shutvb. 1. shut up: ❶ bar,bar the way to 阻挡,拦住。 △3H. VI.4.3. 20: “Unless our halberds did shut uphis passage.”除非我们的戟能挡住他的通道。 ❷ conclude,finish; wrap up 结束,完结;(另解)裹住。 △Mac.2.1.16:“and shut up / In measureless content.” i.e. and con-cluded the day in boundless satisfaction. 现在非常满意地安眠了。(又译:无限的满意笼罩着他的全身。) 2. shut up in: confine to 禁闭在,限制于。 △Oth.3.4.120 (121): “And shut myself up in some othercourse / To fortune’s alms.”并且限制自己另找其他途径去乞求命运的施舍。 shut[ʃʌt]v.关上,闭上,关闭,合拢 ◇be shut of sb.摆脱掉…/ shut down关闭,停产 shut down on (upon)制止,压制 shut in禁闭,笼罩 shut off关掉,切断,脱离 shut one’s ears to sth.拒不听某事 shut one’s mouth安静 shut out把…关在外面,排除,不让对方得分,拦网成功 shut sth. off停业供应 shut the door on sth.拒不考虑某事物 shut to关上 shut up关闭,监禁,保藏 shut up shop关店,歇业,停业,停止做某事 ‖ adjustable shutter可调快门 lens shutter镜头快门 shutdown amplifier停堆放大器 shut-down cost停工成本 shutdown handle停车手柄 shut down,merge,and change the way enterprise operating“关停并转”/ shut face棒头底部朝地 shut for dividend结账分红 shut-in personality封闭人格 shutout memo退关货物清单 shut off the angle封住角度 shut off valve开关栓 shut the books停止交易 shutting out reality逃避现实 |