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sprayn. 1.shoot,twig 幼芽,嫩枝。 △3H.VI.2.6.49: “But sethis murdering knife unto the root / From whence thattender spray did sweetly sprin g,”而且把他那凶狠的刀杀向萌发那条嫩枝的老根。 2. twig,branch,i. e. dependant 嫩枝,树枝,(比喻)依附者。 △2H.VI.2.3.45: “Thus droops this lofty pine,and hangs his sprays;”这棵高大的松树就这样倒了,它那些枝条也低垂下来。 3. offshoot; illegitimate offshoot,bastard 萌蘖枝条,(比喻)旁系子孙;非法旁系子孙,私生子。 △H.V.3.5.5: “shalla few sprays of us,”(The Dauphin means that theEnglish are merely illegitimate descendants of theFrenchmen who seized England at the Norman Conquest.)我们的一些旁支野种。 spray[sprei]n.水雾,喷雾器,枝状饰v .喷射 ‖ spray painting喷彩 |