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strayn. 1.act of straying,deviation 迷路,偏离正道。 △Lr.1.1.212(209): “I would not from your love(= my love of you) make such a stray (i.e. go so far away)/ Tomatch you where I hate;”为了你对我的好意,我不愿把一个我所憎恨的人匹配给你。 2. fugitive,vagabond 逃亡者,流浪汉。 △2H.VI.4.10.26(24): “Here’s the lord of the soil come to seize me for a stray,”这是庄园的主人,要来把我当做流浪汉抓起来。 3. stray animal,beast found wandering 走失的牲口。 △H.V.1. 2. 160: “But taken and impounded as astray / The King of Scots;”而且还抓获了苏格兰王,把他像一头流窜的牲口似的关了起来。 4. (used collectively) fleeing stragglers 散兵游勇。 △2H.IV.4.2.121(120):“Strike up our drums,pursue the scattered stray.”敲起我们的战鼓,追赶那些溃散的乱兵。
strayvt. lead away,lead astray 使…迷路。 △Com.5.1.50: “Hath not else his eye / Strayed his affection in unlawful love?”再不然,他的眼睛(看中了谁家姑娘)引得他感情陷入了私情的迷途? ~vi.wander,meander 漫游,闲荡。 △Mid.5.2.31 (5.1.401): “Now,until the break of day,/ Through thehouse each fairy stray.”现在,直到天光破晓,让每个小仙都在这屋里逍遥。 △Mer.5.1.30:“She doth stray aboutBy holy crosses,where she kneels and prays / Forhappy wedlock hours.”她一路上看见圣十字架,便停步下来,长跪祷告,祈求婚姻的美满。 stray[strei]v.迷路,迷航,偏离预定轨道adj.迷失的 ‖stray bomb (bullet,shot)流弹 stray bullet流弹 stray fragments of text断简残篇 stray from the point离题 |