释义 |
scourvt. 1. rub hard. rub down. wear猛擦,擦破,磨损。 △2H.IV.1.2.249 (218):“I were better to be eaten to deathwith a rust than to be scoured to nothing with perpet-ual motion.”我宁可闲得生锈而死,也比在永远活动之中被磨损得一无所有要好得多。 2.remove by rubbing,purge,cleanse,wash away擦掉,清洗,洗净,冲掉。 △1H.IV.3.2.137:“Which washedaway shall scour my shame with it.”把它洗去,我的耻辱也就与之一同洗掉了。 △H.V.1.1.33: “Never came re-formation in a flood / With such a heady currance, scouring faults;”也从来没有见过这样的改过自新,像一股猛烈的激流奔涌而来,把种种罪过荡涤 一空。 △2H.VI.3.2.198:“But here's a vengeful sword,rusted with ease,/That shall be scoured in his rancorous heart”. 但是这里倒有一把复仇之剑,由于缺乏使用而生锈了,正要在他那恶毒的心里擦拭干净。 3. sweep away,remove扫除,消除。 △Mac.5.3.55:“What rhubarb,senna,or what purgative drug,/Would scour these English hence?”什么大黄、桂皮,什么泻药,能够排除掉这些英国人? 4. ❶clean out,clean a pistol barrel with a scouring-rod and a wad or sponge把…打扫干净,用通条加海绵或其他填料把(枪膛)清扫干净。 ❷beat,punish severely打击,严厉惩罚。 △H.V.2.1.59 (56):“If you grow foul withme,Pistol. I will scour you with my rapier,as I may.in fair terms.”如果你敢对我出口带脏字儿,皮司多,我就拿我这把剑当通条,把你打扫干净。 scour[ˈskauə]v.擦亮,擦净 n.擦,冲刷 |