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单词 _TAB_zzmm04(>=1)
Tabs Headwords
1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , ,
1 , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , , a b c:, a cappella, a posteriori, a priori, a thousand and one nights, a zero-base budgeting system, a-b and c-parts, a-b-c-tables, a-birding:, a-bomb, a-down,a-down:, a-factor, a-head, a-height, a-high, a-night:, a-pieces, a-ripening, a-row, a-tilt, a-twain, a-weary, a-work, a. 建筑, a. 日本, a.亚洲, a.传统阵容, a.保养与维修, a.军事院校, a.军用仓库, a.军队宫地, a.冷沙司类, a.北天星座, a.南京, a.咖啡与可可, a.唱机种类, a.埃及, a.城市规划, a.天安门广场, a.天干, a.头发与发型, a.客运与客运列车, a.家禽类, a.小麦生产, a.干部, a.广州(广东), a.建筑木料, a.建筑涂料, a.式样、型号等, a.弓、箭, a.录音机种类, a.房间名称, a.手柄, a.收音机种类, a.普通实验仪器, a.本币, a.机场建筑设施, a.机床, a.果园, a.楼梯, a.气缸, a.水稻生产, a.测量, a.清汤类, a.澳大利亚, a.灵长类, a.照相机种类, a.猎场, a.猪肉类, a.理发工具, a.电视接收机种类, a.电视摄像机种类, a.皮毛服装, a.直升机类型, a.石料, a.磨床, a.离合器, a.管乐器, a.管道, a.美国, a.自行车种类, a.船舶结构, a.英国, a.茶的种类, a.裁剪, a.西安(陕西), a.购买, a.车床种类, a.车站及配套设施, a.转向限制标志, a.轮, a.轴, a.郑州(河南), a.钻床, a.铁路种类, a.镗床, a.长沙(湖南), a.陆军, a.降压药, a.鱼类, aaa, aachen(aix-la-chapelle), aachen,congress of, aachen,treaty of, aakjaer,jeppe, aalborg(或alborg), aalesund, aalst(或 alost), aaltonen,waino, aalto,alvar, aardwolf, aargau, aarhus, aaron,hank, aa制, ab crunch, ab extra, abaca, aback, abacter, abactio, abaft, abakan, abalienate, abalone, abandonment, abas, abash, abasia, abatement, abattoir, abba, abbadids, abbas the gerat, abbas ⅰ(或 abbas the great), abbasid, abbasids, abbasside, abbas,ferhat, abbatial, abbess, abbey theatre, abbott,berenice, abbott,sir john, abbreviate, abbreviation, abc, abc powers, abc国家, abd al-aziz h ibn saud, abd al-rahman khan, abd ar-rahman ⅰ, abd ar-rahman ⅱ, abd ar-rahman ⅲ, abd el-krim, abd rahman putra, abd=all but dissertation, abdias, abdicate, abduce, abduct, abduction, abductor, abdul-jabber,kareem, abdullah, abdullah ibn al-husayn, abe kobo, abecedarian, abecedarium, abelard,peter, abell,kjeld, abel,niels henrik, aberbart,william, abercromby,sir ralph, aberdeen, aberdeen,george hamilton-gordon, 4th earl of, aberglaube, aberrance, aberration, aberration of light, abesse, abet, abeyance, abgrenzung, abherent, abhominable, abhorred, abidjan, abience, abigail, abilene, ability, abiotic, abjudicate, abla=amateur bicycle league of america, ablactate, ablare, ablate, ablatival, ablaut, ablaze, ablegate, ablution, abm, abnaki, abnaki(或wabanaki), abnegate, abnormal, abodement, abolish, abolition movement, abominable, abominable snowman(或 yeti), abominate, aboriginal, abort, abortion, abortive, aboukir(或abukir), aboukir,battle of, abounding, about:, aboveground, abozzo, abracadabra, abrade, abraham, abraham(或abram), abraham:, abrahamman, abraham,plains of, abram, abram:, abrams,creighton williams, abrasion, abrasives, abravanel,judah, abreact, abreast, abridgment, abrim, abroach, abrook, abrupt, abruzzi(或abruzzo), absalom, absalon, abscess, abscind, abscission, abscond, abseil, absent, absentia, absolute value, absolute zero, absolutely, absolution, absolutism, absolved, absonant, absorb, absorption, absquatulate, abstain, abstemious, abstention, abstract expressionism, abstract(或nonobjective) art, abstraction-creation, abstruse, absyrtus:, abs树脂, abu bakar, abu bakar bin ibrahim, abu bakr, abu hanifah, abu simbel(或abu sunbel), abu tammam habib ibn aus, abu-al-wafe, abu-nuwas, abuja, abukir, abulia, abundance, abused, abuser, abushiri bin sheikh, abusing, abustle, abut, abutilon, abutting, aby, abydos, abysmal, abyss, abyssal zone, abyssinian cat, ab制, ac, acacia, academe, academia, academie francaise, academy awards, academy of motion picture arts and sciences, academy,greek, acadia, acadia national park, acalcerosis, acalculia, acappella, acapulco, acas(advisory,conciliation and arbitration service), acatalectic, acataleptic, acataphasia, acatastasia, acausality, accad, accademia, accedas ad curiam, accede, accelerate, acceleration, acceleration of free fall, accelerator, accelerator principle, accelerometer, accentor(或shufflewing), accents, acceptance house, acceptilatio, accessary, accessorie, accessories, acciaccatura, accidie, accite, accius,lucius, acclaim, acclimate, acclivity, accolade, accommodo, accompany, accomplished, accompt, accomptant, accordant, according, accordingly, accorescendo, accounted, accounting, accoutre, accoutrement, accoutrements, accredit, accrete, accrington, acculturate, accumulate, accumulator(或secondary cell), accuracy, accursed, accustom, accustomed, accutron, acephalous, acerb, acetaldehyde, acetate, acetic acid, acetone, acetylcholine, acetylene(或ethyne), acetylenes, acetylsalicylic acid, ach, achaea, achaea([əˈki:ə])league, achaean league, achaeans, achaemenian dynasty, achard,franz karl, achates, achebe,chinua, achene, achernar(或alpha eridani), acheron, acheron:, acheson, acheson,dean gooderham, acheulean, acheulian, achievement, achill island, achilles:, achilles′heel, achin, achitophel, achitophel:, achloropsia, achromat, achromatic lens, achrophobia, acid rain, acidhead, acidophilus milk, acidosis, aciesis, ack-ack, ackers, acknowledge, acknown, acme, acmeists, acne, acolyte, acoma, aconcagua,mount, aconite(或 monkshood), aconitum, acornworm, acosmic, acouchi(或acushi), acoustic (al), acoustic wave, acoustics, acquaintance, acquainted, acquest, acquiesce, acquire, acquired character, acquired immune deficiency syndrome, acquittal, acquittance, acracholia, acrasia, acre(或akko), acrid, acritical, acritochromacy, acrobacy, acrolect, acromegaly, acronym, acrophobe, acrophony, acropodiun, across, acroteria, acrotheater, acrylic, acrylic compound, acrylic painting, act of god, acta, actaeon, actaeon:, acted, acth, acting, actinides, actinium, actinium series, actinomycetes, actio, action, action painting, action potential, action-taking, actium,battle of, activate, activated charcoal, activation energy, active, active galaxy, acton,john emerich edward dalberg, 1st baron, actors’ studio, acts of the apostles, actual, actuarial, actuary, actuate, actus, acuity, aculeate, acumen, acuminate, acupuncture, acushi, acv, ac线, ad hoc, ad nauseam, ada, adad(或hadad), adad-nirari ⅱ, adad-nirari ⅲ, adagio, adalbert, adalbert,st, adam, adam and eve, adam de la halle, adam:, adamellite, adamnan,st, adamov,arthur, adams, adams,ansel, adams,charles francis, adams,henry, adams,james truslow, adams,john, adams,john couch, adams,john quincy, adams,maude, adams,richard, adams,samuel, adam,adolphe-charles, adam,robert, adana, adapa, adapt, adaptation, adaptive radiation, addams,charles samuel, addams,jane, addax, addict, addicted, addied, addington,henry, 1st viscount sidmouth, addinsell,richard, addis ababa, addis ababa(或 addis abeba), addison’s disease, addison,joseph, addison,thomas, addition reaction, additive, addressed, adduce, adeem, adelaide, adelantado, adelie coast(或 adelie land), aden, adenauer,konrad, adenine, adenoids, adenosine triphosphate, aden,gulf of, adept, adequacy, ader,clement, adessee, adessive, adeu, adhesives, adi granth, adiabatic, adiabatic process, adiaphorism, adiaphorous, adiathesia, adieu, adige,river, adil shahi dynasty, adipocere, adirondack mountains, adjacent, adjoin, adjoint, adjourn, adjudicate, adjure, adjust, adjutant, adjutant stork, adler, adler,alfred, adler,cyrus, adler,felix, adler,larry, adlet, adlib, admeasure, admetus, adminicle, adminicular, adminiculate, administer, administrative law, admirable, admiralty islands, admiralty law, admiralty,board of, admiral’s cup, admiration, admired, admit, admittance, admix, admonishment, adnoun, ado-ekiti, adobe, adolescence, adolescent, adolf of nassau, adolphus fredrick, adonis:, adopted, adorn, adowa(或adwa,aduwa), adr method=alternate dispute resolution method, adrenal glands, adrenaline(或epinephrine), adrenocorticotrophic hormone, adrian ⅳ, adrian([ˈeidriən])ⅰ, pope, adrianople,battle of, adrian,edgar douglas, 1st baron, adriatic sea, adrift, adroit, adsorb, adsorption, adstratum, adsum (l.):, adulate, adulation, adullamites, adult, adult education(或continuing education), adultery, adumbrate, aduwa, advaita, advanced, advancement, advantageable, advent christian, adventerous, adventists, adventurous, adventurously, adversaria, adversaries, adversity, advert, advertise, advertise=advertize, advertisement, advertising, advertistics, advertorial, advid, advise, advised, advisedly, advisory, advocaat, advocation, advowson, adwa, adygel, ady,endre, adz, adzhar autonomous soviet socialist republic, aeacides:, aechmea, aedes, aediles, aedoeology, aegae, aegean civilizations, aegean sea, aegina(或aiyina), aegipan, aegisthus, aegrotat, aelfric, aemilian, aeneas, aeneas:, aeneid, aeolian, aeolian formation, aeolian harp, aeolian islands, aeolis, aeolus, aeolus:, aeon, aepyornis, aequi, aerarium, aerate, aerobe, aerobic, aerobics, aerodynamics, aeroembolism(或bends), aerofoil, aeronautical engineering, aeronautics, aeronomy, aerosol, aerosol dispenser, aerospace medicine, aery, aeschines, aesculapius, aesculapius:, aesir, aesop, aesop:, aesop’s fables, aesthematology, aesthetics, aethelber(h)t, aethelber(h)t ⅰ, aethelflaed, aethelred ⅱ, aethelwulf, aetiology, aetius,flavius, aetolia, af=air force, afar off:, afars, afars and the issas,french territory of the, afeard, affability, affable, affair, affairs, affected, affecting, affection, affectioned, affections, affects, affeered, affenpinscher, affettuoso, affiche, affidavit, affied, affiliate, affined, affirm, affirmative action, affix, afflatus, afflicted, affliction, affluence, afflux, afforce, afforest, affreight, affricate, affrighted, affy, afghan hound, afghanistan, afghanistan,democratic republic of, afghani,jamal ad-din al-, aficionado, afield, afloat, aforethought, afortiori, afoul, afp, afraid, africa:, african languages, african methodist episcopal church, african methodist episcopal zion church, african national congress(anc), african trypanosomiasis, african violet, afrikaans, afrikander, afrikaners, afrit, afro-asiatic languages, afront, aft, after-hours, after-supper, after-times, afterbirth, afterimage, afternoon, ag, ag(e)ing, aga khan ⅰ, aga khan ⅱ, aga khan ⅲ, aga khan ⅳ, aga muhammad khan(或agha muhammad khan), agade, agadir, agadir([ˌɑ:gəˈdiə(r)])crisis, again, agalma, agalmatolite, agamemnon, agamemnon:, agamy, agana, agapanthus, agape, agar(或agar-agar), agaric, agartala, agassiz,jean louis rodolphe, agate-ring, agate-stone, agathocles, agazed, age set, aged, agee,james, agence france-press, agency, agendum, agenesis, agent, agenzia nazionale stampa associata(ansa), ager privatus, ager publicus, ager vectigalis, agerp=agentia romina de presa, agesilaus ⅱ, aggadah, agglutinate, agglutination, aggrandize, aggress, aggriefed, aggrieve, aggro, agha, agha muhammad khan, aghan, aghast, agile, agincourt, agincourt:, agincourt,battle of, agio, agis ⅱ, agis ⅳ, agita, agitate, agitprop, aglaia, aglet-baby, aglow, agnail, agname, agnean, agnesi,maria gaetana
1 agnes,st, agnew,spiro theodore, agnize, agnomen, agnon,shmuel yosef, agnosia, agnostic, agnosticism, agog, agogic, agogo, agon, agone, agonist, agonize, agony, agood, agostini,glacomo, agot, agouti, agra, agraffe, agranulocytosis, agrapha, agraphia, agrarian, agreamentum, agreeing, agreement, agrement, agricola,georgius, agricola,gnaeus julius, agricultural adjustment administration(aaa), agrigento, agrimony, agriology, agrippa,marcus vipsanius, agrippina the elder, agrippina ⅱ(agrippina the younger), agrium, agro, agronomy, aground, aguascalientes, ague, aguecheek:, agueface:, aguinaldo,emilio, agulhas,cape, agustin ⅰ, ahab, ahad ha-am, ahaggar, ahamad khan,sir sayyid, ahaz, ahead, ahidjo,ahmadou, ahistoric(al), ahmad shah durrani, ahmadabad(或ahmedabad), ahmadnagar(或 ahmednagar), ahmed ⅰ, ahmed ⅱ, ahmed ⅲ, ahmednagar, ahmose ⅰ(或ahmes ⅰ), ahriman(或angra mainyu), ahura mazda, ahvaz, ahvenanmaa islands, aidance, aidant, aidan,st, aide, aide-de-camp, aide-memoire, aiguillette, aikata, aiken, aiken,conrad, aiken,howard hathaway, aikido, ail, ailanthus, aileron, ailey,alvin, ailment, ailsa craig, ainsworth,william harrison, aintab, aintree, ain,river, aio te,aeacida,romanos vincere posse (l.):, air de carate, air de cour, air lock, air mass, air plant, air pollution, air pressure, air sac, air space, air-braving, air-cushion vehicle(acv), air-drawn:, aircraft carrier, aircraft engine, aircraft(或 airplane), airdrie, airedale terrier, airfoil(或aerofoil), airglow, airplane, airship(或dirigible balloon), airtel, airtime, airy, airy,sir george biddle, aisha(h), aisle, aisne,river, aix-en-provence, aix-la-chapelle, aix-la-chapelle,congress of, aix-la-chapelle,treaty of, aix-les-bains, aiyina, ajaccio, ajanta caves, ajar, ajax (ajax telamonius):, ajax,the greater, ajax,the lesser, ajman, ajmer(或 ajmere,ajmir), akademi, akan, akashic records, akbar, akhmatova,anna, akiba ben joseph, akihito, akin, akinesia, akita, akkad(或accad), akkadian, akkra, akoasm, akola, akratic, akron, aksak, aksum(或 axum), aksumite empire, akte, aktyubinsk, akureyri, akutagawa ryunosuke, al, al bu said, al sirat, al'ce:, al-, al-fatat, al-fayyum, al-ismailiyah, al-jazeera tv, al-jazirah, al-khurtum, al-khwarizmi,muhammed ibn musa, al-kut, al-manamah, al-mansurah, al-qaeda, alabama, alabama claims, alabaster, alablaster, alack, aladdin, alain-fournier, alalia, alameda, alamein, alamein,el, alamgir ⅱ, alamode, alamogordo, alamo,the, alanbrooke,alan francis brooke, 1st viscount, aland islands, alanson:, alarcon y mendoza,juan ruiz de, alarcon,pedro antonio de, alaric ⅰ, alarum, alarum-bell, alarumed, alas the day:, alaska, alaska highway, alaska purchase, alaska range, alaskan malamute, alastor, alas,leopoldo, alatruistic, alaungpaya, alawada, alawite, alb, alba, alba longa, alba-iulia, albacete, albacore, albania, albanian, albania,republic of, albany, albany congress, albany:, alban,st, alba,fernando alvarez de toledo,duke of, albedo, albee,edward, albeit, albeniz,isaac manuel francisco, alberdi,juan bautista, alberoni,giulio, albers,josef, albert canal, albert nile, albert ⅰ, albert ⅱ, albert ⅱ alcibiades, albert ⅲ, albert(ⅰ) the bear, alberta, alberti,leon battista, albertsville, albertus magnus,st(或 st albert the great), albertype, albert,lake, albert,prince, albescent, albi, albinism, albino, albino horse, albinoni,tomaso, albinus, albion:, alboin, alborg, album, albumen, albumin, albuquerque, albuquerque,afonso de, albury, albus, alcaeus, alcamens, alcantara, alcatraz island, alcazar de san juan, alcestis, alchemic (al), alchemy, alcibiades, alcides', alcides:, alcmaeon, alcman, alcmene(或alcmena), alcock,sir john william, alcohol strength, alcoholics anonymous, alcoholism, alcott,louisa may, alcove, alcuin(或albinus), aldabra islands, aldanov,mark(或 mark aleksandrovich landau), aldebaran(或alpha tauri), aldeburgh, aldeburgh festival, aldehyde, alden,john, alder, alder-liefest, alderfly, alderney, aldershot, aldhelm,st, aldington, aldington,richard, aldiss,brian wilson, aldosterone, aldrich,thomas bailey, aldridge,ira frederick, aldrin,edwin eugene,jr, aldus manutius, ale-washed, ale-wife, aleala zamora,niceto, aleatoric, aleatoric music, alecto:, alegria,ciro, aleixandre,vicente, alekhine,alexander, aleksey petrolovich, alemanni, aleman,mateo, aleman,miguel, alembert,jean le rond d′, alembic, alencon, alencon:, alepecia, aleppo, aleppo:, alert, alessandria, alesund(或aalesund), aletsch glacier, aleutian islands, aleutian range, aleuts, alewife, alexander archipelogo, alexander nevsky,st, alexander ⅰ, alexander ⅱ, alexander ⅲ, alexander ⅲ pope, alexander ⅵ pope, alexander(ⅲ) the great, alexander:, alexandra, alexandra feodorovna, alexandria, alexandrian codex, alexandrianist, alexandria,library of, alexandria,school of, alexandrine, alexia, alexipharmic, alexis(或 aleksey) mikhaylovich, alexis(或 aleksey) petrolovich, alexius([ˈəlikseis])ⅰ, alfalfa, alfalfa(或lucerne), alfieri,vittorio,count, alfonso ⅰ, alfonso ⅱ, alfonso ⅱ(the fat), alfonso ⅲ, alfonso ⅴ, alfonso ⅵ, alfonso ⅷ, alfonso ⅹ (the wise), alfonso ⅹⅲ, alfred the great, alfresco, alfven,hannes olof gosta, algae, algarve, algebraic operations, algeciras, algeria, algeria,democratic and popular republic of, algiers, algiers(或algers), algin, algol, algol(algorithmic language), algolagnia, algonkian, algonkin(或algonquin), algorism, algorithm, algorithmic language, algren,nelson, alhambra, alhambraic, alhazen, ali, ali pasha, alianza obrera, alias, alibi, alicante, alice blue, alice spring, alice-in-wonderland, alien and sedition acts, aliena:, alienation, aligarh, alighted, align, aliment, alimentary canal, aliphatic compounds, aliquant, aliquot, ali,muhammad, alkali, alkali metals, alkali(或base), alkaline earths, alkaline-earth metals, alkaloids, alkanes(或paraffin), alkan,charles henri valentin, alkenes(或olefins), alkmaar, alkynes(或 acetylenes), all pasa,mehmed emin, all saints’day, all souls’day, all-abhorred, all-admiring:, all-cheering, all-hall, all-hallowmas, all-hallown summer:, all-licensed, all-seer, all-souls’ day:, all-thing, all-unable, all-watched, alla nostra casa ben venuto,molto honorato signormio petruchio, alla stoccata, allahabad, allbutt,sir thomas clifford, allegation, alleged, allegheny mountains, allegheny river, allegiant, allegretto, allegro, allelomorph, allelotaxy, alleluia, allende,salvador, allentown, allen,bog of, allen,woody, allergy, allergy(或 anaphylaxis), alleviate, alley, alleyn,edward, alleyoop, allfather, allicholy, allied powers, allier river, allies, alligant, allingham,margery, alliterate, allium, alloa, allocate, allocatur, allochroic, allochthonous, allocinesis, allocution, allod, allodromy, alloeosis, alloerotism, allogamy, allogene, allograph, allographa, allokinesis, allolalia, allomnesia, allomorph, allonge, allons, allonym, allopathy, allopatric, allophasis, allophone, allophrase, alloplasm, allopsychic, allorhythmia, allosaurus(或antrodemus), allosteric, allotheism, allotopia, allotropes, allotropy, allottava, allotted, allottery, allowance, alloway, allowed, allspice(或 pimento), allude, allure, allusion, ally, allycholly, alm, alma, almada, almaden, almagro,diego de, almain, almamater, almeida,francisco de, almelo, almeria, almighty, almoner, almonry, almoravid movement, almoravids, almost, alms, alms-basket:, alms-deed, alnico, alod, alodia, aloe, aloes wood, alogia, alogical, alongside, alopecia, alost, aloud, alow, aloysius gonzaga,st, alp arslan, alpaca, alpenhorn, alpenstock, alpes graies, alpha, alpha canis majoris, alpha canis minoris, alpha carinae, alpha centauri(或 rigil kent), alpha decay, alpha particle, alpha piscis austrini, alpha scorpil, alpha tauri, alphorn(或alpine horn), alpi graie, alpine, alpine orogeny, alps, alsace, alsace-lorraine, alsatians, alsike, alt, altai mountains, altaic languages, altair, altamira, altar, altdorf, altdorfer,albrecht, alter, alteration, altercate, alteregoism, alternant, alternate, alternating current, alternation of generations, alternative medicine(或unorthodox medicine), altgeld,john peter, althaea:, althing, althorn, althusius,johannes, altichiero, altiplano, altista, altiste, altistin, altitude and azimuth, altitude sickness, altocumulus cloud(ac), altostratus cloud(as), altrincham, alum root, alumina(或aluminum oxide), aluminum oxide, alumna, alunite(或alumstone), alure, alvarado,pedro de, alvarez quintero brothers, alvarez,louis walter, alvars, alveolar, alveolus, alway, alyattes, alypius, alyssum, alzheimer’s disease, am, ama code of ethics, amadeo i, amadeus ⅶ, amagasaki, amaimon:, amain, amalasuntha(或 amalasuentha), amalekites, amalfi, amalgamation,ore, amalric ⅰ, amalric ⅱ, amamon:, amanita, amanollah khan, amanuensis, amaranth, amaranthus, amarillo, amarine, amaroid, amaryllis, amass, amaterasu, amateur, amateur athletic association, amati, amativeness, amazed, amazedly, amazedness, amazement, amazon ant, amazon:, amazonian, amazons, ambages, ambergris, ambidexterity, ambidextrous, ambience, ambiguity, ambiguous, ambilateral, ambilingual, ambiophony, ambiopia, ambisextrous, ambish, ambisinister, ambisonics, ambit, ambitendency, ambitiously, ambivalence, ambiversion, ambler,eric, ambleside, ambling, amblyopia, ambo (l.):, amboise, ambon(或amboina), amboyna, ambrose,st, ambrosia and nectar, ambrosia beetle, ambrosial, ambrosian, ambry, ambulance, ambulate, ambulatorium, ambuscado, ambush, ambustion, amciable, ameba, amelia, amelification, ameliorate, amen, amen interj., amenable, amende, amendment, amends, amenemhet ⅰ, amenemhet ⅲ, amenhotep ⅰ, amenhotep ⅱ, amenhotep ⅲ, amenity, amenorrhea, amensa et thoro, ament, america bald eagle, american association for the advancement of science, american colonization society, american federation of labor and congress of industrial organization(afl-cio), american football, american fur company, american import duties act, american indians, american museum of natural history, american revolution, american saddle horse, american samoa, americanophobia, america’s cup, americium, americologue, amerind, amerisia, amersfoort, ametabolism, amhara, amharic, amherst,jeffrey,baron, amiable, amiel,henri frederic, amiens,treaty of, amine, amino acids, aminoacid, amin,idi, amir, amirante isles, amis,kingsley, amitabha, amitate, ammeter, ammokhostos, ammonia, ammonite, ammonites, ammunition, amniocentesis, amoeba(或 ameba), amoebean, amok, amon, among, amongst, amor, amor patriae, amoral, amorce, amoretto, amorist, amorite, amorites, amorous, amorphognosia, amorphous, amortise=amortize, amortisseur, amortization, amount, amount of substance, amour, amour-propre, ampere, ampere’s law, ampere,andre marie, amphetamine, amphibia, amphibious, amphiboles, amphibolia, amphibrach, amphicar, amphictyon, amphierotism, amphigenesis, amphilepsis, amphimictic, amphimixis, amphioxus(或lancelet), amphitrite, amphoteric, ampliate, amplifier, amplitude, amplitude modulation(am), amply, ampthill:, ampulla, amputate, amritsar, amritsar massacre, amritsar,massacre of, amritsar,treaty of, amu, amu darya, amun-ra, amundsen sea, amundsen,roald, amurath:, amuse, amusia, amyl alcohol, amylase, amynology, amyntas ⅲ, an if(and if), ana, ana=antara news agency, anabaptism, anabaptist, anabaptists, anabiosis, anabole, anabolic, anabolism, anachronism, anaclitic, anaconda, anacreon, anaemia(或 anemia), anaerobic, anaesthetic, anagenesis, anaglyph, anagoge, anaheim, analects, analepsia, analgesics, analog circuit, analog computer, analog-to-digital conversion, analog=analogue, analphabet, analysand, analyse, analytic(或coordinate)geometry, analytical chemistry, anam, anamnesis, anamorphic, anamorphosis, ananda, anand,mulk raj, anapaest, anapausis, anapest, anaphora, anaphrodisia, anaplastic, anaplasty, anaptyctic, anarchism, anarchy, anarthria, anasazi culture, anastasia, anastasis, anastasius ⅰ, anastasius([ˌænəˈsteisiəs]) i, anastatic, anastigmat, anathema, anatolia, anatomize, anatosaurus, anawrahta, anaxagoras, anaximander, anaximenes(of miletus), anc, ancester, ancestor worship, anchieta,jose de, anchises, anchises:, anchorage, anchoret, anchoves, anchovy, ancien regime, ancient lights, ancientry, ancilla, ancillary, ancon, ancona, ancress, and, andalusia, andalusian horse, andaman and nicobar islands, andaman sea, andamanese, andante, andantino, andean, andean bear, andersen,hans christian, andersonville, anderson,carl david, anderson,dame judith, anderson,elizabeth garrett, anderson,lindsay, anderson,marian, anderson,maxwell, anderson,sherwood, andersson,daniel, andes, andesite, andhra pradesh, andizhan, ando hiroshige, andrassy,gyula,count, andrew ⅱ, andrew:, andrewes,lancelot, andrew,st, andric,ivo, andro-, androcles, androgen, androgogy, android, andrologia, andromache, andromeda, andromeda galaxy, andronicus ⅰ, androphonomania, andropov,yuri vladimirovich, andros, androsphinx, andros,sir edmund, anecdote, anechoic, anechoic chamber, aneirin, anemia, anemocorde, anemometer, anemone, aneurysm, angara,river, angarsk, angary, angel falls, angel island, angel-fish, angelica, angelica:, angelico,fra, angell,sir norman, angelou,maya, angelus, angered, angerly, angers, angevins, angina pectoris, angioma, angiosperm, anglesite, anglican communion, angling, anglo-burmese wars, anglo-catholicism, anglo-egyptian treaty, anglo-japanese alliance, anglo-saxon chronicle, anglo-saxon language, anglo-saxon literature, anglo-saxons, angola,people′s republic of, angora
1 angora cat, angora goat, angora rabbit, angostura, angouleme, angouleme,charles de valois,duc d′, angry, angry young men, angst, angstrom, angstrom,anders jonas, angular acceleration, angular momentum, angular velocity, angus(或forfarshire), angwantibo(或golden potto), anharmonic, anhinga, anhydride, anile, aniline, anima, animadvert, animal charcoal, animal starch, animal worship, animate, animosity, animus, anise, anisotropic, anjou, ankylosaur, anlage, anlysteretic, ann arbor, anna comnena, anna ivanovna, anna karenina, anna:, annaba(或bone), annals, annam, annam(或anam), annapolis, annapolis convention, annapolis royal, annapurna, anne intelligis. domine (l.):, anne of austria, anne of brittany, anne of cleves, anne:, annealing, annecy, annelida, annex, annexment, annic acid, annihilate, annihilation, anniversary, annomination, annotate, annothanize, announce, annoyance, annual, annual rings, annuals, annuity, annul, annulment, annulus, annum, annunciate, anoa, anode, anodizing, anoedochium, anoesia, anoia, anointed, anole, anomalous, anomic, anomie, anon, anonym, anopheles, anopia, anorectic, anorexia nervosa, anorgastic, anosmia, another, anselm of canterbury,st, ansermet,ernest, ansgar(或anskar),st, ansky,shloime, anson,george anson,baron, answerable, ant bear, ant-imasque, antaeus, antagonism, antakya, antalya, antananarivo, antananarivo(或 tananarive), antar, antara news agency, antarctic circle, antarctic current, antarctic ocean, antarctic peninsula, antarctic.treaty, antares(或 alpha scorpil), antbird, ante, antecedence=antecedency, antechamber, antechapel, antechoir, antedate, antediluvian, anteklise, antelami,benedetto, antelude, antemarital, antemeridiem, antenatal, antenatus, antenna(或aerial), antenor, antenuptial, antepartum, anteporch, anteprandial, anteproscenium, anterior, anteroom, antetype, antheil,george, anthelminthics, anthemion, anther, antheridium, anthill, anthology, anthony of egypt,st, anthony of padua,st, anthony,marc, anthony,susan brownell, anthracene, anthracia, anthracnose, anthrax, anthropecology, anthropic, anthropobiology, anthropoculture, anthropogenesis, anthropogeography, anthropoid, anthropoid ape, anthropoidea, anthropolatry, anthropolinguistics, anthropological linguistics, anthropomorphic, anthropomorphism, anthropomorphize, anthropomorphosis, anthropomorphous, anthroponomy, anthroponym, anthropopathic, anthropophagi, anthropophaginian, anthropophagy, anthropophobia, anthroposcopy, anthroposere, anthroposociology, anthropotomy, anthrosphere, anthurium, anti-, anti-aircraft gun, anti-cathexis, anti-christ, anti-comintern pact, anti-community, anti-competitive, anti-corn-law league, anti-inflation, anti-interference, anti-internalism, anti-jam, anti-kidnapping, anti-knock, anti-lebanon mountains, anti-locution, anti-masonic party, anti-matter, anti-metabolic, anti-missile, anti-nomia, anti-oxidants, anti-saloon league, anti-semitism, anti-smuggling, anti-terror, anti-unfair-competition, anti-universe, anti-urbanism, anti-utilitarianism, antiair, antiaircraft, antiatom, antiauthoritarianism, antibacterial, antiballistic missile system, antibiotic, antibiotics, antibribery, antibureaucratism, antichrist, anticipation, antick, anticlerical, anticlimax, anticline, anticlockwise, anticlutter, anticoagulants, anticolonial, anticorruption, anticrime, anticum, anticyclone, antidazzle, antidepressant drug, antidote, antidraft, antidumping, antiespionage, antiestablishment, antietam,battle of, antifascist, antifatigue, antiferromagnetism, antifeudal, antiforeign, antifreeze, antifrost, antigas, antigen, antigone, antigonus ⅰ, antigonus ⅱ gonatsa, antigovernment, antigraph, antigua and barbuda, antigua guatemala, antigua(或 antigua guatemala), antigun, antihero, antihijacking, antihistamine, antihuman, antiicing, antilabor, antilitter, antilles, antilogy, antimagnetic, antimatter, antimere, antimonarchic, antimonopoly, antimony, antimusic, antimut, antinatalism, antinational, antinomy, antinovel, antiobscenity, antioch(或antakya), antiochus ⅰ soter, antiochus ⅱ, antiochus ⅲ the great, antiochus ⅳ epiphanes, antiochus ⅶ sidetes, antiope, antiparticles, antiparty, antipas, antipater, antipersecution, antipersonnel, antiplay, antipode, antipodes, antipodes islands, antipoet, antipoisoning, antipole, antipolitical, antipollution, antipope, antipopular, antipoverty, antipsychotic, antiquarian, antiquity, antiracism, antiradar, antiradiation, antiradical, antirattler, antireconnaissance, antiremonstrant, antirevolution, antiroman, antirrhinum, antisatellite, antiseismic, antiseptic, antiseptic and germicide, antiskid, antisocial, antisthenes, antisubmarine, antisymmetric, antitank, antitank gun, antitechnology, antitheater, antitheism, antithesis, antitone, antitoxin, antitracking, antitrade, antitrust, antitrust laws(或acts), antitype, antium, antiutopia, antivibrate, antivirus, antiwar, antiworld, antlers, antlion, antofagasta, antoine,andre, antonello da messina, antonescu,ion, antonine wall, antoninus pius, antonioni,michelangelo, antonomasia, antony and cleopatra, antony(或 marc antony), antonym, antrim, antrodemus, antwerp(或 antwerpen,anvers), anu, anubis, anura, anuradhapura, anus, anvers, anvil, anville,jean-baptiste bourguignon d′, anxiety, any, anyang, anzac(australian and new zealand army corps), anza,juan bautista de, anzengruber,ludwig, anzio, anzus pact, aomori, aorist, aorta, aosta, aoudad, ap:, apace, apache and navajo wars, apadana, apagoge, apalache=aplache massacre, apariencia, apartment, apartotel, apathy, apatite, apatosaurus, apeldoorn, apella, apelles, apennines(或appennino), aperception, apercu, aperiodic, aperitif, aperture, apex, aphelion, aphid(或plant louse), aphonia, aphoria, aphraates, aphrodisiac, aphrodite, aphyloxis, apical, apis, apish, aplanat, aplanetic, aplasia, aplomb, apnea, apobole, apocalypse, apocalypse(或 revelation to john), apocatastasis, apochromat, apocope, apodeictic=apodictic, apodosis, apogee, apograph, apolitical, apollinaire,guillaume, apollinian, apollo, apollo program, apollo-soyus test project, apollo:, apollodorus, apollonius, apollonius of perga, apollonius of rhodes, apollonius of tyana, apologetic, apologetics, apologue, apology, apomixis, apophantic, apophatic, apophthegm, apoplexed, aporia, aport, aposematic, aposiopesis, apostate, apostle, apostles, apostles’creed, apostlic constitutes, apostolic succession, apostrophas, apostrophe, apothecaries’weight, apothegm, apotheosis, apotropaic, appal, appalachian mountains, appalachian trail, appalled, appaloosa, apparat, apparatus, apparelled, apparent magnitude, apparently, appassionata, appearance, appeared, appearing, appeasement, appel, appellation, append, appendicitis, appennino, appentice, apperceive, appertaining, appertinent, appertinents, appert,nicolas, appetence, appian way, appia,adolphe, apple of discord, apple-john, appleby, appleton layer, appleton,sir edward victor, applicability, applicant, applied, applique, appoggiatura, appointment, appointments, appomattox, apportion, apposite, appraise, appreciate, apprehension, apprehensive, apprentice, apprise=apprize, approbate, approbation, appropriate, approved, approximant, approximate, appui, appurtenance, apputenance, apraxia, apres-ski, apricock, april theses, apron, apropos, apsis, aps照相机, aptitude, aptly, apuleius,lucius, apulia(或 puglia), apyrous, aqaba, aqaba,gulf of, aqua, aqua regia, aqua-vitae, aquaplane, aquarelle, aquarium, aquarius(或water bearer,the), aquatone, aquavit, aqueduct, aquifer, aquila, aquilegia, aquinas,st thomas, aquitaine, arab, arab horse, arab league, arab-israeli wars, arabesca, arabia(或 arabian peninsula), arabian desert, arabian nights(或 a thousand and one nights), arabian peninsula, arabian sea, arabian tree:, arabic literature, arabic numerals, arabic(或arabic language), arable, arabs, arachne, arachnid, arad, araeostyle, arafat,yasir, arafura sea, aragonese, aragonite, aragon,louis, arago,francois, araguaia rio, arakan, arakcheev,aleksel andreevich, count, aral sea, aramaic, aramburu,pedro eugenio, aram,eugene, aran islands, arancanians, aranjuez, arany,janos, arapaho indians, ararat,mount, arational, araucaria, arawak, arawakan languages, arbitrate, arbitration, arbitrator, arbitrement, arbitron, arbor, arboretum, arboriculture, arborvitae, arbroath, arbuthnot,john, arbutus, arc de triomphe de i’etoile, arc furnace process, arcade, arcadia, arcadius, arcanum, arcaro,eddie, arch-mock, archaeocivilization, archaeography, archaeopteryx, archaeozoic, archaeus, archaic, archangel, archangel(或arkhangelsk), archangels, archdeacon, archdeacon:, archdove, archduke, arched, archegonium, archenemy, archer, archer fish, archery, archer,frederick scott, archer,thomas, archer,william, arches national park, archetype, archibald, archibald:, archicenter, archigenesis, archil, archilochus, archimandrite, archimedes’principle, archimedes’screw, archimimus, archipenko,alexander, archiphoneme, architect, architecture, architrave, archive, archmonetarist, archon, archons, archpriest, archytas, arcimboldo,giuseppe, arcology, arctic, arctic circle, arctic fox, arctic ocean, arctic term, arctic,the, arcturus, arcuate, ardabil, ardashir ⅰ, ardebil(或ardabil), ardennes(或 forest of ardennes), ardent, arden,forest of, arduous, are, are you there with me:, areca, arena, arendt,hannah, arensky,anton stepanovich, areopagite, areopagus, arequipa, ares, aretino,pietro, arezzo, argal, argali(或marco polo sheep), argent, argenteuil, argentite, argil, arginine, argo, argon, argonauts, argonne, argos, argosy, argot, argument, argus(或argos), argus:, argyll(或argyllshire), argyllshire, argyll,archibald campbell, 1st marquess and 8th earl of, arhat, arhus(或aarhus), ariadne, ariadne:, arianism, arica, arid, ariel, aries(the ram), ariet, arietta, arikara, arion, arion:, ariosto,ludovice, aristaeus, aristarchus of samos, aristarchus of samothrace, aristarchy, aristides the just, aristippus, aristocrat, aristotype, arithmetic, arithmetic mean, arithmetic progression, arizona, ark of the covenant, ark shell, arkansas, arkansas river, arkhangelsk, arkwright,sir richard, ark,noah’s, arlberg pass, arles, arlington, arlington heights, arlington national cemetery, arlington,henry bennet, 1st earl of, arliss,george, arma, armada, armada,spanish, armadillo, armado, armagh, armagnac, armament, armature, armed, armenia, armenian soviet socialist republic, armenians, armentiers, armidale, armigero (l.):, arminianism, arminius, arminius,jacobus, armipotent, armistice, armoire, armonica, armorial, armory show, armoured car, arms, arms control, armstrong,edwin howard, armstrong,louis, armstrong,neil alden, armstrong,samuel chapman, armstrong,william george, army ant, army worm, arnauld,antoine, arne,thomas augustine, arnhem, arnhem land, arnica, arnim,achim(或 joachim)von, arnim,bettina von, arno river, arnold of brescia, arnold,benedict, arnold,matthew, arnold,thomas, aroint, aroma, aromatic compounds, aroostook war, arouet,francois marie, around, arpa, arpad, arpad dynasty, arpeggiator, arpeggio, arpeggione, arp,jean hans, arquebus, arrabal,fernando, arraignment, arran, arrand, arrange, arrau,claudio, arrear, arrect, arrestee, arret, arrhenius,svante, arrian, arriccio, arriere, arrivance, arrivisme, arriviste, arrogance, arrogancy, arrogate, arrondi, arrow, arrow-poison frog, arrowhead, arrowroot, arrowsmith,aaron, arrowworm, arrowy, ars, ars antiqua, ars nova, arsaces, arsacid, arsenal, arsenopyrite, arsine, arsinoe ⅱ, arsinoe ⅲ, arsis, art deco, art nouveau, art to love:, artaud,antonin, artaxerxes ⅱ, artefact, artemis, artemisia, artemisia ⅰ, artemis,temple of, artere, arteriosclerosis, arteriovenous, artesian well, arthritis, arthrometry, arthropoda, arthur, arthur ⅰ, arthur:, arthurian legend, arthur’s pass, arthur,chester alan, artichoke, articles of confederation, articular, articulate, artifact, artifice, artificial insemination, artificial intelligence, artificial kidney, artificial limb, artificial respiration, artificial satellite, artificier, artigas,jose gervasio, artiodacyla, artisan, artless, artois, artois:, artonym, artotype, arts, arts-man, aruba, arum, arunachal pradesh, arundel, arundel,thomas, arunta desert, arval brethren, aryan, aryans, asa rating, asahi shimbun, asbestos, asbestosis, asbury,francis, ascanius:, ascaris, ascender, ascension, ascertain, ascetic(al), asceticism, aschabad, aschaffenburg, ascham,roger, asch,sholem, asclepius(或 aesculapius), ascoli piceno, ascomycetes, ascorbic acid, ascot, asdic(anti-submarine detection investigation committee), asean, aseismatic, asepsis, asgard, ash wednesday, ash wednesday:, ashamed, ashanti, ashcan school(或 the eight), ashcroft,dame peggy, ashdod, asher-house:, asher,tribe of, asheville, ashe,arthur robert, ashford, ashford:, ashgabat, ashkelon(或ashqelon), ashkenazi, ashkenazim, ashkenazy,vladimir, ashkhabad(或aschabad), ashmolean museum, ashore, ashqelon, ashrama, ashtart, ashton-under-lyne, ashton,sir frederick, ashtoreth, ashur, ashurbanipal(或 assurbanipal), ashurnasirpal ⅱ, ashy, asia minor(或anatolia), asian games, asicnto de negros, aside, asimov,isaac, askant, askari, askaunce, askaunt, aslant, asleep, asmara, asmara(或asmera), asmath:, asmodeus, aso-zan, asocial, aso,mount(或aso-zan), asp, asparagine, asparagus, asparagus fern, aspartic acid
1 asperate, aspergillus, asperity, asperse, aspheric, asphodel, asphyxiant, aspic, aspicious, aspidistra, aspirant, aspirate, aspirin(或 acetylsalicylic acid), asportation, assad,hafiz al-, assailing, assam, assassin bug, assassinate, assassins, assault and battery, asse, assemblage, assemblance, assemble, assembler, assemblies of god, assembly, assent, asser, assert, assess, asset, asseverate, assibilate, assident, assiduity, assify, assignat, assignats, assigns, assimilate, assimilation, assiniboine river, assiser, assisi, assist, assistant, assiut, assize, associated press,the, association football, association of southeast asian nations, associative law, assoil, assonance, assonant, assort, assuage, assuan, assuetude, assumpsit, assumption, assurbanipal, assure, assyrian, assyrian language, astana, astarboard, astarte(或 ashtart,ashtoreth), astatic, astatine, astbury,john, astern, asteroid, asteroids, asthma, asti, astictus, astilbe, astir, astitution, aston,francis william, astor,john jacob, astor,nancy witcher,viscountess, astound, astraddle, astraea:, astragalar, astrakhan, astral, astrict, astride, astringe, astro-, astrolabe, astrometry, astronaut(或cosmonaut), astronomer royal, astronomical, astronomical unit, astronomy, astronomy,ultraviolet, astrophysics, astrut, asturias, asturias,miguel angel, astute, astylar, aswan high dam, aswan(或assuan), asymptote, asymtote, asynchronism, asyut(或 assiut), at variance, atabal, atabrine, atacama,desert of, atahuallpa(或 atahualpa), atalanta, atalanta’s better part:, ataman, ataturk,kemal, atavic, ataxaphasia, ataxinomic, ataxiophemia, ate:, atechnic, ateleiosis, atelier, atemporal, aten, atget,eugene, athabasca lake, athabasca river, athabascan, athanasia, athanasian creed, athelney,isle of, athelstan(或ethelstan), athematic, athena, athena(或pallas athena), athenagoras, athenian, athens, atheoretical, atherosclerosis(或atheroma), athirst, athlete, athlete’s foot, athletics, athopia, athos(或akte), athos,mount, athrepsy, athversary, atia, atlanta campaign, atlantes, atlantic, atlantic charter, atlantic city, atlantic intracoastal waterway, atlantic ocean, atlantic wall, atlantic,battle of the, atlantis, atlas mountains, atlas:, atm, atmospheric pressure, atoll, atomania, atomi, atomic battery, atomic bomb, atomic clock, atomic energy authority, atomic energy commission, atomic mass unit, atomic number, atomic radius, atomic spectrum, atomic theory, atomic weight, atomies, atomism, atomy, aton(或aten), atonal, atonality, atonement,day of, atp, atrabilious, atrament, atraumatic, atreus, atrocious, atropine, atropos:, attacco, attaché, attainder, attainture, attalus i soter, attar, attar of roses, attask, attemper, attendance, attending, attendure, attent, attentat, attentive, attenuate, attenuation, attic, attica(或attiki), attis(或atys), attitude, attitudinize, attlee, attlee,clement attlee, 1st earl, attorn, attorneyship, attractive, attribution, attrit, attrite, attucks,crispus, attune, atum, atwitter, atwood,margaret, atypical, atys, au courant, au fait, au fond, aubade, auberge, aubergine, aubergine(或 eggplant), auber,daniel francois esprit, aube,river, aubrey,john, aubrietia, auburn, aubusson, aubusson,pierre d′, auch, auckland, auckland islands, auckland,george eden,earl of, auctorial, audacious, audaciously, audacity, auden,wystan hugh, audi alteram partem, audiature et altera pars, audible, audience, audifier, audile, audio, audio frequency, audiolocator, audiology, audiovisual education, auditor, auditorium, audubon,john james, auer,leopold, auf bestellung, aufklarung, augend, auger effect, auger-hole, auget, augheur theory, aught, augmentation, augsburg confession, augsburg,league of, augsburg,peace of, august first(ba yi)film studio, augusta, augustan, augustan history, auguste, augustine of canterbury,st, augustine of hippo,st, augustus, augustus ⅰ, augustus ⅱ, auitism, auius persius flaecus, auk, aula, auld, aulic, aum shinrikyo, aunchiant, aunchient, aupair, aura, aural, aurangzeb(或 aurangzib), aureate, aurelianus,lucius domitius, aureola, auric, auricle, auricula, auricular, auric,georges, auriga, aurignacian, auriol,vincent, aurochs(或 urus), aurora:, aurorav, auschwitz, auscultation, ausgleich, ausonius,decimus magnus, auspice, auspicious, austenite, austen,jane, austere, austerely, austerlitz,battle of, austin, austin,herbert, 1st baron, austral, austral islands, australia, australian aborigines, australian alps, australian and new zealand army corps, australian antarctic territory, australian capital territory, australian languages, australia,commonwealth of, australoid race, australopithecus(或 southern ape), austrasia, austria-hungary,dual monarchy of, austrian succession,war of the, austro-asiatic languages, austro-hungarian monarchy(或austria-hungary,dual monarchy of), austro-prussian war, austroasiatic, austronesian languages, autarchy, autarky, autecology, auteur, auteur theory, authenticate, authigene, authoritarian, authoritarianism, authority, authorized, auto-, auto-da-fe, auto-immunity, autobiography, autoboat, autobody, autobus, autocade, autocar, autochanger, autochon, autochrome, autocide, autoclaved, autocode, autocollimate, autocompensation, autocompetitive, autocontrol, autocorrelation, autocracy, autocritcal, autocue, autodestruction, autodeterminism, autodidact, autoerotic, autofleet, autogenesis, autogenous, autogestion, autogiro, autognosis, autograph, autogravure, autoignite, autoimmune diseases, autoindex, autokinesis, autolatry, autolithograph, autolycus, automate, automatic pilot, automation, automobile racing, autonetics, autonomic, autonomic nervous system, autonym, autonymy, autopay, autopen, autophilia, autoplotter, autopsy, autopsy(或postmortem), autopsychotherapy, autoradar, autoradiography, autorotate, autosorter, autostop, autosuggestion, autoswitch, autotelic, autotimer, autotrack, autotruck, autotune, autotype, autre action pendante, autrefois acquit, autrefois convict, autumn, autumn crocus(或 meadow saffron), autun, auvergne, auxerre, auxiliary, auxotroph, ava, avadavat(或red munia), aval, avalokitesvara, avalon, avant, avarice, avars, avast, avaunt, ave maria, ave-mary, avebury, aveiro, avenge, avens, avenue, aver, avernus,lake, averroes, averroism, averse, aversion therapy, avery,milton, avery,oswald theodore, avestan, aveuaneda, avgas, avian influenza, aviate, avicenna, avid, aviette, avigate, avignon, avignon papacy, avignon school, avila, avila camacho,manuel, avion, avionic, aviphot, avised, aviso, avitaminosis, avocation, avocet, avogadro’s number(或 avogadro’s constant), avogadro,amedeo, avoirdupois weights, avon, avon,river, avouchment, avowtry, avulse, avuncular, await, await for:, aware, awash, aweather, aweful, aweless, awful, awning, axe, axel, axholme,isle of, axiological, axiomatic method, axis, axis deer, axis powers, axle, axminster carpet, axolotl, axon, axonometer, axum, ay, ay(e), ayacucho, aye, aye-aye, ayers rock, aylesbury, aymara, aymaras, ayr, ayr(或ayrshire), ayrshire, ayrshire(或ayrshire cattle), ayub khan,mohammad, ayudhya, ayuntamiento, azan, azerbaijan, azerbaijan soviet socialist republic(或azerbaidzhan), azhar,al-, azikiwe,benjamin nnamdi, azilian, azimuth, azo, azo dyes, azon, azonal, azorin(jose matinez ruiz), azov, azov,sea of, azrael, aztec, aztec civilization, azteco-tanoan languages, aztecs, azul, azure, azurite, a’, a”, a大调, a大调协奏曲, a字形屋顶, a小调, a小调协奏曲, a弦, a牌(老公), a种普通股, a系(雄性不育系), a股市场, a键, b-picture, b. 猎人, b.中枢兴奋药, b.其它建筑材料, b.军事医疗设施, b.军用台、站等, b.军用机场与军港, b.刀具, b.刨床, b.制动器, b.加拿大, b.动力系统, b.化装用品, b.南天星座, b.唱机部件, b.商业利润, b.土地开发, b.地支, b.夹具, b.奶乳, b.客房类型, b.客运车厢, b.小麦病虫害, b.延安, b.建筑物, b.建筑用玻璃, b.建筑用砂, b.录音机部件, b.插床, b.收音机部件, b.故宫博物院, b.新西兰, b.朝鲜, b.机场跑道, b.桂林(广西), b.棉衣, b.武汉(湖北), b.水果种植人员, b.水稻病虫害, b.法国, b.洛阳(河南), b.测绘仪器, b.火车站大厅, b.照相机镜头, b.牛肉类, b.现代阵容, b.电视接收机部件, b.电视摄像机部件, b.男子发式, b.直升机构造, b.禁令标誌, b.空军, b.维修设备与工具, b.缝纫, b.职工, b.肯尼亚, b.腌制蔬菜类, b.自行车零部件, b.船舶性能, b.虾类, b.蛋品类, b.设计, b.走廊与阳台, b.车床零部件, b.轴承, b.轴颈, b.辅币, b.铁路线, b.铜管乐器, b.铣床, b.镇江, b.阀门, b.非洲, b.靶, b.食肉兽类, b.饮茶用语, b.鱼虾汤类, b.齿轮, baader-meihof gang, baal, baalbek(或ba’labakk), baathist, bab el mandeb, babbage,charles, babbit metal, babbit,irving, babbit,milton, babble, babbler, babbling, babe, babel,issac emmanuelovich, babel,tower of, babenber, baber(或babur), babeuf,francois-noel, babi faith(或babism), babington,anthony, babirusa, bable, baborak, babul, babur, babushka, baby, babylonian art, babylonian captivity, baby’s breath, bacau, baccalaureate, baccarat games, bacchanal, bacchanalia, bacchanalian, bacchus, bacchus:, bacchylides, bachelor’s button, bachian, bach,alexander, bach,carl philipp emanuel, bach,johann christian, bach,johann christoph, bach,johann sebastian, bach,wilhelm friedemann, bacillus, back-friend, back-trick, backare, backbeat, backbite, backbitten, backbreaking, backcross, backgammon, background, background radiation, backgrounder, backhander, backloading, backlog, backlot, backs, backsheesh, backstage, backstairs, backstop, backswimmer, backsword, backtrack, backup, backwash, backwater, backway, backwoods, backyard, bacolod, bacon-fed, baconian theory, bacon,francis, bacon,john, bacon,nathaniel, bacon,roger, bacteria, bacteriological warfare, bacteriology, bacteriophage(或phage), bacterium, bactria, bactrian camel, bad godesberg, badajoz, badalona, baddie, baden, baden-baden, baden-powell of gilwell,robert stephenson smyth baden-powell,1st baron, baden-wurttemberg, bader,sir douglass, badged, badigeon, badinage, badlands, badlands national park, badman, badness, badoglio,pietro, baeck,leo, baeda, baedeker,karl, baekeland,leo hendrik, baer,karl ernest von, baeyer,adolph von, baez,joan, baff, baffin island, baffin,william, baffy, bagatelle, bagdad, bagehot,walter, baggage, baghdad, baghdad pact, baghdad railway, baghdad(或bagdad), bagirmis, baglioni, bagman, bagnio, bagnold,enid, bagot,sir charles, bagpiper, bagstuffer, baguio, bagwig, bagworm moth, baha ullah(或baha allah), bahada, bahamas, bahamas,commonwealth of the, bahasa indonesia, bahawlpur, baha’ism(或baha’i faith), bahia, bahia blanca, bahmani dynasty, bahrain, bahrain(或 bahrein),state of, bahrein, baht, baignoire, baikal(或bajkal),lake, bailey, bailey bridge, bailie, bailiff, bailiwick, baillez, baily,francis, bainbridge,beryl, bain,alexander, bairam, baird,john logie, baird,spencer fullerton, bairn, bairnsfather,charles bruce, baiser, baiting-place, baize, baja california, bajkal,lake, bakanga, baked, baker island, baker v. carr, bakersfield, baker,dame janet, baker,george granville, baker,harley granville, baker,howard henry,jr, baker,newton diehl, baker,sir benjamin, baker,sir samuel white, bakewell, bakewell,robert, bakhtyari, baki, baking powder, baking soda, baksheesh, bakst,leon, bakufu, bakunin, bakunin,mikhail aleksandrovich, balaclava, balaguer,joaquin, balakirev,mili alekseyevich, balaklava(或balaclava), balaklava,battle of, balalaika, balance of payments, balance of power, balance of trade, balanchine,george, balas, balaton,lake, bala,lake, balboa, balboa,vasco nunez de, balchin,nigel, balch,emily green, balcony, balcon,sir michael, bald cypress, bald eagle(或american bald eagle), baldachin, balder, balderdash, baldness(或alepecia), baldric, baldrick, baldung(或baldung-grien),hans, baldwin ⅰ, baldwin ⅱ, baldwin ⅲ, baldwin ⅳ, baldwin,james, baldwin,robert, baldwin,roger nash, baldwin,stanley, bale, balearic islands, baleen, balenciaga,cristobal, balfour,arthur james balfour, 1st earl of, bali, balikpapan, balinese music, baliol,john de, balkan, balkan mountains, balkan peninsula, balkan states, balkan wars, balkanization, balkans, balkhash, balkhash,lake, ball lightning, ballad-maker’s pen:, ballad-monger, ballade, ballance,john, ballantyne,robert michael, ballarat, ballard,james graham, balla,giacomo, ballesteros,severiano, ballet comique de la reine,la, ballet russe de monte carlo, ballets russes, ballflower, balliol,john, ballista, ballistic missile, ballistite, balloon fish, balloonfish, ballooning, ballotte, ballow, balls, ballute, bally, ballyhoo, ballymena, ball,john, ball,lucille, balmoral castle, balmusette, baloney, balsa(或corkwood), balsam fir, balsamum, balthazar, baltic, baltic exchange, baltic languages, baltic sea, baltic shield, baltic states, baltimore, baltimore oriole, baluchi, baluchis, baluchistan, baluchitherium, baluster, balzac,honore de, bambara, bamberg, bambino, bambocciata, bambundu, bamileke, ban-dog, bana, banaba, banal, banbury cheese:, banc, banco, bancroft,george, bancroft,hubert howe, bancroft,marie effie wilton, lady, bancus, band-aid, banda, banda sea, bandananaike,solomon, bandar abbas, bandar seri begawan, bandaranaike, bandaranaike,sirimavo, banda,hastings kamuzu, bandbox, bandeau, bandeira,manuel, banderole, bandetto, bandicoot, bandie, bandit, bandkeramik, bandore, bands, bandung
1 bandung conference, bandung(或 bandoeng), bandwagon, bandying, baneberry, banes, banff, bangalore, bangalore(或bangalur), bangbang, banger, bangka(或banka), bangladesh, bangladesh,people’s republic of, bangle, bangor, bangweulu,lake, banished, banister, banja luka, banjarmasin, banjars, banjulele, bank for international settlements, bank holidays, bank of england, bank of the united states,first, bank of the united states,second, banka, banket, bankhead,tallulah, banking, bankroller, bankrout, bankrupt, bankruptcy, banks island, banksia(或 bottle brush), banks,sir joseph, banneker,benjamin, banneret, banning, bannister,sir roger gilbert, bannitus, bannock, bannockburn, banquiste, banshee, bantamweight, banteng, banter, banting,sir frederick grant, bantry bay, bantu, bantu homelands(或 bantustans), bantu languages, bantu peoples, bantustans, banville,theodore faullain de, banyan, bao dai, baobab(或boojum), baptistry, baptists, baptized, baqqarah, bar harbor, bar hebraeus, bar kokhba,simon, bar mitzvah, bar-le-duc, barabbas, baraka,imamu amiri, baranof island, baranov,aleksandr andreevich, barbarian, barbarians, barbarism, barbarossa, barbarossa,frederick, barbarous, barbary ape, barbary coast, barbary sheep, barbary states, barbary:, barbason:, barbastelle, barbecue, barbed, barbed wire, barbel(或barb), barbell, barber, barber-monger, barberry, barbert, barber,samuel, barbet, barbette, barbican, barbirolli,sir john, barbiturates, barbizon school, barbola, barbotine, barbour,john, barbuda, barbusse,henri, barca, barclay de tolly,mikhail bogdanovich, barcoo river, bardeen,john, bardolater, bardolph:, bardot,brigitte, bardsey, bare-bone, bare-gnawn, barebones parliament, barebones,praisegod, barefaced, barefoot brother:, bareilly, barenbolm,daniel, bareness, barents sea, barenty(或barents),willem, barere,bertrand, barful, bargello, barghest, bargulus:, barham,richard harris, bari, baring,evelyn, barite(或 barytes、heavy spar), bark(或engraver) beetle, barker, barkhausen,heinrich, barking and dagenham, barking deer, barkley,alben william, barkly tableland, barlach,ernst, barletta, barley, barley-broth, barline, barlow,joel, barm, barn owl, barn swallow, barnabas,st, barnacle goose, barnard college, barnardo,thomas john, barnard’s star, barnard,christiaan neethling, barnard,edward emerson, barnard,frederick auguster porter, barnard,george grey, barnard,henry, barnaul, barnave,antoine pierre, barnburners, barnes, barnes:, barnes,djuna, barnes,william, barnet, barnet:, barneveldt,johan van olden, barnsley, barnstaple, barnstorm, barnum,phineas taylor, baro-, barocchio,giacomo, baroda, baroja y nessi,pio, baron, baroni, baron’s wars, baron,salo wittmayer, barossa valley, barotse, barotseland, barozzi,giacomo, barque, barquisimeto, barra, barrabas:, barrack, barracuda, barrage, barranquilla, barras,paul francois jean nicolas,vicomte de, barrater, barratry, barrault,jean-louis, barre, barrel, barrel cactus, barrel organ, barren grounds, barrenness, barres,maurice, barricade, barricado, barrier reef, barrie,sir james, barring, barrow-in-furness, barrow,sir john, barry, barrymore, barry,philip, barry,sir charles, barson:, barthelme,donald, bartholdi,frederic august, bartholomew-tide, bartholomew:, bartholomew,st, barth,heinrich, barth,john, barth,karl, bartizan, bartlette,josiah, bartok,bela, bartolommeo,fra(或 baccio della porta), barton, barton,clara, barton,elizabeth, barton,sir edmund, bartram,john, baruch, baruch,bernard, baryacusia, barycenter, baryshnikov,mikhail, barytes, barzum,jacques, bar,confederation of, bas-relief= bass-relief, basal metabolism, base-string, basel, basel(或basle), basely, basel,council of, baseness, basenji, baser, bash, basher, bashful, bashkir, bashkir autonomous soviet socialist republic, bashkirs, basic, basic english, basic语言, basidiomyceles, basie,count, basil, basil the great,st, basil ⅰ the macedonian, basil ⅱ buigaroctonus, basil([ˈbæzl])i, basildon, basilect, basilicata, basimecu:, basin, basingstoke, basingstoke:, basin,oceanic, basis, baskerville,john, basket, basket-hilt, basking shark, baskin,leonard, basle, basle,council of, bason, basque, basque provinces, basques, basra, bass clarinet, bass rock, bass strait, bass-viol, bassano,jacopo, basse terre, basse-terre, bassein, basset horn, basset hound, bassinette, basso, basswood, bast, bast fibres, bastardizing, bastardry, bastardy, bastia, basting, bastion, bastogne, basutoland, bat mitzvah, bataan, batan(或batanese islands), batatille, batavi(或batavians), batavia, batavian republic, batavians, batch, bateau, bated, batekes, bateleur, bateson,william, bates,daisy mary, bates,henry walter, bates,herbert ernest, batfish, batholith(或 bathylith), bathometer, bathos, baths, baths of caracalla, bathsheba, bathurst, bathylith, bathymetric map, bathymetry, bathyscaphe, bathysphere, bating, batista,fulgencio, batler, batley, batlle y ordonez,jose, batman, baton, baton rouge, batsman, batta, battaks, battalia, battalion, battani,al-, battement, battenberg, batten,jean, battered baby syndrome, batterie, battersea, battery,electric, battle cruiser, battle of britain, battle of saratoga, battledore, battles, battleship, battu, battue, batu(khan), batumi, baubling, baud, baudelaire,charles, baudouin(ⅰ), bauhaus, baulk, baumgarten,alexander gottlieb, baum,lyman frank, baur,ferdinand christian, bautzen, bauxite, bavarian succession,war of the, bavin, bawcock, bawdry, bawdy, bawdy-house, baxter,richard, bax,sir arnold, bay laurel, bay of pigs, bay of pigs invasion, bay psalm book, bay tree, bayadere, bayamon, bayard, bayard,pierre terrail,seigneur de, bayar,celal, baybars ⅰ, bayberry, bayern, bayes, bayeux, bayeux tapestry, bayezid ⅱ, baykal,lake, bayle, bayle,pierre, bayliss,sir william maddock, baylis,lilian, baynard’s castle:, bayonne, bayou, bayreuth, bayrut, bays, baytown, bazaine,achille francois, bazard, bazille,jean-frederic, bazook, bazooka, bazzar, ba’al shem tov, ba’labakk, bbc, bcg(bacillus caimette-guerin), be-all and end-all:, be-gar:, be-meet, beach, beach flea(或 sand flea、sand hopper), beach grass, beachfront, beachy, beachy head, beach,moses yale, beaconsfield, beaconsfield,beniamin disraeli, 1st earl of, beacon,aircraft, bead, beaded lizard, beadfirst, beadle,george wells, beadroll, beads, beaked whale, beaker people, beale,dorothea, beanfeast, bear flag revolution, bear market, bear-baiting, bear-whelp, bearbaiting, bearberry, beard, bearded lizard, bearded tit, bearden,romare, beardsley,aubrey vincent, beardtongue, beardworm, beard,charles austin, bearer, bearherd, bearing-cloth, bearn, bear’ard, bear,great, bear,little, beastliness, beastly, beas,river, beat generation, beat movement, beaten, beatific, beatification, beatism, beatitudes, beatnik, beaton(或 bethune),david, beaton,sir cecil, beatrice,portinari, beatrix, beattie,ann, beatty,david, 1st earl, beatty,warren, beau, beaubourg, beauce, beaufort scale, beaufort sea, beaufort,henry, beaufort,margaret, beauharnais,alexander,vicomte de, beauharnais,eugene de, beauharnais,hortense de, beauharnais,josephine de, beaujolais, beaulieu, beaumarchais,pierre-augustin caron de, beaumaris, beaumont, beaumont,francis, beaumont,william, beaune, beauregard,pierre gustave toutant, beauteous, beautified, beauty-waning, beauvais, beauvais tapestry, beauvoir,simone de, beaux, beaverbrook,william maxwell aitken, 1st baron, bebel, bebel,august, becalm, beccaria,cesare, bechance, bechet,sidney, bechuanaland, becken, becker,boris, becker,carl lotus, becket, beckett,samuel, becket,thomas, beckford,william, beckmann,max, becomed, becoming, becquerel,antoine henri, becquer,gustavo adolfo, bed-hanger, bed-presser, bedabbled, bedashed, bedaubed, bedbug, bedchamber crisis, bedded, beddoes,thomas lovell, bede(或baeda),st, bedel, bedevil, bedfellow, bedford, bedford level, bedfordshire, bedford,john(of lancaster),duke of, bedim, bedlington terrier, bedouin, bedred, bedrid, bedrock, bedsore, bedstraw, beduin, bedworth, bee balm, bee-eater, beebe,charles william, beech, beecham,sir thomas, beecher,henry ward, beecher,lyman, beefly, beefwood, beelzebub, beep, beeper, beerbohm,sir max, beersheba, beeswax, beet, beet sugar, beethoven, beethoven,ludwig von, beetle-headed, beeton,isabella mary, beetroot, beewax, befall, befit, befitted, befog, before-breach, befortune, befoul, befriend, befriender, beggar, beggared, beggarly, beggary, beggar’s opera,the, begin,menachem, begnaw, begrime, begrimed, begrudge, beguiled, beguine, begum, behan,brendan, behave, behaved, behaviour, behaviour therapy, behaviourism, behead, behmen,jacob, behn,aphra, beholding, behoofeful, behoove, behoveful, behowl, behrens,peter, behring,emil adolph von, behrman,samuel nathaniel, bei, beida, beige, beijing, beira, beirut, beirut(或bayrut), beja, bejart(或bejard), bejart,maurice, bekaa,valley, bel, bel geddes,norman, bel:, bela ⅳ, belabour, belarus, belasco,david, belated, belaud, belaunde terry,fernando, belay, belch, belcher, beldam, beldame, beleaguer, belee, belem(或para), beleuchter, belfast, belfort, belfry, belgia:, belgian congo, belgian sheepdog, belgium, belgrade, belgrade(或beograde), belgrano,manuel, belial, belie sliverman, belief, believe, belike, belinsky,vissarion grigoryevich, belisarius, belittle, bell bay, bell rock(或 inchcape rock), bell's palsy, bell-wether, belladonna, belladonna lily, bellamy,edward, bellarmine,st robert, bellay,joachim de, bellbird, bellboy, belle, belle isle,strait of, belleau wood,battle of, bellerophon, bellevue, bellflower(或 canterbury bell,campanula), bellicose, bellingham, bellingshausen sea, bellingshausen,fabian gottlieb von, bellini,gentil, bellini,giovanni, bellini,jacopo, bellini,vincenzo, bellinzona, bellman, belloc,hilaire, bellona:, bellows, bellows,george wesley, bellow,saul, bello,andres, bellum internecinum, bellum justum, bellwether, belly, belly-pinched, bellyful, bell,alexander graham, bell,andrew, bell,gertrude lowthian, belmonte,juan, belo horizonte, belonged, belorussian soviet socialist republic, beloved, below, belsen, belshazzar, belt, beluga, bely,andrei, belzebub:, bemadding, bembo,pietro, bemete, bemis heights,battle of, bemoan, bemoiled, bemonster, bemused, ben bella,ahmed, ben nevis, ben venuto (it.):, ben yehudah,eliezer, ben-gurion,david, ben-zvi,itzhak, benares, benavente y martinez,jacinto, benbow,john, benchley,robert charles, benchmark, benda,julien, bended, bendigo, bending, bendjedid,chadli, bene-israel, beneath, benedicite (l.):, benedict, benedict ⅹⅳ, benedict ⅹⅴ, benedict ⅺ,(blessed), benedictines, benedictus, benedict,ruth, benedict,st, benediktsson,bjarni, benefaction, benefic, benefice, beneficence, beneficiate, beneficium, benefits, beneleux(economic union), benes,edward, benetted, benet,stephen vincent, benevento, bengali, bengal,bay of, benghazi(或banghazi), benguela, benighted, benign, benin, benin city, benin,kingdom of, benin,people’s republic of, beni,rio, benjamin,judah philip, bennett,enoch arnold, bennett,james gordon, bennett,richard bedford, 1st viscount, bennett,richard rodney, bennett,sir william sterndale, benny, benny,jack, benn,anthony neil wedgwood, benn,gottfried, benoit de sainte-maure, benoni, benson,sir frank, bentham, bentham,jeremy, benthic, benthic division, benthos, bentinck,lord william henry cavendish, bentivoglio, bentley,edmund clerihew, bentley,eric, bentley,richard, benton,thomas hart, bentwood furniture, bent’s fort, bent,charles, benue,river, benumb, benzedrine, benzoic acid, benzoin, benz,karl, beograd, beothuk, beowulf, berain the elder,jean, beranger,pierre jean de, berate, berattle, berber, berbera, berberis, berbers, berceuse, berchtesgaden, berchtold,leopold von,count, berdyaev,nikolai, bereaved, berenger(或 berengarius of tours), berenice’s hair, berenson,bernard, beret, berezniki, berg, bergamo, bergen, bergen op zoom, berger table, bergius,friedrich, bergman,ernst ingmar, bergman,hjalmar fredrik elgerus, bergman,ingrid, bergomask dance:, bergson, bergson,henri, berg,alban, beria,lavrenti pavlovich, beriberi, bering island, bering sea, bering strait, bering,vitus jonassen, berkeleian, berkeley, berkeley,busby, berkeley,george, berkeley,sir lennox, berkelium, berkshire, berlin airlift, berlin pact, berlin wall, berlin-west africa conference, berliner ensemble, berlinguer,enrico, berlin,conference of(或 berlinwest african conference), berlin,congress of, berlin,irving, berlin,sir isaiah, berlioz,louis hector, bermejo,rio, bermuda grass, bermuda triangle, bern, bern convention, bern(或berne), bernadette of lourdes,st, bernadotte dynasty, bernadotte,folke,count, bernadotte,jean baptiste jules, bernanos,georges, bernard of chartres, bernard of clairvaux,st, bernard of menthon,st, bernardin de saint-pierre, jacques henri, bernard,claude, berne, bernese mountain dog, bernese oberland, bernhard of saxe-weimar, duke, bernhardt,sarah, bernina,piz, bernini,gian lorenzo, bernoulli’s equation, bernoulli’s principle, bernoulli,daniel, bernoulli,jakob, bernoulli,johann, bernstein, bernstein,eduard, bernstein,leonard, berre,etang de, berrord, berruguete,pedro, berryman,john, berry,chuck, berry,jean de france,duc de, berry,marie-caroline de bourbon-sicile,duchess de, berserk, berth, berthelot,pierre eugene marcelin, berthier,louis alexandre,prince de wagram, berthollet,claude louis,comte, bertillon measurement, bertillon,alphonse, bertolucci,bernardo, bertran de born, bertrand,henri gratien,comte, berwick-upon-tweed, berwick:, berwickshire, berwick,james fitzjames,duke of, beryllium, berzelius,jons jakob,baron, bes, besancon, besant,annie, besant,sir walter, bescreened, beseech, beseeched, beseek, beseem, beshrew, beshrow, besiege, beslubber, besmear, besom, besonian, besort, besot, bespangle, bespatter, bessarabia, bessarion,john, bessel,friedrich wilhelm, bessemer process, bessemer,sir henry, bessy, best-conditioned, best-moving, best-tempered, bestead, bested, bestialize, bestiary, bestowing, bestraught, bestrew, bestrow, bestud, bestuzhev-riumin,aleksei petrovich ,count, best,charles herbert, bet, bet sh’ean, beta, beta blocker, beta centauri, beta crucis(或mimosa), beta decay, beta geminorum, beta particle, betancourt,romulo, bete noire, beteem, betel nut palm, betel(或 areca), betelgeuse, bethany, bethesda, bethe,hans albrecht, bethlen,count stephen, bethlen,gabor, bethmann-hollweg,theobald von, bethune
1 bethune,henry norman, bethune,mary mccleod, betime, betjeman,sir john, betoken, betony, betossed, betroth, bettelheim,bruno, better business bureau, betterment, betterness, betterton,thomas, betti,ugo, betty trask award, between, betws-y-coed, beust,friedrich ferdinand,count von, bevan,aneurin, bevatron, beverage, beveridge,william henry, beverley, beverley hills, bevin,ernest, bevis:, bewail, beweep, bewept, bewhore, bewick,thomas, bewilder, bewray, bexhill-on-sea, bexley, beyazid, beyle,marie henri, beza,theodore, bezel, beziers, bezique, bezonian, bhagalpur, bhagavadgita, bhakta, bhamo, bharat, bharatiya janata party(bjp), bharhut, bhatpara, bhattacharya,bhabhani, bhavachakra, bhave,vinoba, bhavnagar, bhilis, bhoodan, bhopal, bhoskhara ⅱ, bhubaneswar, bhutan, bhutan,kingdom of, bhutto, bhutto,zulfikar ali, bi, biafra, biafra,bight of, bialik,chaim nachman, bialystok, biarritz, bib, bibble-babble, bibelot, bible societies, biblical archaeology, biblio, bibliography, bibliotheque nationale, bibulous, bicameral, bicameral system, bicarbonate of soda, bice, biceps, bichir, bichon frise, bicker, bickering, bicols, bicycle racing, bidault,georges, bidding, biddle,john, biddle,nicholas, bideford, biding, biedermeier style, biel(或bienne), biela’s comet, bielefeld, bielsko-biala, bien hoa, bienne, biennial, biens, bienville,jean baptiste le moyne,sieur de, bier, bierce,ambrose gwinnett, bierstadt,albert, bifocus, bifoil, bifrons, big ben, big dipper, big-bang theory of universe, bigamic, bigelow,john, biggen, biggin, biggs,edward george power, bighorn(或 rocky mountain sheep), bight, bignonia, bigordi,domenico, bigot, bihar, bihari, biharis, bijapur, bijou, bikaner, bike, bikini, bikini atoll, biko,steven, bilabial, bilateral, bilateral monopoly, bilateralism, bilbao, bilberry, bilberry(或 blaeberry、whortleberry), bilbo, bilboes, bilderdijk,willem, bildungsroman, bile acids, bilge, bilharziasis, bilingual, bilirubin, bilk, bill of exchange, bill of rights, billbug, billiard, billiards, billings, billingsgate, billings,john shaw, billings,josh, billings,william, billion, billow, billroth,christian albert theodor, billy the kid, biloquialism, biloxi, bimetallism, bimirror, bimodal, bimonthly, bin, binary, binary star, binary system, binaural, binding energy, bindlestiff, binet,alfred, binge, bingen, binghamton, bingham,george caleb, bingham,hiram, bingo, bingo(或 tombola、housy-housy), bing,sir rudolf, binis, binocle, binoculars, binomial, binomial nomenclature, binomial theorem, binturong, binyon,laurence, bio-, bio-bio,river, bioassay, biochemistry, biod, biodegradability, biodegradable substance, bioelectricity, bioengineering(或biomechanics), biofeedback, biogenetic law(或 recapitulation theory), bioko island(或 fernando po), biological control, biological rhythm, biological sciences, biological warfare, biology, bioluminescence, biomass, biome, biomechanics, biomorph, bion, biophilia, biophysics, biopic, biopoesis, biopolarity, bioprophy, biopsy, biorhythm(或biological rhythm), bioscope, biosphere, biotic, biotin, biotite, bipack, bipartite, biprism, biqa,al, biracial, birch, bird banding, bird cherry, bird migration, bird of paradise, bird of prey, bird spider, bird woman, bird-bolt, bird-of-paradise flower, birdlime, birdseye,clarence, birds,the, birdum, bird’s nest fern, bird’s nest orchid, bireme, birendra bir bikram shah dev, birkbeck,george, birkenhead, birkenhead,fredericck edwin smith,1st earl of, birkhoff,george david, birmingham, birnam:, birnan:, birney,james gillespie, birobidzhan, birotation, biro,laszlo, birretum, birth control, birth control pill, birth defects, birth order, birth rate, birth-strangled, birthdom, birthmark, birthright, birthstone, birtwistle,harrison, bis coctus, biscayne bay, biscayne national park, biscay,bay of, biscuit, bisection angle, biserial, bishkek, bishop auckland, bishops’wars, bishop,elizabeth, bishop,isabel, bishop,isabella lucy bird, bishop,sir henry rowley, bisk, biskra, bisley, bismarck, bismarck archipelago, bismark, bismark,otto von, bison, bisque, bissextile, bisson, bister, bistort, bistro, bitch, bithynia, biting, bitola, bitterling, bitterly, bittern, bitterness, bitterroot, bittersweet, bitto dynasty, bivalve, bivariate, bivouac, bivvy, biz, bizarre, bizerte, bizet,georges, biáo, biè, biě, biɑn, bjerknes,vilhelm friman koren, bjorling,jussi, bjornson,bjornstjerne martinius, bjornsson,sveinn, bk, blabbing, black americans(或afro-americans), black and tan coonhound, black and tan terrier, black and tans, black ape, black bass, black bear, black beetle, black body, black consciousness, black country,the, black death, black earth, black english, black fly, black forest, black friday, black grouse, black gum(或sour gum), black hand, black hawk war, black hills, black hole, black hole of calcutta, black lung disease, black magic, black market, black mass, black mountain, black mountains, black muslims, black oak, black panther party, black prince,edward the, black quarter, black rod, black sea, black snake, black spot, black studies, black swan, black volta(或volta noire), black walnut, black watch(或royal highland regiment), black water fever, black widow(或button spider、redback spider), black-eyed bean(或 black-eyed pea), black-eyed susan(或yellow daisy), black-faced, black-scholes option pricing model, black-scholes option pricing modelblackscholes, blackamoor, blackbeard, blackberry, blackbirding, blackbuck, blackburn, blackcap, blackcurrant, blackett,patrick maynard stuart, baron, blackfish, blackfly, blackfoot, blackguard, blackheath, blackheath:, blackjack, blackleg, blackleg(或black quarter), blacklists, blackmail, blackmore,richard doddridge, blackmun,harry andrew, blackmur,richard palmer, blackout,physiological, blackpool, blacksheep, blackshirts, blacksmith, blackstone,sir william, blackthorn(或 sloe), blackwell,alice stone, blackwell,elizabeth, blackwell,henry brown, blackwood,algernon henry, black,hugo lafayette, black,joseph, bladderwort, bladed, blaeberry, blaine,james gillespie, blair,eric arthur, blair,francis preston, blakelock,ralph albert, blake,eubie, blake,nicholas, blake,peter, blake,robert, blake,william, blameful, blanc, blanchard,jean pierre francois, blanche of castile, blanching, blanco,antonio guzman, blanc,louis, bland-allison act, blandish, blank verse, blanket, blanqu, blanquillos, blanqui,louis auguste, blantyre, blantyre(或blantyre-limbe), blare, blasco ibanez,vicente, blase, blasis,carlo, blass,bill, blast furnace, blasted, blastment, blastomycosis, blastula, blatant, blaue reiter,der, blau,joseph leon, blavatsky,helen petrovna, blaydon, blazonry, bleacher, bleaching, bleaching powder, bleeding, bleeding heart, blemished, blend, blenheim, blenheim palace, blenheim,battle of, blenkinsop,john, blenny, blenometer, blent, blepharitis, bleriot,louis, blesbok, blessed, blessedness, blessing, blessington,marguerite,countess of, blest, bleuler,paul eugen, blewits, bligh,william, blimp, blind snake, blind spot, blind staggers, blind-worm, blindfish, blindworm, blink, blip, bliss,sir arthur edward drummond, blister beetle, blistered, blithe, blitz, blitzkrieg, blixen,karen, blizzard, bloc, bloch,ernest, bloch,felix, bloch,konrad emil, bloch,marc, block book, block mountain, blockade, blockette, blocksberg, block,herbert lawrence, bloemfontein, bloemfontein convention, blois, blok,aleksandr aleksandrovich, blond, blonde, blondel,maurice, blondin,charles, blood bank, blood clotting, blood fluke, blood groups, blood plasma, blood poisoning, blood pressure, blood sports, blood test, blood transfusion, blood type, blood vessels, blood-boltered, blood-consuming, blood-drinking, blood-sucker, bloodhound, bloodied, bloodroot(或red puccoon), bloodstone, bloodworm, bloody, bloody assizes, bloody-faced, bloody-minded, bloody-sceptered, blood,colonel thomas, blood,council of(或 troubles,countil of), blooey=blooie, bloom, bloomer,amelia jenks, bloomfield, bloomfield,leonard, bloomington, bloomsbury group, bloop, blottesque, blount,william, blouse, blowfish, blowfly, blowgun(或 blowpipe), blowing, blown, blow,john, blubbered, blucher,gebhard leberecht von, bludgeon, blue crab, blue fox, blue gum, blue jay, blue laws, blue mountains, blue nile, blue riband of the atlantic, blue rider, blue ridge mountains, blue shark, blue whale, blue-bottle, blue-cap, blue-collar worker, blue-green algae, blue-ribbon, bluebeard, bluebell, blueberry, bluebird, bluebonnet, bluebottle, bluefields, bluefish(或 tailor、snapper), bluegill, bluegrass(或meadow grass), bluejacket, blueprint, bluestockings, bluet, bluetit, bluff, blume, blumenbach,johann friedrich, blume,peter, blum,leon, blunden,edmund charles, blunder, blunderbuss, blunt-witted, bluntly, bluntness, blunt,anthony frederick, blunt,wilfrid scawen, blurb, blurt, blushing, bluster, blustering, blyth, blyth,chay, blyton,enid, bly,robert, bo-peep, bo-tree, boa, boa vista, boadicea, boar-spear, boars, boas,franz, boat, boat race, boatbill, boatel, boating, boaz, bobber, bobby, bobcat, bobo dioulass, bobolink, bobruisk(或bobruysk), bobsledding, bobtail, bobwhite, bocage, bocasin, bocca, boccaccio, boccaccio,giovanni, boccherini,luigi, boccia, boccie, boccioni,umberto, bochum, bock,hieronymus, bocskay,stephen, bod, bodawpaya, boddhisattva, bodement, bodenheim,maxwell, bodensee, bode’s law, bodge, bodh gaya, bodhi, bodhisattva, bodhisattva(或bodhista), bodice, boding, bodin,jean, bodleian library, bodley,sir thomas, bodmin, bodoni,giambattisa, bodykin, boehme,jakob, boehm,theobald, boeing, boeotia, boer war, boerhaave,hermann, boethius,anicius manlius severinus, boff, boffin, boffo, boffola, bog, bog moss, bogan,louise, bogarde,dirk, bogardus,james, bogart,humphrey deforest, bogazkoy(或boghazkeui), bogey, boggle, boghead coal, bogie, bogle, bognor regis, bogomils, bogus, bogy, bohemian-tartar:, bohemond ⅰ, bohme,jakob, bohm,karl, bohr atom, bohr,neils henrik david, boiardo,matteo maria, boii, boileau,nicolas, boiler, boiling point, bois de boulogne, boise, boise river, boite, boito,arrigo, bojer,johan, bokassa,jean-bedel, bokhara, boksburg, bok,edward william, bola(或bolas), bold-beating, bold-faced, bolden, bolden,buddy, boldrewood,rolf, bole, bolection, bolero, boleslav ⅰ, boleslav ⅱ, boleslav ⅲ, boletus, boleyn,anne, bolingbroke:, bolingbroke,henry st john, 1st viscount, bolivar, bolivar,simon, bolivia, bolivia,republic of, boll weevil, bollandists, bollon, bollworm(或pink bollworm), boll,heinrich, bologna, bologna,giovanni da, bolograph, bolshevik, bolsheviks, bolshoi ballet, bolshy, bolted:, bolter, bolting-hutch, boltzmann constant, boltzmann,ludwig eduard, bolt,robert oxton, bolyai,farkas, bolyai,janos, bolzano, boma, bombard, bombardier beetle, bombardon, bombax, bombay duck, bomper harvest, bon bon, bon homme richard, bon jour, bona dea(或damia), bona fide, bona roba:, bona terra,mala gens, bonanza, bonaparte, bonaparte(或buonaparte), bonaparte,joseph, bonaparte,louis, bonaparte,napoleon, bonapartism, bonaventure,st, bondage, bondi,sir hermann, bondman, bondoneon, bond,edward, boneblack(或 animal charcoal), bonefish, bones, boneset(或 thoroughwort), bonfire, bonheur,rosa, bonhoeffer,dietrich, bonhomie, boniface, boniface ⅷ, boniface ⅸ, boniface,st, bonifacio,jose, bonin islands, bonington,chris, bonington,richard parkes, bonism, bonitary, bonitas, bonito, bonkers, bonnard,pierre, bonnet,charles, bonneville salt flats, bonnie,prince charlie, bonny, bonny=bonnie, bonny,bight of, bonorum, bontebok, bontemps,arna, bonus, bonus army, bony fish, bonze, bon,cape, boo, boob, boodle, booger, boogie, boogie-woogie, book of common prayer, book of hours, book of mormon,the, book of the dead, book publishing, book-man, book-oath, bookbinding, booker prize, bookie, bookish, bookkeeping, booklouse(或dustlouse), bookworm, boole, boolean algebra, boole,george, boomslang, boondocks, boondoggle, boone, boone,daniel, boong, boonies, booper, boorish, boost, bootes(或herdsman), boothia peninsula, booth,charles, booth,edwin, booth,john wilkes, booth,junius brutus, booth,william, bootie, bootle, bootleg, bootlegging, bootless, bootlick, boots, bootstrap, bootstrap theory, booty, booze, bop, bop(或bebop), bophuthatswana, bopp,franz, borachio:, borage, borah,william edgar, boranes, boras, bordeaux, borden,gail, borden,lizzie andrew, borden,sir robert laird, border collie, border states, border terrier, bordereau, borders region, bordet,jules, bordeux, bordone,paris, boreal forest, borelli,giovanni alfonso, boresight, borga, borges,jorge luis, borghese, borgia, borgia,cesare, borgia,lucrezia, borglum,gutzon, borg,bjorn, boric acid, boris godunov, boris ⅰ of bulgaria, boris ⅲ, borlaug,norman, bormann,martin, born, borne, bornholm, bornite(或peacock ore), bornu, born,max, borobudur, borodino,battle of, borodin,aleksandr porfirevich, boron, borromeo,st charles, borromini,francesco, borrowdale, borrowed, borrowing, borrow,george henry, borstal, borstal system, bortsch, borzoi(或 russian wolfhound), bosanquet,bernard, bosch, bosch,hieronymus, bose, bose-einstein statistics, bose,sir jagadis chandra, bose,subhas chandra, bosh, bosky, bosnia, bosnia and hercegovina, bosomed, boson, bosporus, bossed, bossuet,jacques benigne, boston massacre, boston tea party, boston terrier, boston,siege of, boswell,james, bosworth field,battle of, bosworth:, bot fly, botanic gardens, botany bay, botcher, bote, botha,louis, botha,pieter willem, bothe, bother, bothe,walther wilhelm georg franz, bothnia,gulf of, bothwell,james hepburn, 4th earl of, bots, botswana, botswana,republic of, botticelli,sandro, bottine, bottle-ale, bottlebrush, bottled, bottlenose, bottler, bottom:, bottomry, bottrop, botulism, botvinnik,mikhail moiseyevich, bouake, boucharde, bouche, boucher de perthes,jacques, boucher,francois, bouchon
1 boudge, boudicca, boudin,eugene, boudoir, bouffe, bougainville, bougainvillea, bougainville,louis antoine de, bought, boulanger, boulanger,nadia, boulder clay, boule, boules, boulevard, boulez,pierre, boulle, boulle,andre-charles, boulogne, boulogne,jean, boult, boulter,hugh, boulton,matthew, boult,sir adrian, boumediene, boumedienne,houari, bouncing, bouncing bet, bouncy, boundary, bounden, bounds, bounquet, bountiful, bourbaki,nicolas, bourbon(whiskey), bourbon,charles,duc de, bourdelle,emile, bourdon, bourgeois, bourgeoisie, bourgeois,leon, bourges, bourget,paul, bourguiba,habib, bourke-white,margaret, bourmont, bourmont,louis auguste victor de ghaisnes ,comte de, bournemouth, bournville, bourree, boutade, boutique, bouts,dierick, bouvet, bouvines,battle of, boveri,theodor heinrich, bovet,daniel, bovidae, bow porcelain, bowdlerize, bowdler,thomas, bowed, bowels, bowen,elizabeth, bowen,norman levi, bowerbird, bowers, bower,frederick orpen, bowfin, bowie,david, bowling green, bowling(或tenpin bowling), bowls, bow,clara, box elder, box turtle, box-tree, boxer, boxing, boy scouts, boyaca,battle of, boyars, boyce,william, boycott, boycott,charles cunningham, boycott,geoffrey, boyd-orr of brechin mearns , john 1st baron, boyer,charles, boyle, boyle’s law, boyle,robert, boyne river, boyne,battle of the, boyoma falls, bozzetto, bp机, br, bra, brabant,duchy of, brabble, brabham,jack, bracegirdle,anne, bracery, brach, brachiopoda, brachy, bracken(或 brake), bracket, bracknell, bract, bracton,henry de, bradbury,ray, braddock,edward, bradford, bradford,andrew, bradford,gamaliel, bradford,william, bradlaugh,charles, bradley, bradley,andrew cecil, bradley,francis herbert, bradley,james, bradley,omar nelson, bradman,sir donald george, bradstreet,anne, brady-, bradygenesis, bradyglossia, braemar, braga, braganza, braggard, braggardism, braggart, bragg,sir william henry, brahe,tycho, brahman(cattle), brahmanas, brahmanism, brahmaputra river, brahmin(或brahman), brahmo samaj, brahms, brahms,johannes, braid, braila, braille, braille,louis, brain trust, brain-pan, brain-sickly, braine,john, brainford:, brainish, brains, brainsick, brainwashing, braise=braize, brakpan, bramah, bramah,joseph, bramante,donato, bramble, brambling, brampton, bran, branched, branchiopoda, brancusi,constantin, brandao,raul, brandeis,louis dembitz, brandenburg gate, brandes,georg morris cohen, brando,marlon, brandt, brandting, brandt,bill, brandt,willy, brandywine,battle of the, branner,hans christian, brantford, branting,karl hjalmar, brantome,pierre de, brant,joseph, brant,sebastian, braque,georges, bras, brash, brasov, brass instruments, brassed, brassica, brassie, brassiere, bratby,john, bratsk, brattain,walter houser, brattice, brattishing, brauchitsch,walther von, braun, braunau, braunschweig, braun,eva, braun,wernher von, brautigan,richard, brauwer,adriaen, bravado, brave new world, bravely, bravery, bravura, bravvra, brawling, braxton,carter, brazed, brazier, brazil, brazil nut, brazilwood, brazil,federal republic of, brazing, brazza,pierre paul francois camille savorgnan de, breaches, breaching gap, bread and cheese:, bread mold, breadfruit, breadth, breakbone fever, breakdance, breakfast, breaking, breakthrough, bream,julian alexander, brearley,mike, breastbone, breasted,james henry, breathalyzer, breathe, breathed, breather, breathless, brebeuf,st jean de, brechtian, brecht,bertolt, brecknock:, breconshire, bred, breeched, breeches, breeching scholar:, breed-bate, breeder, breeder reactor, breeze, breff, bregenz, brehon, brehon laws, brei, breitnfeld,battles of, bremen, bremmstrahlung, bren gun, brendan,st, brendel,alfred, brenner pass, brent, brent goose, brentano,clemens, brentano,franz, brescia, breslau, bresson,robert, bressummer, brest expedition, brest-litovsk, brest-litovsk,treaties of, bretagne:, bretigny,treaty of, breton:, breton,andre, bretton woods conference, bretton([ˈbretən])woods, breuer,josef, breuer,marcel lajos, breuil,henri, breve, brevet, breviary, breviate, brevier, brevity, brewage, brewed, brewer’s horse:, brewing, brewster’s law, brewster,sir david, brezhnev, brezhnev,leonid ilich, brian boru, briand, briand,aristide, brian,havergal, briar, bribe, bribed-buck, bribery and corruption, brick, bricker amendment, bricklayer, bricks, bride, bridewell, bride,st, bridge of sighs, bridgenorth:, bridgeport, bridges, bridges,robert seymour, bridges,st, bridgewater canal, bridge,frank, bridgman,percy williams, bridgwater, bridie,james, brie, briefly, briefness, brier, brig, brigade, brigand, brigandine, briggs,henry, brighten, brighton, brighton school, bright,john, bright,richard, brigit, brill, brillat-savarin,anthelme, brilliant, brilliant cut, brilliantine, brimful, brimstone, brinded, brindisi, brindle, brindley,james, brine, brine shrimp, brinish, brink, brio, briquette, brisance, brisbane, brise, brise-bise, brisky, brisling, brissot,jacques-pierre, bristlecone pine, bristletail, bristol channel, bristol:, bristow:, britaine:, britannia metal, british academy, british antarctic territory, british broadcasting corporation, british citizenship, british columbia, british council, british council of churches, british dependent territories, british expeditionary force, british guiana, british indian ocean territory, british isles, british legion, british library, british museum, british north america act, british open championship, british standard institute, british thermal unit, britons, brittany, britten,edward benjamin, brittle star, brixham, brno, broached, broad bean, broad blown:, broadbill, broadcast, broadmoor, broadside, broads,the, broadwood,john, brocade, brocage, brocard, brocatelle, broccoli, broche, brochure, broch,hermann, brocken, broglie,louis victor, 7th duc de, brogue, broke, broken hill, broken hill(zambia), broken-winded, brolly, bromide, bromine, bromley, bronchial tubes, bronchitis, bronowski,jacob, bronte sisters, brontotherium, bronx, bronx,the, bronze age, bronzino ⅱ, brook farm, brookeborough,basil stanlake brooke, 1st viscount, brooke,rupert, brooke,sir james, brookings institute, brooklyn, brooks,gwendolyn, brooks,mel, brooks,philips, brooks,van wyck, brook,peter, broomrape, broomstaff, brothel, brotherhood, brotherly, brotulid, brougham, brough,louise, brouhaha, brouwer,adriaen, brouwer,luitzen egbertus jan, browbeat, browder,earl russell, brown algae, brown bear, brown v. board of education of topeka,kansas, browne, browne,hablot knight, browne,robert, browne,sir thomas, brownian movement, browning automatic rifle, browning,robert, brownist:, brownshirts, brownson,orestes augustus, brownsville, brown,capability, brown,charles brockden, brown,ford madox, brown,george, brown,helen curley, brown,jerry, brown,jimmy, brown,john, brown,robert, browse, brubeck,dave, bruce, bruce of melbourne,stanley melbourne, 1st viscount, brucellosis, bruce,james, bruch,max, brucke,die, bruckner,anton, brueghel the elder,pieter, brugge, bruiachite, bruised, bruising, bruit, brumaire, brummell,george bryan, brunch, brunei, brunei,state of, brunelleschi,filippo, brunel,isambard kingdom, brunhild, brunhilda, bruning,heinrich, brunner,emil, brunneus, bruno, bruno of cologne,st, bruno,giordano, brunt, brush turkey, brussels sprouts, brustein,robert, brut, brutish, brutum fulmen, brutus:, brutus,marcus junius, bryansk, bryant,william cullen, bryce,james, 1st viscount, bryn mawr college, bryony, bryophyta, bryozoa, bu, bubastis, bubble chamber, buber,martin, bubonic, bubukle, bucaramanga, buccaneer, buccaneers, buccaro, bucer,martin, buchanan, buchanan,franklin, buchanan,george, buchanan,james, buchan,john, 1st baron tweedsmuir, bucharest,treaties of, buchmanism, buchmanite, buchner,georg, buckeen, buckeye, bucking, buckingham palace, buckinghamshire, buckingham,george villiers, 1st duke of, buckingham,george villiers, 2nd duke of, buckler, bucklersbury:, buckman,frank nathan daniel, buckrom, bucks, buckshee, buckwheat, buck,pearl, bucolic, buddh gaya, buddhaghosa, buddhism, buddy, budd,zola, bude,guillaume, budgerigar, budgeteer, budge,don, buenavetura, bueno,maria, buffalo bill, buffer, buffer solution, buffeting, buffet,bernard, buffo, buffon,georges louis leclerc, comte de, bufft, buffy, bugaboo, buganda, bugatti,ettore arco isidoro, bugger, buggy, bugis, bugloss, bug,river, build, building, building society, buisson,ferdinand edouard, bukavu, bukhara(或bokhara), bukharin, bukharin,nikolai ivanovich, bukhari,al-, bukovina, bulawayo, bulb, bulfinch,charles, bulfinch,thomas, bulgakov,mikhail afanasyevich, bulganin, bulganin,nikolai aleksandrovich, bulgaria, bulgarian, bulgaria,people’s republic of, bulge, bulger, bull -beeves, bull market, bull mastiff, bull run,battles of(或 manassas,battles of), bull snake, bull terrier, bull-calf, bullace, bulldog, bulldozer, bullet, bulletin, bullfighting, bullfinch, bullfrog, bullingbrook:, bullion, bullshit, bully-rook, bull’s-pizzle, bull,john, bull,john(caricature), bulmer:, bulnes, bulow,bernhard heinrich,furst von, bulow,hans guido,freiher von, bulrush, bultmann,rudolf karl, bum-baily, bumble, bumblebee, bumf, bump, bumper, bumpety, bumpkin, bumptious, bun, bunbury, bunce, bunch, bunch-backed, bunche,ralph, buncht, bunco, bund, bundaberg, bundelkhand, bundesrath, bundestag, bundeswehr, bundist, bundle, bung-hole, bungalow, bungee, bunin,ivan alekseevich, bunion, bunk, bunker, bunker hill,battle of, bunkum, bunnag family, bunny, bunsen, bunsen burner, bunsen,robert wilheim, bunshaft,gordon, bunt, bunton, bunuel,luis, bunyan,john, bunyan,paul, buon fresco, bur, bur said, burakumin, buras, burbage,richard, burbank,luther, burbidge,eleanor margaret, burble, burbot, burchfield,charles, burckhardt,jacob christoph, burdeaux:, burden, burden(burthen), burdened, burdock, bureau, burg, burgas, burgee, burgenland, burgeon, burger,gottfried, burgess,anthony, burgess,guy, burge,joost, burgh, burgher, burghley,william ceceil,lord, burgh,hubert de, burgle, burgomaster, burgonet, burgos, burgoyne,john, burgundian school, burgundy, burgundy:, burial, burildan,jean, burin, burke, burke,edmund, burke,robert o′hara, burke,william, burl, burlap, burlesque, burletta, burlington, burlington,richard boyle, 3rd earl of, burly, burly-boned, burma, burma road, burma,socialist republic of the union of, burmese, burmese cat, burne-jones,sir edward coley, burnett,frances eliza hodgson, burnet,gilbert, burnet,sir frank macfarlane, burney,charles, burney,fanny, burning, burning bush, burning-glass, burnish, burnished, burnley, burns,john elliot, burns,robert, burra,edward, burroughs, burroughs,edgar rice, burroughs,william, burrow, burrowing owl, burr,aaron, bursa, bursar, burthen, burthened, burton-heath:, burton-upon-trent, burton:, burton,richard, burton,robert, burton,sir richard, burundi, burundi,republic of, bury st edmunds, bury:, buryat autonomous soviet socialist republic, bus, busby,matt, bush baby, bush cat, bushbuck, bushire, bushman, bushmaster, bushnell,david, bushrangers, bush,alan dudley, bush,george, busk, buskin, buskined, busky, busoni,ferruccio, buss, buss,frances mary, bust, bustamante y sirven,antonio sanchez de, bustard, buster, bustier, butadience, butane, butch, butcherbird, butcherly, butchery, butcher’s broom, bute, bute,john stuart, 3rd earl of, butler,benjamin franklin, butler,joseph, butler,reg cotterell, butler,richard austen,baron, butler,samuel, butor,michel, butt-end, butt-shaft, butte, butterfield,william, buttermere lake, butterwort, buttery, buttery-bar, buttock, button quail, button spider, button-hole, buttonhold, butt,dame clara, butyl rubber, buxtehude,dietrich, buxton, buzzer, buzzing, buzzword, by(e)-by(e), by-, by-drinking, by-room, by-word, byblos, bydgoszcz, bye, byelorussian, byline, byng,george,viscount, byng,john, byng,julian hedworth george, 1st viscount byng of vimy, bypass, byrd land, byrd,richard e., byrd,william, byre, byrnes, byron, byronic, byron,george gordon,lord, byte, bytom, byword, bywork, byzantine, byzantine art and architecture, byzantine empire, byzantium, bèng, bénɡ, bú, bāi, bēnɡ, běnɡ, bǐn, bɑ, bɑi, b’nai b’rith, b大调, b小调, b弦, b系(保持系), b级影片, b股市场, b调降半音单簧管, b超, b键, c. 四川, c. 阵式, c.g.s.system, c.修面用具, c.其它, c.其它零部件, c.军事法庭, c.冷却系统(散热系统), c.凸轮, c.吹奏乐器, c.唱片, c.天坛, c.妇女发式, c.家具, c.希腊, c.建筑钢筋, c.录音磁带, c.抗惊厥药, c.无锡, c.机场灯光、标志, c.板(盘), c.果园用具, c.欧洲, c.沙拉类, c.津巴布韦, c.海军, c.漓江(广西), c.站台, c.羊肉类, c.肉类蔬菜汤, c.警告标誌, c.越南, c.车厢内部设备, c.运动及舞蹈服装, c.量规类, c.阿根廷, c.青岛(山东), c.靶场等, c.食草兽类, ca, cabala, cabala(或 cabbala、kabbala), cabaletta, caballero, caballe,montserrat, cabana, cabaret, cabaret theater, cabas, cabbage palm, cabbage root fly, cabbage white butterfly, cabbala, cabell,james branch, caber tossing, cabeza de vaca,alvar nunez, cabido, cabilero, cabillero, cabimas, cabin, cabinda(或kabinda), cabined, cabinet government, cable television, cable,george washington, cabochon, caboodle, caboose, cabora-bassa dam, cabotage, cabotin, cabotine, cabot,john, cabot,sebastian, cabral,pedro alvares, cabrette, cabrillo,juan rodriguez, cabrini,saint frances xavier, cabriole, cabriolet, cacanny, cacao, caccia, caccini,giulio, caceres, cachalot, cache, cachet, cachin, cachot, cachucha, cack-handed, cackle, cacm, cacochylia, cacodemon, cacoepy, cacogastric, cacogenic, cacography, cacology, cacomistle, cacophony, cacopragia, cacorhythmic, cacotrophy, cactoblastis
1 cactus, cactus moth, cad, cadaster, cadastre, cadaver, cadbury hill, cadbury,george, caddice, caddie, caddis, caddis fly, caddo, cade:, cadence, cadent, cadenza, cader idris, cadet, cade,jack, cadge, cadillac,antoine de la mothe, cadiz, cadiz,bay of, cadmus, cadmus:, cadre, caduceus, cadwallader:, caecilian, caecum, caedmon, caelo, caen, caepio, caerleon, caernarfon, caernarfonshire(或caernarvonshire), caernarvon(或caernarfon), caernarvonshire, caerphilly, caesalpinus,andreas, caesar:, caesarea, caesarean section, caesarean=cesarean, caesar,julius, caesium, caesium clock, caetano,marcelo jose das neves alves, cafeteria, caffaggiolo maiolica, café, cage,john, caging, cagion, cagliari, cagliostro,alessandro,conte di, cagney,james, cagoule, caguas, cahan,abraham, cahari,paolo, cahier, cahoot, caicos islands, caillaux, caillaux,joseph-marie-auguste, caiman(或 cayman), cain, cain-coloured, cain:, cainozoic era, cain,james mallahan, caird, cairn terrier, cairngorm mountains, cairns, caisse, caisson disease, caithness, caitiff, cajole, cakewalk, cakohau, calabar, calaber:, calaboose, calabria, caladium, calage, calah, calais, calamine, calamites, calamitous, calamity, calamity jane, calamy,edmund, calando, calas,jean, calathos, calcar, calceolaria, calchas, calcia, calcination, calcinato, calcitonin, calcium carbonate, calcium oxide(或calcia), calcography, calculability, calculator, caldecott,randolph, caldera, calderon de la barca,pedro, calder,alexander, caldwell,erskine, caldwell,sarah, caldy island, calebasse, caledonia, caledonian canal, calefy, calenture, calescence, calf’s-head,capon,woodcock:, calgary, calhoun,john caldwell, cali, caliber=calibre, calicut, california, california current, california fan palm, california holly, california institute of technology, california,gulf of, california,university of, californium, caligula, caliph, caliphate, calipolis:, calisaya, calisthenics, caliver, calixtus ⅰ ,saint, calixtus ⅱ(或 callistus ⅱ), calixtus ⅲ(或callistus ⅲ), calk, calla lily, callaghan, callaghan,leonard james, callaghan,morley edward, callao, callas;maria, callat, callaway handicap system, calles,plutarco elias, callias, callice:, callicrates, calligram, calligrams, callimachus, calling, calliper, callipygian, callisthenes of olynthus, callisthenic, callisto, callistus ⅱ, callistus ⅲ, callithump, callitratus, calloch,jean pierre, callosity, callot, callot,jacques, callow, callus, cally, calmette,albert leon charles, calmie custure me!, calomel, calonne,charles-alexandre de, caloric, caloric theory of heat, calorie, calorimeter, calorstat, calpurnia, caltanissetta, calumet, calumniate, calumnious, calumny, calvacade, calvert,cecilius, 2nd baron baldimore, calvert,charles, 3rd baron baldimore, calvert,george, 1st baron baldimore, calve,emma, calvin, calvinism, calvino,italo, calvin,john, calvin,melvin, calvo sotelo,leopoldo, calvo,carlo, calx, calydonian hunt, calypso orchid, cam ranh bay, camacho,manuel avila, camaguey, camaieu, camaldolites, camanachd, camaraderie, camargue,la, camas(或 camass,camash,quamash), cambaceres,jean jacques regis, duc de, camber, camberwell beauty, cambist, cambodia, cambodia(或kampuchea), camborne-redruth, cambrai, cambrai,treaty of, cambria, cambrian mountains, cambrian period, cambric, cambridge platform, cambridge platonists, cambridgeshire, cambridge,university of, cambyses ⅱ, cambyses:, camcorder, camden, camden town group, camden,battle of, camden,william, cameist, camel spider, camelot, camelot:, camembert, camera, camera obscura, cameralism, camerated, camera,photographic, camera,television, camerlengo, cameron,julia margaret, cameron,richard, cameroom, cameroon, cameroons, camiknickers, camion, camisade, camisards, camlet, camleteen, camoaign for nuclear disarmament, camoes,luis de, camomile(或chamomile), camorra, camouflet, camp, camp david, camp david accords, camp fire girls, camp meeting, campagna di roma, campaign, campaign,political, campana, campanaccio, campane, campanella, campanella,tommaso, campanelli, campanetta, campania, campanula, campbell, campbell-bannerman,sir henry, campbell,alexander, campbell,colin,baron clyde, campbell,mrs patrick, campbell,robert, campbell,roy, campbell,sir malcolm, campbell,thomas, campeche, campeius,cardinal:, camper, camperdown, campesino, camphor tree, campina grande, campinas, campin,robert, campion, campion,edmund, campion,thomas, campi,giulio, campo formio,treaty of, campo grande, campobello island, campos, campsie fells, campus, campy, camshaft, camus,albert, camwood, can tho, cana, canaan, canaanites, canada balsam, canada company, canada first movement, canada goose, canada lynx, canadian football, canadian national railway company, canadian pacific railway, canadian pacific,limited, canadian river, canadian shield, canakin, canal boat, canaletto, canal,antonio, canape, canard, canaries, canario, canary current, canary grass, canary islands, canasta, cancelled, cancion, candela,felix, candid, candida, candidate, candide, candidiasis, candied, candle-cases, candle-holder, candle-mine, candle-waster, candlemas, candlepin, candles, candock, candour=candor, candy:, candys, candytuft, cane rat, cane sugar, canea, canephorus, canescence, canetti,elias, canidae, caning, canis major, canis minor, canker-bit, canker-blossom, cankered, cankerworm, canna(或india shot), cannae, cannae,battle of, cannard, cannes, cannes film festival, cannibalism, canning basin, canning,george, cannizzaro,stanislao, cannock, cannon,annie jump, cannon,joseph gurney, cannon,walter bradford, cannot, canny, canoeing, canon law, canonet, canonical, canonization, canonized, canopic jar, canopus(或alpha carinae), canorous, canossa, canovas del castillo,antonio, canova,antonio, cano,juan sebastian del, canstick, cant, cantabile, cantabrian mountains, cantacuzino, cantaloupe, cantankerous, cantatrice, canteen, canter, canterbury bell, canterbury plains, canterbury tales,the, canterbury:, canterbury,archbishop of, cantharidin, canticle, canticles, cantilation, cantilena, cantilever bridge, cantle, canton and enderbury islands, cantor,eddie, cantor,georg, cantos,the, cantrip, cantus, canus, canute ⅱ, canute,the great, canvasback, canvass, canyon de chelly national monument, canyonlands national park, canzona, canzone poplare, caoine, cap haitien, cap vert, cap-a-pie, capability, capablanca y graupera,jose raul, capable, capacious, capacitance, capacitor(或condenser), caparisoned, capax doli, capax hegotii, cape breton island, cape buffalo, cape canaveral, cape coast, cape cod, cape colony, cape frontier wars, cape horn, cape hunting dog, cape kennedy, cape of good hope, cape province, cape town, cape verde peninsula, cape verde,republic of, cape york peninsula, capek,karel, capel:, capelin, capella, capels:, capercaillie, capernaum, capet, capetian dynasty, capias, capilet:, capillarity, capillary, capital punishment, capital transfer tax, capital-gains tax, capitalism, capitation, capitis, capitol, capitol reef national park, capitol:, capitoline hill(或 capitol), capitol,united states, capitula, capitular, capitulary, capo, capodimonte porcelain, capoeira, capon, capone,alphonse, capote, capote,truman, cappa, cappadocia, cappella, capp,al, capra,frank, capriccio, caprice, capricious, capricorn, capricornus(或sea goat), capricorn,tropic of, caprivi strip, capri,island of, capsicum, capsid(或 fleahopper), capsize, capsule,spacecraft, caption, captive, captived, captivity, capture, capua, capuchin monkey, capuchins, caput, capybara, carabin, caracal, caracalla, caracara, caracole, carafe, carageen, caramanlis,constantine, caramel, caratacus, caravaggio, caravan, caravel, caraway, caraways, carazo odio,rodrigo, carbasus, carbide, carbohydrate, carbolic acid, carbon black, carbon cycle, carbon dioxide, carbon dwarf star, carbon fibres, carbon monoxide, carbon tetrachloride, carbon-14 dating, carbonaceous chondrite, carbonic acid, carboniferous period, carboxylic acid, carburettor, carcase=carcass, carcassonne, carchemish, carcino-, carcinogen, carcinoma, card-maker, cardamine, cardamom, cardano,gerolama, cardenas,lazaro, carder, cardiac, cardiac cycle, cardiff, cardigan, cardigan welsh corgi, cardiganshire, cardigan,james thomas brudenell, 7th earl of, cardinal number, cardinal(或red bird), cardinals,college of, cardin,pierre, cardiology, cardiopulmonary resuscitation, cardozo,benjamin nathan, carducci,giosue, cardwell,edward,viscount, care-crazed, careen, careful, carefully, careless, carelessly, caress, caret, carew,thomas, carey,william, cargo, cargo cults, caria, carib, caribbean, caribbean community and common market, caribbean sea, cariboo mountains, caribou, caricom, caries, carina, carinal, carinthia, carinus, carisbrooke, cark, carl august, carl ⅹⅵ gustaf, carleton,guy, 1st baron dorchester, carlism, carlist, carloman, carlos,don, carlot, carlow, carlsbad, carlsbad caverns national park, carlson,chester floyd, carlstadt(或karolstadt), carlyle, carlyle,thomas, carman, carman,william bliss, carmarthenshire, carmelites, carmel,mount, carmen, carmichael,hoagy, carmina burana, carmine, carnac, carnage, carnap,rudolf, carnarvon, carnarvon range, carnarvonshire:, carnarvon,george edward stanhope molyneux herbert ,5th earl of, carnatic music, carnauba wax, carnegie, carnegie corporation of new york, carnegie,andrew, carnelian, carnera,primo, carnet, carne,marcel, carnic alps, carnie, carnifex, carnival, carnivora, carnivorous plant(或 insectivorous plant), carnography, carnot, carnot cycle, carnotite, carnot,lazare nicolas marguerite, carnot,nicolas leonard sadi, carny, carob, carol ⅰ, carol ⅱ, carolina, carolina crake, caroline affair, caroline islands, caroline of ansbach, caroline of brunswick-wolfenbuttel, carolingian, carolingian architecture and art, carolingian renaissance, carolingians, carom, carosis, carossa,hans, carotene, carotenoid, carothers,wallace hume, carous, carouse, caro,joseph, carpaccio,vittore, carpal, carpathian mountains, carpeaux,jean-baptiste, carpel, carpentaria,gulf of, carpenter, carpenter ant, carpenter bee, carpentier,georges, carpentry, carpet beetle, carpet(或rug), carpet-monger, carpetbagger, carping, carpini,giovanni da pian del, carpus, carracci, carrageen(或carageen), carrantuohill, carranza, carranza,venustiano, carrara, carre, carrect, carrel, carrel,alexis, carrera, carrera,rafael, carrhae,battle of, carrick-on-shannon, carrickfergus, carrier pigeon, carrier wave, carrington,peter alexander rupert carington, 6th baron, carrion, carrion crow, carrion flower, carroll,lewis, carroll,paul vincent, carrol,john, carrousel, carrucci,jacopo, carry-tale, carr,robert, carson city, carson,edward henry baron, carson,kit, carson,rachel louise, cartagena, cartagena(或 carthagena), cartago, carte, carte blanche, cartellino, carter, carteret,sir george, carter,elliot cook jr., carter,howard, carter,jimmy, carter,nick, cartesian coordinate system, carte,richard d’oyly, carthage queen:, carthagena, carthusian, carthusians, cartier-bresson,henri, cartier,jacques, cartier,sir george etienne, cartilage(或gristle), cartilaginous fish, cartoccio, cartogram, carton, cartouche, cartridge, cartwheel, cartwright, cartwright,edmund, cartwright,john, carunclula, carus, caruso,enrico, carval, carver,george washington, carver,john, caryopsis, cary,arthur joyce lunel, casa di san giorgio, casaba, casablanca conference, casals,pablo, casanova,giovanni giacomo, chevalier de seingalt, casas,bartolome de las, cascade, cascade range, cascode, case hardening, casement, casement,sir roger david, caserta, casey,richard gardiner casey, baron, cash, cashmere goat, cashomat, cashpoint, cash,johnny, casimir ⅰ, casimir ⅱ, casimir ⅳ of poland, casimir([ˈkæsimə(r)]) ⅲ, casing, casket, caslon,william, casmir ⅲ ,the great,of poland, caspar, casper, caspian sea, casque, cassa, cassai, cassander, cassandra, cassation, cassatt,mary, cassava(或manioc), cassel, casserole, cassini’s division, cassini,giovanni domenico, cassino, cassiodorus,flavius magnus aurelius, cassiopeia, cassirer,ernst, cassiterite, cassites, cassius longinus,gaius, cassius longinus,quintus, cassivellaunus, cassock, casson,sir hugh maxwell, cassowary, cass,lewis, cast iron, cast iron architecture, castagno,andrea del, castalia, castaneous, castaway, caste, caste system, castel gandolfo, castelet, castellamare di stabia, castellon de la plana, castelo branco,camilo, castelo branco,humberto, castigate, castigation, castiglione,baldassare, castiglione,giovanni benedetto, castilho,antonio filiciano de, castilian, castiliano vulgo, casting(或founding), castle hill rising, castlebar, castleford, castlemaine, castlereagh,robert stewart, viscount, castle,vernon, castling, castner process, castor and pollux, castor oil, castor-oil plant, castrate, castration, castrato, castres, castries, castriota,george, castro, castro ruz,fidel, castrop-rauxel, castro,ines de, casuarina, casuist, casus, cat scan(或computerized axial) tomography, cat-a-mountain, cata maran, cata-, catabolism, catachresis, cataclysm, catacomb, catacombs, catafalque, catafighter, catagenesis, catageolophobia, cataian, catalactics, catalan language, catalans, catalaunian plains,battle of the, catalectic, catalepsy, catalhuyuk, catalla, catalog, catalogia, catalogue, catalpa, catalyst, catalytic cracking, catamenia, catamite, catania(或catana), catanzaro, cataphora, cataplane, cataplasm, cataplxie, catapult, catarrh, catastasis, catastrophe theory, catastrophe theory(或 catastrophism), catathymia, catatonia, catawba, catbird, catboat, catbriers, catcall, catchcolt, catching, catchment area(或drainage basin), catchy, cate-log, cateau-cambresis,treaty of, catechesis, catechizing, catechol, catecholamine, catechu, categorical imperative, category, catenaccio, catenae, catenary, cater-cousins, caterwauling, cates, catesby,robert, catfish, cathari(或cathars), catharism, cathay, cathead, cathectic, cathedral architecture, catherine de medicis, catherine of aragon, catherine of braganza, catherine of geonoa,st, catherine of siena,st, catherine of valois, catherine ⅰ, catherine ⅱ the great,of russia, catherine([ˈkæθərin])i, cather,willa sibert, catheter, cathexis, cathode, cathode rays, cathode-ray oscilloscope, cathode-ray tube, catholic emancipation, catholicon, catholicos, cathouse, catiline, cation, catkin, catling:, catlinite, catlin,george, catmint, catnap, catnip(或 catmint)
1 cato, cato street conspiracy, catomite, cato,marcus porcius(the elder), cato,marcus porcius(the younger), catskill mountains, cattail, catterick, catterwauling, cattle brands, cattle plague, cattleya, catton,charles bruce, catty, catt,carrie chapman, catullus, catullus,valerius, catulus,gaius lutatius, cat’s eye, cat’s-tail, cauca river, caucasian, caucasian languages, caucasian peoples, caucasoid geographical race(或caucasian), caucasus, caucasus mountains, cauchon,pierre, cauchy,augustin-louis,baron, caudillismo, caudle, cauldron, caulk, causa, causeless, causer, causerie, causes, causeway, caustic, caustic soda, cautel, cauterium, cautio, cauto river, cauvery river, cavafy,constantine, cavaignac, cavalcade, cavalcanti,guido, cavaleiro, cavalery, cavalier, cavalier poets, cavaliers, cavalier,jean, cavallini,pietro, cavalli,francesco, cavally, cavalry, cavan, cavatina, cave art, cave fish, caveat, cavell,edith, cavendish,henry, cavendish,lord fredrick charles, caveto, cavetto, cave,edward, caviar, caviar(或caviare), caviary, cavite, cavity, cavo-relievo, cavort, cavour,camillo benso di,count, cavy, caw, cawdor, cawley,evonne, cawnpore, caxton, caxton,william, cayenne, cayley, cayley,arthur, cayley,sir george, cayman, cayman islands, cayuga, cayuga lake, cayuse, cazales, ca,ha, cbd, cbe, cbi, cc系, cdc, cdma, cd机, ceara, ceausescu, ceausescu,nicolae, cebu, cech,svatopluk, cecilia,st, cecil,lord david, cecil,robert, cecity, cecrops, cedar falls, cedar waxwing, cede, ceiling, celandine, celation, celature, celaya, cela,camilo jose, celeb, celebes island, celebrant, celebrate, celeriac, celery(或 smallage), celeste, celestial mechanics, celestial sphere, celestine ⅰ ,st, celestite, celiac disease, celibacy, celine,louis ferdinand, cell division, cella, cellar, cellarage, cellini, cellini,benvenuto, cellist, cello, cello(或 violoncello), cellocut, cells,electrochemical, cellular, cellulose, cellulose nitrate, cellulose plastics, celsius scale, celsius,anders, celsus,aulus cornelius, celt, celtiberia, celtic church, celtic languages, celtic sea, celts, celure, cembalo, cementation, cementery, cementite, cement,portland, cenis,mont, cennini,cennino di drea, cenogamy, cenote, cenozoic, cenozoic(或 cainozoic)era, censor, censors, censorship, censure, censurer, cent, centaurus, centaury, centenary, center of gravity, center of mass, centers for disease control, centesimal, centigrade, centimeter, centipede, centon, central african republic, central america, central american common market(cacm), central american federation, central bank, central intelligence agency(cia), central nervous system, central powers, central region, central treaty organization, centre, centre=center, centrifugal, centrifugal force, centrifugation, centrifuge, centry, centure, centurion, century, century plant, ceo, cepa, cepe, cephalic index, cephalonia(或 kefallinia), cephalopod, cepheid variable, cepi, cera, ceram sea, ceram(或serang), cerberus, cerberus:, cerebral, cerebral palsy(或 spastrc), cerebralism, cerebrospinal fluid(或 spinal fluid), cerebrovascular accident, cerecloth, cerement, cerements, ceremonies, ceremonious, ceres, ceres:, ceresin, cereus, cerise, cerium, cermet, cern, cerograph, ceroplastic, cerro de pasco, certainty, certes, certificate of deposit, certify, certiorari, certitude, cerulean, ceruse, cervantes, cervantes,miguel de, cervera y topete,pascual, cervine, cesalpino,andrea, cesarean section, cesarotomy, cesena, cesium clock, ceske budejovice, cess, cessation, cesser, cesset, cession, cessnock, cestern, cestoda, cestus, cetacea, cetinje, cetshwayo, cetype, ceuta, cevennes, cezanne,paul, cgar, chablis, chabrier,emmanuel, chabrol,claude, chacabuco,battle of, chace, chachalaca, chaco, chadic languages, chadwick, chad,lake, chad,republic of, chaeronea, chaetognatha, chafed, chafer, chaff, chaffer, chagall,marc, chagas’s disease, chagrin, chain reaction, chainmail, chain,sir ernst boris, chair-days, chaitanya movement, chaka,tshaka, chakri dynasty, chalcedon, chalcedony, chalcedon,council of, chalceous, chalchiguite, chalchite, chalcidice, chalcis, chalcography, chalcotype, chaldaeans, chaldean, chaliapin,feodor ivanovich, chalky, challenger, challis, challoner,richard, chalmers,thomas, chalons-sur-marne, chalons-sur-saone, chalumeau, chalwar, chalybeous, cham, cham:, chamade, chamaeprosopy, chamba, chamber music, chamber-lye, chamberer, chamberlain,arthur neville, chamberlain,houston stewart, chamberlain,joseph, chamberlain,owen, chamberlain,sir joseph austen, chamberlain,wilt, chamberlin,thomas chrowder, chambermaid, chambers,sir william, chambery, chamblet, chambray, chamois, chamomile, chamonix, champ, champa, champaigne:, champaigne,philippe de, champain, champertor, champian, champlain,lake, champlain,samuel de, chan chan, chancel, chandelier, chandelle, chandernagore, chandigarh, chandler, chandler’s:, chandler,raymond, chandos clause, chandra gupta ⅱ, chandragupta maurya, chandrasekhar,subrahmanyan, chanel,gabrielle, chaney,lon, changchun film studio, change ringing, changed, changeling, channel country, channel islands, channel tunnel, channing,edward, channing,william ellery, chansons de geste, chantage, chanteur, chanteuse, chanticleer, chantilly, chanukah, chao phraya,river(或 menam chao phraya), chap, chap-fallen, chapala,lake, chaparral, chape, chapeau, chapeaugraphy, chapel hill, chapeless, chaperon, chapitel, chapless, chaplin, chaplin,sir charles spencer, chapman,george, chapman,john, chapman,john jay, chappie, chapstick, chapter, chapultepec, char, charabanc, characters, charactery, charade, charcot,jean baptiste, charcot,jean martin, chard, chardin,jean baptiste simeon, charect, charente, charge-house, chari(或shari) river, chariest, charily, chariness, charing cross, charing cross:, charisma, charitably, charites(或graces), charity, charivari, chark, charlatan, charlemain:, charleroi, charles, charles albert, charles augustus, charles edward stuart,the young pretender, charles martel, charles of luxemberg, charles the bold, charles the emperor:, charles the great:, charles ⅰ, charles ⅱ, charles ⅱ (king of france), charles ⅱ (the bald), charles ⅲ, charles ⅲ (the simple), charles ⅲ(the fat), charles ⅳ, charles ⅳ (the fair), charles ⅳ (或 charles of luxemberg), charles ⅴ, charles ⅴ(the wise), charles ⅵ, charles ⅵ(the well-beloved或the mad), charles ⅶ, charles ⅷ, charles ⅸ, charles ⅹ, charles ⅹ (gustav), charles ⅹⅵ (gustav), charles ⅺ, charles ⅺⅴ(john), charles ⅻ, charles:, charleston, charleston,battles of, charles’ wain:, charles’s law, charles,jacques alexandre cesar, charles,prince of wales, charles,ray, charlevoix,pierre francoix xavier de, charlock, charlotte, charlotte amalie, charlottenburg, charlottesville, charlottetown, charlton,robert, charmed, charmer, charmeuse, charming, charneco, charnel-house, charolais, charon, charpie, charrette, charron,pierre, chart, chartam:, chartbuster, chartered, charterhouse, charterhouse of parma,the, charteris,leslie, chartist, chartres, chartreuse, chartreuse,grande, chartreux, charybdis, chase,salmon portland, chase,samuel, chase,william merritt, chasm, chasse, chassis, chasten, chastisement, chastity, chateau-thierry, chateaubriand,vicomte de, chateauroux, chatham, chatham islands, chats payment instruction, chattanooga, chattanooga campaign, chattel, chattels, chatter, chatterjee,bankim chandra, chatterton,thomas, chaucer, chaucer,geoffrey, chaudron, chauffear, chauffeur, chaulmoogra, chaumont, chaunt, chauntry, chausson,ernest, chautauqua movement, chauvinism, chavannes,puvis de, chavez,carlos, chavez,cesar estrada, chavin, chawdron, che vor’ ye:, cheapen, cheapside:, cheat, cheater, cheb, chebishev,pafnuti lvovich, cheboksary, chebyshev’s theorem, checheno-ingush autonomous soviet socialist republic, chechnya problems, checker, checkerberry, checkered, checkers, cheddar, cheerfully, cheerly, cheero, cheers, cheese-paring, cheever,john, chef, chef d'oeuvre, cheil-, cheka, chekhov, chekhov,anton pavlovich, chelmsford, chelsea, chelsea porcelain, cheltenham, chelyabinsk, chemical, chemical bond, chemical energy, chemical engineering, chemical equation, chemical equilibrium, chemical kinetics, chemical reaction, chemical symbols, chemical warfare, chemigraphy, chemiloon, chemiluminescence, chemise, chemistry, chemnitz, chemoreception, chemotherapy, chemurgy, chen, chenab,river, chenier,andre, chenille, chennault,claire lee, chepstow, cheque, cheque card, cheque(或check), chequer, chequered, chequers, cher, cherbourg, cherchell, cheremkhovo, cherenkov,pavel alekseievich, cherepovets, cheribon, cherishing, cherkassy, chernenko,konstantin ustinovich, chernigov, chernovtsy, chernozem, cheromania, cherrapunji, cherry laurel, cherry orchard,the, cherry-pit, cherson, chersonese, chert(或 flint), chertsey:, cherubin, cherubini,maria luigi, chervil, chesapeake, chesapeake bay, cheshire, cheshu, chesil beach, chester, chester:, chesterfield, chesterfield,philip dormer stanhope, 4th earl of, chesterton,gilbert keith, chetnik, cheval, chevalet, chevalier,maurice, chevalry, cheveril, cheviot hills, chevron, chevrotain, chewet, chewing gum, chez les narines de feu, chi-chi, chianti, chiba, chic, chicago, chicago board of trade(cbot), chicago board options exchange(cboe), chicago mercantile exchange(cme), chicago school of architecture, chicane, chicano, chichen itza, chicherin,georgi vasilievich, chichester, chichester,sir francis, chichimec, chick, chick pea, chickasaw, chicken pox, chickweed, chiclayo, chicle, chicopee, chicoutimi, chidden, chiding, chiemsee, chiengmai, chiffchaff, chiffon, chiffonier, chifley,joseph benedict, chigger(或 harvest mite), chignon, chihuahua, chikamatsu monzaemon, chilblain, child birth, child development, child marriage, child psychiatry, child psychology, child-changed, child-like, childe harold’s pilgrimage, childed, childeric ⅰ, childeric ⅱ, childeric ⅲ, childeric:, childe,vere gordon, childhood, childing, children’s crusade, children’s literature, child,lydia maria, child,sir john, chile, chile,republic of, chill, chillan, chilli, chillicothe, chillon, chiloe island, chiltern hills, chimaera(或 ratfish), chimborazo,mount, chimbote, chimes, chimkent, chimpanzee, chimurenga, chin, china clay(或 kaolin), chinch bug, chinchilla, chinchona, chine, chinese lantern(或 winter cherry), chinks, chino, chinquapin, chintz, chioggia, chios, chipmunk, chippendale,thomas, chipper, chippewa(或ojibwa), chips, chirac,jacques, chirapsia, chirk, chiro-, chiromancy, chiron, chiropractic, chiroptera, chirp, chiru, chisel, chisholm v.georgia, chit, chital, chitimacha, chitin, chiton, chittagong, chive, chloral, chloral hydrate, chloramphenicol, chlorate, chlorella, chlorine, chlorite, chlorophyll, chlorophyta, chloroplast, chloroquine, chlorosis, choc, chocano,jose santos, chock, chodowiecki,daniel nikolaus, choibalsang, choice-drawn, choicely, chola, cholecystitis, choler, choleric, cholesterol, cholic, choline, cholinesterase, cholla, chollors, cholon, cholula, chomsky,noam, chondral, chondrule, chonju, choose, chop, chop logic:, chop-fallen, chopine, chopin,frederic, chopin,kate o’flaherty, chopless, chopped, choppin, choppy, chopsticks, chopt, choragus=choregus, choral, chorda, chordata, chorditis, chordotonal, chore, choregraphy, choreodrama, choriamb, choric, choroflo, choromania, chortle, chorzow, chose, chosen, chouans, chough, chow chow, chowchow, chowder, chrestomathy, chretien de troyes, chrish:, christ of the andes, christadelphians, christchurch, christen, christendom, christian, christian democracy, christian democratic union, christian democrats, christian science, christian social union, christian socialism, christian ⅰ, christian ⅱ (the cruel), christian ⅲ, christian ⅳ, christian ⅴ, christian ⅵ, christian ⅶ, christian ⅷ, christian ⅸ, christian ⅹ, christiana, christianity, christians of st thomas, christie,dame agatha, christina, christmas, christmas cactus, christmas fern, christmas island, christmas rose, christmasberry(或toyon), christo, christoff,boris, christom, christopher,st, christophe,henri, christus(或cristus) ,petrus, christy,edwin p., christ,churches of, chrom-, chromascale, chromat-, chromatid, chromatography, chromatophore, chrome green, chrome yellow, chrominance, chromite, chromium, chromo, chromogenic, chromophore, chromophotograph, chromosphere, chromotype, chromoxylograph, chrone, chronic, chronicle plays, chronicles,books of, chronometer, chronophotograph, chronotraining, chronotron, chruchill,sir winston leonard spencer, chrys(o)-, chrysanthemum, chrysanthemum throne, chrysler,walter percy, chrysoberyl, chrysolite, chrysoloras,manuel, chrysophyta, chrysoprase, chrysostom,st john, chrysotile, chu, chuan opera, chub, chubby, chuck-will’s-widow, chuckle, chuckwalla, chuff, chuffed, chula vista, chum, chump, chun doo hwan, chunk, chur, church of christ,scientist, church of england, church of scotland, church slavonic, church theater, church year, church-way, churches of god, churchill,charles, churchill,lord randolph henry spencer, churchill,sarah, churchman, church,frederick edwin, churlish, churlishly, churriguera, churrigueresque, chute, chuvash, chuvash autonomous soviet socialist republic, chuà, chuá, chuái, chuáng, chuì, chuā, chuāi, chuǎ, chuǐ, chào, chòng, chònɡ, chěn, chǎ, chǎi, chǎng, ch’ongjin, chⅲ, cia, ciano,galeazzo, cibber,colley, cicatrice, cicely, cicerone, cicero,marcus tulius, cichlid, cid, cid,el, ciel, cienfuegos, cieux, cilery, ciliata, cilicia, cilician gates, cilium, cimabue,giovanni, cimarosa,domenico
1 cimbalom, cimmerian, cimmerians, cimon, cincel, cinch, cinchona, cincinnatus,lucius quinctius, cincture, cinder, cinder cone, cinders, cine-, cinema, cinematography, cinemaverite, cineraria, cinetique art, cinetogram, cingulate gyrus, cinnamon fern, cinna,lucius cornelius, cinq, cinquantieme, cinque ports, cinque-pace, cinque-ports:, cinquecentist, cinquefoil, cintra, cio, ciompi revolt, ciompi,revolt of the, cione,andrea di, cipher, cipher=cypher, cippus, circadian, circassians, circe, circe:, circinate, circs, circuinspect, circuit breaker, circuit rider, circuit,electric, circular flow of income, circulation of the blood, circulation,atmospheric, circulatory, circulatory system, circum, circumagitate, circumscription, circumstanced, circumstances, circumstantial, circumstantiality, circus, circus maximus, cire perdue, cirencester, cirque, cirque(或corrie), cirrhosis, cirripedia, cirrocumulus cloud, cirrostratus cloud, cirrus cloud, cis-sutlej states, cisalpine gaul, cisalpine republic, ciseaux, ciskai, cisleithania, cissy, cistercian, cistercians, cistern, citadel, cital, cithara, citizen, citizen kane, citizenship, citizens’advice bureaux ,national association of, citlaltepetl, citric acid, citrin, citron, citronella, citrus, cittosis, city of god,the, city of london,corporation of the, city planning, city states, city-woman, ciudad bolivar, ciudad guayana, ciudad juarez, ciudad madero, ciudad obregon, ciudad real, ciudad victoria, civic trust, civil, civil aeronautics board, civil defence, civil disobedience, civil engineering, civil law, civil list, civil rights, civil rights movement, civil service, civil time, civil war,american, civil war,english, civil war,spanish, civilis actio in factum, civilis possessio, civility, civitas, civitavecchia, civvies, cl, clack, clackmannan(或 clackmannanshire), clacton-on-sea, claflin,tennessee, clairvaux, clairvoyante, clair,rene, clammy, clamorous, clamp, clamworm, clandestine, clang, clanger, clangor, clangour, clapham, clapham sect, clapper, clapper-claw, claptrap, claque, clare, clare of assisi,st, clarence,george,duke of, clarendon code, clarendon,constitution of, clarendon,edward hyde, 1st earl of, claret, clare,john, clarificate, clarin, clarino, clarion, clarionet, clarke,arthur charles, clarke,jeremiah, clarke,marcus andrew hishop, clarkia, clarkson,thomas, clarksville, clark,alvan, clark,charles joseph, clark,george rogers, clark,jim, clark,kenneth mackenzie,baron, clark,mark wayne, clark,tom campbell, clark,william, clarsach, clash, clasp, class, class action, classical art and architecture, classical conditioning, classical literature, classical music, classical revival, classicism, classicism in art, classics, classification,biological, classification,library, classis, clathrate, clatterer, claude lorraine, claudel,paul, claudian, claudianus,claudius, claudius caecus,appius, claudius caesar, claudius ptolemaeus, claudius pulcher,appius, claudius pulcher,publius, claudius sabinus inregillensis, appius, claudius ⅰ, clausewits,carl von, clausewitz, clausius,rudolf julius emanuel, claustration, claustrophobe, claustrophobia, clausula, clavicembalo, clavicle, clawed frog, clay-brained, clayton antitrust act, clayton-bulwer treaty, clay,cassius, clay,henry, cleading, cleanly, cleanthes, clear lake, clear-air turbulence, clearances,the, clearcole, clearing house, clearness, clearwater, clearwing moth, cleat, cleavage, cleavers, cleek, cleep, cleethorpes, cleft palate, cleidoic, cleistogamous flower, cleitus:, cleland,john, clematis, clemenceau, clemenceau,georges, clemency, clemens,samuel langhorne, clement of alexandria, clement ⅰ, clement ⅲ, clement ⅴ, clement ⅵ, clement ⅶ, clement ⅷ, clement ⅸ, clement ⅹⅳ, clement ⅺ, clementine, clementi,muzio, clement’s inn:, clench, cleon, cleopatra, cleopatra ⅶ, cleopatra:, cleopatra’s needles, clepe, clept, cleptomania, clergy, clergy reserves, clerihew, clerkly, clerk,maxwell james, clerment-ferrand, clermont, cleveland bay, cleveland heights, cleveland,stephen grover, clever, clew=clue, clianthus, clichd, click, click beetle, client, cliff dwellers, cliffbrake, clifford:, clifford,clark mcadams, clifton, climacteric, climate control, climatology, climature, climbing fern, climbing perch, clime, clinch, clingfish, clinic, clinical psychology, clink, clinometer, clinquant, clinton,dewitt, clinton,george, clinton,sir henry, clio, clip-winged, clipped, clipper, clipper ship, clipt, clipuant, clique, clisthenes, clitellum, clive,kitty, clive,robert,baron clive of plassey, clivus, cloaca, cloak, cloak-bag, clobber, cloche, clod, clodhopper, clodion, clodius pulcher,publius, clodpole, cloisonne, cloisoné, cloistered, cloisters,the, cloistress, clonmel, clontarf, close-stool, closed shop, closed-end investment company, closely, close,chuck, closing, closure, clotaire ⅰ, clotaire ⅱ, cloth of gold,field of, clothair:, clotharius:, clothes, clothes moth, clothier, clotho, clotilda, clotpoll, cloud chamber, cloud seeding, clouded leopard, cloudy, clouet,jean, clough, clough,arthur hugh, clouted, clovelly, clovis, clovis point, clovis ⅰ, clovis ⅲ, clownfish, cloyment, cloze, club moss, clubfoot, clubroot, clubs, clue, cluj, clumber spaniel, clumsy, cluniac order, cluny, cluster, cluster variable, clustering, cluster,stellar, clutha river, clutter, clwyd, clyde river, clydebank, clydesdale, clyde,baron, clymer,george, clyster pipes:, clytemnestra, clytus:, cnidus(或cnidos), cnossus, co-, co-equal, co-mate, co-meddled, co-op, co-opt, co-worker, coach, coach-fellow, coachwhip snake, coal gas, coal measures, coal mining, coal tit, coalesce, coalfish, coaly, coast mountains, coast ranges, coastguard, coastwatchers, coat of arms, coatbridge, coates,joseph gordon, coati, coatzacoalcos, coauthor, coax, cobbett,william, cobble, cobb,irving, cobb,ty, cobden, cobden,richard, cobh, coblenz, cobnut, cobol, cobol语言, cobra, coca, coca-cola, coccus, coceine, cochabamba, cochin, cochin china, cochineal, cochise, cochlea, cochrane,thomas, 10th earl of dundonald, cock-of-the-rock, cock-sure, cockaigne, cockatiel, cockatoo, cockatrice, cockburn,sir george, cockchafer, cockcroft,sir john douglas, cocker, cocker spaniel, cockerell,charles robert, cockfighting, cocklebur, cockled, cocksfoot, cocksure, cocoa, cocoa(或cacao), cocodemer, coconut crab, coconut oil, coconut palm, cocoon, cocos(或 keeling)islands, cocteau,jean, cocurricular, cod liver oil, cod wars, coda, coddington,william, coddle, code, code civil, code napolean, codeine, codex, codling, codling moth, codpiece, cody,william frederick, cod,cape, coeducation, coefficient of friction, coelanaglyphic, coelenterate, coeliac disease, coelom, coenzyme, coen,jan pieterszoon, coerce, coersion, coeur de lion:, coeur,jacques, coe,sebastian, cofferdam, coffin, coffin,henry sloane, coffle, cog, cogent, coggan,frederic donald, cogging, cogitate, cogito, cognate, cognisance, cognitive development theory, cognitive psychology, cognominal, cognosce, cognoscente, cognovit, cogscomb, cohan,george michael, coherent radiation, cohn,ferdinand julius, cohost, coiffeur, coiffure, coign, coimbatore, coimbra, coin collecting, coinage, coincide, coining, coinstitutional, coir, coitus, cojuror, coke, coke,sir edward, coke,thomas william,earl of leicester of holkham, colbert, colbert,claudette, colbert,jean baptiste, colbrand:, colbronde:, colchester, colchicine, colchis, colchis:, cold frame, cold harbor,battles of, cold storage, cold war, cold-bloodedness, colditz, coldly, coldness, coldstream, cole, colebrand:, coleman,ornette, coleoptera, coleraine, coleridge-taylor,samuel, coleridge,samuel taylor, colette,sidonie gabrielle, colet,john, coleus, cole,george douglas howard, cole,nat“king”, cole,thomas, colfax,schuyler, colima, coliseum, colitis, collaborate, collagen disease, collagraph, collanaglyph, collapse, collarcd lizard, collards, collate, collateral security, collation, colleague, colleagued, collectanea, collection, collective bargaining, collective farming, collective security, collective unconscious, college de france, collegial, collegium, collet, collide, collie, collied, collier,jeremy, colligate, colligative properties, collimate, collimator, collingwood,cuthbert, 1st baron, collingwood,robin george, collins,michael, collins,william, collins,william wilkie, collocate, collocutor, collodi,carlo, collogue, colloid, colloidal condensation, colloidal dispersion, colloidal particle, collop, colloquium, colloquy, collotype, collude, collusion, colman,george, colman,ronald, colmar(或kolmar), colmekill:, colobus, colocynth, cologne, colombey-les-dewx-eglises, colombo plan, colombo,matteo realdo, colonel, colonial conference,british, colonialism, colonization, colonna family, colonnette, colonus, colophon, colophony, coloquintida, colorado, colorado plateau, colorado river, colorado springs, colorado(potato) beetle, coloratura, coloratura soprano, colossal, colossians,epistle of paul to the, colossus of rhodes, colossus:, colostrum, colour blindness, colour field painting, colour photography, colour televison, colour vision, colour=color, coloured, colours, colt revolver, colted, colter, coltrane,john, coltsfoot, colt,samuel, colubrid, colugo, columba(或columcille) ,st, columban,st, columbarium, columbia plateau, columbia river, columbia university, columbium, columbus day, columbus,christopher, columcille,st, columnate, colum,padraic, colwyn bay, coly, coma berenices(或 berenice’s hair), comalcalco, comaneci,nadia, comb jelly, combination, combination acts, combinations, combine harvester, combined, comble, combless a, combo keyboard, combo order, comboys, combust, comecon, comedian, comedie, comedie-francaise, comedy of errors,the, comenius,john amos, comeuppance, comfect, comfit-maker, comfortable, comforting, comfortless, comic, comic opera, coming-in, coming-on, comings-in, comity, comix, commagene, commager,henry steele, command economy, commanded, commandeer, commandery, commanding, commandment, commedia dell’arte, commemorate, commendable, commendation, commendations, commensal, commensalism, commensurate, commenting, commerbund, commerce,u.s.department of, commercial banks, commercial law, commercial paper, commesso, commingle, commis, commiserate, commissar, commissionaire, committed, committees of correspondence, commixture, commodious, commodity market, commodity trading, commodus,lucius aurelius, common agricultural policy, common carrier, common law, common market, common prayer,book of, common sense, common sense,philosophy of, common stock, common-hackneyed, commonalty, commoner, commons,house of, commonty, commonweal, commonwealth institute, commonwealth of nations, commorant, commove, communal settlement, commune of paris, communicable disease, communicate, communication, communications satellite(或telstar), communion, communiqué, communism, communism peak(或 kommunizma pik), communism,primitive, communist international, communist manifesto,the, communist party of america, communist party of soviet union, community college, community service, commutate, commutative law, commutator, commutual, commynes,philippe de, comnenus, como, como lake, comodoro rivadavia, comonty, comopt, comorin,cape, comoro, comoros,federal and islamic republic of the, companies, companies act, companion, companions of honour,order of the, company of the merchants of the staple, comparative, comparative advantage, comparative linguistics, comparative psychology, comparative statistics, comparison, compart, compass plant, compassed, compassing, compassion, compass,drawing, compass,magnetic, compass,marine, compathy, compatible, compatriot, compelled, compend=compending, compensate, compere, compete, competence, competency, competent, competition, competitor, compiegne, complacent, complaining, complaint, complaisant, compleat, compleat angler,the, complementarity principle, complementary colours, complex numbers, complexion, compliance, complicate, complice, complicity, compline, compluvium, component, comport, compos mentis, compose, compositae, composite family, composite order, composition, composmentis, compossible, compotation, compound eye, compounded, comprador, compreg, comprehensive employment and training act, comprehensive schools, compremise, compress, compressor, comprimario, comprise, compromise of 1850, compromised, comprovincial, compt, compte,anguste, comptible, comptograph, compton, compton effect, compton-burnett,dame ivy, compton,arthur holly, compton,denis charles scott, compulsatory, compulsive, compulsive personality, compunction, compunctious, compurgation, computation, compute, computer assisted instruction, computer graphics, computer language, computer program, computer terminal, computerized axial tomography, computer,digital, computer,electronic, comrade, comsat, comstock lode, comstock,anthony, comte, con amore, con modo, con tutto il cuore ben trovato, con-, conakry, conakry(或konakry), conamen, conant,james bryant, conation, conatus, concatenate, concause, concavity, concealed, concealment, concede, conceited, conceitless, conceived, concent, concentrate, concentration, concentration camp, concepsion, concept, conceptualism, concernancy, concerning, concert, concerto grosso, concession, concetti, concetto, concierge, conciliar, conciliate, conciliation, conciliation,industrial, concinnous, concise, conclusion, concoct, concolinel:, concolorous, concomitant, concordance, concordat, concordat of 1801, concordia, concours, concourse, concrescence, concretianism, concubine, concupiscence, concuss, concussion, conde, condemn, condemnation, condemned, condensation nucleus, condense, condenser, condillac,etienne,bonnot de, condiment, condisciple, condistillation, conditionally, conditioned reflex, conditioning, condolement, condoling, condolore, condone, condor, condorcet,marie jean antoine de caritat ,marquis de, condottiere, conduce, conductance, conducting, conduction, conductivity,electrolytic, conductron, condyle, condylus, cone shell




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