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单词 extra
extra/′ekstrǝ/ adj,adv & n

adj 额外的,另加的,特别的(more than usual or necessary; additional) [无 comp]:~edition/news 特刊/号外; run~trains on holidays 在假日期间增开列车; give one~song 加唱一首歌; hire~clerks for Christmas 圣诞节期间雇些临时职员; earn~money 赚额外的钱; need~chairs 需要更多的椅子; ask for/demand an~10 per cent/six dollars 提出增加10%/要求再加六美元; without~charge 不另收费; receive~pay for~work 因加班而得到加班费;go into~time (足球赛)进入加时赛;It's nothing~. 没什么了不起的。The basic price of the car is $10,000—the radio is~. 汽车的售价是一万美元——收音机的钱另收。〖同〗 more,further,additional,spare,unnecessary;〖反〗 fewer;

adv (1) 特别地,格外地 (unusually) [无comp]:an~large box of chocolate 特别大的一盒巧克力;~good quality 特优品质; work/try~hard 特别努力地工作/尝试;The children are~quiet today. 孩子们今天格外安静。〖同〗unusually,uncommonly,especially,particularly,remarkably,extraordinarily;

(2) 另(额)外地 (additionally) [无comp]:charge him~for the water 向他额外加收水钱;pay~(for postage) (邮资)另付; be charged~额外收费;〖同〗 additionally;〖反〗 less;

n (1) 额外的东西; 需要另外收费的项目(something extraor something for which an extra price is charged) [C]:as an~作为附加的部分; without the~s 不包括额外的东西; all the~s with a new car 新车的所有附件; The price includes all your food but coffee is an~. 这个价格包括你的所有食物,但咖啡需另付费。Allowing for~s,the tour will cost $2000. 若把各种额外的费用都算进去的话,这次旅游将需2000美元。

(2) (拍摄电影或电视剧群众场面时雇用的)临时演员(actor hired to play a minor partas in a crowd scene) [C]:begin one's acting career as an~从一个临时演员开始演艺生涯;need 10,000~s for the battle scene 需要一万名 群众演员来拍摄那个战斗场面;

(3) (报纸的)号外 (special edition of a newspaper) [C]: E~s were rushed out with the news of the King's death. 为报导国王去世的消息而火速发行了号外。

(4) (板球中的) 额外得分 (in cricketa score or run not made from a hit by the bat) [常pl];

【说明】 当extra作表语时,后面有时需要接to, 如:What he collects in tips is~to his weekly wage. (他接受的小费是周薪之外的收入。)





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