释义 |
savourn. 1. perfume,scent芳香,香气。 △Mid.2.1.13:“In thosefreckles live their savours.” 在这些斑斑点点里藏着她们的芳香。 2. kind,quality,character种类,品种,性质。 △Lr.1.4.260 (237): “This admiration,much o' the savour / Of other (= other of) your new pranks.”你这假装的惊讶,父亲,正和你其他新近开的玩笑一模一样。
savourvt. relish,like,care for爱好,喜欢,介意。 △Lr.4.2.39:“Filths savour but themselves.”肮脏东西只喜欢肮脏。 ~ vi. have a particular smell or taste,be of a particu-lar nature带有…的气味或味道,具有…的性质。 △Tw.5.1.123(119): “a savage jealousy / That sometime savoursnobly”,i.e. has a noble quality about it.野蛮的嫉妒有时也带着几分高贵的意味。 Phrase: savour of: have the smell of,taste of,smack of 有…气味,有…味道,有…滋味。 △H.V.1.2.249: “In answerof which claim,the prince our master / Says that yousavour too much of your youth,” i.e. you have toomuch flavour of your youthful wildness. 为了回答这种要求,我们的主公王太子说您未免太少年气盛了。 △H.V.1.2.294: “and tell the Dauphin / His jest will savour butof shallow wit.”并且告诉太子,他的这个玩笑只有一点浅薄的俏皮味道。 |