sparingn. saving,thrift,frugality节约,节俭,俭朴。 △Rom.1.1.224 (218): “and in that sparing makeshuge waste;”i. e. her thrift is very wasteful. 为了珍惜她自己,造成了莫大的浪费。 △H.VIII.1.3.59:“in him /Sparing would show a worse sin than ill doctrine.”在他来说,节约就像是比异端邪说还要更严重的罪恶。
sparingp. a. 1.frugal 节省的。 △Com.3. 1.27:“Ay,to a niggardlyhost and more sparing guest.”是的,对于吝啬的主人和更俭约的客人。 2. forbearing to afflict or destroy,treating with mer-cy 宽恕的,留情的。 △R.III. 3.7.192 (193):“Save thatfor reverence to some alive,/I give a sparing limit tomy tongue.”只是为了对于某位活着的人表示尊重,我就话到口边留半句。 |