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单词 share


n. one of the parts into which the capital andprofits of a theatrical company were divided (The ac-tors of Shakespeare’s time had no salaries as at pres-ent.The receipts of a theatre were divided intoshares,and each actor had one or more shares. orpart of a share. according to his merit.)(戏班的资本和收入所分成的)股份,一股。(当时演员没有固定薪金,演出收入分为若干股,每个演员根据其成绩大小,可得一股、一股以上或一股以下。)
△Ham.3.2.295 (279):“Half a share.”你可以分半股。


vb. divide in shares,have a share 分。
△1H.IV.2.4.203 (180):“As we were sharing,some six or sev-en fresh men set upon us—”我们正在分赃的时候,突然又来了六七个人向我们攻击。
share from; take a part away from,gain from,de-prive ...of 从…夺走 一部分,从…获得,从…剥夺去。
△H.V.4.3.31: “God’s peace,I would not lose sogreat an honour / As one man more methinks wouldshare from me,/ For the best hope I have.”上帝啊,为了实现我最美好的希望,我不愿意多一个人来夺走我的这个极大的荣誉。


n.共享,参与,部分,份额,股份,股票 v.分享,共享,参与,分配
◇allot a share to sb.分与某人的一部分
claim a share on the profits要求一份
one’s share in the crime参与犯罪
one’s share of responsibility担负起自己的一份责任
on share分担盈亏
the lion’s share最大份额
‖ A share A股
share account股金账户
joint share system股份制
share account loan股份计算贷款额
share alike平均分摊
share allotment form股份分配通知书
share and share alike平均分配
share bonus股份红利,股票红利
share broker股票经纪人
share capital股本
share ceded in reinsurance再保险分出份额share certificate股份证明书,股票
share consolidation股票合并share cooperation system股份合作制
share draft股份汇票
share draft account股金提款账户
share draft account股金提款账户
share equally均摊
share exchange股份交易
share fund source股份基金
share-growth strategies for followers追随者的市场份额增长战略
share hawking兜售股票
share holder股东
shareholder controller 股东控制人
share-holder register股东登记
shareholder value股东价值
shareholder’s equity股东权益
shareholder’s income股东收益
shareholder’s meeting股东大会
shareholders conference股东大会
shareholder’s fund股东资金
share-holders’ benefits股东权益
share-holders’ equity 股 东 产 权
share-holders’ funds股东资金
shareholders’ equity股东权益 shareholders’ meeting 股东会议
shareholders’ rights股东权利
share holding股份持有
shareholding co-operative system股份合作制
share holding economic股份制经济
shareholding equity股东权益
shareholding system股份制
share in a company公司股份
share index股票指数
share insurance股票保险
share investment股票投资
share-issuing enterprises股份制企业
share ledger股份总账
share list股市行情表
share loan存款抵押贷款
share of contribution分摊额
share of educational expenditure among governments各级政府教育经费应分担数额
share of foreign exchange earned外汇分(留)成
share of market市场份额share of stock股份
share owner股东,股票持有者
share ownership股权share premium股票溢价
share-premium account股票溢价账(户)/share price index股票行市指数
share price股价
share price index股票行市指数
share profits and losses共负盈亏
share pusher股票贩子
share pushing贩卖股票
share quotation股票牌价
share recovered股票行情回升
share register股份登记
share registrar股份登记员
Share Repurchase Code《股份购回守则》/share software共享软件
share split up分股
share stock股票,股份
share the responsibility分担责任share the same understanding统一认识
share the sweet and bitter together共享甘苦
share to bearer无记名股票
share transfer股票过户,股份转让(书)/ share voting right股份投票权
share warrant认股权,股份证书
share worth股票值
Shares and Debentures 《为便利股份或债权证要约而就(公司条例)提出的修订建议咨询文件》/ shares are down股票行情下降
shares are stationary股票行情稳定
shares firmed up股票行情稳定
shares have fallen股票行情下落
shares have gone up股票行情上涨
shares of no par value无面额股票
shares of profit利润比重
shares transfer股票转让
shares without par value无面值股票
shared cellular office半独立办公室
shared cost of education教育成本分组
shared culture社会共有的文化
shared device共同设备
shared disks共享磁盘
shared experience共同经验
shared file共享文件
shared ideas共有观念
shared libraries共享库
shared memory共用存储器
shared monopoly共同独占
shared programs分享计划
shared resource共享资源
shared revenue分享收入
shared symbol共同符号
shared variable共享变量
sharing criterion共用标准
sharing of food from the same big pot吃大锅饭
sharing of foreign exchange earnings外汇留成
sharing of losses亏损分担sharing of market分占市场
sharing of profits利润分成
sharing of revenue and expenditure财政收支划分
sharing operating system共用操作系统
sharing out profits according to shares按股分红
sharing profit according to contribution按股分红
sharing system共同使用制,共用系统
shareable adj.可分享的,可分担的
sharebroker n.股票经纪人
shareholder n.股东,股票持有者
shareholding n. 股权
sharing n.分配,分担,共享(用)/ share-list n.股市行情表
share-maintenance n.份额保持
sharer n. 参与分配(红)者





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