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sheepn. i.e.silly fellow羊,(转义)傻子。(used quib-blingly with ship,the two words being pronounced nearly the same羊与“船”音近,双关。)。 △Gent.1.1.72:“Twenty to one,then,he is shipped already,/ And Ihave played the sheep in losing him.”那么他十之八九已经上船,而我追不上他,也成了一头迷途的羊了。 △L.L.L.4.1.94 (93):“Why,thou peevish sheep,/ What ship ofEpidamium stays for me?”嘿,你这头傻羊,有什么埃皮达敏的船等着我呀? sheep's guts: i.e.violin or lute strings羊肠子,(指)琴弦。 △Ado.2.3.62 (59):“Is it not strange that sheep'sguts should hale souls out of men's bodies?”羊肠子竟会把人的灵魂从他们的身体里钩出来,这不是很奇怪吗? sheep绵羊(Ovis)与山羊近缘的反刍动物。哺乳纲,牛科。有家畜和野生两大类。野生绵羊有6种,包括北美的巨角岩羊(bighorn)和南欧摩弗伦羊(muflon)。作为家畜的绵羊(Ovis aries)早在7 000年前即在西南亚开始驯养。毛绵密,多白色。性温和,喜群居。妊娠期5个月,每胎产仔1~5头。肉、奶、毛、皮皆有重要价值。 sheep[ʃi:p]n.绵羊,羊肠弦 ◇a black sheep害群之马be like a sheep盲从 separate the sheep from the goats区分优劣 ‖ sheep dismount后屈腿下 sheep gut羊肠弦 sheep vault跪腾越,后屈腿腾越 sheepish adj.胆怯的 |