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shakevt. 1.put into a vibrating motion,cause to totter 震撼,使摇摇欲坠。 △ 3H. VI.4.6. 1: “now that God andfriends / Have shaken Edward from the regal seat.”现在上帝和诸位朋友已经把爱德华从王位上推翻。 2. cause to tremble or shiver 使得发抖或打颤。 △H.V.2.1.124(118):“Ah,poor heart! he’s so shaked of (i.e.shaken by) a burning quotidian tertian,that it is mostlamentable to behold,”啊,可怜的人! 他得的病是“见天热、隔天热”,又发烧,又发抖,谁看了都伤心哪。 3. unsettle,cause to waver,trouble,frighten 使不安定,使摇晃,使苦恼,使惊恐。 △1H.IV.1.1.1: “So shaken aswe are,”我们是如此惊恐不安。 △2H.IV.4.1.208 (206):“plucking to unfix an enemy,/ He doth unfasten soand shake a friend,”一伸手去连根拔掉一个敌人,他也就使得一个朋友为此而发生动摇和惊恐。 4. brandish 挥舞。 shake he: let him shake 让他挥动。 △ 2H.VI.4.8.17(16): “Who hateth him and honours not his father,/Henry the Fifth,that made all France to quake,/Shake he his weapon at us and pass by.”谁要是恨他,也不尊敬他的父王,那曾使得法兰西全国为之发抖的亨利五世,就向我们挥动着武器走到一边。 5. nod 点(头)。 △2H.VI. 4. 1. 55: “And thought theehappy when I shook my head?”只要我点点头就使你觉得幸福吗? 6. get rid of,give up 摆脱,让掉。 △Lr.3.4.34:“Ex-pose thyself to feel what wretches feel,/ That (= So that) thou mayst shake the superflux to them,”让你们自己也暴露在外面,去体验一下受苦人的感受,这样你就会把多余的东西散给他们。 ~ vi. tremble violently 剧烈发抖。 △Oth.5.1.118:“What,do you shake at that?”怎么,你一听这个就发抖? △2H.IV.2.4.112 (105): “Feel,masters,how I shake,look you,I warrant you.”摸一摸吧,各位大爷,我发抖得多么厉害,你们看,我说的是真话。 Phrases: shake bells: i.e.like a falcon with bells attached to its legs to terrify its prey (像鹰为了威吓猎物而)抖动铃子。 △3H.VI.1.1.45: “Neither the King,nor he thatloves him best,/ The proudest he that holds upLancaster,/ Dares stir a wing if Warwick shake hisbells.”只要沃里克抖动铃子,不管是国王,也不管是最爱戴他的人,哪怕是兰开斯特家族最骄横的支持者,都不敢扎煞翅膀。 shake ears: i. e. like an ass (像驴子一样)摇耳朵。 △Tw.2.3.135 (125):“Go shake your ears.”i. e. shake yourears like a donkey; wag your tail like a dog. 去摇摆你的耳朵吧。(按:意谓摇尾乞怜去吧。) shake hands: join hands in meeting or parting (见面或分手时)握手致礼。 △Mac.1.2. 21: “Which (= Who,i. e. Macbeth) never shook hands,nor bade farewell to him,”他也不施礼,更不话别。 shake off: cast off,abandon抛弃。 △Oth.4.2.157:“though he do shake me off /To beggarly divorce-ment,”即使他把我抛弃,使我陷入可怜的离异之中。 shake up: berate,abuse violently 训斥,痛骂。 △As.1.1.29 (27):“Go apart,Adam,and thou shalt hear howhe will shake me up.”躲到一边去,亚当,你就会听到他将怎样骂我。 shake[ʃeik]v.&n.摇动,动摇,颤抖,震动,握手,行情不稳定 ◇ a fair shake公平交易 in a brace of shakes=in half a shake=in two shakes立刻,马上 in a couple of shakes马上 shake a leg赶快 shake down一切就绪 shake hands with sb.握手 shake in one’s shoes非常害怕 in two shakes立刻,马上 shake one’s fist向某人挥拳表示恐吓 shake one’s head摇头 shake sb.off摆脱 shake the ankle转动踝关节 shake the wrist抖腕 ‖ shake amplitude振幅 shakedown cruise试验航行 shakedown flight试飞 shakedown period试航期 shake-hand grip横握拍(法),握手式握拍(法) / shake off poverty脱贫 shake-off poverty and become prosperous脱贫致富 shake off poverty and set out on the road to prosperity脱贫致富 shake off投手不按接手暗号投球 shake-out stage动荡阶段 shakedown n.试验,调整,振动 shaker n.振动器 shack-up n.充足 shakily adv. / shaky adj.震动的,摇晃的,动摇的 shaky movement晃动 |