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单词 spy


1. observation,information; observer,one watching 观察,情报;观察者,监视者。
△Mac.3.1.130 (129): “Ac-quaint you with the perfect spy o’the time,/ Themoment on ’t.”(the perfect spy: ❶ the most accurateobservation,the exact information;
❷ the person best informed,a perfect spy—referring to the ThirdMurderer in 3. 3.)把侦明的确切情况告诉你们,要在什么时候下手。(按:一说perfect spy即指下场的第三个刺客。)
2. soldier sent ahead of the main force to reconnoiter, scout 侦察兵,斥候。
△ Ham.4.5.78: “When sorrowscome,they come not single spies,/ But in battal-ions.”i.e. Misfortunes never come singly. 灾祸来临,总不像单独的步哨,而是成群的大队。(按:意谓“祸不单行”。)


1. espy,see,perceive 窥见,看见,看出。
△Mid.5.1.187(185): “She is to enter now,and I am to spy herthrough the wall.” 她就要上场,我就要从墙缝中窥见她。
△ Mid.5.1.196 (193): “To spy an I can hear myThisby’s face.”窥看一下,不知我是否能听见我那提斯碧的脸庞。
△Wiv.1.3.46 (44): “I spy entertainment inher.”我发觉她对我有点儿意思。
△ Rom.4.1.68: “I dospy a kind of hope,”我看出一线希望。
△Oth.1.1.76:“As when,by night and negligence,the fire / Is spiedin populous cities.”i. e. the fire,caused by negligenceat night,is perceived in populous cities. 就像是在人口众多的城市里,因为夜间不慎而发现失火了一样。
△3H.VI.5.3.3:“But in the midst of this bright-shining day,/ I spya black,suspicious,threatening cloud,” 但是在这光明灿烂的日子里,我发现一朵可疑而不祥的乌云。
△ R.III.1.4.273(263):“My friend,I spy some pity in thy looks.”我的朋友,我看出你的脸色露出一点怜悯。
2. make out,discover 看出,发现。
△ Mid.3.1.19:“When they him spy,”他们一发现了他。
3. foresee 预见。
△ 3H.VI.4.6.27: “And now may eem as wise as virtuous / By spying and avoidingFortune’s malice,”现在既能预见命运的恶意而设法避免,可见陛下不仅贤德而且明智。
~ vi. look closely,pry 仔细察看,窥探。
△Lr. 1.5.23(22): “Why,to keep one’s eyes of either side’s nose, that what a man cannot smell out,he may spy into.”哎,为的是要把两只眼睛分在鼻子两边,那么,一个人用鼻子嗅不出的就可以用眼睛看个仔细。


n.刺探情报者,间谍,密探,特务 v.窥探,侦察
◇ spy into侦查
spy on侦查,暗中监视
spy out秘密监视,辨认出
‖ spy boat侦察艇
spy flight侦察飞行
spy glass望远镜
spy plane间谍飞机
spy satellite间谍卫星





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