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单词 show


1. outward appearance,appearance 外貌,样子。
△Oth.1.1.52: “And throwing but shows of service on theirlords.”只对主人们做出服务的样子。
△Oth.2.3.361(352): “They do suggest at first with heavenlyshows.”他们总先摆出一副神圣的样子来引诱人。
△Mid.3.2.151:“If you were men,as men you are in show,/You would not use a gentle lady so;”你们若是男子汉(看样子倒像),你们便不该这样对待一个有身份的妇女。
△H.V.1.2.72:“To find his title with some shows of truth,” 为他的要求摆出一种合理的表象。
2. outward appearance,false appearance外貌,假象。
△2H.IV.1.1.192: “My lord your son had only butthe corpse,/ But shadows and the shows of men,to fight.”在你的儿子我那爵爷手下作战的只是些行尸走肉,是些人的影子、人的假象。
△2H.VI.3.1.225:“and Gloucester's show / Beguiles him,as the mournful crocodile /With sorrow snares relenting passengers;”葛罗斯特的伪装蒙骗了他,就像一副伤心样子的鳄鱼用悲伤去诱捕心软的行人。
3. vision景象。
△Lr.3.6.114(105): “Leaving freethings and happy shows behind,”逍遥快乐都一概抛却,不堪回首。
4. spectacle,scene奇观,场面。
△H.VIII.Pro.9:“Thosethat come to see / Only a show or two,”那些只想来看一两个热闹场面的人。
5. object of show展览品。
△Mac.5.7.53 (5.8.24):“And live to be the show and gaze o' the time.”活着当展览品,让世人观看。
Phrase :
poor show: appearing in inferior garments 穿戴寒伧。
△2H.IV.5.5.14(13):“this poor show doth better,this doth infer the zeal I had to see him.”这样穿戴寒伧倒更好,这表明我急于要见他的热忱。


1.reveal. disclose揭不,揭开。
△Ham.3.1.190(181):“after the play / Let his queen-mother all alone en-treat him / To show his grief.” reveal what istroubling him.在看戏以后,让他的母后单独去求他宣示他悲哀的根由。
2. reveal for 为…揭示。
△Oth. 3.4.102 (103):“’Tisnot a year or two show s us a man.”i.e. We can’t findout what a man is really like in a year or two. 一两年工夫我们很难看出男人的真性情。
3. prove,manifest 表明,显示。
△Rom.1.5.53 (49):“As yonder lady o’er her fellows shows.”像那位小姐在她的伴侣中所显示的。
4. offer,bestow 提供,把…给与。
△H.VIII.1.1.222:“the o’er-great Cardinal/Hath showed him gold;” 那位权力太大的红衣主教拿金钱收买了他。
5. appear to be 看来好像。
△Mac. 1. 3. 53: “Are yefantastical,or that indeed / which outwardly ye show?”你们是虚幻的,或者真是像你们所显现的那样形状的东西?
~ vi.
1.look,seem,be in appearance,put on an appear-ance 显得,看来,在外貌上看来,摆出某种外貌。
△As.1.3.84(81): “And thou wilt show more bright and seemmore virtuous /When she is gone.”她走了之后,你就会显得更光彩、更贤德了。
△Rom.1.5.52 (48): “So show s asnowy dove trooping with crows,”i.e.So appears asnow-white dove which appears when moving amongcrows. 像乌鸦队中一只白鸽那么明艳。
△ Lr.1.4.267(244):“Shows like a riotous inn.”显得像是一个乱糟糟的客店。
△Lr.4.2.60: “Proper deformity shows not inthe fiend / So horrid as in woman.”魔鬼的那种丑恶嘴脸,表现在女人身上看来比魔鬼还要可怕哩。
△ Mac.1.2.15:“Showed like a rebel’s whore.”竟像是叛贼的娼妓。
△1H.IV.1.2.235 (213):“My reformation,glitteringo’er my fault,/ Shall show more goodly and attractmore eyes”,我的改过自新,被往日的过错衬托得光辉夺目,就要显得格外美好,格外引人刮目相看。
△1H.IV.1.3.35: “Showed like a stubble-land at harvest-home.”看上去就像收获季节还留着整整齐齐庄稼断梗的田地。
△2H.IV.2.2.7 (5): “Doth it not show vildly in me to desire smallbeer?”我现在想喝点儿淡啤酒,这看来是不是有失身份?
△2H.IV.4.1.63:“But rather show a while like fear-ful war”,i.e.put on for the time being the frighte-ning appearance of war.只是暂时摆出可怖的战争的外貌。
△2H.IV.4. 2. 4:“My Lord of York,it better showedwith you / When that your flock,assembled by thebell,/ Encircled you to hear with reverence / Yourexposition on the holy text,”i. e. you appeared betteras a bishop than as the leader of an insurrection. 约克主教大人,要是你的教民,在钟声的集合之下,围绕着你,恭恭敬敬地听你讲解神圣的经文,看来那才更符合你的身份。
△2H.IV.4. 3. 55 (50): “if you do not all show like gilttwopences to me,”要是你们跟我比起来不像是镀金的两便士。
△H.V.2.2.127: “Show men dutiful?/ Why,sodidst thou.”人们不是看来很恭顺吗? 嗨,你正是如此。
△H.V.4.1.108 (103): “the element shows to him asit doth to me;”天空,在他看来跟我看的一模一样。
2. appear 出现。


v.展览,展示,展出,演出,上映,放映,显示,表明,作秀,表露 n.演出,展览会,陈列品,外观,景象,演艺界人士
◇ be the whole show包办代替,当主角
for show为了摆样子
go to show用以证明
in show表面上
make a show of force炫耀武力
on show展览
show a clean pair of heels溜之大吉
show (a) round带领参观
show in领进
show of hands举手表决
show off炫耀,卖弄
show oneself露面,出现
show one’s face露面,到场
show one’s teeth恐吓,发怒,惩罚某人
show out送出
show sb. the door叫某人离开
show the flag炫耀武力
show the white feather显示胆怯,显示懦弱
show willing表示愿意做某事
show up出现,揭穿
‖ aero show航空展览(会)/combined show综合会展
consumer show消费者会展
fashion show (parade)时装展览,时装表演
independent show独立组展
mixed trade-consumer show综合展览
one-man show独角戏表演,只有一人的表演,个人作品展览
picture show画展
show a yellow warning card黄牌警告
show an interesting new approach立意新颖
show and tell展示与讲述
show bill海报,广告,招贴
show biz演艺事业
show business娱乐性行业
show card招贴,广告
show clearly in one’s words and manner溢于言表
show fight表现斗志
show for sale with gifts to customers酬宾展销
show horse参加评比赛的马
show jumper超越障碍的马,超越障碍的骑手
show jumping马跳跃赛,超越障碍比赛
show jumping competition跳跃赛
show manager展览经理(人)/show magnanimity采取高姿态
show mercy开恩
show of force显示力量show of hands举手表决
show off one’s skill or ability逞能
show off one’s proficiency with the axe before Lu-Ban班门弄斧
show office展览办公室
show one’s face in public抛头露面
show penitence悔罪
show piece展品
show pilot特技表演飞行员
show repentance悔罪
show seat向后靠的骑马姿势
show solicitude for关怀
show sports world体贴
show topics显示主题
show up prominently崭露头角
show utter devotion to each other肝胆相照
show window橱窗
show window display橱窗广告
slide show幻灯
trade show商贸会展
showcase n. 陈列橱,接待室
shower n.展出者
showery adj.showgirl n .歌舞女郎,广告女郎
showground n. 展览场地
showhouse n.剧场
showhouse n.陈列馆
showhow n.示范
showing n.展览,陈列,外观,外表
showpiece n. 展出品,样品
showplace n.供参观的场所,展出地,剧院
showroom n.展室,陈列室
showstopper n. 因特别精彩而被掌声打断的表演
showy adj.浮华的,炫耀的,卖弄的
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