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单词 sort


1. company,band,gang,herd 一群,一伙,一帮,一批。
△2H.VI.2.1.166 (163): “A sort of naughty per-sons.”一伙坏人。
△2H.VI.3.2.275:“But all the hono-ur Salisbury hath won / Is that he was the lordambassador / Sent from a sort of tinkers to the king.”但是骚兹伯里所能赢得的荣誉也不过是被一帮补锅匠之类的游民派来做了他们的晋见国王的大使。
△3H.VI.2.2.96:“here Istand to answer thee,/ Or any he the proudest of thysort.”我在这里准备对付你,也准备对付你们一伙中任何一个最狂妄的人。
△R.III.5.3.316 (315): “Remember whomyou are to cope withal: / A sort of vagabonds,ras-cals,and runaways;”记住你们所要对付的是何等样人:一群浪人、流氓和叛逃者。
2. class,rank,degree等级,地位,身份。
△Mid.3.2.159: “None of noble sort / Would so offend a virgin.”身份高贵的人决不肯这样轻侮,一个闺女。
△Ado.1.1.7:“But few of any sort,and none of name.”很少是有地位的,有点名气的一个也没有。
△Ado.1.1.32: “There wasnone such in the army of any sort.”军队里有地位的人里没有这样一个人。
△As.1.1.1/6 (167): “of all sorts en-chantingly beloved,” i.e. beloved by all classes ofpeople as if he had enchanted them.各色人等都像中了魔似的爱他。
△H.V.4.7.142 (135):“It may be his enemyis a gentleman of great sort,”i.e.a gentleman ofhigh rank. 说不定他的对头是一位身份很高的绅士。
common sort: common people,i.e. ordinary soldiers平民百姓,(指从平民中招募的)普通士兵。
△3H.VI.5.5.87:“Now march we hence; discharge the common sort /With pay and thanks.”现在我们就开拔离开此地;那些从百姓中招来的普通士兵,给他们发些津贴,好言遣散吧。
good sort: high rank高贵身份。
△H.V.4.8.81(75):“What prisoners of good sort are taken,uncle?”有什么身份高贵的俘虏被我们抓住了,叔父?
in some sort: to some extent在某种程度上。
△H.V.2.3.39 (37): “ ’A did in some sort,indeed,handle women;”的确,他也讲过几句关于女人的话。
meaner sort: those of lower rank,people of inferiorrank,people of less noble birth身份较低的人,次等的人,出身不那么高贵的人。
△1H.VI.2.5.122:“Here dies thedusky torch of Mortimer,/ Choked with ambition ofthe meaner sort.”i. e. by the ambition of the Lancastrians. 摩提默家族的暗淡的火炬就这样熄灭了,它是被那些出身低微的人的野心所扑灭的。
3. manner,way,fashion方式,方法,样式。
△Wiv.1.1.106(103):“Sir,he doth in some sort confess it.”先生,他自己也有几分承认了。
△Shr.3.1.68 (67): “To teachyou gamouth in a briefer sort.”用简明的方法教给你全部音阶。
△Mer.1.2.111(103): “unless you may be wonby some other sort than your father's imposition de-pending on the caskets.”除非是可以用别的什么方法得到你,而不用你父亲定下的依靠选择匣子来决定一切。
△3H.VI.4.2.28:“Why then,let's on our way in silent sort.”那么,就让我们静悄悄地上路吧。
4. attire,dress,array衣着,服装,盛装。
best sort: finest array最漂亮的盛装。
△H.V.5.Cho25:“The Mayor and all his brethren in best sort,”市长和他的全体同僚都穿上漂亮的盛装。
5.❶manner. way样式,方面。
△1H.VI.4.1.39:“He then,that is not furnished in this sort,” endowed,endowed thus; possessed of thisquality. 而他,生来就不是这样的人。(又译:而他,根本就没有这种品质。)


1. pick out,choose,select挑选,选定,选择。
△Gent.3.2.92 (91): “To sort some gentlemen well skilled inmusic”,挑选几位擅长音乐的人。
△Rom.4.2.35 (34):“To help me sort such needful ornaments”,帮我挑选一些需用的衣饰。
△1H.VI.2.3.26:“But since your lady-ship is not at leisure / I'll sort some other time to visityou.”既然夫人现在不得空闲,我以后再挑一个时间来拜访你。
2. seek,find 寻找,找到。
sort occasion: seek an opportunity 寻找一个机会。
△R.III.2.2.147(148):“For by the way I'll sort occa-sion,”因为在路上我要寻找一个机会。
sort out: find out,choose找到,选择。
△Rom.3.5.110(109):“Hath sorted out a sudden day of joy,”选了一个急促的大喜日子。
3. dispose. arrange处理,安排。
△Mer.5.1.132: “ButGod sort all!”但是上帝支配一切吧!
△3H.VI.5.6.84:“Clarence,beware! Thou keep'st me from the light,/But I will sort a pitchy day for thee,”克拉仑斯,你要小心! 你阻挡了我的光明,我要给你安排一个黑暗的前途。
△R.III.2.3.36:“All may be well; but if God sort itso,/ ’Tis more than we deserve,or I expect.”一切都会好的;但是如果上帝定要这样安排,那就超过了我们理所应得,也超过了我的预料。
4. associate,assort,put in the same class把…同…联系起来,把…归为一类,把…放进同一阶级。
△Ham.2.2.279(267): “I will not sort you with the rest of my serv-ants;”我不愿把你们当做我的仆人看待。
△Gent.1.3.63:“something sorted with his wish”,i.e.rather in a-greement with his wish. 和他的愿望正好有些相符。
5. fit,adapt,make conformable使适合,使适应,使符合。
△2H.VI.2.4.68:“I pray thee sort thy heart to patience;”我求你使你的心学会忍耐。
6. separate把…分开。
△H.V.4.7.78 (74):“To sortour nobles from our common men.”把我们的贵族和我们的普通小兵分开。
~ vi.
△L.L.L.1.1.258:“sorted andconsorted”,结交陪伴。
2. suit,be fitting,agree,accord适合,合适,一致,符合。
△Mid.5.1.55:“Not sorting with a nuptial ceremo-ny.”不适合在婚礼上演出。
△Ham.1.1.109:“Well mayit sort that this portentous figure / Comes armedthrough our watch so like the King”,这正好吻合,所以在我们守望时到来的那个不祥的人影全身武装,并且活像是先王。
it sorts: things are as they should be 正该如此。
△3H.VI.2.1. 209:“Why then,it sorts;brave warri-ors,let’s away.”好,正该如此;勇士们,我们出发吧。
sort with: agree with,befit 与…一致,适合。
△H.V. 4.1.63:“It sorts well with your fierceness.”这个名字倒跟你的凶猛劲儿很适合。
△3H.VI.5.5. 26:“His currish rid-dles sorts not with this place.”他那些关于猫猫狗狗的哑谜跟这个地方不适合。
3. turn out,happen,befall 结果变得,发生。
△Ado.4.1.242 (240):“And if it sort not well,you may concealher,”如果反应不佳,你可以把她藏起来。
△ Ado.5.4.7:“Well,I am glad that all things sort so well.”好,一切事情结果这么好,我很高兴。
△Shr.4.3.43:“all my painsis sorted to no proof.”我的辛苦都白费了。
△Mid.3.2.352:“am I glad it so did sort,”事情闹到这么一个结果,我只有高兴。
sort how it will: turn out which way it will,whateverhappens 不管结果怎样,无论发生什么事。
△ 2.107:“Sort how it will,I shall have gold for all.”不管结果怎样,反正我总会把钱捞到手里。


◇ in any sort=in any way在任何情况下,无论如何
in some sort稍微,多少
of a sort=of sorts差劲的,劣的
out of sorts不太舒服
sort by subject以主题排序
sort out整理
‖ sort feature分类特性
sorting by exchanging交换法
sorting by insertion插入法
sorting by selection选择法
sorting code number分类编码
sorting of deposited items存款单分类
sorting test分类测验
sortation n.分类





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