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单词 speed


1. haste急速。
△Lr.3.1.35:“If on my credit youdare build so far / To make your speed to Dover,”要是你敢信赖我,就赶紧到多佛去一趟。
have the speed of: have greater speed than,comemore quickly than,outdistance,outstrip比…速度更快,比…来得更快,超过,把…抛在后边。
△Mac.1.5.35 (34):“our thane is coming:/ One of my fellows had thespeed of / him,”伯爵正在路上呢;我的一个同伴走在他的前面。
2. urgency紧迫。
△1H.IV.3.2.162:“How now,goodBlunt? Thy looks are full of speed.”怎么样,好布仑特?你满脸都带着紧迫的神气。
3. help,aid帮助,援助。
△H.V.5.2.192 (183):“SaintDenis be my speed!”i.e. May Saint Denis help me!圣丹尼斯快帮助我吧!
4. fortune,success,prosperity运气,成功,顺遂。
△Shr.2.1.139(138):“happy be thy speed!”愿你顺利成功。be your speed: bring you success,cause you to pros-per给你带来成功,使你顺遂。
△1H.IV.3.1.189(188):“Good manners be your speed!”愿礼貌能给你带来成功!
5. patron,helper,protecting and assisting power,guardian angel庇护人,保护人,赞助力量,保护天使。
△As.1.2.226 (210): “Now Hercules be thy speed,” i.e.may Hercules help you; may Hercules make you suc-cessful. 愿赫拉克勒斯保佑你!
△Gent.3.1.303 (300):“Saint Nicholas be thy speed!”圣尼古拉保佑你!
△Rom5.3.121:“Saint Francis be my speed!”圣芳济保佑我!
△Oth. 2. 1. 67:“He has had most favourable and happy speed.”他倒是一帆风顺。(按:speed的两种意思双关。)


1.assist,guard,favour,cause to succeed,make pros-perous帮助,保卫,支持,使成功,使顺遂。
△Wiv.3.4.12:“No,heaven so speed me in my time to come!”不,在我有生之年,上天保佑我(不作此想)!
△Mid.1.1.180:“Godspeed fair Helena!”上帝保佑美丽的海丽娜!
△Lr.4.6.213 (208): “Sir,speed you.”i.e.Sir,may God speedyou. 先生,上帝保佑你。
△1H.VI.3.2.60:“God speedthe parliament!”愿上帝保佑你们的议会!
△H.VIII.1.1.52:“The devil speed him!”让魔鬼保佑他!
speed's: speed us(on our way)使成功,使顺利。
△Ado.5.3.32:“And Hymen with luckier issue speed's”,愿婚姻之神赐给我们更好的运气。
2. send in speed,send off quickly 迅速派遣,快打发走。
△H.V.3.5.36:“Speed him hence,”快派他走。
3. destroy,ruin,undo摧毁,毁坏,毁灭。
△Mer.2.9.72:“So be gone,you are sped.”所以去吧,你完了。
~ vi.
1. achieve success,succeed,prosper,thrive取得成功,成功,顺遂,兴旺。
△Shr.1.2.250 (245): “to speed a-lone,”独自成功。
△Gent.4.4.114 (107):“I would nothave him speed.”我不愿意让他成功。
△Wiv.2.2.282(266):“Come you to me at night,you shall know howI speed.”晚上到我这里来,你就会知道我进行得顺利不顺利。
△Wiv. 3. 5. 69 (66):“And sped you,sir?”你很顺利吗,先生?
△Mer.5.1.114:“We have been praying for ourhusbands’ welfare,/ Which speed we hope the betterfor our words.”我们是为我们的丈夫祈祷去了,希望他们能因我们的祈祷而如意多福。
△ Lr.1.2.19: “if this letterspeed”,如果这封信成功。
△Oth.4.1.108 (107):“Now,if this suit lay in Bianca’s power,/ How quicklyshould you speed!”嗳,要是这次求情能掌握在比恩卡手中,你早就会成功了!
△R.III.5.3.103 (102): “Once more a-dieu; be valiant,and speed well.”i. e. may you suc-ceed. 再说一次再见;要勇敢,祝你胜利。
go speed: look for success,seek marital fortunes 寻找成功机会,寻求婚姻的好运。
△3H.VI.4.1.56: “Or elseyou would not have bestowed the heiress / Of theLord Bonville on your new wife’s son,/ And leaveyour brothers to go speed elsewhere.”i.e. in seekingwives for themselves.要不然你也不会把邦维尔勋爵的女继承人赏给你的新娘的儿子,而让你的弟弟们到其他地方寻求婚姻的好运了。
2. assist,make to prosper 帮助,使顺遂。
△R.III.2.3.6:“Neighbours,God speed!”街邻们,上帝保佑!
3. make haste,hurry 赶快,赶紧。
△1H. IV.1.3.284(283): “And ’tis no little reason bids (i. e. that bids) us speed,”我们有充分的理由必须赶快。
△ 2H.IV.4.3.38(34):“I have speeded hither with the very extremestinch of possibility;”i. e. I have hurried here as fast asit is possible to hurry in an extremity; I have hurriedhere with the very last inch of possible speed. 我尽了最大的可能急急忙忙赶到这里来。
4. fare (well or ill) 进行得(好坏)。
△Wiv.3.5.139(134): “Come to me at your convenient leisure,andyou shall know how I speed;”你得暇再来看我,就会知道我进行得如何。
△Shr.2.1.275 (281 ):“how speed youwith my daughter?”你和我女儿的事情进行得怎样了?
5. have any fortune,good or bad 命运遭遇(好坏)。
△1H.VI. 2.1.48: “Here cometh Charles; I marvelhow he sped.”查理过来了;我很想知道他的遭遇如何。
6. go,travel 去,旅行。
△H.VIII.1.2.151: “Not longbefore your Highness sped to France,”陛下到法国去之前不久。
7. ❶ succeed,prosper 成功,兴旺。
❷ fare,turn out 进展,证明是。
△ R.III.4.4.359 (358): “An honest talespeeds best being plainly told.”一个真实的故事,坦率地说出来,才最能成功。




n.速度,速率,画幅频率 v.加快飞跑,飞驰
◇at speed以高速度
speed up加快
‖ film speed胶片感光度
speed ability最大飞行速度
speed across the sky腾云驾雾
speed aircraft高速飞机
speed-and-spin play快速与旋转的打法
speed bag(练习用)小梨球
speed bailer速球投手
speed ball快速球
speed boat快艇
speed boy跑得快的运动员
speed bulge高速鼓包
speed cadence步频
speed coefficient速度系数
speed control governor速度调节器
speed counter速率计,转数表
speed data速率数据
speed dispatch快讯
speed drawing速度牵引
speed endurance速度耐力
speed event-group速度性项群
speed flag速度信号旗
speed indicator速度表
speed jab快刺拳
speed jumping快速跳
speed landing高速着陆
speed long远台快球
speed of a ship or plane航速
speed of economic development经济发展速度
speed of flight飞行速度
speed of march行军速度
speed of revolution转速
speed of sensation感觉速度
speed of shot击球速度
speed of shuttle flight球的速度
speed of swing挥拍速度
speed off the mark迅速摆脱防守
speed play任意变速跑(游)/speed post快速专递
speed rating速比
speed reading快速阅读
speed regulation速度调节
speed runner短跑运动员
speed shot快速射门
speed skate速滑冰刀
speed skating track速滑跑道
speed skating速度滑冰
speed strength event-group快速力量性项群
speed strength快速力量
speed swimming快速游泳
speed test速度测试
speed training速度训练
speed under control控制速度
speed variator变速器
speed work速度训练
speed writing速写
speeder n.速球投手
speedier stroke速度较快的游泳姿势
speedin n.超速驾驶
speedlight n. 闪光管
speedster n.跑得快的运动员
speedy adj. 快速的





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