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单词 sail


1.i.e. voyage帆,(转义)航程。
△Rom.1.4.114(113):“Direct my sail!”i.e.Guide my voyage. 指导我的航程吧!
2. (collective) sails,i.e. ships,vessels(集合名词)帆,(转义)船。
△Oth.1.3.37:“Of thirty sail;”有三十艘船。Phrases:
show my sail of greatness: spread sail and display mygreatness张开船帆显示我的伟大。
△H.V.1.2.274: “andshow my sail of greatness / When I do rouse me in mythrone of France.”等我振奋起来,登上法兰西的王位,还要张开船帆,显示出我的伟大。
strike one's sail: (lit.) lower a sail as a mark of def-erence to a greater vessel,i.e. humble oneself(原指海船)降下船帆向更大的船表示敬意,(转义)低首下心。
△3H.VI3.3.4:“Now Margaret / Must strike her sail andlearn awhile to serve / Where kings command.”现在玛格利特必须低首下心,学习一下当国王们发号施令时怎样小心伺候。


n.帆 v.行驶,开航
‖ sail area帆面积,有绳架区
sail away到达击球员时向外飘出
sail before the wind顺风航行
sail boat帆船
sail clear无障碍航行
sail close to the wind切风行驶
sail cloth帆布
sail filled满帆
sail flying滑翔飞行
sail for folding boat折叠船帆
sail fullness满帆
sail in for the landing飘然落地
sail large 顺风航行
sail lowering降帆
sail number船帆号码
sail off the course离开航向
sail person滑翔员
sail plane aerobatics滑翔机特技飞行
sail plan航行计划
sail plane滑翔机
sail slackening松帆
sail stretching张帆
sail through the lee使帆通过下风
sail to windward迎风航行
sail trimming 调节帆
sail upright直航行
sailing boat帆船
sailing by the lee下风航行
sailing canoe用帆的划艇
sailing card起航通知单
sailing date起航日期
sailing flight滑翔飞行
sailing instruction航行指示
sailing list航运表
sailing master航海官
sailing method航行方法
sailing off the course离开航向
sailing orders出航命令
sailing ship帆船
sailing vessel帆船
sailboarding n.帆板运动
sailor n.水手,海员
sailor hat水手帽
sailorman n. 船员,水手





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