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单词 extend
extend/ ɪk′stend/ v [-ed,-ed / ɪd/]

(1) 延长(伸),扩大(充,展) (make longer or larger) [T+n]:~a building/a garden/a path/a meeting ((for) another ten minutes) 扩大一座建筑/扩建一个花园/延长一条小路/将会议延长(10分钟);~the students' knowledge/the railway (to another area)/the time limit/the deadlines (until the end of the week)/the field of investigation 扩大学生的知识面/将铁路延伸(到另一个地区)/延长时间限制/将期限延长(到周末)/扩大调查范围;~one's holidays (by a few days)/one's visit ((for) a few days longer)/one's influence over/the average life span 将假期延长(几天)/将访问延长(几天)/将影响扩大到/延长平均寿命;〖同〗broaden,widen,expand,enlarge, increase,lengthen,prolong;〖反〗shorten,contract,condense,shrink;

(2) 伸(出,展); 展开 (straighten or reach out) [T+nT+n+prep(to)]: ~one's arm as far as one can reach/one's hand to sb (in friendship) 将胳膊尽量伸得远些/(友好地)将手伸给某人;lie on the ground with one's body~ed 四肢摊开躺在地上; A bird~s its wings when soaring. 鸟在翱翔时将两翼展开。〖同〗 advance,spread,stretch,offer;〖反〗 withdraw;

(3) 致,给予(欢迎等) (offer; give; grant) [T+nD+n+nD+n+prep(to)]:~a warm welcome to the guests/the guests a warm welcome 向客人表示热烈的欢迎; ~sb credit 向某人提供信贷;~congratulations to the bride/an invitation to one's friends/sympathy to the victim/economic aid to a poor country 向新娘祝贺/向朋友发出邀请/向受害者表示同情/给予穷国经济援助; 〖同〗offer,give,grant;

(4) 延伸(续);继续 (reach or go; be continuous) [I+n/prep]:The beach~s for miles. 海滩绵延数英里。The garden~s to that line of trees/as far as the foot of the mountain. 花园一直延伸到那排大树/山脚下。The conference~ed over five hours/from Monday to Friday. 会议持续了五个多小时/从周一开到周五。Winter~s into February. 冬天一直延续到2月份。

(5) (使)竭尽全力 (force (oneself) to use full power or strength) [T+n,尤pass]: ~oneself in the exam/the race 在考试/比赛时竭尽全力;I/The horse was fully~ed in the race. 在比赛中我全力以赴/马被全力驱策。

→ex′tended adj 伸出的,延长的;ex′tender n 延伸者;ex′tendible = ex′tensible adj 可伸展的,可延长的;ex′tension n





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