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单词 express
express/ ɪk′spres/ adj,adv & n;vt [-es / ɪz/;-ed,-ed /t/]

adj (1) 特快的,快(高)速的 (travelingcarrying goodsetc especially fast) [无comp]:send a parcel by~delivery 用快件寄送包裹;~train/package/highway 特快列车/快件/高速公路;〖同〗 fast,high-speed,quick,swift,rapid;

(2) 明白(确)的;表明的 (clearly stated;explicit) [无comp]:an~reason/command/provision 明确的理由/明确无误的命令/明确的规定; be the~image of sb 酷似某人;at sb's~invitation 在得到某人明确邀请的情况下; with the~purpose of doing sth 特意做某事; give~orders 明确无误地下达命令; It was his~wishes that the house should never be sold/that he be cremated. 他明确的愿望是房子永远不能卖/死后火化。〖同〗 definite,specific,clear,precise,plain;〖反〗 implied,indirect,hinted,suggested,general;

adv 以乘快车的方式;用快递方式 (by express transportation):travel/send a package~乘快车旅行/将包裹作为快件投寄; I'd like this parcel to go~, please. 这个包裹我想作为快件寄。

n (1) 快车 (express trainbusetc) [C]:go to town by the midnight~乘夜间快车去镇里; They were on the London to Edinburgh~. 他们乘坐伦敦开往爱丁堡的快车。

(2) (美)捷运公司(company that deals in such transport) [C];

(3) 快递(运,汇) (rapidefficient system for the delivery of goods and mail) [U]:send a parcel by~用快递方式寄送包裹; The papers were sent by~. 那些文件是作为快件邮寄的。

vt (1) 表示(现,白,达) (show;make known; reveal) [T+nT+whD+n+ prep (to),D+to+n+wh]:~one's opinion/one's meaning/one's ideas/one's concern over sth/one's thanks for the chairman 表达某人的观点/意思/想法/对某事的关注/对主席的感谢;~what sb feels/how happy sb is 表明某人的感想/是多么高兴; Her face/Her smile ~ed her joy at the good news. 她的脸上/她的微笑显示出她听到那好消息时的喜悦。She smiled to~her agreement. 她微笑着表示同意。〖同〗 relate,state,say,speak; 〖反〗 hide,conceal,cover,veil,mask;

(2) (符号等)表示 (be a sign of) [T+n]:The “+”~es addition. “+” 表示加。

(3) 挤,榨,压出(press or squeeze out) [T+nT+n+prep(from/out of)]:~milk from the breast/juice from (out of) oranges/apples for cider 从乳房中挤出奶水/从柑橘中榨出橘汁/榨苹果汁做酒; juice~ed from fruit 从水果中榨出的汁;

(4) (英) 以快递方式投寄(send by fast delivery) [T+n]:~a letter 寄快信;

express oneself 表达自己的意思:I don't know if I have~ed myself clearly. 我不知道自己的意思表达清楚了没有。

→ex′pressly adv 明显(确)地;ex′pressible adj 可表达的;ex′pressless adj 不明显的





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