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单词 spirits


n. (pl.)
1.certain subtle highly-refined substances which formerly were supposed to permeate the blood and chiefregions of the body; vital powers,animal spirits (过去被认为遍布于血液和身体主要部位的一种微妙物质)生命元素;生命力,元气。
△2H.IV.4.3.119 (109): “the vital com-moners and inland petty spirits”,i. e. ❶ people fromthe capital of the little kingdom to the interior part ofthe country;
❷ vital powers from the neighbourhoodof the heart to the various parts of the body. 身处首都附近的平民和住在内地的小百姓(比喻心脏附近和身体其他各部分的生命力)。
△Ado. 4. 1. 113(112): “Smother her spir-its up.”把她的生命力窒息了。
△Ado.4.1.127 (125):“thy spirits were stronger than thy shames,”你的生命力强过你的羞耻之心。
2. vital spirits (维持生命的)精气神。
△2H.IV.2.3.46:“Fair daughter,you do draw my spirits from me /With new lamenting ancient oversights,”好儿媳,你现在重新哀诉我过去的错误,真使我精神沮丧。
3. intellectual powers,wits 智能,才智。
△L.L.L.2.1.1:“dearest spirits”,i.e.intellectual powers in thevery highest degree,best wits.最大的智能,最高的才智。4. spiritual heritage,character 精神遗产,性格。
△2H.IV.5.2.125: “And with his spirits sadly I survive.”我要带着他的性格严肃地活下去。
5. sentiments,feelings 情绪,感情。
△ Ham.3.4.118(119): “Forth al your eyes your spirits wildly peep.”你的眼睛显示了狂乱的神情。
6. inclinations 意愿,心猿意马。
△ Oth.3.4.63 (62):“and his spirits should hunt / After new fancies.”他的心就要另觅新欢。
7. bold resolution or determination,courage 大胆的决心,勇气。
△Lr.5.3.140 (139): “Say thou ‘No’ (= Ifyou say ‘No’),/ This sword,this arm,and my bestspirits are bent / To prove upon thy heart,”你只要说个“不”字,我这把剑、这只臂膀,连同我最大的勇气,就要在你那心口上证实。
△Mac.1.5. 26 (25):“Hie thee hither,/ ThatI may pour my spirits in thine ear,”i.e.communicate to you the boldness which animates me. 你快回来吧,我好把我的决心灌进你的耳朵里。





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