释义 |
slipn. 1.lapse,shortcoming,offence 失误,缺点,过错。 △Ham.2.1.22: “such wanton,wild,and usual slips,”一些寻常的荒唐放肆的过错。 2. deviation,lapse 偏向,偏差。 △Mer.3.1.12 (11):“slips of prolixity,”i.e.lapses of long-windedness. 说话啰里啰嗦的毛病。 3. leash in which greyhounds are held and from whichthey can be released easily (系猎犬的)皮带。 △H.V.3.1.31:“I see you stand like greyhounds in the slips/Straining upon the start.”i. e. like greyhounds heldback in the leashes,making efforts to start. 我看出了你们站在这里,就像被皮带勒住的猎犬,一个个都在极度紧张地等待出击。 4. twig separated from the main stalk;thin shavingfrom a tree (脱离树干的)小枝;(从树身上削下的)薄片。 △Mac.4.1.27:“and slips of yew / Slivered in the moon's eclipse,”月蚀时割下的水松枝。 5. scion,cut for grafting接穗,嫁接的插枝。 △2H.VI.3.2.213: “and noble stock / Was graft with crab-treeslip,”高贵的根干就嫁接上酸苹果树的插枝。 6. shoot嫩苗。 △2H.VI.2.2.57:“It fails not yet,butflourishes in thee / And in thy sons,fair slips of sucha stock.”但它并不缺少后嗣,而且在你和你的儿子们身上支系兴旺,正是在这样一株根干上生出的美好嫩苗。 7. ❶counterfeit coin,false coin伪币。 ❷escape溜走。 △Rom.2.4.53(48): “The slip,sir,the slip.”溜走了,先生,溜走了。(双关:伪币。)
slipvt. 1. unleash放出。 △Shr.5.2.52:“Lucentio slipped melike his greyhound,”卢森修把我像猎犬一样放了出去。 2. disengage,extricate解开,使脱出。 △ R.III.4.4.111.“Now thy proud neck bears half my burthenedyoke,/ From which even here I slip my wearyhead,/ And leave the burthen of it all on thee.”现在你那骄傲的脖颈已经承受过我这沉重的轭套的一半,在这里我把我的疲惫的头从轭套里解脱出来,把全部的负担都留在你身上了。 3. let go by,miss使溜掉,错过。 △Mac.2.3.53(47):“Ihave almost slipped the hour.”我几乎错过了时候。 4. let slide,postpone,neglect,leave in abeyance 让…滑过,延缓,忽略,暂搁, △3H.VI.2.2.161:“And we,inpity of the gentle king,/ Had slipped our claim untilanother age.”我们为了可怜这个性格柔和的国王,原会把我们的要求推迟到下一代。 slip[slip]v.滑动,滑倒,滑行,溜走,侧转躲闪,承保条件n.凭据,背带衬裙,泥釉,滑动 ◇a slip of the tongue说走了嘴 be slipshod in work敷衍了事 let sth. slip错过机会 on the slippery slope越陷越深 slip anchor抛锚 slip down to the wire比赢 slip the ball漏球 slip up疏忽 ‖ slip affixed to a check (cheque)支票附件 slip avalanche滑移雪崩 slip bookkeeping簿记 slip in stock price股票价格下降 slip order form条片订单 slip rule错漏规则 slip ship扫雷艇 slip slowing asset呆滞资产 slip step侧滑步 slipping the ball蹭球 slip-on n.套裙 slipover n.背心,套领衫 slipper[ˈslipə]n.便鞋,拖鞋 ballet slippers芭蕾舞鞋 embroidered slippers绣花拖鞋 slippery adj.滑的 |