n. 1 country,native country 国土,本土。
△1H.VI.1.5. 29: “Renounce your soil,give sheep inlions’ stead.”放弃本土,拿绵羊来代替狮子。
n. 2
1. blemish,stain,taint 缺点,污点,玷污。
△ Ado.3.2.5: “that would beas great a soil in the new gloss of your marriage”,这会成为你新婚的光彩中的一个大缺点;这对于你的新婚将会大煞风景。
△H.VIII.1.2.26: “Whosehonour heaven shield from soil!”愿上天保护他的荣誉不受玷污!
△Ham.1.3.15:“And now no soil nor cauteldoth besmirch / The virtue of his will,”现在还没有龌龊和欺诈玷污了他的纯洁的愿望。
Soho (a seal)
2. moral stain,tarnish,reproach 瑕疵,污点,耻辱。
△2H.IV.4.5. 188(189): “For all the soil of the a-chievement goes / With me into the earth.”因为篡夺的污点就要随我一起埋葬入土。
vt. tarnish,defile 玷污,污损。
△Ham.2.1.40:“As’twere a thing a little soiled i’the working,”i.e.Likesomething (e. g. in needlework) which is soiled by be-ing handled in the course of being made,the youngman will seem to have become sullied by that worldlycontact through which he acquires his accomplish-ments.仿佛当做一件在制作当中就难免稍有污损的东西。
n. 土壤,国土
◇one’s native soil祖国
‖ soil bank土地银行
soil capital土地资本
soil erosion水土流失
soil expectation value土地期望值