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单词 saint george:

Saint George:

patron saint ofEngland圣乔冶,英国的保护神。
△H.V.3.1.34: “Cry,‘Godfor Harry,England. and SaintGeorge! ’”喊着:“上帝保佑哈利、英格兰和圣乔治!”
△H.V.5.2.219(207):“between Saint Denisand Saint George,” i.e. by thehelp of both saints. 在圣但尼斯和圣乔治的共同佑护之下。
△3H.VI.2.1.204: “God andSaint George for us!”上帝和圣乔治保佑我们!
△3H.VI.4.2.29: “For Warwick and his friends,God and!”愿上帝和圣乔治保佑沃里克和他的朋友们!
△R.III.5.3.271 (270): “God and Saint George!Richmond and victory!”上帝与圣乔治与我们同在! 里士满必胜!
Saint George's feast: i.e. April 23. St.George wasthe patron saint of England圣乔治节,在4月23日。(圣乔治为英国的保护神。)
△1H.VI.1.1.153: “Bonfires inFrance forthwith I am to make,/ To keep our greatSaint George's feast withal.”我立刻就在法兰西燃起几堆篝火,用它们来庆祝我们伟大的圣乔治节。
Saint George’s Field: ❶a large open area and placeof Sunday resort for Londoners on the south bank ofthe Thames between Southwark and Lambeth 圣乔治广场(往日伦敦的一个星期日游乐之地)。
△ 2H. IV. 3.2.208(194):“do you remember since we lay all night in theWindmill in Saint George’s Field?”你可记得我们曾在圣乔治广场的“风车”里过的那个通宵吗?
❷i.e.formerly thechief drill-ground of the London militia 圣乔治广场(往日伦敦民兵的操练场)。
△2H.VI.5.1. 46: “Meet me tomorrow in Saint George’s Field,/You shall have pay and everything you wish. ”明天在圣乔治操场等着见我,我要给你们发饷和你们想要的一切东西。
Saint Martin’s summer:i.e.Indian summer,in autumn,by St. Martin’s Day (November 11) 圣马丁的暖和天气,(指)圣马丁节(11月11日)时的小阳春天气。
△1H.VI.1.2.131:“Expect Saint Martin’s summer,”等着圣马丁节的暖和天气。
Saint Nicholas: patron saint of scholars 圣尼古拉(学者的保护神)。
△ Gent.3.1.303 (300): “There—and Saint Nicholas be thy speed!”拿去吧——愿圣尼古拉保佑你!
Saint Nicholas’ clerks: Saint Nicholas’ schoolboys,i.e.highwaymen (In Elizabethan slang St. Nicholaswas regarded as the patron of thieves.)圣尼古拉斯的学生,(指)劫路的强盗。
△1H.IV.2.1.67 (61): “Sirrah,ifthey meet not with Saint Nicholas’ clerks,I’ll givethee this neck.”小子,他们在路上要不碰上圣尼古拉斯的徒弟们,我就把我这根脖子送给你。
Saint Patrick: the patron saint of Ireland,who is said to have cleared Ireland of its vermin and keep purgatory where visitors would be purged of their sins and have visions of the torments of hell and the joys of heaven 圣帕特立克,爱尔兰的保护神,传说曾清除爱尔兰的害虫并掌管炼狱(人在其中可看到地狱之苦与天堂之乐)。
△Ham.1.5 136:“by Saint Patrick,”圣帕特立克作证。
Saint Peter: i.e.leader of the apostles,said to guard the gates of heaven 圣彼得,基督教使徒中的领袖,据说死后看守天堂大门。
△ Oth.4.2.89 (90):“You,mistress,/That have the office opposite to Saint Peter,/And keeps the gates of hell!”你,太太,你的差使跟圣彼得正相反,是看守地狱大门的!
△Ado.2.1.50 (47):“So deliver I up my apes,and away to Saint Peter.”于是我把我的猴子放掉,立刻去找圣彼得。
Saint Tavy’s day: i.e.Saint David’s day,1 March 圣大卫节(3月1日)。
△H.V. 4. 7. 107 (102):“and I do be-lieve your Majesty takes no scorn to wear the leek up-on Saint Tavy’s day.”(It is supposed that Welshmenwear the leek in their caps on Saint David’s day tocommemorate a great victory won by King Arthur o-ver the Saxons on that day in 540 A. D.)我相信,陛下到圣大卫节那天决不会不屑于在帽子上戴一棵韭菜的。
Saint Valentine: St. Valentine’s Day (February 14),a festival of lovers. According to a folk tradition.birds choose their mates on that day. 圣瓦伦丁节(2月14日),即情人节,据英国民间传说,众鸟于是日交配。
△ Mid.4.1.145 (139): “Saint Valentine is past; / Begin these wood-birds but to couple now?”圣瓦伦丁节早已过了;你们这些林鸟现在才开始配对吗?
Saint Valentine’s day: February 14th in the earlyspring-time when the birds pair,now kept as thelovers’day 圣瓦伦丁节,即情人节,在2月14日。
△Ham.4.5.49 (48):“To-morrow is Saint Valentine’s day.”明天就是圣瓦伦丁节。





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