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单词 secure


1. over-confident,unsuspecting,credulous过于自信的,毫不怀疑的,轻信的。
△Wiv.2.1.240 (233):“Though Page be a secure fool.”虽然裴琪是个毫不怀疑的傻瓜。
△Wiv.2.2.317 (300):“Page is an ass,a secure ass;”裴琪是一头蠢驴,一头毫无疑心的蠢驴。
△Oth. 3. 3. 198:“Wear your eyes thus,not jealous nor secure.”睁开眼睛看,既不要疑嫉,也不要太相信。
2. free from care or anxiety,carefree,unsuspecting,unguarded,careless无忧无虑的,不怀疑的,没有防备的,粗心的。
△Ham.1.5.61:“Upon my secure hour thy unclestole,”你的叔父乘我不备偷偷溜了进来。
△Oth.4.1.72(71):“To lip a wanton in a secure couch/And suppose her chaste!”在无忧无虑的床榻上吻着一个荡妇,还以为她是贞洁的!
△H.V.4.Cho.17:“Proud of their numbers and secure in soul.” i.e. feeling quite safe atheart.自恃人多势众,心情无忧无虑。
△1H.VI.2.1.11:“This happy night the Frenchmen are secure. /Hav-ing all day caroused and banqueted.”法国人狂欢吃喝了-整天,今晚碰巧他们高枕无忧。
△1H.VI.3.2.19:“Andonce again we’ll sleep secure in Rouen.”我们再一次可以在卢昂无忧无虑地睡个好觉了。
3. free from danger,safe无危险的,安全的。
△1H.VI.2.1.66:“Mine was secure.”我的防区也很安全。
△R.III.1.1.71:“By heaven,I think there is no man is (i.e.who is) secure.”天哪,我想简直没有什么人安全了。
△R.III.3.2.80 (81):“Think you,but that I know ourstate secure,/I would be so triumphant as I am?”你想,我要不是知道我们的处境十分安全,我会这样欢欣鼓舞吗?
4. free自由的,不受约束的。
secure from: free from the care caused by摆脱由于…而导致的烦恼。
△3H.VI.4.4.33:“There shall I rest se-cure from force and fraud.”待在那里我可以免受暴力和背叛的伤害。


1. with freedom from apprehension or care无忧无虑地。
△3H.VI.2.5. 50:”All which secure and sweetlyhe enjoys.”这一切他都无忧无虑、高高兴兴地享受。
2. safely安全地。
△1H.IV.1.2.144(130):“We maydo it as secure as sleep.”我们可以像闭着眼睛睡觉一样平平安安地去干。


1. make... safe,save使…安全,挽救。
△2H.VI.5.2.75: “Now is it manhood,wisdom,and defence/Togive the enemy way,and to secure us / By what wecan,”现在对敌人退让一步,用我们所能找到的一切办法把我们自己救出去,才是胆略、明智和防卫。
2. keep safe,protect保护。
△Ham.1.5.113:“Heavensecure him!”上天保佑他!
3. give confidence or a sense of safety,make carelessor overconfident给…以信心或安全感,使得…漫不经心或过分自信。
△Lr.4.1.20:“Our means secure us.”财富使人漫不经心。
△Oth.1.3.10:“I do not so secure me inthe error”,我并不因为消息不一致就感到放心。


adj.安全的,放心的,无虑的 v.保护,担保偿还债务,掩护,保卫,占领,巩固,停止操作,演习完毕
‖ secure a creditor为信贷作保
secure a debt by mortgage以抵押品担保债务
secure a hold against opponent将对手把持住
secure a loan提供贷款作保
secure a rebound抢到篮板球
secure advantages through pull or influence “走后门” / secure attachment安全依恋
secure campus space安全校园空间
secure currency稳定的通货
secure tenancy有担保的租赁
secured account (s)担保账户,担保账款
secured advance抵押信贷
secured bills有担保票据
secured bond抵押债券,担保债券
secured credit担保信贷
secured creditors有担保债权人
secured creditors’committee有抵押债权人委员会
secured debenture有担保债券
secured debt有担保债务
secured deposit有担保存款
secured invoice有担保的发票
secured lender有担保放款人
secured letter of credit有担保信用证
secured liabilities担保负债
secured loan抵押贷款,担保贷款
secured short-term financing有担保短期信贷
secured time loan定期抵押担保放款
securing belt安全带
securing help保护
securely adv. securer n. 把球抢到手的队员
◇in security安全地,安心地
in security for作为…的担保
hybrid security混合证券
Ministry of State Security国家安全部
mutual security programme共同安全计划
National Security Adviser国家安全事务助理
National Security Clause国家安全条款
National Security Council国家安全委员会
security agency安全机构
security analysis and investment证券投资学
security analyst证券分析家
security area警戒区
security assurance安全保证
Security Bureau公安局
security by mortgage抵押担保
security capital安全资本
security category保密等级
security classification保密等级
security classified report机密文献
security co-binding安全约束(机制)/ security code机密码
security communications center保密通信中心
security company保安公司
security control of air traffic空中交通管制
security control officer保密控制官Security Council联合国安全理事会
security courier service机要通信
security deposit保证金
security dilemma安全困境
security for a debt债务担保
security for a loan贷款担保品
security force警戒部队
security for costs讼费保证金
security for debt债务担保品
security guard警卫
security guard measure警卫措施
security holder证券持有人
security income and expense证券经营收支
security interest担保权益
security line警戒线
security management安全管理
security market证券市场
security market research金融与证券市场研究
security measures安全措施
security mission警戒任务
security money保证金
security of a third party第三方担保
security of business营业保证金
security of tax payment纳税保证金
security of tenure租用权保障
security on accounts receivable应收款项保证
security organs安全机关
security personnel保安,保镖,保安人员
security police秘密警察
security programs should undergo actuarial review对保障方案进行精算评估
security rating股票,证券的信用风险评级security right担保权
security system国家(国际)安全系统
security telephone保密电话
security treaty安全条约
security watch安全警戒
State Security Committee国家安全委员会
other securities其他证券
securities account证券账户
securities act证券管理条例
securities administration trust证券管理信托
securities adviser证券顾问
securities affiliate经营有价证券的分行
securities analysis股市分析securities analyst证券分析家
securities and exchange act证券交易条例
Securities and Exchange Commission证券交易委员会Securities and Futures Appeals Tribunal上诉审裁处
securities and futures industry证券期货业
securities and futures market证券期货市场
securities and investment证券与投资securities arbitrage证券套利securities bank证券银行
securities bill证券担保汇票
securities borrowed借入证券
securities borrowing and lending agreement证券借贷协议
securities broker证券交易经纪人
securities business证券市场
securities collateral证券抵押品
securities collateral loan证券担保贷款
securities company证券公司
securities consultant证券顾问
securities cost购买证券成本
securities custodian证券保管人
securities dealer证券交易商,证券经纪人
securities depository证券存储机构
securities discount证券折价
securities distribution证券分配
securities eligible for market operation合格上市证券
securities exchange证券交易所
Securities Exchanges Act证券交易法
securities exchange tax证券交易税
securities finance company证券融资公司
securities held in pledge抵押证券
securities holder证券持有者
securities house证券交易所
securities in foreign currency外币有价证券
securities in pledge作担保用的证券
securities in trust信托证券
securities income and expenses证券收益和费用
securities investment证券投资
securities investment ledger证券投资分类账
securities investment trust证券投资信托
securities issue证券发行
securities issue market证券发行市场
securities issue tax证券发行税
securities lending股票放款
securities list证券一览表
securities listing application证券上市申请
securities loan融券,证券抵押贷款
securities margin financing证券保证金融资
securities market证券市场Securities Market Maker证券庄家
securities operation证券经营
securities owned持有证券
securities price level股票价格水平
securities proceeds证券收益
securities record证券记录
securities register证券登记(簿)/ securities regulation有价证券交易细则
securities supervision commission证券监督管理委员会
securities trading market证券交易市场
securities substitution company证券替换公司
securities swapping证券转换
securities trader券商
securities trading证券交易
securities transaction responsibility reserves证券交易责任准备金
securities transaction tax证券交易税
securities transfer agent证券过户代理人
securities transfer tax证券转让税
securities trust证券信托
securitization n.证券化





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