n. stay,temporary residence 停留,暂住。
△ Lr.1.1.49 (47): “Long in our court have made their amorous sojourn,”i.e. stay for the purpose of wooing为了求婚而住在我的宫廷里也有很久了。
1. stay,dweil for a time 停留,暂住。
△Rom.3.3.168(169):“Sojourn in Mantua.”你暂时住在曼陀。
△Lr.2.1. 105 (103): “That if they come to sojourn at myhouse,/ I’ll not be there.”倘若他们来到我家暂住,我就不在家(又译:我就不接待)。
2. reside 居住。
△R.III. 3.1.62: “Where shall we so-journ till our coronation?”在加冕之前,我们要在哪里居住呢?
sojourn to: travel to 旅居,游历。
△Mid.3.2.171:“Myheart to her but as guest-wise sojourned,”我的心不过像过客一样暂时驻留在她的身上。(又译:我对她的情愫只像是做客天涯。)
sojourn[ˈsɔdӠə(:)n];[ˈsəudӠə: n]
v.逗留,寄居,旅居 n.逗留,寄居