释义 |
spurn. 1. instrument attached to a rider's heel to prick hishorse's side踢马刺。 △2H.IV.1.1.41:“He told methat rebellion had bad luck,/ And that young HarryPercy's spur was cold.” i.e. Hotspur (Harry Percy)being dead is now cold. 他告诉我说叛军遭到了噩运,年轻的飞将军已经飞不动、冰冷了。 2. incitement,incentive,stimulus刺激(物),激励(物)。 △Lr.2.1.77(75):“If they not thought the profits ofmy death / Were very pregnant and potential spurs /To make thee seek it.”要是他们不认为我死后的好处具有非常明显而强有力的刺激,这才促使你置我于死地。(按:spurs—词,又作spirits = evil spirits,i.e. tempters,引申意思相近。) △2H.VI.1.3.153(150):“She's tickled now,herfume needs no spurs,”她现在已经被激怒了,她的怒火不需要再加什么刺激。
spurvt. 1.prick and drive with the spur,incite用马刺踢刺,刺激。 △Gent.5.2.7: “But love will not be spurred towhat it loathes.”但是爱情可不能被踢到它所憎恶的人的怀抱里。 2. incite,impel激励,推动。 △Tw.3.3.4:“My desire /...did spur me forth,”我的心愿鼓励我向前。 3. hasten加紧,赶快。 △Gent 5.1.6:“So much theyspur their expedition.”他们总是那样急于求成。 ~ vi. ride fast,travel with great expedition骑马急驰,兼程赶路。 △1H.VI.4.3.17:“Thou princely leader ofour English strength,/ Never so needful on the earthof France,/ Spur to the rescue of the noble Talbot,”你是我们英国军队的主帅,在法兰西境内现在正紧急需要你,请火速驰援高贵的塔尔博特吧。 △2H.IV.1.1.36:“After himcame spurring hard / A gentleman,”一位绅士在他之后疾驰而来。 spur[spə:]n. 马刺v.鞭策,鼓舞,刺激,疾驰 ◇ on the spur of the moment凭一时冲动 spur on鞭策 ‖ spur intensive cooperation促进密切合作 spur spending增加开支 |