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单词 spite


1. malice,ill-will,manifestation of ill-will,hate,enmity恶意,敌意,敌意表示,仇恨,敌对。
△Oth.1.2.17:“Let him do his spite;”让他去泄愤吧。
△Rom.1.5.66(62): “A villain that is hither come in spite”,i.e. hascome here in malice. 这个坏东西怀着恶意到这里来。
△Rom.2.1.27: “That were some spite.”i.e. thatwould be some malicious thing. 那样做才是怀着恶意呢。(又译:那才是恶作剧呢。)
△2H.IV.1.1.151:“time andspite”,i.e. spiteful time; malice of the time. 怀恨的时代;时代的恶意。
△2H.VI.5.1.213: “Fie! Charity,forshame! Speak not in spite,/ For you shall sup withJesus Christ tonight.”呸! 可耻,做人要厚道一点! 不要恶语伤人,因为你今晚就要与耶稣基督共进晚餐了。
△3H.VI.4.6.19:“Therefore,that I may conquer Fortune's spite /By living low,where Fortune cannot hurt me,”所以,为了我可以靠着卑微的生活,免受命运的伤害,这样来战胜命运之神的恶意。
2. malicious injury恶意伤害。
△Rom.4.1.30:“Thetears have got small victory by that / For it was badenough before their spite.”眼泪并没有得到多大的胜利,因为在眼泪的祸害之前,我的容貌就够难看。
3. vexation,mortification; vexatious or mortifyingcircumstance,worrying situation; chagrin苦恼,屈辱;令人恼火或感到屈辱的情况,伤脑筋的处境;懊恼。
△Ham.1.5.188: “The time is out of joint — O cursed spite,/That ever I was born to set it right!”时代整个儿脱节了;啊,真糟,天生我偏要我把它重新整好! (卞之琳译文)
△Oth. 4.1.71(70):“O,'tis the spite of hell,”啊,那才是地狱里的烦扰。
△Com.4.2.8:“the more my spite.”这更叫我生气。
△Gent.4.2.70 (69): “that change is thespite.”可恼的就是这样变来变去。
△Mid.5.1.283 (276):“But stay ! O spite!”但是,且慢! 啊,真不幸!
△1H.IV.3.1.191 (190): “This is the deadly spite that angersme.”这真是叫我恼怒得要命的事。
△3H.VI.5.1.18: “Ounbid spite!”啊,意外的恼火情况!
4. ill-luck噩运。
△Com.2.2.193 (189): “O spite ofspites!”倒霉透顶了!
5. contemptuous defiance蔑视。
△1H.VI.3.3.71:“But when they heard he was thine enemy,/ They sethim free without his ransom paid (i.e. without payinghis ransom). / In spite of Burgundy and all his friends.”但是他们一听说他是你的敌人,就把他放了,连赎金也不用交,完全不把勃艮第和他的朋友们放在眼里。
△Tw.5.1.132(128): “Where he sits crowned in his master's spite.”在那双眼睛里他被尊为王,而他的主人反受到鄙视。
spite of: in spite of,notwithstanding不顾,尽管。
△Lr.2.4.33:“Delivered letters,spite of intermission,” 也不管把我打断,就把他的信递上去。
△L.L.L.1.1.4:“spite of cormorant devouring Time,”不顾那狼吞虎咽吞食一切的时间。
spite of spite: in spite of spite,i.e. no matter whathappens,come what may,let the worst happen thatmay无论发生什么事,哪怕会发生最坏的事。
△3H.VI.2.3.5:“And,spite of spite,needs must I rest awhile.”无论会发生什么事,我一定得休息一会儿。


1. thwart malignantly 恶意反对。
△Mac.3.1.110(109):“I am reckless what / I do to spite the world.”我干起扰乱世界的事情来,是无所顾忌的。
2. vex,mortify使烦恼,使感羞辱。
△Shr.4.3.11:“thatwhich spites me more than all these wants”. 比这一切(需要)更使我心烦的。
△Tw.5.1.134 (130):“I'll sacri-fice the lamb that I do love./To spite a raven's heartwithin a dove.”我要牺牲我钟爱的羔羊,去羞辱那白鸽胸中的乌鸦心肠。
3. regard with contempt,thwart malignantly以轻蔑对待,恶意反对。
△Ado.5.2.72 (68): “Alas,poor heart!if you spite it for my sake,I will spite it for yours,”唉,可怜的心! 如果你为了我的缘故而跟它作对,我也要为了你的缘故而跟它作对。







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