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单词 state


1.condition,circumstances,state of affairs,plight,situation状况,情况,事态,境况,处境。
△Wiv.5.5.64(58):“That it may stand till the perpetual doom,/Instate as wholesome as in state 'tis fit,/ Worthy theowner,and the owner it.”让这大厦直到世界末日永远屹立,一直完整无缺、富丽堂皇,配得上它的主人,它的主人也配得上它。(按:主人,指伊利莎白 一世,作者以此语颂扬当代女王。)
△Tw.5.1. 68(64): “desperate of shame and state.” i.e.without regard for personal shame or the situa-tion he is in. 不顾自己的羞耻和处境。
△ Rom.4.3.4:“Tomove the heavens to smile upon my state,”求上天保佑我的处境。
△Lr.2.4.150(148): “You should be ruledand led / By some discretion that discerns your state /Better than you yourself.”你该听听一个慎重的人的劝告,让他指引指引你,因为旁人比你自己更明白你的情况。
△ Lr.2.2.176(169): “this enormous state.”这种反常的局面。
△2H. IV. 4.1.115(113): “as the state stood then,”由于当时的事态所限。
△2H.VI.4.9.31: “Thus stands mystate,‘twixt Cade and York distressed,”我的处境就是如此,夹在凯德和约克之间受折磨。
△R.III.3.2.80(81):“Think you,but that I know our state secure,/ Iwould be so triumphant as I am?”你想,我要不是知道我们的处境十分安全,我会这样欢欣鼓舞吗?
△H.VIII.3.2.353(352):“This is the state of man;”这就是人生的境遇。
2. state of affairs,matter 事态,事情。
△H.VIII.2.4.210(213): “The question did at first so stagger me,/Bearing a state of mighty moment in ’t”,i. e. Containing a matter of great importance. 这个问题一开始使我十分震惊,因为它包含着一桩极其重大的事情。
3. condition of existence 生存状态,生涯。
△H.VIII.2.4.226(229):“our mortal state”,i. e. my natural life. 我的尘世生涯。
4. condition of humanity,i.e. human nature 人的状态,(指)人性。
△2H.VI.3.2.153:“As surely as my soul in-tends to live / With that dread King that took ourstate upon him,/ To free us from his Father’s (i.e. God’s) wrathful curse,”就像我的灵魂希望能够与那位赋有人性并且解救我们不受天父愤怒谴责的、神圣庄严的万王之王永生在一起那样肯定。
5. attitude,pose 态度,姿态。
△L.L.L.4.3.185(183):“A gait,a state,a brow,a breast,a waist,”步态,风度,容貌,胸部,腰身。
6. outward display,array,clothes 外观,装束,服装。
△Com. 2. 1.95:“he’s master of my state.”他支配着我的装束。(又译:我是任由他来打扮。)
7. outward display of one’s condition,stately manner,dignity of deportment,demeanour of dignity,majesty派头,庄重态度,尊严举止,尊严风度,威严。
△Ado.2.1.81(77): “full of state”,充满了庄重神气。
△L.L.L.5.2.595(594):“Keep some state in thy exit,and vanish.”下场时做出一些威武的样子,去吧。
△Mer.5.1.95:“Until a king be by,and then his state / Empties itself,”真的国王一出现,那时他的威严便顿时消逝。
△H.V.2.4.32:“With what great state he heard their embassy,”他听取他们使命的时候神情是多么尊严。 keep state: maintain a demeanour of dignity or graneur 保持一种尊严的或庄严的风度。
△H.VIII.1.3.10:“they keep state so.”他们可神气了。
8. majesty,grandeur,greatness 威严,壮丽,伟大。
△2H.IV.4.5. 119(120):“Down,royal state!All you sage counsellors,hence!”下去吧,国王的尊严! 一切贤明的大臣们,都滚开!
state of floods: majesty of the sea,the majestic ocean大海的威严,威严的海洋。
△2H.IV. 5. 2. 129:“The tide of blood in me / Hath proudly flowed in vanity till now;/ Now doth it turn and ebb back to the sea,/ Where it shall mingle with the state of floods,”我的热情的浪潮在此以前曾经无拘无束地在轻浮行为之中奔流;现在它要改变方向、退潮入海,将要与威严的大海汇合。
9. fine phrases on stately affairs 冠冕堂皇的话。
△Tw.2.3.163(149): “cons state without book,”i.e. learnby heart some fine phrases on stately affairs,so thathe can use them in conversation.背熟了几句冠冕堂皇的话。(又译:记住一些高贵派头。)
10. magnificence,splendour,pomp 富丽堂皇,豪华,壮观。
△2H.IV.3.1.13: “Under the canopies of costlystate,”在奢侈豪华的帐幔之下。
△1H.IV.3.2.57: “andso my state,/Seldom but sumptuous,showed like afeast,”我出现时的排场也是如此,虽稀少但很豪华,看去就像节日庆典。
△H.VIII.Pro.3:“Sad,high,and working,fullof state and woe;”严肃,崇高,动人,充满了壮观而又悲痛的内容。
△H.VIII.4.1.36 s.d.:“Exeunt,first passing o-ver the stage in order and state,and then a greatflourish of trumpets.”以上行列按次序庄严地从舞台上走过,喇叭花腔大作,同下。
△H.VIII.4.1. 92:“So she parted,/And with the same full state paced back again / ToYork Place,where the feast is held.”然后,她就离开了,伴随着同样盛大的排场,走回到约克官邸,在那里举行宴会。
△H.VIII.5. 2. 23(24): “Who holds his state at door’mongst (= among) pursuivants,/Pages,and foot-boys.”i.e. Who maintains dignity,etc.他竟守在门口混在一群仆役、侍童和跟班中间摆阔气呢。
△L. L.L.4.3.293(289):“Flat treason ’ gainst the kingly state of youth.”全然是对于绚烂的青春的重大反叛。
△Rom.1.4.71(70):“And in this state she gallops night by nightThrough lovers’ brains,and then they dream of love;”用这样的排场,她每夜在情人们的脑子里驱驰,于是他们便做起了恋爱的梦。
△Wiv.5.5.64(58): “That it may stand tillthe perpetual doom,/In state as wholesome as in state’tis fit,”让这大厦直到世界末日永远屹立,一直完整无缺、富丽堂皇,…。
11.ceremony 典礼。
△Rom.4.3.8: “for our state tomorrow.”i.e. for our marriage ceremony to-morrow.为我们明天的婚礼。
12. position,status,rank,degree 地位,身份,等级。
△Shr.5.1.127(124): “Bianca’s love / Made me exchange my state with Tranio,”对于比恩卡的爱使我和特拉尼欧交换了身份地位。
△Gent.5.4.144: “Plead a new state in thy unrivalled merit.”为了你的无比的才德,我承认你该有一个新的身份。
△As.5.4.182(175):“According to the measure of their states.”按照他们各人原来的地位(又译:地产)。
△Tw.1. 5. 299(278): “yet my state is well: / I am a gentleman.”不过我的地位也不错——我是个绅士。
△Rom.3. 3.34:“More honourable state,”更体面的地位。
△Lr.5.1.68:“for my state / Stands on meto defend,not to debate.”我现在的地位,保护最为要紧,不必管是是非非的空论。
△3H.VI.2.2.152: “And had hematched according to his state,/ He might have keptthat glory to this day.”要是他按照他自己的地位娶了亲,他也许直到今天还能保持着这种光荣。
△3H.VI.3.3.2: “Sitdown with us. It ill befits thy state / And birth thatthou shouldst stand while Lewis doth sit.”请和我一同坐下吧。路易坐着而你站着,这不适合你的地位和出身。
△3H.VI.4.1.67:“My lords,before it pleased his Majesty / Toraise my state to title of a queen,/Do me but right,”诸位爵爷,在陛下将我的地位晋升为王后的封号之前,请对我公正一点。
△R.III.1.3.112(111):“Thy honour,state,andseat is due to me.”你的荣誉、地位和宝座都是应该属于我的。
△2H.VI.1.3.67(64): “That were a state fit for hisholiness.”那才是适合他的虔诚精神的地位。holy state: ecclesiastical status圣职。
△1H.VI.3.1.58: “Yes,when his holy state is touched so near.”对了,那是因为与他的神圣地位密切相关呀。
13. official position,high rank,high place 官位,高贵身份,高贵地位。
△R.III.3.7.204(205): “I am unfit for state and majesty.”我不适于君王的大位。
△H.VIII.2.1.101: “Let it alone; my state now will but mock me.”不必费事了;如今身份对我来说变成一种嘲笑。
14. power,authority 权力,权威。
△Mid.3.1.162(155):“The summer still doth tend upon my state:”夏天永远服从我的权威。
△Oth.1.3.236(235): “Most humbly therefore bending to your state.”我谦卑地服从你的权威。(按:state又译为“国家”,此句又译作:“我服从国家的调遣。”)
15. royal power,kingly power,sovereignty皇权,王权,君权。
△Lr.1.1.151(149):“Reserve thy state.”保留你的君权。
△Lr.2.4.113(112): “Death on my state!”我的王权该死!
△1H.VI.4.1.6:“And none your foes but uch as shall pretend / Malicious practices against his state.”除了对于那些策划恶毒阴谋反对他的王权的人以外,不把任何人当做敌人。
△2H.VI.2.1.170(167): “Have practised dangerously against your state,”密谋危害你的君权。
△3H.VI.4.3.45(46):“Though Fortune's malice overthrow my state,”尽管恶毒的命运之神颠覆了我的王权…。
16. royal status,royal dignity,capacity as king帝王身份,帝王尊严,国王的资格。
△1H.IV.3.2.62:“carded his state.”贬低了他的帝王尊严。
△2H.IV.5.2.99:“And,as you are a king,speak in your state / What I have done that misbecame my place.”既然你是国王,就请以你的国王身份说一说我所做过的什么事情不符合我的地位。
△H.V.1.2.273: “But tell the Dauphin I will keepmy state.”i.e.I.will occupy my chair of state,ormaintain my royal status. 但是,去告诉太子,我定要保持我的国王尊严。
△3H.VI.3.2.93: “Sweet widow,by mystate I swear to thee / I speak no more than what mysoul intends,/ And that is,to enjoy thee for mylove.”亲爱的寡妇,我以我的帝王之尊向你发誓,我说的都是心灵之所想,那就是说,要使你做我所宠爱之人。
17. canopy华盖。
△H.VIII.1.4.0.s.d.:“A small table under a state for the Cardinal,” 华盖下设一小桌,供红衣主教之用。
18. chair of state,royal seat宝座,御座。
△Mac.3.4.5:“Our hostess keeps her state,”我们的女主人且留在宝座上。
△Tw.2.5.50(44): “Having been three months married to her,sitting in my state—” i.e. the Count's chair. 娶了她三个月之后,我坐在我的宝座上——
△H.VIII.1.2.8 s.d.:“The King riseth from his state,”国王自御座起立。
△H.VIII.1.4.34 s.d.: “Enter Cardinal Wolsey and takes his state.”红衣主教沃尔西上,坐在高贵座位上。
△H.VIII.5.3.0.s.d. (5.2.35 s.d.): “A counciltable brought in with chairs and stools,and placed under the state.”(Most editions provide for Henry VIII and Butts above and for Cranmer and the servants at the door below at this point,beginning a new scene with the S. D.) 枢密会议桌案和椅凳搬上,置于御座下首。(按:从这段舞台说明起,各种莎剧版本分场不同,多数版本把此后至本场结束划为第五幕第三场,少数版本则把此后仍当做第五幕第二场。)
19. chair of state,i.e. royal throne宝座,(即)王位。
△1H.IV.2.4.420(378): “This chair shall be my state,”这把椅子就算是我的宝座。
△1H.IV.3.2.98:“He hath more worthy interest to the state / Than thouthe shadow of succession.”比起你这像影子似的继承权来,他对于王位倒拥有更正当的要求权利。
△2H.IV.4.5.210(211): “Lest rest and lying still might make them look / To near unto my state.”不然的话,休息和无事可做就会使他们严密追查我这个王位的来历。
△3H.VI.3.3.197:“I will revenge his wrong to Lady Bona / And replant Henry in his former state.”他对波娜郡主的侮辱,我要向他报复,并且使亨利王恢复他原来的王位。
△3H.VI.5.4.76:“Henry,your sovereign,/ Is prisoner to the foe,his state usurped,”亨利,你们的君主,成了敌人的俘虏,他的王位被篡夺了。
20. kingdom王国。
△Lr.4.2.57:“With plumed helm thy state begins to threat,”他那插着羽毛的头盔开始威胁你的邦家。
21.rule. government统治,治理。
△Lr.5.1.21:“the King is come to his daughter,/ With others whom the rigour of our state / Forced to cry out.”国王已经投奔了他的小女,还有些别人,因为受不了我们的苛政而诉苦叫屈的,也都随他同去了。
△Ham.2.2.542(511):“’Gainst Fortune's state would treason have pronounced.” 会对命运之神的统治宣告为大逆不道。
22. government,rulers of the state 政府,统治者。
△H.VIII.3.2. 323(322): “Without the King's will or the state ’s allowance,” 未得国王的御旨或政府的批准。
△Ham.1.1.101: “As it doth well appear unto our state,”我们的当局看得很清楚。
23. those closely connected with power and the political affairs of the realm权要人士。
△H.VIII.1.1.101:“The state takes notice of the private difference / Betwixt you and the Cardinal.”上边已经注意你和红衣主教之间的私人争执。
24. people of high rank,dignitaries and peers,nobility of the realm高贵人士,贵族要人,国内显贵。
△2H.IV.5.2.141: “Our coronation done,we will accite,/ As I before remembered,all our state.”我的加冕典礼举行之后,我就要像刚才谈过的那样召集国内各方显贵人士。
△2H.VI.2.3.0.s.d.:“Sound trumpets. Enter the King and State: the Queen,Gloucester,York,Suffolk,and Salisbury,”喇叭鸣。国王与高贵要员王后、葛罗斯特、约克、萨福克及骚兹伯利上。
△Tw.2.5.59(52): “the humour of state;”贵人的脾气。
25. nobility,nobles贵族,贵族们。
△Ham.5.2.212(224) s.d.:“King,Queen,Laertes,Osric,and all the state.”国王、王后、莱阿提斯、奥斯利克及其他贵族上。
26. body politic政体。
state of man: estate of mankind. i.e. the State人类的政体,(指)国家。
△H.V.1.2.183: “Therefore doth heaven divide / The state of man in divers functions,”所以上天把人类的政体分成种种不同的职能。
27. community公众。
△H.VIII.5.4.52(5.3.48):“for kindling such a combustion in the state.”说是我在公众当中煽起了这场大乱子。
28. estate,property,means产业,财产,资产。
△Shr.1.2.92(91):“were my state far worser than it is,”即使我再穷一些。
△Mer.3.2.260(259): “My state was nothing,”我的财产是一无所有。
29. ❶ status,rank 地位,身份。
❷ condition 状况。
△2H.VI.2.4.95(94): “Why,madam,that is to the Isle of Man,/ There to be used (i.e. treated) according to your state.”是呀,夫人,要到曼岛去,在那里受到符合你身份的待遇。(按:下文葛罗斯特夫人答话中使用state的
30. ❶ condition 状况。
❷ country 国家。
△1H.VI.1.1.2:“Comets,importing change of times and states,”预兆着时势变化(又译:时局和国家变动)的彗星。


n. 国家,政府,州,状态adj. 国家的,国有的,正式的,典礼用的,州的v. 规定,陈述,申明,说明,用符号表示
◇ a state of mind精神状态
as state above如上
be in a state紧张
end the state of war结束战争状况
govern a state治国
in state正式地,隆重地
keep one’s state维持尊严
lie in state供人瞻仰state clear表明
state of affairs状况
state of the art科学发展state one’s position申明自己的立场
state with certainty断言
take stock盘货
the state of war战争状况
‖act of state国家行为
founders of a state开国元勋
functions and powers of the state国家职能
general statement一般性发言
head of state国家元首
life of the state国家生活
littoral state沿岸国家
maritime state海洋国家
merger of states 国家合并
mission statement使命声明
national state民族国家
nuclear state核国家
organs of state power国家权力机关
permanent member state of a council常任理事国
personnel of state organs国家机关工作人员
State Administration of Industry and Commerce国家工商行政管理局
State Administration of Radio,Film and Television国家广播电影电视总局
State Administration of Work Safety国家安全生产监督管理局 state affairs国家大事
state aggression状态性攻击
state aid州政府对地方公共事业的补助费
state allegiance国家效忠
state amateur国家训练的业余运动员
state appropriation account国家拨款账户
state archives国家档案
state armed forces国家武装力量
state audit国家审计
state auditing staffs国家审计人员
State-awarded quality products国优产品
state award for invention国家发明奖
state balanced budget audit国家决算审计
state bank国家银行
state banking institution国家金融机构
state banquet国宴
state board of education州教育委员会
state board of examination州考试委员会
state board of regents州立大学评议会
state board of trustees州立大学理事会
state bond公(国)债
state border国家边境
state boss对州政治有巨大影响的职业政客
state budget国家财政预算,国家预算
state budget audit国家预算审计
state budgetary expenditure国家预算支出
state budgetary revenues国家预算收入
State Bureau of Religious Affairs国家宗教事务局
State Bureau of Taxation国家税务总局
State capital国家资本金
state capitalism国家资本主义
state capitalist economy国家资本主义经济
state-class laboratories 国家级实验室
state-class library国家级图书馆
state college州立学院
state commerce国有企业
State Commission for Population and Family Planning国家人口与计划生育委员会
state compensation国家赔偿
state concerned有关国家
state conference国务会议
state contract国家契约
state copyright Administration of China国家版权局
State Copyright Bureau国家版权局
State Council国务院State Council Decree国务院令
State Council member国务委员
State Councilors国务委员
state credit国家信用
state criminal政治犯
state currency sovereignty国家货币主权
state current fund source国家流动基金来源
state curriculum commission州课程编制委员会
State Department(美国)国务院
state department of education州教育局
state-dependent learning 情境关联学习
state-dependent memory情境关联记忆
state description状态描述
State Development and Reform Commission国家发展和改革委员会
state directly involved当事国
state domain国家领域
state dormitory authority州教育厅学校膳宿建筑委员会
State Drug Administration国家药品监督管理局(SDA)/state enterprise国有企业
State Environmental Protection Administration国家环境保护总局state equalization fund州贫瘠地区教育补助费
state equity国家平等
State Ethnic Affairs Commission国家民族事务委员会
state examination国家考试
state finance balanced budget audit国家财政决算审计
state-financed student studying abroad公费留学生
state financed student教育部公费生
state financial budget and balance account audit国家财政决算审计
state-fixed price国家制订的价格
state foreign exchange balance国家外汇结存
State Forestry Bureau国家林业局
state functions国家典礼
state fund source国家基金来源
state-funded students studying abroad公费留学生
State funeral国葬
State General Administration of Foreign Exchange Control of the People’s Republic of China国家外汇管理总局
state guest国宾
state immunity国家豁免
state industrial policies国家产业政策
state institute of education州教育学院
state insurance国家保险
state insurance enterprise国有保险企业
state insurance guaranty fund国家保险保证基金
State Intellectual Property Office (SIPO)国家知识产权局
state intervention国家干预
State Investment Bank国家投资银行
state investment国家投资
state jurisdiction国家管辖权
state land公地
state language地区语言
state law国家法
State Law and Order Restoration Council国家恢复法律与秩序委员会
state leaders国家领导人
state-level laboratories国家级实验室
state-level library国家级图书馆
state list price国家法定价
state loan公债
state message国情咨文
state money国币
state monopoly for purchase and marketing统购统销
state Natural Sciences Award国家自然科学奖
state nature reserves国家自然保护区
state of a language语言状态
state of action发射状态
state of affairs事态
state of alert战斗准备状态
state of emergency紧急状态
state of mind思想状态
state of nature自然状态
state of origin产地国
state of readiness战备状态
state of registry登记国
state of the art review学科现状调查
state of the forum审判地所在国家
State of the Union message(总统致国会的)国情咨文
state of war战争状态
state-operated economy国有经济
state order for goods国家订货
state organs国家机构
state-owned assets国有资产
state-owned assets auditing国有资产审计
state-owned bank国家银行
state-owned big enterprises 国有大型企业
state-owned commercial banks国有商业银行
state-owned corporation国有公司
state-owned economy国有经济
state-owned enterprises国有企业
state-owned enterprise turning over profit audit国有企业上缴利润审计
state-owned firm国有公司,国有企业
state-owned holding company国家控股公司
state-owned independent accounting industrial enterprises国有独立核算企业
state-owned share国有股
state-owned stock国有股
state-owned property right 国有产权
State Physical Cultural Administration国家体育总局
state plan国家计划
State Planning Commission国家计划委员会
state power国家政权
state practice国家惯例
State Preeminent Science and Technology Award国家杰出科学技术奖
State President国家主席
State Press and Publication Administration新闻出版署
state prisoner政治犯
state protection国家保护
state purchase quota国家征购指标
state quota国家限额
state rate法定利率
state regulated price国家统一定价
State Religion国教
state reserve国家储备
State Reserve Bank国家储备银行
state reserve fund国家储备金
state responsibility国家责任
state revenue财政收入
state-run company国有企业
state-run firm国有企业
State Scholarships政府奖学金
state school公立学校,国立学校
State Security国家保安制度,国家机密
state security Bureau国家安全局
state security department国家安全部门
state shareholder国有股股东
State Socialism国家社会主义
state sovereignty国家主权
state space method状态空间方法
state specialized banks国有专业银行
State Sport General Administration国家体育总局
state standard国家标准
State Statistics Bureau国家统计局
state subsidies国家价格补贴
state supremacy国家最高权
state system国体
state system of education国家教育制度
state tax国税,州税
state tax receipts国家税收
state textbook commission州教科书评审委员会
state transition system状态传递系统
state treasury国库
state trial由国家起诉的案件的审讯
state university州立大学
state visit国事访问
state will国家意志
state without a sea coast无海岸国家
theory of the state国家学说
unified state purchase and supply统购统销
state’s educational right国家教育权
state’s evidence告发同犯的证人
States-General 1789年前法国的议会
States Reorganization Commission邦改组委员会
States Rights州权
States’ rights宪法赋予州的权利
stated account确认账额,设定账户
stated capital法定资本,额定资本
stated interest rate票面利率
stated liability账面负债
stated rate on bond公司债券设定利率
stated value of common stock普通股设定价值
stated value法定价格设定值
statecraft n.管理国家的才能
statehood n. 国家地位
statehouse n.州议会议场
stateless adj.无国籍的
stateless money无国籍货币
stateless persons无国籍人
statelessness n. 无国籍状态
statesman n.政治家,国务活动家
New Stateman(英国) 《新政治家》 (周刊)/ statesmanlike adj.有政治家风格的,有政治家身份的
statesmanship n.政治才能
◇ issue (make) a statement发表声明
send in a statement递交声明
income statement收益表
joint statement联合声明
opening statement开幕词
statement analysis决算表分析,财务报表分析
statement calculus命题演算
statement connective命题连接词
statement from creditor应付账款清单
statement function命题函数
statement in lieu of propectus募股报告
statement item定期申领物品
statement ledger簿记用纸
statement matrix句型
statement of account format账单格式
statement of account receivable应收账款
Statement of Account供款结算书,(对)账单
statement of account message账户报表报文
statement of accumulated net income累计净收益计算书
statement of actual and estimated expenditures实际和预计支出对照表
statement of actual and estimated revenue实际和预计收入对照表
statement of affairs资产负债结算表,资产负债说明书
statement of application of fund资金运用表
statement of appropriation of income收益分配表
statement of appropriation of net income净入分配(计算)表
statement of assets资产目录
statement of assets and liabilities资产负债表
statement of balance余额表,余额清单
statement of balance of payments国际收支表
statement of business (operation)营业损益表
statement of capital surplus资本盈余计算表
statement of cash现金收支表
statement of cash checking现金清查表
statement of cash flow现金流量表
statement of cash in treasury库存现金表
statement of cash receipts and disbursements现金收支明细表
statement of cash receipts disbursements and balance现金收支及结存表
statement of cash treasury库存现金表
statement of change in cash现金变动表
statement of change in financial position财务状况变动表
statement of change in stockholder’s equity股东权益变动表
statement of changes in financial position财务状况变动表
statement of changes in general reserve一般储备变动表
statement of changes in resources available for commitment可供承付的资金变动表
statement of changes in retained earnings留存收益变动表
statement of changes in surplus盈余变动表
statement of claim原告陈述书,索赔报告,起诉状,索赔清单
statement of claim in arbitration proceedings仲裁程序申请
statement of claim or defence relating to the substance of the dispute关于诉讼事项的原告或被告的陈述
statement of compliance规定事项说明书
statement of condition财务状况表
statement of costs成本报告
statement of current account往来账明细表
statement of current financial position本期财务状况表
statement of current position(资金)流动情况表
statement of customer应收账款清单
statement of daily cash现金日记表
statement of debit account负债一览表
statement of defence被告的抗辩声明
statement of defendants被告人陈述
statement of deposit存款账户状况摘要
statement of earning收益表
Statement of Employment雇用证明书
statement of establishment and strength职位编制及实际员额记录
statement of expenditures and encumbrance compared with appropriation支出及保留数与核定拨款数比较表
statement of expenses费用清单
statement of financial accounting standards财务会计标准说明书
statement of financial condition财务状况表
statement of financial implications财务状况报表
statement of financial income and expenses财务收益及费用表
statement of financial operations金融业务情况表,财务经营情况表
statement of fund基金表,资金表
statement of general budget audit总预算报表审计
statement of income收益表
statement of income and expenditure收入及支出明细表
statement of income and expense收益与费用明细表
statement of income and profit and loss收益及损益计算表
statement of income and retained earnings收益与留存收益表
statement of inspection检验报告
statement of intention意向书
statement of international balance of payments国际收支平衡表
statement of job qualifications工作要求说明
statement of liquidation(破产)清算书
statement of loss and gain= statement of profit and loss损益表
statement of loss and profit损益(计算)表
statement of payment付款报告表
statement of pension benefit退休金福利结算表
Statement of Principles and Aims of Civil Service Remuneration公务员薪酬原则及目标声明
statement of profit and loss损益表,损益计算表
statement of profit distribution利润分配表
statement of property checking财产清查表
statement of protest异议书
statement of reasons for dismissal解雇理由陈述书
statement of receipts and disbursements现金收支对照表
statement of resources and their application资金运用表
statement of responsibilities of internal auditing内部审计责任公告
statement of revenue estimated and actual预计与实际收入比较表
statement of revenues and expenditures on business营业收入支出表
statement of revenues and expenditures收支对照表
statement of settlement清算书
statement of stockholder equity股东权益表
statement of surplus盈余分配表,盈余明细表
statement of the aim目的陈述
statement of the balance of international payment国际收支平衡表
statement of the edition版本说明(编目用)/ statement of transfers from IBRD国际复兴开发银行拨来资金报告书
statement of variation of fund资金变动表
statement of voting power投票权报告书
statement of working capital营运资本表
statement separator语句分隔符
statement to customers购货客户结单
statement variable命题变元
target statement对象声明
wrong statement错误言论
statements in the instrument票据上的记载事项
statements of the bill of exchange提单上的记载事项
stateroom n.舰船上军官宿舍,船上旅客单间,高级包厢,政府公寓
stateside adj.美国的,美国本土的adv.在美国
stateswoman n.女政治家
statewide adj.全州范围的





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