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单词 fact
fact/fækt/ n

(1) 事实(something accepted to be real or true)[C]:an established/indisputable~既定事实/无可争辩的事实;face/stick to~s面对/尊重事实;It is a/No one can deny the~that smoking is hazardous to your health. 吸烟对人体有害,这是事实/谁也无法否认这个事实。I know it for a~. 我知道这是确定无疑的。Fs speak louder than eloquence. (prov)事实胜于雄辩。〖同〗reality,actuality,truth;〖反〗 supposition,fancy,opinion,falsehood,lie,unreality;

(2) 真相(情),事件 (something that is believed to be true or to have happened) [C]:check the~s 核对情况;give/tell sb the~s 将实情告诉某人;state the~that阐明……的真相;The~of the matter is that I do not know the answer myself. 实际上,连我自己都不知道答案。We are worried over the~that he is in trouble. 他现在有麻烦,我们对此感到忧虑。〖同〗 happening,occurrence,event,act,circumstance,incident;

(3) 实际情况,现实(reality;truth)[U]:distinguish/tell the difference between~and fiction 辨别/区分实际情况和虚构的东西;be based/ be founded on~s 以事实为根据;〖同〗 reality,truth;〖反〗 invention;

in (actual) fact实际上,事实上:In~I don't know what to do about it. 说实在的,我不知道该怎么办才好。

→′factual adj 事(真)实的,实际的;′factually adv 实在(际)地;′factualism n 实事求是的作风;͵factua′listic adj注重实际的;′factualist n注重实际的人;͵factu′ality n实在性





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