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单词 sit


vt. sit on (a horse,etc.),keep one’s seat on(ahorse,etc.) 骑(马等),在(马等)上骑稳。
△H.VIII.4.1.15:“He fell sick suddenly and grew so ill / He couldnot sit his mule.”他突然病倒,而且病得很重,连骡子都不能骑。
~ vi. in a position of rest 停下,栖止。
△Ado.2.3.102(92):“the fowl sits.”鸟儿正在那边歇着呢。
2. dwell,abide 留居,逗留。
△R.III. 5.3.80 (79):“For-tune and victory sit on thy helm!”愿好运和胜利降临在你的战盔上面!
△R.III.5.3.352 (351): “Victory sits onour helms.”胜利停留在我们的头盔上。
3. rematin 留在。
△H.V.2.2.26: “There’s not,Ithink,a subject / That sits in heart-grief anduneasiness / Under the sweet shade of your govern-ment.”我想,在陛下的仁政庇护之下,没有一个臣民是心怀悲痛不安的。
4. remain fixed,abide 保持不变,逗留。
△Rom.2.3.75:“Lo,here upon thy cheek the stain doth sit / Of anold tear that is not washed off yet.”看,你的脸上现在还保存尚未洗掉的旧日的泪痕。
△H.V.4.5.4.:“Reproachand everlasting shame / Sits mocking in our plumes.”(Certain of victory,the French were wearing fineplumes on their helmets. Now shame has fixed itselfamong these plumes and mocks the earlier confidenceof the French.) 责难和耻辱像插在我们头上的羽毛一样,永远嘲笑我们。
5. (of the wind) have a direction (风)来自,吹来。
△Ado.2.3.108 (98):“Sits the wind in that corner?”风会从那个角落吹来吗?
6. hold a session,be engaged in public business 开庭,办公。
△Tw.1.5.142 (134): “Go thou and seek thecrowner,and let him sit o’my coz;”i.e. sit in courton the case of my cousin or kin sman (who may betaken as drowned with drink),hold an inquest on my uncle. 你去找个验尸官吧,让他来给我的叔叔检验一下。
7. pronounce judgement 开庭,宣判。
△Ham.5.1.4:“The crowner hath sat on her,and finds it Christianburial.”验尸官来看过了,决定给她用基督教葬仪。
8. rule 统治。
△H.V.2.2.4:“As if allegiance in theirbosoms sat / Crowned with faith and constant loyal-ty.”仿佛满腔都是忠心,赤诚不变。
9. press,be oppressive 压。
△Mac.2.4.38: “Lest ourold robes sit easier than our new!”只怕我们的新衣服(压在身上)不及旧的舒服。
Phrases & Expressions:
sit about: sit in conference upon,take counsel to-gether upon,discuss 就…开会,就…一同商议,讨论。
△R.III.3.1.172:“And summon him tomorrow to the Tower / To sit about the coronation.”并且请他明天到伦敦塔开会商议加冕的事。
sit at: live at 花费。
△ Wiv.1.3.8: “I sit at tenpounds a week.”i.e. my expenses come to ten pounds a week. 我一星期就要开销十镑。
sit down: settle down (使)坐下,(使)安定下来,(使)住下来。
△L.L.L.1.1.313 (315):“sit thee down,sor-row!” 你住下吧,悲哀!
△L.L.L.4.3.4: “sit theedown,sorrow!”你住下吧,悲哀!
sit fast: take up a secure position; see that your posi-tion is secure; i.e. look out占据一个牢靠的位置;注意让你的位置牢靠些;(即)留神。
△3H.VI.5.2.3:“Now,Monta-gue,sit fast.I seek for thee,/ That Warwick's bonesmay keep thine company.”现在,蒙太玖,小心点吧。我在寻找你,好让沃里克的尸骨跟你做伴。
sit heavy on: be oppressive on重重地压在。
△R.III.5.3.119 (118):“Let me sit heavy on thy soul tomor-row!”让我明天重重地压在你的心灵上面吧!
sit on brood: sit brooding (母鸟)坐窝孵卵。
△Ham.3.1.173 (164): “There's something in his soul O'er which his melancholy sits on brood,”他的心里一定有什么心事,叫他的忧郁在那上面伏窝孵卵。
sit out: take no part (a term from cardplaying) 不参加,退出(牌戏术语)。
△L.L.L.1.1.110: “Well,sit youout; go home,Berowne; adieu.”好,你退出吧;回家去,俾隆;再见!
sit thee: be seated请坐。
△3H.VI.3.3.15:“Whate'erit be,be thou still like thyself (i.e.always behave in amanner that befits your station),/ And sit thee byour side.”无论有什么原因,你还是要像你平时那样,请坐在我的身边。
sit there: there you sit,i.e. there you are你坐在那儿,(意即)你听着。
△2H.VI.2.1.124(123):“Then,Saun-der,sit there,the lying'st knave / In Christendom.”那么,桑德尔,听着,你这基督教国家中最会撒谎的坏蛋。
sit we down: let us sit down让我们坐下。
△Ham.1.1.33:“Well,sit we down.”好,我们都坐下吧。
sit you: sit (a colloquialism) (口语用法)坐着。
△Ado.2.3.123(110):“She will sit you—”她会一直坐着。


◇sit down under sth.忍受凌辱
sit for an examination应试,参加考试
sit in静坐示威
sit in judgement sb.评论某人
sit on the fence持观望态度
sit one’s hands什么都不做
‖ sit as a form of therapy静坐
sit-back with cross body-hold侧面抱躯干过桥摔
sit-back with double body-hold抱躯干过桥摔
sit-back with head-lock抱肩颈过桥摔
sit-back with reverse head-lock反抱肩颈过桥摔
sit cross-legged盘脚坐
sit-down protest静坐抗议
sit-down strike静坐罢工
sit on the splice小心地采取守势
sit spin蹲转
sit up仰卧起坐
sit-up with twist仰卧起坐转体
sitting-aback method后坐法
sitting backhand shot定位反手射门,直体反手射门
sitting curl两臂屈伸
sitting height坐高
sitting in L position直角坐
sitting next to Nelly边看边学
sitting on heels跪坐
sitting on shoulder坐肩
sitting pass直体传球
sitting position坐姿
sitting position straddled分腿坐
sitting position stretched直腿坐
sitting position坐姿,直体姿势
sitting shot定位射门,直体射门
sitting time会议时数
sitting trod正座快步
sitting with bent knees屈腿坐
sitting with crossed legs交叉腿坐
sitter-in n.参加者,旁听者
sitting-room n.起居室
sittings n. 开庭期





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