit, fahrenheit temperature scale, fahrenheit,gabriel daniel, faidherbe,louis leon cesar, faille, fain, faining, faint-hearted, fainting, fainting(或syncope), faintly, faintness, fair deal, fair isle, fair labour standards act, fair-faced, fair-spoken, fair-trade laws, fairbanks, fairbanks,charles warren, fairbanks,douglas, fairest, fairest-boding, fairfax,thomas, 3rd baron, fairfield, fairing, fairly, fairness, fairy bluebird, fairy penguin, fairy ring, fairy shrimp, fairy tales and folktales, fairy=fairey, faisal ibn al-saud, faisal ⅰ, faisalabad(或lyallpur), fait, faith healing, faithful, faithfully, faithless, faitor, faiyum,el(或al-fayyum), faja, fake, fakhr ad-din ⅱ, fala, falaise, falanga, falashas, falboot, falchion, falcon, falconbridge:, falconry, falkirk, falkland islands(或 malvinas,isles), falklands war, falkner,william, fall line, fall river, fallabella, fallacia, falla,manual de, falldin,thorbjorn, fallible, falling, falling bodies,law of, falling-off, fallopian tube, fallopius,gabriel, fallout, fallow deer, falmouth, falorous, false decretals, false pregnancy, false-boding, false-derived, false-heart, falsehood, falsely, falseness, falsetto, falsify, falsing, falster, falter, falun, famacide, famagusta(或ammokhostos), famed, familial, familiar spirit, familiarity, family, family compact, family planning, family therapy, famis, famish, fan-si-pan, fanatical, fancies, fancy-free, fancy-monger, fancy-sick, fandangle, fane, faneuil,peter, fanfani,amintore, fanfare, fang-bulu, fangio,juan manuel, fangled, fangless, fanned and winnowed:, fanning island(或 tabuaeran), fano, fanon, fantail, fantasia, fantasia(或fantasy), fantasound, fantastic, fantastical, fantastically, fantasy, fanti, fantin-latour,ignace henri joseph theodore, fantoccini, fantom, fanworm, fao, fap, far east, far-fet, far-off, farad, faraday, faraday constant, faraday effect, faraday’s laws of electrolysis, faraday,michael, farborough, farced, farcetta, farceur, farceuse, fardel, fardingale, fareham, farel,guillaume, farewell,cape, fargo, farid ad-din attar, farley,james aloysius, farm credit administration, farm-labor party, farnaby,giles, farnborough, farne islands, farnese, farnese bull, farnese palace, farnese,alessandro | 1 | farnham, faro, faroe islands, farouk ⅰ, farquhar islands, farquhar,george, farrago, farragut,david glasgow, farrand, farrar,geraldine, farrell,james thomas, farrier, farrow, farside,lunar, farsightedness(或hyperopia), fartax, farther, farthest, farthing, farthingale, fartuous, faruq, fasching, fascia, fascinate, fascine, fascinum, fasciola, fascism, fascism= fascizm, fashion-monger, fashion-monging, fashions, fashoda incident, fasica, fasiladas, fassbinder,rainer werner, fast reactor, fasten, fastened, fastian, fastidious, fastigium, fasting, fastolfe:, fastolf,sir john, fastuous, fat-brained, fat-guts, fat-kidneyed, fat-witted, fatah,al, fatal, fated, fateh singh,sant, fatehpur sikri(或fathpur sirkri), fates(或moirea、moirai), fates:, father-in-law, fathered, fathers of the church, fathpur sirkri, fatigue, fatima, fatimah, fatimid, fatimids, fats and oils, fattest, fatting, fatty acid, fatuous, faucal, faulkner,arthur brian deane, faulkner,william, faultless, faulty, fauna, faunus, faure,francois felix, faure,gabriel urbain, fause, fausse, faust, fauste,precor gelida quando pecus omne sub um-bra ruminat, faustus, fauxbourdon, favas, faveolus, favonian, favourable, favourer, favourite, favours, favre, fawcett, fawcett,dame millicent garrett, fawkes, fawkes,guy, fawning, fax, fayetteville, faze, fazed, fazenda, fazotron, fazzan, fbi, fc=fellow copy, fc=franc, fca, fcc, fda, fdic, fear-surprised, feared, fearful, fearfully, feasble, feathered, featheredge, feathers, feazed, february revolution, fecamp, fechner,gustav theodore, fecit, fecundate, federal, federal art project, federal aviation administration, federal bureau of investigation, federal communications commission, federal constitutional convention, federal deposit insurance corporation, federal government(或federation), federal republic of germany, federal reserve system, federal states of micronesia, federal style, federal trade commission, federal writer’s project, federalism, federalist papers,the, federalist party, federation, federation internationale de football association, fee-grief, fee-simple, feedback, feedback inhibition, feeder, feeding, feeling, feelingly, fees, feet, fehemently, feigning, feijo, feininger,lyonel, feint, feira de santana, feis, feisal ⅰ, feisty, feldspar, feldspar(或felspar), felge, felibre, felidae, felix ⅴ, felixstowe, fell, fell-lurking, fellenberg,philipp emanuel von, feller,bob, fellini,federico, fellowship, felly, felo-de-se, felonious, felspar, felt, femerell, femetary, feminism, femiter, femur, femur(或thighbone), fen-sucked, fence lizard(或spiny lizard), fencing, fend, fenelon,francois de salignac de la mothe, feneration, fenestella, fenestra, fenhe, fenian cycle(或finn cycle), fenian movement, fenians, fenland, fennec, fenny, fens,the(或fenland), fenugreek, feoffee, fer-de-lance, feral, ferber,edna, ferdinand ⅰ, ferdinand ⅱ, ferdinand ⅲ, ferdinand ⅶ, ferdinand(ⅰ)the great, ferdinand(ⅴ and ⅱ) the catholic, fergana(或ferghana), fergana(或ferghana) valley, ferghana, fergusson,robert, feria, ferlinghetti,lawrence, fermat’s last theorem, fermat’s principle, fermat,pierre de, ferme, ferment, fermentation, fermented milk, fermi national accelerator laboratory(或fermilab), fermi-dirac statistics, fermion, fermium, fermi,enrico, fern, fern-seed, fernandel(或fernand joseph desire contandin), fernandez de cordoba,gonzalo, fernandez de lizardi,jose joaquin, fernando po, ferocious, ferrara, ferrara:, ferrarese school, ferraro,geraldine anne, ferrar,nicholas, ferric compounds, ferrier,kathleen, ferrier,susan edmonstone, ferrimagnetism, ferris wheel, ferrite, ferro, ferrol(或el ferrol del caudillo), ferromagnetism, ferrous, ferrule, ferry, ferry,jules, fertile crescent, fertility drug, fertilization, fertilizers, ferule, fervent, fervour, fery, fes(或fez), fescennine, fescue, festa, fester, festinant, festinate, festinately, festival of britain, festoon, festschrift, festucine, festus,sextus pompeius, fet, fetal, fete, fetishism, fetlock, fetus, fetus(或foetus), feu, feuchtwanger,lion, feud, feudalism, feuerbach, feuerbach,ludwig andreas, feuerbach,paul johann anselm von, feuillants,club of the, feuilleton, fever, feverfew, feverous, few, feydeau,georges, feynman,richard phillips, fez, fezzan(或fazzan), ffestiniog, fia interj., fiance, fianecce, fianna fail, fiasco, fiat, fiat money, fib, fiber optics, fiber,glass(或glass fiber), fiber,natural, fiber,synthetic, fibonacci,leonardo, fibrillation, fibrin, fibrinogen, fibroma, fibrositis, ficelle, fiche, fichte, fichtelgebirge, fichte,johann gottlieb, fichu, ficino,marsilio, fico, ficquelmont, fictile, fiddle, fiddle-stick, fiddler crab, fide, fidelicet(l.):, fidelism, fidget, fiducial, fie interj., fiedler,arthur, fiedler,leslie, field artillery, field museum of natural history, field of the cloth of gold, field spaniel, field trials, field-bed, fieldfare, fielding, fielding,henry, fieldmouse, fields,gracie, fields,w.c., field,cyrus west, field,david dudley, field,eugene, field,john, field,marshall, fiend, fieschi, fiesole, fiesta, fifa, fife region, fife:, fife,duncan, fift, fifteen, fifteen rebellion, fifteen years war, fifteenth, fifth, fifth column, fifth monarchy men, fifty-four forty or fight, fig marigold, fighting, fighting fish, fights, figment, figo, figueiredo,joao baptista de oliveira, figueras, figueres ferrer,jose, figurant, figurante, figure skating, figure-drawing test, figured bass, figurehead, figures of speech, figword, filament, filaret, filarete,antonio averlino, filaria, filariasis, filbert, filching, filed, filefish, fili, filial, filigree, filioque, filipescu, filipino, fill-horse, fillmore, fillmore,millard, filmer, films, filthy, filtration, fimbria, fin, finagle, final, finance, finback whale, finch, finchley, find-fault, fine gael, fine-baited, finecomb, fineless, finely, fineness of gold, finer, finesse, finfoot, fingal’s cave, finger lakes, fingerprint, finial, finiguerra,maso(或 tommaso), finis, finisterre,cape, finite, fink, finland, finland,gulf of, finland,republic of, finlay river, finlay,carlos juan, finn cycle, finn maccool(或 finn mac cumhail、fionn mac cumhail), finney,albert, finney,charles grandison, finnic, finno-ugric languages, fins, finsbury:, finsen,niels ryberg, finsteraarhorn, fiord(或fjord), fiordland, fipple, firago, firbank,arthur annesley ronald, firdausi, firdawsi, fire ant, fire blight, fire island, fire of london, fire prevention, fire salamander, fire-drake, fire-eyed, fire-new, firearm, firebrat, fireclay, firecrest, firefly(或lighting bug), firenze, firestone,harvey samuel, firethorn, fireworks, firishta, firk, firm-set, firman, firm,theory of the, first aid, first amendment, first cause, first of june,battle of the glorious, first world war, first-born, first-conceived, first-fruit, firstling, firth, firth,john rupert, firth,raymond william, fisc, fiscal, fiscal policy, fischer von erlach,johann bernhard, fischer-dieskau,dietrich, fischer-tropsch reaction, fischer,bobby(或fischer,robert james), fischer,emil hermann, fischer,robert james, fish culture, fish hawk, fish louse, fish moth, fish owl, fish street,saint magnus’ corner:, fisher,andrew, fisher,irving, fisher,john arbuthnot, 1st baron, fisher,st john, fishguard, fishified, fishing industry, fish,hamilton, fiske,john, fiske,minnie maddern, fisk,james, fiss, fission, fission-track dating, fission,nuclear, fistula, fitchew, fitch,john, fitch,william clyde, fitful, fitly, fitness, fitted, fitup, fitzgerald, fitzgerald,(lord) edward, fitzgerald,edward, fitzgerald,ella, fitzgerald,francis scott key, fitzgerald,garret, fitzgerald,george francis, fitzralph, fitzroy, fitzsimmons,bob, fitzwilliam,sir william, fiume, five civilized tribes, five-year plans, five,the(或 russian five,the), fixed, fixture, fizz, fiào, fl/1程序设计语言, flab, flabbergast, flack, flag day, flagella, flagellants, flagging, flagitious, flagon, flagrant, flags, flagstad,kirsten, flagstaff, flagstone, flaherty,robert joseph, flair, flak, flake, flam, flamand, flambe, flambeau, flamboyant, flamboyant style, flamboyant tree, flame test, flame tree, flamen, flame,solar, flaminian way, flamininus,titus quinctius, flaminius,gaius, flamstead,john, flanagan, flanconnade, flanders field, flange, flank, flanker, flanner,janet, flanning, flap, flap-dragon, flare, flaring, flash point, flat racing, flat-coated retriever, flatfish(或 flounder), flatfoot, flathead indians(或salish indians), flatterer, flattering, flattering-sweet, flattery, flattie, flatulent, flatworm, flaubert,gustave, flaunt, flautina, flautist, flautone, flawed, flaws, flaxen, flaxman, flaxman,john, fleabane, fleahopper, fleawort, flechette, fleck, flecker,james elroy, fleckled, flection, fleer, fleet street, fleet:, fleeting, fleetwood, fleming, flemings, fleming’s rules, fleming,ian, fleming,paul, fleming,sir alexander, fleming,sir john ambrose, flemish art, flemish gothic architecture, flemish renaissance architecture, flensburg, flerry, fleshed, fleshment, fletch v.peck, fletcher, fletcher,john, fletcher,john gould, fleur-de-lys, fleuret, fleuron, fleury,andre hercule de,cardinal, flewed, flex, flexible, flexuous, flexure, flibbertigibbet:, flicflac, flick, flicker, flickering, flicorno, flies, flightless birds, flimflam, flimsy, flinch, flinders, flinders island, flinders petrie,sir william matthew, flinders ranges, flinders,matthew, flint clay, flint glass, flintshire, flinty, flip, flippant, flipper, flirt, flirt-gill, flit, flitch, flivver, fln, float, floc, flocculi(或plages), flocculonodular, flock, flodden,battle of, flodoard, flog, flong, floo-floo, flood-gate, floodgate, floodplain, flood,henry, flop, florence(或firenze), florentius’ love:, florescent, florey, florey,howard walter, florianopolis, floribunda, florid, florida, florida keys, floridablanda, floriform, florilege, florilegium, florin, florio,john, floris, floss, flotation process, flote, flotilla, flotow,friedrich von, flotsam, flounce, flour, flouting, flow charts(或flow diagrams), flower-de-luce, flowered, floweret, flowering, flowering ash, flowering current, flowering quince, flowering rush, flowerpecker, flowers, flowing, flowing cups:, flow’ret, floyd,carlisle, floyd,william, flub, fluctuate, fludd,robert, flue, fluff, fluid, fluid dynamics, fluid flow, fluid mechanics, fluidics, fluidization, flume, flummery, flummox, flunk, flunkie, flunky=flunkey, fluoresce, fluorescence, fluorescent lamp, fluoridation, fluorine, fluorite(或fluorspar), fluorocarbon plastics, fluorocarbons, fluorspar, flurr, flurry, flutter, fluxus, fly agaric(或fly amanite), fly river, fly-bitten, flycatcher, flying, flying doctors service of australia,royal, flying dragon, flying dutchman, flying fish, flying fox, flying lemur(或colugo), flying lizard, flying phalanger, flying saucer, flying snake, flying squirrel, flynn,errol, flytrap, flyweight, flywheel, fm, foam, focal, focal length, focative case:, foch, foch,ferdinand, foco, focus, focus,earthquake, fodder, foe, foehn, foeman, foetus, fogey=fogie, foggia, fogy=fogey, foh, fohn, foible, foin, foining, foism, foison, foist, fokine,michel, fokker,anton herman gerard, folded, foldee, foley,john henry, folger,henry clay, folia, foliage, foliate, folid acid, folies-bergere, folk, folk art, folk dance, folk music, folk theater, folkestone, folklore, folkways, follicle-stimulating hormone(fsh), follies, follower, followers, folly-fallen, folo=follow-up, folsom culture, fomalhaut(或 alpha piscis austrini), foment, fomes, fon, fon du lac, fonda,henry, fonda,jane, fonda,peter, fondle, fondly, fondness, fondu, fongafale, fonseca, fonsetorigo, fontainebleau,school of, fontaine,jean de la, fontaine,pierre francois leonard, fontal, fontana,domenico, fontanel, fontane,theodor, fontenelle, fontenelle,bernard le bovier de, fontenoy, fontenoy,battle of, food additive, food and agricultural organization(fao), food and drug administration, food chain, food poisoning, food preservation, food preservative, fool-begged, fool-born, foolery, fooling, foolish, foolish-compounded, fools,feast of, fool’s gold, foot-and-mouth disease(或hoof-and-mouth disease), foot-cloth, football hooliganism, football league, football player:, football pools, football,association, footboy, footing, footle, footnote, foot,michael, foozle, fop, fopling, fopped, foppish, forain, forain,jean louis, foraminifera, forate, foray, forbearance, forbes, forbes,george william, forbidden city, forbode, force bill, force majeure, forced, forcible, ford foundation, fordo, fordone, ford,ford madox, ford,gerald rudolph, ford,henry, ford,john, fore, fore-foot, fore-recited, fore-spurrer, fore-vouched, forearm, forebode, forecheck, foreclose, foreconsciousness, foredo, foreedge, forefather, forefeel, forefront, foregift, foregoer, foregone, foreground, foreign aid, foreign and commonwealth office, foreign exchange, foreign legion, foreign ministers,council of, foreign service, forejudge, foreknowledge, forel, forelady, foreland,north and south, foreman, foremost, foremother, forenotice, forensic, forensic medicine, foreoath, foreperiod, forereach, forerunner, foresee, foreshadow, foreshorten, foreshow, foresight, foreskirt, foreslow, forespeak, forespent, forest fires, forest hills, forest of ardennes, forestage, forestair, forestalled, forester, forester,cecil scott, forestry, forests,types of, foretaste, foretell, forethought, foretoken, foretold | 1 | foretype, foreward, forewoman, foreword, foreworld, forex, forfar, forfarshire, forfeited, forfeiture, forfended, forgather, forged, forget-me-not, forgetful, forgetive, forgetting, forging, forgot, forint, forked, forli, formal, formaldehyde,methanal, forman,milos, formentor, former, formfitting, formic acid, formidable, formigny,battle of, formosus, formstecher,solomon, fornication, forres, forres:, forrest, forrestal,james vincent, forrest,edwin, forspent, forster, forster,edward morgan, forswearing, forsworn, forsythia, fort collins, fort knox, fort lauderdale, fort mchenry, fort myers, fort sill, fort smith, fort stanwix,treaties of, fort sumter, fort wayne, fort william, fort worth, fort-de-france, fortaleza(或ceara), forte, fortepiano, fortescue,sir john, forthcoming, forth,firth of, forth,river, fortification, fortify, fortin barometer, fortis, fortnight, fortran, fortran语言, forts, fortuitism, fortuna de la guerra, fortunate, fortunate-unhappy, fortunes, forty, forty pence:, forwardness, fosbury, foscolo,ugo, fosdick,harry emerson, foss=fosse, fossa, fosse way, fossil fuel, foss,lukas, foster care, foster-nurse, foster,stephen collins, fotgo, fothergill,john, fotheringhay, fotoceram, fototronic, foucault pendulum, foucault,jean bernard leon, fouche, fouche,joseph,duc d'otrante, foucquet,jean, fouette, fougasse, foul-faced, foul-mouthed, foulard, fouled, foully, founded, founder, founding, foundling, fountain, fountain valley, fountains abbey, fouquet, fouquet(或foucquet) ,jean, fouquet=foucquet, fouquet,nicolas, fouque,friedrich heinrich karl, baron de la motte, fouquier-tinville,antoine quentin, four freedoms, four horsemen of the apocalypse, four noble trusts, four o'clock plant, four-eyed fish, four-inched, fourgon, fourier, fourier series, fourier,francois marie charles, fourier,jean baptiste joseph, baron, fourneyron,benoit, fourscore, fourteen, fourteen points, fourth dimension, fourth of july,independence day, fouta djallon(或futa jallon), foutra, foutre, fovea, fowey, fowl, fowl pest(或 newcastle disease), fowler, fowler,henry watson, fowles,john, fowl,domestic, fox indians, fox river, fox terrier, foxe, foxe,john, foxglove, foxhound, foxhunting, foxtrot, fox,charles james, fox,george, foyer, foyle,lough, foyt,anthony joseph ,jr, fra, fracas, fracted, fractional distillation, fractious, fractus, frag, fragile, fragment, fragonard,jean honore, fragrant, frail, frailty, frame,janet, frampold, frampton,sir george james, franc, francaise, francesca,piero della, france,anatole, franche-comte, franchet, franchised, francia, francia,jose gaspar rodriguez, francis, francis de sales,st, francis ferdinand, francis joseph(或 franz joseph), francis of assisi,st, francis xavier,st, francis ⅰ, francis ⅱ, franciscans, francisco:, francis,dick, francis,sir phillip, francium, franck, franck,cesar auguste, franck,james, franco-german war, franco-prussian war, francois, francolin, francome,john, franconia, francophone, franco,francisco, frangible, frangipani, frankenthaler,helen, frankford:, frankfurt am main, frankfurt an der oder, frankfurt parliament, frankfurter,fellix, frankincense, frankish, franklin institute, franklin,ann smith, franklin,aretha, franklin,benjamin, franklin,rosalind elsie, franklin,sir john, franklin,state of, frankly, franks, frank,anne, frank,jacob, franz, franz josef land, franz joseph, frap, frappe, frasch process, fraser, fraser river, fraser,douglas andrew, fraser,john malcolm, fraser,peter, fraser,simon, frat, frateretto:, fraternity and sorority(或sorority), fraudful, fraueneis, fraughtage, fraunhofer,joseph von, fray bentos, frazer,sir james george, frazier,joe, frazzle, freak, freckle, freckled, fredericia, frederick, frederick augustus ⅰ, frederick augustus ⅱ, frederick henry, frederick louis, frederick william, frederick william ⅰ, frederick william ⅱ, frederick william ⅲ, frederick william ⅳ, frederick ⅰ, frederick ⅱ, frederick ⅲ, frederick ⅳ, frederick ⅴ, frederick ⅵ, frederick ⅶ, frederick ⅷ, frederick ⅸ, frederick(ⅰ) barbarossa, frederick(ⅱ) the great, frederick(ⅲ)the wise, fredericksburg,battle of, fredericton, fredrick ⅲ, fredrikstad, free association, free city, free enterprise, free fall, free french, free port, free silver, free trade, free verse, free will, free-footed, free-form jazz, free-soil party, freedom, freedom of information act, freedom of the seas, freehold, freely, freeman's farm,battle of, freeman,douglas southall, freeman,mary eleanor wilkins, freemason, freemasonry, freemen's bureau, freeport, freer,charles lang, freesia, freestone, freestyle wrestling, freeze drying, freezing, freezing point, frege, frege,gottlob, frei montalva,eduardo, freiburg im breisgau(或 freiburg), freight, freighter, freir, frejus, frelinghuysen, fremantle, fremodyne, fremont, fremont,john charles, french and indian wars, french art and architecture, french bean, french bulldog, french canadians, french community, french east india company, french equatorial africa, french guiana, french horn, french india, french literature, french polynesia, french republican calendar(或french revolutionary calendar), french revolution, french revolutionary calendar, french revolutionary wars, french somaliland, french southern and antarctic territories, french sudan, french territory of afars and issas ,africa, french union, french west africa, french-crown, french,daniel chester, french,john, 1st earl of ypres, freneau,philip, freons, frequency modulation, fresco, fresco painting, frescobaldi, frescobaldi,girolamo, freshly, freshwater, fresnel lens, fresnel,augustin jean, fretful, fretted, fretten, fretting, freud, freud,anna, freud,sigmund, frey, freya, freycinet, freycinet,louis claude de saulces de, freyja(或freya), friabird, friable, fribble, fribourg, fricassee, frickly, frick,henry clay, friction,coefficient of, friday, fridge, friedan,betty naomi, friedlaender,walter, friedland,battle of, friedman,milton, friedrich,caspar david, friendling, friendly, friendly islandly, friendly societies, friends, friends of the earth, friendship, friends,religious society of, friesian cattle, friesland, frig, frigate bird, frigg(或frigga), frigger, frigging, frighted, frightful, frigid, frigidity, frilals, frilis, frill, frilled lizard, friml,charles rudolf, fringy, frippery, frisbee, frisch, frisch,karl von, frisch,max, frisch,otto robert, frisch,ragnar, frisette, frisian, frisian islands, frisian language, frisk, frisket, frisson, frisure, frit, frith, fritillary, fritter, fritters, fritz, friuli, friuli-venezia giulia, frivol, frivolite, frivolity, frivolous, friz=frizz, frize, fro, frobisher bay, frobisher,sir martin, frocking, froding,gustaf, frog-bit, frogfish, froghopper(或cuckoospit、spittle bug), frogmore:, frogmouth, frogs, froissard:, froissart:, froissart,jean, frolement, fromm,erich, fronda, fronde, frondizi,arturo, front de liberation nationale(fln), frontenac,louis de buade,comte de palluau et de, frontier, fronting, frontlet, fronton games, frost(或hoarfrost), frostbite, frosty, frosty-spirited, frost,robert lee, froth, froth flotation, frothy economy, frottage, frottola, froude,james anthony, frowning, frowzy, frozen, frozen foods, frt. =freight, frt.ppd=freight prepaid, fructful, fructidor, fructify, fructose, frug, fruit bat, fruit fly, fruitful, fruitfully, fruitfulness, fruition, fruitless, frump, frunze, frustration, frustum, frutex, frutify, frye,northrop, fry,christopher, fry,elizabeth, fry,roger eliot, fsh, ft=foot, ftc, ftse, fu'ad ⅰ, fuchsine=fuchsin, fuchs,klaus emil julian, fuchs,sir vivian ernest, fuck, fucus, fuddle, fuddy-duddy, fude, fudge, fuel cell, fuel injection, fuels, fuentes,carlos, fug, fugard,athol, fugger family, fugger,hens, fughetta, fugitive slave laws, fugitives, fugle, fuji, fuji-san, fujisawa, fujiwara, fujiwara style, fujiyama(或fuji-san), fukui, fukuoka, fukushima, fukuyama, fulani, fulani(或fulah,fulbe), fulbright, fulbright educational program, fulbright,james william, fulfil, fulfil=fulfil, fulgent, fulgid, fulgor, fulgurant, fulham, full-flowing, full-fraught, full-gorged, fullam, fuller's earth, fullerton, fuller,john frederick charles, fuller,melville weston, fuller,richard buckminister, fuller,roy broadbent, fuller,thomas, fully-charged, fulmar, fulminate, fulton, fulton,robert, fulvous, fumaric acid, fumble, fumet, fumigant, fumiter, fumitory, fun, fun-fair, funabashi, funambulist, func art, funchal, funchal islands, funcin-pec party, functional disorders, functionalism, fund, fundament, fundamental constants, fundamentalism, fundi, fundy,bay of, funen, funeral, fungible, fungicide, fungus, fungus infection, funicular, funk, funk,casimir, funnel, funnel weaver, funnies, funster, funzione, furbish, furbished, furcate, furi, furies, furies:, furioso, furitsuke, furl, furlong, furlough, furnace, furnace-burning, furneaux islands, furness, furnished, furnishing, furore, furred, furrow, furrow-weed, furstenbund, furth, furtherance, furtherest, furtive, furtwangler,wilhelm, furze, fusain, fuscin, fuse=fuze, fusel oil, fuselage, fuseli,henry, fuse,electrical, fusion, fusion reactor, fusion,nuclear, fusma, fuss, fusse=fuzze, fustel, fustilarian, fusty, fust,johann, futa jallon, futile, futuna islands, future, futurism, fututrix, fuzuli, fuzz, fwd=forward, fylde, fylfot, fylingdales, fyn(或funen), fynchenite, fyodor([ˈfi:əˌdə])i, fyrd, fytte, fzsh, fò, fóu, fěnɡ, fōu, fǎng, fǎnɡ, fɑ, f大调, f小调, f层, g. 爬行动物, g.仪表, g.冷汤类, g.坦桑尼亚, g.拨弦乐器, g.柬埔寨, g.止泻药, g.爱尔兰, g.西山八大处, g.计、表类, ga, gab, gabarite, gabelle, gaberdine, gaberones, gabes, gabin,jean, gabion, gable,clark, gabliel, gabon, gabon,republic of, gaboon viper, gaborone(或gaberones), gabor,dennis, gabo,naum, gabrieli,andrea, gabrieli,giovanni, gabriel,jacques ange, gaddafi,moammar al-, gadda,carlo emilio, gaddi,taddeo, gadget, gadite, gadolinium, gadroon, gadsden purchase, gadsden,james, gadshill:, gadwall, gad,tribe of, gaea(或gaia), gael, gaelic football, gaelic literature, gaelic(或goidelic), gaeta, gaff, gaffe, gaffer, gafsa, gaga, gagarin, gagarin,yuri alekseyevich, gage,thomas, gaggle, gaia, gaiety, gaillard, gaillardia, gaily, gain-giving, gaine, gained, gainesville, gainsborough,thomas, gairish, gaiseric(或genseric), gaita, gaitan, gaiter, gaitskell, gal, gala, galactic cluster, galahad, galangal, galant, galanty, galapagos finches, galapagos giant tortoise, galapagos islands, galati(或galatz), galatia, galatians,epistle of paul to the, galatz, galawdewoe, galaxies, galaxy, galaxy cluster, galbraith,john kenneth, galeate, galen:, galena, galerius, galibi, galicia, galician, galien, galilean satellites, galilee, galilee,sea of, galileo, galileo galilei, galindez, gall bladder, gall midge, gall wasp, galla, gallabiya=galabia, gallant-springing, gallas, gallatin, gallatin river, gallatin,albert, gallaudet, gallaudet college, galle, galled, gallegos, gallegos,romulo, galleria,achroea, gallery, galle,johann gottfried, galli-curci,amelita, gallia, gallia:, gallian, galliass, gallic, gallic wars, gallican, gallicanism, gallice, gallico,paul william, gallieni,joseph simon, gallienus, galligaskins, gallinaceous bird, gallinule, gallipoli, gallipoli campaign, gallipoli peninsula, gallipoli(或gelibolu), gallipot, gallitzin, gallium, gallivant, gallivare, gallon, galloon, gallopade, galloper, galloping inflation, gallovidian, galloway, galloway:, gallowglasses, gallowses, gallstone, gallup, gallup,george horace, gallus, gall,franz joseph, galois,evariste, galop, galore, galosh, galoubet, galsworthy, galsworthy,john, galt, galtieri,leopoldo fortunato, galton, galton,sir francis, galtskell,hugh, galt,john, galt,sir alexander tilloch, galuppi,baldassare, galvani, galvanization, galvanized steel, galvani,luigi, galvanometer, galveston, galvez, galway, galway,james, gam, gama, gamaliee, gamaliel of jabneh, gama,vasco da, gambade, gambetta, gambetta,leon, gambia, gambia,republic of the, gambia,river, gambier islands, gambit, gamble, gamblers' anonymous, gambold, gambrel, game theory, gamelan, gamelin,maurice gustav, gamesome, gamester, gamete, gamgar, gamic, gaming, gamio, gamliel(或gamaliel), gamma, gamma globulin, gamma radiation, gammer, gamo-, gamouth, gamow,george, gamut, gamy, gan, gana, ganda, gandas, gander, gandhara, gandhi, gandhi,indira, gandhi,mohandas karamchand, gandhi,rajiv, gandiner,stephen, gandolfi, ganesa, gang, ganga, ganga dynasty, gange, ganges, ganges,river, gangsa, gangtok, ganister=ganister, ganlanmiao, gannet, gannett,henry, ganoid fish, gantlet=gauntlet, gantry, ganymede, ganymede:, ganymedes, gao, gaol, gaon, gapeseed, gaping, gar(或garpikes), garage, garagney, garamond,claude, garble, garborg,arne, garbo,greta, garcia, garcia lorca,federico, garcia marquez,gabriel, garcia moreno,gabriel, garciay inigues,calixto, garcilaso de la vega, garda,lake, garde, garden, garden city, garden grove, garden of the gods, gardena, gardenia, garden,mary, garderobe, gardiner:, gardiner,samuel rawson, gardner,dame helen louise, gardner,erle stanley, gardner,isabella stewart, gardner,john champlin,jr, gardner,percy, garfield, garfield,james abram, garfish, gargantua:, gargantuan, gargantua,la vie tres horrificque du grand, gargouillade, garibaldi,giuseppe, garland,hamlin, garland,judy, garlic, garlic mustard, garment, garneau,francois xavier, garner,john nance, garnett,richard, garnier, garnishee, garonne,river, garotte | 1 | garpike, garrick,david, garrison,william lloyd, garrotte, garrulity, garryowen, garter snake(或 ribbon snake), garter,order of the, garvey,marcus, gary, gary,elbert henry, gas constant, gas laws, gas mask, gas meter, gas oil, gas plant, gas turbine, gasca,pedro de la, gascoigne, gascoigne,george, gascony, gaskell,elizabeth cleghorn, gaskins, gasohol, gasoline, gasp, gaspe peninsula, gaspee, gasperi, gasperi,alcide de, gassendi,pierre, gasser, gasser,herbert spencer, gasted, gastness, gastonia, gastric juice, gastric ulcer, gastrin, gastritis, gastroenterology, gastronome, gastropod, gastrotricha, gastrula, gas,natural, gat, gatch, gate, gates, gateshead, gates,horatio, gates,sir thomas, gatling,richard jordan, gatti-casazza,giulio, gatun,lake, gatwick, gauche, gaucho, gaucho drama, gaudi y cornet,antonio, gaudier-brzeska,henri, gaudi,antoni, gaudy, gauffer, gauffrage, gauge theory, gauguin,paul, gauhati, gauleiter, gaulle, gaullists, gaultree forest:, gaunt, gaunt:, gaur, gauss's law, gauss,karl friedrich, gautama, gautier,theophile, gauze, gavaskar,sunil manohar, gavel, gavelkind, gaveston,piers, gavial, gavle, gavotte, gawain, gawd, gay-lussac,joseph louis, gaya, gayal, gayness, gay,john, gaza strip, gazebo, gazelle, gazette, gaziantep(或 aintab), gazump, gdansk, gdansk(或danzig), gdp, gdynia, ge, gearbox, geat, geb, geber, geck, gecko(或tokay), geddes,norman bel, geddes,sir patrick, gediminas, gee, geelong, geese, gegenschein, gehenna, geigen, geigenwerk, geiger, geiger counter, geiger,hans, geisel,ernesto, geist, gela, gelada, gelatin, geldof,bob, gelibolu, gelignite, gell-mann,murray, gelsenkirchen, gelt, gemayel,amin, gemeinschaften, geminate, gemini, gemini space program, geminy, gemstones(或 gem、precious stone), gem,artificial, gen, gendarme, gene, genealogical, genealogy, genecology, geneogenous, genepistasis, general agreement on tariffs and trade, general equilibrium, general paresis, general strike, general theory of relativity, generally, generate, generation, generic, generitype=generotype, genesee river, genet, genethlialogy, genetic code, genetic engineering, genetics, genet,edmod charles edouard, genet,jean, geneva bible, geneva conferences, geneva conventions, genevan, geneva,lake, genghis khan(或jenghiz khan), genial, genipap, genitals, genitivo, genk, gennet, genome, genotype, genre, genre painting, genro, genseric, gent, genteel, gentian, gentian violet, gentile da fabriano, gentileschi,orazio, gentile,giovanni, gentility, gentle-hearted, gentleman, gentlemen′s agreement, gentleness, gentles, gentlewoman, gently, gentrification, gentry, genuflect, genuine, geo, geo-, geochemistry, geochronology, geocide, geode, geodesy, geoeconomics, geoethnic, geoffrey martel, geoffrey of monmouth, geoffrey ⅳ, geoffroy saint-hilaire,etienne, geographic(al), geography, geologic eras, geological time scale, geological=geologic, geology, geomagnetic field, geometric mean, geometrid moth, geomorphology, geonomics, geophysics, geopolitic(al), geopolitics, george, george cross, george medal, george town, george ⅰ, george ⅱ, george ⅲ, george ⅳ, george ⅴ, george ⅵ, george-brown,baron, george:, george,henry, george,lake, george,st, george,stefan, georgian, georgian bay, georgian soviet socialist republic, georgian style, georgic, geosyncline, geothermal energy, geotropism, gera, geraldton, geranium, gerard,francois,baron, gerbil, gerentocratic, gerenuk, gericault,theodore, germ, germain, german confederation, german democratic republic, german east africa, german literature, german measles(或rebella), german shepherd dog, german shorthaired pointer, german wirehaired pointer, germander, germanic and scandinavian mythology, germanic languages, germanic law, germanic religion, germanicus julius caesar, germanium, germans, germany, germen, germicide, germination, germiston, gerogia, gerona, geronimo, gerontic, gerontology(或geriatrics), gerry, gerry,elbridge, gershwin,george, gerson, gerson,jean de, gertrude, gesenius,wilhelm, gesneria, gesner,conrad, gesso, gesta romanorum, gestalt, gestalt psychology, gestaltism, gestate, gesticulate, gestion, gesture, gesualdo,carlo,prince of venosa, get, get (pa. t. got or gat; pa. p. got or gotten), gethsemane, getting, getto, gettysburg, gettysburg address, gettysburg campaign, getty,jean paul, geulincx,arnold, geum, gevarts, gewgaw, geyser, geysers, gezelle,guido, gezira,el(或al-jazirah), ghana, ghats, ghazali,al-, ghazi, ghazi([ˈgɑ:zi:])i, ghaznavids, ghaznawids, ghegs, ghelderode,michel de, gheorghiu-dej,gheorghe, gherkin, ghettoization, ghettoize, ghibellines, ghiberti,lorenzo, ghirlandajo,domenico, ghironda, ghose, ghose,aurobindo, ghost dance, ghostly, ghostwrite, ghoul, ghurids, giacobbi, giacometti,alberto, giallo, giambologna, giant panda, giant silkworm moth, giant star, giant water bug, giant-like, giant-rude, giant’s causeway, gibberellins, gibbet, gibbons v.ogden, gibbons,grinling, gibbons,orlando, gibbons,stella, gibbon,edward, gibbon,lewis grassic, gibbosity, gibbs, gibbs,james, gibbs,josiah willard, gibing, gibralter,strait of, gibran,kahlil, gibson, gibson desert, gibson,althea, gibson,charles dana, gibus, gid, giddily, giddiness, giddings, giddy, giddy-paced, gideon, gideon v. wainwright, gide,andre, gielgud,sir john, gierek, gierek,edward, giers, giessen, gifts, gifu, giga, gigantes, gigantism, gigelira, giglet, giglio, gigli,beniamino, giglot, gigolo, gigue, gijon, gil blas, gila monster, gila river, gilbert islands, gilbert of sempringham,st, gilbert,cass, gilbert,sir humphrey, gilbert,sir william schwenk, gilbert,william, gilboa,ount, gilded, gilded age, gildersleeve,virginia crocheron, gilds, gilead, giles,carl ronald, gilgamesh, gilhoist, gilians, gillespie,dizzy, gilliflower, gillingham, gillotage, gillray,james, gillyflower, gillyflower(或 gilliflower), gill,eric, gilman,daniel coit, gilson,etienne, gilt, gilt-edged security, gilvous, gimbal, gimcrack, gimmal bit:, gimmals, gimmel, gimmers, gimmick, gimmors, gimp, gin rummy, ginastera,alberto, ging, gingerbread, gingerly, gingham, ginkel,godert de, 1st earl of athlone, ginkgo(或maidenhair tree), ginsberg,allen, ginseng, gioberti, gioconda, giocoso, giolitti, giono,jean, giordano,luca, giordano,umberto, giorgione, giornata, giotto, giovanni battista vico, giovanni di paolo, gipe, gipsy, gir, giraffe, giraldus cambrensis, girandole, girasol, giraudoux,jean, girded, girl, girl guides association, girl scouts, gironde, gironde,river, girondins, giroutte, girt, girth, girtin,thomas, gis, gis:, gisant, gisborne, giscard, giscard d’estaing,valery, gisement, gish,dorothy, gish,lillian, gislebertus, gissing,george robert, gitana, gittette,william, giulini,carlo maria, giulio romano, given, giver, giving, giving-out, giza,el, gi’:, gjellerup,karl adolf, glabella, glace bay, glacial, glacier, glacier national park, glaciology, glacis, glackens,william james, gladden, gladden,washington, gladding verbal, glade, gladiate, gladiators, gladstone, gladstone,william ewart, glair, glamis, glamis:, glamorgan, gland, glanville,ranulf de, glaser, glaser,donald arthur, glasgow,ellen, glaspell,susan, glass blowing, glass fiber, glass harmonica, glass snake, glass-gazing, glassed, glassfish, glasswort, glassy, glass,carter, glass,phillip, glastonbury, glauber,johann rudolf, glaucoma, glaucous, glaucus, glaze, glazunov,aleksandr konstantinovich, gleam, gleaned, glebe, glee, gleek, gleichschaltung, gleizes,albert leon, glen canyon dam, glen more, glencoe, glendale, glendower,owen, glenn, glenn,john, glenrothes, glib, glider, gliding, gliere,reinhold moritzovich, glike, glimmer, glinka,mikhail ivanovich, glint, gliss, glissade, glissandi, glissando, glisse, glist, glister, glistering, glitter, glitterati, glitz, gliwice(或gleiwitz), gloaming, gloat, globe fish, globe thistle, globeflower, globigerina, globle theatre, globular cluster, globulin, glochidium, glocken, gloden eagle, glomb, glomerate, glomerulonephritis, glomma,river, gloom, glooming, gloria, gloriette, glorify, gloriole, glorious revolution, glory, glossematic, glost, glottal, glottocentrism, glottochronology, glottogony, gloucester, gloucester:, gloucestershire, gloucestershire:, gloucester,gilbert de clare, 8th earl of, gloucester,humphrey,duke of, gloucester,richard de clare, 7th earl of, gloucester,robert,earl of, gloucester,thomas of woodstock,duke of, glove, gloves, glowworm, gloxinia, glozel, glubb,sir john bagot, glucagon, gluck,christoph willibald, glucose(或dextrose), glucoside, glum, gluon, glutamic acid, glute kick, glutinous, glycerol(或 glycerine), glycine, glycogen(或animal starch), glycol, glycolysis, glycosuria, glyndebourne, glyography, glyph, glyphograph, glyptic, glyptodon, glyptograph, glyptology, glyptotheca, gmt, gnarling, gnatcatcher, gneisenau, gneisenau,august graf neidhardt von, gneiss, gniezno, gnome, gnosis, gnostic, gnosticism, gnu, go(或i-go), goa, goad, goal, goat moth, goatfish, goatish, goatsbeard, goatsucker, goa,daman and diu, gob, gobbi,tito, gobble, gobelines,manufacture nationale des, gobi, gobi desert, gobind singh, gobineau,joseph arthur,comte de, goblin shark, gobo, goborone, goby, goclenian sorties, god save the king(或queen), godalming, godard,jean-luc, godavari,river, goddard,robert hutchings, godden,rumer, godel, godel,kurt, goderich,george frederick samuel robinson,viscount, godesberg(或bad godesberg), godey,louis antoine, godfrey of bouillo, godiva,lady, godliness, godolphin, godolphin,sidney,earl of, godoy,manuel de, godroon, godthab, godunov, godunov,boris, godwin, godwin(或godwine), godwin-austen, godwin,william, godwit, goebbels, goebbels,joseph, goerdeler, goering, goes,hugo van der, goethals,george washington, goethe, goethe,johann wolfgang von, gofer=goffer, gog and magog, gogarty,oliver st john, goggle, gogh,vincent van, gogo, gogol, gogol,nikolai vasilievich, gogs-wouns:, goiania, going, goitre, golan heights, golan([ˈgəuˈlɑ:n])heights, golconda, gold coast, gold coast,city of, gold rush, gold standard, gold-bound, goldberg,arthur joseph, goldberg,rube, goldcrest, goldelic, golden, golden age,latin, golden algae, golden ass, golden bull of 1222, golden calf, golden cat, golden chain, golden fleece, golden fleece,order of the, golden gate bridge, golden hind, golden horde, golden mole, golden pheasant, golden plover, golden pothos, golden retriever, golden rule, golden section, golden wattle, goldeneye, goldenly, goldenrod, goldfinch(或siskin), goldfish, goldie, goldilocks, golding,william, goldman, goldman,edwin franko, goldman,emma, goldoni,carlo, goldschimidt process, goldschmidt,richard benedict, goldsmith,oliver, goldwater,barry morris, goldwynism, goldwyn,samuel, gold,thomas, golem, golgi, golgi apparatus(或 golgi complex), golgi complex, golgi,camillo, golgotha:, goliad, goliard, goliardery, goliardic songs, goliards, golias:, goliath beetle, goliath frog, goliath:, gollancz,sir victor, golliwog=gollywog, golosh=goloshe, golovkin gavril ivanovich,count, gomar, gombroon, gombrowicz,witold, gomel, gomez, gomez,juan vicente, gompers,samuel, gomulka, gomulka,wladyslaw, gomuti, gonadotrophin, gonads, gonaives, goncharov,ivan aleksandrovich, goncourt,edmond de, gondar, gondilo, gondola, gondomar,diego sarmiento de acuna,conde de, gonds, gondwanaland, gone, gong chimes, gongche tablature, gongora y argote,luis de, goniometer, goniometry, gonorrhea, gonorrhoea, gonzaga, gonzales,pancho, gonzalez de mendoza,pedro, gonzalez marquez,felipe, gonzalez,julio, goo, good friday, good hope,cape of, good neighbor policy, good-limbed, good-night, good-year, goodly, goodman, goodman,benny, goodness, goodnow, goods, goodwife, goodwill, goodwin sands, goodwins:, goody, goodyear,charles, goof, googol, goole, goon, goosander, goose-pen, goose-quill, gooseberry, goosefoot(或pigweed), goossens,sir eugene, gopher tortoise, gorakhpur, goral, gorbachev, gorbachov,mikhail sergeyevich, gorbals, gorbellied, gorboduc, gorboduc:, gordian knot:, gordimer,nadine, gordin,jacob, gordon, gordon riots, gordon setter, gordon,charles george, gordon,judah leon, gordon,lord george, gored, goremykin, goren,charles henry, gorgas,william crawford, gorgias, gorgon, gorgon:, gorgons, goring, goring,hermann wilhelm, gorizia, gorkic, gorkii, gorki,maksim, gorky, gorky,arshile, gorlitz, gorlovka, gormandise=gormandize, gormandize, gormandizing, gorno-altai, gorno-badakshan, gorse(或furze), gorsgrain, gorton, gorton,sir john gray, gort,john vereken, 1st viscount, gosba, gosbank, goshauk, goshawk, goslar, gosnold,bartholomew, gospel, gospel songs, gospelled, gospels, gosport, goss, gossaert,jan, gossamour, gosse,sir edmund william, gossip-like, gossnab, got, gota canal, gotch, goteborg(或gothenburg), goth, gotha, gotha,almanach de, gothenburg, gothic art and architecture, gothic language, gothic novel, gothic revival, gothic romance, goths, goths:, gotland, gotten, gottfried von strassburg, gotthelf,jeremias, gottingen, gottschalk,louis moreau, gottsched,johann christoph, gottwald, gottwald,klement, gouache, gouda, gouge, goujon,jean, goulburn, gould,glenn, gould,jay, gould,stephen jay, gounod,charles francois, gourami, gourde, gourmand, governance, governess, government, government of india acts, governor, gowan, gower peninsula, gower,david ivon, gower,john, gowon,yakubu, gow,niel, goya, goya,francesco de, goyen,jan josephszoon van, goytisolo,juan, gozon,marquis de, gozzi,carlo, gpsy, graafian follicle, grab, grabby | 1 | graben, grable,betty, grabski, gracchus, gracchus,tiberius sempronius, graced, graceless, grace,william gilbert, gracian,baltasar, gracilis, gracioso, gracious, gradate, gradation, gradin, gradual, gradus, graeae(或graiae), graeco-, graff, graffing, graffiti, grafted, grafter, grafting, grafton, graft,tissue, graham land, grahamstown, graham,billy, graham,kenneth, graham,martha, graham,thomas, graham,william franklin, graiae, graian alps(或alpes graies,alpi graie), grail, grail,holy, grained, grainger,percy aldridge, gram atom, gram molecular volume, gram(s), gramdan, gramercies, grammar school, grammatology, gramme,zenobe-thephile, gramont, gramophile, gramophone, grampian region, grampians, grampus(或risso’s dolphin), gramsci,antonio, gram’s method, gran chaco, gran paradiso, granados,enrique, granary, granby,john manners,marquess of, grand alliance,war of the, grand army of the republic, grand banks, grand canyon, grand cayman, grand coulee dam, grand forks, grand guignol, grand mal, grand monde, grand national steeplechase, grand pre, grand rapids, grand remonstrance, grand river, grand teton national park, grand tour, grand-juryman, grandam, grande, grande dixence dam, grandeur, grandfather, grandfather clause, grandiloquence, grandioso, grandjuror, grandmaster, grandsire, grange movement, grangemouth, grangerize, grange,red, grantham, grant’s gazelle, grant,cary, grant,duncan, grant,ulysses simpson, granuloma, granuloma inguinale, granville-barker,harley, granville,granville george leveson-gower, 2nd earl, grape hyacinth, grape ivy, grape phylluxera, grapefruit, grapevine, graph, graphite, graphite(或plumbago), grappelli,stephane, graptolite, grasmere, grasp, grass monkey, grass of parnassus, grass pink, grass snake(或water snake), grass tree, grasse, grassfinch, grasshopper, grassmann,hermann gunther, grasso,ella tambussi, grass,gunter, grateful, gratian,flavius, graticule, gratify, gratillity:, grating, grattan’s parliament, grattan,henry, graubunden, gravamen, gravel, gravel-blind, gravelled, graves, gravesend, graves,robert, gravettian, gravicembalo, gravid, gravireceptors, gravitate, gravitation, gravitational collapse, gravitational interaction, graviton, gravity anomaly, gravity,artificial, gravure, gray, gray wolf, graylag, graymalkin:, graysbock, graywacke, gray’s inn, gray’s inn:, gray,asa, gray,elisha, gray,hanna holborn, gray,thomas, graz, grease, greasily, greasy, great artesian basin, great australian bight, great awakening, great barrier reef, great basin, great bear lake, great belt(或store bælt), great britain, great crested grebe, great dane, great depression, great dividing range(或great divide,eastern highlands), great exhibition, great falls, great glen(或glen more), great indian desert, great lake, great lakes, great mother of the gods, great ouse river, great plains, great pyrenees, great red spot, great rift valley(或east african rift system), great saint bernard pass, great salt lake, great sandy desert, great schism, great slave lake, great smoky mountains, great tit, great trek, great victoria desert, great vowel shift, great yarmouth, great zimbabwe, great-grown, greater antilles, greater manchester, greater sunda islands, greatly, greatness, greaves, grebe, greco-roman, greco,el, greece, greece,republic of, greed, greegree, greek, greek anthology, greek architecture, greek art, greek independence,war of, greek language, greek literature, greek music, greek myths, greek orthodox church, greek religion, greek revival architecture, greek-persian wars, greeley,horace, greely,adolphus washington, green algae, green bay, green belt, green flash, green monkey disease(或marburg disease), green mountain boys, green revolution, green river, green snake, green turtle, green weed, green-eyed, green-sickness, greenaway,kate, greenback, greenback party, greenbrier, greener, greene,henry graham, greene,nathaneal, greene,robert, greenfinch, greengage, greenham common, greenheart(sweet wood), greenhouse effect, greenland sea, greenland shark, greenly, greenock, greenough,horatio, greenpeace movement, greensboro, greenshank, greenville, greenwich mean time(gmt), greenwich village, greenwood,walter, green,henry, green,julian, green,paul, green,william, greeting, gregarious, grego, gregorian, gregorian calendar, gregorian chant, gregory, gregory of nazianzus,st, gregory of nyssa,st, gregory of tours,st, gregory ⅰ ,st, gregory ⅶ ,st, gregory ⅸ, gregory ⅹⅲ, gregory ⅺ, gregory,horace, gregory,james, gregory,lady augusta, grelots, grenada, grenada,state of, grenadier, grenadine, grenadine islands, grenfell,sir wilfred thomason, grenoble, grenville, grenville,george, grenville,sir richard, grenville,william,baron, gresham,sir thomas, gretna green, gretry,andre ernest modeste, greuze,jean-baptiste, greville,fulke, 1st baron brooke, grevy, grevy,jules, grey-eyed, greyhound racing, greylag goose(或graylag), greywacke(或graywacke), grey,charles, 2nd earl, grey,lady jane, grey,sir george, grey,zane, grezzle, gribble, grid, gridiron, grieg,edvard hagerup, grierson,john, grievance, grieve, grieved, grievingly, grievous, grievously, griffe, griffes,charles tomlinson, griffith, griffith,arthur, griffith,david wark, griffon vulture, griffon(dog), grift, grig, grignard, grignard reagents, grignard,francois auguste victor, grigri, grill, grillparzer,franz, grim-looked, grimace, grimaldi,francesco maria, grimaldi,joseph, grimalkin:, grimke,angelina emily and grimke,sarah moore, grimm, grimmelshausen,hans jacob christoph von, grimm’s law, grimm,jakob ludwig and grimm,wilhelm karl, grimond,joseph,baron, grimsby, grind, grindehwald, grindelia, grinder, grip, gripe, griping, gripper, griscent, grise, griseous, grison, grisons(或graubunden), grissel:, grissom,virgil, grist, gristle, gris,juan, grivas,georgios, grize, grizzled, grizzly bear, groan, grodno, grok, grolier de servieres,jean vicomte d’aguisy, gromyko, gromyko,andrel, gronchi,giovanni, groningen, groote, groote eylandt, groove, grope, gropius,walter, gropper,william, gros ventres, groseilliers,medard chouart,sieur des, grosgrain, gross domestic product, gross national product(gnp), grossdeutsch, grosser, grosseteste,robert, grossglockner, grossly, grossmith,george, grossness, grosz,george, gros,antoine jean,baron, grote, grotefend,george friedrich, grotesque, grotewohl, grotius, grotius,hugo, groton, grotto, ground beetle, ground bug, ground elder, ground ivy, ground pine, ground squirrel, ground state, grounded, groundnut, groundsel, groundwork, group, group dynamics, group psychotherapy, group theatre, group therapy, grouper, groupie, grouser, grovel, groves,sir charles, grove,lefty, grove,sir george, growing, growl, growth curve, growth factor, growth hormone(或somatotrophin), groza, grozny, grub street, grubstreet, grudging, grue, gruel, gruff, grumble, grumbling, grummelotage, grummet, grundtvig,nikolai frederik severin, grundyism, grunewald,matthias, gruyeres, gruziya, grzesinski, guadalajara, guadalcanal, guadalquivir,river, guadalupe hidalgo, guadalupe hidalgo,treaty of, guadalupe victoria, guadeloupe, guadiana, guaiacum, guajira, gualtier:, guan, guanaco, guanay, guangming daily, guangzhou daily, guano, guantanamo, guanyin=the goddess of mercy, guarana, guarantee, guardage, guardant, guarded, guardian, guardian and ward, guardian angels, guardia,tomas, guardi,francesco, guareschi,giovanni, guarini,giovanni battista, guarini,guarino, guarneri(或guarnerius), guarnerius family, guasave, guatemala, guatemala city, guatemala,republic of, guava, guayaquil, guaymas, guayule, guazzo, gubernatorial, guchkov,aleksandr, gudbrandsdal, gudmundsson,kristmann, gudrun, guelder rose(或snowball), guelfs and ghibellines, guelph, guelphs, guenon, guercino, guereza, guericke,otto von, guerilla=guerrilla, guernica, guernsey cattle, guerrero, guerrero,vicente, guerrilla warfare, guesde, guesse, guesser, guessingly, guest, guest-wise, gueux, guevara, guevara,che, guffaw, guggenheim, guiana, guiana highlands, guiana:, guicciardini,francesco, guichet, guidance and counseling, guidance system,spacecraft, guide dog, guided missiles, guido d'arezzo, guienne, guild socialism, guilder, guildford, guildhall:, guilds(或gilds), guile, guiled, guileful, guilford, guillaume, guillaume de lorris, guillen,jorge, guiltiness, guiltless, guilty, guimaraes, guimet, guinea, guinea coast, guinea fowl, guinea hen:, guinea pepper, guinea pig, guinea worm, guinea-bissau, guinea-bissau,republic of, guinea,equatorial, guinea,gulf of, guinea,people's republic of, guinever:, guinevere, guinness,sir alec, guiraldes,ricardo, guiscard,robert, guitar fish, guitry,lucien germain, guitry,sacha, guizot, guizot,francois, gujarati, gujranwala, gula, gulag, gulbenkian,calouste sarkis, gulch, gulf states, gulf stream, gulf war,the, gulfweed, gull-catcher, gullah, gullet, gulliver’s travels, gum arabic, gum tree, gumbo, gummed, gumption, gums, gun metal, gun-stone, gundulic,ivan, gunn effect, gunnarsson,gunnar, gunnel, gunny, gunn,thom, gunpowder, gunpowder plot, guns, guntur, gunwale, gunyah, guppy, gurdjieff,georges ivanovitch, gurdwara, gurkhas, gurnard, gurnet, gush, gusla, gusle, gusset, gustavus, gustavus ⅰ vasa, gustavus ⅱ adolphus, gustavus ⅴ, gusto, gut, gutenberg, gutenberg,johann, guthrie,sir william tyrone, guthrie,woody, guts, gutta, gutta-percha, gutter, guttered, guttur, guy, guyana, guyana,cooperative republic of, guyenne(或guienne), guynes and arde:, guyot, guy,sir:, guzman blanco, guzzle, guàng, guō, gwalior, gwent, gweru, gwinnett,button, gwynedd, gwyn,nell, gybe, gylsography, gym, gymkhana, gymnasial, gymnasiast, gymnastics, gymnophiona, gymnosophy, gymnosperm, gymnure(或hairy hedgehogs), gyn(a)ecology, gynaecic, gyor, gyp, gyps=gypse, gypsophila, gypsum, gypsy, gypsy moth, gypsy(或gipsy), gyrate, gyre, gyrfalcon, gyrocompass, gyropilot, gyroscope, gyrose, gyves, gàng, gèng, gā, gāi, gě, gěi, gǎng, g大调, g小调, g弦, g级, h ⅰ and h ⅱ regions, h'as:, h-bomb, h-r diagram, h.其它弦乐器, h.埃塞俄比亚, h.意大利, h.抗结核药, h.新加坡, h.车内设备与装潢, h.长城, h:, ha, ha', ha':, ha'rford-west, ha-ha mirror, haag,den, haakon ⅳ haakonsson, haakon ⅶ, haarlem, habanera, habatsu, habena, haber, haber-bosch process, haber,fritz, habile, habiliment, habiliments, habilitate, habitation, habited, habitus, habitué, haboku, habomai, habsburg, habsburgs, hacha, hachinohe, hachioji, hachure, hacienda, hackberry, hacker, hackle, hackney coach, hackney horse, had, hadal zone, hadar, haddington, haddock, hade, hades, hades(或pluto), hadewijch, hadhramaut, hadj, hadley cell, hadrian ⅳ, hadrian's wall, haecceity, haeckel, haeckel,ernst heinrich, haematite(或hematite), haematology, haemoglobin, haemophilia, haemorrhage, haemorrhoids, hafiz, hafiz,shams al-din muhammad, hafnium, hafsids, haganah, hagar, hagar's offspring:, hagen, hagen,walter charles, hagfish, haggadah(或aggadah), haggai, haggard,sir henry rider, haggis, hagia sophia(或santa sophia), hagiographa, hagiography, hague, hague agreement, hague tribunal(或permanent court of arbitration), hague(peace)conference, hague,the(或den haag), hahn, hahnemann,samuel christian friedrich, hahnium, hahn,kurt, hahn,otto, haick, haida indians, haidar ali(或hyder ali), haider, haiduk, haifa, haig, haig,alexander meigs,jr, haig,douglas haig, 1st earl, haiku, haile, haile selassie(ⅰ), hailsham of st. marylebone(或quintin mcgarel hogg),baron, hailwood,mike, hail,mary, hainaut, haines spin, haiphong, haiphong incident, hair-restorer, hairline, hairstreak, hairy frog, haiti, haitink,barnard, haiti,republic of, hajj(或hadj、haj), hakeem, hakenkreuz, hakluyt, hakluyt,richard, halafian, halakhah(或halachah、halacha), halaphone, halation, halberstadt, halcyone, haldane,john burdon sanderson, haldane,john scott, haldane,richard burdon, 1st viscount, haldimand,sir frederick, hale observatories, haleakala national park, halevy,jacques francois(或fromental elias levy), hale,edward everett, hale,george ellery, hale,nathan, hale,sarah josepha buell, hale,sir matthew, half-achieved, half-blooded, half-cheek, half-cheeked, half-faced, half-kirtles, half-life, half-moon, half-sword, half-timber wood, halfbeak, halfpence, halfpenny, haliburton,thomas chandler(或slick,sam), halibut, halicarnassus, halide, halidom, halidom=halidome, halidon hill,battle of, halifax,charles montagu, 1st earl of, halifax,edward frederick lindley wood, 1st earl of, halifax,george savile, 1st marquess of, halite, halitosis, hall effect, hallam, halle, halleck,fitz-greene, hallelujah=halleluiah, haller,albrecht von, halley's comet, halley,edmund, halle,sir charles, halling, hallmark, hallmarks, hallo, halloo, hallooing, hallowing, hallowmas, hallucinate, hallucination, hallucinogen, hall,asaph, hall,charles francis, hall,granville stanley, hall,lyman, hall,sir peter, halochromy, halogens, halsey,william frederick, halsingborg(或helsingborg), halston,roy halston frowick, hals,frans, halter, halting, halyard, hama(或hamah), hamadryas, hamamatsu, haman, hamartia, hamasa, hambone, hamburger, hamden, hamelin(或hameln), hamersley range, hames castle:, hamhung(或hamheung), hamilcar barca, hamilton river, hamilton,alexander, hamilton,alice, hamilton,iain ellis, hamilton,james, 1st duke of, hamilton,lady emma, hamilton,sir william rowan, hamites, hamito-semitic languages, hamlin, hamlin,hannibal, hamm, hammarskjold,dag, hammer throw, hammer v.dagenhart, hammerfest, hammerhead, hammerhead shark, hammersmith, hammerstein ⅱ ,oscar, hammett,dashiell, hammock, hammond, hammond organ, hammond,dame joan, hammond,wally, hammurabi, hammurabi,code of, hammurapi=hammurabi, hamnam(或hamhung、hungnam), hamonica, hampden, hampden,john, hampshire, hampstead, hampton court, hampton institute, hampton roads, hampton:, hampton,lionel, hamster, hamsun, hamsun,knut, hamza=hamzah, hanau, hancock, hancock,john, hancock,tony, hancock,winfield scott, hand-saw, handball, handel, handel,george frederick, handicap, handicraft, handicraftsman, handkercher, handke,peter, handley page,sir frederick, handling, handlin,oscar, handout, hands, handsel, handy-dandy:, handy,william christopher, hand,learned, hang seng, hang-gliding, hangar, hangdog, hanged, hanger, hanging gardens of babylon | 1 | hangings, hangman, haniwa, hank, hanker, hanky, hanna, hanna,marcus alonzo(或mark hanna), hannibal:, hanover, hanover=hannover, hanoverian, hanover,house of, hansa towns, hansberry,lorraine, hanseatic, hanseatic league, hansen's disease, hanson,duane, hanson,howard, hanukkah(或chanukah), hap, haphazard, haply, happen, happiest, happily, happiness, hapsburgs(或habsburgs), harangue, harappa, harar(或 harer), harass, harat, harbour, harbour seal, harbour=harbor, harcourt, hard-favoured, hard-handed, hard-ruled, hardanger fjord, hardecanute, harden, hardenberg, hardenberg,friedrich von, hardenberg,karl august von, hardie,james keir, hardiment, hardiness, harding, hardinge of lahore,henry, 1st viscount, harding,warren gamaliel, hardly, hardness, hardness seale, hardock, hardouin-mansart,jules, hardwar, hardware, hardwick,elizabeth, hardy,godfrey harold, hardy,thomas, hare, hare krishna movement, hare-brained, harebell, harelip, harer, hare,william, harfleur, harflew:, hargreaves, hargreaves,james, haricot bean, haringey, hariri,abu muhammad al-kasim al-, harishchandra, hari,mata, harlan,john marshall, harle, harlech, harlem, harlem globetrotters, harlem renaissance, harlequin cabbage bug, harlequin duck, harley,robert, 1st earl of oxford, harlotry, harlow, harlow,jean, harmless, harmodius and aristogiton, harmon, harmonic analysis, harmonic motion, harmonic progression, harmonica, harmonicon, harmsworth,alfred, harmsworth,harold, harn, harnack,adolf von, harness racing, harnett,william michael, harney, harold bluetooth, harold ⅰ harefoot, harold ⅱ, harold ⅲ hardraade, harold([ˈhærəld])ⅱ, haroun al-raschid, harp seal, harpe, harper, harpers ferry, harpers ferry raid, harper,william rainey, harpier, harpies, harpy eagle, harquebus, harquebus(或arquebus), harridan, harrier, harriman, harriman,edward henry, harriman,william averell, harrington, harrington,james, harrisburg, harrison, harrison,benjamin, harrison,george, harrison,rex, harrison,william henry, harris,frank, harris,joel chandler, harris,julie, harris,patricia roberts, harris,roy, harris,william torrey, harrogate, harry, harry:, harsa(或harsha), harshness, harte, hartebeest, harte,brett, hartford, hartford convention, hartford fern, hartford wits, hartington,lord, hartlepool, hartley, hartley,leslie poles, hartley,marsden, hartmann von aue, hartmann,eduard von, hartmann,nicolai, hartnell,sir norman, hart,basil henry liddell, hart,john, hart,lorenz milton, hart,moss, harun, harun ar rashid, harunobu(或 suzuki harunobu), harvard classification system, harvard university, harvest mite, harvest mouse, harvest-home, harvey, harvey,william, harwell, harwich, haryana, harz mountains, has, has:, hasan al-basri,al-, hasa,al, hasdrubal, hasek,jaroslav, haselrig,sir arthur, hash, hashemites, hashery, hashigakari, hashira, hashish, hasid, hasidism, haskalah, hasmoneans, hassall,john, hassam,childe, hassan ⅱ, hassel, hasselt, hassi messaoud, hassid, hassle, hast, haste-post-haste, hasten, hastings,battle of, hastings,francis rawdonhastings, 1st marquess of, hastings,warren, hasty, hat, hatch act, hatches, hatchetfish, hatchment, hateful, hatfield, hath, hathaway,anne, hatrack, hatshepsut, hatta,mohammad, hatteras,cape, hattiesburg, hattusas, hauber’s law, haud credo, haughey,charles, haught, hauhauism, haul, haunted, hauptmann, hauptmann,gerhart, hauraki gulf, hausa, hausa states, hausas, haussmann, haussmann,georges-eugene,baron, haut, hautbois, hautboy, haute, hauteur, havana cat, havel, haven, haver, havering, haversack, havildar, having, haviour, haw, haw-haw,lord, hawaii volcanoes national park, hawaiian goose(或ne-ne), hawaiian honeycreeper, hawaiian(或steel)guitar, hawarden, hawfinch, hawick, hawk moth(或 sphinx moth、hummingbird moth), hawk owl, hawke bay, hawkesbury river, hawkes,john, hawke,edward, 1st baron, hawke,robert, hawking, hawking:, hawking,stephen william, hawkins, hawkins,coleman, hawkins,sir john, hawksbill, hawksbill turtle, hawksmoor,nicholas, hawks,howard, hawkweed, hawley-smoot tariff act, haworth, haworth,sir walter norman, hawse, hawthorn, hawthorn(或 may), hawthorne, hawthorne,nathaniel, hawthorn,mike, hay fever, hay-bunau-varilla convention, hay-herran treaty, hay-pauncefote treaties, haya de la torre,victor raul, haydn, haydn,franz joseph, hayek,friedrich august von, hayes, hayes,rutherford birchard, haymarket square riot, haynes, hays, hayward, haywood, haywood,william dudley, hayworth,rita, hay,john, hay,will, hazaras, haze, hazlitt,william, hazzard,shirley, he, head deformation, head start, head-lugged, head-piece, head-stall, headache, headacher, headborough, headed, headhunting, headland, headlong, headstrong, heady, heady-rash, head,edith, head,sir francis bond, heal, heal-all(或all-heal), healey,denis winston, health and human services,united states department of, health insurance, health physics, healthful, healthsome, health,education and welfare,united states department of, healy, heard and macdonald islands, hearer, hearing aid, hearne,samuel, hearn,lafcadio, hearsed, hearst,william randolph, heart attack, heart defects,congenital, heart disease, heart failure, heart murmur, heart of atlanta motel v. united states, heart transplant, heart urchin, heart-blood, heart-grief, heart-lung machine, heart-offending, heart-string, heart-whole, heartburn, hearted, hearten, heartily, heartless, hearts, heartsease, heat balance, heat capacity(或 thermal capacity), heat content, heat death of universe, heat engine, heat of formation, heat of fusion, heat of neutralization, heat of reaction, heat of sublimation, heat of vaporization, heat pump, heat transfer, heat treatment(或tempering), heat-oppressed, heated, heathenish, heather, heather(或ling), heathrow(或london)airport, heath,edward, heatstroke, heaven-kissing, heavenly, heavens, heavily, heaviness, heaviside,oliver, heavy spar, heavy water(或deuterium oxide), heavy-headed, hebbel,christian friedrich, hebe, hebenon, hebert,jacques-rene, hebert,louis, hebona, hebrew literature, hebrews,epistle to the, hebrides,the, hecate, hecate:, hecatomb, hecatoncheires, hecatonstylon, hecht,ben, heckelclarina, heckelphone, hecker,isaac thomas, heckfer, heckle, hecto, hectograph, hector:, hecuba, hecuba:, hedge sparrow, hedge-born, hedge-pig, hedge-priest, hedgehog cactus, hedgehop, hedging, heedful, heedfully, heel, heels, heenan,john carmel,cardinal, heft, hegel, hegelianism, hegel,georg wilhelm friedrich, hegemony, hegira, hehe, heian period, heiberg,johan ludvig, heidegger,martin, heidelberg man, heidenstam, heidenstam,verner von, heifer, heifetz,jascha, heigh-ho, heijermans,herman, heike-monogatari, heilbronn, heimdall, heimlich maneuver, heimwehr, heine, heine,heinrich, heinkel, heinous, heinously, heinsius, heir-apparent, heisei period, heisenberg uncertainty principle, heisenberg,werner karl, hejaz(或western province), hekla, hel, heldenlieder, helder,den, helen, helen:, helena, helena,st, helgoland, heliborne, helicab, helical, helicon, helicon:, heliconia, heligoland-zanibar agreement, heliocentric, heliocentric system, heliochrome, heliolamp, heliomorphism, heliophobe, heliopolis, heliotropism, heliotype, heliotypography, heliozincography, heliozoa(或sun animal), helium, helium dating, hell-broth, hell-governed, hell-hated, hell-hound, hell-kite, helladic, helladic culture, hellbender, hellbent, hellebore, helleborine, hellen, hellene, hellenica, hellenism, hellenistic age, hellenistic civilization, heller,joseph, heller,walter, hellespont, hellespont:, hellgrammite(或dobson), hellish, hellman,lillian, helmand, helmet, helmet shell, helmholtz, helmholtz,hermann ludwig ferdinand von, helmont,jan baptist von, helms,richard mcgarrah, helot, helots, helpful, helpless, helpmann,sir robert, helsingborg, helsingfors, helsingor(或elsinore), helter-sketter, helvellyn, helvetian, helvetii, helvetius,claude adrien, hem-twist, hematite, hematoma, hemel hempstead, hemi-, hemichordata, hemicolloid, hemidemisemiquaver, hemilcycle, heming, hemingway, hemingway,ernest, hemiola, hemiparalysis, hemiplegia, hemiptera, hemisphere, hemlet, hemline, hemolysis, hemolytic streptococci, hemon,louis, hemophilia, hemorrhaging, hemorrhoids(或piles), hemp, hempen, hemstitch, hen, henbane, henbury craters, hence, henceforth, hendecasyllabic, henderson, henderson,alexander, henderson,arthur, hendon, hendrix,jimi, henequen, heng samrin, hengemono, hengist and horsa, henie,sonja, henley, henley-on-thames, henley,william ernest, henotheism, henotic, henrician articles, henrietta maria, henri,robert, henry ([ˈhenri])ⅰ, henry ([ˈhenri])ⅱ, henry ([ˈhenri])ⅲ, henry ([ˈhenri])ⅳ, henry ([ˈhenri])ⅷ, henry e. huntington library and art gallery, henry of navarre, henry the cardinal, henry the lion, henry the navigator, henry the proud, henry ⅰ, henry ⅱ, henry ⅱ the saint, henry ⅲ, henry ⅳ, henry ⅴ, henry ⅵ, henry ⅶ, henry ⅷ, henry's law, henry([ˈhenri])ⅰ, henry([ˈhenri])ⅲ, henry(ⅰ)the fowler, henry:, henryson,robert, henry,joseph, henry,o, henry,patrick, hens and chicks(或house leek), henslowe,philip, henson,matthew alexander, henty family, henze,hans werner, heparin, hepatica, hepatitis, hepburn,katherine, hepcat, hephaestus, hepplewhite,george, hepta, heptagon, heptameron, heptane, heptasyllabic, heptathlon, hepworth,dame jocelyn barbara, hera, heracles(或herakles、hercules), heraclius, herakleon, herakles, herald's college, heraldy, herat(或harat), herb, herb paris, herb robert, herbaceous plant, herbart,johann friedrich, herbert, herbert,edward, 1st baron, herbert,george, herbert,sir alan patrick, herbert,victor, herbet,henry howard molyneux, 4th earl of carnarvon, herbicide(或weedkiller), herbivore, herblock, herbs and spices, hercegovina, herculaneum, hercules, hercules beetle, hercules moth, hercules:, herculite, herd, herd's grass, herder,johann gottfried von, herdsman constellation, here-approach, here-remain, hereafter, heredia,jose maria, heredia,jose maria de, heredity, hereford, hereford and worcester, hereford cattle, hereford:, herefordshire, herein, hereof, heretic, hereward the wake, herma, herman, hermandad, hermann von reichenau, hermaphrodite, hermaphrodite(或bisexual), hermeneutic, hermeneutics, hermes trismegistos, hermes:, hermetic, hermeticism, hermit crab, hermit thrush, hermitage, hermite,charles, hermon,mount, hermopolis, hermosillo, hernandez,miguel, herndon,william henry, herne, herne the hunter:, hernia(或rupture), herniated disk, hero and leander, hero of alexandria, herod, herod agrippa ⅰ, herod agrippa ⅱ, herod antipas, herod ⅰ the great, herod:, herodotus, heroic couplet, heroin, heroin(或diamorphine), heronsbill, herophilus, herpes, herpetology, herrara,jose joaquin, herren club, herrera campins,luis, herrera the younger,francisco de, herrera y reissig,julio, herrera,francisco de, herrera,juan de, herrick, herrick,robert, herring gull, herriot,edouard, herschel,sir john, herschel,sir william, hersey,john, herskovits,melville jean, herstmonceux(或hurstmonceux), hertford, hertfordshire, hertogenbosch,’s, hertwig,oscar, hertzog,james barry munnik, hertzsprung-russell diagram, hertz,heinrich rudolf, herzeberg, herzegovina, herzen, herzen,aleksandr, herzl, herzl,theodor, herzog,chaim, herzog,werner, hesilrige,sir arthur, hesion, hesitate, hesperides, hesperides:, hesperornis, hess, hesse, hesse,hermann, hessian, hessian fly, hess,dame myra, hess,moses, hess,rudolf, hess,victor francis, hest, hestia, hesychast, hetaerism=hetairism, heterism, heteroclisis, heteroclitic(al), heterodox, heterogamous, heterogen, heterogenist, heterogenize, heterogony, heterologous, heterology, heterometaplasia, heteronomous, heterophemy, heteroplasia, heterosex, heterosome, heterozygote, heuchera(或alum root), heurism, heuss, hevelius,johannes, hevesy,george charles vou, hewes,joseph, hewgh, hex-, hexachord, hexadromic, hexahedral, hexangular, hexapla, hexapodic, hexapody, hexastich, hexastyle, hexastylos, hexasyllabic, hexasyllable, hexatone, hexerei, hey non nonny:, heydrich,reinhard, heyerdahl,thor, heyse,paul, heysham, heyward, heyward,dubose, heyward,thomas,jr, heywood,john, heywood,thomas, hezekiah, hf, hg, hi-fi components, hi-fi music, hialeah, hiatus, hiatus hernia, hiawatha, hibernate, hibernation, hibiscus, hibocrates:, hic et ubique, hiccup(或hiccough), hick, hick and hack:, hickok,james butler, hicksville, hicks,edward, hicks,elias, hickwall, hic,haec,hoc, hid, hid-fox, hidalga, hidalgo, hidalgo y costilla,miguel, hidatsas, hideous, hiemal, hiems, hieracosphinx, hierapolis, hierarch, hierarchy, hierocracy, hierodule, hieroglyph, hieroglyphics, hierogram, hierolatry, hierology, hieromonach, hieron, hierophant, hierro, hierurgical, higashiosaka, higginson,thomas wentworth, higgins,alex, higgle, high blood pressure(或 hypertension), high point, high priest, high school, high wycombe, high-blown, high-born, high-day, high-engendered, high-fidelity sound system(或hi-fi), high-grown, high-judging, high-lone, high-minded, high-proof:, high-reaching, high-reared, high-temperature physics, high-wrought, higher education, highest, highgate, highjump, highland dress, highland games, highland pony, highland region, highlands, highly, highmost, highness, highsmith,patricia, hight, hig,hag,hog, hijack, hike, hilarity, hilary of poitiers,st, hilbert, hilbert,david, hildebrand, hildesheim, hilding, hill mynah, hillary,sir edmund, hillel, hillery,partrick, hilliard,nicholas, hillingdon, hillman,sidney, hill,archibald vivian, hill,david octavius, hill,graham, hill,james jerome, hill,joe, hill,octavia, hill,sir rowland, hilton,james, hilts, hilum, hilversum, him, himachal pradesh, himalayas, himeji, himmler, himmler,heinrich, hims, himself, hinayana, hinayana buddhism, hinckley, hinckley:, hincks,sir francis, hincmar of reims, hindemith,paul, hindenburg, hindenburg,paul von, hindering, hindmost, hindoo, hindsight, hindu kush, hindu music, hinduism, hindustani, hines,earl, hinkler,herbert john lewis, hinny, hinshelwood,sir cyril norman, hinterland, hipparchus, hipparion, hippeastrum, hipped, hippias, hippo, hippocratic oath, hippocrene, hippodrome, hippolytus, hippopotamus, hirabayashi v. united states, hiranuma kiichiro,baron, hire purchase, hiren:, hirosaki, hirota, hirsch,samson raphael, hirsch,samuel, hirshhorn museum and sculpture garden | |