stagen. 1. raised platform高台。 △Ham.5.2.391 (377):“giveorder that these bodies / High on a stage be placed tothe view.”且令人把这些尸体抬到高台上,叫大家看看。 △ Ham.5.2.409(395):“Let four captains / BearHamlet like a soldier to the stage.”叫四位队长把哈姆雷特像军人一样抬到高台上去。 2. theatre,play-house; player剧场,戏园;戏子。 △Ham2.2.365(342):“common stages”,i.e. public theatres,ordinary play-houses; common players.公共剧场,普通戏园。(又译:普通戏子。)(按:当时一家童伶戏班常在宫廷和私家剧场演出,普通剧场与之有别,故云。) stage[steidӠ]n.舞台,全体演员,阶段,活动场所,上下客点,装卸点v.上演,筹备,举行,展示,展现,集结 ◇ be (go) on the stage当演员 bring (put) a tragedy on the stage上演悲剧 bring (put) an opera on the stage上演歌剧 bring sb. on the stage把某人写进剧本 by stages分阶段地 hiss sb. off the stage把某人嘘下台 hold the stage继续上演,卖座 in stages分阶段 on stage在舞台上(表演)/ on stage off舞台侧面观众的视线以外 put on the stage上演 quit (retired from) the stage退出舞台 set the stage for sth.准备 stage a play上演(剧本)/stage badly不适于上演 stage by逐步,循序渐进 stage well很适于上演 take the stage(演员)在作了动人的唱白后在掌声中下场,在剧中扮演主要角色 take (tread) to the stage当演员 up stage舞台上的显要位置 ‖ annular revolving stage环状旋转舞台 apron stage前展舞台 areal-type stage圆形剧场 awareness stage认知阶段 central staging中央舞台 closed stage封闭式舞台 dark stage暗摄影棚 down stage摄像机移近舞台 emblematic staging象征性布景 first audio stage(声频放大器)初级,前级 jack-knife stage旋转式舞台 lift stage升降台 off stage摄像机视野离开舞台 peripheral stage环形舞台 revolving stage旋转式舞台 rolling stage转台 sound stage电影摄影棚表演区,(立体)声舞台 stage arts舞台艺术 stage auditing分段审计 stage ban禁止上演 stage box舞台前部包厢 stage business演员动作 stage craft演技,导演技巧 stage design舞台美术设计,舞台设计 stage dimmer舞台调光机 stage direction舞台指导 stage director导演 stage door后台入口 stage education阶段教育 stage effect舞台效果 stage examination阶段考试 stage fever赛期情绪不安,渴望登台演出的演员狂 stage field中间机场 stage fright怯场 stage hand置景工 stage illumination舞台照明 stage language舞台语言 stage management剧务 stage manager舞台监督 stage name艺名 stage of autonomous morality自律道德阶段 stage of culture文化阶段 stage of denial否定阶段 stage of development发展阶段 stage of heteronomous morality他律道德阶段 stage of latency潜伏期 stage of morale development道德发展阶段 stage of rational knowledge理性认识阶段 stage plan阶段计划 stage play话剧 stage point分期点 stage race分段赛 stage right上演权 stage school演艺学校,戏剧学校 stage theory阶段学说 stage version上演本 stage wait冷场 stage whisper演员对观众的高声耳语 thrust stage伸出型舞台 thrust stage with three-quarters seating三面对着观众席的伸出型舞台 turntable stage活动舞台 staged aircraft多级航空器 staged missile多级导弹 staged research分段搜索 staged rocket多级火箭 stages of mental development精神发展阶段 staging area管理点 staging flight分段飞行 staging post补给站 stagecraft n.编剧才能 stage-hand n.舞台工作人员 stager n. 老练的人,经验丰富的人,演员 stagestruck adj.迷恋戏剧的,渴望当演员的 stagewise adj.有戏剧效果的 adv.在舞台上 stagy adj.戏剧性的 |