释义 |
starvedpa. p. died of hunger,brought to death,killed饿死,扼杀,毁掉。 △Rom.1.1.225 (219): “For beautystarved with her severity / Cuts beauty off from pos-terity.” i.e. prevents all future ages from inheritingthe beauty she would have passed on to her children.让美貌被她的严酷给饿毙,使得美貌断绝,将来无以为继。
starvedp. a. 1. emaciated as with want of food,lean好像因挨饿而消瘦的,精瘦的。 △2H.IV.3.2.330 (304): “This samestarved justice hath done nothing but prate to me ofthe wildness of his youth,”这个瘦得像没吃饱的法官什么事也不干,只管向我唠唠叨叨谈他年轻时的荒唐。 2. benumbed with cold冻僵的。 △2H.VI.3.1.343:“Ifear me you but warm the starved snake,/ Who.cherished in your breasts,will sting your hearts.”我恐怕你们不过是把一条冻僵了的蛇暖热,它在你们怀里受到爱抚,接着就咬你们的心。 3. dying of hunger,ravenous饿得要死的,贪食的,贪婪的。 △Mer.4.1.137: “for thy desires / Are wolvish,bloody,starved,and ravenous.”你的心是狼一般的狠毒,嗜血,贪婪,残暴。 |