释义 |
solea. mere,very仅仅的,就连…也…的。 △Mac.4.3.12: “This tyrant,whose sole name blisters ourtongues,/ Was once thought honest:”这个暴君,就连提起他的名字也会害我们舌头上长泡的,从前却被人认为是正直的。 sole鳎(Soleidae)产于温、热带海域的鳎科鱼类总称。约有100种。体侧扁,不对称,长约50厘米。两眼均在头右侧。体褐色,有深色斑。胸鳍上有一黑点。欧洲鳎(Solea solea)为珍贵的食用鱼。 sole[səul]adj.单独的,唯一的 n.基础,排他性,脚底,鞋底 ◇have sole responsibility单独负责 the sole reason唯一的理由 ‖ sole agency独家代理,独家经营 sole agency rights独家经销权 sole agent包销人,独家经销(商),独家代理 sole and unconditional ownership clause所有权独占条款 sole arbitrator独任仲裁员 sole bank loan独家银行贷款 sole bill单张汇票 sole bill of exchange单张(本)汇票 sole circle立撑回环 sole circle dismount立撑回环蹬杠下 sole corporation独资公司 sole distributor独家发行人,独家经销商 sole investment独资 sole legal government唯一合法政府 sole licence独家许可 sole of exchange 单张汇票 sole-of-the-foot pass 脚掌传球 sole owner (proprietor)独资业主 sole ownership entry strategy独享所有权的进入战略 sole parent单亲 sole parent pension单亲补贴 sole proprietor独资经营人 sole proprietorship独资(经营)/ sole representative独家代理 sole right独占权 sole solicitor独立执业的事务律师 sole trader专营商,独资经销商 the sole legal government唯一合法政府 soled-glass bow实体玻璃弓 solely adv. 唯一地,只 |