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单词 sir


1. fine gentleman,gallant上流绅士,时髦人士。
△Oth. 2.1.174 (172): “it had been better you had not kissedyour three fingers so oft,which now again you aremost apt to play the sir in.”(kiss the three fingers: a courtly gesture of a gentleman to a lady.)你最好还是少吻你那三根指头——此刻你又要表示你那绅士派头,吻指头了。
△Tw.3.4.83(73):“some sir of note,”有名的上流人士。
2. gentleman,man绅士,人。
△Lr.2.4.79 (78):“Thatsir which serves and seeks for gain.”为了谋利来效劳的那个人。
3. title of respect for clergymen of all grades(对各级教士的尊称)师傅,牧师,先生。
△Tw.3.4.300 (270):“I amone that had rather go with sir priest than sirknight.”我这个人,宁愿跟教士师傅接近也不愿跟骑士先生接近。
△Tw.4.2.2:“make him believe thou art Sir Topas the curate,”让他相信你是副牧师托巴斯先生。
△As.3.3.45(43):“Sir Oliver Martext,the vicar of the next village.”邻村的牧师奥利佛·马台克斯先生。
△Wiv.1.1.1:“Sir Hugh,persuade me not;”休牧师,别劝我了。
△2H.VI.1.2.68:“Where are you there? Sir John!”你在哪里? 约翰师傅!
△R.III.3.2.108(109):“I thankthee,good Sir John,with all my heart.”好约翰先生,我衷心感谢你。
△R.III.4.5.0.s.d.: “Enter Stanley Earlof Derby and Sir Christopher Urswick,a priest.”德比伯爵斯坦莱与克利斯朵夫·欧锡克牧师上。
△H.VIII.2.1.20:“Sir Gilbert Perk his chancellor,”他的秘书吉尔伯特·颇克牧师。




Toby. 至于我所做的事,那是托比爵士怂恿我做的。
△Wiv.5.5.4:“love set on thy horns.”爱情促使你头上生角。
△Oth.2.3.212(210):“who set it on;”谁挑起的。
△Oth.5.2.185(187): “And your reports set the murder on. ”你的造谣挑起了这场凶杀。
△Oth.5.2.328(329):“lago set him on.”伊阿古指使他。
△Mac.2.3.37 (32):“it sets him on,and it takes him off;”它鼓动它,又撤消它。
△R.III.1.4.264 (254):“O,sirs,consider,they that set you on/ To do this deed will hate you for the deed.”啊,二位,想一想,唆使你们来做这件事的人会因为这件事而恨你们。
△2H.IV.2.1.168 (151):“Come,come,I know thou wast set on to this.”算了,算了,我知道你做这件事是受人煽动。
△1H.VI.4.4.29:“York set him on: York should have sent him aid.”约克鼓动他去的;约克应该给他增援。
❼bestow on,impart,give授与,给予。
△Tw.3.4.213 (191): “set uponAguecheek a notable report of valour,”i.e. giveAguecheek a remarkable reputation for bravery. 给艾古契克编造一个非常英武的名声。set one's countenance: look grave 作出严肃的表情。
△Shr.4.4.18:“Here comes Baptista; set your coun-tenance,sir.”巴普蒂斯塔来了;先生,赶快摆出一本正经的样子来。
set one's seal: leave one's mark留下…的印记。
△Ham.3.4.61:“Where every god did seem to set his seal /To give the world assurance of a man.”所有的天神似乎都在他身上盖了印,为这一个人做担保一般。
set quick: bury alive活埋。(set = firmly alant,bury up to the neck; quick = alive)
△Wiv.3.4.90 (86):“Alas,I had rather be set quick i' th' earth,”哎呀,我宁愿被活埋在土里。
set the world on wheels: take life easy 舒舒服服过日子。
△Gent.3.1.320(315):“Then may I set the world onwheels,when she can spin for her living.”只要她能纺线维持生活,我就可以逍遥自在过日子了。
set to: set,rejoin安装,再连接。
△1H.IV.5.1.133(131):“Can honour set to a leg?” i.e. set or rejoin abroken leg to the stump. 一条腿断了,荣誉能给我接上(又译:再安上)吗?
set together: join,compound,connect使结合,使合成,把…连接起来。
△H.VIII.1.1. 6:“I mean who set thebody and the limbs / Of this great sport together,asyou guess?”我的意思是说,据你想,是谁把这一场盛会组合得这样肢体完整的?
set up: ❶erect,raise (a person) to power树立,使(人)提高权势。
△3H.VI.1.1.158:“Can set the Duke up indespite of me.”能够使你不顾我的反对把约克公爵扶持为王。
△3H.VI.5.1.83: “I will not ruinate my father'shouse,/ Who gave his blood to lime the stonestogether,/ And set up Lancaster.”我不愿意为了提高兰开斯特家族的权势而毁掉我父亲的家业,因为那一块块石头都是用他的鲜血黏接起来的。
❷install (one) on the throne把…拥上王位。
△3H.VI.5.1.26: “Confess who set thee upand plucked thee down,”老实承认是谁把你拥上王位又拉你下台。
△Ado.1.1.39:“He set up his bills here in Messina.”他曾在麦西那这里张贴告示。
❹cause by instigation,instigate鼓动,挑动。
△Mac.3.1.10:“And set me up in hope?”鼓动我满怀希望吗?
set up one's rest: stake all one's money at the cardgame of primero; make up one's mind. be deter-mined,make a decision (在 一种牌戏中)把自己的一切都下了赌注;(转义)下了决心,拿定主意,决定。
△Rom.4.5.6:“The County Paris hath set up his rest That youshall rest but little.”帕里斯伯爵已经下决心把什么都拿出来,不肯让你多睡。
△Com.4.3.26(27):“sets up his rest todo more exploits”,下定决心要大干一场。(按: rest又为arrest的省文,暗含要“抓人”。)





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