释义 |
signifyvt. 1. give notice,announce通知,宣布。 △Ado.1.1.276(266):“let them signify under my sign,”让人家在我的招牌下面写出通告。 △Mer.2.9.88:“To signify th' ap-proaching of his lord.” 来通知一声他的主人就要来啦。 △Rom. 3. 3. 169 (170): “And he shall signify fromtime to time / Every good hap to you that chanceshere.”他会随时把这里发生的好消息通知给你。 △Mer.5.1.51:“My friend Stephano,signify. I pray you,/ With-in the house,your mistress is at hand.”我的朋友斯蒂凡诺,请你进去通知家里的人,你们的女主人就要来啦。 △R.III.3.5.58 (59): “That you might well have signified thesame / Unto the citizens,”这样你也好把这一切向公民们宣布。 2. make known,report使知道,报告。 △2H.VI.3.1.282: “Great lords,from Ireland am I come amain,/To signify that rebels there are up / And put the En-glishmen unto the sword.”诸位大人,我从爱尔兰以全速赶来报告:那里的叛乱者已经起事,还杀了许多英国人。 △2H.VI.3.2.368:“To signify unto his Majesty / That Cardi-nal Beaufort is at point of death;”去向陛下报告波福红衣主教就要死了。 △R.III.1.4.96:“I'll to the King andsignify to him / That thus I have resigned to you mycharge.”我就去见国王,向他禀告我已经把我的责任交给你们了。 3. impart透露。 △R.III.3.7.69(70):“I'll signify somuch unto him straight.”我马上把这些话透露给他。 signify[ˈsignifai]v.表示,意味,预示,预兆 ‖ signifiable[ˈsignifaiəbl]adj.能用符号表示的 significance[sigˈnifikəns]=significancy[sigˈnifikənsi]n. 重要性,显著性,意义 significance levels显著性水平 significance of difference差异显著性 significance probability显著性概率 significance testing显著检定 significant adj.重大的,重要的 significant amount巨大金额 significant condition显著性条件 significant development重大进展 significant difference显著差异 significant error明显错误 significant figures有效数字 significant form有意味的形式 significant gesture重要姿势 significant instant重要时刻 significant others起重要作用的其他人 significant symbols重要符号 signification n.含义,意谓,意义,表示,表征作用 signification theory of art艺术的意义理论 significative adj.有意义的 significative definition指称定义 significative equivalence指称相等 significative value意含值 significatory adj.表示的,表明的 |