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单词 second


1. assistant 助手。
△Lr. 4. 6. 199 (194):“No seconds?All myself?”没有帮手? 只有我自己吗?
2. supporter 支援者。
△ Ham.4.7.153:“Should have a back or second,”应该有个后援,作为第二步。


1.not the first,younger 第二个的,比较年轻的。
second brother: younger brother 弟弟,老二。
△2H.IV.2.2.72 (66): “The worst that they can say of me isthat I am a second brother,”(Only the first-born in-herited the estate,and his younger brother must makehis own way in the world.)他们能对我说的最坏的话也不过说我是老二。
2. another 另一个的。
△ Mer.3.2.95:“a second head.”另一个人的头。
3. inferior,secondary 差的,次要的。
△2H.IV.2.3.33:“him did you leave,/ Second to none,”他并不比任何人差,你却把他抛下了。
4. subordinate,helping 从属的,给予帮助的。
△1H.IV.1.3.165: “base second means,” 卑鄙的帮凶。
5. acting in deputation 代理的。
second body: deputy,representative 代理人,代表。
△2H.IV.5.2.90:“And mock your workings in a sec-ond body?”并且嘲弄你的代表的工作?
second accent: second sound,i.e. echo 反响,回声。
△H.V.2.4.124: “That caves and womby vaultagesof France / Shall chide your trespass and return yourmock / In second accent of his ordinance.” i. e. Thecaves of France ringing with the echo of his guns willrebuke you and return your insult.到那时法兰西的所有洞窟和空穴都要用他的大炮的回响来谴责你的罪过并且回答你的嘲讽。
second cock: about three o’clock in the morning,when the cock crew a second time 第二次鸡叫(约在清晨3时)。
△Mac.2.3. 27 (24):“Faith,sir,we were carou-sing till the second cock;”说实话,先生,我们昨晚痛饮到第二次鸡叫。
second course: (In Shakespeare’s day) the second ormost important course of dishes at a feast 第二道菜(在莎士比亚时代第二道菜为主菜)。
△ Mac.2.2.40 (36):“Balm of hurt minds,great nature’s second course,Chief nourisher in life’s feast.”受伤的心灵的油膏,大自然提供的丰盛的第二道菜,生命宴席上的主要补养品。
second woman: i. e. second lady 第二夫人。
△2H.VI.1.2.43: “Art thou not second woman in the realm /And the Protector’s wife,beloved of him?”(Glouces-ter was heir presumptive or “next of blood”.)难道你不是全国的第二夫人,护国公的心爱的妻子吗?


1.follow up,back up,support,succeed 追随,支持,支援,接替。
△2H.IV.4.2.44:“And though (= even if)we here fall down. / We have supplies to second ourattempt; /If they miscarry,theirs shall secondthem.”即使我们失败了,我们还有增援军队来接续我们的努力;如果他们失败了,他们仍会有援军来接续他们。
△ 2H.VI.4.9.34:“But now is Cade driven back,his mendispersed,/ And now is York in arms to second him.”凯德刚刚被打退、他的部下刚散,现在约克就起兵响应他。
△H.VIII.3.2.60:“To second all his plot.”支持他的全部阴谋。
△Oth.4.2.244 (237):“I will be near to sec-ond your attempt,”我会在旁边支援你。
2. co-operate with,assist,aid 与…合作,援助,帮助。
△Ado.5.1.2: “And ’tis no wisdom thus to second grief /Against yourself.”你像这样帮助忧伤来摧残自己,也未免太不聪明了。
3. encourage鼓励,支持。
△As.3.3.12: “When aman's verses cannot be understood,nor a man's goodwit seconded with(= supported by,encouraged by)the forward child,understanding(i.e. “understanding”personified),”要是一个人写的诗不能叫人懂,或是一个人的才情不能叫人理解。(按:在原文中,“理解”被拟人化为一个“早慧的孩子”。)


时间基本单位之一。代号s。1967年开始,在国际单位制中规定为:同铯133原子跃迁相对应的电磁幅射9 192 631 770个周期的持续时间。


num.第二 n.第二,秒,片刻,助手,次货,二等品 v.赞成,支持
◇in a second=half a second一会儿
just a second稍后,片刻
second to none首屈一指
‖ 5-second count计算5秒/ 5-second rule 5秒钟规则/ 5-second violation 5秒钟违例
second account第二账户
Second Advent基督再临
second a motion和议
Second Athenian Confederacy第二雅典同盟(378年)/second attack两次球
second attempt第二次试作
second banana搭档
second base二垒
second baseman二垒手
second beat第二姿势击打
second beneficiary第二受益人
second bill of exchange第二联汇票
second birth复兴,再生
Second Book of Discipline第二教规(1578年)
second bound第二次弹跳
second breath二度呼吸
second-but-better new-product development strategy后者居上型新产品开发战略
second call第二次点名
second chambers第二院,上议院
second-chance education第二次教育机会,承认补习教育
second-chance school补习学校
second-chance schooling补习教育
second class第二堂课
second-class sportswoman二级女运动员
second-class team乙级队
second-class merit二等功
second class private二等兵
second clear清秒
Second Continental Congress第二次大陆会议
second count第二拍
second course中级课程
second day delivery第二日交割
second defense中卫
second degree第二学位
second differential二次微分
second division乙组
second down第二次进攻
Second Empire第二帝国
Second Estate第二等级(1789年)/ second flight第二腾空
second foreign language第二外语
Second Front第二战场
second gear二档
second generation第二代
second generation bank二级银行
second generation money第二代货币
second goalkeeper替补守门员
second Godel’s incompleteness theorem哥德尔第二不完全性定理
second half下半场
second half time下半场
second hand中间人,助手
second-hand goods二手货
second hand market二手市场
second heat第二轮预赛
second in company第二把手
second intention第二意图
Second International第二国际
second knuckle肩关节
second language第二语言
second letter of credit从属信用证
second lieutenant少尉
second lift再次拔高
second man lay-up drill跟进队员上篮练习
second market二级市场
second month of winter仲冬
second mortgage间接抵押
second mortgage lending间接抵押贷款
second nature第二天性
second negative phase第二反抗期
second of exchange汇票副张,第二联汇票
second order analysis二阶分析
second-order discipline第二位学科
second order logic二阶逻辑
second order predicate二阶谓词
second order predicate calculus二阶谓词演算
second order predicate logic二阶谓词逻辑
second pass二传
second person第二人称
second phase of vault第二腾空
second philosophy第二哲学
second pick第二次掩护
second pilot副驾驶员
second-place finisher亚军
second player二级棋手
second poll第二次投票
second power二次幂,平方
second pull第二次发力,发力硬举
second rater二流选手
second reading二读
second referee副裁判
Second Republic第二共和
second review复审
second round第二轮比赛
second row第二排
second run二轮放映
second server第二发球员
second service第二次发球
second setter副二传手
second shot补篮
second signal system第二信号系统
second squad第二队
second stage certification复检
second stage contest第二阶段比赛
second string替补队(员)/second-string player替补队员
second substance第二实体
second superior judge第二裁判长
second surplus reinsurance treaty第二溢额分保合同
second tariff第二税率
second team第二代表队
second thigh胫
second thought再思考
second-touch shot停球射门
second unpaid第二联未付
second wind恢复精力
seconds out助手退场
secondarily adv. secondarily satisfiable二阶可满足的
secondarily valid二阶有效
secondary ad j .第二的,次要的,二级的,中级的,辅助的,从属的
secondary accent次重音(符号)/ secondary account次级账户,附属账户
secondary action副作用
secondary analysis次级分析
secondary armament (weapon)辅助兵器
secondary aspect次要方面
secondary attack force助攻部队
secondary attack助攻
secondary bank次级银行
secondary benefit间接利益
secondary bond market二级债券市场
secondary cash reserve次级现金准备
secondary cause次要原因
secondary classroom第二课堂
secondary community次生群落
secondary concept二级概念
secondary contact次级接触
secondary contradiction次要矛盾
secondary correlation次级相关
secondary data次级资料
secondary defence第二防线
secondary deviance次级偏差
secondary document二次文献
secondary drive次级驱力
secondary education中等教育
secondary education act中等教育法
secondary education commission中等教育委员会
secondary education for all普及中等教育
secondary effect次生效应,间接作用
secondary environment次生环境
secondary era中生代
secondary event副项
secondary evidence间接证据
secondary explosion后续爆炸
secondary fire辅助射击
secondary function community次要功能社区
secondary gain次级收获
secondary group次级团体
secondary hand experience间接经验
secondary incentive次诱因
secondary income次要收入,非营业收入
secondary industry第二产业
secondary initiation二次引爆
secondary investigation次级调查
secondary investment辅助投资
secondary language次层语言
secondary letter of credit附属信用证
secondary market二级市场
secondary modem school现代中学
secondary mortgage market二级抵押市场
secondary occupation次要职业
secondary organ附属机构
secondary party从犯
secondary personality次要人格
secondary position辅助阵地
secondary production二级产业
secondary productivity次级生产力
secondary products次级产品
secondary quality第二性质
secondary relations次属关系
secondary relationship次要关系
secondary re-organization中等学校改组
secondary reserve次要储备金
secondary risks投资上的一般风险
secondary rule次要规则
secondary school for nationalities民族中学
secondary service二次服务
secondary sex characteristics第二性征
secondary signal第二信号
secondary socialization次级社会化
secondary solution of chess problems棋式的副解
secondary sources辅助资料,二手资料,次级来源
secondary specialized school中等专科学校
secondary specialized school中专
secondary specialized or technical school student中专生
secondary subject term辅助标题
secondary technical school中等专科学校
secondary territory次级领土
secondary thinking process次级思考过程
secondary thinking process次级思考过程
secondary use间接使用权
seconder n. 附议人,赞成人
secondhand adj.二手的,间接的
secondhand book 旧书
secondhand evidence二手证据
second-hand house二手房
secondhand market二手货市场
secondly adv.第二,其次
secondment n. 兼职





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