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单词 something


1. a certain thing 某物,某某东西。
△ Mer.3.2.182(181): “every something.”一切的一切。
2. a certain quantity,a portion,a bit 一些,部分,一点儿。
△As.3.2.439 (413): “for every passion some-thing,and for no passion truly anything,” i.e.a bitinclined to every sort of feeling,yet never really any-thing definite. 每一种感情都来一点儿,可没有一种感情是真切的。
3. a little influence 一点儿权势。
△H.VIII.4.1.114:“Come,gentlemen,ye shall go my way,which / Is tothe court,and there ye shall be my guests; / Some-thing I can command.”来吧,二位先生,你们得跟我走,到宫里去,做我的客人;我在宫里还是有一点儿权势的。


ad. somewhat,rather,to some extent 多多少少,有点,在某种程度上。
△Mer.1.1.125 (124): “Bysomething showing a more swelling port / Than myfaint means would grant continuance.“ 为了稍稍摆出一点我的微薄收入所不能长久支持的豪华排场。
△L.L.L.4.2.56 (55):“I will something affect the letter,”我要多多少少试用“头韵”。
△Shr.2.1.184 (183):“something hardof hearing”,i. e. somewhat deaf. 有点儿耳聋。
△ Shr.5.2. 54: “A good swift simile,but something cur-rish.”比喻很好很快,只是带点狗臭气。
△ Wiv.1.4.14(13): “he is something peevish (i.e. somewhat silly)that way;”他在这方面有点呆。
△Wiv.4.6.22: “Whileother jests are something rank on foot.”当别人正在开玩笑,有些混乱之际…
△Mid.3.2.304: “Because she issomething lower than myself,”因为她比我矮一点儿。
△Ado.2.1.307 (295): “something of that jealouscomplexion.”脸上带着那么一点儿嫉妒的颜色。
△As.2.4.63 (62):“but it grows something stale with me.”不过它对于我来说似乎有点儿陈腐了。
△ As.3.4.8: “Some-thing browner than Judas’s.” 比犹大的头发还要红一点。
△Rom.2.4.142 (133): “something stale and hoar”,有点陈腐发霉了。
△Ham.3.1.181 (172):“shall expel/This something settled matter in his heart,”会排除掉盘踞在他胸中的这桩心事。
△ Lr.3.5.3 (2): “How,mylord,I may be censured,that nature thus gives way toloyalty,something fears me to think of.”殿下,我为了忠心,这样不顾父子的常情,不知别人会怎样评判我,让我想起来有点害怕。
△H. VIII.1.1.193:“I am sorry / To hear this ofhim,and could wish he were / Something mistaken in’t.”听了关于他的这些话,我觉得很难过,只希望在这里边对他有点什么误会。
something a: a somewhat 一个多多少少的。
△2H.IV.1.2.213 (187): “My lord,I was born about three of theclock in the afternoon,with a white head and some-thing a round belly.”i.e.I have looked old sincebirth. (It might be implied that Falstaff,as a dramat-ic creation,was born in the early afternoon,whichwas the time of play performances in Shakespeare’sday.) 大人,我是大约在下午3点钟出世的,一生下来就有白头发、圆肚子。
something from: some distance away from 距离…远一点。
△Mac.3.1. 131 (130): “for ’t must be doneto-night,/ And something from the palace;”因为这件事一定要在今晚干好,并且离宫殿要远一点。





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