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单词 spring


1.source (of a stream); origin,cause (河流的)源头;根源,起因。
△Rom.5.3.218: “And know their spring,their head,their true descent,”知道了这些事的起源、根由和真实的发展。
△Mac.1.2.27: “So from that springwhence swells.”同样,从安逸似乎就要来临的源头竟涌出了不安。
△1H.IV.5.2.21: “We did train him on,/ And hiscorruption bein g ta’en from us,/ We as the spring ofall shall pay for all.”我们把他引入歧途,他的罪过既是由我们传给他的,我们作为一切罪过之源,应该负完全责任。
2. beginning 开始。
△Mid.2.1.82:“middle summer’sspring”,i.e. beginning of midsummer.仲夏之初,仲夏开始。
3. tender shoot 嫩苗。
△Com. 3.2.3: “love-springs.”i.e. tender shoots of love. 爱情的嫩苗。
4. dawn 黎明。
spring of day: daybreak,dawn破晓,黎明。
△2H.IV.4.4.34:“and as sudden / As flaws congealed in thespring of day.” 就像破晓时的一阵冰霰那样突然。
Phrase :
spring,head,fountain: origin,fountain-head,source起源,源头,根源。
△Mac.2.3.105 (98):“The spring,the head,the fountain of your blood / Is stopped;the very source of it is stopped.”你们血液的来源、源头、根源被人家截断;根源断了。


1. grow生长。
△Lr.4.4.16:“All you unpublished vir-tues of the earth. / Spring with my tears;” i.e. Growas my tears water them. 你们一 切土地里潜藏着的灵药奇草,在我的泪水浇灌下生长起来吧。
2. grow out生出。
△Rom.1.5.142 (138): “My onlylove sprung from my only hate!”我惟一的爱竟然产生于我惟一的仇恨之中!
3. issue forth,proceed,originate 出现,发出,发生。
△Lr.1.4.304(280): “And from her derogate bodynever spring / A babe to honour her!”别让她那下贱的身体生出一个婴孩为她增光添彩!
△1H.VI.2.4.85:“Springcrestless yeomen from so deep a root?”一个没有家族纹章的自耕农能从这么深厚的根源中产生出来吗?
△3H.VI.2.6.49:“But set his murdering knife unto the root / Fromwhence that tender spray did sweetly spring,/ I meanour princely father,Duke of York.”而且把他那凶狠的刀杀向萌发那条嫩枝的老根,我指的是我们的高贵父亲约克公爵。
△H.VIII.3.1.6:“To his music plants and flowers /Ever sprung.”他的琴声一响,就使草木鲜花滋长。
△3H.VI.3.2.126:”That from his loins no hopeful branch mayspring.”这样,从他的腰部就生不出子孙后代。
△3H.VI.3.3.66:“His demand / Springs not from Edward's well-meant honest love. / But from deceit bred by necessi-ty.”他的要求并非出自爱德华的善意、真诚的爱情而是出自在紧急关头所生出的诡计。
4. develop by growth增长。
△1H.VI.3.1.174:“Andas my duty springs,so perish they / That grudge onethought against your Majesty!”我的效忠必与日俱增,那些敢对陛下怀有一点敌意的人也一定要被消灭!
5. multiply增多。
△3H.VI.2.6.17:“They never thenhad sprung like summer flies;”他们也就决不至于像夏天苍蝇似的蜂拥而出。




n.春天,春季,泉水,跃起,弹簧,弹性,弹力v. 弹跳,跃,萌芽,使跳跃
◇ spring up like mushroomy雨后春笋般地涌现
‖ spring air rifle弹簧式气步枪
Spring and Autumn Annals 《春秋》
spring outing春游
spring balance弹簧秤
spring bed弹簧床
springboard competition跳板跳水比赛
springboard diver跳板跳水运动员
springboard diving跳板跳水
springboard jumping跳板
Spring Buds Program春蕾计划
spring chip保险弹簧
spring class春季班
Spring Festival Couplets 春联
spring-grip dump-bell握力器
spring heat board小弹跳板
Spring in Jade Pavilion《玉楼春》/spring in the air春意
springlike movements 弹跳动作
spring-loaded pressure point弹簧箭侧垫
spring meet春季运动会
spring ploughing春耕
spring practice春季训练
spring run跳跑
spring scenery春光
spring sowing春播
spring-style n.草图设计
spring term春季学期
spring tide潮汛
spring tour春游
spring training春季训练
spring up腾空
university entrance examination in spring 春季高考
springing use有条件的使用权springness of table球台弹性





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