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单词 separate


◇ separate from脱钩
separate oneself from脱离
separate the wheat from the chaff把有价值的同没价值的分开
‖ separate accommodation独立住所
separate account专账
separate administration from management政企分开
separate administrative functions from enterprises management政企分开
separate air force独立空军
separate airborne regiment独立空降团
separate army element独立陆军部队
separate battalion独立营
separate collection别集
separate combat squadron独立战斗中队
separate course分道次跑道
separate customer独立客户
separate customs territory单独关税区
Separate Electorates分区选举
separate entity独立的实体
separate estate私有财产
separate event独立事件
separate government functions from enterprise management政企分开
separate histories别史
separate identity单独认同
separate independent existence各自独立的存在物
separate jurisdiction分别管辖权
separate legal entity独立法人
separate-loading round分离式炮弹
separate maintenance丈夫给妻子的分居赡养费
separate operational base独立作战基地
separate ownership from managerial authority所有权经营权分离
separate property(已婚妇女的)私有财产
separate provision分别规定
separate race分道比赛
separate room单间
separate secondary lines of business from core business主辅分离、辅业改制
separate start分别出发
separate statement附加声明
separate store model分期记忆模式
separate trials单独审判
separated examination分离式考试
separating taxes from profits税利分流
separating the arms and kicking with the right foot分手踢脚
separating the left foot左分脚
separating the right foot右分脚
separately adv.分别地
separately compute and pay tax on each category分别计算纳税
separability n. 可分离性
separable adj.可分离的
separable element可分元素
separable field可分域
separation n.分居,分离,分色,分开,分居,分类,退役
separation agreement分居协议
separation allowance离职津贴
separation center复员转业中心
separation condition分居条件
separation factor分离因素
Separation of Church and State 政教分离
separation of executive,legislative,and judicial powers三权分立
separation of powers三权分立,分权制
separation of power分权,政权分离
separation of property regime分别财产制
separation of religion from politics政教分离
separation of the management of power plant from that of power grids厂网分开
separation of three powers三权分立
separation payment离职费
separation pay解雇费
separationism n.分离主义
separatism n. 分离主义画派
feudal separatist rule封建割据
separatist movement分离运动
separative adj.有分离倾向的,分离性的
separative efficiency分离效率
separatist warlord regimes军阀割据
separation n.分居,分离,分色,分开,分居,分类,退役
Separation of Church and State 政教分离
separation of executive,legislative,and judicial powers三权分立
separation of powers三权分立,分权制
separation of power分权,政权分离
separation of property regime分别财产制
separation of religion from politics政教分离
separation of the executive,legislative and judicial powers三权分立
separation of the management of power plant from that of power grids厂网分开
separation of three powers三权分立
separation pay解雇费
separation payment离职费
separative adj.有分离倾向的,分离性的
separative efficiency分离效率
separator n.分离者





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