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单词 stand


1. place where one stands,post 位置,岗位。
△3H.VI.4.3.1:“Come on,my masters,each man take hisstand.”来吧,各位,每人都各就各位。
2. hunter's station (射猎的)台子。
△L.L.L.4.1.10: “Astand where you may make the fairest shoot.”有一个台子,那是你进行射击最为有利的地方。
3. concealed position or hiding-place for huntsmen toshoot from (猎人准备射击前的)隐蔽部位或藏身处。
△3H.VI.3.1.3: “And in this covert will we makeour stand,”我们可以把这个林丛当做我们的藏身处。
△Wiv5.5.259(235):“you have ta'en a special stand tostrike at me,”你们特地选好一个部位来射击我。


1. withstand,resist 抵挡,抵抗。
△ Shr.1.2.114(113):“an she stand him but a little”. 只要她稍微和他对抗一下。
△1H.VI.1.1.123: “Hundreds he sent to hell,andnone durst stand him;”他把数百敌人送进地狱,没有人敢抵挡他。
2. sustain,go through承受住,经受。
△R.III.5.4.9:“Slave,I have set my life upon a cast,/ And I willstand the hazard of the die.”奴才,我既已拿我这条命孤注一掷,胜负存亡就在此一举了。
3. persist in坚持住。
△Oth.2.1.315(303): “If thispoor trash of Venice,whom I trace / For his quickhunting,stand the putting on.”只要威尼斯的这个蠢材(为了他急不可耐的猎艳我才紧紧抓住他)能够一直听我的嗾使。(按:此处的trace一词又作trash,“抑制,制止”。)
4. put up with,suffer容忍,忍受。
△1H.IV.3.2.66:“and stand the push / Of every beardless vain com-parative,”忍受每一个脸上无毛的妄人打着比方的挖苦。
5. behave as,act as,serve as做。
△2H.IV.4.3.88(82): “and when you come to court,stand my goodlord,in your good report.” i.e. act as my kind pa-tron. 等你到了宫里,请你做我的好恩公,为我说句好话。
6. lose time over把时间浪费在…上。
△Wiv. 3. 3. 133(125):“For shame,never stand ‘you had rather’ and‘you had rather’.”呸,别耽误时间说什么“你宁愿”、“你宁愿”了。
~ vi.
1. halt,stop站住,停下。
△Gent.4.1.3: “Stand,sir,and throw us that you have about ye.”站住,先生,把你身上带的东西丢给我们。
△Ado.3.3.26: “bid any manstand . in the Prince's name.”要用亲王的名义,喝令任何人站住。
△2H.IV.4.1.3:“Here stand ,my lords.”就在这里停下吧,诸位。
△R.III.1.2.39: “Unmannered dog.stand thou when I command!”没有礼貌的狗,我命令,你就得停止前进!
2. stand firm,remain steadfastly 挺立,坚定不移。
△H.VIII.2.2.52(51):“As I am made without him,soI'll stand,/ If the King please;”我既然不是靠他封为贵族的,只要国王高兴,我还是依然故我。
3. not to fall,not to perish,exist 屹立,不亡,存在。
△2H.VI.4.10.45(42):“while England stands,”只要英格兰屹立于天下。
4. remain,continue保持,继续。
△Mac.3.1.3: “yet itwas said / It should not stand in thy posterity,”可是据说你的王位不能传到后代。
△Mac.4.3.164:“Stands Scot-land where it did?”苏格兰还和从前一样吗?
5. endure持久。
△2H.IV.4.1.184(182):“That noconditions of our peace can stand.”我们的和平条件不能持久。
6. be valid具有法律效力。
△1H.VI.5.4.165: “Howsayst thou,Charles? Shall our condition stand?”查理,你觉得怎么样? 我们这个协定可以生效吗?
7. has authority有权威。
△1H.VI.1.3.11: “Whowilled(i.e. commanded) you? Or whose will standsbut mine?”谁命令你们的? 除了我,还有谁的命令有权威?
8. be situated,be in a state or condition处于(某种境况). 处在某种状态或状况。
△ 2H.IV.4.1.53:“Whereforedo I this? So the question stands.”我为什么要这样做呢?这是问题的所在。
△2H.VI.2.1.191(188): “And for( for) my wife,I know not how it stands.”至于我的妻子,我不知道究竟是怎么一回事。
△R.III.2.3.16:“Sostood the state when Henry the Sixth / Was crownedin Paris but at nine months old.”亨利六世出生才九个月就在巴黎加冕的时候,国家所处的形势正是如此。
△Lr.3.6.108(99):“Which,if convenience will not allow. / Standin hard cure.”倘若环境不允许,那就难治了。
9. not retreat,stand one's ground,prepare to fight站住不退,坚守不动,准备动手。
△Rom.1.1.11(9):“and tobe valiant is to stand;”有胆子的,才站住不动。
△Rom.1.1.14(11): “A dog of that house shall move me tostand.”他们家里的狗会把我惹得站住不动。
10. make a stand,fight 固守,(坚持)战斗。
△1H.VI.4.5.16:“The world will say,he is not Talbot's blood,/That basely fled when Talbot stood.”世人一定要说,他不是塔尔博特的亲骨肉,塔尔博特还在苦战,他竟卑怯地逃走。
△Wiv.2.1.232(224):“Inthese times you stand on distance.”这年头儿讲究的是保持距离。
△Rom.3.3.165(166):“and here stands allyour state.”i.e.your whole fortune depends on this.你的命运就在此一举。(又译:你的整个的处境就是这样。)
△Ham.1.1. 118: “and the moist star / Upon whose influence Neptune’s empire stands”,控制着海神的帝国(海洋)、支配着潮汐的月亮。
12. remain inactive,delay,waste time 保持不动,耽搁,浪费时间。
△3H.VI.1.1.116: “Good brother,as thou lov’st and honourest arms,/ Let’s fight it out,and not stand cavilling thus.”好兄长,既然你喜爱和敬重武力,就让我们打出个结果来,不必待在这里喋喋不休地争论。
△R.III.1.3.350(349): “Tut,tut,my lord,we will not stand to prate;”咄,咄,大人,我们不会站在那里瞎扯。
13. delay,hang about 耽搁,徘徊。
△ 3H.VI.2.3.25:“Why stand we like soft-hearted women here,/ Wailing our losses,”我们为什么还在这里徘徊,像心肠软弱的女人那样哀哭我们的败军折将?
14. wait 等待。
△ 3H.VI.4.8.23: “Fair lords,take leave and stand not to reply.”大人们,就此告别吧,不要等着答话了。
15. insist 坚持。
△Com.1.2.80:“Stands on tricks”,只管在那里胡闹。
△ Rom.2.3.93: “O,let us hence,I stand on sudden haste.”啊,我们走吧,我巴不得越快越好。
△Rom.2.4.36(33):“who stand so much on the new form,that they cannot sit at ease on the old bench”,他们这样追求新的时髦(双关:站在新板凳上),以至于坐在旧板凳上都不舒服。
△1H.IV.4.3.38: “And God defend but still I should stand so.”上帝不许我不坚持这样的立场。
△2H.IV.4.1.164 (162): “To hear and absolutely to determine / Of what conditions we shall stand upon?”听取我们所坚持要求的无论什么条件并且对它们做出完全决定吗?
16. remain 留下,不动。
△Shr.4.3.44: “I pray you let it stand.”我请你把它放在那里好了。
17. be and act as,behave as 做,作为…行事。
△2H.IV.3.2.238(220): “Good Master Corporate Bardolph, stand my friend,”好班长巴道夫先生,做我的朋友帮个忙吧。
△2H. IV.3.2.247 (229): “for my old dame’s sake stand my friend.”看在我老娘的分上,帮帮忙吧。
△H.VIII.4.2.158(157):“Stand these poor people’s friend”,请你做这些可怜的人的朋友。
△Lr.2.1.41 (39):“Mumblingof wicked charms,conjuring the moon /To stand’s(= his) auspicious mistress.”嘴里嘟囔着邪恶的咒语,呼唤月亮做他吉利的保护女神。
18. be是。
△Mac.5.7.83(5.9.20): “Behold where stands / The usurper’s cursed head.”请看,这就是篡位者的可恨的首级。
△H.VIII.5.3.87(5.2.122):“Then thus for you,my lord,it stands agreed,/I take it,by all voices,that forthwith / You be conveyed to the Tower a prisoner;”那么,大人,你听着,我相信大家的意见一致同意,立刻把你当做犯人押送到伦敦塔去。
19. erect 直立,勃起。
△Rom.1.1.32 (28): “Me they shall feel while I am able to stand.”只要我能硬起来,她们就会感觉到我。
20. be consistent,agree符合,一致。
△As.2.4.92(91):“if it stand with honesty,/ Buy thou the cottage,pasture,and the flock,”i. e. if it agree with honest dealing,etc. 如果符合正当手续,你去买下这茅舍,牧场,羊群。
stand for: ❶represent 代表。
△1H.IV.2.4.418(376):“Do thou stand for my father and examine me upon the particulars of my life.”你就充当我父亲,来盘问我的生活详情。
△H.V.2.4. 115:“For the Dauphin,/ I stand
here for him.”说到王太子,我在这里就代表他。
△Mer.3.2.57:“I stand for sacrifice:”我现在就是那牺牲品。
❷ stand up,insist on having what is 维护,支持,坚持获得…
△H.V.1.2.100: “Gracious lord,/ Stand for your own,”仁慈的君主,维护你自己的权利。
❸ impersonate 扮演。
△Lr.1.4.157(142): “Come placehim here by me,/ Do thou for him stand.”请他来跟我站一起,你就来把他扮一扮。
❹ stand in ambush on thehighway for (robbery),stand and fight for (booty),take a risk for 为(抢劫)而埋伏在大路上,为(夺取赃物)而挺身战斗,为…而冒风险。
△1H.IV.1.2.155(140): “nor thoucam’st not of the blood royal,if thou darest not standfor ten shillings.”要是你连十先令都不敢去抢,你也不配有皇家的血统。
stand from: let go off 放开。
△2H.IV.2.1.76(68):“Stand,from him. fellow. wherefore hangest thou upon him?”放开他,伙计,你为什么抓住他不放?
stand in: be the object of. be accused by 成为…的对象,受到…的控告。
△ Oth.1.3.70: “Stood in your action.”接受你的控告。(又译:从严法办。)
stand in act: be actually under way,be in progress 在实际进行中,在进行中。
△ Oth.1.1.152(151):“Which even now stands in act.”现在已在进行之中。
stand off: stand out 凸出,引人注目。
△H.V.2.2.103:“though the truth of it stands off as gross / As black and white. my eye will scarcely see it.”虽然事情真相摆在面前,如黑白一样分明,我的眼睛却不愿去看。
stand on (upon): ❶ insist upon,be particular about坚持,过于讲究。
△H.V.5.2.94: “When articles toonicely urged be stood on.”i. e. When items of thetreaty,which are argued for too minutely,are insistedupon. 当遇到一些详细条款引起争执、相持不下的时候。
△3H. VI.4.7.58: “Why,brother,wherefore standyou on nice points?”嘿,兄长,你何必过分讲究这些细微末节?
❷ be particular about,make much of 特别讲究,重视。
△1H.VI.2.4.27: “Let him that is a true-borngentleman / And stands upon the honour of hisbirth,”凡是具有真正高贵出身而且尊重自己血统的荣誉的上等人。
❸ rest on,depend upon 仰赖,依靠。
△R.III.4.2.60:“I must be married to my brother's daughter,/ Orelse my kingdom stands on brittle glass.”(brother’sdaughter:Elizabeth of York,daughter of Edward.who later became the queen of Henry VII,uniting thehouses of York and Lancaster)我一定得跟我大哥的女儿结婚,不然我的王国就建立在易碎的玻璃上。
❹ take one’s standon 自立于…
△H.VIII.5.1.123 (122): “The good Istand on is my truth and honesty.”我赖以安身立命的美德乃是忠贞和诚实。
❺ require 要求。
△Lr.5.1.68: “formy state / Stands on me to defend,not to debate.”我现在的地位,保护最为要紧,不必管是是非非的空论。
stand out: ❶ not to take part,refuse 不参加,拒绝。
△ Tw.3.3.35:“Only myself stood out,”只有我没有照办。
❷ be in arms,rebel 起兵,反叛。
△ Ado.1.3.22(21):“You have of late stood out against your brother,”你最近曾经反抗过你的哥哥。
stand to: ❶ stand by,stand up for,support,help 和…站在一起,支持,支援,帮助。
△2H. IV. 2.1.71(62): “I beseech you stand to me.”我求你支持我。
△3H.VI.2.3.51:“And call them pillars that will stand to us,”还愿意与我们站在一起的,则称之为我们的支柱。
❷ support,uphold 拥护,维护。
△H.VIII.2.4.83(85):“who ever yet /Have stood to charity,”因为你一向以仁爱为立身之本。
❸keep 遵守。
△1H.IV. 1.2. 130(117):“Sir John stands to his word,” 约翰遵守他的诺言。
❹fall to. begin开始攻击,开始。
△Mac.2.3.39(34): “makes him stand to,and not stand to:”使它开个头,又撑不下去。
❺endurefrom others(从别人那里)忍受。
△Rom.2.4.156(147):“A gentleman,nurse,that loves to hear himself talk,and will speak more in a minute than he will stand toin a month.”奶妈,这是一个专门好听自己说话的人,他在一分钟说的话比他在一个月听人家说的话还要多。
stand to it: ❶insist upon a statement,persevere in an assertion坚持某种说法,坚持某种断言,坚持。
△1H.IV.3.3.182(162): “And yet you will stand to it.”但是你还坚持你这种说法。
❷stick to it,avouch坚持,保证。
△As1.2.70(65):“Now I'll stand to it,the pancakes were naught,and the mustard was good.”现在我要来证明煎饼不好而芥末好。
❸be resolute: fall to work; ready下定决心;动手;准备好。
△Mac.3.3.15: “Stand to’t.”准备好!
❹act stoutly,be able to perform the duty勇敢地行动,能够执行任务。
△2H.IV.2.1.5(4):“Will ’a (= he)
stand to’t?”他能够执行任务吗?stand under: be liable to. be subject to易于遭受…,常常受支配于…
△H.VIII.5.1.112(111): “for I know /There's none (i.e. no one who) stands under morecalumnious tongues /Than I myself,poor man.”因为我知道,没有谁比我这个可怜的人遭受更多口舌的毁谤。stand up: ❶take one's stand as,claim to be表明自己有权利成为,有权利要求做…
△Lr.5.3.66(65): “Thewhich immediacy may well stand up,/ And call itselfyour brother.”这种密切关系足够资格可以跟你称兄道弟了。
❷rise up,make a stand起来,站住抵抗。
△Lr.3.7.80:“A peasant stand up thus?”一个农奴敢这样犯上?
△H.V.2.2.118: “But he that tempered thee, bade thee stand up,”但是那个任意摆布你的恶魔,下命令叫你反叛。
stand up for: support 支持。
△Lr.1.2.22: “Now, gods,stand up for bastards!”神啊,帮助私生子吧!
stand upon: ❶ insist upon,demand 坚持,要求。
△2H.IV.1.2.40(36): “to bear a gentleman in hand, and then stand upon security!”先用好话哄骗一位绅士,然后又一定要什么保证!
❷rely on,depend on依赖,依靠。
△2H.IV.3.2.156(143):“for his apparel is built uponhis back,and the whole frame stands upon pins.”i.e.The whole of his apparel depends upon pins to keep ittogether. 因为他的衣服搭在脊梁上,全靠别针钉住才不散架。
❸put an obligation on,be incumbent on使负有义务,是…的义不容辞的责任。
△Ham.5.2.63:“Does it not,think thee,stand me now upon —”你想想,我现在是否应该——
❹ be of the utmost importance to. be ofgreat concern to对…是至关重要的,对…是极为关切的事。
△R.III.4.2.58: “About it,for it stands me muchupon / To stop all hopes whose growth may damageme.”去办吧,因为对我至关重要的事是把一切可能有损于我的苗头都及早掐死。
△Com.4.1.68:“Consider how it stands upon my credit.”想一想这关系着我的信誉。
stand upon the order of going: keep to the proper order in leave-taking遵守告别的顺序。
△Mac.3.4.119(118):“Stand not upon the order of going,/ But go atonce.” (Lady Macbeth thus dispenses with the longbusiness of ceremonial departure,including lining-upin order of precedence and individual leave-taking.)不必遵守告别的顺序,大家就此走了吧。
stand with: agree with,be consistent with与…符合, 与…一致。
△3H.VI.2.3.38:“ Beseeching Thee,ifwith Thy will it stands,/ That to my foes this bodymust be prey,/Yet that Thy brazen gates of heavenmay ope,”倘若让我这身体成为我的敌人的猎物符合你的旨意,我就请求你把天国的铜门打开。


n. 台,座,架,观点,立场,立足点,讲台,看台,货摊,货柜,证人席,车站v. 维持不变,持久,经受,站立,坐落,忍受,经受
◇be called to the stand被传到庭作证
be in good standing遵守规定
it stand to reason that显然是合乎情理的
stand against抵抗
stand along排成一列
stand as(候选人)竞选
stand aside(竞选时)退出,让开
stand at attention立正
stand at ease稍息
stand back form sth.退后
stand behind后援,后盾
stand buffer坚决抵抗
stand by袖手旁观
stand by service备用
Stand easy!稍息!/stand for代表,支持,做…的候选人
stand idle袖手旁观
stand in a line排队
stand in (for)加入,参加
stand in the background处于隐蔽地位
stand in with与…联合
stand neuter保持中立
Stand on alert处于戒备状态
stand on the ball将球控制在自己脚下
stand on the defensive采取守势
stand on the floor立于池底
stand out突出,坚持抵抗
stand out against继续抵抗
stand out for坚持…,坚决要求
stand out in relief against与…成鲜明的对比
stand over延期
stand the knocks遭受挫折
stand up坚持,拥护,抵抗
stand up against抵抗,反对
stand up against an adverse current顶住逆流
stand up to勇敢地抵抗
stand upon ceremony讲究礼节
stand well with sb.与某人相处很好
take a stand for sth.表示赞成
take a stand on坚定的立场
‖ atelier stand画架
camera stand摄像机支架,字幕架
control stand控制台
double-decker stand双层展台
from stand从站立
hat stand衣帽架
index of stand展台索引
international standing国际地位
modelling stand雕塑台,模特台,造型架
neck-and-shoulder stand with elbow support 肩肘倒立
neck-and-shoulder stand肩臂倒立
one night stand在一处只演一晚,一夜的停留演出
political standing政治地位
spectators’ stand看台
squat stand蹲立
stand a siege困守
stand alert处于待命备战状态
stand astraddle两脚分开站
stand at attention立正
stand behind后援
stand by电视待机
standby referee值班裁判员
stand construction展台搭建
stand facing each other对峙
stand fast停止
stand firm挺立
stand fitting service展台装饰服务
stand for a long while伫立
stand guard站岗
stand in actor替身演员
stand-in rate替代汇率,替代税率
stand in silent tribute默哀
stand jerk with knee bending原地挺
stand off外侧前卫
standoff weapon远射武器
stand on one hand单臂倒立
stand on one leg单脚站立
stand on tiptoe足尖站立
stand-over order延期缴税令
stand patter死硬派,顽固分子
stand play博取观众喝彩的打法
stand proudly erect傲然挺立
stand rock firm巍然屹立
stand sentry站岗
stand side by side并列
stand spin直立旋转
stand spiral直立环绕形
stand still静止站立,立定
stand straddle position分腿站立姿势
stand together thick and thin风雨同舟
stand up against each other对峙
stand-up boxer直立式拳击手
stand up from squatting position深蹲起
stand-up goaltender高姿势的守门员
standup landing立姿接地
stand upside down倒立
stand vividly revealed on the paper跃然纸上
stand waiting伫候
stand with one foot to the knee单腿站立另腿前屈
standoff bomb远程空对地导弹
stand-off half接应并列争球
supporting stand支架
system stand系统展台
standing air patrol不间断的空中巡逻
standing arm-roll with reverse arm站立反夹臂滚翻
standing army常备军
standing attack原地起跳扣球
standing auditor常驻审计员
standing audit经常审计
standing authority常设授权
standing back heel握臂抱躯干别
standing back固定后卫
standing biceps curl站立式二头肌屈接
standing body常设机构
standing book台账
standing broad jump立定跳远
standing catch can站立 摔练习
standing charges维持费用,固定费用
standing civilian court常设平民法庭
Standing Committee常务委员会Standing committee of the National Committee of the CPPCC中国人民政治协商会议全国委员会常务委员会
standing cost经常费用
standing credit长期信用
standing director常务董事
standing dive立定跳水
standing dribble原地运球
standing escort不间断护航
standing expense固定费用
standing financial instructions常务财政指令
standing fire立射
standing ground立足地,基本原则
standing guard留守后卫
standing half turn原地转弯
standing hank缠反夹颈摔
standing header原地顶球
standing high jump立定跳高
standing hold站立握抱
standing instruction委付款项
standing job account经常业务账户
standing jump立定跳
standing jump spike原地起跳扣球
standing kick turn踢转,原地踢腿转弯
standing leap立定跳远
standing long jump立定跳远
standing member of the Security Council联合国安理会常任理事国
standing mute保持沉默
standing off half外侧前卫
standing offer持续报价,持续报盘
standing on knees站膝
standing on one leg站
standing on tiptoe足尖站立
standing order会议常规,会议规程,常规
Standing Orders of the Provisional Regional Council临时区域市政局会议常规
Standing Orders of the Provisional Urban Council临时市政局会议规程
standing orders现行命令,议事程序,长期规则,定期支付指标,委托书,长期有效订单
standing ovation长时间起立鼓掌
standing over of payment延期缴税
standing palm立掌
standing pass原地传球
standing patrol例行巡逻
standing position立射姿势,立姿
standing posture肢势
standing press硬推
standing press position上推预备姿势
standing row站式拉背,背肌练习
standing rule of court诉讼程序法
standing rules章程
standing scale frontways俯平衡
standing scale rearways仰平衡
standing scale sideways侧平衡
standing secretariat常设秘书处
Standing Security Regulations 《常务保安规例》 / standing shot原地射门(投篮)/standing shot-putting原地推铅球
standing snatch直腿抓
standing spike原地(起跑)扣球
standing spin直立旋转
standing start原地起飞,原地出发
standing switch别肩臂转移
standing take-off立定起跳
standing technique站立技术
standing throw直立掷球,原地投掷
standing triple jump立定三级跳远
standing world record目前的世界纪录
standing wrestling站立摔跤
stand-by n.旁观者
standfast n.坚定的立场
stand-in n.临时替身演员
standing adj.常务的,常设的n. 地位
standoff n.抵消,平衡,离岸,避开
standout n.杰出的人,一意孤行者adj. 出色的,杰出的
standpoint n.立场,观点,论点
stand-to n.待命态势,准备战斗





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