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sealn. 1. imprint印记。 △2H.VI.3.2.343:“O,could this kissbe printed in thy hand,/That thou mightst think up-on these (i.e. lips) by the seal,/ Through whom athousand sighs are breathed for thee!”啊,但愿这一吻能印在你的手上,那么你从这个印记就能想起这两片嘴唇,从它们这里为你发出了千百声叹息! 2.pledge,token保证,象征。 △Mid.3.2.144:“this sealof bliss!”幸福的保证。 3. the privy seal. i.e.the Great Seal of England 印玺,(指)英格兰国玺。 △R.III. 2.4.70:“For my part,I’ll re-sign unto your Grace / The seal I keep,”至于我,我要把我所保管的国玺交还王后你了。
sealvt. 1. imprint with a seal,set one’s seal on 在…上盖印,盖印于。 △2H.IV.4.1.91:“That you should seal this law-less bloody book / Of forged rebellion with a seal di-vine.”才使你把神圣的印玺盖在非法捏造的血腥叛变的文件上。 △Ham.1.2.60:“Upon his will I sealed my hard con-sent.”i. e. I gave my hard-won consent to his wishes我在他的决心上盖印,勉强表示了同意。 2. mark with a stamp,confirm,make up 用印记标明,证实,构成。 △R.III.1.3.229 (228): “Thou that wastsealed in thy nativ ity / The slave of nature and theson of hell!”你一落地就注定是天生的卑鄙小人,地狱的儿子! △Ham.3.2.70 (65):“Hath sealed thee for herself.”便打好记号,选中了你。 3. confirm,attest,certify,ratify,sanction 证实,证明,肯定,认可,批准。 △Tw.5.1.165 (161): “Sealed in myfunction,” i.e. sanctioned by me in my office aspriest. 由我按职务而认可的;由我主持的。 △Gent.1.3.49:“To seal our happiness with their consents.”用他们的赞同来成全我们的好事。 △Ham.4.7.1:“Now must yourconscience my acquittance seal,”现在你的心里一定承认我是无罪的了。 △1H.VI.4.6.28: “Wilt thou yet leavethe battle,boy,and fly,/ Now thou art sealed theson of chivalry?”孩子,现在你已经证明不愧为骑士的儿子,你还愿意离开战场走掉吗? △3H.VI.3.2.57:“The match ismade; she seals it with a curtsy.”生意成交了;她行屈膝礼就表示批准。 △3H.VI.4.8.29: “And thus I seal mytruth and bid adieu.”我这样证实我的忠心,表示告别。 △3H.VI.5.7.28: “The duty that I owe unto yourMajesty / I seal upon the lips of this sweet babe.”我在这位可爱的小宝宝嘴唇上亲吻,再次表示我对陛下的效忠之忱。 △R.III. 2.1.10: “And with my hand I seal my trueheart’s love.”我用我的手来证实我的真心的友爱。 △H.VIII.2.1.105: “I now seal it;” i.e. I now attest truth.我现在(用血)证明我的忠诚。 4. complete,finish,make up 完成,结束,组成。 △Ham.4. 3. 59 (56): “Away,for everything is sealed anddone.”去吧,一切都准备好了。 ~vi. 1.sign and seal (with sealing wax) a legal document 在法律文件上签字并(在封蜡上)盖印。 △2H.VI.4.2.93 (82):“for I did but seal once to a thing,and I was nevermine own man since.”因为我只要一旦在什么文件的封蜡上签字盖印,我这个人从此就再也不属于我自己了。 2. set seal to some document; come to agreement (在文件上)加盖印章;(转指)达成协议。 △2H.IV.4.3.141(130):“I have him already tempering between my fin-ger and my thumb,and shortly will I seal with him.”i.e.conclude with him an advantageous agreement.我已经把他在我大拇指和食指中间揉弄得软化了,不消多久我就要跟他达成一项对我有利的协议。 Phrases: seal under: put one’s name and seal to a bond asguarrantee 签名盖章作保。 △ Mer.1.2.87 (82):“theFrenchman became his surety and sealed under foranother.”i. e. the Frenchman pledged himself thatthe Scottish lord would pay the Englishman with an-other box on the ear. 法国人还给他做了保人,签字保证他一定偿还那个耳刮子。 seal up: ❶ seal up with wax,close or shut up; (withquibbling on) seel,sew up a hawk’s eyes (as in falcon- ry) 用蜡密封,封闭,关住;(双关:驯鹰术用语)缝住鹰的眼睛。 △2H.IV.3.1.18:“Wilt thou upon the high and giddymast / Seal up the ship-boy’s eyes,”你能在高高的、令人目眩头晕的桅杆之上封闭住船工少年的眼睛。 ❷ confirm,cer-tify 证实,肯定。 △ 2H.IV.4.5.101 (102):“and at mydeath / Thou hast sealed up my expectation.”在我临死时,你证实了我对你的猜测。 ❸ bring to completion,makeperfect 完成,使完满。 △ 1H.VI.1.1.130:“Here had theconquest fully been sealed up,/ If Sir John Fastolfehad not played the coward.”要不是约翰·法斯托夫爵士扮演了懦夫的角色,这一场胜仗本来就要圆满结束了。 ❹ close 关闭。 △Rom.5.3.216: “Seal up the mouth of outragefor a while.”暂且闭上你们悲痛呼叫的嘴巴。 ❺a.close up密封。b.make up 决定。 △As.4.3.59 (58): “And byhim seal up thy mind,” i.e. seal up your answer andsend it back by him; make up your final decision through him; let him be the confidential bearer ofyour decision. 让他带回你的密封的回答(又译:决定)。 seal海豹(Phocidae)哺乳纲鳍足动物。体长1~6.5米。前后肢均呈鳍状。体表光滑。有很厚的皮下脂肪层。无耳壳。栖息于温带和寒带海洋。善游泳和潜水。以鱼类、贝类等为食。在陆上或冰上繁殖。
seal印记指木、石或金属材料雕刻成的印模及其印痕。印痕材料通常为用蜂蜡和树脂做的封蜡,红色或绿色。印记用来查验文件,如执照、契约等,并用于证明官方命令。对各种印记的研究即印记学有助于历史研究。中国印记见诸记载始于公元前544年。商代青铜器(前13~前11世纪)已有使用类似印模之物以印铸铭文字形的痕迹。 seal[si:l]n. 封条,印(章),图章,密封 v. 封,密封,盖章 ◇ affix a seal盖印 give sth. one’s seal of approval批准…/my lips are sealed我保证不讲 seal a bargain达成协议 seal sth. in将某物封住 seal sth. off防止…进入 set one’s seal盖章 stamp a seal盖印 ‖ carved seal刻印 embossed seal钢印 official seal公章 seal a victory最后得分而确定胜局 seal brown深褐色 seal character篆字,篆书 seal course密封层 seal cutting篆刻 seal cylinder雕刻滚筒 seal of company公司印章 seal of state国印 seal paste印泥 seal up查封,密封 seal up for steel seal钢印 under customs seal经海关盖章 sealed bidding招标 sealed biddings秘密投标 sealed bids密封投标 sealed book天书 sealed cabin密封舱 sealed contract已盖章合同 sealed instrument有签名盖章的票据 sealed move封棋的一招 sealed order封缄命令 sealed sample密封样品 sealed track密封跑道 sealing tape封条 sealing technology密封技术 sealing the move封棋 sealless adj.未盖印的 sealless invoice未盖印的发票 |